Perspective reading learning to quickly read flashcards. How to Achieve Reading Comprehension

Does your child read slowly and have difficulty learning material? Do teachers constantly complain about him? Exercises for children that you can develop yourself or use ready-made examples will help correct the situation and improve speed reading.

The first question that parents who decide to instill in their child the skill of speed reading are faced with is at what age to start learning. Here the opinions of experts differ somewhat. Some argue that it is necessary to start training early preschool age. Others vehemently insist that it is impossible to teach a child to read correctly before the age of 14.

In fact, you can practice speed reading at home approximately in the middle of this cycle, when the child already knows how to perceive the text “correctly.” “Why make it so complicated?” - you ask. The answer lies in the very essence of speed reading. Its basis is built on four pillars, such as:

  • the ability to distinguish letters, form syllables and words from them;
  • correct reading comprehension skills;
  • the ability to omit unnecessary things;
  • correct memorization and perception of read material.

Read also:

  • Zaitsev's cubes: teaching methods

And in order for all four components to be harmoniously combined with each other, your child should already be more or less working with the text. Based on this, it would be logical to assume that the optimal age for learning technology is from 7 to 10 years. Of course, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics the child’s development, his interests, perseverance, etc.

Common mistakes in learning

It should be noted that when teaching speed reading at home, many parents, inspired by the idea, make basic mistakes. But the technique itself implies adherence to certain rules. Therefore, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Your child will only remember appearance and the name of the letter, but not its pronunciation. For example, if you say that the letter “B” is “BE”, then it will be perceived as such. As a result, instead of the word “woman”, he will read “BEEAABEEAA”.
  • Immediately learn to correctly combine several letters and form syllables. It is unacceptable for a child to read a word by pronouncing each letter separately, for example B-A-B-A. It would be correct if he reads it like this: Baaa-baaa.
  • Try to suppress all attempts to articulate or move your lips while reading the text “to yourself.” Experts believe that this way children linger in one place for too long, thereby missing the essence of the sentence.

And the main thing in the speed reading technique is the desire to learn how to quickly and efficiently perceive printed text. You, as a parent, should not force your child to study under pressure; it is better to let your child read less, but do it with pleasure. Teachers have found that three 5-minute sessions will bring much more benefit than exercises that the child will spend up to 20 minutes of free time doing.

Brain training in examples

You can come up with speed reading exercises for children yourself, based on previously learned techniques, or use specially designed examples from teachers. It is important to stick to the chosen technique all the time, and not change it every day. This way your child will better master the material covered. We offer you several successful examples for brain training.

"Find a Pair"

This exercise can be introduced into training starting from early age, but provided that the child is already familiar with letters, sounds and syllables. The essence of the task is this:

  1. Small cards with syllables printed on them are laid out in front of the baby.
  2. The adult explains the task to the child: you need to arrange the cards in such an order that they end up making a short word, for example, vo-da, ma-ma, ne-bo.
  3. As learning progresses, the task becomes more complex: new cards and words consisting of three or more syllables are added.

It is important that your child has already seen or is familiar with the words proposed for composition. After all, the very principle of the exercise is based on remembering where this or that combination was encountered before.

"A Minute of Reading"

This task will be an excellent motivation for further learning, and to see the result, there is no need to wait weeks or months - all successes will be replaced immediately:

  1. Select a short passage from a book that you have not studied.
  2. Record the time and ask your child to read several sentences clearly within 1 minute.
  3. When the timer signals, the reading stops and the final result is marked with a pencil.
  4. Then the time is noted again, and the child begins to read from the beginning of the text. Surely on the second try the number of words read will be a little more.

And remember: whenever your child achieves success, he must be praised, and sometimes you can reward him with a delicious candy.

"Anagram words"

This type of exercise stimulates visual memory and thinking, teaches you to analyze the correctness of a word, quickly find errors made in the text and correct them:

  1. Print a short excerpt from the text on a piece of paper, deliberately rearranging the letters in the words or omitting a few vowels.
  2. Invite your child to find mistakes in words and correct them by reading the sentence out loud.
  3. If necessary, reading one sentence can be repeated several times.

Alternatively, in a sentence you can swap not the letters themselves, but entire words. For example: “Mom sent Olya to the store for bread,” “The birthday cake was delicious,” or “Cross the green road into the light.”

"Visual dictation"

At the end, you can conduct a short visual dictation. Here's how it's done:

  1. You will need a sheet of thick paper and the text printed in the book.
  2. Cover the test so that the child sees only the first sentence.
  3. Time the clock for 8-10 seconds for your child to read what is written, and then cover all the letters with a blank sheet of paper.
  4. Ask your child to write verbatim what he saw before, and then move on to a new line.

It is important here that the student clearly understands the essence of the task and does not confuse dictation with writing a statement.

Today's world offers us a gigantic amount of information and knowledge from different areas, which you need to be able to quickly and effectively absorb. This online course is intended for people who want to quickly and free learn speed reading techniques at home. This course program consists of several lessons on developing key skills for developing the ability to read quickly, which you can learn on your own in a few weeks. The methodology of our classes is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn to read faster.

And if you want to master the speed reading technique as quickly and efficiently as possible, sign up for ours.

It’s hard to imagine that 20-30 years ago, in order to find an answer to a question, you had to go to the library, take out books on a topic that interests you, and look for the desired materials there. Nowadays, it’s enough just to ask the corresponding query to the search engine and get a huge amount of information on the issue that interests you.

Now there is no problem of lack of information, but there is a problem of its overabundance, in which a person gets lost. In the modern information space you need to be able to navigate in order to make this space useful for yourself. One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, usefully perceive the information that we see in our laptops, e-books, iPhone, iPad and all other sources of information, including newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read an article, book, textbook, as well as understand and assimilate the material, will allow you to become more effective and successful than you were before. And most importantly, it will save your time, which becomes one of the most important resources. This section contains useful materials on how to master speed reading techniques with high level effective perception of information.

Today By taking the time to master speed reading techniques, tomorrow you will be able to receive and process more information, while remaining the master of your saved time.

What is speed reading?

Speed ​​reading (or quick reading) is the ability to quickly perceive text information using special reading methods. Fast reading is 3-4 times faster than normal reading. (Wikipedia).

One of the most popular “speed reading” schools in Russia, the school of Oleg Andreev, says that after completing 2 levels of training, you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 characters per minute, which is approximately 5-7 pages of an average book.

It turns out that in a half-hour trip on the subway at this speed you can read 150-200 pages of a book. This is much more than the average person will read in that amount of time.

In addition to the “Oleg Andreev School”, such well-known experts in speed reading as Natalia Grace, Andrei Spodin, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasiliev and many others offer their courses. However, some people have learned to read quickly without attending courses, schools, trainings and special centers, and without reading textbooks on fast reading- you even know many of them, these are Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and many others. Therefore, try to learn it yourself first, especially since it will not cost you anything.

How fast do you read?

We suggest you check how fast you read. To do this, read the text in the exercise below and answer a few questions to help you understand it.

Course Description

This course is designed to master the skill of speed reading. This speed reading skill is most useful for studying Internet resources, information articles, reading newspapers, magazines, popular science literature, and textbooks. Fast reading will allow you not only to read texts faster, but also to better master information - find it and remember it in order of priority.

This training involves daily exercise at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (you can do it less often, but then the effect will be less). The course consists of 5 stages, each of which involves mastering certain skills that help you read quickly. To master a skill, it is important to practice more - read articles on resources that interest you (for example, sections you like on Wikipedia), read newspapers, magazines, textbooks - devote at least an additional half hour a day to this.

With this training regimen, you will get results in just a couple of weeks, and if you study for 2-3 months, you will be able to significantly increase the speed and quality of reading.

How to learn to read quickly?

To learn to read quickly on this site, simply follow the exercises described in the 5 lessons. If we try to generalize various techniques for learning to read quickly, the process of mastering this skill can be divided into 5 parts (these are 5 lessons). Each lesson allows you to master a specific skill that will increase your reading speed and efficiency in mastering the material. The content of the lessons is structured in such a way that you can study online as interactively and conveniently as possible without teachers or tutors.

First, watch all the lessons, try to do the exercises, if a skill is given to you quickly, then do not stop for a long time on this lesson. For example, many people do not have trouble paying attention when reading and are able to skip straight to Lesson 2. Pay more attention to lessons and activities that:

  1. seem useful to you
  2. cause you problems.

It is not necessary to go through the exercises in the sequence indicated in the lessons, the main thing is to achieve the goal for each part.

5 speed reading lessons

5 Skills Helpful to Reading Faster which you can learn on our website:

1. Focus(LESSON 1)
You've probably noticed that an interesting book is read in one sitting and faster than a boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading an interesting book, you gradually speed up, immersing yourself in the reading process... Attention for speed reading is very important, and most importantly, it can be trained.

2. Suppression of articulation (speaking text)(LESSON 2)
Most people have the habit of reading a text by speaking it to themselves. If you want to read the text quickly, you need to do it “silently”, that is, freeing yourself from articulation.

3. Improving visual skills(LESSON 3)
The ability to see all the text at once in a paragraph or even on a page, to understand its structure, to read not from left to right, but from top to bottom (or, as they say, “diagonally”) is an important skill in fast reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to be trained, and in life they can be useful when driving a car, in team sports, etc. The lesson presents special tables and a simulator for training speed reading.

4. Read and manage information quickly(LESSON 4)
It's no secret that most texts have only a small part useful information, which you must learn to find quickly. This skill most often comes with reading experience, but you can speed up this process with the help of special exercises.

5. Speed ​​reading and memory development(LESSON 5)
When you learn to read quickly, you will be able to absorb a fairly large amount of information. But the skill of fast reading may turn out to be useless if what you read is forgotten, which in principle is not strange, given such a volume of information. You need to be able to remember this information.

In addition, the site contains Additional materials for quick reading: books and textbooks, videos, simulators and programs, materials for downloading, as well as articles with comments and reviews from social networks.

Modern children read poorly. This affects academic performance, the amount of material absorbed in class, and the speed of completing homework. They help solve the problem special exercises for speed reading for children.

This is a unique technique. It is used in additional education schools and for home lessons with parents. What is its peculiarity and how to teach a child to read quickly, you will learn from our article.

From this article you will learn

At what age to start

There are several opinions about what age you should start teaching your child to read fluently and meaningfully.

In the beginning, experts advise.

According to the methods of Zaitsev, Doman, Montessori

The optimal period is considered to be from 3 to 7 years. The brain of a preschooler or first-grader remembers information quickly and firmly.

According to the Waldorf school

To firmly master the skill, children must grow to 10–12 years of age. This is due to the fact that elementary school students perceive information well when spoken at a normal speech rate. By intermediate level, the ability to understand rapid streams of phonemes will improve. Reading technique is accelerated.

Having combined and analyzed both opinions, we can say for sure that it is not worth doing speed reading with first-graders and preschoolers persistently, under pressure. It is better to postpone this until a later period, when the child is mature. IN primary school use preparatory exercises for the development of memory, attention, articulation. These classes are useful for increasing the pace of text assimilation in the future.

Important! For early learning of the alphabet and syllables, use Zaitsev's cubes. They can be used from 6 months of age to introduce letters in game form.

Don't Make These Mistakes

Often, even capable children show poor readiness for reading due to methodological errors. initial stage teaching syllables. Self-study at home has an impact. Parents commit the following typical violations:

Tell the baby a letter, not a sound

Memorizing letters with overtones will lead to problems with reading. The child puts the syllables together like this: “pea-pea” instead of “pa-pa.” Short and clear sound pronunciation is the main condition for a fast reading pace.

Compose syllables from individual letters

Assignment: look, “b” and “o”, it turns out “bo” - methodologically incorrect. Teach children to immediately extend the vowel, without a pause between sounds: “bo-o-o-o.” Avoid spelling words. It’s easier for children this way, but it’s difficult to analyze words by components Time passes, the meaning of phrases is lost.

They read texts for a long time

Conduct classes often, spend 5-7 minutes on one thing. It is better to read a short passage, a couple of sentences at a good speed, than to keep a student at the table for half an hour and force him to study. Short lessons are more effective. Don't forget to take breaks between exercises, about 2-3 hours.

Important! Consider the child’s mental characteristics: memory capacity, maximum attention span. If a teenager can concentrate and study for 15-20 minutes, it is not tiring, increase the duration of the lesson, but reduce the number of lessons per day to one or two.

From simple to complex

Speed ​​reading training is based on the ability to perceive words as a whole, without dividing them into syllables. At the initial stage, use short words, consisting of two or three sounds. For example, “house”, “cat”. In the future, the baby will not read them or recognize them by letters. He will see this word in the text and immediately pronounce it. This is the meaning of the speed reading technique.

Preparation for the lesson: write the simplest words on a piece of paper, one at a time. Show them one after the other. Gradually increase the pace of changing words. Replace three-letter lexemes with words of four–five–seven letters after a solid assimilation of the material covered.

Words (“house”, “forest”) are replaced with complex ones (“tree”, “car”), then phrases and phrases. Compose sentences from vocabulary familiar to students. For example, he can read “who” and “house” separately. Suggest the phrase: “Who is in the house,” then add “lives” to this. You will get an offer.

You can start reading short texts when the student has mastered the ability to quickly read phrases and phrases. The pace of skill consolidation is different for all children. Do not rush if the student hesitates. Sometimes you need to return to simple, already covered material. This will increase interest in classes, reduce emotional stress, and set you up for success.

Important! For the first books, use bright literature, with pictures, interesting story. A boring curriculum will not do.

Exercises for first graders

First grade is the most difficult psychologically, but very interesting period of life. During the first months at school, the child adapts to the new team, teacher, learns discipline and learns a lot of new things. It is not recommended to start fluent reading classes in the first half of the year. A first-grader simply does not have enough strength and emotions for the additional load at home.

If you feel that your child can and wants to become the first in reading technique among his classmates, then conduct lessons in the form of a game, without forcing him to sit for a long time in front of a book.

According to Professor I.T. Fedorenko, the author of his own method of teaching reading, the effectiveness of classes depends not on the amount of time spent on the lesson, but on its quality. Organize a clear pattern: do simple exercises for 5-6 minutes two or three times a day. If a student is not in a good mood or is tired, postpone the lesson for a couple of hours, let him rest and get ready for work.

Important! Rest means a walk, active games, lunch or optional afternoon snack. Do not allow sitting near the TV or computer. Watching cartoons or playing online games on the Internet does not relieve the student psychologically.

If you decide to study with a first grader at home, without the help of professionals, use the following exercises:

Automated syllable reading

Download it online for free or make your own syllable table. For example, like this:

A first grader can become familiar with it while learning the alphabet.

The syllable table is used in every lesson. A first grader reads one to three lines in one lesson, gradually accelerating the pace. If training is underway in a group, first the lines are spoken in chorus, then individually.

Thanks to the syllabary table, the student easily understands the structure of words and learns to read words faster—automatically. Letter combinations are pronounced vertically and horizontally. During the introductory lesson, it is better to carefully practice one line with the same vowel: GA, YES, etc. Read the syllables slowly, without dividing them into sounds.

The benefits of a syllabic table are invaluable in speech therapy classes: training articulatory apparatus, problematic sounds are being produced. Simultaneously with the improvement of speech, the child acquires spelling skills and neutralizes the tendency to dysorthography.

Choral reading

Used as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson. Kids receive pieces of paper with text, preferably poetry, or sayings. The material is read in chorus at an average pace. Then each student pronounces the chosen tongue twister in a whisper or loudly. This trains articulation.

Set of tasks

Includes the following exercises:

  1. repeated reading for speed and time;

Children are offered a text. They read it on their own, quietly. The teacher times 1 minute. After stopping, children mark with a pencil the place where they stopped. Rest for 3–5 minutes. At this time, you can speak tongue twisters. Do articulatory gymnastics.

  1. reading at a good pace;

We take the familiar text in our hands and read it again for a minute. We compare the first and second results. More often than not, children read familiar passages faster and make fewer mistakes. Success creates a positive attitude. Let's move on to new material.

  1. getting to know a new text and reading it with expression;

For lessons, it is better to take texts that cannot be read fluently in a minute. Children should still have a piece of new material to practice speed reading. Read the unfamiliar part of the text in unison, quickly, but with expression.

Use a set of exercises in each lesson for 1-2 weeks.

Task "Tug"

Lexical material is read together with the parent. The adult chooses a pace so that it is not difficult or too easy for the child. Two or three sentences are read in chorus, the parent falls silent, continuing to read silently.

The kid doesn’t stop either, he reads to himself, trying to maintain the set speed. After one or two sentences, the adult begins to pronounce the text out loud. If the student does not slow down, he will read the same thing with his parent.

This exercise can be done in pairs. Children distribute roles. The strong student plays the role of a tug, and the weak one pulls up behind him. For the first lessons using this scheme, use a hint: move your finger over the text while silently reading. The student who follows the strong one will continue reading aloud, guided by the partner's prompt and his speed.


The exercise is like a game. Develops attention, visual memory, orientation in the text.

The task is in progress in the following way. A child sits at a table with a text in front of him. At the command of an adult, he begins reading at a high speed rhythm. When the order to stop is given, the child closes his eyes and rests for 10–15 seconds. Then the teacher gives the command to read. A first grader needs to quickly find the stopping point in the text and continue reading. This easy way improve attention and visual memory.

Important! No need to help find the stopping place in the book. The reception is based on the principle of complete independence.


Prepare didactic material. Write words of two or three syllables on an A4 sheet of paper, large. For example, “cat”, “spoon”, “girl”. Then cut the sheets so that the words can be folded from two halves. Shuffle the cards.

Offer to find and put together parts of words in a playful way at speed. But speed is not the most important thing here.

A properly conducted lesson develops imagination and memory.

For reference! Interesting method Teaching children to read from the cradle are Doman-Manichenko cards. These are pictures with words. They are shown to the child quickly, 2-3 seconds. Four to ten a day. After 5 days, the baby will name the words written on the card. The method is based on photo memory.

And here's another one interesting way, which is very simple and at the same time effective.

For children over 8 years old

Continue improving your reading speed in second grade. Eight-year-old children are independent and fast. They have outgrown the first grade activities, so offer them other fun exercises and games:

Looking for a word, line

The point of the game: the student finds all the words in the text that begin with the same letter. Searching for a whole phrase is a more complicated version of the task.

The exercise teaches attentiveness and develops the left hemisphere of the brain - the linguistic one.

Insert letters

A second grader is presented with a text with missing letters. To read it and understand it, you need to think of endings and prefixes. This speeds up the pace of text comprehension in the future and helps to combine letters into whole words.

Fixing the error

The teacher reads the text, the children follow. The teacher deliberately makes a mistake in the ending of a word, root, etc. The student’s task is to correct the inaccuracy.

Read at speed

A second-grader independently takes measurements of reading technique, timing a minute, and keeps a diary of successes. Normally, by the second grade, children read at least 70 words, in the third - 100 words, in the fourth - 120.

Playing "Hidden Words"

The game is similar to reading anagrams. Children find words in the letter box. It looks like this:

Words can be selected on one topic or randomly. For students primary classes It’s better to provide a list of words that need to be found, leaving the task of isolating them on the field.

And one more option that you can print and use with your child.

Reading and counting

A second grader reads the text and counts the given sounds. For example, in the following poem, find out the number of “o” sounds.

The ball is bouncing along the path,

We can't catch the fast ball.

Develops multitasking skills and concentration.

Special exercises

Expanding the field of view

  1. Shulge table.

Necessary to increase the viewing angle. For second graders, use this version of the table:

The child looks for numbers in order with his eyes: from 1 to 25, for example, only black or only red. Record your time and limit it gradually. Searching for numbers in the table will increase the rate of speech, since the student will see more words with peripheral vision, that is, subconsciously read them in advance.

  1. Wedge tables.

The student needs to concentrate his gaze on the top numbers, gradually moving down. The numbers are spoken out loud. After several exercises, the student will see all the signs on the left and right at the same time. Download teaching materials from letters and numbers on the Internet.

Regression Suppression

Returning your gaze to a line you’ve already read – regression – greatly slows down the pace of reading. To get rid of the unwanted effect, use the following training exercises:

  1. Indicate the reading direction.

Take a pointer or pencil and move it forward along the lines. The child intuitively follows the pointer without looking back.

  1. Close the text you read.

Prepare a special bookmark for the student. Have the second grader place it at the top of the text, gradually moving it down as they read. This way the read passage will be hidden from view. It is impossible to return to him.

  1. Check your speed constantly.

Measure your reading technique every day. To improve your results, you will always have to move forward without looking back.

Articulation suppression

  1. musical accompaniment;

We read to music without words, then with a song on. Pay attention to understanding the meaning of the text.

  1. "Bumblebee";

Ask students to hum while reading. This is a complex but effective method.

  1. rhythm;

Read and drum with your fingers and pencil on the table. Gradually increase the pace.

  1. lock;

Press your lips tightly and cover your mouth with your palm. We read to ourselves at the highest possible speed.

Important! After reading, ask the student questions about the text to check their reading comprehension.

Exercises to correct attention and concentration

  1. We make up words.

Take long word. For example, "representation". Short words are made from it: “forest”, “shaft”, “toast”, “harm” and others.

  1. Finding differences.

In pairs: “horse - laziness”, “sleep - tone”, “kitty - fox”, differences are looked for. It is necessary to explain in detail how they are similar and different.

  1. Changing fonts.

Type texts on your PC different fonts. Invite your child to read. It is necessary to gradually increase the speed of reading such texts so that attention is not focused on the size and type of font.

  1. We confuse words.

Write sentences on a piece of paper with the words rearranged in the wrong order: “the bull walks, sighs, sways.” The challenge is to find a place for each word.

  1. Let's note the main thing.

After reading the text, you need to underline it with a pencil controversial issues, highlight the main ideas.

  1. We include both hemispheres in the work.

We read with the left and right eyes alternately. Use this technique as homework and warm-up in class.

  1. Let's make riddles.

Trick questions and tricky riddles develop attention well.

  1. Let's name the colors.

Use a field like this:

Task: without reading the word, name the color with which the letters are painted.

The Development of Ancipation

This skill is well developed in adults. Guessing a word based on the meaning of the text, without seeing the end of the sentence, develops when performing the following tasks:

  1. text upside down;

First the text is read in in the usual form, then turns 90° or upside down. It is being worked on.

  1. ruler;

Place a wide ruler on the sides of the text. The beginning and end of the sentence will not be visible. The child will have to guess what words are written there according to their meaning.

  1. halves;

Now use a ruler to close the upper halves of the letters on one line. The child is reading.

Memory training

  1. visual dictation;

The child is given a text to read. Then all phrases except the first sentence are hidden from view. 7–8 seconds are allotted for memorization, the child writes down from memory. In this way, the text is completely processed step by step.

  1. chain;

We read words on one topic. For example, forest - tree - pine cone - bear, etc. The student listens and reproduces the chain orally and in writing. You need to start with three to five words, gradually increasing to ten to twelve.

  1. word repair;

The child is given a text with missing letters. They need to be guessed while reading. Plus of the technique: the student keeps the meaning of the text in his head, expands his vocabulary.

Reading with an adult

Imposing reading speed – effective technique training. Use following systems joint tasks:

  1. reading simultaneously with a parent;

The adult reads aloud, the child reads to himself. The speed is constantly changing. The student's task: not to get lost.

  1. relay race;

The adult and the child constantly change roles. First one reads, the other follows, then vice versa.

  1. tail;

The teacher reads the text first, the student picks up a little later, three or four words behind. Parallel playback out loud has a disadvantage: the voices interfere with each other. You need to read in a whisper or in a low voice.

Speed ​​reading books for children

If you don’t know how to teach your child to read quickly, but want to do it yourself, pay attention to the following copyrighted materials:

The self-instruction manual is a collection of exciting tasks to increase the pace of reading, develop memory, and attention. The exercises are accompanied by detailed instructions.

The last pages of the book are a diary of successes. It contains the student’s data and the results of equipment checks. This motivates and makes education effective.

The manual is a collection of exercises for developing reading speed in children from 6 to 17 years old. The book includes a theoretical block. Here you can find answers to the questions: why does a child read poorly, how to instill a love for works of art and so on.

This is a set of manuals. It includes workbooks, success diaries, work programs, and cards. The material allows you to conduct classes on speed reading, memory and attention development. According to parents, after 10 days of working with this program, children’s reading speed increases by one and a half to two times.

With a little effort on the part of parents, children will learn to read quickly in a couple of months. Remember that speed reading classes will have a positive impact on the child’s intelligence, academic performance, and success in life.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Before doing speed reading, the child is taught to read. Obvious, but true. As a rule, parents do this with preschoolers. And quite often they make a number of pedagogical mistakes. Here are the main mistakes parents make and solutions.

  1. Name the correct names of the letters of the alphabet: “em”, “er”, “el”, “te”. A child does not know the difference between a letter and a sound; it will be difficult for him to connect letters into words. Instead of letters you need to name sounds, not letters: [m], [p], [l], [t] and so on.
  2. Use the alphabet with pictures. Helps to master letters, but interferes with reading (for example, it is difficult to understand why adding “car” and “stork” produces the syllable “MA”). Exit: use different methodological material – cubes, magnets, soft letters, Pictures.
  3. It is forbidden to move your finger along the lines, suggesting returning to a new line with one glance. The child gets tired quickly. The correct thing to do would be allow you to drag across lines with your finger or bookmark.
  4. They learn to read letters by adding “m” + “a” = “ma”. The child gets tired, making “extra” intellectual efforts. It is necessary to teach reading syllables, even preferably from books where words are divided into syllables.
  5. They use one. This sets up certain patterns that may interfere with future reading. Costs try combining techniques, after consulting with a psychologist or teacher you trust.

If you are worried that your child is “stuck” on syllabic reading, he can’t read whole words, watch this webinar (from 2.30 minutes), where teacher Olga Lysenko shares effective methods for teaching children 6-10 years old to read more fluently.

When to start learning speed reading?

The positions of teachers are similar in one thing: you should not teach fluent reading to a child who can still read syllables. You can start classes when he can already effortlessly read whole words and understand entire phrases.. Otherwise, reading comprehension will suffer. In addition, not every child can handle the length of the lessons. The standard suggested practice is 60 minutes a day, in several approaches if necessary.

If you study for 60 minutes a day, after 10 days your reading speed, taking into account your understanding of the text, should increase by 2-5 times.

So, training too early is rather harmful. Experts agree on this. But regarding the timely start, their positions differ. Some believe that you need to start in junior school, because in middle and high school you will have to “break” habitual but incorrect reading skills. It takes energy and demotivates.

Surely, you have heard the expression “fast reading technique” more than once. But have you done anything to improve your speed reading skills? And what is it like? normal speed reading and how to measure it? Let's talk about what reading speed is and how exactly you can increase it. In addition, we will touch upon such issues as checking reading technique, its types, and also consider the most effective exercises, which will help to significantly increase the speed of perception of text information.

What is reading technique?

Before we figure out how you can read quickly while memorizing the material, let's talk about what reading speed is and how exactly it is measured. We will also touch on the technique of speed reading, which allows you to process texts quite quickly and efficiently. Let us also note that speed reading and memory development are quite closely related.

Reading speed is the ratio of characters read to the time it takes to read them. This takes into account the understanding of the text, that is, how carefully the reader read it and remembered it.

In school practice, reading speed is measured in words, but experts recommend measuring it in characters, since the length of words varies.

Speed ​​reading is a set of special techniques and techniques that can significantly increase reading speed and perception of text content. People who master the technique of speed reading have a wide ability to filter the material they read and highlight the main points in it. And most importantly, they can quickly find the necessary information in the text. That is why it is quite important to know what speed reading technique is and how to master it in a short time.

Types of reading

Before we talk about reading techniques and that, let’s say a few words about the types of reading. By the way, we note that most of them are ways to quickly read.

Psycholinguists and people involved in teaching speed reading distinguish several types of familiarization with the text. Thus, we can distinguish in-depth, fast, panoramic, selective, as well as reading-viewing and reading-scanning.

Let's briefly describe each of these types and analyze their features.

  • Thus, during in-depth reading, all details are analyzed, what is read is criticized, and conclusions are formulated. This is how scientific literature is usually processed.
  • Fast reading implies not only high speed of the process, but also excellent understanding of what you read. This may include familiarization with fiction.
  • Panoramic reading uses a technique to expand peripheral vision. That is, a person reading in this way covers quite large plot text, which significantly affects speed. This way you can study almost any book.
  • In selective reading, only certain parts of the text are processed. These can be individual chapters, sections, paragraphs, and even sentences. This is used by students when preparing for exams.
  • Reading-viewing is usually used by specialists and students when selecting a particular literature. Looking through a book - annotation, preface, table of contents, a person decides whether he needs it or not.
  • When reading-scanning, pages are quickly scanned in order to search for individual definitions, dates, surnames and names.

Basic components of reading speed

Before we look at what the speed reading technique is, let’s talk about the components of speed this process. In order to check your reading speed, you first need to know about them.

So, the formula by which reading speed is usually calculated is as follows:

  • V = Q x K: T.

Let's now decipher each of these conventions.

Reading speed standards

There are several reading speeds. It is measured in signs, since such a parameter is more objective than such measurements in words.

At the same time, a speed of 900 characters per minute is considered very slow. Slow is equivalent to 1200 characters per minute. A person who reads 1500 characters per minute reads average speed. 1800 characters are considered above average. Fast reading implies a speed of 3,000 characters, very fast - 5,000, and people who master more than 10,000 characters per minute are considered to have mastered ultra-fast reading speed.

Checking reading speed

Before we talk about exercises that will help you significantly improve your reading speed, it’s worth checking it out. To do this, you can either use special programs or check it yourself, although this may not be entirely accurate data. If you decide to use the second option, then you will definitely need the help of someone from your family or friends, a text, a stopwatch.

We start by picking up an unfamiliar text, then ask you to time the time it takes you to read it. Let's start reading. Upon completion, you should be asked a couple of questions about the text. If you answered them, that's very good. If not, it’s worse. By the way, we note that speed reading and memory development are two inseparable things. If you read fairly quickly and do not remember what you read, then speed reading is out of the question.

Next, we count the number of characters read in the text (this can be done using the Word program (Statistics) by highlighting the desired segment). Then we use the above formulas and calculate our reading speed. Here we note that the understanding coefficient is not worth calculating.

This way, you can determine for yourself whether you should improve your reading speed or not.

Why improve your reading speed?

The main reason why you should develop speed reading skills is to increase your perception of information. We are constantly surrounded by various messages, and it is quite important that we have time to perceive and remember them in time. And if the perception of audio and visual information occurs quite quickly and it is almost impossible to develop this skill, then the perception of text messages occurs quite slowly and directly depends on our reading speed. That is why speed reading skills should be developed, and this should be done not only for adults, but also for children. And that is why speed reading for children is quite a necessary skill.

In addition, this process develops memory and attention. It is reliably known that the more a person reads, the more literate and developed he is. And in order to read a lot, you need to be able to read quickly.

Let us also note that people always strive to master special skills that not everyone has. So, speed reading also applies to them. Having mastered it, you will be able to tell your acquaintances and friends about your achievements with a clear conscience.

Reasons for low reading speed

These and many other things significantly reduce the ability to quickly master speed reading. There are special exercises for children and adults that help solve these problems.

Methods for developing reading technique

If you want to master any speed reading method, then you definitely need to know about a variety of techniques and methods that will help you significantly improve your perception of information.

In principle, every psycholinguist and specialist in this field develops his own method of teaching speed reading, focusing on one or another set of exercises.

The most famous of them are the quick reading method of Oleg Andreev and Andrey Spodin.

All of them are based on the same principles - to expand a person’s field and angle of vision, teach him to avoid regressions and articulatory movements when reading, develop memory and thinking, and the ability to critically perceive and remember text.

It doesn’t matter whose technique you choose, the main thing is that it is easy and interesting for you to practice it.

Below we offer you exercises that form the basis of almost every speed reading course.

Exercises to develop reading speed

If you want to develop your speed reading skills, we recommend that you work on it daily. To do this, you need to set aside at least an hour of free time for studying and perform simple exercises, which we will now tell you about.

  • When reading the text, cover each line you read with a blank sheet of paper. You can use your hand instead of a piece of paper. The main thing is not to go back and open lines you have already read.
  • Work with gradually expanding your angle of view. By the way, the fast reading technique also implies the presence of a wide angle of view.
  • While reading, be sure to keep it on your lips forefinger- this will help prevent articulation, that is, pronouncing the read text with your lips.
  • Do not be distracted by extraneous sounds, try to read in silence and concentrate your attention on the text as much as possible.
  • After reading, retell to yourself what you read, check whether you remember everything or whether something escaped you.

Install special programs that help you quickly read texts. This way you can change the pace of reading and gradually get used to it. Below we will offer you several such programs and talk a little about what speed reading techniques exist for children.

Programs for developing speed reading skills

We figured out what reading is, its speed, and remembered a few fairly simple exercises that will help us improve our performance. Let's now look at programs for quick reading. Here are three of the most famous and used ones.

  • The Spritz program helps you read texts quickly. You enter the piece you need into the field and set the speed at which the program reads it. Very good for testing not only your reading speed, but also record time master the material.
  • The second program is Psy games. This is a whole set of various exercises that will help expand your field of vision, improve memory, attention, and reaction.
  • We also note another complex for improving reading skills - Speed ​​reading software. With its help you can also significantly improve your reading speed.

Teaching children speed reading

The last thing worth mentioning is teaching children how to speed read. As we have already said, this skill will be quite useful both for the development of memory and attention of your son or daughter, and for further studies at school or university.

Some tips for those who want to know how to teach a child to read quickly. In order to teach children to read quickly, you must first show them that they can do it. To do this, you can conduct the following experiment. Let the text be read, but you should limit the reading time to one minute. Then count the number of words in the read section of the text and ask the child to read it again. At the same time, note the time again. The text will be read faster the second time, which means you can prove to your child that the more he reads, the more his reading speed increases.

Be sure to ask your child after reading what exactly he learned from the text. This will help teach you to read not only quickly, but also carefully.

Let us note that any method of quick reading for children will be interesting only if you try to interest the child, engage with him in a playful way, without forcing him to do something he does not want.


So, we have figured out what the speed reading technique is and how important it is to master it. We found out what types of reading exist, what prevents us from reading quickly and how we can overcome these obstacles. We also talked about how to teach a child to read and develop his skills.

We hope our article was useful.

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