Why does a girl dream about seeing. Why do ex-girlfriends dream according to Meridian's dream book?

The appearance in a dream of a girl whom you have liked for a long time will certainly evoke the most pleasant associations and emotions in any guy or man.

But not everyone knows what such a dream portends.

Today we’ll try to figure out why the girl we like is dreaming about and what it can promise to the dreamer similar dream.

What if you dream about a girl you like?

1. If a girl smiles and laughs at you in a dream, this is a sign that positive changes will soon come in your life. For example, at young man a girl may appear, and after such a dream the relationship between them will begin to develop very well.

2. If you see a girl in a dream who is sad, shows some kind of dissatisfaction, or generally cries, this means that your relationship with your significant other may crack, you will quarrel and, perhaps, even break up.

3. Sometimes dreams come where you see a girl you know who is scared of something and is trying to run away from someone. Such a dream is a warning to the dreamer that you should be very careful and vigilant, because those around you are full of hypocrites and deceivers.

4. If you are a young man and in a dream you are trying to keep up with a girl, this means that in reality real life she also has the same feelings for you as you, but is afraid to admit them, carefully trying to hide them. This dream is a sign that you should no longer hesitate and doubt, the time has come for decisive action, because then it may be too late.

5. If the girl managed to escape from you in a dream and you, despite all attempts, were unable to catch up with her, this is a sign that your current relationship has reached a dead end, and it’s time to think about new, fresh feelings.

6. If in a dream you see a girl lying on the bed, this is a bad sign that promises you serious health problems in the near future, so after such a dream it is recommended to visit your doctor.

7. If you dreamed of a girl you like in wedding dress, this does not mean at all that a wedding is coming soon in reality. On the contrary, this is a very bad dream, which says that you and this girl are never destined to be together.

8. If you saw in a dream a girl dressed in a blood-red dress, this is a sign of the birth of a child. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to determine its gender; it will depend on the color of the girl’s hair: if it is light, it will be a boy, if it is dark, it will be a girl. If a girl in a dream has red hair, this means that we should expect twins or even triplets.

What does it portend?

Dreams where you see a girl you know, for whom you have certain feelings, can have different interpretations, depending on the plot of the dream, the behavior and appearance of the young lady herself, the situation, the emotional component and much more. Let's analyze such dreams in more detail. So:

1) if a girl in a dream looks sick, sad, or dissatisfied with something, this is a sign that you will quarrel with her in real life;

2) if a girl in a dream shows too much, unnatural attention to you, kisses and hugs you, and takes the initiative herself, this means that this young lady is not completely sincere with you, and you should hardly count on her favor;

3) if a girl, on the contrary, shows excessive negativity towards you, this is a sign that in real life she probably also has certain feelings for you;

4) if the girl also hits you or tries to hit you, this means that you and her may have problems serious relationship in real life;

5) if you dream about how you kiss the girl you like, this is a sign of pleasant unexpected events or even an upcoming wedding. Moreover, if you are a man in adulthood, and you kiss a young lady, this is good sign, promising to receive large profits, and, most likely, from a source from which you did not even expect it;

6) if you kiss a girl in front of many people (for example, indoors or outdoors) - this is a sign that in real life you are surrounded by a lot of gossip and gossip;

7) if you kiss the girl you like in complete darkness, this is a sign that in reality you have a fear of losing your loved one on a subconscious level;

8) if a girl confesses her love to you in a dream, this is a sign that in reality changes await you in your personal life. The changes will depend on the emotions you experience in the dream: if they are pleasant, they will be negative, and, conversely, the rule of so-called inversion dreams applies here;

9) if you meet a girl in a dream, then such a dream will directly depend on her appearance. If she is attractive enough, this promises good luck in reality, if she is not too beautiful, expect problems;

10) if you hug a girl in a dream, this is a favorable sign promising career and good career prospects;

11) a dream in which you see yourself walking with a girl you like is a pretty good sign, but it exact interpretation will depend on the situation that surrounds you. So, if it’s warm and sunny outside, this is a sign that you will be able to realize all your ideas in real life. If you walk in the warm rain, it means a profitable business. Walking at sunset is a symbol of parting, at dawn - a sign of positive changes in life. If you see yourself walking with a girl under a sky strewn with stars in a dream, this is a sign that very soon you will be standing in front of a very difficult choice in life;

12) if you see yourself carrying a girl in your arms, here you need to look at some circumstances of the dream. If you are a man and carry the girl you like in your arms, this is a sign that your relationship with her will soon improve. If such a dream occurs to a woman who is carrying a girl or some other person in her arms, this is a very bad sign, promising physical or mental illness;

13) if in a dream you have to protect a girl from some kind of trouble (bullies, wild animals, etc.) - this is a sign that in reality someone is harboring a big grudge against you, and at any opportune moment this person is ready to take it out on you;

14) if you see a dream where you have to rescue a girl from water or in a fire, this is a sign that your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and very soon you will receive a well-deserved reward for them, this can be either a bonus at work or gratitude from a friend to whom you once did a favor.

Why do you dream about a girl you like according to Miller’s dream book?

Psychologist Gustav Müller believes that a girl you like, dreaming of a waxing moon, signals the imminent birth of a son. Also, such a dream can signal an unpleasant showdown with a man; it can be either a husband or a lover.

Why do you dream about a girl you like according to Vanga’s dream book?

If a man saw a girl in a dream whom he sympathizes with, this is a sign that very soon you will overcome all difficulties. You see your goal and know clearly what you need to do.

Why do you dream about a girl you like according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book?

Sigmund Freud interprets such a dream in different ways: for men it is a symbol of his hidden sexual fantasies, where this young lady is his ideal, for a woman it is a rival, a competitor for a sexual partner.

Interpretation of sleep according to Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets such a dream unambiguously - this is a favorable sign, promising joy and material wealth to the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a girl you like according to Hasse’s dream book?

Miss Hasse believes that such a dream promises a person good luck, as well as positive changes in the personal sphere. However, if you experience negative emotions in a dream, or the girl looks sick - this means betrayal and problems.

Family dream book

    Seeing a girl you like in a dream is a sign of upcoming major expenses;

    if a girl in a dream looks healthy and smiles, expect to meet a pleasant person in reality;

    if you kiss a girl, this is a sign that in real life you will very soon go on an exciting, unforgettable journey;

    if the mother approved of the girl in the dream, this means that she should expect news from her children.

Why did the Girl dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The girl is the traditional personification of innocence, modesty, timidity, and passive principles in patriarchal societies. During this period of her life, when she is no longer a child, but also unmarried, she is considered virtuous, pure and close to divine providence, and can awaken the gods from sleep in ritual actions. However, the life of a girl is unenviable: if a guy goes through initiation, proving his strength, power and dexterity, then the girl must “die” in order to be reborn in a new form - as a Woman. Having become her, she will lose her purity and connection with higher powers. Seeing a young girl - interesting image. To interpret it correctly, remember the details of the dream and your actions in it.

  • Seeing a married girl, young and beautiful, is good news.
  • Offended married girl - your enemies will be defeated.
  • Why do you dream about a girl cheating? According to the dream book, the dream predicts you a strong family.
  • I dreamed of a young girl cooking - you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Go somewhere with a beautiful girl - you will lose your money; if you go, a misfortune will happen.
  • Why does a man dream about a girl - sexual desires.
  • Seeing that a girl has cheated on you means family discord or problems at work.
  • Girl in clean and beautiful dress- for parties, a pleasant pastime.
  • A girl in a torn and dirty dress means trouble, deception, gossip.
  • Why does a girl dream about a wedding - changes await you, but it is not yet known how they will affect your life.
  • I dreamed about it unknown girl If she is pretty and smiles at you, a favorable period in life will come.
  • Why does a pregnant girl dream - the dream means that you are nostalgic for past times.

Why did Girls dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Seeing in a dream a beautifully built and healthy girl- good luck will accompany you, and your household will not cause trouble.
  • An exhausted girl is a harbinger of the illness of a loved one.
  • A guy sees a lot of girls in his dreams because they fulfill his intimate dreams of intimacy.
  • When a man sees himself as a girl, in reality he has good acting talent. He should also show gentleness, romance, and come to agreements more often - otherwise he will experience depression due to suppressed feelings.
  • Why do representatives of the fairer sex dream of another girl - she is surrounded by rivals.
  • Seeing a girl you know - one of the sides of the personality has decided to make itself known.

Why do you dream about a Girl (Romantic dream book)

  • According to the dream book, do you see in a dream that a young girl is dancing? Love is already nearby, soon you will meet it and be happy.
  • Why does a guy or a man dream about a girl? He is trying to improve his personal life. When you already have a friend, it means that you are bored with her and you are looking for a replacement.
  • Seeing a girl crying? You are threatened by deception and betrayal of a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation, why does a virgin girl dream? The dreamer is modest and downplays her advantages, so her intimate contacts are very rare. Married dream portends reproaches of conscience for the past.
  • A thin and pale girl means that someone in your family will get sick.

Seeing a Girl, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why does a guy dream about a girl - you need to be prepared for something amazing to happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a girl combing her hair, someone in your family will soon get married.
  • If you see yourself combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a girl sledding, this foreshadows separation from your loved one.
  • Girl walking through the blooming spring garden, predicts well-being, success in personal and social life, abundance.
  • Seeing a girl laying out napkins on the table means that you will become a target for the machinations of gossips and deceivers.
  • If you dreamed about a girl with rapidly growing hair, it means that your dream will never come true. However, a dream may foretell the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance of a stupid person on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheels.”

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

  • What many girls dream about is always honor, profit, good society.
  • Seeing your beloved girl - fate will give you tender love.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a real beauty, then the dream is intended to remind you that small gifts support friendship.
  • If the girl you dreamed of is ugly, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you.
  • Seeking marriage to a lovely young girl is an omen of prosperity in life.
  • In a dream, kidnapping a girl by cunning or force means tears and sadness.

Why do you dream of a Girl in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a beautiful and healthy girl, according to the dream book, portends pleasant prospects and domestic joys.
  • A thin and pale girl means that a sick person will appear in your family.
  • If a man sees himself as a girl in a dream, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But the dream foretells a career as a theater actor for a gifted young man.
  • A pretty girl is a big expense.
  • Why dream of kissing a girl - a joyful surprise.
  • Seeing a girl crying means they will cheat on you.
  • A dancing young girl is happiness in love.
  • Rural girl - you will have healthy children.
  • An ugly girl is a nuisance, deception, betrayal in love.
  • The brunette girl is a nuisance.
  • What does a girl with red hair dream about - discord.
  • A corrupt girl is a nuisance because of a dishonest person; to a woman: infidelity; benefit from your life experience, knowledge of people.

What does it mean to dream with a Girl (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, you dream of a luxurious, cheerful maiden - the corruption of the soul.
  • In the summer, what did the cheerful girl dream of at dinner mean well-being.
  • In the fall, seeing a cheerful girl means a modest life in reality.
  • In winter, why have fun in a pleasant company with a girl - in reality, good luck awaits you in business.

Girl in a dream- A girl running in a dream is considered a sign that big changes await you in the near future. The girls' fight indicates that you cannot find peace for your soul.
Diseases can visit you or your loved ones.
In some cases, a thin and pale girl in a dream foreshadows the illness of one of the relatives.
Your girlfriend in the arms of another can mean either fear of this event, if your love is mutual, or hopelessness of your situation, if the girl does not love you.
Seeing a sick girl in a dream- to illness.
Seeing a cheerful girl in a dream- to joy, sad or crying - to despondency.
Seeing a girl combing her hair in a dream means that someone in your family will soon get married.
Seeing a girl combing her hair in a dream- perhaps a celebration, happy event, marriage of one of the close relatives.
Seeing beauties in a dream foretells pleasant prospects and good luck.
Seeing in a dream a young girl combing her hair long hair, speaks of an upcoming wedding in your family.
Seeing an unfamiliar girl in a dream- to new plans.
Seeing a dancing girl in a dream means that a love date or a pleasant surprise awaits you.
A girl in a dream is almost always a symbol of success, joy, implementation of plans and a pleasant pastime.
A girl in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes truly amazing changes that will bring with them a lot of joy and good luck, and of course inspiration.
A beautiful, elegant, cheerful girl dreams of a change in weather, a meeting with friends, good news.
Girls dancing together, or walking in the same clothes, predict you spiritual harmony leading to success.
Girls who dream that they are being courted can begin to prepare for an imminent wedding.
For a man to see a girl in a dream often means that something amazing will happen in his life, bringing happiness and joy.
A dream where you saw a pale, unhealthy girl is considered bad - expect illness in the family.
If you dreamed of an absolutely healthy and pretty girl, then such a dream promises you great prospects in the near future, which will concern primarily your family.
If you dreamed of a dirty girl in a sloppy dress, she says that in reality you will commit a bad act that will tarnish your reputation and lead to shame and disgrace.
If you dreamed of a girl in a white dress, it means good luck, if you dreamed of a girl in a black dress, it means illness.
If you dreamed of another girl, then the interpretation of the dream can be very diverse.
If you dreamed of your beloved girl, then most often this means happiness in marriage. Much in the interpretation of a dream depends on how exactly you saw your beloved.
If you dreamed about a lot of girls, it means that you will soon receive a reward for your efforts. Talking to a girl in a dream means caring about a loved one.
If you dream about a group beautiful girls - profit, wealth, and peace in your soul await you.
If in a dream your relationship was cloudless and directed towards each other, it means that everything in life is the same.
If in a dream you see a beautiful young girl- this portends fun and home joys, prosperity and happiness.
If in a dream you see a beautiful dancing girl, then soon you will have a love date, which can develop into a stormy romantic relationship.
If in a dream you give a ring to your girlfriend, then this is a sign that you have decided to join your destiny with her in real life.
If in a dream you see a girl with pale hair and very thin, then such a dream seems to warn you that trouble will happen in your family in the near future, namely the illness of one of your relatives.
If a girl kissed you in a dream- expect a joyful surprise.
If in a dream a girl rejects your gifts, this may mean that you understand her commercialism, but in reality you try not to think about it. Thus, having seen your beloved girl in a dream, you need to seriously analyze your relationship the next morning.
If in a dream a girl was combing her hair, then it makes sense for your family to expect a wedding.
If in a dream an unfamiliar girl is sledding, you should watch your actions and words, otherwise separation from your loved one may occur.
A guy dreams of a dancing girl when in reality everything is going well for the young man, but it can become even better if he makes every effort to conquer all the desired peaks, be it an unapproachable beauty or high post.
If a beautiful, well-groomed, friendly girl appears in a dream, it means success, good prospects, profitable agreements, and good news await you.
If you saw her crying, it means she is cheating on you or is going to cheat on you.
If you see another girl with your boyfriend, it means that in real life there is a girl who has her eyes on him and strives to win his heart, and your lover may soon begin to move away from you. But it is in your power to keep him close and preserve your love.
If you see your beloved girl pale and thin, it means that someone in your family will soon get sick.
If you see a girl whose hair grows quickly, then be prepared for the fact that your dream will not come true. However, a dream can also indicate the receipt of a small sum of money and the appearance of a person on the road bringing nothing but trouble with him.
If a girl is pale, sickly, thin or sad, you should be wary.
If a girl sees in a dream that she is being courted, then this almost always foreshadows a wedding.
If a girl sees herself in a dream, and she is being courted, she will soon get married.
If the girl was angry, left you, or was busy with herself, not paying attention to you, then, apparently, there was a crack in your relationship with her.
If an adult woman dreams of a girl, it means that in reality she often remembers the past and misses it. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes the loss of a husband.
If a girl dreams of a man and, in addition, in the dream she has the feeling that it is he himself who is the girl, then this is a very bad sign, which first of all indicates that he has problems with his health emotionally, as well as with the development of the spiritual sphere. this dream means that soon he will need to show gentleness, which was not at all characteristic of him before. However, this dream has a completely different meaning if it is dreamed by a man who is a theater actor, musician, or even a circus performer by profession. In this case, the dream means a good future in the chosen profession and, accordingly, nothing else but good luck can bring a person.
If a girl dreams of another girl, this does not bode well. Usually this dream is a harbinger of failures, quarrels and illnesses.
If the girls in your dream are dressed in strange, flashy outfits, your thoughts are in real chaos, it is very difficult to bring them into harmony.
If another crowd of girls drives away at least one of the fighting ones, know that you will soon find peace.
If he likes this girl, it means that he lacks variety in his personal life, and his other half pays too much attention to himself.
The image of a girl in a dream symbolizes surprise, surprises, which are of a positive nature.
If the ring is broken- your relationship is broken.
If the company in your dream is women of different ages- yours spiritual development one-sided, you should pay more attention to it.
If a man feels like a girl in a dream, then this indicates problems associated with spiritual development.
If a man is a dancer, singer, or artist by profession, then such a dream promises a successful career.
If a man dreams of marrying a girl, this means that his free life is coming to an end.
If a man dreams that he is a girl, it means that he is unsure of himself. He should change, otherwise he may become an object of gossip.
If she danced, rejoiced, smiled, then happiness in love awaits you.
If they fight- there will also be no peace in your soul or surroundings.
If a guy sees a drunk girl in a dream, then he should think about the fact that it’s time to start strengthening own health, change your lifestyle and start taking what’s happening around you more seriously.
If you dreamed about your beloved girl, then this image has no symbolic meaning. It must be understood in its literal meaning. Such a dream most often denotes a desired or expected event.
If you dream that your beloved girl is offended by you, it means that you subconsciously feel guilty towards her for some words or actions that in reality were not perceived by you as offensive.
If a man has a girlfriend in real life, and in a dream he sees another girl with whom he communicates as a friend, it means that unpleasant gossip may soon be spread about him.
If a girl in a dream has your item in her hands, it means that soon you may have a rival.
Lying with a girl in a dream- to trouble.
Favorite girl who walks around blooming garden, dreams of goodness and success, abundance. In a dream, contemplating a girl laying out napkins on the table means intrigues from gossips.
A dead girl dreams of bad luck.
A man who sees himself in a dream as a girl should take care of his health, including psychological health. Avoid stress conflict situations.
A man dreams of a girl as a sign of pleasant impressions.
An ugly girl who visits your dream promises problems in business, obstacles on the path to success.
An unkempt girl dreams of troubles or losses.
A naked girl appears to a guy in a dream if he experiences dissatisfaction in sexual relationships, doubts the sincerity of his partner’s feelings in reality, or suffers from loneliness.
A very beautiful girl dreams of good luck, joy.
Crying girl- discord, quarrels between loved ones.
Catching or buying a girl in a dream promises a promotion, career growth or salary increase, for a prisoner - release, and for a sick person - a quick release from illness.
Kiss the girl- to unexpected and surprising events.
At the same time, the state of this crowd- harmony or disharmony is harmony or disorder in your inner world V this moment.
Drunk girls in a dream indicate that in real life you are trying in vain to penetrate some secrets.
Combing the hair of your beloved girl in a dream means receiving an expensive gift.
Combing your hair yourself in a dream means receiving a valuable gift or an expensive surprise.
A dream about a sloppy girl, sick or thin, predicts bad deeds and troubles that will happen to you.
The dream will tell you what your relationship really is like. Remember how you felt in the dream, how you behaved, how the girl behaved.
A dream in which you are walking with unfamiliar girls foreshadows discord in the family.
A dream in which girls are running in panic suggests that an important, turning point will soon come in your life.
A dream where you saw a drunk girl means that you will reveal someone else’s secret in vain.
A dream where you see a girl walking through a blooming garden is a harbinger of success in personal and social life, prosperity and abundance.
A dream where you see a healthy and beautiful girl portends family joys and bright prospects.
Gossip with a girl- to disappointment.
A girl dancing in a dream promises you love, which will bring harmony into your life.
A dancing girl portends mutual love and peace in the family.
A crowd of girls and women in a dream symbolizes different states of your soul in interaction with the outside world.
Seeing a nice girl in a dream- to joy.
See a girl sledding- to separation from a loved one.
A thin and pale girl in a dream is not a good sign. This is a sign of illness in one of your close relatives.
Kissing a girl in a dream- to joy.
Kissing your beloved girl in a dream means that a joyful surprise awaits you.
Kissing a girl in a dream foreshadows unexpected good news.
Often a dream where you saw a girl is a sign that you will soon receive great wealth.
Often it is also a projection of a real situation or indicates the true motives of the partners’ behavior.

Dream interpretation beautiful girl

A beautiful young woman is the dream of every man. Even if he cannot meet such a special one in real life, then in the world of night dreams, any representative of the stronger sex can control absolutely everything.

If you dreamed of a beautiful girl, then you should know that at times such a sign warns of danger.

Beauty in a dream

If you dream of a young and very beautiful girl, then such a sign is considered positive. Soon you will find yourself in a fun situation and experience a funny adventure.

I dreamed of a lady in black

It is also believed that if the lady was dressed in black, then the most interesting thing will happen to you at night.

What will Gustav Miller say?

Why do you dream about a beautiful girl? Gustav Miller considered such a vision favorable and associated it with pleasant moments with his relatives and family.

If the beauty looked sick in a dream, then the disease in reality will affect one of your relatives.

What could it mean a strange dream when does a guy see himself as a beautiful girl? Such a vision can be viewed differently depending on who the dreamer works in real life:

  • For an ordinary guy, this vision can promise a mental disorder; first of all, take care of your nerves;
  • if the dreamer is a creative person, then such a dream promises him success in his future profession.

Predictions of other interpreters

Dreaming of a young beauty

A dream about a young beauty promises you good news in real life. Interpreters believe that if an unfamiliar beauty smiled at you, then soon your life will return to normal, you will begin to light stripe in life.

Interpreter Hasse

Miss Hasse believed that a young girl with a beautiful appearance promised unexpected expenses to the sleeping person.

If you start kissing her, a joyful surprise awaits you.

In addition, it would not be amiss to take a closer look at the details of what the lovely lady did and looked like in her dream:

  • radiated youth - you will completely lose your head because of a new hobby;
  • cried - you will be betrayed, deceived;
  • danced - happiness in love awaits you;
  • beauty from rural areas– you will have healthy offspring.

Seeing a rural beauty in a dream

Russian interpreter

Just seeing a girl in a dream means that in reality you will experience joy. Why do so many girls dream? Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will be able to increase his wealth.

Play with a beautiful stranger - you will have fun with people you like.

French interpreter

It’s just that girls in night vision, according to the French, promise honor in society, material profit, and good connections.

What does he think? this dream book, a beautiful girl in a dream reminds you that it is sometimes worth giving nice gifts to loved ones and your friends.

An ugly girl means that your loved ones are devoted to you, they will not deceive you.

When a man in a dream seeks the hand and heart of a beautiful person, then in life he will be a prosperous person.

If you simply kidnapped her, then you will have to face grief and shed tears.

I dreamed of a beautiful young lady

Interpreter Taflisi

This dream book believes that a girl seen in a dream promises the sleeping person the pleasure that he will receive in real life.

As this dream book says, an attractive girl in a dream appeared to you in at a young age, means that you will be able to gain material well-being and begin to enjoy life.

Modern interpreter

Seeing a young woman in a dream means that you should be vigilant. You may be deceived when buying or selling property.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

The wanderer considered visions regardless of whether you were dreaming of a beautiful woman or a not so beautiful one. He emphasized who the dreamer is:

Ukrainian interpreter

If you dream of girls, then such a vision promises good luck. For those people who are married, the dream promises worries and troubles.

Ukrainian folk wisdom says that if a woman dreams of a girl, then the dreamer may soon become a widow.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

This dream interpreter believes that seeing a girl in a dream is for the better. A miracle awaits you, and there will also be an opportunity to improve your material well-being.

If she danced in your vision, then you will meet your love.

Kiss beautiful stranger- good news, an unexpected event that will bring you joy.

Dreaming of a kiss with a stranger

Family interpreter

The interpreter for the whole family believes that any young woman seen in a night vision predicts an amazing event for the dreamer that will bring a lot of joy.

This interpreter has an interesting interpretation of what a dream about a girl sledding promises. Soon you will have to part with someone close to you for a long time.

Interpreter of Medea

Whatever dreams you had, the sorceress tried to give answers to any plots.

If a woman sees a young girl in a dream, then such a vision determines her own past. But for a male dreamer, the plot tells about his dreams.

Think, maybe the beauty that appeared in a dream is your ideal of female beauty?

The girl had a pleasant appearance - you will succeed. If she was sloppy and looked ridiculous, then you are committing rash acts that ruin your life.

Female interpreter

Too much beautiful women in night vision - there will be joy in the dreamer’s house. The events that will happen will bring you joy.

Dreaming of a barefoot nymph

If the beauty was emaciated and pale, then the sleeping person in the family would appear sick.

For a man to see himself as a girl, albeit attractive, is a dangerous dream. It promises problems in mental activity. True, for a creative guy, the dream promises a successful career.

Interpreter Vanga

What did the Bulgarian seer say about dreams about beautiful girls? It was believed that seeing such a person in a white robe means that your thoughts are pure, fate itself favors you.

If the nymph was dressed in black, then fate has not the best events in store for you. This dream is especially negative for men. It is believed that the dreamer is doing wrong; his actions cause the contempt of society.

The beauty in your dream walks barefoot - obstacles will appear in front of you. Whether they will be surmountable depends largely on you and your internal state.

I dreamed of a sexual relationship with an attractive person

Psychology of sleep

For men, a beauty in a dream reflects his secret desires. Such a vision means that a man sees his ideal exactly like this.

For women, beautiful nymphs in a dream promise big troubles. Soon the dreamer will have a rival, she will be attractive and cunning, and she will have to make a lot of effort to cope with her.

Accurate predictions

In a dream you can dream of anything. You can see many beautiful girls, or just one, the main thing is to understand why you are dreaming about this particular vision:

  • you meet a beautiful person - a pleasant surprise awaits you in real life;
  • exchange kisses - you will face the betrayal of loved ones;
  • intimate relationship with her - people close to you do not pay attention to you;
  • an ordinary conversation with a beauty - you will be in a positive mood;
  • carry on conversations in smart themes– if you want, you can achieve success.

If we try to sum up what a young beauty might dream of, we can say that this vision is positive. The main thing is to be aware of all matters and not blindly trust fate.

Sometimes it may seem that dreams are easy to interpret - to do this, the dreamer only needs to look into the dream book and find the right word.

However, not everything is always so fast - and in this way you can sometimes get incorrect, erroneous answers. If you use dream books and want to find out the answers to your dreams, be careful.

Moreover, some dreams are not so simple - obvious and unambiguous signs and symbols, like some objects or natural phenomena, are easier to interpret. But people who visit dreams are not so easy to understand - and one image can have several connotations and meanings.

How to interpret what a girl is dreaming about - an ambiguous, changeable and mysterious image, like the young ladies themselves? If a girl visited your night dreams, do not rush to draw conclusions - this is not an easy dream.

On the one hand, the dream book states, the girl is a symbol of the beautiful, pure and bright. But, in addition, it can mean the feminine side of a person’s soul. Yes, yes, and we are talking about men and young people who have such a dream.

The female half of the soul, or “anima,” is in every person. And this does not make a man feminine or weak, but only gives him intuition, a strong subconscious and sensuality. A girlish image in dreams can vividly personify this part of the personality, and speak volumes.

For example, if the girl in your dreams is weak, sick or angry, she is probably higher power hint to you that you should be softer, pay more attention to spiritual and emotional sphere, open up to people and learn to care.

Also, some dreams with the participation of beautiful people can promise and foreshadow certain events, and here it is important what she was like. In dreams she can be close or unfamiliar, sad or cheerful, beautiful or tired, pregnant or in a white wedding dress...

And it’s not at all difficult to understand why you dream about a girl you like - it’s just a continuation of dreams and fantasies about her. Before interpreting the “girl’s” dream, let’s sort out the options, which may be as follows:

  • I just dreamed of some unfamiliar girl, like a spatial image.
  • Lots of girls in dreams.
  • A familiar person.
  • I dream of an unfamiliar young lady.
  • Girlfriend in a dream.
  • The one you like.
  • Beloved or bride.
  • The guy had a dream ex-girlfriend.
  • A very beautiful young lady in her dreams.
  • A crowd of beautiful girls in a dream.
  • She dances or sings.
  • Kiss a girl.
  • Beautiful young lady in a white dress.
  • Dreaming of a pregnant woman.
  • Smiling, cheerful unknown girl.

All these dreams have a lot of meanings and hidden, important meanings. To understand reliably why you dream of an ex-girlfriend, a stranger or a loved one, pregnant or fabulously beautiful, you should not rush.

The meaning of a “girl’s” dream can change, be adjusted or supplemented by various factors - if a woman or a guy has a dream, as well as the days of the week - from Saturday to Sunday, or on other nights that are significant for dreams. It is worth considering a lot of factors at the same time.

Why did she dream?

The first step is to most reliably remember the girl’s appearance - what she was like, what she looked like. Then - what she did, and, besides this, what emotions the dreamer, that is, you, had in the dream.

The emotional coloring of a dream is incredibly important; it can significantly influence the interpretation of the dream. Positive and joyful emotions experienced in a dream give any interpretation a positive connotation.

And, on the contrary, if you experienced anxiety or fear, then the positive interpretation should be adjusted and a certain negative aspect taken into account.

1. First of all, I’m curious about the dream of a girl who simply appeared like some kind of image, vision, ghost, without special signs or striking features, which did nothing.

Such a dream promises a joyful and pleasant surprise, especially for a man or a guy, and for a woman it foretells a pleasant surprise and joy. In this form, the girl acts as a harbinger of positive experiences and good events.

2. Why a whole crowd of girls dreams, the dream book answers this way: this means that the dreamer has some kind of internal conflict in his soul. This may be the opposition of different, contradictory desires, or the struggle of certain aspirations with conscience or the voice of reason. Be smart and make the right decision.

3. Let's see what a girl we know dreams about - a friend, an employee, a neighbor, and so on. This means that in reality you yourself do not spend time thinking about this person, and she appeared unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. Why?

This obviously indicates some kind of internal connection between you and her, and perhaps in her person you will find a reliable friend or valuable assistant. Think, take a closer look at this person, it’s not for nothing that you dream about her!

Or do you still secretly have some fantasies about her? This means that the dream simply confirms this and continues your subconscious desires.

4. As the dream book says, a girl unfamiliar to the dreamer is precisely that feminine, intuitive, sensual part of the soul. What was it like and what emotions did it evoke?

If negative, and she herself was not in in bloom, obviously, you should think about the spiritual, subtle side of character, be more attentive, cultivate sensitivity in yourself.

5. Dreaming about a friend usually means joy and fun. Especially if the dream took place either on Friday night, and even more so from Saturday to Sunday. Then rest assured that you will have a very joyful and emotional time.

6. Why do you dream about the one you like? Such dreams are not surprising. They hint that the dreamer should be more active and not wait! Nothing will happen on its own, except perhaps you will miss the chance. Take action!

7. It’s especially important why you dream about your ex-girlfriend - why doesn’t she leave you in your dreams? P such a dream may not be associated with this person, but only be a symbol of the past to which the dreamer is too attached.

When trying to explain why your ex-girlfriend is dreaming, think about whether you are living too much in past events, maybe you should let go of the past and live today?

8. It’s curious why your beloved girl, bride, chosen one dreams. As the dream book says, a beloved girl in a dream, especially from Saturday to Sunday, as well as on Friday, the day of Venus, symbolizes a strong connection between you. This good dream, your union is successful.

9. A dream in which the girl is very beautiful, elegant dress well-groomed means unexpected joy, great luck and profit. From Saturday to Sunday, a beautiful girl can portend great happiness and the fulfillment of an old dream.

10. A pregnant woman is a symbol of plans and ideas that are destined to come true. If the pregnant girl was also beautiful and smiled in her sleep, it means that complete success and recognition awaits you.

11. The girl who dreamed in a white dress - good symbol, foreshadowing great joy and ease in business and relationships. In addition, a young lady in white, seen from Saturday to Sunday, portends complete happiness in love.

12. A dancing girl in dreams means harmony in the dreamer’s soul, calmness, happy life and pure love.

13. A smiling and cheerful young lady promises you not only joy, but also the support of higher powers.

14. Many beautiful girls in dreams are a lucky sign that foretells wealth and a noble position for the dreamer.

15. If a guy sees himself kissing a girl in his dreams, this portends him a joyful surprise. For a woman, such a dream most likely promises conflict and squabbles - it is better to avoid this.

The girl is an interesting and limitless symbol to decipher. Take into account all the factors - what she was like and what she did, whether she appeared from Saturday to Sunday, or on other significant nights for dreams, whether you felt joy and lightness, or anxiety and fear during the dream. By combining all these factors, like pieces of a mosaic, you will get the full picture! Author: Vasilina Serova

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