The best test for choosing a profession. Occupation Tests

Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about how to choose a profession - for the first or next time. We will discuss the main factors influencing self-determination, consider some career-oriented methods and, as always, we will help with good advice.

  • personal comfort,
  • self-development vector,
  • material wealth,
  • environment.

Reasons for choosing a particular profession

It only seems that the professional definition is influenced solely by interests. Why does a person choose this or that profession? In fact, there are many factors to choose from:

  • prestige, fashion

In the 60s everyone wanted to be astronauts, in the 90s they wanted to be lawyers and economists. Now on the pedestal are IT specialists, top managers, senior officials. But you should not be guided only by these criteria: fashion is changing, prestige is leaving, and perhaps this will happen before you graduate from high school.

  • financial well-being

The most paid professions include the captain of an ocean liner, a pilot, a top manager, an IT specialist, a marketer, etc. When choosing a “gold mine”, keep in mind that the profession itself will not bring a lot of money. To have a high salary, you need to be a good specialist, and this requires additional knowledge and experience.

  • Advice from friends and acquaintances

Sometimes young people choose a life path “for the company”. The best friend after the 11th grade goes to the veterinarian - why not follow him? It's more interesting together. Sometimes it works, but mostly such a rash act leads to professional disappointment.

  • Parents' opinion

It would seem, who knows their child better than mom and dad? Nevertheless, a large number of great writers took place after refusing to follow their father's path and secretly entering a literary institute. Often, parents in their advice do not proceed from the abilities of their son or daughter, but from considerations of prestige or their own unfulfilled desires.

Undoubtedly, their opinion is worth listening to, but you need to evaluate each advice soberly. When in doubt, listen to other adults you respect, such as a teacher. Outsiders are free from concern for your fate and unnecessary vanity, so they will give more balanced advice.

  • Own wish

You need to listen to the voice of intuition. The difficulty is that it is not always distinguishable from a momentary whim. You can trust a time-tested dream, but if it caught fire recently, live with it for a while and take a closer look.

What to do if there are no ideas?

Not all high school students have decided on their future profession by the time they enter the university. What if the soul does not lie to anything?

  1. Understand yourself, evaluate your abilities. Try to think analytically about what you could do.
  2. Throw in a few options, study them thoroughly. Perhaps they will all fall away as unusable, and in return something worthwhile will come.
  3. If you can’t make a choice at all, but you’re about to start studying, you have several options: a) go where your parents say or where your friends call, b) choose something simpler and closer to home, c) wait a year and figure it out yourself (and, of course, work).
  4. Try every possible activity for yourself. Waiter, courier, manager - everything that is possible. You will better know your strengths and weaknesses, temper your character, acquire new acquaintances and make a choice.

There is no guarantee that you won't make a mistake. But the main mistake is inaction. Whatever profession you prefer, this is your path, and it will definitely benefit you.

Is it possible to choose a business to your liking for life?

According to polls, almost 60% of Russians do not work in their specialty. A third of the respondents are reluctant to work. Another 16% change jobs every year. Is it possible to choose a business to your liking for life? Yes, sometimes there are lucky people who have guessed their destiny since childhood.

As a rule, they show their hobbies immediately and remain interested in them for a long time. Therefore, if your child has been treating stray kittens for several years in a row, most likely, he has already made a choice.

Little Lyuba played teacher from an early age. As a teenager, she regularly explained difficult problems to her classmates, for which she came to school long before the start of classes. And this is without any instructions from the teacher! The most surprising thing is that underachieving friends were in a hurry to be at school at dawn in order to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics.

Love went, of course, to the Pedagogical Institute. When she finished, she began teaching. There was a time when Lyuba almost left to work at a factory, but fate brought her back on the right track.

Lyubov Ivanovna was the favorite teacher of several generations. For 25 years of experience, she has accumulated many awards. And now, at the age of 82, she continues to explain difficult problems, but already as a tutor.

Choosing the right profession is difficult even for those who have a favorite school subject. Let's say a teenager loves biology, and it opens up a wide scope for choice: a veterinarian, agronomist, biologist, teacher, etc. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to judge a professional inclination by school preferences.

When you stand at a crossroads, it seems that there are many roads in front of you. But, studying the map, you understand that one of them is closed to traffic, the second exists only virtually, the third is too broken by passers-by, the fourth is overgrown with bushes, and only a couple of the rest have asphalt laid. No one claims that you need to go exclusively on asphalt. The prince broke through the thickets to wake the sleeping beauty. Decide what is closer to you: what is easier or what is more tempting.

It’s the same in life: you start to analyze all the options and come to the conclusion that you don’t like one specialty, the second one doesn’t suit your personal qualities, you can’t afford to master the third one, and you simply don’t have the abilities for the fourth one. There are a few left, it is already easier to choose from them.

A competent approach to one's own future means that one must take into account not only fashion and one's own aspirations. In addition, it is worth evaluating:

  • capabilities,
  • personal qualities,
  • possible perspectives.

Let's say you dream of becoming a professional hockey player and you don't miss a single game already, but your coach says you're not strong enough. It is worth listening to his opinion and choosing a related profession related to sports. But you can be stubborn and go to your dream, because it is able to work miracles.

Or you want to become a design engineer, your technical and creative thinking is on top, but, for example, you lack perseverance. Think carefully about whether you can sit at the computer for 8 hours 5 days a week or you want to run away in a month.

It is difficult to assess the prospects of a particular specialty (it would seem that grooms and stove-makers are forgotten, and now these people are worth their weight in gold), but you can always read forecasts, attend various seminars and job fairs.

What professions will be in demand in the future?

So, specialists from Skolkovo promise that completely new professions will appear very soon, such as a space tourism manager and a designer of virtual worlds. Analysts say that IT specialists, managers and other managers, builders will not lose their relevance in the near future.

It is clear that teachers and doctors will always be needed. Girls will not be left without work in pedagogy (school, kindergarten, additional education), in the field of hospitality and beauty.

With the intensification of globalization, tourism will develop, which means that travel lovers will find a use for themselves. People who provide various personal services (for example) and are employed in the Internet will be in demand. The remaining forecasts (about the replacement of engineers, controllers and loaders by robots) are probabilistic in nature.

In any case, if you feel like you have a calling to something, don't shy away from it. Good professionals are always appreciated.

Tests to help

To date, many methods and tests have been developed with which you can choose a profession.

Socionics is the concept of personality types according to the parameters: extraversion/introversion, logic/intuition, logic/ethics, rationality/irrationality. The combination of these characteristics gives 16 psychotypes, each of which is recommended a number of professions. For example, I got such a picture. Pretty accurate portrait.

Officially, not everyone recognizes socionics as a science, but testing gives interesting results.

Holland's Questionnaire

Dividing people into types (realistic, intellectual, social, artistic, enterprising, conventional) is a bit like the previous test. Holland's questionnaire allows you to understand personal qualities, evaluate communication skills and get some rough recommendations.

Klimov's technique

We are indebted to Academician E. A. Klimov for the tests, which at one time filled all employment centers. After answering 20 test questions, the subject receives the type of profession that suits him - these are the same “man - man”, “man - nature”, “man - technology”, “man - sign system” and “man - artistic image”. Recently, this classification has been supplemented by the group “man – self-realization” (we are talking, for example, about athletes).

Using this method, you can determine the approximate scope of the application of talent, but it should be borne in mind that since its creation, the list and content of professions have changed.

Profession choice matrix

The advantage of this technique is in a small number of questions and the visibility of the results. Having chosen 2 necessary options, find their intersection in the table and get professional recommendations. The disadvantage is the limited choice of tips.

How can you help your child find a career?

Parents tend to protect children from mistakes, but career guidance should be their independent choice. How to properly instruct the younger generation and help the child decide on a profession?

  1. Talk with a teenager more often, find out not only inclinations, but also their prerequisites. Be interested in what reasons the child prefers this or that business - so you will find out not only his motives, but also the level of awareness about the profession.
  2. Try to deepen the teenager's understanding of work: tell me the literature, introduce people who are engaged in this work. Series about doctors and investigators paint idealistic pictures, but the neighborhood police officer will tell the whole truth as it is.
  3. Help find career guidance tests, but explain that they do not fully reflect reality, but only provide some guidance.
  4. Don't insist on going to college. Firstly, sometimes a technical school or courses are enough to successfully master a specialty. Secondly, when a young person grows up, he himself will feel the need for higher education, which means he will make the right choice and will treat his studies more responsibly.
  5. Find out what specialties can be obtained in other regions. Firstly, you will learn about all the new trends, and secondly, sometimes in a neighboring region you can learn for free what you will have to pay a lot for in your city. If a son or daughter is ready to go to distant lands for the sake of a successful future, do not hold them back: sooner or later they will leave anyway.
  6. Let your teenager try his hand at some industry. Wants to become a teacher - let him agree on conducting lessons with a teacher, dreams of a restaurant business - advise me to get a job at McDonald's.
  7. Give him a chance to make his own decision. Let the teenager break firewood, get valuable skills and good lessons, but then he will not blame you for a failed life. The type of activity can always be changed, it is more difficult to regain lost trust.

Change of profession after 30 years

Career guidance is relevant not only for young people. For various reasons (changes in the labor market, relocation, personal circumstances), people at any age think about changing jobs. One of the most popular is a little over 30, not without reason this period is considered a crisis.

What to choose if you decide to change your profession at the age of 30? It is not easy for people with a family and decent work experience to take this step. We have already described cases where it is really necessary. When in doubt, analyze your life and trust the voice of intuition.

If you decide to say goodbye to your former place, but fears interfere, tell yourself the following:

  1. I am not already, but still only over 30. I am young, full of strength, and I will succeed.
  2. I am better than at 18, I know my needs and opportunities.
  3. Psychologists consider this age suitable for life changes, because freshness of thinking is preserved and at the same time there is sobriety of judgments and considerable experience.
  4. All my skills remain with me. It will be great if they are useful to me in a new place, if not, I can still return everything.

Changes are possible according to the following scenarios:

  • To occupy a sought-after niche - to master a new profession.
  • Develop acquired skills in a new direction - make a smooth transition to a new activity, based on what you do best.
  • To turn a hobby into work is to heed the call of the soul.

The first two points are chosen, as they say, by the mind, and the third - by the heart. What are the pros and cons of each?

  1. The advantages of the first option are obvious: if the profession is in demand, specialists are in great demand. This is especially true for new industries. Here the salary is usually higher. But there is a risk that development will not be as successful as we would like. But you won't know until you try, right?
  2. The second approach seems to be the most reasonable: you have nothing to lose by developing in related activities, and the transition is smooth and painless. If you feel that sharp jumps are not for you, choose this path.
  3. The third scenario is suitable for enthusiastic natures who are bored of doing an unloved thing. The positive side: the profession will be pleasant. Negative: it is not a fact that it will be possible to extract income from a hobby.


Everyone chooses his own path. And you will always find the stories of people who have successfully changed their profession on our blog. Still, because its creator, Vasily Blinov, himself told readers about this.

If you associate the future with remote earnings, check out and choose an activity to your liking. And the course will help you start earning with pleasure.

In boys and girls, inclinations, preferences and interests change very quickly during adolescence. Today, a young man dreams of becoming a policeman, and the very next day he is more impressed with the profession of a logistician. It can be very difficult to follow the train of thought of a teenager, however, by the time he graduates from school, it is important to make sure that the child understands what his life purpose is and in what area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity he is best to work.

Today, there are many different ways to determine which profession is most suitable for your son or daughter. Of course, the child must decide for himself in which direction he will receive further education, and in which field of activity he will be able to achieve success. You can only help your offspring and "push" him to the right choice.

The simplest and at the same time effective direction is to conduct various tests and tests aimed at determining the range of interests of the child and professions suitable for him. You can organize such tests for your son or daughter at home, since they do not require any special devices. In this article, we will introduce you to some of them.

Test for determining the future profession for schoolchildren J. Holland

The test for choosing a profession for teenagers by J. Holland is extremely simple. With it, you can determine what type of personality a student belongs to, and in what field of activity he will be able to work with great success and enthusiasm.

J. Holland's questionnaire consists of 42 pairs of professions. The child who passes the test must, without hesitation, choose in each pair the work that is closer to him. The list of J. Holland's questions is as follows:

  1. Process engineer (1) or designer (2).
  2. Electrician (1) or health officer (3).
  3. Cook (1) or typesetter (4).
  4. Photographer (1) or store manager (5).
  5. Draftsman (1) or designer (6).
  6. Philosopher (2) or psychiatrist (3).
  7. Chemical scientist (2) or accountant (4).
  8. Scientific journal editor (2) or lawyer (5).
  9. Linguist (2) or translator of fiction (6).
  10. Pediatrician (3) or statistician (4).
  11. Head teacher for extracurricular activities (3) or chairman of the trade union committee (5).
  12. Sports doctor (3) or columnist (6).
  13. Notary (4) or purveyor (5).
  14. Computer operator (4) or cartoonist (6).
  15. Politician (5) or writer (6).
  16. Gardener (1) or meteorologist (2).
  17. Trolleybus driver (1) or paramedic (3).
  18. Electronic engineer (1) or clerk (4).
  19. Painter (1) or Metal Painter (6).
  20. Biologist (2) or ophthalmologist (3).
  21. TV reporter (5) or actor (6).
  22. Hydrologist (2) or Auditor (4).
  23. Zoologist (2) or chief livestock specialist (5).
  24. Mathematician (2) or architect (6).
  25. An employee of the children's room of the police (3) or an accountant (4).
  26. Teacher (3) or youth club leader (5).
  27. Educator (3) or ceramic artist (6).
  28. Economist (4) or department head (5).
  29. Corrector (4) or critic (6).
  30. House manager (5) or conductor (6).
  31. Radio operator (1) or nuclear physicist (2).
  32. Watchmaker (1) or installer (4).
  33. Seed agronomist (1) or chairman of an agricultural cooperative (5).
  34. Cutter (1) or decorator (6).
  35. Archaeologist (2) or Expert (4).
  36. Museum employee (2) or consultant (3).
  37. Scientist (2) or director (6).
  38. Speech therapist (3) or stenographer (6).
  39. Doctor (3) or diplomat (5).
  40. Copier (4) or director (5).
  41. Poet (6) or psychologist (3).
  42. Telemechanic (1) or foreman (5).

Please note that there is a number in brackets after each profession name. This is the number of the group to which the child's answer should be assigned if he has chosen this field of activity. After the teenager gives all the answers, it is necessary to add up how many professions are selected in each category. Depending on which group the student chose the most works in, you can understand what field of activity he is located in, as follows:

  • guys who have preferred professions from the first group, can work as a mechanic, engineer, agronomist, driver, as well as perform any work related to the performance of clearly defined tasks;
  • second group of professions determines the choice of people whose work should be associated with an ongoing thought process. These are, first of all, theoretical scientists working in such fields as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and so on;
  • boys and girls who chose mainly answers from third group, they cannot imagine their life without communication with people. Ideal professions for them are doctors, teachers, psychologists, tour guides;
  • to the fourth group include office clerks - accountants, managers, clerks, secretaries, and so on;
  • professions from the fifth group choose guys with pronounced leadership qualities and organizational skills. They will make excellent managers, directors, co-operators;
  • finally to sixth type include all boys and girls with pronounced creative inclinations. These are future actors, singers, conductors, musicians and all workers of similar professions.

Test "How to choose a profession for a teenager?" I.L. Solomina

Questionnaire I.L. Solomin is based on the well-known test of Academician Klimov. During this test, the child being tested is offered several statements, each of which he must evaluate on the following scale:

  • 0 - not at all;
  • 1 - perhaps so;
  • 2 - true;
  • 3 is absolutely correct.

The first group of statements begins with the phrase "I want ...":

    1. Serve people.
    2. Engage in treatment.
    3. Teach, educate.
    4. Protect rights and safety.
    5. Manage people.
    1. Drive cars.
    2. Repair equipment.
    3. Gather and set up equipment.
    4. Process materials, produce objects and things.
    5. Engage in construction.
    1. Edit texts and tables.
    2. Make calculations and calculations.
    3. Process information.
    4. Work with drawings, maps and diagrams.
    5. Receive and transmit signals and messages.
    1. Do art work.
    2. Draw, photograph.
    3. Create works of art.
    4. Perform on stage.
    5. Sew, embroider, knit.
    1. Take care of animals.
    2. Prepare products.
    3. Work outdoors.
    4. Grow vegetables and fruits.
    5. Deal with nature.
    1. Work with your hands.
    2. Implement decisions.
    3. Reproduce existing samples, multiply, copy.
    4. Get a concrete practical result.
    5. Bring ideas to life.
    1. Work with your head.
    2. Make decisions.
    3. Create new designs.
    4. Analyze, study, observe, measure, control.
    5. Plan, design, develop, model.

The second group of questions begins with the phrase "I can ...":

    1. Meet new people.
    2. Be sensitive and kind.
    3. Listen to people.
    4. Understand people.
    5. It is good to speak and speak in public.
    1. Find and fix faults.
    2. Use devices, machines, mechanisms.
    3. Understand technical devices.
    4. Dexterous with tools.
    5. Good orientation in space.
    1. Be focused and diligent.
    2. It's good to count in your mind.
    3. Convert information.
    4. Operate with signs and symbols.
    5. Find and fix errors.
    1. Create beautiful, tastefully made things.
    2. Understand literature and art.
    3. Sing, play musical instruments.
    4. Write poetry, write stories.
    5. Draw.
    1. Learn about animals or plants.
    2. Raise plants or animals.
    3. Fight diseases and pests.
    4. Focus on natural phenomena.
    5. Work on the ground.
    1. Follow instructions quickly.
    2. Follow the instructions exactly.
    3. Work according to the given algorithm.
    4. Do the same work.
    5. Comply with rules and regulations.
    1. Create new instructions and give instructions.
    2. Make unconventional decisions.
    3. It's easy to come up with new ways of behaving.
    4. To take responsibility.
    5. Organize your own work.

As you can see, the statements are grouped into groups of 5 each. In these groups, it is necessary to calculate the total number of points (it will always be in the range from 0 to 15) and compare these values ​​with each other. Initially, the obtained values ​​​​are compared in groups 1-5, they denote the following types:

  1. Man is man.
  2. Man is technology.
  3. Man is a sign system.
  4. Man is an artistic image.
  5. Man is nature.

After that, it is determined which group has more points, 6 or 7. Depending on this, you can find out what type of profession the child is more inclined to - executive (group 6) or creative (7). By combining all the obtained indicators, you can determine the list of professions that are most suitable for each teenager:

With the help of these and other tests, you can easily choose for each child an interesting profession in which he can take place.

To choose the best profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the area to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choice of a Future Profession] will give your child or you the right to independently choose a future profession, help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions very sincerely, be sure to believe in yourself and in the fact that you or your child will be able to do any work. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is closest to you or your child. Our online test: [Choice of future profession] is completely free without SMS and registration! The result will be shown immediately after the answer to the last question!

The test contains 20 questions!

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(yes, it happens), a dentist, a businessman - for sure, somewhere in your childhood your hidden dreams live. Yes, as a child, you still knew nothing about life and had little idea about the professions that you dreamed about. But who knows, maybe your unrealized talents are buried there. Remember who you liked to play as a child, who you liked to pretend to be. Yes, yes, even "intelligence agent" and "Arctic explorer" can turn out to be a childhood dream realized in the present.

If the train has not left yet, if you are young and energetic, if you are still studying or in your first year, try yourself in different areas. You can always find time for this. While you are young, you can learn the ins and outs of the life of restaurants by taking shape, or large stores by signing up as sales assistants. You can earn extra money as a guide, a museum employee, you can, if you wish, find a place, a clinic. Of course, you will be paid little, but the experience gained is priceless. Subsequently, it will be much easier for you to decide whether you want to work here or there.

The next step, which will allow you to understand whether you have embarked on the right path, is an internship at a university. By that time, you will have already gained certain knowledge and a certain idea about the profession that you will receive after graduating from the university. On the other hand, if you suddenly realize that this is not for you, that for some reason you are studying history, when you want to build nuclear submarines, you still have time to turn the other way.

If you are already an adult, an accomplished person, and the business you are doing does not bring either money or pleasure, you still have the opportunity to try yourself in another area. There are many recruitment agencies that can send you to work for. There you can get acquainted with other activities that you may never have done. After that, choose a new job - or learn to appreciate and love the specialty that you once spent your years studying and which you are working on now.

When choosing a business to your liking, listen to the voice of your heart. The voice of the heart will tell you exactly what you want to do and what you generally expect from work. If you need a job that will bring pleasure and no matter how much money they pay for it, then look for just such a job. If the main thing for you is salary and the possibility of career growth, and it is this, and not the business itself, that will bring you pleasure, then look for a "gold mine". Just don't get the gold rush!

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Tip 2: How to monitor the performance of duties by employees

Even the most conscientious and competent performers need to be controlled. But the team, which is made up of inexperienced people who do not want to work, and the one in which professionals are gathered, for whom work is a pleasure, it is necessary to control in different ways.


You will need the most enhanced control over how employees perform their duties if they are not at all motivated to work and do not want to perform it. In this case, you will need to tell everyone in great detail every time what he should do and say how he should achieve the result. After that, ask to repeat everything that you said to make sure that you are understood correctly and know how to solve the problem.

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