Where is the mythical island of Atlantis located? Atlantis is a lost world, a bone of contention for the scientific community.

The search for the remains of previous civilizations on Earth has always been considered one of the most intriguing mysteries of modern humanity. The most extensive research on this issue was carried out in search of the remains of the legendary Atlantis, but in vain. The question arises: did the island state really exist?

Who did Plato write about?

IN modern world there is no historical mystery to which as much has been devoted scientific research, books, documentaries and feature films, like the search for the mythical Atlantis. He was the first to tell humanity about its existence ancient Greek philosopher Plato, a student of Socrates himself. Considering his influence and popularity in ancient Greece, there is no doubt about the words of the famous philosopher. According to Plato, the island state existed more than 12,000 years ago and sank during a natural disaster. If the remains of Atlantis are discovered, humanity will reliably learn about how the antediluvian civilizations of the planet lived, what knowledge and technologies they possessed. The most interesting thing is that nowadays there is no question whether Atlantis really existed. It is only necessary to determine which of the cities found at the bottom of the world's oceans is the historical Atlantis.

City of Poseidon

The signs by which researchers recognize Atlantis can be understood by reading the legend about its mythical creator Poseidon. According to legend, having fallen in love with an ordinary earthly woman named Kleito, the god of the seas Poseidon decided to build a beautiful city for her on a sea island. After a long search, the god of the seas chose an island called Atlantis, inhabited by beautiful people, tall people. It was on their land that Poseidon erected a majestic city, consisting of alternating five rings of water and land, connected by wide canals. The entrance to them from the sea was guarded by two watchtowers and a wall built of red, white and black stones. In the center of the city on the “Hill of Kleito” Poseidon created a magnificent palace in which he indulged in pleasures with his beloved. Subsequently, the children of the god of the seas, born from Kleito, built a temple in honor of their father, decorated with his giant statue made of pure gold. On it, Poseidon drives a chariot drawn by winged horses. It is assumed that it is the megalithic buildings and the statue of Poseidon that researchers will have to determine the location of the legendary Atlantis.

Was Atlantis found in Cuba?

In order to determine for certain where on Earth the famous island state was located, it is necessary to discard all dubious versions that placed Atlantis: on Black Sea coast, in the center Mediterranean Sea, in the Pacific Ocean and even in Antarctica. It is unlikely that ancient Greek scientists were so uneducated as to confuse seas and oceans when describing the place where the island state was located. And it’s absolutely certain that the eminent philosophers of ancient Greece would not have created Atlantis, as some researchers say. The most amazing thing is that five years ago the supposed remains of Atlantis were found, and exactly where Plato located it - in Atlantic Ocean in the center Bermuda Triangle.

Were the Atlanteans built the pyramids?

Humanity owes the discovery of the remains of Atlantis in 2012 to two researchers Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky. After serious theoretical calculations, scientists decided to test their conclusions in practice. Using deep-sea vehicles operating autonomously, they explored in detail a section of the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Cuba. The results of the devices exceeded all their wildest expectations. Underwater photographs appeared in which researchers were surprised to discover giant pyramids, several sphinxes, as well as many other megalithic buildings and structures. The ruins of the ancient city were located at a depth of about 180 meters. The distance is not critical for modern automatic bathyscaphes. Usage special equipment will allow you to explore the flooded buildings in sufficient detail, which probably hide many amazing artifacts.

What destroyed the ancient city?

According to scientists, Atlantis was flooded during the end of the Ice Age, when powerful streams of water poured from the poles towards the Equator. Atlantis was not the only one affected. In those years, many large centers of human civilization instantly disappeared under water. Unfortunately, the outstanding scientific technologies of the Atlanteans could not protect their island state from the rampant elements. However, modern human civilization, with the existing level of scientific and technological progress, would also not be able to do this. Numerous storms and hurricanes that periodically hit the United States and Central American countries eloquently prove this. The catastrophe that sent Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean occurred approximately 12,900 years ago. However, the island nation was not completely underwater. Modern atlantologists, based on the discovery of Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky, believe that Cuba is a surviving part of Atlantis.

What did Atlanteans look like?

Despite the irrefutability of underwater finds, supporters of the location of Atlantis in other parts of the world rightly demand additional evidence. The desire is quite logical and the necessary facts were provided to them. Firstly, as we know, humanity learned about the existence of an ancient state from Plato’s works Timaeus and Critias. Having compared the description of the island city given in literary monuments and the location of underwater ruins off the coast of Cuba, scientists discovered that they are completely identical. But this cannot be said about any other supposed location of Atlantis. Secondly, the Olmec civilization, which in ancient times inhabited the territory of Central America, according to the legends of this people, originates from an island with the telling name Atlanticu. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Thirdly, the US Institute of Anthropology, which studied the Olmec civilization in detail, noted: the writings and patterns of this people completely coincide with what researchers discovered at the bottom of the ocean. Olmec mythological texts also point to their origins from a continent that sank as a result of a natural disaster caused by an earthquake and a sharp rise in water. Today there is no doubt that the underwater city off the coast of Cuba is the legendary Atlantis, which actually existed. Today, exploration of the sunken city continues. Let's hope that humanity will soon receive a lot of additional evidence of the real existence of Atlantis.

Briefly about the article: A country that, thousands of years ago, could have conquered all of Europe. Huge marble palaces, multi-deck ships, tall, strong people, unprecedented weapons, the mysterious magic of priests, nobility and ambition - all this could have become the reality of our history, if not...

Lost civilization

Atlantis - reality or dream?

Everything that is hidden now will someday be revealed by time.

Quintus Horace Flaccus, “Epistle”, 6:20

A country that, thousands of years ago, could have conquered all of Europe. Huge marble palaces, multi-deck ships, tall, strong people, unprecedented weapons, the mysterious magic of priests, nobility and ambition - all this could have become the reality of our history, if not...

Thousands of books and articles have been written about the ancient country of Atlantis, buried by the ocean depths. What was Atlantis? An ancient and powerful human civilization? Or maybe a refuge for aliens from distant worlds? Why did Atlantis perish? Was she the victim of a natural disaster or a devastating war using mysterious weapons?

Other ancient authors also wrote about Atlantis and its inhabitants. True, almost all of them lived after Plato, which means they most likely relied on the data he provided.

The exception is the “father of history” Herodotus (485-425 BC), who mentioned the Atlanteans who lived in North Africa. However, this tribe received its name from the Atlas Mountains.

A surge of interest in the problem of Atlantis occurred at the end of the 19th century. In 1882, the American Ignatius Donnelly published the book “Atlantis - the Antediluvian World,” where he argued that this legendary land is the ancestral home of all humanity. To prove the theory, he used data from archaeology, biology and mythology, and compared legends, languages ​​and customs of peoples on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Donnelly's work marked the beginning of the modern view of the problem of Atlantis and became a source of inspiration for other authors. The result is more than 5,000 titles of scientific, popular science and fiction books.

Broken phone

As we see, atlantology is based on a shaky foundation. You are especially convinced of this when you soberly analyze Plato’s texts. The philosopher learned about Atlantis from hearsay, and the whole story resembles a children's game of “broken telephone.”

So what does Plato say? His great-grandfather Critias, being a 10-year-old boy, heard about Atlantis from his then 90-year-old grandfather, also Critias. And he, in turn, found out tragic story Atlas from distant relative, the great Athenian sage Solon (640 - 558 BC). Solon received the “baton” from the Egyptian priests from the temple of the goddess Neit in the city of Sais (not preserved to this day), who from time immemorial allegedly kept historical records in the form of hieroglyphs on temple columns. It turns out to be quite a long chain of intermediaries...

If we assume that Plato did not invent anything, there is still plenty of room for error. Critias the Younger claimed that the story of Atlantis shocked him, so he remembered it in detail. However, there are direct contradictions in the dialogue. For example, in one place Critias says that: “... the story was indelibly imprinted on my memory,” and in another - that: “... after such a long time, I did not remember enough the contents of the story.” Then it turns out that he had some notes. Memorable notes from grandfather or Solon? And Critias’s grandfather, in his 90s, could well have mixed up a lot of things, not to mention the fact that many details of the legend about the sunken land may be the fruit of senile boasting. “And I’ll tell you, grandson, a great-a-wonderful fairy tale!”

So perhaps Aristotle was completely or partially right. Plato could indeed have invented the story of Atlantis to illustrate his views (remember Thomas More's Utopia). Or, with all his honesty, the philosopher compiled dialogues from some other sources about Atlantis that have not reached us, historical and geographical works of various authors, legends, myths and his own conjectures. Well, Plato could simply have invented a chain of storytellers for greater reliability.

True, the ending of Critias is most likely lost. Perhaps the “lost files” contained all the answers?

"Pros and cons"

Plato describes the land of the ancestors of the Hellenes as follows: “It stretches from the mainland far into the sea... and is immersed on all sides in a deep vessel of the abyss.” But the ancient Greeks did not know about the presence of depths of more than a few tens of meters! Atlantologists believe that Plato’s words about the “deep vessel of the abyss” are evidence of knowledge preserved from the time of the Atlanteans. However, Plato could have used this phrase as a poetic comparison. Or, based on the presence of the steep shores of Attica, independently conclude that if the rocks drop sharply into the sea, it must be very deep there.

On the other hand, the war of the ancient Hellenes with Atlantis is very reminiscent of the wars of the Greeks with the Persians. The thought involuntarily creeps in that the philosopher projected the events of real history onto the distant past. The description of Atlantis in terms of relief and natural data resembles the island of Crete. The Temple of Poseidon, the main cult building of the Atlanteans, is very similar to the sanctuary of Aphrodite in Cyprus. The sculpture of the god of the seas on a chariot drawn by six winged horses is reminiscent of the very real statue of Poseidon by Scopas (4th century BC). Random coincidences or fraud?

Where is this street, where is this house?

Atlantologists also argue about the location of the legendary land, although from Plato’s dialogues it would seem to be extremely clear that the island was located precisely in the Atlantic.

Plato says that to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar) lay a huge island, larger than Libya and Asia combined, from which one could easily cross over other islands to the “opposite continent” (America?).

Therefore, many atlantologists believe that traces of Atlantis should be looked for somewhere at the bottom of the ocean of the same name. Possibly near existing islands, which may have been the high mountain peaks of a sunken land.

At the same time, atlantologists stubbornly ignore the simplest fact - if an asteroid capable of flooding a hefty island crashed onto Earth, it would cause such an increase in atmospheric temperature that almost all life on the planet would be destroyed.

Myths of the peoples of the world

The “father” of Atlantology, Donnelly, and his followers consider mythology, or more precisely, several legends that coincide among many peoples, to be the key evidence for the existence of Atlantis.

Firstly, these are legends about the flood, which are found among almost all of humanity. The gods, tired of human dirty tricks, flood the entire earth with water, adding a number of other weighty means of re-educating sinners - in the form of fire rain, for example.

Secondly, legends about aliens from distant lands (not to be confused with aliens!). An unknown man arrives from somewhere far away, speaking an incomprehensible language and teaching the natives various useful things.

Thirdly, legends about cosmic cataclysms. Something huge falls from the sky - a stone, the Moon, the Sun, a Dragon. Nothing good things to people it doesn't bring. The people left out of business are scattering in all directions...

Atlantis in the Mediterranean?

In addition to the Atlantic Ocean, the sunken island is also placed in other parts of the world. The Mediterranean Sea is especially loved.

Upon closer examination, this theory does not look crazy at all. Plato wrote that after Atlantis sank, “the sea in those places became... unnavigable and inaccessible due to shallowing caused by the huge amount of silt that the settled island left behind.” It is unlikely that in the Atlantic Ocean, with its considerable depths, muddy shallows would serve as a serious obstacle to shipping. But in the Mediterranean there are plenty of such places. And the nature of Atlantis can easily be correlated with almost any Mediterranean island.

The god of the seas, Poseidon, fell in love with a simple girl, Cleito, who bore him 5 pairs of twins, who laid the foundation for the Atlantean people.

The Atlantean state was similar to Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea - an archipelago of several islands, the length of the main one was 1110 km, width - 400 km. The climate is presumably tropical, as there were elephants on the island. On the southern side of Atlantis was its capital - the city of Poseidonis with a diameter of about 7 km. In the center of the city there was a lake, in the middle of which lay an island with a diameter of 965 meters, pierced by canals, with the Acropolis palace complex surrounded by two earthen ramparts. The outer shaft was covered with copper, the inner one with tin, the walls of the acropolis were lined with orichalcum (a metal unknown to us). The Acropolis included the joint temple of Cleito and Poseidon, surrounded by a golden wall, and the temple of Poseidon himself with a huge statue of the sea god inside. Outside around the temple were images of the wives and relatives of the kings of Atlantis, offerings from their vassals.

The population of Atlantis was about 6 million people. State system- monarchy: 10 king-archons, the highest of whom bore the title “Atlas” and lived in Poseidonis. Every 5-6 years, council meetings were held - “courts” of the kings, before which “bull sacrifices” were organized (a similar custom existed in Crete).

The Atlantean army consisted of 660 thousand people and 10 thousand war chariots. Fleet - 1200 combat triremes with a crew of 240 thousand people.

Are Atlanteans the ancestors of the Russians?

Some scientists go their own way, placing the legendary land in the most exotic places. In 1638, the English scientist and politician Francis Bacon, in his book Nova Atlantis, placed Atlantis in Brazil, where, as is known, there are many wild monkeys. In 1675, the Swede Rudbeck argued that Atlantis was in Sweden, and its capital was Uppsala.

Recently, due to the lack of virgin places, they have turned to our endless expanses - the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas have also been honored to accept the completely lost Atlantis into their arms. There is also a charming theory that the Atlanteans are the ancestors of the ancient Russians, and the legendary land of Plato... the sunken city of Kitezh! True, after the stories that Adam and Eve were from somewhere in the Moscow region, the Russian-Atlantic version no longer looks sensational enough.

R. Silverberg in “Letters from Atlantis” shows the events of a thousand years ago through the eyes of modern man, whose mind has moved into the body of an Atlantean prince (an obvious remake of Hamilton's Star Kings!).

A time traveler can also become a witness to the events of the past (“Dancer from Atlantis” by P. Anderson, “Atlantis Endgame” by A. Norton and S. Smith).

Sometimes Atlanteans became aliens from outer space (A. Shalimov, “Return of the Last Atlantean”), or were the first earthlings to come into contact with alien intelligence (V. Kernbach, “Boat over Atlantis”; G. Martynov, “Time Spiral”) . Perhaps it was vile aliens who destroyed Atlantis? Here is the hero of the "Atlantis" series by G. Donnegan, the tough special forces soldier Eric, together with his comrades from the Navy Seal squad, is trying to stop the insidious shadow aliens who once treacherously sank the unfortunate Atlanteans.

Many books tell about the adventures of outcasts who survived the disaster. Some have preserved the remnants of civilization under water (“Atlantis under water” by R. Kadu, “Marakot’s Abyss” by A. Conan Doyle, “The End of Atlantis” by K. Bulychev). Others ran away. To America (“The Temple. A Manuscript Found on the Coast of Yucatan” by H. P. Lovecraft), to Africa (“Tarzan and the Treasure of Opar” by E. R. Barrows); to Spain (“This distant Tartessus” by E. Voiskunsky and I. Lukodyanov); even to Britain ("Stones of Power" by D. Gemmell). For some Atlanteans, the shock from the death of their homeland turned out to be so strong that other planets seemed to them to be the best refuge (A. Tolstoy, “Aelita”; A. Shcherbakov, “Chalice of Storms”).

In V. Panov’s recent novel “The Pulpit of Wanderers,” the ancient Atlantean artifact, the Throne of Poseidon, turns out to be the catalyst for powerful forces. Even Batman ("The Black Egg of Atlantis" by N. Barrett) joins the battle for the Atlantean legacy when the Penguin Man tries to take possession of an ancient object that gives dark power.

Why did Atlantis perish?

There is also no agreement on the reasons for the death of the island.

In addition to the basic, albeit completely unrealistic version of the fall of a giant meteorite, the hypothesis of a powerful earthquake is very popular. In history, there are known cases of sudden subsidence of the earth by several meters as a result of such a natural disaster. For example, the death of the pirate capital of Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692, when the city sank 15 meters into the sea. Large earthquakes, especially those with their epicenter on the seabed, can cause a tsunami. A typical example of such a disaster is the tsunami resulting from the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia in 1883, when the wave height was about 40 meters. Such a wave is quite capable of burying the coastal zone of the mainland or even an entire island.

Except more or less scientific explanations, there are also occult and fantastic theories about Atlantis, sometimes very specific. For example, members of the Rising Atlanteans sect, founded in the 70s of the last century, believe that the Atlanteans are the descendants of aliens, who then laid the foundation for the Egyptian civilization.

The bestsellers of the terribly popular ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev among some Russians also contain amazing discoveries. It turns out that the Atlanteans had extrasensory perception, and 75,000 years ago they built the Egyptian pyramids with the help of psychokinetic energy. A number of great personalities - Krishna, Buddha, Christ - were also Atlanteans. And somewhere in the depths of Tibet, in caves, the surviving Atlanteans are still sleeping in a special type of suspended animation - samadhi.

Is Atlantis a myth?

Despite all the numerous disagreements, the only thing that cements the discordant ranks of atlantologists is the idea that Atlantis really existed. However, there are many who declare: Atlantis is a myth!

Their main arguments are as follows. Firstly, apart from Plato’s dialogues, there are no other reliable references to Atlantis. Secondly, the island had to be too large, and it would not be easy to fit it somewhere in terms of geography. Thirdly, modern geological and oceanographic studies do not confirm the sinking of large parts of land to the ocean floor. Fourthly, 10 thousand years ago there was no developed human civilization. But for any of these arguments, if desired (and many have it!), no less logical counter-arguments can be easily found.

The most impartial scientists still admit that Plato’s dialogues contain a rational grain and they describe real natural disasters that befell the Mediterranean - the same Crete.

The only thing that can draw a line under many years of discussions, indisputably proving the veracity of the legend, is the discovery of the remains of Atlantis on the sea or ocean floor. But is this possible?

Remnants of former luxury

Scientists from many countries constantly explore the seas and oceans, making valuable archaeological discoveries from time to time. True, nothing has yet been found that would prove the existence of a sunken continent or a huge island. Considering the constant improvement of the technical equipment of such expeditions, epoch-making discoveries may not be far off. Another question is what can scientists find at the bottom?

The main building materials of antiquity were marble, granite, basalt and sandstones. Over thousands of years, most buildings will completely dissolve in sea water, except for some marble structures. In addition, certain types of shellfish and the presence of strong underwater currents can have a destructive effect on sunken buildings.

In salty sea water, metals undergo accelerated corrosion. Iron oxidizes after 200 years in the sea, copper and copper alloys disappear after 400 years. True, if copper products have big sizes(bells, cannons, anchors), a layer of carbonates forms on their surface, which can protect the object. But high-grade gold can lie in water for a very long time.

Wooden objects die within a couple of centuries, and high-quality ceramics lie at the bottom for thousands of years. At the same time, many objects, if they are quickly overgrown with corals, can also be stored for a long time - however, it is difficult to detect them in this case. In general, some of the Atlantean heritage can theoretically survive to this day.

Perhaps a miracle will still happen, and humanity will take a fresh look at its history? They also once made fun of Schliemann, but he, despite everything, discovered the legendary Troy...

Atlantis (Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, Atlantis Island) is a mythical island state first mentioned and described by the classical Greek philosopher Plato in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias. What Atlantis is and where it is located has been debated since the first mention of it. This concept represents the most different ideas: To some, it is an archaeological object waiting to be discovered, a lost source of supernatural knowledge and power, or perhaps nothing more than a philosophical treatise on the dangers of civilization at its apogee. Whether Atlantis really existed or was just Plato's invention will probably never be known. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​its existence continues to inspire and intrigue many, echoing the desire to achieve or return to an era of prosperity.

Origin of the myth

Plato's description of Atlantis, considered to be the first, is found in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written in 360 BC. e. In the Socratic style of dialogue, the author tells his story through the conversation of politicians Critias and Hermocrates, as well as philosophers Socrates and Timaeus. Critias speaks about the island state, first in the Timaeus, briefly describing the huge empire “beyond the Pillars of Hercules”, defeated by the Athenians after it tried to conquer Europe and then Critias moves on to a detailed description of the powerful civilization. The politician claims that his stories about ancient Athens and Atlantis stem from the visit to Egypt of the Athenian lawmaker Solon in the sixth century BC. e. There he met a priest from Sais, who translated the history of the ancient states recorded on papyri into Greek.

The Narrative of the Egyptian Priests

The story told by the priests was unknown to Solon. According to records, the Athenians waged war against the rulers of Atlantis about nine thousand years ago and won it.

The ancient and powerful kings of the mythical island formed a confederation through which they ruled it and other islands. Having started the war, the rulers sent troops to Europe and Asia. To counter this attack, the Athenians formed a Panhellenic League. At the first difficulties it fell apart, and the Athenians fought the war alone. The invasion was stopped, and then Egypt and other countries conquered by the rulers of Atlantis were liberated.

Soon after the victory, even before the Athenians returned home, the island nation suffered catastrophic earthquakes and floods until it disappeared under water. According to legend, all the brave men were consumed in one day and night of horror. This is why the Egyptians never thanked the Athenians.

In addition, Plato describes the history of Atlantis, which shows how the rulers reached the point where they wanted to conquer the whole world. The story was written down by Solon and passed down in his family from generation to generation.

Divine redistribution

According to Solon's records, the history of the mythical island began at the beginning of time. It was then that the immortal gods divided the world among themselves and each ruled their own part. The god Poseidon inherited Atlantis. Where it was located was not specified, but it was an island whose size was larger than Libya and Asia combined. He chose the mortal woman Cleito as his wife and with her founded a dynasty of rulers of the state.

Poseidon and Cleito

Poseidon built a house on a high hill in the very center of the island. The structure rose above a fertile plain bordered by the sea. To protect his beloved wife, Poseidon, with ease and divine skill, surrounded her house with five concentric rings of water and soil. Hot and cold springs came out of the ground. With the development of the city, its residents never experienced a shortage of water.

Cleito bore Poseidon ten sons, five pairs of twins. Atlas, the first son of the first couple, became the ruler of his father's vast land. His brothers were appointed archons, each of whom ruled for the most part this territory. The most valuable part of the kingdom was the mother's house on the top of the mountain and the land around it. Atlas had many sons, and the throne passed to the eldest of them.

Peaceful Prosperity

For many generations, Atlantis remained peaceful and prosperous. Almost all the needs of the population were provided by the mines, fields and forests of the island. Everything that was not produced was imported. This became possible because a canal was built that passed through all the rings from the ocean to the center of the kingdom, the acropolis, where the royal palace stood near the house of Poseidon and Cleito. Each subsequent ruler tried to surpass his predecessor in creating a larger kingdom. Finally, the magnificent Metropolis and the outer city spread beyond the large outer wall.

Laws of Poseidon

Poseidon established the laws of Atlantis, which the rulers had to abide by. The ruling body had to meet regularly. It consisted of ten representatives of the first rulers - Atlas and his brothers - who had absolute power over the life and death of their subjects. The meetings took place in the temple of Poseidon, where the first rulers inscribed laws on the orichalcum pillar. First of all, in accordance with the requirements of the ancient ceremony, the archons exchanged gifts. Then the sacrifice of the sacred bull took place. The blood was mixed with wine and poured into the fire as an act of purification. The rulers were served wine in golden goblets, poured a libation over a fire, and swore an oath to pass judgment in accordance with the prescribed laws. Everyone drank wine and dedicated their cup to the temple. This was followed by lunch, for which the participants dressed in magnificent blue robes. In them they resolved issues concerning the kingdom in accordance with the laws of Poseidon.

Court of the Gods

As long as the rulers judged and lived according to the laws of Poseidon, the state flourished. When the laws began to be forgotten, trouble arose. The rulers began to marry mortals and behave like foolish people. They were overcome by pride and began to fight for more power. Then Zeus saw what happened: the rulers abandoned the laws of the gods and began to act in concert with people. He gathered all the gods of Olympus and was going to make a decision about Atlantis. This concludes Plato's story.

Fact or fiction?

Whether this was done intentionally or not, no one knows. Just as no one knows whether Plato believed in the real existence of the island, or whether it was pure fiction. Many are convinced that the author, who used many details in his description, believed in him. Others reject this, arguing that it is precisely because the story is pure invention of Plato that he was able to come up with as many details as he wanted. Its dating is also questionable. According to Solon, the island existed 9,000 years ago. This corresponds to early stone age. During this period it is difficult to imagine the existence of agriculture, architecture and maritime navigation described in the story. One explanation for this inconsistency is Solon's misinterpretation of the Egyptian symbol for 100 as 1000. If this is true, then Atlantis existed 900 years before the time of the story. This corresponds to the middle of the Bronze Age, when the tools and equipment necessary to achieve the described level of development had already appeared.

Many ancient philosophers viewed Atlantis as a fiction, including (according to Strabo) Aristotle. Nevertheless, there were philosophers, geographers, and historians who accepted Plato’s story at face value. One of them was Crantor, a student of Plato's student Xenocrates, who was trying to find evidence of the existence of Atlantis. His work, a commentary on the Timaeus, is lost, but another ancient historian, Proclus, reports that Crantor traveled to Egypt and actually found columns with a history of the island written in Egyptian hieroglyphs. As in all works of antiquity, it is difficult to evaluate ambiguous proclamations here, since no other evidence other than written evidence has survived.

Second Troy?

Until the end of the nineteenth century, the debate about the location of Atlantis was not as heated as after the discovery in 1872 by Heinrich Schliemann lost city Troy. He did this with the help of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, so it became clear that the classical sources, previously considered myths, actually contain some lost truths. Scientist Ignatius Donnelly published the book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in 1882, which stimulated interest in the legendary island. The author took Plato's mention seriously and tried to establish that all known ancient civilizations descended from the high Neolithic culture. Others have proposed more outlandish ideas, attributing supernatural aspects to Atlantis, combining them with stories of other lost continents such as Mu and Lemuria, popular figures in the Theosophy movement, the occult and the growing New Age phenomenon.

Plato's parable

Most scholars have dismissed the belief in Atlantis as a "new age" religion, considering the most plausible explanation that the island was a Platonic parable, or based on another known civilization, the Minoans. The fact that the Greek philosopher often told moral tales under the guise of fiction is cited in support of this view. "The Cave" is perhaps the most famous example in which Plato illustrates the nature of reality. Scientists warn that a literal understanding of the myth is its perversion. It is more likely that Plato was sending a warning to his fellow tribesmen about the dangers of imperial expansion, political ambition, praising nobility and the circulation of knowledge not for personal gain.

The truth about the Greek philosopher's intentions will remain known only to himself, but no one can doubt the symbolic longevity of his story. If Atlantis may not be a physical place, then it has certainly found a place in the human imagination.

Location hypotheses

There were dozens, perhaps hundreds, of suggestions about where Atlantis was located, until the name became a common noun, not referring to one specific (perhaps even genuine) location. This is reflected in the fact that many proposed sites are not located in the Atlantic Ocean at all. Most of the proposed sites share some of the features of the mythical island's history (water, catastrophic end, appropriate time period), but have never been conclusively proven to be the true Atlantis. Where is the most likely location of its location (for obvious reasons, we cannot provide a photo of it), you can find out from the given list of popular options. Some of them are scientific or archaeological hypotheses, while others were created through pseudoscientific means.

Mediterranean Atlantis

A lot of people have wondered where the legendary island is located. Most of the proposed locations were located either near the Mediterranean Sea or islands such as Sardinia, Crete, Santorini, Cyprus or Malta.

A volcanic eruption on Thera, dating back to the seventeenth or fifteenth century BC, caused a massive tsunami that experts hypothesize destroyed the Minoan civilization on the nearby island of Crete. This disaster may have inspired the myth of Atlantis. Proponents of the idea point to the fact that the Egyptians used a lunar calendar based on months, while the Greeks used a solar calendar based on years. It is therefore possible that the time interpreted as nine thousand years actually corresponds to 9000 months, placing the destruction of Atlantis within approximately 7 hundred years.


Volcanic eruptions on the Mediterranean island of Santorini during the Minoan civilization most likely caused the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis. The main criticism of this hypothesis is that the ancient Greeks were well aware of volcanoes, and if there had been an eruption there, it would have been likely that there would have been a mention of it. In addition, Pharaoh Amenhotep III ordered his emissary to visit the cities surrounding Crete, and he found them inhabited where everything was supposedly completely destroyed.


Another hypothesis is based on recreating the geography of the Mediterranean Sea at a time when Atlantis still existed. Where she was, Plato indicates - outside the Pillars of Hercules. This is the name of the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. Eleven thousand years ago the sea level was 130 m lower, and there were a number of islands in the strait. One of them, Spartel, is Atlantis, where she sank, although there are a number of inconsistencies with Plato's version.


In 2002, the Italian journalist Sergio Frau published the book “The Pillars of Hercules” in which he stated that before Eratosthenes, all ancient Greek writers located them in the Sicilian Strait, and the campaign of Alexander the Great to the east obliged Eratosthenes in his description of the world to move the pillars to Gibraltar. According to his thesis, Atlantis was there, where Sardinia is today. Indeed, the tsunami caused catastrophic destruction on the island, destroying the mysterious Nuraghi civilization. Several survivors moved to the nearby Italian peninsula, founding the Etruscan culture that became the basis for the later Roman one, while other survivors were part of the "Sea Peoples" who attacked Egypt.

Beyond the Mediterranean

Outside the Mediterranean, Antarctica has been deployed in every corner of the world, from Ireland and Sweden to Indonesia and Japan. Many of these theories are based on inconclusive evidence. Two of the most discussed areas are Antarctica.

Bimini Road - Sunken Atlantis?

Everyone seems to know where the Bermuda Triangle is located. Often associated with mysterious events, the Caribbean has drawn attention to an underwater structure called the Bimini Road, discovered by pilots in the 1960s. The Bimini Causeway consists of large rocks arranged in two parallel rows in shallow waters for several kilometers from the Bimini Islands. Many expeditions were sent there to try to prove or disprove the man-made origin of these formations and somehow connect them with Atlantis. Most scientists, particularly geologists, found the evidence inconclusive or concluded that it was a natural phenomenon. Others, however, strongly argue that the rock is too symmetrical and deliberate to be a simple creation of nature. In any case, no other remains were found that would confirm that the road leads to the sunken island.


The theory that Antarctica is the place where Atlantis (photo) once sank was especially popular in the 1960-1970s. It was fueled by Lovecraft's novella The Ridges of Madness, as well as the Piri Reis map, which supposedly shows Antarctica as it would have been without ice, as far as the knowledge of that period allowed. Charles Berlitz, Erich von Daniken, and Peter Colosimo were among the popular authors who made this assumption. However, the theory of continental drift contradicts this idea because during Plato's lifetime Antarctica was in its current location and retained its inhospitable climate. However, the romance of unexplored regions gives rise to many Atlantis-like ideas to this day.

Pop culture

The exploration and discovery of long-lost cities and civilizations is a topic that is not bound by space or time in the popular imagination. Atlantis became that mythical island, the name of which turned out to be symbolic for all the other lost cities. Mentions of it are present in all literary genres, from works of the Renaissance to modern science fiction, fantasy, archaeological and scientific works, New Age books. Television and film have also capitalized on Atlantis's charm. The myth was so enticing that one of the largest hotels in the Bahamas, Atlantis Paradise Island Resort, became a Lost City themed resort.

There are those in the New Age movement who believe that Atlantis, which had a technologically highly advanced civilization, self-destructed due to rapid progress, or that it used extraterrestrial technology. Similar ideas have been attributed to other ancient cultures, as many New Age believers seek to combine various mysterious phenomena into one idea. Ultimately, the ongoing discussions of what Atlantis is, where this sunken island is located, is a testament to humanity's endless curiosity and desire not to be satisfied with the current vision of the world, but to continue to search for secrets and discover the lost worlds of our past.

This story about the unusually ancient, mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans became possible thanks to thirty years of painstaking work carried out by researcher from Australia Shirley Andrews, for which many thanks to her. She devoted her entire life to the study and search of Atlantis. She did a titanic job and studied in detail all the available information about Atlantis, starting with Plato and the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Maya, the works of the famous mystic-medium Edgar Cayce and ending with the research of modern scientists. In search of traces of Atlantis, she traveled across a vast territory and personally explored thousands of kilometers - from the jungles of Central America to the Azores. In our country in 1998, Shirley Andrews’ book “Atlantis” was published. In the footsteps of a vanished civilization." This is the only work today that gives the most comprehensive scientific answers to questions about the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans. According to its author, in his book, using strict scientific methods, as well as the intuitive insights of individual mystics, questions are explored Everyday life Atlanteans, their religion, science and art. In addition, the book contains some information about what knowledge representatives ancient world left to their descendants.

About my intentions and goals of this wonderful encyclopedic book Shirley Andrews (1915-2001) writes the following:

“For many years I read every book I could get my hands on about Atlantis. I looked for an answer to my question from ancient sages and scientists, from modern researchers, American Indians, and turned to the works of Edgar Cayce and other well-known mystics. I was extremely surprised that the material received by the mystics was very similar to more traditional sources - even if there may not have been a direct connection between them at all. I soon became convinced that in the era before about 12,000 BC. e. on Earth in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean... the Atlantean civilization really lived and flourished!

A significant portion of the information I gleaned about Atlantis is very important for today's life. After all, our distant Atlantean ancestors knew how to live in harmony with nature without destroying it. They learned to lead a life that today evokes genuine admiration for us - and the desire to return again to this state, when a person was fully aware of the forces hidden within himself, comprehended the greatness and power of the Universe and maintained a faithful relationship with it.”

What sources did S. Andrews use? First of all, this is the famous mystic - the clairvoyant E. Casey, whom we will talk about in more detail below, as well as the mystics W. Scott-Elliot and R. Sterner. Indirect information about the people of Atlantis for S. Andrews came from some ancient legends of England and Ireland that once upon a time thousands of representatives of a country that, as these people claimed, sank in the Atlantic Ocean, came to these parts. Source information for the author of Atlantis. “Following the Traces of a Vanished Civilization” appeared the legendary memories of the American Indians about this lost land, which they carefully passed on from century to century, from one generation to another.

It should be noted that our knowledge of Atlantis has been significantly expanded by many scientists. For example, Lewis Spence (1874–1955), a Scottish specialist in mythology and ancient history, who brought together stories about the Atlanteans from a wide range of authors: from Herodotus, a Greek historian and traveler of the 5th century BC. e. and Pepi I of Egypt (2800 BC) to the British treasure hunters of later times - such as Cu Chulainn Fioni, Leger Mac Creatian Labrad and Mannannan Osin. As for times closer to us, S. Andrews learned about the legendary Atlantis from the books of Edgarton Sykes, David Zink, Ignatius Donnelly, Nikolai Zhirov and many others. All of the above authors gave S. Andrews information about the life of the Atlanteans. In addition, she uses some objects from prehistoric life that have survived to the present day.

Firstly, this is shamanism - a type, according to S. Andrews, of spiritualism, which has dominated for 40 thousand years and is still practiced (in more or less the same form as in ancient times) in various parts of the world.

Secondly, these are amazing works of ancient art, created about 30 thousand years ago on the walls and ceilings of caves in France and Spain. This beautiful rock painting leads researchers to a number of conclusions that greatly help to understand the lifestyle of the prehistoric artists who created them.

Some important details directly related to Atlantis were kept in those amazing libraries that long before the rise of Christianity existed in the cities of the Western world and were available to any reader or researcher of that time. One of these libraries was located in the notorious Carthage on the coast of North Africa. As you know, from time immemorial the Carthaginians were considered excellent navigators, and their book depositories were replete with maps and descriptions of those places on the Earth where they themselves or their Phoenician ancestors sailed. In 146 BC. e., when the Romans destroyed the Carthaginian library, some leaders of North African tribes managed to save some of these priceless books. They cherished them like the apple of their eye, and, thanks to the penetration of the Moors into Spain from the 8th to the 15th centuries, Western Europe became acquainted with fragments of this ancient knowledge.

Another similar library was located in northern Egypt in the city of Alexandria. This huge library, according to E. Casey, was founded... by the Atlanteans in 10,300 BC. e. Twice in 391 and 642 the library burned due to the “invasion” of ignorant fanatics. It is believed that more than one million precious ancient manuscript scrolls were lost.

In the confusion and confusion of these alarming events local residents mingled with the crowds of marauders and “quietly” carried books out of the flames. And yet, for several months in a row, the water in the Alexandrian baths was heated by burning library books and papyri in the fire. And during the period when the same Moors appeared in some Spanish regions, some of the ancient manuscripts that were once saved by the ancestors of the Egyptians found their way to Europe. In 1217, the Scotsman Michael Scot (1175–1232) visited Spain, who knew Arabic and took on the task of translating African manuscripts, which, among others, dealt with Atlantis. Undoubtedly, they were not missed by S. Andrews and found their place in her book.

And finally, another source of information about the Atlanteans for S. Andrews was ancient nautical maps preserved in North Africa and in the arid regions of the Middle East. In the 13th and 15th centuries, when the inhabitants of those times had already become accustomed to the idea that the Earth extended beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, copies of these detailed and accurate maps appeared in Western Europe: they depict Northern Europe with its lakes and ice, as well as unknown islands in the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, the northern European lands are shown as they were around 10,000 BC. e., when the glacier melted.

To summarize the above, we can conclude in the words of S. Andrews: “In my detailed descriptions of Atlantis, I relied on reliable data gleaned from many different studies, including intuitive messages from mystics.”

To imagine how S. Andrews relates to the history of the existence and development of Atlantis, that is, how she perceives the picture of the life of our distant ancestors and how she, in particular, relates to the problem of the appearance of aliens from outer space on Earth, you need, for example, to familiarize yourself with the table which is given in her book and which is given below.


(all dates are approximate)

65 million years ago - The extinction of the dinosaurs.

450,000 BC e. - The appearance of aliens on Earth from outside.

100,000 BC e. - The emergence of modern man - homo sapiens

55,000 BC e. - Cro-Magnons.

52,000-50,722 BC e. -52,000-50,000 BC e. - The unification of five major nations, the development of sciences and crafts among the Atlanteans.

50,000 BC e. - Pole shift. Atlantis loses part of its land mass and turns into a group of five islands.

35,000 BC e. - The appearance of rock art in caves in southwestern Europe and South America.

28,000 - 18,000 BC e. - Atlantis is changing its climate again due to a change in the Earth's magnetic axis, and an ice age begins. Part of the land shifts and turns into a group of small islands, stretching in a chain from it to the mainland of North America.

16,000 BC e. - Peak of the Ice Age.

12,000 BC e. - Bird-Snake War.

10,000 BC e. - The final death of Atlantis. The Earth's magnetic axis is shifting again, and glaciers are beginning to retreat.

6000 BC e. - Disaster in Bimini.

3800 BC e. - The emergence of a highly developed civilization in Sumer.

So, what kind of people lived in Atlantis in the period from 100,000 to 10,000 BC? e., who managed to survive the terrible catastrophe that destroyed their civilization? What do we know about these ancestors of ours and how do we imagine their lives?.. To answer these questions, let us turn to a brief summary of some sections of the book by S. Andrews.


The Atlanteans were very similar to us: no less intelligent than us, they also laughed, smiled, loved, got angry, became angry and made serious decisions. They knew how to calculate, evaluate, dream, reflect on the past, present and future. Strong in body and spirit, they strived to lead a balanced and harmonious life.

When they managed to cope with everyday worries in a shorter time than expected, they devoted the rest of the day not to work that would bring them extra earthly benefits, but to mutual communication, love and joy, understanding their purpose on Earth and their place in the Universe. These people were tall and slender, and their outer beauty reflected them inner strength and beauty.

Their race was distinguished by greater longevity compared to previously existing ones. For example, the Cro-Magnons, considered representatives of the Atlanteans, lived to be 60 years old in the difficult climatic conditions of Western Europe, while the Neanderthals who preceded their culture died, on average, not even reaching 45 years of age.

A life devoted to the love of others and beauty inevitably led to the development of various hobbies. The remarkable examples of painting and sculpture that the Atlanteans and their descendants left on the European continent testify to their extraordinary artistic talents, fertile cultural environment and high standard of living.

The unusually highly developed spiritual and intuitive abilities of the Atlanteans made their existence very different from ours. All of them were very receptive and knew how to transmit thoughts over a distance. They managed to achieve complete mutual understanding without the help of words. They were able to transmit messages and figurative concepts over long distances, without interrupting communication even when apart. The ability to control their brains most likely allowed them to communicate on equal terms with aliens from outer space.

Let's make a small digression here... The question of possible contacts between the Atlanteans and aliens is quite complex and controversial. But we must note that this is, in fact, the point of view of the author of the book we are considering, S. Andrews. Many scientists note the sudden emergence of high knowledge among ancient people, which in no way, it would seem, could have been the result of their practical activities. There is reason to believe that all this knowledge was obtained in ancient times from communication with representatives of other inhabited worlds. The author of the book's opinion on this will be discussed further.

Thanks extremely developed abilities to perception (much superior to ours), the Atlanteans easily comprehended mathematics and philosophy, as well as the secrets of the unknown. Along with the knowledge received from space advisers, this allowed the Atlanteans to achieve enormous success in various scientific fields, reaching an advanced level, including in aeronautics, which seems incredible to us.

The photo above shows how big the Atlanteans were compared to us, who once landed in Central America and erected these large statues. The Atlanteans were characterized by such qualities as ingenuity, self-control and perseverance, that is, properties developed by people who survived natural disasters - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods, which, according to S. Andrews, gradually “consumed” their country.

In Atlantis there lived two groups of people of different physical types. The first of them, the Cro-Magnons, were characterized by elongated narrow skulls that accommodated a brain with a volume significantly greater than the volume of the brain of a modern (average) person. They had small, even teeth, rather long noses, high cheekbones and prominent chins. The men were tall - much higher than two meters, and the women were more petite. The structure of the body was so similar to ours that if a Cro-Magnon man had to walk through the streets of our cities in modern clothes, he would not stand out from the crowd in any way - except perhaps for his beauty.

Another race of Atlanteans, who lived in the eastern mountainous regions of Atlantis, was significantly different from the Cro-Magnon: they were dark-skinned, squat and very strong people. Their main occupation was ore mining. They were famous for their excellent sense of humor, which not least helped them survive in the harsh mountainous regions. These mighty people were excellent fighters and a valuable asset for the army of Atlantis!


Realizing how high the moral value of family is and how important it is to share earthly time with another being, people of different sexes in Atlantis sought to choose a companion for life. Marriage was called a “union.” Two lovers who wanted to unite forever went to a local priest, who, with the help of his spiritual abilities, penetrated into the essence of their souls and determined the compatibility of the couple. Having approved the marriage, the priest blessed the lovers and gave them a pair of bracelets, which the spouses were supposed to wear on their left forearm. The spouses had equal rights, however, it was believed that the husband should take care of his wife when she was bearing children.

Same-sex relationships were also widespread in Atlantis. The Atlanteans believed in reincarnation and that in later life they would be reborn in the body of the opposite sex. Gays and lesbians chose not to connect with a person of that gender during their next life. They were truly revered for their loyalty because they strived to remain true to the old part of themselves.

Apparently, due to the fact that too many men fought in foreign lands, the Atlantean was allowed (especially in the pre-sunset hour of the existence of civilization) to take two wives. Harmony usually reigned in such families, since children were taught to love not only their mother, but also their father’s second wife, who, in turn, tried to take care of them in the same way as her children.

If the Atlanteans found themselves unhappy in their marriage, then they believed that they should not suffer all their lives because of a mistake made in their youth. In this case, both of them went to the priest, who tried to reconcile them so that they would continue to live with each other. However, if nothing came of this, then the religious leader took away their marriage bracelets, and both were freed from marriage.

When spouses who had children separated, and neither party wanted to take care of their offspring, older strangers, whose own children had already grown up, took responsibility for their upbringing.

During the heyday of Atlantis, under the influence of the Adept Emperors, the people achieved the purest and truest understanding of the Divine idea. According to Plato's stories, the religion of the inhabitants of Atlantis was simple and pure; The Atlanteans worshiped the Sun. The offerings were only flowers and fruits. The cult of the Sun was a divine symbol of that essence of the Cosmos, which, being inexpressible, permeates everything. The solar disk was the only emblem worthy of depicting the head of the Deity. This golden disk was usually placed in such a way that the first ray of the Sun illuminated it during the spring or summer solstice, symbolizing the greatness of such a moment.

N.K. Roerich. Atlant. 1921


The inhabitants of Atlantis belong to the Fourth Root Race of humanity, and their origin comes from the descendants of the Lemurians. In The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky is given information about the number and diversity of the Atlanteans. They represented several “humanities” and an almost countless number of races and nationalities. There were brown, red, yellow, white and black Atlanteans, giants and dwarfs.

Approximately one million years ago, the Third Sub-Race of the Atlanteans arose. It was called "Toltec". The height of the Atlanteans of that time was 2 - 2.5 meters. Over time it changed, getting closer to modern look. Such an Atlas is depicted above in the painting by N.K. Roerich with the same name. The descendants of the Toltecs are currently purebred representatives of the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.

Thanks to the warm climate that prevailed in most parts of the country, Atlanteans usually wore simple and comfortable clothes. The outfits of women and men, most often linen, were similar. As a rule, their clothing was a loose dress or shirt with long or short pants. People wore sandals, but sometimes walked barefoot. Atlantans preferred to wear long hair, because they believed that they retained physical and spiritual strength.

During the last stage of their civilization, when the Atlanteans began to attach increasing importance to material wealth, appearance also acquired special importance in their eyes. Men, women and children began to painstakingly adorn themselves with various necklaces, wristbands, brooches and belts made of pearls, silver, gold and multi-colored gems.

The attire of the priests in Atlantis emphasized their position and level of spiritual experience. The main color of their clothing, as well as belts, earrings, pendants, rings, wristbands or headbands, indicated whether the person wearing them was a healer, disciple or mentor.

Newcomers who had just entered the path of priesthood wore pale green robes. Then, having reached a higher degree of initiation, they changed into blue, and finally they were allowed to put on white clothes: this was the prerogative of the highest rank.

Let's try to imagine the inhabitants of Atlantis. Dressed in a well-breathable white dress or trousers with elegant purple trim, in addition decorated with embroidery. Our feet are protected by soft sandals woven from palm leaves. Both men and women wear long hair, secured with ivory pins and adorned with radiant rock crystal.

When the Atlanteans moved to colder climes in southwestern Europe, they needed more substantial clothing. They wore well-tailored shirts with collars and buttoned sleeves, skirts, jackets, long dresses with belts, and pants with pockets. Their feet were warmed by socks, shoes and fur boots. Women wore cotton scarves or hats on their heads, and men wore insulated hats.


As the Atlanteans paid more and more attention to material wealth, they began to establish sanctuaries in exquisitely decorated places, as well as in temples. For such structures, places were chosen where energy came from both the Earth and the Universe. The Atlanteans understood that humans are influenced by invisible forces emanating from all natural spheres.

Majestic temples everywhere adorned the landscape of Atlantis. Although the Atlanteans preferred simplicity and modesty when building their personal houses, they tried to build their favorite temples with great pomp, since they knew that these buildings would be admired by future generations.

Craftsmen lined the interior walls and ceilings of the sanctuaries with mosaic paintings made of gold and silver or inlaid them with precious stones. Men, women and children gathered to tend the magnificent gardens that brought life to the streams and ponds.

Religious holidays, rituals honoring the gods and rituals associated with birth and death occupied a large place in the social life of the Atlanteans. The formidable gods of the volcanoes thundered very often, so a lot of time was devoted to appeasing them. On certain days, all residents appeared at the appointed place, holding dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables, and then carried them to the mountain peaks or placed them in niches carved into the rocks.

One of the favorite celebrations in Atlantis was the New Year celebration, which occurred at the time of the spring equinox and lasted seven days. New Year's celebrations began at sunrise in the spacious gardens surrounding the capital's temple of Poseidon. As the first rays of light appeared, the assembled crowd turned to the east, and a large choir began to sing a melodious song. This ritual ended with all those present kneeling down, bowing their heads in silent admiration before the power of the Sun - this source of all life and strength. After the morning celebration, people indulged in friendly communication, games, arguments and conversations on religious, philosophical or scientific topics.

At noon, everyone turned their face to the temple, where the priests swung a crystal on a high tower, which caught the sun's rays and sent a powerful stream of light in all directions. The crowd focused on the majestic source of energy and gave thanks for its presence. In the evening, at sunset, people turned towards the west and, accompanied by stringed instruments, sang a farewell song to their beloved heavenly body. On the last evening after the sunset ceremony, the temple choir sang another song corresponding to this event, and the priest made a speech about the power of the Sun, the meaning of his words being perceived more acutely due to the deepening twilight.

In addition to the New Year holidays, the life of the Atlanteans was decorated with local celebrations of spring crops, rituals dedicated to Hephaestus - Vulcan (the god of fire, the personification of volcanoes), religious ceremonies on the day of the summer solstice, celebrations on the night of the full moon and other similar events.

In Atlantis there were many ways to spend your free time pleasantly. For example, a favorite, albeit dangerous, pastime was a walk through the mountains, which could always greet daredevils either with the stench of poisonous gases erupting from the depths, or with streams of liquid lava emanating from cracks. Moreover, along the southwestern coast of Atlantis there was a pink strip of sand, which was protected by coral reefs from the powerful onslaught of ocean waves. Atlanteans loved to bask on these beaches under the shade of palm trees or swim in quiet backwaters.

In the pre-sunset years, the Atlantean civilization became interested in other amusements. Crowds gathered all over the country to watch bloody bullfights or horse races. In the last years of the existence of Atlantis, many of its inhabitants began to become more interested in gluttony, wine and communication. Memories of those stormy days have not been completely erased from the collective human memory. Descendants of the Atlanteans, who lived in the West Indies thousands of years later, claimed that Atlantis was a land where they feasted, danced and sang, and Welsh legends say that to some special music the Atlanteans could dance in the air, like leaves in the wind.


The Atlanteans could communicate with animals and birds telepathically, which they sometimes resorted to to transmit thoughts to each other. Deer, lions, goats, pigs and other animals roamed freely, and countless flocks of songbirds fluttered among the houses and sat trustingly on people’s shoulders. Animals helped their human counterparts in every possible way and protected them from dangers.

Cats, dogs and snakes were favorites, as these animals were sensitive to earth vibrations and the increasing electromagnetic activity that occurred, heralding earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Priests involved in various sacraments, who knew how to find mutual understanding with animals like no one else, kept lions and other large cats in the temples. Almost every family had a domestic cat, since it was believed that the hidden abilities of this animal protected the owners from the hostile forces of the inhabitants of the other world. It is also believed that the oldest dog breed was the Chow Chow, as a result of whose skillful breeding strong animals with heavy bones and very sharp claws appeared. Sheep served as support for the Atlantean household, although they were kept a little away from the home. Their wool was used to stuff pillows, spin and weave. And the manure of these animals served as an excellent fertilizer for gardens and vegetable gardens.

Among the special favorites in Atlantis were dolphins. The Atlanteans built ponds near their houses for these creatures and treated them as equals. Having learned to recognize their fast speech, they were filled with respect for the mental abilities of these “animals” (the author of the book put the last word in quotation marks for a reason, since it is known that the brain capacity of dolphins exceeds that of humans!). The dolphins that lived off the coast of Atlantis served its inhabitants as an excellent source of information about the sea, we can only dream about it.

Horses were also used in Atlantis. They worked on arable land, transported people and participated in horse races held on a huge racing field in the capital of the country - the Golden Gate City. The descendants of the Atlanteans, having settled after the death of Atlantis on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, that is, on the American and European continents, retained for a long time the ability to communicate with wild animals.


Making voyages to foreign lands, the Atlanteans communicated with other peoples everywhere, and gradually their dialect became the COMMON LANGUAGE of culture and trade. The former dialects became obsolete, while the Atlantean lexicon became the basic lexicon from which many of the world's languages ​​subsequently originated. The existence of a single language is spoken of in the Bible: it was the time of the construction of the Tower of Babel, when “there was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth.”

At first, the Atlanteans did not have a written language. Their spiritual existence was in perfect harmony with the natural world, and the continuity of such relations did not need written support. The Atlanteans believed that writing breeds forgetfulness. In other words, to write down a thought would mean not to enrich it, but, on the contrary, to impoverish it.

Little by little, to denote abstract feelings or certain events, as well as other concepts that required several words, various symbols began to be used in Atlantis - spirals, swastikas, zigzags, which the Atlanteans used when communicating with strangers.

Moreover, with the help of pointed stones, hammers and bone chisels, prehistoric Atlantean sailors painstakingly carved distinct petroglyphs into rocks and boulders in many places.

Repeating marks along ancient river beds, carved before 10,000 BC. BC, can still be found today in Africa, the Canary Islands, around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in many other areas where rivers once flowed into the Atlantic Ocean.

Gradually, in Atlantis, LETTERS themselves began to develop from pictographic symbols, more or less similar to the designations familiar to us. The oldest icons were based on the sounds of living creatures. Many references to prehistoric writing have reached us. And the Phoenicians, traveling through the countries neighboring Atlantis, “picked up” fragments of these ancient signs and symbols developed in Atlantis, and then composed a phonetic (sound) alphabet from them.


As always and everywhere, in Atlantis, children began to learn about the world around them from their parents. Considerable attention was paid to oral stories. From generation to generation, the inhabitants of the island (or islands) passed on tales about Poseidon, Cleito and Atlas, which they heard from their great-grandfathers, or stories about earthquakes, floods, solar and lunar eclipses, about the fight against wild animals - in a word, about all that , which befell the Atlantean people in the past.

The children exercised their memory by memorizing many songs that the Atlanteans customarily performed during various rituals. Children talked to flowers, made friends with birds and animals, sensed hidden life in stones and rocks, and explored other hidden and complex manifestations of the earthly world.

However, all civilizations “mature”, and by 14,000 BC. e. in Atlantis the importance of science increased. In this regard, orderly education was considered necessary for the general welfare. Children went to classes in temples, where they learned reading, writing, astronomy and mathematics. The favorite way of teaching in temples was telepathy - the transmission of thoughts at a distance. For records, temple schools used flexible writing material like parchment, which was rolled into scrolls and secured with a clay ring.

On their twelfth birthday, each child was allowed to talk privately with high priest local temple, which encouraged the young creature to choose an activity to her liking. After such a conversation, teenagers most often entered various kinds of “trade schools”, where they learned farming, fishing and other useful skills. Some of them visited scientific institutions, where the usual school program was supplemented by the study of the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, as well as the development of spiritual abilities, such as healing.

In the capital of Atlantis, the City of the Golden Crowtext-align:justify t, there was a magnificent university, where access was open to all those prepared - regardless of religious and racial affiliation. The university consisted of two colleges (or faculties): the College of Sciences and the Secret College of Incal. Education at the College of Sciences was highly specialized, that is, its students immediately chose a subject of study (medical art, mineralogy, mathematics, geology or another scientific branch).

The Incal College dealt with occult phenomena. Here they studied astrology, practiced predicting the future, reading thoughts and interpreting dreams, transmitting thoughts over a distance and materializing the thoughts of individual people. Healers who studied at this faculty acquired completely different skills than those who studied the art of medicine at another faculty, that is, at the College of Sciences. Various methods of recognizing and treating both physical and mental ailments were used to benefit all Atlanteans.


The favorable climate allowed the Atlanteans to do without the grueling daily struggle for food and shelter, and therefore they had “free time” to practice art and music. So that the works of talented artists could be admired by fellow tribesmen, they were exhibited in temples, which today are buried under sediments of volcanic lava, under the thickness of ocean waters.

However, some examples of art from that distant time were still lucky enough to survive to this day in the lands adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. In southwestern Europe, a number of graceful statues of Atlanteans, unique rock paintings, as well as beautiful jewelry carved from bone and precious stones were discovered. All these products indicate a long period of existence of a certain artistic tradition in Atlantis. The discovered examples of painting, sculpture and jewelry are by no means the first timid attempts of artisans, but masterpieces of skilled and experienced craftsmen.

Today we are deprived of the opportunity to admire the paintings that the Atlantean settlers created in the open air and in the light of the warm rays of the sun, but the wonderful paintings they made in the period from 30,000 to 10,000 BC. e., preserved in some caves in France and Spain. Near the cave entrances, the walls are decorated with hunting scenes, gatherings of people, and detailed depictions of the various seasons. However, the most magnificent paintings are hidden in almost inaccessible cave passages.

While creating their masterpieces there, ancient artists suffocated from lack of ventilation and strained their eyesight due to poor lighting. And despite such seemingly unbearable working conditions, the animal bodies they depict reveal amazing freedom, lightness, liveliness and also naturalistic verisimilitude, which rarely anyone manages to achieve in our days.

One of the strongest motives that prompted the artists of antiquity to work for hours on end in the chilly darkness of deep European caves was SHAMANISM. Far from the noise and fun, birds, animals and people painted in bright colors seemed to come to life in the tremulous and uncertain light of the trembling flame of oil lamps. It was easier for priests or shamans here in caves to come into contact with the other world of spirits.

Evidence of the existence of grueling rites of initiation (initiation) and the hallucinatory visions captured in picturesque images that visited artists in these sacred places when they managed to “go beyond” their own bodies - all this suggests that occultism once dominated in Atlantis. At the same time, intuitive shamanic abilities allowed these artists to create unsurpassed examples of painting.

The images of the artists who migrated from Atlantis to South America are for the most part not as expressive as the works of those who sailed from Atlantis to the east. But still, both the subjects themselves and the paintings of artists in Peru, Chile and Brazil are very reminiscent of their European counterparts.

Atlanteans were depicted on the walls of caves in Europe and near the Amazon River in South America, that is, on both sides of the ocean, “cycles of the seasons.” Such a cycle was a circle divided at right angles into four parts, and each segment designated one season. And although in the Amazon region there were only two seasons, and not four, as was the case in Atlantis and Western Europe, the Atlanteans continued to paint this cycle of four as private, as before at home. In other words, the penchant of ancient South American artists for occult creations was obvious.

Another material used by the craftsmen in Atlantis was quartz, a volcanic rock quite common in Atlantis. In 1927, in the ruins of Mayan buildings in Lubaantum, the expedition of the famous archaeologist Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedgis discovered a life-size skull sculpted from crystalline quartz. The skull was found by a young American woman who was helping Anne Mitchell-Hedgis's father with his work.

This is how one of the Bulgarian magazines describes this item: “The skull is made of colorless transparent rock crystal and consists of two parts. The lower jaw is movable. The skull weighs 5.19 kilograms and is the size of a normal human skull. It is amazing that expertly made lenses and prisms are placed in the cranial cavity and at the bottom of the eye sockets, allowing the transmission of images of objects. When the light beam is directed into the cavity of the skull, the eye sockets begin to sparkle brightly, and when the beam is directed into the center of the nasal cavity, the skull glows completely. The structure of the find indicates that it is a female skull. Using a thin thread threaded through tiny holes, the lower jaw can be made to move..."

According to F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, the perfection of the crystal skull and the Maya's lack of raw materials for its manufacture (the skull was created from a giant rock crystal, which is not found in Central America) can be explained by the fact that the skull came to the Mayans... from Atlantis. Other man-made quartz skulls found, not so fine workmanship, are exhibited in two places: the British Museum of Man and the Anthropological Museum in Paris.

Since radiocarbon dating is not applicable to quartz, the age of these skulls cannot be determined. However, after a thorough examination of the Central American skull, scientists from the Californian Hewlett-Packard laboratory came to the following conclusion: it was made by people who belonged to a civilization that possessed information about crystallography no less (if not more) than modern civilization.

Scientists who examined the quartz skull under powerful microscopes found no scratches to indicate it had been carved with metal tools. It is possible that during its manufacture a certain mixture was used to dissolve the rock. Some of the researchers came to the conclusion that, even with such advanced technology as we have today, it is almost impossible to reproduce this unique skull. According to their calculations, its creation, that is, grinding from a single piece of quartz rock, would require at least... three hundred (?!) years of continuous labor of one person.

The quartz skull has some strange properties. Sometimes people who are sensitive to such things see a peculiar aura around him, others detect a sweetish-sour smell near him. At times it may seem that the skull is making sounds like the ringing of a bell or a barely audible choir of human voices. In his presence, many people have realistic visions, and he has a beneficial effect on those endowed with the gift of healing and divination. The crystal also promotes meditation: it not only serves as an amplifier of radio waves, but also perceives them, influencing the energy emitted by thought waves. Skulls and other similar objects, carefully carved from quartz crystals, helped the Atlanteans and their descendants achieve increased sensitivity and sensitivity when contemplating their own place in the Universe.


occupied an important place in the life of the Atlanteans, as it helped maintain their health and peace of mind. They sang, played harps, lutes, guitars, flutes and trumpets, cymbals, tambourines and drums, and the vibrations of music had a spiritual and physical effect on their minds and bodies.

In addition, the Atlanteans knew that euphonious musical tones promoted the growth of plants and had a good effect on the well-being of domestic animals.

The Atlanteans who settled in Europe and America also attached importance to pleasant musical sounds in their lives. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that many whistles, pipes, drums and other stringed instruments were found among their personal property.

The sweet sounds of the flute, the monotonous and dull drumming, and the calm plucking of strings from harp-like instruments helped to get in the mood for meditation even during the temple service. In addition, healers used music along with medical and psychological methods of treating illness. For example, beating the drum and singing songs made it possible to plunge into a state of deep trance, in which bleeding stopped, the body regained strength, and physical and mental ailments were cured. The Atlanteans sang special songs to sick children, and their strong belief in the healing power of music helped bring recovery closer.


The last civilization in Atlantis flourished for 20 thousand years - much longer than our civilization has experienced so far. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and even the Arabs inherited grains scientific knowledge, accumulated in Atlantis and then preserved in ancient libraries the Western world, as well as in the esoteric teachings of the priestly castes of various countries or their religious figures. This knowledge testifies to the remarkable scientific and technical talents of the Atlanteans and their advisors who came from heaven.

Subsequently, for example, during the Renaissance, inquisitive and eager humanist scientists, having thoroughly studied and rethought this fragmentary heritage of antiquity, laid the foundations of our scientific thinking. Today we are rediscovering and mastering - albeit only partially - the scientific experience of our distant ancestors and predecessors.

The ancient Atlanteans received energy in several ways, the main ones being, for example, the following:

Receiving vital energy released by “living matter”;

The use of the energy of “sound levitation”, manifested by the use of sound pulsations and tension of mental effort, used to move heavy objects of the festival in space. The cult of the Sun also existed in ancient Ireland and throughout Scandinavia, where it acquired special importance also due to the fact that in those parts there alternately reigned long days of darkness and light...

The Atlanteans (probably not without the practical help of space aliens) used solar energy in flying cars. In a later period, aircraft like “airplanes” were controlled by powerful beams from special stations, which in turn were powered by solar energy.

Another Atlantean aircraft, which in appearance resembled a “low flat sleigh,” could transport over long distances heavy loads, flying ten meters above the ground in a straight line. This machine was controlled from the ground using a special crystal.

The rays from such a crystal also sent energy to small “airplanes” - for one or two riders, flying just one meter above the ground. Another type of Atlantean airship was called “valix”. These ships varied in length, varying from 7–8 to 90–100 meters.

They looked like hollow needles with points at both ends and were made of sheets of shiny, lightweight metal that glowed in the darkness. These “passenger liners” had rows of windows in the floor and sides - like embrasures, as well as light holes in the ceiling. Books helped passengers brighten up the flight time musical instruments, potted plants, comfortable chairs and even beds. These planes had a special system built into them that, in stormy weather, allowed the “liners” to avoid accidental collisions with mountain peaks. Flying over the earth in such planes, the Atlanteans often threw seeds down as dedicatory offerings to the setting sun. This is a laconic description of the “aeronautical fleet” of the Atlanteans, who, in principle, could fly and explore both near and distant space...


While the Atlanteans maintained a close connection with the natural environment, they were famous for their excellent physical and mental health. Regular performance of religious rituals among the standing stones in the temples allowed them to join in the boundless harmony of the Universe. The inhabitants of Atlantis believed that the powers endowed with these sacred stones increased fertility, performed miraculous healings, prolonged life and cured mental illnesses.

Recognizing the power of the mind over the body, the spirit over the flesh, healers in Atlantis developed unique ways of recognizing diseases. In addition, the Atlanteans used many methods for the practical treatment of physical ailments.

First of all, they turned to nature for help. The great variety of plants that grew in prehistoric times in Atlantis and its colonies provided healers with many opportunities to treat various diseases and ailments, as well as to improve healing itself. Among these drugs were antiseptics, narcotics, quinine against malaria, hallucinogens, herbs for stimulating cardiac activity, etc. Healing plants They were also used in the treatment of fevers, dysentery and most other disorders of the human body.

Atlantean healers and, in particular, priests knew how to use energy from higher sources to treat certain ailments. At the same time, healers often practiced in pyramids (at a distance of one third from the top of its height), where it was easier to accumulate energy captured from space.

To treat some other diseases, the Atlanteans successfully used color and sound, as well as metals - copper, gold and silver. Also used gems: sapphires, rubies, emeralds and topazes.

The Atlanteans understood that, like the human body, every substance (and sometimes phenomenon) has its own characteristic vibrations caused by the movement of internal tiny atomic particles. People instinctively determined which of these materials suited them best, and wore jewelry made from it, which gave them strength and contributed to their receptivity.

In Atlantis, crystals were widely used to treat many diseases. The color change in large “healing” crystals helped experienced doctors determine in which part of the body pain originated. Medical manipulations using “healing” crystals, which focused beneficial energy on the patient’s body, were very common, as they helped to “pour” new strength into the human body and prolong its life.

Naturally, at times in Atlantis there was a need for surgical intervention. However, it was not associated with unpleasant sensations, since the “therapeutic hypnosis” used by the healers served as an excellent painkiller - so reliable that the patient did not feel pain either during or after the operation.

Since the ancient Sumerians, in particular, were helped by space aliens in treating patients with various methods, then, most likely, they also helped the Atlanteans...

So, using materials from the book “Atlantis. In the Footsteps of a Vanished Civilization,” we became quite fully and thoroughly familiar with some aspects multifaceted life Atlanteans, as well as with some of their living conditions. We would also like to end this essay with the words of Francis Bacon, quoted in the book by Shirley Andrews:

“...I believe that someday most of this information will be confirmed - for the benefit of our civilization. So, opening your mental eyes wider, fixing your gaze on distant Atlantis and - ... read not in order to contradict and refute, and not in order to take the word for it - but in order to weigh what you read and reflect... »

Humanity's knowledge of its history is bound by time and space. We are locked in the present and have no way to go back even a minute, let alone hundreds and thousands of years. Scientists are trying to restore the picture of the past based on indirect data: from the study of geological rocks, from the results of archaeological excavations, from information glorified by people of distant eras. The reliability of this information remains a big question.

The point here is not at all about the malicious intent of scientists or a global political conspiracy. It’s just that time is merciless to the monuments of the past: material and intangible.
Eyewitness accounts are full of inaccuracies, emotional distortions, exaggerations, and sincere misconceptions. The artifacts that have come down to us are often so damaged that even the most experienced experts just shrug their shoulders: it is impossible to reliably determine either the time of creation of the artifact or the chemical composition of the material from which it was created.
The historical picture of the world created by scientists is largely arbitrary. It is based on hypotheses that are recognized by the world scientific community as the most plausible. However, who can guarantee that this plausibility is not an illusion?
To recreate a more or less complete history of mankind, we need to find absolutely all the books, buildings, household items, in a word, everything that can tell us about the lives of people of the distant past. Moreover, archaeological excavations should be carried out throughout our planet. Truly, it would be a huge undertaking.
Among different peoples you can find a myth about an unknown person speaking an incomprehensible language, who taught them various crafts. In the myths of the Old World, the alien comes from the West, and in the myths of the New World - from the East. It is possible that these were surviving Atlanteans.
But, alas, archaeological activities of such a scale are impossible. At least for now. Firstly, over hundreds and thousands of years, many artifacts simply disappeared due to natural physical and chemical processes. And secondly, most of the Earth’s surface is simply inaccessible for full-fledged archaeological research.
Thousands of years ago, the globe would have looked different, and we would not have recognized our Earth, thinking that we were seeing a model of some other planet. What was once dry land is now hidden under many kilometers of the World Ocean.
What do its depths hide? Science is silent on this matter.
Is it possible to assume that somewhere in the ocean lie the remains of a civilization much more developed and ancient than any known to us today?

Will you say that this is impossible? So, you have explored every centimeter of the ocean floor, cleaned and tested every underwater rock, every coral, looked into every geological layer across the entire surface of the planet...
But if not, you not only do not have the right to assert with confidence that the existence of an ancient civilization is impossible.
The world's oceans are full of secrets. It is there, under the water column, that one of the most famous, powerful and mysterious civilizations of the past may be hiding - the Atlantean civilization, which once flourished in Atlantis.
Atlantis is a legendary land, a haven for the descendants of ancient gods, the cradle of a civilization that reached imaginable and unimaginable heights of development and fell in just one day.
Atlantis is sometimes called an island, an archipelago, or a continent. Its exact location is unknown, so the land of the Atlanteans is “placed” in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, South America, Africa, and Scandinavia. The legendary Atlantis “travels” around the world. The time of its existence and death remains unclear. The reasons for the fall of the powerful Atlantean civilization are a subject of much controversy.
A whole scientific (or pseudo-scientific) direction is studying Atlantis - atlantology. It took shape in 1959, and its creator was the Soviet chemist Nikolai Fedorovich Zhirov. The merit of atlantologists is that they try to find a rational grain in the numerous myths about Atlantis and apply a scientific approach.
Today, “orthodox” science does not recognize Atlantis’s right to exist. Atlantis is officially considered a myth, fiction, literary and philosophical fantasy. To engage seriously with the Atlantean civilization means to abandon the reputation of a “serious scientist.” There are also less plausible, but very interesting.

Atlantic Ocean

It is completely logical that, first of all, Atlantis is sought where Plato indicated - in the Atlantic Ocean. Egyptian priests, retelling the story of the Athenian-Atlantean wars, mentioned that the Atlantean army “headed from the Atlantic Sea.” According to the priests, Atlantis was located opposite the Pillars of Hercules. In ancient times, this was the name given to the Strait of Gibraltar and the rocks of Gibraltar and Ceuta located in it.
Atlantis, therefore, was located beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, near the coast of Spain and modern Morocco. The Greeks believed that the territory now belonging to Morocco is the country of the far West, that is, the edge of the world, where the titan Atlas (Atlas) lives, holding the Earth on his shoulders. Presumably, the names of the ocean, the Atlas ridge and the island of Atlantis go back to the name of this titan. Plato named the first-born son of Poseidon and Cleito Atlas and said that the legendary island was named after him. Perhaps the name “Atlantis” originally meant something like “a country lying in the far West,” “the country of the titan Atlanta.”

According to the stories of the Egyptian priests, Atlantis was an island larger in size than total area Libya and Asia. From there it was possible to cross other islands to the “opposite continent” (most likely to America).
Supporters of this hypothesis believe that traces of the sunken Atlantis should be looked for at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean or near the islands located at the indicated coordinates. Atlantologists suggest that several thousand years ago these islands were the mountain peaks of Atlantis. There is enough free space in the modern Atlantic Ocean for an island the size of Atlantis to fit there.
It was this hypothesis that was always defended by the founder of cynology N.F. Zhurov.
Many Atlantologists placed Atlantis in the region of the Kshear and Canary Islands.
Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, an employee of the famous magazine "Around the World", agreed that the sunken island was located in the Atlantic Ocean, but believed that Atlantis should be looked for somewhat closer to the north pole - in the place of modern Ireland and Britain.
The cause of the death of Atlantis, according to Kudryavtsev, was the melting of glaciers during the Ice Age, which ended just about 10,000 years ago.

Bermuda Triangle: legacy of the Atlanteans?

The mystery of Atlantis is often associated with another equally famous mystery of the Atlantic Ocean - the formidable and deadly Bermuda Triangle. This anomalous zone is located near the southeastern coast of the United States. The “vertices” of the “triangle” lie on the islands of Bermuda, Miami (Florida) and San Juan (Puerto Rico). In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, more than one hundred ships and aircraft have disappeared without a trace. People who were lucky enough to return from the mysterious Kivami triangle talk about strange visions, about fog appearing out of nowhere, about gaps in time.
What is the Bermuda Triangle? Some atlantologists are inclined to believe that unwitting (or
free?) the Atlanteans were responsible for the appearance of this anomalous region.
The famous American clairvoyant Edward Cayce (1877-1945) observed pictures of the life of the Atlanteans in his visions. Cayce said that the Atlanteans had special energy crystals that they used “for worldly and spiritual purposes.”

Before Casey's mind's eye appeared a hall in the Temple of Poseidon, called the Hall of Light. The main crystal of the Atlanteans, Tuaoi, or “Fire Stone,” was kept here. The cylindrical crystal absorbed solar energy and accumulated it at its center.
The first crystal was a gift presented to the Atlanteans by representatives of alien civilizations. The aliens warned that the crystal contained enormous destructive power, so it must be handled with extreme caution.
Crystals were powerful energy generators. They accumulated radiation from the Sun and stars and accumulated the energy of the Earth. The rays emanating from the crystals could burn through the thickest wall.
It was thanks to crystals that the Atlanteans erected their grandiose palaces and temples. Alien stones also helped develop the psychic abilities of the inhabitants of Atlantis.
Some confirmation of Cayce’s words can be found in the myths and traditions of different peoples.
For example, Julius Caesar in “Notes on the Gallic War” cited the story of a Druid priest that the ancestors of the Gauls came to Europe from the “Island of Crystal Towers.” They talked about how, somewhere in the center of the Atlantic Ocean, there was a glass palace. If any ship dared to get too close to it, it disappeared forever. The reason for this was unknown forces emanating from the magical palace. In the Celtic sagas (and the Gauls are representatives of one of the Celtic tribes), the destructive power of the Crystal Tower is called a “magic web.”
One of the heroes of the sagas turned out to be a prisoner of the House of Glass, but managed to escape from there and return home. It seemed to the hero that he spent only three days in the palace, but it turned out that thirty years had actually passed. Today we would call this phenomenon a distortion of the space-time continuum.
In 1675, the Swedish atlantologist Olaus Rudbeck stated that Atlantis was located in Sweden, and its capital was the city of Uppsala. Rudbeck argued that he was right should be obvious to everyone who has ever read the Bible.

According to some legends, some of the Atlanteans managed to escape death when their homeland fell into fashion. They moved to Tibet. Local peoples have preserved legends about huge pyramids, on top of which rock crystal crystals shone, which, like antennas, attracted the energy of the Cosmos.
Edgar Cayce repeatedly warned about the dangers fraught with the Bermuda Triangle. The clairvoyant was sure: at the bottom of the ocean, resting a pyramid crowned with an alien crystal - a powerful energy complex of the Atlanteans. Crystals still operate today, causing distortions of space and time, causing objects passing by to disappear, having a detrimental effect on the psyche of people.
Casey named the exact location of the power plant: on the ocean floor east of Andros Island at a depth of 1500 m.
In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a big fan of underground diving, went on vacation to the island of Bahrie near the Bahamas. During one of the underwater excursions, he discovered a mysterious pyramid at the bottom. At its top, secured by unknown mechanisms, rested a crystal. Despite the alarming premonitions, Dr. Brown took the stone. For 5 years he hid his discovery and only in 1975 he decided to demonstrate it at a congress of psychiatrists in the USA. A participant in the congress, New York psychologist Elizabeth Bacon, claimed that she received a message from the crystal. The stone announced that it belonged to the Egyptian god Thoth.
Later, the press received reports that high-energy crystals were found at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea, the origin of which was unknown. The power of these crystals supposedly caused people and ships to disappear into nothingness.
In 1991, an American hydrological vessel discovered a giant pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, larger in size than even the Cheops pyramid.
According to echograms, the mysterious object was made of a smooth material similar to glass or polished ceramic. The edges of the pyramid were perfectly smooth!

Research into the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious objects resting at its bottom has still not been completed. There is no accurate information, reliable facts, reliable material evidence. There are many more questions than answers.
Perhaps anomalous forces are really to blame for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area. Maybe there, in the dark ocean depths, stands a lonely pyramid. Abandoned and forgotten by everyone, it continues to do what it was created for - to generate powerful flows of energy for the benefit of people, not suspecting that its owners, the Atlanteans, have been resting there for several millennia, in the dark waters of the world's oceans. And the people who now dominate the surface curse the mysterious and destructive force coming from no one knows where.
Mediterranean Sea: Minoan Civilization
The legend of Atlantis is a story about a once powerful and highly developed civilization that died or fell into decline as a result of a terrible natural disaster. Perhaps Atlantis, as Plato described it, never existed. The Greek philosopher created this myth based on real historical events, which he creatively reinterpreted. In this case, both the area of ​​Atlantis and the time of its existence are just artistic exaggerations. The prototype of Atlantis was the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete (2600-1450 AD).
The hypothesis about the Mediterranean origin of Atlantis was expressed in 1854 by the Russian statesman, scientist, traveler and writer Abraham Sergeevich Norov.
In his book, A Study of Atlantis, he cites the words of the Roman writer Pliny the Elder (23 AD-79 AD) that Cyprus and Syria were once one. However, after the earthquake, Cyprus broke away and became an island. This information is supported by the Arab geographer Ibn Yakut, who talked about how one day the sea rose and flooded vast inhabited territories, and the disaster even reached Greece and Syria.
Norov makes some adjustments to the translation of Plato's dialogues and to the interpretation of geographical terms. The scientist draws attention to the fact that the text uses the word “pelagos” and not “okeanos”, i.e. what is meant is not the Atlantic Ocean, but a certain Atlantic Sea.” Norov suggests that this is what the ancient Egyptian priests called the Mediterranean Sea.
In ancient times there were no unified names of geographical objects. If Plato’s contemporaries called Gibraltar the Pillars of Hercules, then the Egyptians and Proto-Athenians could call any strait that way, for example, the Messianic Strait, the Kerch Strait, the Strait of Bonifacio, Cape Malea in the Peloponnese and the island of Kythira, the islands of Kythira and Antikythera, the Canary Islands, the walls of the temple near the Gulf of Gabes , Nile Delta. Mountains named after Atlas were located in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Norov himself was inclined to believe that the Pillars of Hercules meant the Bosphorus.
This hypothesis also has a purely logical basis. In the treatise “Timaeus”, Plato describes the catastrophe that led to the death of the armies of the Athenians and Atlanteans: “But later, when the time came for unprecedented earthquakes and floods, in one terrible day all your (pre-Athenian - editor's note) military strength was swallowed up by the opening earth; “In the same way, Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss.” Judging by this description, at the time of the disaster the Athenian army was not far from Atlantis. Athens is located at a decent distance from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. To get to Gibraltar, the Athenians, who, as we remember, were betrayed by all their allies, would have to single-handedly conquer all the lands from Tyrrhenia to Egypt from the Atlanteans, defeat the mighty fleet of Atlantis and sail to the shores of the legendary island. For a myth that idealizes the ancestors of the Athenians, this situation is quite acceptable. However, in reality this was hardly possible.
It is more logical to assume that the Greek army did not go too far from its native shores, and, therefore, Atlantis was located somewhere near Greece, most likely in the Mediterranean Sea.
In this case, a natural disaster could cover both Atlantis and the nearby Athenian army.
In Plato's texts one can find a number of other facts confirming the Mediterranean hypothesis.
The philosopher, for example, describes the consequences of a devastating natural disaster: “After this, the sea in those places became unnavigable and inaccessible until this day due to shallowing caused by the huge amount of silt that the settled island left behind.” Silty shallow waters do not fit at all with the Atlantic Ocean, but in the Mediterranean Sea such a change in the bottom topography looks quite plausible.
Even the famous French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau made his contribution to Atlantology. He explored the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea in search of traces of the Minoan civilization. Thanks to Cousteau, a lot of new information was obtained about the lost civilization.
Nature, the topography of the island, minerals, metals, hot springs, the color of the stones (white, black and red) as a result of volcanic and post-volcanic processes - all this corresponds to the conditions of the Mediterranean coast.

In 1897, Doctor of Mineralogy and Geognosy Alexander Nikolaevich Karnozhitsky published an article “Atlantis”, where he suggested that Atlantis was located between Asia Minor, Syria, Libya and Hellas, near the main western mouth of the Nile (“Pillars of Hercules”).
Shortly thereafter, British archaeologist Arthur John Evans discovered the remains of the ancient Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. In March 1900, during excavations in the city of Knossos, the capital of Crete, the legendary Labyrinth of King Minos was found, in which, according to myths, the half-man, half-bull Minotaur lived. The area of ​​the palace of Minos was 16,000 m2.
In 1909, an anonymous article “The Lost Continent” appeared in the Times newspaper, which, as it later turned out, belonged to the pen of the English scientist J. Frost. The note expressed the idea that the Minoan state was the lost Atlantis. Frost's opinion was supported by the Englishman E. Bailey ("The Sea Lords of Crete"), the Scottish archaeologist Duncan Mackenzie, the American geographer E. S. Balch, and the literary critic A. Rivo. Not everyone supported the idea of ​​Minoan Atlantis. In particular, the Russian and Soviet zoologist and geographer Lev Semenovich Berg believed that the Minoans were just the heirs of the Atlanteans, and the legendary island itself sank in the Aegean Sea.
Of course, the Minoan civilization did not die 9,500 years ago (from the time of Plato’s life), the territory of the Minoan state was much more modest than that of the Atlantis described by Plato, and it was not in the Atlantic Ocean, but in the Mediterranean Sea. However, if we agree that these inconsistencies are the result of artistic processing of real historical data, then the hypothesis becomes quite plausible. The main argument is the circumstances of the death of the Minoan civilization. About 3,000 years ago, on the island of Strongyla (modern Thira, or Santorini), an unprecedented eruption of the Santorini volcano occurred (according to some estimates, 7 out of 8 on the volcanic eruption scale). Volcanic activity was accompanied by earthquakes, which led to the formation of a giant tsunami that covered the northern coast of Crete. In a short time, only memories remained of the former power of the Minoan civilization.
The history of the Athenian-Atlantean wars, as outlined by Plato, is reminiscent of the clashes between the Achaeans and the Minoans. The Minoan power conducted active maritime trade with many countries and did not disdain to engage in piracy. This led to periodic military clashes with the population of mainland Greece. The Achaeans actually defeated my opponents, but not before the natural disaster, but after it.

Black Sea

In 1996, American geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman put forward the theory of the Black Sea flood, according to which around 5600 BC. e. There was a catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea. Over the year, the water level increased by 60 m (according to other estimates - from 10 to 80 m and even up to 140 m).
Having examined the bottom of the Black Sea, scientists came to the conclusion that this sea was originally freshwater. About 7,500 years ago, as a result of some natural disaster, ocean water poured into the Black Sea basin. sea ​​water. Many lands were flooded, and the peoples who inhabited them, fleeing the flood, moved deeper into the continent. Along with them, various cultural and technological innovations could come to Europe and Asia.
The catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea could serve as the basis for numerous legends about the Flood (for example, the biblical legend of Noah's Ark).
Atlantologists saw in the theory of Ryan and Pitman another confirmation of the existence of Atlantis and a hint where to look for the treasured island.


In 1553, the Spanish priest, geographer, and historian Pedro Cieza de Leon, in his book “Chronicle of Peru,” first cited the legends of the Indians of South America that it is true that the dating of events in this case diverges from that proposed by Plato. But this is only at first glance. An ingenious solution to this contradiction was proposed by a Russian specialist in the field of computer systems, network information technologies and computer modeling, Alexander Yakovlevich Anoprienko. He suggested that, speaking of 9000 years (the time of the death of Atlantis), 1 Plato did not mean the years familiar to us, but seasons of 121 - 122 days. This means that the legendary civilization sank into oblivion 9000 seasons of 121-122 days ago, i.e. approximately in the 4th millennium BC. e. - during the period of Indo-European expansion.

Atlantis - Antarctica

In the book of the British writer and journalist Graham Hancock, “Traces of the Gods,” the hypothesis is put forward that Antarctica is the lost Atlantis. Based on numerous ancient maps and artifacts of unknown origin found in Antarctica, Hancock puts forward the version that Atlantis was once located closer to the equator and was a flourishing, green land. However, as a result of the movement of lithospheric plates, it moved to the South Pole and now stands, bound by ice. Unfortunately, this curious hypothesis contradicts modern scientific ideas about the geological movement of continents.


Not only the location of Atlantis, but also the reasons for its destruction cause a lot of controversy.
True, atlantologists were not so inventive in this matter. Three main hypotheses for the death of Atlantis deserve attention.
Earthquake and tsunami
This is the main, “canonical” version of the death of the Atlantean civilization. Modern concepts of block construction earth's crust and the movements of lithospheric plates argue that the most powerful earthquakes occur precisely at the boundaries of these plates. The main shock lasts only a few seconds, but its echo, an earthquake, can last up to several hours. It turns out that Plato’s story is not at all fantastic: a strong earthquake could really destroy huge territory sushi in just one day.
Science also knows of cases where an earthquake caused a sharp subsidence of the earth. For example, in Japan, subsidence of 10 meters was recorded, and in 1692, the pirate city of Port Royal (Jamaica) sank 15 meters, resulting in large parts of Gnala Island being submerged. The earthquake that led to the destruction of Atlantis could have been several times stronger. It is likely that it sank a huge island or archipelago to the bottom of the ocean. Until now, the Azores, Iceland and the Aegean Sea in Greece remain areas of increased seismic activity. Who knows what violent tectonic processes took place in these areas several thousand years ago.
An earthquake goes hand in hand with a tsunami - gigantic waves reaching several tens and even hundreds of meters in height and moving at tremendous speed, sweeping away everything in its path. (at first the sea retreats by several meters, its level drops sharply. And then several waves rush in one after another, one higher than the other. In a few hours, a tsunami can destroy an entire island. Such cases have also been recorded by seismologists.
Even if Atlantis managed to survive the earthquake, it was “finished off” by a gigantic tsunami, throwing the legendary island into the abyss of water.

All these data confirm that between northern part The Tulean land extended across the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. Perhaps it was cut through by a mid-ocean ridge in the Iceland area.
The Soviet expedition on the ship "Akademik Kurchatov", led by oceanologist and geomorphologist Gleb Borisovich Udintsev, examined bottom sediments around Iceland. Poros of continental origin were found in the samples.
Summing up the results of the expedition, Udintsev said: “It can be argued that land of quite extensive size actually once existed in the North Atlantic. It may have connected the shores of Europe and Greenland. Gradually the land broke apart, not even blocks. Some of them sank slowly and gradually, turning into the ocean floor. The immersion of others was accompanied by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. And now, “in memory” of the old days, we only have Iceland left...”
However, scientists were unable to put an end to the study of Hyperborea. A comparative geochemical analysis of the earth's crust of Iceland, on the one hand, and Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, on the other, showed a fundamental difference in their chemical composition. The food of Iceland was predominantly basaltic, i.e., oceanic, while the crust of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands was granitic, continental. It turned out that Iceland is not a surviving part of Hyperborea, but only the top of the middle ridge.
Meanwhile, the Arctic Ocean is giving scientists new surprises. Research has shown that soups also once existed in the polar zones and, unlike Hyperborea, they went under water relatively recently, several thousand years ago, which means that humanity has already found this mysterious continent. Scientists have suggested that this is the lunchtime Arctida.

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