Nastya's full name. The meaning of the female name Anastasia

Every parent wants to provide their child with a better future. One of their important missions is to choose a name for the baby, because there are many beliefs about how this influences and determines a person’s future destiny, emphasizes his strengths or hides his character weaknesses, and brings good luck and success. In this article we will help those parents who want to name their daughter Anastasia decide.

Origin and meaning of the name

For the girl Anastasia, her name has the following meaning - resurrector or reborn. Historically, it originates from ancient Greek times and comes from male name Anastas or Anastasy.

The name itself appeared for a reason. The first known to Anastasia were different strong character, an unwavering belief in freedom and kindness to others. The first Christians who gave their lives for suffering and faith were Vasilisa and Anastasia.

Another bearer of this name, a Roman woman from a noble family, also gave her life helping those who were imprisoned. She is called the Pattern Maker. Anastasia’s popularity came to the northern territories of the Eurasian continent around the 11th century. Under this name, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise was baptized, who became the wife of the Hungarian king and did many good deeds for the people of Hungary, including fulfilling the duties of governing the country when her husband was very ill. These examples confirm the character of Anastasia, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Did you know? It is interesting that translated from Greek the word “anastos”, which became the basis for the name Nastya, means resurrected or immortal.

Name forms

This name is quite common among Slavic peoples, because it is really cute, affectionate and at the same time very presentable. Church form - Anastasia, which corresponds to full form.
We are used to simply calling Nastya for short, but we can also give it a more affectionate form, such as:

  • Nastena;
  • Stasya;
  • Nasya;
  • Nastusya;
  • Asya and others.
Derived forms are also very diverse: Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Asyusha, Shuta.

Did you know? It is interesting that the moment we hear our name, we experience a very strong impact on an emotional level. When we hear our name, certain parts of the brain are stimulated, thereby causing it to form in an individual way for each of us. This explains the correspondence between people’s character and their name.

Angel's day, name day

By church calendar Anastasia has a name day four times a year - a day when the memory of the saint whose name was given to a person at baptism is honored. This day is also called Angel Day. It is believed that after baptism a person has his own angel or patron, whose mission is to help and protect this person.

Anastasia's Angel Day falls on:

  • January 4 is the day of Saint Anastasia, the Pattern Maker, whom we talked about earlier;
  • November 11 and 12 are the day of the Holy Martyr, who was executed for her faith in Christ around the 3rd century;
  • March 23 is the day of St. Anastasia Patrika. This woman's story is truly fascinating. She became a widow early and fled from the desire of Emperor Justinian to marry her to the Abba, who dressed her in men's monastic clothes and sent her to wander in a cave. The woman lived there for 28 years, eating once a week a piece of bread and a jug of water. Only after her death the story that it was not a monk, but a woman who lived in the cave, spread throughout the world.
Anastasia's birthday Orthodox calendar choose so that this day is closest to your birthday.

Did you know? There is only one boy on planet Earth with no name, but with the last name Gateward. The parents did not dare to give their son a name, hoping that when he grew up, he would decide for himself how he wanted to be addressed. The boy never chose anything suitable for himself, content with only his last name.

Name in different languages

Anastasia can be called differently, since in other countries the sound and letters of the name change slightly. For example, carriers in English They will have difficulty pronouncing the form of this word familiar to Russian people. They replace it with Anastacia or Stacy for short, and write it like this: Anastacia and Stacy. The French interpret the name as Anastasie or Nazi (Anastasie, Nasie). An interesting transformation is observed in the Spanish version of the diminutive form: Tacha, as well as in the Portuguese language: Nastacinho and Nana.

The German version sounds a little rude: Anastasia and Stasi, and closer to Austria the name radically changes to Staserl.
If you go to Ireland, you'll hear an interesting form: Annstast or Stashee. The Bulgarian version sounds “delicious”: Anastasi, Taska, Siika, Shinka. On Chinese The name is pronounced Anasytasia, but the Japanese will say Fukkatsumi.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

History remembers quite a few great women named Anastasia, who were of great importance for the events of the whole world, and we will now briefly talk about them.

Let's start with the most famous woman to the European people, whose name is Roksolana. She is a Ukrainian girl, the daughter of a priest, who fell into slavery to the Ottoman Sultan and turned the tide of events in her direction, becoming the legal wife of Sultan Suleiman, the mother of 5 sons and 1 daughter, the love of his life, a true friend and adviser. At birth, Roksolana was christened Anastasia with the surname Lisovskaya. Stories and poems were written about her life, legends were composed, in which they learned to become strong women, defend their rights and give their sincere, pure love, because this is a real amulet, protection, the greatest strength.
Another example strong woman, a support for her husband, the King of Hungary, was the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who was also baptized as Anastasia. She was involved in the cultural affairs of the country, and also replaced her husband when he became very ill, making important political decisions.

Let's remember Russian fairy tales, how many Nastasias can be found there! The wife of Dobrynya Nikitich was Nastasya Mikulishna, strong both in character and physically, her image confirms the meaning female name Anastasia. Nastenka from “Morozko” is known for her tenderness, and Nastya from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” is known for her kindness.

The first wife of Ivan the Terrible was Anastasia Romanovna. They say that this woman had the power to soften her husband’s too ardent and harsh character. After her death, Ivan the Terrible again gained fame as a cruel man.
There is a legend that the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, Anastasia, managed to escape on the night when her family was shot. Many may know this story from the children's cartoon “Anastasia”.

The main character traits of people with this name

The character of this girl will change as she grows up and learns about this world. As a child, she is distinguished by her great imagination, love of dreams, and flying into the clouds. Her defenselessness brings her trouble, because she trusts everyone and everyone, falling into the hands of cunning and evil people. But her reaction to the offender, whom Nastya will not take revenge on, can be considered a big plus.

IN adolescence the girl is no longer so trusting and open. Also, the habit of doing everything at will remains in her character, and it changes quite often. Moreover, no matter how hard you try, it is absolutely impossible to force her to do something that she doesn’t want.
In appearance, you might think that Nastya is very self-confident, has her own goal and goes towards it, but under this shell hides a very vulnerable girl who needs support. This young lady steps into adulthood very carefully, approaching each step measuredly, slowly, thus trying to avoid mistakes or failures.

Adult Nastya has already learned not to tolerate offenders and even repay them in kind. The appearance may create the image of a cold lady, but again this is just a shell. This woman still knows how and loves to dream, she has a kind soul and a devoted heart.

This person will easily break his principles, provided he is fully confident that this sacrifice was not made in vain. Nastya is always under the gaze of men, and she likes it, but she will choose a life partner very scrupulously, checking him in all respects.

She will try to brighten up her indecision with a strong and confident man next to her. The same cannot be said about sex life, because Nastya knows a lot about this and is looking for a companion with even greater knowledge. Moreover, such a lady will love her husband with all her heart, be jealous, carefully hiding it, and forgive. In addition, she is characterized by a love of home comfort.

Important! The choice of profession largely depends on character. A creative direction would suit Nastya. She will show herself excellently doing the work of a nurse, lawyer, psychologist or flight attendant. Setting a big task for this person is not a problem, but implementation will require additional resources in the form of effort and a source of desire.

So briefly we can offer a description of what the name Anastasia means, taking into account the character and qualities of its owners.

Name Astrology

When choosing a name for a child, it is worth taking into account the astrological component. Everyone is born on a certain day when the stars, moon and planets are in a certain order. So we can predetermine approximately the character born child in future. The same thing happens with the name: by creating certain sound vibrations when pronouncing the baby’s name, we influence his brain and thus shape his future perception of the world.

It is important here to choose these sounds so that they do not contradict the stars. In other words, Nastya and her character need to be compared with information about the zodiac sign based on the date of birth of your daughter.
Thus, the zodiac sign Scorpio ideally emphasizes the strengths of Anastasia’s character. Among strengths We can highlight an analytical approach to analyzing the situation, perseverance in achieving what we want, the ability to work and get pleasure from it and agility in life circumstances, the ability to be “amorphous”, to adapt oneself to the outside world.

Anastasia’s planet is Pluto, thanks to which these people have great strength within themselves, which helps them in life. The symbol plant is jasmine, tobacco and orchid, which represent beauty, grace and grace. But among animals, the Siamese cat will become a talisman, which will bring prosperity to the house.

Suitable colors are green and its dark shade, which are symbols of kindness and honesty, the ability to take risks and the ability to earn good money. But people with this color are more likely than others to feel very resentful.

Many have heard that a natural stone can become a real amulet, but only if it is chosen correctly. These natural minerals have great power and can influence people, show their best and worst sides.
To show off with the best side, Nastya needs to wear stones such as:

  • emerald - brings joy and takes away melancholy, gives sincerity, but can punish a liar with illness;
  • fire opal is a real defense against evil eyes and tongues, as well as strengthening the health of body and spirit;
  • zircon is a source of joy and optimism, love and good luck;
  • fluorite - calms Nastya, helps her always think soberly;
  • carnelian - this stone will help you confidently control yourself;
  • chrysoprase is the real source of success.
As you noticed, astrology of the name Anastasia allows you to find out not only what it means, but everything about it: character, strengths and weaknesses, symbols and amulets.

Did you know? The name of the interlocutor will help you quickly establish trusting relationships with other people. Try saying it more often if you want to gain trust, and you will be pleasantly surprised. This “magical” influence of the name has long been noticed by psychologists, and it is confirmed by the fact that a person involuntarily remembers his childhood, the most pleasant moments, parents, home, and therefore generates positive thoughts and, accordingly, sympathy for you.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

Now let’s dwell on what the name Nastya can mean in letters, because this also has its own meaning. Availability of letter "A" especially in the first place in the name indicates that a person knows how to direct his activity to achieve his goal, of which there may be several at once. We can say that such a person is a true leader.

Character traits such as honesty, ability to predict, pickiness and skepticism are given to a person by the letter "N". "WITH" is associated with aspiration, which manifests itself in the desire to live beautifully and not worry about money once again, to choose a worthy partner, to work hard and for the benefit of society. "T" brings a share of creativity to character, the ability to think outside the standard. This is also the reason for quick falling in love, but also ardent passion. Letter "AND" means a person’s connection with nature, his ability to have a sound mind, prudence in choice, external attractiveness and a sense of taste. But people with this letter in their name can often change their life partner. "I" is considered a key letter in the formation of the personality and self-esteem of a person who strives to respect himself, and therefore others.
From childhood, it is necessary to let your child understand that he is important person in this world. This way you will engender in him the core he needs in the future. By pronouncing the letters of his name, you send certain sound vibrations that affect the child’s brain at any age and shape it all the time. The significance of this procedure also applies to the name Anastasia, and for this there are portfolios in verses with this name. This way you can develop the girl’s memory by reading poetry every day, for example before bed, stimulating her to memorize the lines. Here are some examples of such short and very useful poems:

Anastasia - modesty, beauty,

Spring light over clean meadows.

Beautiful soul, tender height,

And the royal name is decorated with flowers.

There is beauty and strength in your name,

There is tenderness and steel in him, Anastasia.

Azure skies, golden sunsets,

The elm of frost and simple joys.

Autumn bonfires, ringing wind,

And the sound of the rain, and the song at dawn.

And I want to wish only one thing:

Stay the same, be yourself!

Now you know what the name Anastasia means, where it came from and what aspects of character its owners can develop. This information will help you decide to name your girl that way and take care of her future. Inconsistency between birth date and name can bring certain misunderstandings, unanswered questions, confusion and feelings of unhappiness into your daughter's life.

The origin of the name Anastasia is ancient Greek, it comes from the word “anastas”, which translates as “resurrected” or “immortal”. Anastasius is the masculine form of this name. Anastasia sounds like a good name that combines simplicity and tenderness.

Nastasya is the Russian folk form of this name. The name Anastasia used to be very popular among both nobles and peasants. Today this name is also very common. Let's find out in more detail what is the meaning of the name Anastasia?

Girl as a child with the name Anastasia obedient and calm child. Parents are proud of her, and teachers and educators also love her, because she has such qualities as responsibility and diligence. Despite this, Nastya has a strong and strong-willed character. It is difficult to force her to do anything against her will.

Parents should know that a girl named Anastasia needs extra attention and care. She feels the lack of parental love very acutely. Since childhood, Nastya has been trying to surround herself with people who can help and protect her from various troubles.

This girl loves to read and usually prefers detective stories. She studies diligently at school and tries to be an excellent student. She really likes the lessons foreign language and literature. In general, the characteristics of the name Anastasia are positive; it has both its disadvantages and advantages.

Such a woman has a subtle mental organization. Her mood may change frequently, and it can be difficult for those around her to adjust to it. A girl named Anastasia has good intuition, which she often listens to.

  • She may have the gift of prediction, she often sees prophetic dreams. But, despite this, she has well-developed analytical skills, immediately sees all the contradictions and can openly point out them.
  • Sometimes Nastya from the outside seems unemotional and cold, which pushes many people away.
  • Family always comes first for such a person; for the sake of her family and friends, Nastya is ready to make many sacrifices.

For a girl named Anastasia, what others think of her is very important. She wants to produce good impression on those around her and she succeeds.

By nature, Nastya is trusting, so she can easily fall for the tricks of cunning and evil people. Such a girl can achieve a lot in life thanks to her hard work and perseverance. She endures any troubles steadfastly and is not prone to violent expressions of emotions. A girl named Anastasia easily adapts to any circumstances; no adversity will break her.

In appearance she may seem self-confident, but in reality this is not the case; inside she hides a timid nature. Even if she gets upset or depressed, she tries not to show people her real emotions. She doesn’t want to seem weak, she doesn’t like to be pitied.

Nastya has few friends, but they are real and faithful. She loves to pamper her family and friends with unusual gifts. In the company of her friends, such a girl opens up and becomes kind and sympathetic. Nastya has practically no enemies, because she always tries to make friends with them.

Although she is an introvert by nature who likes to spend time in her own little world, Nastya has a good understanding of people and, if desired, can find mutual language with any person.

Love and family

Nastya is very amorous, as well as a contradictory and unpredictable nature. She likes men who are strong and confident.

  • If she truly falls in love, she completely surrenders to her chosen one, body and soul; as a rule, she no longer looks at other men and does not look for more advantageous candidates.
  • Sometimes pink glasses, which she puts on in a state of love, prevent her from seeing her chosen one. Often he turns out to be completely different from what she imagined him to be.
  • For a girl named Anastasia, the advice of her friends means a lot; if she is lucky with them, then they help her see the shortcomings of her partner that she does not notice.

Since childhood, such a girl has a strong need for love, so she usually gets married in early age. Her husband must be a strong and strong-willed person, otherwise she will not respect him.

Appearance for her of great importance does not matter, she is more concerned about the inner world of the chosen one. Very often he chooses military men, pilots or sailors as husbands. She believes that her chosen one should have a male profession.

A girl named Anastasia will be a loving and faithful wife. She considers her husband to be the head of the family, so she often follows his lead. If she truly loves her husband, she will not look for romantic adventures on the side.

For the sake of a man, Nastya is ready to sacrifice a lot. She may even go into conflict with her relatives if they are against her husband.

As a rule, a girl named Anastasia gets along well with her husband’s parents. Even if the mother-in-law is unfriendly at first, she will try to do everything possible to please her.

Nastya is a good housewife, her house is always cozy and warm, she loves to receive guests.

Children for such a woman are the meaning of life, for their sake she is ready to do anything. She devotes herself entirely to raising and caring for children. Tries to give them a good education and does everything so that they grow up to be good and successful people.

Business and career

A girl named Anastasia has a rich inner world, she subtly feels beauty and subconsciously reaches out to it. That is why he can be realized in creative professions.

Anastasia Valerievna Lyukina (American gymnast)

  • For example, women named by this name are often designers, artists, actresses and poets.
  • In addition, most girls named Anastasia have a passion for travel, which is why flight attendants are often found among them. This profession not only brings them material income, but also moral satisfaction.
  • Thanks to her good intuition, Nastya can become an astrologer, fortune teller or fortune teller.
  • Since by nature she is a sincere and sympathetic person, she can choose a profession where she needs to help people, for example, becoming a doctor, psychologist, teacher or social worker.

She can sacrifice her time and desires for the sake of another person. Such a girl can achieve a lot in life thanks to responsibility and hard work. She is not ambitious, as a rule, she does not pursue money and fame.

He chooses a profession that would bring not only material income, but also pleasure. She needs to feel a sense of self-importance.

If her husband is against Nastya working, then she can devote herself to her family and raising children without regret.

HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME ANASTASIA - The name Anastasia (colloquial Nastasia and Nastasya, simple Anastasia and Nastasya) is the female form of the male name Anastasy (Anastas). Comes from the ancient Greek word "anastas" - resurrected, from the Indo-European root "sta" - to stand. Means: resurrection, brought back to life, resurrected, resurrected, risen, resurrected to life, resurrecting, returning to life. The original meaning is resettlement.

A good name, it harmoniously combines tenderness and reliability, simplicity and lightness. The sparkling and plastic energy of the sound of this name is combined with swiftness and pressure.

A century ago, this name was popular both in the royal family and among peasants. Nowadays it is also becoming more common.


Anastasia of Rome of Thessaloniki (Thessalonian), venerable martyr, November 11, 12 (October 29, 30). She was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome. Beheaded at the age of 20 (III century).

Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Roman, Illyrian, Great Martyr, January 4 (December 22). A wealthy Roman, she consoled Christians imprisoned, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom. For this she was called a pattern maker. Then she herself endured great torment for the faith of Christ and died during the torment (IV century).



COLOR OF THE NAME ANASTASIA - Dark green, green, piercing blue stripe on a red background, a combination of pink-red with brilliant ocher.


VIBRATION - 88,000 fps.


ANASTASIA'S PLANT - Jasmine, orchid and tobacco.

ANASTASIA'S ANIMAL - Homing pigeon, Siamese cat.

MAIN CHARACTER TREATS OF ANASTASIA - Usually she has a complex, contradictory nature.

ANASTASIA'S TYPE - Choleric, has a quick reaction. Very mobile, cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME ANASTASIA - Anastasia is the embodiment of charm, grace, changeability of moods, caution, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by her thin spirit, faultless

INTUITION - She is able to prophesy, predict the future, foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers. The only problem is that she is lazy and cold. No one except herself and those closest to her exists for her. Anastasia is one of the high-flying women. Nastenka is the most common name of heroines folk tales. She was destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most gentle. She is everyone's favorite - and never disappoints. Growing up as a dreamer.

She has a well-developed imagination. She is defenseless against evil and cunning people. She can be deceived and offended. Therefore, Nastya needs protection and support. Hard work cultivated in childhood lasts throughout life. Over the years, she becomes a seductive woman. This is a balanced and prudent person. She adapts well to life circumstances. She will not be broken by adversity, since she will be able to adapt to the changed situation without much loss.

ANASTASIA'S PSYCHE - Life with Anastasia is not easy. She has a weak nervous system, the mood changes quickly - from unbridled joy to deep depression. This is an introvert, immersed in his inner world. Anastasia looks too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression. She is alien to spiritual fractures and tragedies.

INTUITION - Amazing - restless, mobile and fickle.

ANASTASIA'S THINKING - Capable of synthesis. He quickly grasps and understands everything, but often gets bogged down in little things that he doesn’t like and rejects. The memory is good, but it only retains information that interests it.

MORALITY OF ANASTASIA - She has a keen sense of moral principles, but can also change them, not finding satisfaction in what she has done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads her to violent adventures.

ANASTASIA'S HEALTH is good, but often Anastasia's own carelessness leads to accidents and car accidents. Leg fractures are common. Weak kidneys.

SEX AND LOVE ANASTASIA - Crafty and attractive, changeable and elusive. Often makes too hasty decisions. There is too much distance between her activity and the inertia of the people around her.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY ANASTASI - Gets married early. It is not difficult to win Anastasia's heart, since she is sensitive and easy to touch. She has a developed sense of pity. Chooses a strong, self-confident man. She is a devoted and caring wife; thrills on the side are not in her character. Anastasia is a good housewife. Gives all of himself to children. Gets along with all relatives. Successful marriage with Boris, Vladimir, Victor, Konstantin, Denis, Oleg, Pavel and Semyon. It will be difficult with Vadim, Vitaly, Nikolai, Stanislav, Philip.

ANASTASIA'S PASSIONS AND HOBBIES - Loves to decorate the house with flowers and elegant things. Active and penetrating interest in the world.

ANASTASIA'S REALIZATION IN SOCIETY - Can be a flight attendant, a journalist, a sales representative, a good artist, a teacher, a doctor.

CAREER AND BUSINESS OF ANASTASIA - Strict, persistent and proud. Her subtle mental structure encourages people to trust and helps to quickly establish business relationships. She has something of a diligent schoolgirl about her. He can inspire you with his example. She may not achieve outstanding results in business, but her life will be calm, measured and happy.

GREAT PEOPLE - Anastasia Romanovna - the first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. According to the chronicler, “the good Anastasia instructed and led John in all sorts of virtues.” Her death had a serious impact on the tsar’s state of mind and was one of the circumstances that exacerbated his struggle with the boyars.

Vertinskaya, Vyaltseva, Zueva, Kinski, Makarevich, Nemolyaeva, Poleva, Polyakova, Popova, Romanova, Sultanova, Tsvetaeva.

Meanings of the letters of the name Anastasia

A - strength and will

N - creative ambitions, keen intelligence and respect for health

A - strength and will

T - subtle creative nature

A - strength and will

S - prudence, humility and love of power

I - peacefulness, friendliness and spirituality

I am creativity, goodness and intelligence

resurrecting (Greek).

Anastasia's birthday

January 4 (December 22) - St. Great Martyr Anastasia the pattern-maker - a rich Roman woman, she consoled Christians imprisoned in prison, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom (for which she is called a pattern-maker), then she herself endured great torment for the faith of Christ and died during torture (IV century).

November 11 (October 29) - Holy Martyr Anastasia, a Roman, was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome; Twenty years old, after suffering for the faith of Christ, she was beheaded (III century).

The secret of the name Anastasia

Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered the patroness of pregnant women; people pray to her during childbirth. November 11 - Anastasia the shepherd, Nastasya the shearer: start of sheep shearing. The shepherds are sent home for saving their sheep.

Diminutive forms of Anastasia

Nastya, Nastasya, Nata, Nasya, Nyusya, Nastena, Nastekha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyunya, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Susha, Asyuta.

Characteristics of the name Anastasia

Anastasia is the embodiment of charm, grace, changeability of moods, caution, nervousness, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. She is able to prophesy, predict the future, and foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers. The only problem is that she is lazy and cold. No one except herself and those closest to her exists for her.

History of the name Anastasia (origin)

Anastasia Romanovna, the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, came from the Zakharyin-Yuryev family, later called the Romanovs. She was still a girl when the Monk Gennady predicted to her mother that her daughter would become a queen. Anastasia married the Tsar on February 3, 1547, and died on August 7, 1560. According to the chronicle, “the good Anastasia instructed and led John in all sorts of virtues.”

Anastasia, Nastasya

Anastasia, Nastasya - resurrected (ancient Greek). The feminine form of the male name Anastasius is the resurrected one. A century ago, this name was popular both among the royal family and among peasants. Nowadays, the name is still common.

Main features: nobility, simplicity.

Diminutive forms: Nastya, Nastasya, Nata, Nasya, Nyusya, Nastena, Nastekha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyunya, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Susha, Asyuta.

Zodiac name: Scorpio. Planet: Pluto. Name color: dark green. Talisman stone: malachite. Auspicious plant: jasmine, orchid. Patron of the name: Siamese cat. Lucky day: Tuesday. Happy time of year: autumn.

Name days, patron saints

The Monk Anastasia came from an aristocratic family of Constantinople and was highly respected by Emperor Justinian (527-565). Having become a widow at an early age, she secretly left the world and founded a monastery near Alexandria.

A few years later, Emperor Justinian, also widowed, decided to find Anastasia to marry her. To hide from searches, the monk, with the blessing of the Monk Abba Daniel, hid in solitude in a remote cave under the guise of the eunuch Anastasius and lived in strict seclusion for 28 years. Only after the peaceful death of the saint, Abba Daniel revealed her secret.

The relics of St. Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople in 1200.

Anastasia the Roman of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), venerable martyr, November 11, 12 (October 29, 30). Lived in the 3rd century. She was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome. At the age of twenty she endured cruel torture for her faith in Christ. Enraged, the executioners cut out her tongue. The people, seeing the inhumane abuse, were indignant, and the torturers were forced to stop the torture by beheading the martyr.

Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Roman, Illarian, Great Martyr, January 4 (December 22). A wealthy Roman woman who lived in the 4th century. She consoled Christians imprisoned in prison, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom. For this she was called a pattern maker. Then she herself endured great torment for her faith in Christ and died during the torment.

Folk signs and customs

Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered the patroness of pregnant women; people pray to her during childbirth.

November 11 - Anastasia the Shepherd, Nastasya the Shearer: start of shearing sheep. The shepherds are sent home for saving their sheep.

Name and character

As a child, Nastya was a sweet simpleton and a laugher. She is loved by her family and kindergarten, so she is very trusting, open to people, and easy to deceive. The girl grows up dreamy and loves fairy tales, where Nastenka is a beautiful princess or a smart, beautiful girl who becomes a queen. She became a queen thanks to kindness and hard work, and Nastya wants to be kind and hardworking, however, the latter is instilled with great difficulty. She doesn’t want to clean up her toys, but as she grows up, she doesn’t want to clean up her room. She will learn to sew and cook, but she will do it according to her mood.

He studies well at school, but does not shine with special knowledge. Likes to read books and draw.

Nastya’s charming snub-nosed face does not foretell that its owner will become a stylish woman whose taste will be the envy of many. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude, unmistakable intuition, and she is able to foresee events. She has an analytical mind, she will quickly understand the situation and make the right decision. She is changeable in mood, cautious, authoritative, and diplomatic.

Anastasia is most suitable for activities related to any type of art. She can be a teacher kindergarten, psychologist, flight attendant, journalist, doctor. Anastasia is strict, persistent and proud; these qualities help to establish business relationships in business, and success can await her there.

In her youth, Nastya is crafty and attractive, gets married early, sometimes making a hasty decision. Her chosen one is most often a strong, courageous man, a military man. Life is not always easy, but Nastya is a devoted and caring wife, a good housewife. She loves flowers, beautiful things, and has unmistakable taste. She likes to do the unexpected Original gifts.

Nastya adapts to life circumstances. She loves children very much, gets along with her mother-in-law, she is easily moved, she is very compassionate and suggestible, no one except her relatives and friends exists for her.

Name in history and art

Anastasia Romanovna (? -1559) - the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, from the Zakharyin-Yurin family, who later received the nickname Romanov. This genus has long been known in the Moscow state. Anastasia's father, Roman Yuryevich, served as a okolnichy under Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. When Anastasia was still a girl, the Monk Gennady predicted to her mother, Ulyana Fedorovna, that her daughter would become a queen.

In 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich was crowned king, and then decided to get married. For this purpose, letters were sent to the cities with instructions to take the girls to the governors for inspection; those chosen by the governors were brought to Moscow, where the tsar himself chose a bride from among them. The choice fell on Anastasia.

The queen had big influence against the king, according to the chronicle, “the good Anastasia instructed and led John in all sorts of virtues.” Ivan Vasilyevich was faithful to Anastasia until her death. Presumably, Anastasia was poisoned, this is not excluded, because those close to the king were afraid of her influence, afraid of being excommunicated from him. The priest Sylvester compared the queen with Evdokia, the persecutor of John Chrysostom, and considered her to be “indecent.” The Tsar himself wrote in a letter to Kurbsky: “And why did you separate from your wife?” Kurbsky fled, Sylvester and Adashev, considered to be responsible for the death of the queen, fell into disgrace.

In any case, Anastasia died of natural causes, or she was poisoned, the death of the queen had a serious impact on state of mind Grozny, and contributed to the aggravation of his struggle against the boyars.

The meaning of the name according to the book by L. Tsymbalova “The Secret of the Name”

Anastasia, Nastasya

Meaning, origin. ANASTASIA - resurrector (Greek).

Name days, patron saints. January 4 (December 22) - Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker - a rich Roman woman; she consoled Christians imprisoned in prison, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom (for which she is called a pattern-maker), then she herself endured great torment for the faith of Christ and died during the torment (IV century).

November 11 (October 29) - Holy Martyr Anastasia, a Roman, was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome; Twenty years old, after suffering for the faith of Christ, she was beheaded (III century).

Superstitions, signs, customs. Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered the patroness of pregnant women; people pray to her during childbirth. November 11 - Anastasia the shepherd, Nastasya the shearer: start of sheep shearing. The shepherds are sent home for saving their sheep.

Zodiac name - Scorpio. Planet - Pluto. The color of the name is dark green. Auspicious tree - jasmine. The treasured plant is the orchid. The patron of the name is the Siamese cat. The talisman stone is malachite.

Diminutive forms. Nastya, Nastasya, Nata, Nasya, Nyusya, Nastena, Nastekha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyunya, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Susha, Asyuta.

Name and character. Anastasia is the embodiment of charm, grace, changeability of moods, caution, nervousness, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. She is able to prophesy, predict the future, and foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers. The only problem is that she is lazy and cold. No one except herself and those closest to her exists for her.

Name in history and literature. Anastasia Romanovna, the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, came from the Zakharyin-Yuryev family, later called the Romanovs. She was still a girl when the Monk Gennady predicted to her mother that her daughter would become a queen. Anastasia married the Tsar on February 3, 1547, and died on August 7, 1560. According to the chronicle, “the good Anastasia instructed and led John in all sorts of virtues.”

In a message to Kurbsky, the tsar reproached the boyars for hating Anastasia, whom they compared with Evdokia, the persecutor of Chrysostom; To Sylvester and his friends she was “only indecent for the sake of a small word.” Kurbsky, speaking about the death of Anastasia, mentions the slander against Sylvester and Adashev, “as if those men had enchanted her,” that is, they were accused of poisoning the queen. This, by the way, is not excluded, because the influence of his wife on the king was so strong that he even forgot his “chosen ones,” who were afraid of this influence and were jealous of the queen. There is a version that the Polish Magdalena, a secret Catholic who lived in Adashev’s house, was involved in the poisoning of Anastasia. But if so, with her hands Adashev dug his own grave, because he suffered disgrace, which ended in his death. The Tsar himself, in his second letter to Kurbsky, wrote: “And why did you separate from your wife? If only my youth had not been taken away from me, otherwise there would have been no Crown sacrifice.” There is no doubt that Anastasia’s death had a serious impact on John’s state of mind and was one of the circumstances that exacerbated his struggle with the boyars.

The meaning of the name according to the book by E. Grushko, Y. Medvedev “Names”


Anastasia - "return to life." The name is of Greek origin.

Little Anastasia touches adults with her appearance and behavior; she is pretty, smiling, obedient, kind, and trusting. He communicates with pleasure and without fear with other children and adults. It is easy to teach Anastasia to order and neatness in childhood, so parents should pay attention to this as early as possible - in the future it will be more and more difficult to influence her character.

Anastasia is a good student at school, she has exemplary behavior, and is a favorite of teachers and classmates. The girl is ready to be friends with everyone, so numerous friends and girlfriends often quarrel among themselves because they cannot share her in any way.

Anastasia usually chooses professions for herself that will require her to show sincerity and cordiality, related to working with children. She will make an excellent doctor, kindergarten teacher or teacher. Even as an adult, Anastasia easily gets along with people, she is sincere and friendly in communication, and is always ready to help those around her.

Men are crazy about Anastasia. Since her youth, she has been surrounded by male attention, but excessive gullibility in general and towards members of the opposite sex in particular can harm the owner of this name.

As a rule, Anastasia gets married quite early, because she is sensitive, easily falls in love and is confident that her feeling will last forever. Anastasia is devoted to her husband, she is a good housewife, capable of surrounding her husband and children with the warmth and comfort of home. Anastasia often sees the meaning of her life in children, so she is able to sacrifice herself, give up her own interests for the sake of their well-being.

A marriage that is successful in all respects can happen to Anastasia and Boris, Vladimir, Victor, Denis, Konstantin, Oleg, Pavel, Semyon*

Family relationships complicated by misunderstanding can await Anastasia together with Vadim, Vitaly, Nikolai, Stanislav, Philip,

Interpretation of the name according to the book by A. Khigir "Encyclopedia of Names"


Meaning and origin of the name: resurrection (Greek).

Energy and Karma of the name: Anastasia is the name of overcoming. Subjectively, it resembles a steep staircase, where each new syllable is a new step, higher, more difficult, and only at the end is a level platform on which you can finally take a breath and breathe a sigh of relief. However, this rarely manifests itself from childhood; usually the only place where such a quality of a name is reflected is study. It is unlikely that Asya or Nastya will grasp knowledge on the fly; she has a different mindset, in which understanding means penetrating to the very essence, putting everything into order. But the knowledge gained in such a difficult way often turns out to be deeper. With age, this determines Anastasia’s logical way of thinking and her penchant for analysis. Peremptoryness is alien to her, and a joke about female logic is hardly suitable for her. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing, but most often the energy of the name itself is reflected in the character.

It’s interesting that if Anastasia calls herself Asya, she is more active and cheerful than Nastya, who usually keeps herself more reserved and quiet in society. On the other hand, Nastya is loved more in the family, and they often begin to pamper her with their attention. Thus, Asya most often grows up to be a more independent person, she is not very frightened by life’s difficulties, and she early begins to get used to relying primarily on herself, and then on relatives and friends. Nastya may prefer to seek protection from difficulties in an energetic husband, into whose hands she will entrust the care of the well-being of the family, and devote herself to raising children and household chores. At the same time, if Nastya was spoiled too much in childhood, then she can treat the household rather carelessly.

Be that as it may, with age, the energy of the name manifests itself very strongly. Anastasia feels bad without any big goal, be it work or raising children, on whom she usually places big hopes. Her thoughts are in the future, and most often this future is connected with children. Here, Asya’s fate may be affected by her independence. She will certainly feel good at work, where everything mainly depends on her own efforts and, relying on her strengths, she can make an excellent career. But in other matters, not everything is so smooth for her. Sooner or later, children also gain independence, and under the influence of Anastasia’s upbringing this often happens too early. Here little depends on her, and therefore her energy finds an outlet in her thoughts and experiences. Often Anastasia begins to painfully think about the plans and difficulties of her children; she sincerely wants to help them, and her thoughts work hard, trying to overcome some imaginary obstacles. Just as in business, she climbs imaginary steps, but it is very difficult to find satisfaction in thoughts, and often starts all over again. In a word, the thought begins to go in circles, goes in cycles, and from this the excitement intensifies three times. This can be unbearable, and therefore it is advisable for Anastasia to learn to trust Fate and her loved ones more, especially where she herself is powerless to help. Otherwise, it will greatly complicate life and may even lead to nervous breakdowns and irritability.

Nevertheless, these experiences are not wasted, her brain gradually gets used to the colossal loads, and often, as soon as Asya calms down, an amazing intuition opens up in her. To the point that she is sometimes considered almost a witch!

Secrets of communication. When communicating with Anastasia, one should not forget that if she calls herself Nastya, then all of the above-mentioned character traits are noticeably smoothed out. And also, when Anastasia is calm and balanced, her intuition is able to penetrate into the very depths of your soul. Although love often blinds her eyes.

Astrological characteristics. Zodiac sign: Scorpio. The planet Mars. Name color: red, silver, brown. Most favorable color: deep green, orange. Talisman stone: emerald, fire opal.

We celebrate name days:

The trace of a name in history. The daughter of the famous singer Alexander Vertinsky and the no less famous actress Lydia Vertinskaya, Anastasia was a child from a very happy marriage - and such children are usually born talented. Beautiful, artistic, with smooth, seemingly honed movements and innate grace, Anastasia followed in the footsteps of her parents, becoming a wonderful actress, known for her roles in both theater and cinema.

Anastasia's first role in cinema - the role of the touching and gentle Assol in "Scarlet Sails" - made viewers pay attention to the young actress, and the subsequent films "Amphibian Man", "Hamlet", "War and Peace" only consolidated this success. However, if at first directors willingly cast a girl in the main roles mainly due to her expressive external characteristics, then from film to film the developing skill of the actress has already forced critics to talk about her as creative personality, who is fluent in the art of impersonation and all the subtleties of acting. Accordingly, Anastasia Vertinskaya’s repertoire is changing both in cinema and in the theater, and from images of young romantic persons she moves on to deep and complex ones. psychological roles, such as the dramatic role of Gemma in The Gadfly.

Being in an eternal search for self-expression, Anastasia Vertinskaya, in addition to filming films and working in the theater, devoted a lot of time to working on television, which resulted in a series of her programs “The Golden Section”, based on interviews with the actress famous people all countries of the world.

Despite the fact that not everything went smoothly in the actress’s personal life - she was married several times - her fate can hardly be called unsettled: creativity, career, son Sergei (from her marriage to Nikita Mikhalkov). Currently, Anastasia Vertinskaya lives abroad, where she teaches stage acting.

The owner of the name Anastasia is affectionately called Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastusya, Asya, Taya. Girls named this way often become everyone's favorites at an early age. For parents of such babies, information will be useful - Anastasia, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its owner.

The meaning of the name Anastasia for a girl briefly

Many will be interested to know what the name Anastasia means. It is rooted in Greek language, and is derived from the ancient masculine "Anastasius".

The meaning of the name Anastasia for a girl is briefly as follows:

  • The one who resurrects.
  • Immortal.
  • Risen.
  • Reborn.

In past centuries, the name Anastasia was very popular both in high circles and among peasants. Today it is found in various options throughout Eastern Europe.

What does the name Anastasia mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

It is important to understand what the name Anastasia means for a girl according to the church calendar. Nastya is revered Orthodox Church thanks to the Great Martyr Pattern Maker, who lived in the distant 4th century. This woman became a saint because during her lifetime she supported Christians sentenced to death. death penalty, or being in captivity. The saint consoled those doomed to death, healed their wounds, and freed some from prison for a ransom.

In the name of the faith of Christ, Anastasia endured great torment. Having learned about the woman’s sympathies for Christianity, the Roman emperor imprisoned her in a dark basement for the rest of her days. Here Anastasia suffered for a long time from illness and torture, as a result of which she died. Also in Orthodoxy, she is known as the protector of pregnant women, prayer to which eases pain during childbirth.

Anastasia’s name day is celebrated twice a year – on January 4 and November 11 according to the new style. The second date is celebrated by the church in honor of another martyr, St. Anastasia, who was beheaded by Roman opponents of Christianity in the 3rd century AD.

The secret of the name Anastasia

The secret of the name Anastasia:

  • the zodiac sign that patronizes the fairer sex with the name Nastya is Scorpio;
  • protector planet - Pluto;
  • harmonious colors – orange, red, brown, metallic, dark shades green;
  • healthy stones – malachite, fire opal, emerald;
  • amulets plants – jasmine, orchid;
  • patronizing animal – Siamese cat;
  • the day that brings good luck is Tuesday;
  • The best time of the year is autumn.

Anastasia will be able to create friendly family with Joseph, Tikhon, Alexey, Bogdan, Emelyan. It is difficult to build relationships with Vitaly, Martin, and Innocent.

Anastasia, the meaning of the name, character and fate differ depending on the season of the girl’s birth:

  • Asya, born in winter, is distinguished by restraint, above average intelligence and reasonable stinginess;
  • “autumn” Anastasia is characterized by restraint in emotions, lack of need for constant communication with others;
  • Nastya, born in the summer, is a friendly, sociable and cheerful person;
  • “Spring” is prone to romantic dreams, falling in love and sentimentality.

Harmonious middle names for Anastasia are Savelyevna, Denisovna, Leontyevna, Mikhailovna, Mironovna.

Origin of the name Anastasia and its meaning for children

It is important for many adults to know the origin of the name Anastasia and its meaning for children. Every little Nastya is a sweet and attractive child to many, devoting a lot of time to dreams and fantasies. At an early age, girls love to imagine themselves as fairy-tale princesses or luxurious queens. In most cases, Anastasia is loved by her classmates in kindergarten and classmates at school.

There is an interesting pattern - Anastasia, the meaning of the name, character and fate change under certain circumstances. If a girl likes being called Asya, she grows up more temperamental and active. The little girl, who prefers to be called Nastya, is a quiet, shy person focused on her inner world. In the future, little Asya will grow into a more independent woman who can move through life more easily. Nastyusha often becomes a dreamer far from reality, having difficulty making her way, and often falling under the influence of stronger personalities.

Character of a girl named Anastasia

The character of a girl named Anastasia is surprising in her versatility. Nastya is distinguished by restlessness in childhood, responsiveness and sensitivity in school years. The owners of this luxurious name are distinguished by numerous qualities that are important for the fair sex:

  • Flexibility.
  • Great intuition.
  • Sense of style.
  • Charm.
  • Devotion.
  • Kindness towards others.

Similar qualities in Anastasia’s character are often combined with strength of character, pride and unbending will.

With all her love for order, Anastasia does not always strive to maintain it. In early childhood, a girl spends hours fiddling with toys, building fantastic castles and studying colorful illustrations in books. However, after the games he does not at all strive to return all things to their places, leaving them scattered. Little Nastya’s parents need to pay attention to this character trait and teach the baby discipline from infancy.

Having matured, Taya will do her homework when she is in the right mood. In her youth, she often learns to be a good housewife, capable of cooking and sewing well.

Married Anastasia is a caring wife and mother, who is not characterized by coquetry and the search for love affairs. Nastya will never agree to cheat on her husband and have an affair on the side. In her eyes, even light, non-binding flirting will be a betrayal.

Even if there are problems in the marriage, Anastasia strives to preserve it forever. She gives all of herself to her loved one and children, and easily finds a common language with her mother-in-law and all relatives from her half.

Nastya is generous and selfless, loves to give memorable gifts. The house in which she lives is often decorated with flowers and elegant accessories, eloquently speaking about the sophisticated nature of its owner.

Anastasia is not vindictive and rarely seeks to quarrel with her own ill-wishers. Rather, she will forget all the negativity and try to turn former offenders into her friends.

The fate of a girl named Anastasia

The fate of a girl named Anastasia is often special, interesting, although sometimes difficult. In her youth, a girl is very attractive to the opposite sex; she often marries early true love. Only a courageous and strong man, often related to military affairs, can become her chosen one.

1. Personality: Flying high

2.Color: green

3. Main features: will - excitability - reaction speed

4. Totem plant: tobacco

5. Totem animal: homing pigeon

6. Sign: Libra

7. Type. In general, they belong to the choleric type and have a quick reaction. They are very mobile and cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.

8. Psyche. Life is not easy with them. The mood changes quickly - from unbridled joy to deep depression. You must constantly pay attention to them, otherwise they themselves will take care of you... and this is much worse. They are introverts by nature, immersed in their inner world. They look too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression.

9. Will. Incapable of decisive action.

10. Excitability. Strong, even too strong. It takes a lot of effort to calm them down if they get nervous.

11. Reaction speed. They react violently and act impulsively.

12. Activity. It can be overwhelming, but it can also be calm.

13. Intuition. Gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and fickle, like cigarette smoke.

14. Intelligence. They are able to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in little things that they don’t like and reject. They have a good memory, but remember only what interests them. From childhood they need to be taught discipline.

15. Receptivity. Very nervous. Today they are full of joy, tomorrow they fall into despondency. They tend to play with feelings in order to manipulate others. They like to have friends around them, but change them very often. Defeats lead them to despair, which quickly passes.

16. Morality. They have a keen sense of moral principles, but often betray them, not finding satisfaction in what they have done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.

17. Health. Generally good, but often their own carelessness leads them to accidents. You need to drive especially carefully. Leg fractures are common. You should pay attention to the kidneys.

18. Sexuality. They often make decisions too quickly. There is too much distance between their activity and the inertia of the people around them.

19. Field of activity. They can be flight attendants and journalists, sales representatives.

20. Sociability. Their house may be full of friends.

21. Conclusion. These "carrier pigeons" conduct very intense and sometimes stormy family life. But it’s hard to get bored in their company, especially since they are very charming.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “ Resurrection" (lat.)

Name energy and character: Anastasia is a name of overcoming. Subjectively, it resembles a steep staircase, where each new syllable is a new step, higher, more difficult, and only at the end is a level platform on which you can finally take a breath and breathe a sigh of relief. However, this rarely manifests itself from childhood; usually the only place where such a quality of a name is reflected is study. It is unlikely that Asya or Nastya will grasp knowledge on the fly; she has a different mindset, in which understanding means penetrating to the very essence, putting everything into order. But the knowledge gained in such a difficult way often turns out to be deeper. With age, this determines Anastasia’s logical way of thinking and her penchant for analysis. Peremptoryness is alien to her, and a joke about female logic is hardly suitable for her. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing, but most often the energy of the name itself is reflected in the character.

It’s interesting that if Anastasia calls herself Asya, she is more active and cheerful than Nastya, who usually keeps herself more reserved and quiet in society. On the other hand, Nastya is loved more in the family, and they often begin to pamper her with their attention. Thus, Asya most often grows up to be a more independent person, she is not very frightened by life’s difficulties, and she early begins to get used to relying primarily on herself, and then on relatives and friends. Nastya may prefer to seek protection from difficulties in an energetic husband, into whose hands she will entrust the care of the well-being of the family, and devote herself to raising children and household chores. At the same time, if Nastya was spoiled too much in childhood, then she can treat the household rather carelessly.

Be that as it may, with age, the energy of the name manifests itself very strongly. Anastasia feels bad without any big goal, be it work or raising children, for whom she usually has high hopes. Her thoughts are in the future, and most often this future is connected with children. Here, Asya’s fate may be affected by her independence. She will certainly feel good at work, where everything mainly depends on her own efforts and, relying on her strengths, she can make an excellent career. But in other matters, not everything is so smooth for her. Sooner or later, children also gain independence, and under the influence of Anastasia’s upbringing this often happens too early. Here little depends on her, and therefore her energy finds an outlet in her thoughts and experiences. Often Anastasia begins to painfully think about the plans and difficulties of her children; she sincerely wants to help them, and her thoughts work hard, trying to overcome some imaginary obstacles. Just as in business, she climbs imaginary steps, but it is very difficult to find satisfaction in thoughts, and often starts all over again. In a word, the thought begins to go in circles, goes in cycles, and from this the excitement intensifies three times. This can be unbearable, and therefore it is advisable for Anastasia to learn to trust Fate and her loved ones more, especially where she herself is powerless to help. Otherwise, it will greatly complicate life and can even lead to nervous breakdowns and irritability.

Nevertheless, these experiences are not wasted, her brain gradually gets used to the colossal loads, and often, as soon as Asya calms down, an amazing intuition opens up in her. To the point that she is sometimes considered almost a witch!

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Anastasia, one should not forget that if she calls herself Nastya, then all of the above-mentioned character traits are noticeably smoothed out. And also, when Anastasia is calm and balanced, her intuition is able to penetrate into the very depths of your soul. Although love often blinds her eyes.

The name's trace in history:

Anastasia Vertinskaya

The daughter of the famous singer Alexander Vertinsky and the no less famous actress Lydia Vertinskaya, Anastasia was a child from a very happy marriage - and such children are usually born talented. Beautiful, artistic, with smooth, seemingly honed movements and innate grace, Anastasia followed in the footsteps of her parents, becoming a wonderful actress, known for her roles in both theater and cinema.

Anastasia’s first role in cinema was the role of the touching and gentle Assol in “ Scarlet Sails“- made viewers pay attention to the young actress, and the subsequent films “Amphibian Man”, “Hamlet”, “War and Peace” only consolidated this success. However, if at first the directors willingly cast the girl in the main roles mainly due to her expressive external characteristics, then from film to film the developing skill of the actress has already forced critics to talk about her as an incredibly talented person who is fluent in the art of impersonation and all the subtleties of acting. Accordingly, Anastasia Vertinskaya’s repertoire changed, both in cinema and in the theater, and from the images of young romantic characters she moved on to deep and complex psychological roles, such as the dramatic role of Gemma in The Gadfly.

Being in a constant search for self-expression, Anastasia Vertinskaya, in addition to filming films and working in the theater, devoted a lot of time to working on television, which resulted in a series of her programs “The Golden Section”, based on the actress’s interviews with famous people from all over the world.

Despite the fact that not everything went smoothly in the actress’s personal life - she was married several times - her fate can hardly be called unsettled: creativity, career, son (from her marriage to Nikita Mikhalkov). Currently, Anastasia Vertinskaya lives abroad, where she teaches stage acting.

According to Mendelev

A good name, it harmoniously combines tenderness and reliability, simplicity and lightness. True, all the qualities of this name are not expressed very clearly and definitely; The attributes “good” and “simple” stand out more clearly than others. A century ago, this name was popular both in the royal family (in its full form) and among peasants (usually in diminutive forms). In our time, it is slowly but surely increasing the frequency of its use, and in 1978-1981 it was forty-eight for every ten thousand names, significantly behind Elena and Natalya (334 and 301, respectively), but ahead of Vera, Tamara and Valentina (24 , 40 and 18).

Anastasia is a balanced and prudent person.

She adapts well to life circumstances; she will not be broken by adversity, because she will be able to adapt to the changed situation without noticeable losses. She is alien to spiritual fractures and tragedies - but, perhaps, the depths of experience are inaccessible to her. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say; in any case, Anastasia’s life, as a rule, is calmer than that of bearers of names that are more flowery and variegated in their characteristics.

Nastya is bigger, simpler, stronger. Unfortunately, you have to pay for this by strengthening the “masculine” attribute to the detriment of femininity, moreover, Nastya is ruder than Anastasia, ruder - but stronger and braver. She will solve the problem that Anastasia would retreat from, and, probably, she will be more likely to overcome adversity. Of course, Anastasia is more reliable than Nastya, but Nastya is more assertive and “punchy”. In any case, she is not afraid of daily problems.

She may not achieve outstanding results in her work, but her life will be calm, measured and happy.

The color characteristic of this name is a piercing blue stripe on a red background.

According to Higir

Feminine form of the male name Anastas. Ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life).

Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is, as it were, destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most gentle. Everyone loves her as a child, and Anastasia will not disappoint expectations - she will never be either evil or vindictive, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Parents will have to put a lot of effort into teaching Nastenka to clean up her toys, put away books, and put her room in order. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only when she’s in the mood. Although in his youth he will learn to sew and cook. Likes to decorate the room with flowers, loves elegant things.

Trusting, with a strong mental structure, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, or psychologist. He has the gift of prediction and foresight thanks to his finely developed intuition. She gets married early, prefers strong, courageous people, and often chooses a military man as her husband. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will be able to do this - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

She is a devoted and caring wife; coquetry and the search for adventure on the side do not attract her. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Possesses good taste. Likes to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. She lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

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