Meaning of the name Raisa from Arabic. Folk signs and customs

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Raisa (Raya) is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Raisa. Raya, Raechka, Rayusya, Rayusha, Russia, Isa, Raiska.
Synonyms for the name Raisa. Rejoice.
Origin of the name Raisa. The name Raisa is Russian, Orthodox, Muslim, Greek.

The name Raisa has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the name is of Greek origin. IN Orthodox calendar The name Raisa corresponds to the name Iraida, so it is possible that Raisa is one of the forms of the name Iraida.

According to another version of the origin, perhaps the name Raisa has Arabic roots, coming from the Arabic “rais” - “chief”, “leader”. Among the Tatars, a variant of this name is used - Raisya.

At first glance, Raisa is an angel in the flesh, she looks so charming, calm and sympathetic. In fact, Raisa’s character resembles flint - practical, independent, efficient, wise, decisive, independent, but irritable and hot-tempered. Raisa has the ability to calm quarrels and conflicts, she looks at life soberly, you will never find emptiness in her actions, she does everything as needed. Raisa's temperament is choleric, but she knows how to keep her feelings and emotions in check.

The most important thing in Raisa’s life is work. She has an enviable ability to work and loves to teach everyone. That's why the best professions for this woman there will be a teacher or educator. Raisa, born in winter, can try herself in programming and mathematics. A woman named Raisa will make an excellent tour guide, journalist, medical worker. In professional relationships, Raisa considers her colleagues to be serious opponents, and sometimes even enemies. Purposeful, she always achieves her goals. Raisa is independent in her judgment and will never bend to people who are higher in rank than her. This woman is very reliable and always finishes what she starts.

In family relationships, Raisa, as a rule, occupies a dominant position. This is a neat housewife whose house will always be a full cup. She is an excellent cook and enjoys taking care of her children. IN good relations with all my loved ones, even my mother-in-law. Raisa will be a faithful and devoted wife who will never forgive her partner for deception; her developed intuition allows her to accurately distinguish lies from the truth. She will not deceive and dodge herself, preferring to simply remain silent. Raisa knows how to understand her husband at a glance; one glance is enough for her to guess state of mind partner. If family relationships do not go well, it means that Raisa’s husband is to blame, since she herself does everything possible for peace in the family. IN family life Raisa is a typhoon, her capabilities have no limits. In relationships, he seeks variety and new sensations, often making up for the shortcomings of his emotional life in this way.

Living next to Raisa is quite difficult; her despotic character often leads to the fact that those around her try to communicate with her as little as possible. Raisa experiences open hostility towards women, and sometimes even aggressiveness. Raya is, as a rule, friendly with her loved ones, but as long as her interests are not infringed. Raisa's environment consists of people whom she can use for her own purposes. Raisa's husband and relatives must come to terms with her unpredictability in behavior. Provided that those around her respond to Raisa’s friendliness with the same warmth, she will always be attentive to them.

Famous people named Raisa

  • Raisa of Alexandria, Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis (martyr)
  • Raisa Gorbacheva (wife of USSR President M. Gorbachev)
  • Raisa Lemberk (née Lifshits; Russian writer, publicist, translator, wife of translator Mikhail Lemberk)
  • Raisa Akhmatova ((1928 - 1992) Chechen and Russian poetess, People's poetess of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1977))
  • Raisa Kudasheva ((1878 - 1964) Russian and Soviet poetess, writer; author of the lyrics of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)
  • Raisa Lintser (Russian translator, specialist in the field of Spanish and French literature)
  • Raisa Etush ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Raisa Mamentyeva ((1927 - 2001) Soviet basketball player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1952), four-time European champion (1950, 1952, 1954, 1956), USSR champion)
  • Raisa Struchkova ((1925 - 2005) Russian Soviet ballet dancer, People's Artist of the USSR (1959))
  • Raisa Bogatyreva (nee Laktionova; Ukrainian politician and statesman)
  • Raisa Mukhametshina (parodist)
  • Rita Wright-Kovalyova ((1898 - 1989) real name - Raisa Chernomordik; Russian Soviet writer and translator. In her translation in the USSR, Russian versions of many works by G. Böll, F. Kafka, J. Salinger, W. Faulkner, Kurt first appeared Vonnegut, Nathalie Sarraute, Anne Frank. Translated into. German Vladimir Mayakovsky (including Mystery-bouffe). Author of the artistic biography “Robert Burns” (1959), memoirs of Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Akhmatova and Pasternak.)
  • Raisa Sazonova ((born 1931) film actress)
  • Raisa Aronova ((1920 - 1982) senior pilot of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Taman Red Banner Regiment (325th Night Bomber Aviation Division, 4th Air Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), Guard Lieutenant)
  • Raisa Frichinskaya ((1924 - 2010) editor of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1987))
  • Raisa Kotova ((born 1939) Russian singer, mezzo-soprano, in recent years- contralto)
  • Raisa Kirichenko ((1943 - 2005) famous Ukrainian singer)
  • Raisa Bloch ((1899 - 1943) married to Gorlin; poetess of Russian emigration, wife of the poet Mikhail Gorlin)
  • Raisa Borovikova (Belarusian writer and poetess, editor-in-chief literary magazine "Maladosts"
  • Raisa Shabanova (Russian radio presenter)
  • Raisa Oblonskaya ((1924 - 2010) full last name- Volshonok-Oblonskaya; Russian writer, translator English language, Member of the USSR Writers Union (1964))
  • Raisa Belyaeva (née Gurina; Ukrainian writer, memoirist and film critic)
  • Raisa Esipova ((1906 - 2004) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Raisa Ryazanova (Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1993), People's Artist of Russia (2005))
  • Forms of the name Raisa

    Short form of the name Raisa. Raya, Raechka, Rayusya, Rayusha, Russia, Isa, Raiska. Short and diminutive options: Rayushka, Raiska, Raisochka, Raisonka.

    Name Raisa in different languages

    Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 賴莎 (Lài shā). Japanese: ライサ (Raisa). Armenian: Ռաիսա (Rraisa). Yiddish: רייסא (Ryysʼa). Ukrainian: Raisa. Marathi: रइसा (Ra"isā). English: Raisa (Raisa).

    Analogues of the name in other languages: English Raisa, Belarusian Raisa, Polish Raisa, Finnish Raisa.

    Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Raisa.

    Origin of the name Raisa

    The name Raisa has several versions of origin. According to one of them, . In the Orthodox calendar, the name Raisa corresponds to the name Iraida, so it is possible that Raisa is one of the forms of the name.

    According to another version of the origin, perhaps the name Raisa comes from the Arabic “rais” - “chief”, “leader”.

    Character of the name Raisa

    At first glance, Raisa is an angel in the flesh, she looks so charming, calm and sympathetic. In fact, Raisa’s character resembles flint - practical, independent, efficient, wise, decisive, independent, but irritable and hot-tempered. Raisa has the ability to calm quarrels and conflicts, she looks at life soberly, you will never find emptiness in her actions, she does everything as needed. Raisa's temperament is choleric, but she knows how to keep her feelings and emotions in check.

    The most important thing in Raisa’s life is work. She has an enviable ability to work and loves to teach everyone. That is why the best professions for this woman will be a teacher or educator. Raisa, born in winter, can try herself in programming and mathematics. A woman named Raisa will make an excellent tour guide, journalist, and medical worker. In professional relationships, Raisa considers her colleagues to be serious opponents, and sometimes even enemies. Purposeful, she always achieves her goals. Raisa is independent in her judgment and will never bend to people who are higher in rank than her. This woman is very reliable and always finishes what she starts.

    The secret of the name Raisa

    Such a woman does not like to be cunning. She always tells the truth, especially in family life. For Raisa, it is better to remain silent than to make excuses. She feels when she is being lied to. The penetrating gaze of such a woman can lead anyone into a dead end.

    Raisa never throws hysterics, she tries to figure everything out on her own. True, if she is offended, she can withdraw into herself and withdraw. If you treat Raisa well, she will also respond kindly and provide for the life of her loved ones.

    In a company, such a woman is a leader. She behaves relaxed, loves noisy parties and be the center of attention. May lose control of himself if he drinks too much.

    Astrological characteristics of the name

    10. Type. These women are strong, like nature itself. They have a somewhat masculine character. They take off like an arrow or a lark. They are choleric, so it is better not to tease them.

    11. Psyche. They like contact with the outside world, but they are absolutely not influenced.

    12. Will. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those around them. I often wish they were more tolerant.

    13. Excitability. They are often restless, which sometimes spoils even their best impulses.

    14. Reaction speed. These women respond to attacks so violently that you may lose your footing. Their husbands must come to terms with this... as well as their relatives!

    15. Field of activity. Raisa is unusually hardworking and always achieves her goal. The scope of their activity is very extensive: they become doctors, pharmacists, and are interested in exact sciences and languages. Among them are agronomists, even hostesses of bars and cafes. All of them are educators and teachers by nature and strive to teach in any work.

    16. Intuition. They don’t even want to hear about it, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

    17. Receptivity. These women prefer to wait until others make the first move.

    18. Morality. Raisa's own moral principles depend on the foundations of her environment.

    19. Health. They tend to be overweight, so they need to watch their diet. They should go swimming, exercise, and spend vacations at sea, since they require iodine. Weak organs are the stomach and genitals.

    20. Sexuality. For them it is, first of all, pleasure, how to live well and eat deliciously. They show a certain aggressiveness towards men. As children they stay closer to their father than to their mother. Growing up, they do not succumb to impulses of sensuality; they are guided by calculation. Great importance is attached to the bonds of marriage. They don't like other women.

    21. Activity. They consider their work colleagues as opponents, even enemies, but, if necessary, they can moderate their aggressiveness.

    22. Sociability. Raisa is friendly as long as it does not conflict with her interests.

    23. Conclusion. These are not the women with whom it is easy to live, but they move so persistently towards the goal, have such a capacity for work and so strive for good that it is not a sin to bow your head before them. Which is what some men end up doing... The only advice to the latter is to beware of their anger!

    Compatibility of the name Raisa and patronymic

    Raisa Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna is at first glance a modest, balanced woman. But she has a strong character, she is decisive, stubborn, domineering, energetic, secretive. Beneath her courtesy and sociability, deep dissatisfaction often lurks. Raisa dreams of ardent passion; sublime love, but most often it. personal life is more prosaic. She's getting married. either very early, or after thirty years. In the first case, marriage. unsuccessful and does not last long due to her inexperience and inability to understand her feelings. Raisa remarries for a sober calculation, with full understanding of what she is getting into. A son remains from the first marriage; children of different sexes may be born in the second. . When Raisa gets married after thirty years, she can count on a strong family, stable relationships, but she is unlikely to count on cloudless happiness. Her husband is usually much older than her, smarter, more intelligent, and is burdened with caring for children from his first marriage. Raisa is a clean housewife and a good cook. Her house has everything, she knows the value of money, and knows how to spend it prudently. She is hospitable, loves company, and enjoys visiting friends. . But she doesn’t have too close friends. There are times when Raisa finds it difficult to hide her longing for unfulfilled hopes; she is depressed, dejected, but will not share with anyone what is in her soul.

    Raisa Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna are somewhat slow and imposing. Carefully monitors his appearance. Pedantic, punctual. Adheres to strict moral rules, keeps family traditions, does not deviate one iota from generally accepted norms. Very restrained in expressing feelings, secretive. But all this does not prevent her from getting along well with people. She knows how to remain silent, give in, and remain unconvinced. She is not in a hurry to get married, she approaches the choice of a spouse thoroughly. He rejects many offers, waiting for his betrothed. She cannot enter into a marriage only for convenience; she must have a feeling of love for her future husband. Not very happy in marriage. Her excessive restraint cools her husband’s ardor. Raisa would happily throw herself into his arms, but her pride does not allow her to do so. As a result, family life turns into a monotonous existence, every day is clearly planned, scheduled down to the minute, and all household members have their own responsibilities. Often, in such a life, a spouse seeks variety on the side. Raisa has excellent intuition and insight, she guesses about her husband’s love adventures, but does not show it; pride interferes with her here too. This woman does not like to cook, but she is happy to clean up the house and improve it. Always fit, elegant, looks great. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but most often she has only one child.

    Raisa Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna is independent and decisive. Not cruel, but strict and demanding of others. Friendly, incapable of meanness. Attracts weak-willed men. She is picky about partners, cannot enter into short-term relationships, does not share love and sex. Doesn't want to get married, but is afraid to be alone. A little grumpy and fussy. It is difficult to make friends, he relies more on himself and does not need outside participation. Having fallen in love, but not feeling reciprocity, he will find the strength to break off the relationship and will not seek reciprocity. Proud and independent. A sober look at any life situation never cheats on her. Knows how to surround himself the right people, likes to do favors for others in the hope that someday they will help her too. Quite temperamental, sexy and does not hide it. In marriage, she is a wonderful housewife - economical, clean, her house is a full cup. He doesn’t bother himself too much with preparing lunch or dinner every day; he prefers to make do with sandwiches or semi-finished products, but he can surprise guests with an unusual dish. In marriage, Raisas with such middle names are quite happy. They give birth to children of different sexes.

    Raisa Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Simonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna is an introvert by nature. Powerful, energetic, stubborn, irritable, uncontrollable in a fit of anger. Painfully endures failures and defeats. She is successful with men, spoiled by their attention, few of them manage to win her over. If Raisa falls in love, then only once. She doesn't always marry for love. In such cases, her marriage is not very happy, but the family is calm, the relationship is stable, based on mutual trust and respect. Raisa herself is not a fan of romantic adventures on the side; she will not forgive her husband for betrayal. She skillfully manages the household, but at the same time manages to build a good career. She has an organizational streak, she knows how to get things going, but then she can leave everything and do something at that moment that is more interesting for her. She needs to act all the time, to spend the energy that is in full swing within her. Such Raisa has many friends from among influential people, good connections. She is cheerful and inquisitive. Thirsts for change, new experiences. Passionate and sexy. If her husband does not satisfy her physiological needs, finds a way to distract himself, throws himself into work, is interested in art, and reads a lot. But if such a Raisa marries for love, then her husband is the happiest man in the world. She gives birth to boys more often.

    Raisa Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna is very energetic, does not tolerate monotony, is a lover of risk and thrills. She is fussy and creates many difficulties for herself and her loved ones. Powerful, strives to lead her spouse and children. Stubborn, persistent, assertive. She enjoys increased attention from men, is attractive and cheerful. He knows how to cheer everyone up and get those around him going. In company he behaves cheerfully and relaxed. Sings well and loves to dance. Before marriage, she often changes partners, is highly sexual, and temperamental. She is not complex, loves to have fun and spend time interestingly. She gets married early, most often successfully. She helps her husband build a career, but she herself does not become a housewife, she tries to achieve something in the professional field. He runs the household well, organizes it so that everyone in the family has his own responsibilities and helps her. In her family, everyone is united, close, friendly and loves each other. Raisa is their core. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often daughters, who grow up independent, ready for all the vicissitudes of life.

    Positive traits of the name

    Raisa has a bright personality. She is gifted with a lively creative imagination. Raisa is smart, witty, charming. She lacks only one thing - a sense of reality.

    Negative traits of the name

    Raisa is often restless, nervous and emotionally unstable. Her selfishness becomes all the more painful, her intolerance towards people more acute, the more likely a successful career is.

    Choosing a profession by name

    Raisa is the most wonderful conversationalist. She knows everything in the world and nothing really. Superficial, incapable of deep insight into the essence of things, she has a rare talent as a storyteller. Her possible professions could be in the field of literary creativity, politics, linguistics, and electronics.

    The impact of a name on business

    Raisa often lacks material well-being in her life, household comfort and just pocket money.

    The influence of a name on health

    According to the first version, female name Raisa comes from the Arabic word "rais" and means "boss" or "leader". According to the second, this is a variant of the name Iraida, which, translated from ancient Greek, takes on the meaning of “heroine” or “daughter of a hero.”

    Name Astrology

    • Zodiac sign: Virgo
    • Patron Planet: Mercury
    • Talisman stone: sapphire
    • Color: gray
    • Wood: pine
    • Plant: tulip
    • Animal: lark
    • Favorable day: Wednesday

    Character Traits

    As a child, Raisa is a quiet girl who prefers quiet activities. She almost never takes part in noisy games and is not the leader in children's tricks and pranks. However, with her departure, all games stop, and the company goes home. There is something about a girl with this name that attracts others to her. From the very early years She is independent and self-confident. She is able to argue even with elders. Confidently defends his innocence. If someone allows himself to treat her rudely and infringes on her rights, he may be rude in response.

    The secret of the name Raisa hides a realist who looks at life soberly and does not harbor any illusions in relation to others. This is a very practical person. She rarely has her head in the clouds, preferring to do real things. When communicating with loved ones, he absolutely cannot tolerate omissions and lies. To deceive Raya means to lose a friend in her forever. The negative traits of a girl include excessive vindictiveness. She remembers insults for a very long time and almost never forgives her offenders.

    Autumn Raisa cannot get married for a long time. This especially applies to those born in September. Winter often finds herself involved in numerous problems of her relatives, which she is forced to solve even to her own detriment. Born in the spring, she is overly vulnerable and withdrawn. As for the summer one, she is usually a wonderful housewife and wife.

    Interests and hobbies

    Raisa has an analytical mind. She is calm and assiduous. Thanks to these features, she is good at exact sciences. She often chooses handicrafts as a hobby, and those that require a lot of attention and perseverance - for example, knitting or beadwork.

    Profession and business

    Raisa can choose any profession - from a saleswoman in a store to a programmer. It all depends on life circumstances and the education received in youth. If necessary, even with higher education, may agree to a not very prestigious job (if it pays well). This shows the practicality of a woman with this name. She would never allow her children to have nothing to eat.


    Raisa may have problems with her kidneys and pancreas. She needs to monitor her diet, avoiding excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods. Obesity is another problem that often strikes her in adulthood. With the birth of a child, she often gains extra pounds, which can be very difficult for her to get rid of.

    Sex and love

    Raisa is a passionate and temperamental lover. But at the same time, he approaches the choice of a sexual partner with great caution. Most often, it turns out to be only the person she would agree to marry. If she makes a mistake in choosing such a man, then she endures personal disappointment in her soul for a very long time and does not trust others. The next gentleman must seriously try to make the owner of this name believe in feelings.

    Family and marriage

    Raisa is usually a patient and devoted wife, faithful to her husband. She can put up with her husband’s stinginess and even despotism, adapting to his difficult character. Family relationships very important to her. No matter what happens to the spouse: loss of job or serious illness, he will always find support and consolation in his wife. Raya can get a divorce only as a last resort. In a marriage, she often has two children, and usually boys are born.

    Meaning of the name Raisa - interpretation

    The name Raisa causes a lot of controversy among experts trying to figure out its origin. Many versions have been put forward, according to one of which it came from the ancient Greek language, where it meant “easy” or “carefree.” Another option indicates Arab origin, in it the name is translated as “leader”. AND latest version suggested by those who know its analogue in the Orthodox calendar - Iraida. They believe that Raisa is a modified form of this name.

    Astrology of the name Raisa (Iraida)

    Favorable day: Wednesday

    Years later

    As a child, Raisa is quiet and calm, but different strong character. Even being small, she seems courageous, capable of boasting a strong core. She does not pursue the role of leader, but has outstanding charm, which allows her to gather many people around her.

    The girl is inventive, tends to come up with some games or is able to rally the children in the yard common occupation. For the little one, Raya is a very big authority, although her voice is not particularly audible in the company, which does not at all indicate the child’s shyness. If necessary, use force.

    Young Raisa, as usual, is distinguished by good organization, a high degree of emotionality and real practicality. Parents should pay plenty of attention to her in order to prevent any serious psychological problems.

    This girl is charismatic, has a unique style of behavior, feels attractive and has many fans, but keeps them at a distance. A strong-willed lady with a strong character will never allow herself to be offended and takes care of her reputation.

    It should be noted that Raya is a wonderful conversationalist and has a rare talent as a storyteller. A young lady with this name makes her own decisions; she can be both open and dangerous for people who get in her way.

    This woman never loses heart. She is assiduous, practical, has no complexes, and is very wise. He doesn’t like to take risks, but if there is such a need, he will do it. It neutralizes any conflict. He always acts effectively and tries not to waste his energy.

    Raisa has a strong nature; no one can control her. The most important thing for her is to take into account her own interests; such a woman goes to great lengths for the sake of profit. She is usually smart, talented, hardworking and responsible.

    Everything that needs to be done is done without unnecessary noise. To a person who doesn’t know her well, it may seem that Raisa is always happy with everything, but we must remember that this woman always pursues certain goals and tries to achieve more.

    Character Raisa (Iraida)

    Basic positive feature her bright personality helps Raisa to arouse keen interest among the most different people. This lady is very attractive, witty, polite and easy to talk to, so she makes the most favorable impression.

    A woman is able to present herself the way she wants. Performer, attaches importance only important details. Fate presented her with a magnificent gift - a living creative imagination. But there is a lack of sense of reality.

    Raisa can become angry, nervous, even to the point of emotional instability. This, of course, at times can greatly interfere with the establishment of good neighborly and friendly relations with certain people.

    She is selfish, tries to achieve success by any means, it is not easy to work next to such a woman. Her pride becomes all the stronger as her intolerance towards other individuals intensifies, and the more likely it is for her to have a successful career takeoff.

    The fate of Raisa (Iraida)

    Raisa has a fantastic work ethic and works hard throughout her life. But she will have few friends, since this woman is despotic, and sees enemies in those who contradict her. She is persistent, firm, cheerful, but at the same time dangerous for those who stand in her way. There will always be prosperity and order in her life.

    Raisa (Iraida)

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    Raisa has good speaking skills and is able to win over her interlocutor without any problems, so she achieves great success in business. She is very hardworking and can find herself in different fields of activity. By nature he is an excellent teacher and educator. Can achieve success in the field of literary creativity, politics, linguistics.

    In any business she quickly moves towards a leadership position; professional growth for such a woman is very important. She values ​​money, constantly tries to earn more, it seems to her that there is no material well-being in life, although this is not the case. But it won’t be easy for her colleagues with this lady; Raisa sees almost every one of them as a rival, so she will easily step over anyone on the path to success.

    Marriage and family

    Raisa is a good wife who surrounds her household with care and attention, but tries to take a leading position in the family. She doesn’t really like to cook, but she knows how to do it and, if desired, can easily create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. He takes care of the children, constantly instructs and teaches, not paying attention to whether they need it or not. She values ​​her family, but it will not be easy for her spouse.

    Raisa's autocratic character and unpredictability are qualities that her husband will have to come to terms with. She will be a faithful and devoted wife. She will not forgive her partner for deception; she has a superbly developed intuition that allows her to easily determine what state her husband is in. If troubles suddenly arise in the family, the spouse will always be blamed.

    Sex and love

    IN love relationships Everything is complicated for Raisa. She wants mutual and pure love, but this woman rarely limits herself to relationships alone. Can acquire two partners at once, but cannot choose one among them.

    Intimate life is of great importance to her, she devotes a lot of time to sex, loves variety, it is an outlet that allows her to get an emotional shake-up. In relationships, Raisa dominates, showing leadership qualities.

    Names: origin and forms

    Raisa- (from Greek) easy.

    Vernacular: Raisya.
    Derivatives: Raiska, Raya, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Isa.

    Directory of Russian names

    Lightweight(from Greek).

    Equal in communication with loved ones. Assiduous, practical, scrupulous in their work. Everyday, without complexes. Razors don't walk on the blade, but they can pass. Neutralize emerging conflicts. The family is good housewives. In love - dispelling sadness.

    The mystery of the name

    Raisa- light, carefree (ancient Greek).
    The name is not found often, but it is used more in the countryside than in the city.
    Zodiac name: Virgo.
    Planet: Mercury.
    Name color: gray.
    Talisman stone: sapphire.
    Auspicious plant: pine, tulip.
    Patron name: lark.
    Happy day: Wednesday.
    Happy time of year: summer.
    Diminutive forms: Raiska, Raya, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Aya.
    Main features: calm, practical, cheerful.


    Raisa Alexandria, Antinopolis, virgin, martyr, September 18 (5), October 6 (September 23). After suffering for Christ, she was beheaded.


    Thunder on Raisin's day foreshadows a warm autumn.


    As a child, Raisa is lively and cheerful, at the same time calm and silent. These seemingly incompatible qualities will determine her entire later life. She is very inventive, comes up with some games or can unite the children in the yard with some common cause. She is always an authority figure for them, although she is not particularly heard in company; at first glance, she seems shy and quiet. However, she can assert herself, if necessary, apply pressure and force.

    At school, Raya is hardworking, responsible and serious, an assistant to the teacher, but unobtrusive. She studies well, but she doesn’t have any particular favorite subjects.

    The character of the adult Raisa has many masculine traits. She is demanding of herself and those around her, has a practical sense, will immediately determine whether something is beneficial to her or not, and acts in accordance with her own interests. Raisa is hardworking and persistent, although these qualities are not particularly striking, since everything she does happens without fanfare and unnecessary noise. Her firmness is combined with cheerfulness or good nature. Sometimes it seems that Raisa is happy with everything in the world, but little by little she achieves her goal and makes progress in her career.

    Raisa is independent in making decisions, seemingly open, but also dangerous for those who get in her way. When angry, she is sarcastic, spiteful, and vindictive.

    Raisa's scope of activity is quite wide. She can be a doctor, pharmacist, agronomist, study exact sciences, languages, work in trade, in production. In any business, Raisa occupies a leadership position and pays attention to professional growth.

    Raisa is very businesslike. She takes care of her husband and children, instructs, teaches, nurtures, regardless of their age and desire. If Raisa’s family life does not work out, she will transfer her passion to the children of her sister or brother, to her boss, if he is a man. In extreme cases, she will have a tendency to intrigue in the team. Therefore, it is better if Raisa is married. She is a good housewife and shapes the entire way of family life. Raisa's most stable and harmonious marriage may be with Vladimir, Gleb, Evgeniy, Mikhail, Sergei, Fedor or Yuri.


    Raisa Struchkova (born in 1925) is a wonderful Russian ballerina. She danced in 1950-1960. at the Bolshoi Theater. Her roles as Giselle and Juliet are known; a ballet film was made based on the play “Cinderella” with Raisa Struchkova playing the leading role. Most often she danced the roles of the second heroines.

    All her life, Struchkova was an understudy for Ulanova’s performances; she often appeared on stage abroad after Ulanova’s successes - and received reviews: “A great ballerina in her own right.” To this day, enthusiastic fans from abroad write letters to her, not forgetting Struchkov’s triumphant tour.

    We can imagine what the dance of the Bolshoi Theater ballerina Raisa Struchkova was like based on reviews from the press of the 50-60s. Mirandolina in "The Innkeeper" based on the play "The Innkeeper" - a role prepared in 6 days. The newspapers wrote about a “luxurious soubrette,” created from temperamental coquetry, wounded pride and economic savvy. After her debut, one of Struchkova’s friends gave her a book of Goldoni’s plays with the inscription: “Thank you for performing Mirandolina. Carlo Goldoni.” Galina Ulanova called her Cinderella “a true holiday not only for the audience, but also for us, fellow professionals.” The English critic wrote about her indescribable charm, the American critic about the “wit of the body,” the writer James Aldridge about the emotional complexity of her roles. English Shakespeare scholars called her “the absolute Juliet,” and Irish newspapers called her “the most beautiful ballerina in the world.” And not every prima can read about herself:

    "Warmth is a quality that cannot be simulated in any way. You have to have it."

    All creative life Raisa Struchkova - in the Bolshoi Theater ballet, which she loves to the point of oblivion. The memoirs of Raisa Struchkova could make up a most interesting book. Here is one of them:

    “Now in the theater, ballet exists psychologically separately from opera. It used to be different. We were friends with wonderful singers - Pavel Lisitsian, Ivan Petrov. We went to their performances, and they to ours. Elena Obraztsova consulted with Gerdt while working on " Carmen" and in preparing the role of Marina Mnishek in "Godunov". How to hold a fan, how to walk, how to extend a hand for a kiss. Now this whole culture has almost disappeared. When a gentleman kisses a hand, he drags the lady's limb to his nose, but must bow in a bow to the hand “Ballet in my time was such an art that even the hero of the then topical ballet “Red Poppy,” the Chinese loader, had an inner nobility that was supposed to manifest itself through gesture.”

    From the age of nine, Raisa Struchkova worked with one teacher: the ballerina of the imperial theaters Elizaveta Gerdt. Now she herself nurtures young ballerinas. Raisa Struchkova is always faithful to her affections: from Nina Ananiashvili’s first steps at the Bolshoi Theater to this day, Struchkova is her mentor. The same is true in his personal life: a long-term happy marriage with Bolshoi Theater dancer Alexander Lapauri (they liked each other as children, when they were in the same school class) - truly the “romance of the century.”

    Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

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