How to achieve any goal: universal instructions. Learning to achieve goals correctly

Turning goals into reality increases our self-esteem; Moreover, in the process we change and become better. Therefore, whatever your dream is - to earn a million dollars, to become an artist, to become a world-class athlete - don’t wait. Start your path to it right now.


Part 1

Setting a goal

    Decide what you want. Your first step is to determine what you want to achieve. Taking the time to become aware of your desires is an important first step towards achieving them, whether you dream of global changes in life or about something small.

    • For example, do you want to become more happy man? Learn to play musical instrument? Achieve success in sports? Become healthier? These are all possible goals. What you want is up to you to decide.
  1. Define the concepts. When did it work out for you general idea about what you want, you need to think about what exactly those goals mean to you. The same, at first glance, goal two different people are understood completely differently.

    • For example, if you want to become happier, you need to think about what happiness means to you. How do you imagine a happy life? What exactly makes you happy?
    • This also applies to more specific goals. If your goal is to learn to play the guitar, what exactly do you mean by that? Is it enough for you to know a few chords to play and sing at friendly parties? Or are you looking to give concerts? As you can see, even a completely clear “play the guitar” can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. Ask yourself why. It is important to think about why you are pursuing your chosen goals. If you analyze your motivation, it is possible that you will come to the desire to reconsider the goals themselves.

    • Let's return to the same example - imagine that you dream of playing the guitar. You think about the reasons and realize: you just think that guitarists are always popular at school. Here we are not talking about love for music in general or the guitar in particular. Therefore, it is worth stopping and asking yourself if there is another, more easy way achieve what you want - which, as it turns out, lies in the field of communication, not art.
  3. Determine if your goal is achievable. Last but not least important at this stage is to understand whether your goal is realistic. Sadly, not all dreams can come true. If your goal is beyond the realm of possibility, it's time for you to admit it and find a new one.

    Part 2

    1. Brainstorm. Once you have set a goal in general, you need to get specific and start making a plan to achieve it. Great way The first step is to use a technique known as “free writing.” Take a piece of paper and write down any thoughts that come to your mind on the following topics:

      • Your ideal future
      • Qualities you admire in others
      • Things you could do better
      • Things you want to know more about
      • Habits you want to develop
      • At this step, you should fantasize and imagine all sorts of options without limiting the flow of thoughts. Once you see several opportunities laid out on paper, you can determine which ones are most important.
    2. Be specific. Once you've thought about a few goals and jotted down a number of ideas for achieving them, it's time to start getting specific. Use your brainstorming notes and goal definitions (we talked about them in the first part of the article). Write down specific things - what you would like to do and achieve.

      • A vague goal such as "I want to play better, so I'll try my best" is less effective than "I want to be able to play my favorite song in six months." Poorly defined or unclear (“best effort”) goals are not nearly as effective as clear ones.
      • Move away from general words like “I want to become rich” and focus on specific achievements that you will strive for. Instead of “I want to become rich,” your goal could be “I want to learn how to make money in the stock market”; instead of “I want to play the guitar” - “I want to lead the guitar in a rock band.”
      • It's a good idea to take some more notes, trying to describe your goals in as much detail as possible.
    3. Try using the SMART method. It allows you to specify and evaluate goals. On the one hand, in English “smart” means “intelligent”; on the other hand, the method got its name from the first letters of the five characteristics that the goal must meet. Check if your goals are:

      • S (specific) - specific
      • M (measurable) – measurable
      • A (achievable) – achievable
      • R (relevant) - significant
      • T (time-bounded) – having a time frame
    4. Rank your goals. Many people have multiple goals. In fact, during your brainstorming process, you may have already discovered that you are hoping to achieve more than one goal. If so, you should rank them in order of importance.

      • In addition, you will be able to visualize the process of working towards achieving your goals and provide yourself with additional motivation.
    5. Formulate subgoals. Most goals are easier to achieve if you break them down into smaller tasks. These are subgoals - small intermediate goals on the way to the main one that you hope to achieve.

      Identify obstacles. Finally, and this is also important, think about what obstacles might stand in your way of achieving your goals. Thinking about them in advance will give you the opportunity to find ways to overcome them.

      • For example, you may find that guitar lessons cost more than you can afford in this moment. Then you will wonder where to get more money, or decide to try learning on your own using a tutorial or video tutorials.

    Part 3

    1. Make time. There are many ways to simplify the process and help you stay focused on your goal. Ultimately, however, achieving most goals requires a lot of time and hard work.

      • Think about how long it will take you to achieve your goal and how quickly you want to achieve it. For example, you need 40 hours to master the basics of playing the guitar, and you want to achieve the result in a month. This means you will have to practice for a little over an hour every day.
      • The issue of time cannot be avoided. If you are truly interested in achieving a goal, you will have to solve it.
    2. Make a habit. To make it easier for you to set aside time to work towards a goal, make it part of your normal mode. Include her time in your daily schedule.

      • For example, from 18:00 to 18:30 you play scales. Then from 18:30 to 19:00 you learn and review chords. Finally, you dedicate 15 minutes from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm to gradually learn a specific song. If you get into the habit of doing this every day (or at least every other day), you will quickly master the basics of playing any musical instrument.
    3. Track your progress. Once you have started working towards a goal, monitor your progress. Keep a journal, use an email app, or use a desktop calendar to track time spent, subgoals achieved, and similar information.

      Stay motivated. One of the biggest challenges of pursuing a goal, especially a long-term one, is staying motivated. Breaking it down into small, achievable subgoals and tracking daily progress can help. However, you may need additional reinforcement.

    • Be true to yourself. Achieved goal You will not be happy if to achieve it you did things that you are not at all proud of.
    • Do not forget the words of the wise Lao Tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”
    • Write! Writing gives strength to thoughts. Even if no one but you sees them, writing down your goals will help strengthen your intentions.
    • Other people who are striving to achieve goals even different from yours can be a great support. Communicate with them regularly. If you don't know anyone like that personally, try joining an online community where people set goals and report to others on their achievement.


    • Things don't always go as you planned. Stick to your goals, but be flexible. Often events themselves turn out differently than you expect, but not necessarily worse. Be receptive to change.
    • Do not try to insert a square plug into round hole. If something doesn't work or doesn't seem right, try a different approach.
    • Try to set yourself the right pace. Often people on the way to a new goal initially devote a lot of effort and time to it, but then lose their passion. Enthusiasm for a newbie is always great, but don't set the pace so fast that you won't be able to maintain it for long.


    1. McGregor, I., & Little, B. R. (1998). Personal projects, happiness, and meaning: on doing well and being yourself. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(2), 494.
    2. Brunstein, J. C. (1993). Personal goals and subjective well-being: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1061–1070.

» How to achieve your goal

Secret technologies for achieving success

How to achieve your goals.
Basics of the psychology of success

There are often times in life when you need to do something important. You realize the importance of the matter, but you lack the desire and energy to work. As psychologists say, you have low motivation for activity. Motivation is closely related to others psychological processes: perception, thinking, attitude towards oneself. Changing the perception of certain objects, forming a new style thinking, we develop a new attitude towards our activities. When a person begins to think differently, he begins to act differently. By accustoming yourself to new thinking (perceiving yourself and your activities differently), you thereby change your motivation for activity. There are several technologies that allow you to achieve high motivation with minimal effort.

Revive Nice memories

University graduate Sergei decided to find a decent job. To begin with, he chose the easiest way to search - find suitable job advertisements in the press and call the phone numbers listed there. In addition, he decided to call all the recruitment agencies found in the telephone directory. Having prepared his resume, yesterday's student got down to business. But very soon, after several unsuccessful calls, Sergei completely lost interest in the activity (since telephone conversations did not go well). Depression, a feeling of helplessness, and fear of new phone calls. He began to look for reasons and excuses not to call the phone number indicated in the advertisement, every day he rescheduled calls to recruiting agencies “until tomorrow,” etc.

The following can help Sergei psychological technique. It's called "Reliving Sweet Memories"

  1. Think back to a time in your life when you did something well. What exactly and why was it so easy for you then? Why can't you do something today?
  2. Remember a specific successful episode and try to relive it in detail. Then relive fond memories from other episodes. What were your feelings and impressions then? What prevents you from feeling similar feelings now?
  3. Try to evoke these feelings now and become passionate about something. Transfer those feelings from the past to the activity you need to do now. Connect inspiration from past successes to your goals today.
  4. Write down your impressions, feelings, reasoning. Write a text for self-hypnosis that you can re-read and maintain your motivation in the future.

As soon as Sergei remembered his successes in the past (victory at the school Olympiad, academic success at the university, a successful deal that recently brought a good income), he felt better. The melancholy and disappointment decreased, he felt a surge of energy, inspiration, and self-confidence. Next, he took a piece of paper and wrote down the following sayings:

No one is defeated until he admits to being defeated.
Belief in success, great desire, perseverance are the ingredients of success.
I believe in myself.
I know exactly what I want to achieve.
I won't give up at the first failure.
I will turn failures into victories.
I will definitely succeed.
Ready for success - main secret his achievements.
I will do everything I set my mind to.
Success depends on my efforts and desire to achieve it.
Success comes to those who strive for it.
Nothing will affect my dream.

Change your attitude towards mistakes.

It is very important to have a positive attitude (with a positive attitude) towards possible mistakes. This keeps motivation at the proper level and encourages you to work on your shortcomings and weaknesses. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Despite the banality of this saying, many people are terrified of possible failures. Most often, the reason lies in early childhood - overly harsh and authoritarian parents who cruelly punished the slightest childish prank and suppressed any initiative of the child.

Over the years, children's fear of parents can transform into fear of punishment from higher authorities. Especially if you come across a boss “from childhood”, very similar to the parents from childhood memories - cruel and authoritarian. Constantly afraid of making a mistake, such a person becomes passive and completely loses creative initiative in his professional activity. At the same time, truly active people admit larger number mistakes, but they achieve success much more often than passive people. It is no coincidence that many foreign companies financially reward their employees even for those creative ideas that “failed.” This attitude keeps people highly motivated and eager to constantly experiment and think outside the box.

Don't be afraid of mistakes and failures; you need to work on them, because they are very useful as material for self-improvement and a stimulus for activity.

  1. Reflect and write down statements that express a positive attitude towards failures and mistakes and the prospect of overcoming them. You can use these sayings to support your motivation.
  2. Carefully analyze a failure you experienced recently (or sometime before). Reflect on ways to overcome them. Determine which of your skills and abilities are underdeveloped and need improvement. Reflect on the methods you will use as you work to develop specific skills and abilities.
  3. Come up with several options for mottos that would help you react positively to your own failures and mistakes. For example: “Mistakes are wonderful! I now know what to work on.”

Working on his mistakes, Sergei wrote down:

  1. 1. Failures and mistakes are a good science for those who want to develop. Lots of failed phone calls? It’s no longer scary, because there is something to work on.
  2. 2. Mistakes are useful for my development. Now I know how to speak on the phone, how to structure a conversation in order to effectively present myself to possible employers. I also know what exactly I need to improve.
  3. Even though the previous attempt was unsuccessful, it taught me a lot. I won't allow it in the future. I am confident that having accumulated experience from previous mistakes, I will definitely achieve success.
  4. I am fully prepared for the fact that out of 30 phone calls there will be only one successful one. And the faster I reach 30 failures, the sooner I will reach my success.

With renewed vigor, Sergei began to look for work. However, he never had to score 30 failures. Out of 24 phone calls, 6 were successful - in 6 places they became interested in him and invited him for an interview. Subsequently, out of these six, in 2 places Sergei was offered to sign a contract. Another lucrative offer came from a recruitment agency, which he finally applied to. After some deliberation, he chose the most suitable option. So Sergei managed to overcome himself and won.

Create a situation of success.

Yulia (a first-year student) set herself the goal of mastering English language. After studying for about a month, she abandoned her studies. Realizing the need for systematic training, she was no longer able to organize herself for daily work. She explained the failure by her supposedly poor abilities in languages, as well as insufficient willpower.

To learn perfectly foreign language, you need to work long and hard, more than one year. And in order to monitor your achievements today, you need to find criteria by which you could determine even slight progress towards the goal, even barely noticeable improvements. When the overall goal is not specified, when specific intermediate tasks are not outlined, it is very difficult to record changes. Imagine a person persistently studying English for a whole month. A lot of effort has already been spent. Fatigue has accumulated. But the desired goal (knowledge of the language) remains still far away. As a result, he gives up. After all, the man set himself a goal - to walk 5000 km, and as soon as possible, but so far he has only walked 20. Against the background of his goal, his current achievements are more than modest. They are practically invisible, no progress is noticeable. As a result, a person experiences nothing but melancholy and disappointment.

But when he concentrates his attention not on the final goal, but on intermediate tasks, then it is a completely different matter. Then life becomes more fun and work much easier. Let's say a person has set himself an intermediate goal - today he needs to walk five kilometers. Five more tomorrow. The day after tomorrow - more. Walked 5 km today - well done, get some candy. The intermediate goal has been achieved. The next day I walked another 5 km - well done twice already, the day after tomorrow - three times already, etc. The sum of achievements and successes gradually accumulates. And with it, self-esteem and the desire to achieve more grow. And this positive baggage stimulates you to work further and not stop halfway.

Even a small success has a significant motivating effect and inspires action. Therefore, it is very important to create a situation of success for yourself. If you have planned the stages of achieving a goal, then this may be the achievement of the first of them. Anything you have planned and already accomplished can and should be experienced as a great success.

The “secret technology” for creating a situation of success could be like this:

  1. A person is able to motivate not only others, but also himself. When there is no desire to work (but you realize the importance of the task), communication with yourself, a conviction or a request addressed to yourself helps to overcome the difficulties of self-organization. Find the best motivation techniques that suit your personality more than others. Write several options for self-motivation. What form they will take - emotional requests, peremptory orders, logical arguments, emotional appeals or rude curses - depends on you. Choose the best ones.
  2. Break your final goal into a series of specific intermediate steps and understand the importance of achieving each of them. Set yourself as many specific (and realistic) goals as possible and strive to achieve them. List specific steps to achieve your goal.
  3. Plan how to achieve a specific goal (or a specific step towards achieving it). The target should be chosen medium difficulty, since achieving easy goals will not be experienced as success, and achieving too difficult ones will require a lot of time and effort, and often is simply impossible. What goal would you like to achieve?
  4. Determine quantitative or qualitative indicators by which you could record even minor positive changes in your work. For example, in sports, improving results even by thousandths already stimulates the athlete, because it indicates progress. In language learning, such a criterion may be an increase in active vocabulary etc.
  5. Make every effort to successfully complete the task and achieve at least one of your goals. Have you achieved this specific goal? What difficulties did you have to overcome?
  6. Don’t forget to praise yourself for achieving even small success (“What a great job I am!”). Positive emotions associated with achieving success are very important. Reward yourself with something. What prize have you prepared for yourself?

And what about our Julia?

Later, having taken up the matter seriously, the girl began to convince and ask herself: “Yulia, I ask you, stop messing around! Take care of yourself, you are capable and so smart! I beg you, work on your English every day! You know that only systematic training will bring results. You’re young and can always find at least an hour for this important matter. You’re a real beauty, and people around you will like you even more when you master English.”

She then developed a system of intermediate goals that allowed her to monitor her progress in learning English. Thus, the student was able to overcome her difficulties in self-organization and henceforth worked daily (and not occasionally, as was the case before) to improve her foreign language.

Continuing the topic :

© Material prepared by: Victor Bodalev, 2004

Many people dream of a happy life, but for them this happy life seems unattainable, so dreams remain dreams. To ask the question “How to achieve your goals?”, you need, at a minimum, to think “Now, if I were beautiful, smart and had a million dollars, I would be happy!” and lamentations “How unhappy I am!” go to planning life.

The question of the ability to correctly determine and successfully achieve personal goals is deeper and more difficult than it might seem at first glance. This is a question not so much about a series of right steps on the path to success, but about a person’s type of thinking, about his worldview and attitude.

Even if you provide a subject who does not understand the value of the knowledge being acquired, who does not believe in himself, or who has an attitude like “This is my lot, nothing can be done...” with a simple, fast, 100% valid and effective algorithm for achieving goals, he will be more likely to Not will take advantage them, rather than take it into service.

This would be equivalent to giving a monkey an umbrella after showing him how to use it. She may understand the algorithm of actions, but she is unlikely to appreciate the excellent opportunity to hide from the rain at any moment; she is used to living without an umbrella and, most likely, out of habit, will continue to get wet in the rain or hide in the foliage of trees.

People continue to live out of habit, even if life does not suit them, they continue to envy others and doubt themselves, they know what they definitely don’t want, but they don’t know what exactly they need to be happy, they are afraid of change and have many other fears and prejudices.

Many books and articles have already been written, psychologists conduct trainings and seminars on the topic “How to achieve your goals,” but according to statistics only 10% people put into practice the theoretical knowledge or practical skills they have acquired.

It is not enough to gain knowledge about how to achieve a goal, you need go to action, start applying knowledge in practice. The dream needs to be converted into a goal!

Yes, man is far from omnipotent, there are goals so lofty and global that life is not enough to achieve them, but this does not mean that they are unattainable in principle and that trying is useless.

Peculiarities of thinking of a purposeful person

A purposeful person will always achieve his goal if his goal is desirable, reasonable, humane and beautiful in its essence.

In order to develop determination and learn to achieve your goals, you need to remember a few rules:

To achieve your goals again and again, it is very important to be grateful to yourself, to fate, to loved ones for everything that was, is now, and for the fact that there is always the opportunity to achieve even more.

How to achieve your goals: 7 steps on the path to success

To achieve what you want, psychologists recommend:

  1. Correctly formulate the goal.

This step is of great importance. If you make a mistake when formulating a goal, there is a chance that you will not achieve what you want or, having achieved it, you will not meet your own expectations.

The chosen goal must be personally significant, desirable and personally determined by the person wishing it! A person himself must strongly and sincerely want to achieve a goal and feel that having achieved it, he will be satisfied.

The goal must be specific, relevant, realistically achievable, measurable, and defined in time.

It should be as clear a task as possible, written down in a positive way on a piece of paper. Even better to describe your goal is to have separate notebook.

  1. Describe the current state of affairs.

The situation at the moment is the starting point, the path begins from it, intermediate results, the final state of affairs and the changes achieved in life will be compared with it.

  1. Make a list of bonuses that will be obtained as a result and together with the achievement of the goal.

Bonuses are those advantages and additional benefits that achieving what you want will bring. The more of them you can find, the better.

  1. Make a list of possible internal or external obstacles on the way to the goal.

Obstacles that can be eliminated in advance, be eliminated, be prepared for the rest, think through possible actions and take into account their likelihood when drawing up a plan to achieve the goal.

  1. Make a plan to achieve your goal.

How to achieve the goal? What specific actions should be taken and in what order?

The plan may consist of just one action, or may include many points and sub-points, depending on the complexity of the goal.

Having come up with a plan, you need to write it down step by step, stage by stage, in the correct sequence.

It is important to understand that not every goal can be achieved only on your own, so you need to think through and write down what additional knowledge, information, materials, instruments, things, means, etc. you need to purchase, and also make a list of specialists, relatives, friends, mentors whose help will be needed.

  1. Take action!

Daily you need to reread your goal and do something that is written in the action plan! Every day you need to take steps towards your dreams.

To maintain motivation, read the list of bonuses, and to strengthen self-confidence, read a description of where the journey began. If obstacles arise, find them in the list of possible obstacles and adjust further actions. If an obstacle turns out to be unexpected, do not lose heart, but look for a way out of their situation.

It helps to not give up halfway and continue to be active. visualization– a clear and precise presentation of the goal as if it had already been achieved.

Both small and big goals require perseverance, perseverance, self-confidence, patience, acquiring new knowledge, the ability to think strategically and creatively, mental and physical strength.

Striving for the goal develops personality, in the process of achieving it, a person grows above himself and receives pleasure from it, and when the goal is achieved, he becomes even stronger in his belief in his capabilities, feels the desire to continue to grow and develop personally.

How often do you manage to achieve your goal?

12 most current advice that will help you achieve your goal in as soon as possible! Save and act!

Greetings, dear reader, to the useful website Success Diary! 😛

They say about some people: “He can move mountains!”

This means that a person, having necessary set qualities, knows how to achieve your goal!

Usually those who languish in low-paid jobs and tolerate an alcoholic husband next to them sigh enviously after them and say: “And it’s lucky to be born like that! Everything comes easy to him!”

At the same time, they don’t even realize that it’s not a matter of luck at all, that people who have made an amazing career or achieved fame have worked incredibly hard and made every effort to become what they are now!

How to achieve your goal in the work sphere?

My godmother's name is Lida.

She best friend my mother and therefore visited us at home often (not only on my birthday).

She was unlucky with her first husband: he left her with her little son two years later life together, appearing once every few years on his child’s name day.

True, he paid small alimony, which was still not enough to live on.

The collapse of the Union hit many people painfully, not so much because it was so wonderful to live under the communists, but because many were afraid of the unknown and change.

But while some were whining and continued to cling to the remains past life, vegetating in scientific institutes for “thank you,” others boldly accepted the challenge.

A whole generation of engineers, scientists, candidates of science and other noble professions set off to acquire new specialties and explore the expanses of private entrepreneurship!

My godmother worked in the accounting department at one of the factories in the troubled 1990s.

When the ax of closure hung over him, she, unlike her colleagues, did not wait to see whether she would be fired or not - she began intensively and finally got a job in a private office.

At first it was difficult: I had to master changes in the legislation of the newly formed country, establish connections with the tax office, which was previously the job of the plant’s chief accountant, and learn a computer.

She didn't fully understand how to achieve a goal so as not to drown in the whirlpool of a new life.

It was incredibly difficult, sometimes, when she came to visit us, she complained to my mother that she was incredibly tired, but eight-year-old Seryozha was waiting for her at home, who also needed attention and homework.

Besides, the boss was not the best polite person, did not hesitate strong words or demonstrating your bad mood- in general, an ordinary bull from the 90s in a crimson jacket.

I won't bore you with details...

Let me just say that my godmother overcame all the difficulties at work.

A little later, she found a position as an accountant in another company with an intelligent boss, a candidate economic sciences.

The office developed rapidly, and Aunt Lida’s well-being grew along with it.

Need disappeared from her life.

And a candidate of economic sciences, becoming her second husband.

I asked my godmother to formulate some tips that helped her achieve your goal.

This is what she told me: 😎

    Never give up in the face of difficulties.

    As soon as you become afraid of one obstacle, a dozen more will immediately appear after it.

    Conversely, demonstrating a confident solution to one problem will help make the future path clear.

    Believe in yourself.

    Every day I repeated like a mantra: “All this is not in vain! ! After darkness comes dawn! I will definitely get what I want and achieve success!”

    You cannot doubt for a minute the correctness of your goal.

    Don't be afraid to take risks if you think it's right.

    No one has the right to decide for you and give their advice.

    When I was getting ready to leave the factory, I heard a lot of things from well-wishers: “You don’t think about the child!”, “Where are you running?! You just have to be patient!”, “Are you the smartest?” etc.

    But I knew that this was my life and only I should make decisions.

    Do not envy!

    You need to get rid of such feelings as envy, it destroys a person and takes away too much energy that could be spent usefully.

    Some people are no better!

    Someone's experience is simply different than yours!

    Act like a military strategist: evaluate the arsenal of weapons you have and think about what you need to win.

    You can always complete some courses and learn necessary information from books, articles, etc.

    Don't be content with half measures.

    Even if you can’t get to your final destination, you will still overcome it most ways.

    Visualize your goals!

    I often imagined myself in detail: either driving a nice silver Nissan, or on the beach in Thailand, or in a mink coat.

    And I was so carried away that I felt how my foot was pressing on the gas pedal, how soft the sand was under my feet and how silky the fur was.

    Be grateful to people and higher powers who helped you become who you are.

Be sure to watch a small (but very useful video) about

how to achieve your goal in a VERY short time...

Brian Tracy (celebrity financial advisor)

shows and chews on this question on his fingers!

It's not that hard to understand how to achieve a goal.

People are just used to blaming someone else for their failures.

Not everyone can take responsibility for their own life.

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“If the path leads to the goal, then it doesn’t matter what its length is” E. I. Markinovsky

Every day we are faced with the need to complete small and not so small tasks in life, obligatory things that we must do today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for ourselves or someone close to us.

And besides these obligatory tasks and tasks, there are many more desires and dreams that I would like to fulfill. So, whether you will do your business today or in a week, whether you will achieve your dream in a month, a year, or never achieve it at all, depends on your determination.

The ability to achieve your goal is true determination

They say that when there is a goal, then any wind will be fair. This means that you have a desire to achieve your goal and become successful. But you don’t have a plan “How to achieve your goals in life?”

  • The tasks and aspirations, dreams or goals you choose should correspond to your true desires and include activities that not only bring pleasure, but are also filled with inner meaning.
  • Realizing your goals must satisfy your emotional, intellectual or physical needs. For example, needs that are aimed at developing your personality, professional growth, interpersonal relationships, financial well-being, health and relaxation, etc.

  • To learn to achieve your goals, you need to learn to work on past mistakes. For example, if you devote a lot of attention and time to work, then you simply need to balance work and rest, set a goal for yourself and allocate time for your family or favorite hobby, travel, etc.
  • Your dreams and desires must turn into goals and objectives!

In other words, your goal must be specific and specific. At this stage, you need to not only correctly formulate your goal - your dream, but also decide on the deadline for its implementation.

Here, try to be realistic and not set your standards too high. Make yourself a small plan of necessary tasks, the completion of which will lead you to achieve your main goal.

  • Maybe you set a goal to communicate more with friends. Or do you want to devote more time to your hobbies?

Or would you like to do more meditation and yoga? All these desires seem small, but in fact they are quite worthy and deserve to be realized. Sometimes it's the little things that bring the most joy!

Let your goals be desirable for you

Many psychologists advise that the goals we set for ourselves should be clear, with noticeable intermediate results, match your true interests and strengths, and have a clear time frame.

Your goals should be connected to your emotions.

With any goal you set for yourself, no matter how important it is, you must make sure that you are passionate about achieving it.

  • Keep records of achieving your goals. It doesn’t matter how serious the specific goal is.
  • Formulation of goals in in writing, a description of the results of your work and possible difficulties on the way will allow you to always solve the assigned tasks.

Recordings will increase your sense of responsibility for success. They will also make you take your own goals more seriously.

If you limit yourself to simply repeating your goal to yourself, without making further efforts to record the process of achieving it, then you may soon lose seriousness in its implementation, or even forget about it.

  • To achieve what you want, avoid vague statements such as: “I want to have more money!” or “I want to be healthy!”

This formulation is more like a dream, and you need to transform it into a clear and specific goal, with task setting.

  • You want more money, then your tasks to achieve this goal may be as follows: “send your resume to job search sites, companies in your city, etc.”, “find a part-time job,” etc. etc.
  • If your goal is to learn to become more aware of yourself and your feelings, then your tasks may be the following: spend more time with pleasant people who understand you well, have heart-to-heart conversations, read books on psychology
  • Choose the most relevant goals for yourself
  • Don't set goals that reflect the benefits or values ​​of others.
    For example, if you become a doctor only because your parents wanted it, then you choose a goal that is relevant to them.
  • Try to formulate your goals taking into account what you want and what your own values ​​tell you
  • Think about both large and small goals.

Unfortunately, big goals sometimes overwhelm us with their enormity and complexity. Achieving them often requires much more time and effort than in the case of small tactical goals.

So try to break strategic goals into several achievable and realistic parts. By achieving individual goals, you will feel inspired and motivated to tackle small tasks with the ultimate goal in mind.

Every small success will bring you a sense of satisfaction from what you have achieved and a feeling of happiness

  • Know how to find time to achieve your goals.

This is a must in order to succeed. Organize your time correctly to achieve what you want when you need it most. But be realistic about the time requirements to achieve your goals.

  • Reward yourself.

When you successfully achieve a goal, give proper credit to your work and reward yourself for your efforts.

A successful goal is one that is realistic

To achieve your goal, do not set yourself too many tasks at the same time or fast deadlines for their completion. Consider your abilities, skills and abilities in one or another activity.

Achieving your goals should depend only on you. When defining tasks, you must understand that all these tasks and actions to complete them will be carried out only by you. Then you can seek support and understanding from others, but don’t expect anyone to do anything for you to make your dream come true.

Your dream is in your hands and depends solely on your actions!

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