How to work at the cash register. How to use a cash register: step-by-step instructions

After the introduction of online cash registers under Federal Law 54 in retail trade and in public catering, the work of a cashier has not undergone significant changes - you still need to punch checks and generate reports on the closure of a shift, only now on new cash register equipment. How to use online cash register- we will tell you in this article.

How to get started with an online checkout

As required by law, The cash register must transfer receipts online to the fiscal data operator (OFD). The new cash register must be connected to the Internet, registered with the tax office, and an agreement must be signed with the OFD. After this, the owner needs to set up a cash register software and conduct induction training for employees - these services are provided by both technical service centers and cash register manufacturers.

All cashiers are required to undergo training and sign for it in the register. In addition, with employees it is necessary to conclude agreements on full financial liability.

Before starting work, the cashier must connect the cash register to the network and receive necessary materials(change money, receipt tape, keys to the cash register). You should insert the receipt tape into the cash register, fill out all the necessary information and have it certified by the senior cashier.

Preparing for work takes some time, so It is advisable for the cashier to come to workplace in advance - for example, 30 minutes in advance before the opening of the outlet.

How to open a shift on an online cash register?

To open a shift you need to do the following:
  1. Form shift opening report- that is, press the “Open shift” button at the checkout. Report to electronic form sent to the fiscal data operator.
  2. Punch several zero checks to check the operation of the cash register, the quality of receipt printing and the availability of all necessary information. Receipts must have the correct date and time.
  3. Print interim X-report. When opening a shift, it is important to recalculate cash at the cash register and compare them with the data on the X-report

Issuing a paper and electronic check to the buyer

The cashier’s responsibilities include calculating the total cost of purchases, telling the buyer the amount, receiving payment from him (cash or card) and issuing a receipt at the online cash register. The cash desk prints a paper check and sends a copy to the fiscal data operator. Along with the paper check, the cashier gives the buyer change if the payment was made in cash. If a check is entered with an error, the cashier can generate a correction check.

According to the requirements of the law, at the request of the buyer the store is obliged to send him an electronic receipt (via SMS or e-mail). To do this, the buyer must provide the phone number email or provide a QR code from a specialized mobile application of the Federal Tax Service.

After purchasing the goods, the buyer pays for the goods in cash or by card. You need to scan the barcode on the product or enter the price manually.

The fiscal drive checks the data and if everything is in order, it generates and prints a receipt. You need to give this check to the buyer in two forms: paper and electronically to the email address, if it was specified during the purchase. To send checks to customers, the store can enter into an agreement with the OFD.

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Main functions of online cash register

Some online cash registers allow make the work of staff easier, automate cash transactions and serve customers faster. Thus, LiteBox online cash registers allow you to:

    quickly enter goods into a receipt(via scanning a barcode, searching by the first letters of the name or using the panel of favorite products);

    issue a refund or deferred check;

    accept mixed payment(cash+non-cash+certificate for one check);

    automate the sale of weighted goods(when connected to a scale) and many other functions.

At Lightbox cash registers it is easy to add goods to the nomenclature: just scan the barcode of the product, and the system itself will find the product in the directory (the company’s own development - contains more than 700,000 items) and automatically create a product card, which can be added to the nomenclature with one click.

How to close a shift

To finish the job, it’s not enough just to turn off the cash register and additional equipment. To do this you need:
  1. Make collection and hand over proceeds senior cashier or collector.
  2. Print the Z-report at the checkout. The report is sent to the OFD and contains information about how many checks have been printed. Using the report, you can identify how many checks were not sent to the operator.

According to 54-FZ, The duration of the shift should not exceed 24 hours. If you forget to close a shift at the end of the day, you can do it the next day. The main thing is not to issue new checks before the previous shift is closed, otherwise the cash register will stop sending OFD data, and the company faces a fine: from 1,500 rubles to 3,000 rubles for official or individual entrepreneur, from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles for a legal entity.

What to avoid when working at the cash register

Do not track receipts sent to the tax office.

You can check how checks are sent at personal account on the OFD or Federal Tax Service website. If there is a failure, you will see which checks were not sent and can resend them.

Do not provide the buyer with an electronic copy of the receipt.

Violation of the requirements of 54-FZ faces a fine:

    2 thousand rubles for an entrepreneur;

    10 thousand rubles - for a legal entity;

In addition, you must not leave the cash register unattended or allow strangers near it, or keep personal money in the cash register.

Working with an online cash register: possible problems

Lack of Internet

If the Internet is lost, payment data can be stored in the memory of the fiscal drive for up to 30 days- during this period it is possible to restore the connection. If the connection is not restored within 30 days, the cash register will be blocked.

If your internet connection is unstable, The online cash register saves the data and automatically sends it to the OFD when the connection is restored.

Lack of electricity

If the sale occurred during a power outage, The cashier should generate a correction check. Such a receipt reflects the purchase amount, but does not record the name of the product. The check must be generated before the end of the shift.

Some online cash registers (for example, Lightbox cash registers) can operate for several hours on battery power, without connecting to electrical network, allowing you not to stop sales in the event of a lack of electricity.


In conclusion, we can conclude that the main thing is:

  1. Maintain cash discipline- be sure to generate receipts for all sales and issue them to customers on time;
  2. Correctly open and close shifts;
  3. Monitor the transfer of data to the tax office;
  4. Right organize work with an online cash register in case of lack of Internet or electricity.

I would like to warn you right away that a trained cashier must work at the cash register,extremelypreferably in the CSO, but in general ideally - having the appropriate certificate to work for specific model RPO. Why? Yes, because for being admitted untrained/half-educatedCashier mistakes can be punished by hryvnia. Do you need it?

By following these instructions, we will try to avoid fines, as well as other errors and troubles.

So let's get started!

1. Before starting work (shift), the cashier must conduct a daily maintenance RPO, for this:

We check for damage to the control means (seals) on the PPO and modem housing. Coastal sealsem, like the apple of my eye. The instructions for sealing prohibit them from being protected with anything.(seal), but there's a penalty for thatnot provided.Therefore, I recommend protecting the seals by placing a transparent film on the seals and stickers on toptscotch(nWe do not put tape directly on the seal!) Well, yeahIf the seals are still not saved, then the direct route is to the central service center;

We carry out external inspection to check the integrity of the PPO/modem case/units/power supply/interface cables, remove dust, dirt and other foreign objects that interfere with the operation of the printer and keyboard.We put away everything related to liquids - vases, pots, cups, bottles, etc., because RPO, to put it mildly, does not like water.We pay special attention to the fight against all kinds of insects, since after traces of their vital activity, the RPO is practically irreparable.

We check the reliability of the connection of the PPO/modem to the power supply and the 220 V network, as well as the reliability of the connection of the interface wires.

I don’t recommend neglecting this point, because it’s better to prevent a problem than to heroically solve it later (it’s better to be safe than sorry!).

2. Turn on the PPO (and everything else that is necessary for work: modem, computer, scanner, bank terminal, etc.).

3. Check the presence of a receipt tape. If necessary, install a new roll.

4. Register the cashier (requirednot at allmodelIRRO).

5. Execute X-reportet by which we check:

Correct installation of the tape. They often install a roll of ribbon “upside down” and rush to call the central service center about a printer malfunction. Thermal tape has only one layer for printing, therefore there is only one correct position of the roll in the printer;

Executing Z-reportethat for the previous shift.Esli in X-otchewe see the amounts - there is cause for concern - the previous shift forgot to complete the zeroing reportet, which is fraught with a fine of 340 UAH. Urgently carry out Z-reportet, not yetexpired24 hours from the date of the first settlementeof the previous shift and the PPO was not blocked;

Date and time (adjust the time if necessary).

We count the money in the cash drawer (safe) and compare it with the balance in the previous oneZ-report.

6. We meet the first buyer with a smile/clientand before punching the check (before the first settlementecareful operation, first buyer/client) V mandatory bring in a small change or the balance from yesterday“official deposit” transactions.

Please note:

It is prohibited to work without a small change;

The amount of small change is not regulated, butif we talk about itlogically you must give change, for example, with at least2 00 UAH;

If there are not enough small change coins, ask the buyer for a bill of a lower denomination andwhetherask to change the banknote into smaller ones in a nearby department or do it yourself;

Having nothing to fight back with,YouYou may lose your first buyer, and possibly your second and...

7. TOwhen the buyer alreadydecided with the goods and decided topurchase Let's start punching the check:

We break through the product code (not pricesat, not the name, but the product code that should beassigned to each product/service, can beindicated on the price tag or price list and must be programmed in the PPO);

When selling several units of the same product or when selling a weight product, do not forget to first enter the quantity (weight) and multiply it by the product code;

When all purchases have been completed, press the PS button (subtotal) and make sure that there is no error in the check amount. If so, we will cancel the check and run the codes again. You can, of course, cancel the erroneous position in the check, but it is not necessary, because it will be difficult for the buyer to figure out what was punched in the check. By the way, the PS button can be pressed not only at the end of the check, but also after each item is sold, if, for example, the buyer is limited in funds and asks you to sell goods for no more than the specified amount;

We inform the buyer of the amount to be paid;

We specify the form of payment (cash or non-cash);

We accept money or bank card. If the buyer decides to pay with a bank card, then we first carry out operations with the bank terminal and only then move on to the next point;

Enter the amount received from the buyer to automatically calculate change (operationoptionaloh, but can save you from calculating the change in your head or on a calculator);

- click the Payment button to close the check for cash;

- press the Check/Credit/Card button to close the check for non-cash payment;

- we issue the goods, a fiscal receipt (for non-cash payments, we additionally issue a slip check from a bank terminal) and change to the buyer with the words "WITHThank you for your purchase, come again”. Please note that, depending on the field of activity, such wishes may be inappropriate both in words and in a PPO check;

- We are waiting for the next buyer.

8. During the break:

- we can perform daily X-reportet, count the money in the cash safe, compare with the amount in the reportethose, be glad that everything came together :) or vice versa :(.

- we can program a new product, change the price of old products, rewrite the price list or price tags, etc., etc.

9. At the end of the shift (but no later than 24 hours from the moment the first check was punched). Despite fatigue, hunger and the desire to quickly go home, you need to perform a number of very important operations:

- perform X-reportet, we count the money in the cash safe and compare it with the amount in the report. If everything was done correctly during the day, then everything should come together, if not, don’t rush to blame the RPO - 99.99% that the problem is not inem. Please note that non-cash payments in the report are reflected in a separate line and do not fall into the “cookingto the safeі» ;

- using the “official issue” operation we withdraw all or part of the proceeds, not forgetting to leave a small changeFornextto hershiftss.

Keep in mind that the director, accountant, owner, etc. may ask you to perform a “service issue” during the day - this is normal;

- frontem proceeds to the accounting department, to the bank, to collectors, into the hands of the owner, into your pocket (if you are the owner);

- if the company has a cash limit (you need to find out from the accountant), we can not perform “official issuance”, but leave the money in the RPO safe until the limit is reached;

- we check that there is a sufficient balance of the cash register tape and perform a zeroing Z-reporteT.UWe make sure that the report contains a phrase like “The register has been reset,” “Soundsactionable"etc., a number is assigned and the correct date and time are indicated.PBefore running a Z reportnand some PPOs require printing of a control tape.

- roll the control tape (if available) into a tube or fold it several times and store it for three days at the place of calculationetov i trex yearssomewhere at the trade site;

- We paste the Z-report into Section No. 1 of the KURO and fill out Section No. 2 strictly according to the report. Under no circumstances do we fill in anything in advance in section No. 2 - neither the date, nor the report number, etc., etc., because in this case, corrections in the Kuro Department are not welcome (although they are allowed,but no more than five on one page);

- We close the shift at the bank payment terminal if we want non-cash payments to go to your bank account.

10. We are waiting for the automatic transmission of the report to tax office or submit it manually where possible.

11. If desired, disable everything that was included in step 2.

12. We go home with a feeling of accomplishment.

Online cash registers are different from their predecessors, but this has had almost no impact on the work of staff. The cashier still fills paper, punches checks and prints reports on the closure of the shift.

Preparing for work

To work at a cash register, a cashier must:

  • familiarize yourself with the standard rules for operating the cash register;
  • sign for special magazine that he knows the rules for working with an online cash register;
  • conclude an agreement on full financial liability.

At the beginning of the working day, the cashier is given the materials necessary for work:

  • keys to the cash register and cash drawer;
  • receipt tape;
  • change money.

When the cashier receives or returns a change coin, there is no need to punch the check. Reflect this information in the book of accounting for funds accepted and issued by the cashier (Form No. KO-5).

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Opening shift

Before using the online cash register, you need to print a shift opening report. It is sent by the OFD and contains information about the equipment, fiscal drive, shift and cashier.

Example of a shift opening report

It’s better not to open a shift if you are not sure that you will have at least one client today. If you often send opening reports and do not punch a single check during the day, this will attract the tax authorities. We recommend opening a shift before the first customer pays.

How to issue a check to a buyer

At the time of payment, the cashier acts as follows:

  • calculates the total amount and names it;
  • receives payment from the client and states the amount received;
  • prints a receipt at the online cash register;
  • names the change amount and gives it with the check.

The cashier gives the client a paper check or sends an electronic one (by email or SMS in the form of a link to the page with the check). OFD can send electronic checks for you. In this case, you simply receive contacts from the client and transfer them to the operator.

Example of tariffs for sending checks to clients

The buyer can request an electronic receipt in two ways:

  • tell us your phone number or email address;
  • provide a phone number mobile application Federal Tax Service, which will display a QR code with encrypted personal data.

The buyer's phone and email are encrypted in the Federal Tax Service app

The customer returned the goods

The cashier punched the check with an error

Generate a correction check. How to do this, read the cash register operating manual.

The client made an advance

Issue a cash receipt with the payment method “advance”. After payment, punch the check in accordance with all the rules with the requisite “full payment” (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 11, 2016 No. AS-4-20/21345@).

What a cashier should not do while working

  • Work without a control tape.
  • Allow strangers to approach the cash register.
  • Leaving the cash register without warning management.
  • Leaving a switched-on cash register unattended.
  • Keep personal money in a cash drawer.

Shift closing and collection

At the end of the day, the cashier closes the shift and hands over the cash. The closing report must be printed no later than 24 hours after opening. If the shift lasts longer, the cash register will stop processing receipts.

A report on the closure of a shift is also sent to the OFD. It states:

  • how many receipts were printed per shift;
  • how many checks did not reach the OFD;
  • information about the shift, cashier, etc.

At the end of the day, the proceeds are handed over to the senior cashier. If there are only 1-2 cashiers working in a store, they can give the proceeds directly to the cash collector.

At the end of the day, a report on the status of the meters is printed. It contains all the information about amounts and calculations:

  • revenue;
  • receipts and expenses;
  • refund amount;
  • payment methods - cash or electronic money.

Smile and be friendly! If your day is not going well, then leave all your worries at home and be polite during your shift, even with the nastiest clients. You don't have to be intrusive, but your customers are more likely to be happier if you serve them slowly but with a great attitude than if you serve them very quickly but rudely. If you can't rejoice at at the moment, then at least pretend.

Learn the basics of operating a cash register. Whether it's vintage manual mechanism or a modern checkout, you need to know how all the basic functions are performed, which will be repeated for at least every third or fourth customer. If there are buttons at the checkout speed dial amounts such as 5, 10, 20, then learn how to use them. During the first few days, review the basic rules if you have a spare minute and ask a more experienced cashier to check that you are doing everything correctly.

Learn how to conduct cash transactions, which happen quite often, but not every day. For example, if you are selling gift certificate about once a week, it will still be better to learn how to do it. It is also important to know what to do if you make a mistake, or if any problem arises - what should you do if you gave the wrong change but have already closed the cash register, if someone wants a refund, or if the machine is frozen? If this was not explained to you during training, then ask your manager or a more experienced cashier to explain everything to you.

Find out who you can turn to in an unclear situation. In the beginning, you won't be able to remember every detail of the training, especially those cases that you have never encountered during your work, but you need to know where this information can be found if you encounter this problem. It would be a good idea to at least look through the manual for using the cash register so that you know approximately where what information is located.

Keep track of how your client will pay. Some people pay in cash and need change, while others pay for their purchases by bank card, and they will need to enter their code and wait for the transaction to take place. At this time, they can do other necessary things, for example, put shopping in bags.

Know your store's assortment well so you can give advice and compliments. Even if you are a simple cashier and you do not work on the sales floor, you are still a store employee and may be contacted with questions. If you know that some purchase is very profitable, then let your customer know that this product is very good, or that you think it is the most best choice from what was proposed and what the client did right choice. Be honest and don't overdo it, a small compliment will add value to the purchase and your client will be happy with the purchase.

Persons who are allowed to perform operations on a cash register are:

We studied the rules for operating the device (technical minimum);
Have mastered the specified operating rules for CCP;
An agreement is concluded with employees who have mastered the rules that they bear financial responsibility.

Instructions for using a cash register

Before the person in charge starts using cash register, the director of the company must:

Check the readings recorded in the operator’s log for the previous day;
Make sure that the readings match;
Enter them in the journal and certify with a signature;
Complete the beginning of the control tape (indicate the CCP number, the start of work and meter readings, the recorded data is certified by a signature);
Give the operator the key to the cash register;
Provide the responsible person with banknotes and coins;
Provide accessories necessary for work – receipt tapes, etc.;
Warn the cashier about fraud;

Before the cashier starts using the cash register, he must:

Check whether the blocking devices are working;
Thread the tape;
Set the dater to the current operating time;
Reset numerator;
Connect the device to the network;
Check the operation of the cash register by knocking out the control checks that are attached to the report.

How to operate a cash register: When checking out at the checkout, the operator must determine the total amount of purchases. This can be done by reading the cash register indicator or using a calculator. The received amount is called to the buyers, then the payment method is specified.

If payment is made in cash, the cashier receives banknotes. The cashier must clearly state the amount and put the money aside. Money must be within the buyer's sight. Next, the cashier prints a cash receipt and gives the buyer a receipt with change, if he is entitled to one.

If the buyer pays with a bank card, the cashier must insert it into a special slot on the machine. Next, the buyer must enter his personal code. Since the cash register is connected to the bank terminal, the communication channel reports the buyer’s card number and confirms whether there are funds for payment on the card. After confirmation, the required amount is withdrawn from the account. Next, the operator must print the receipt and return the card to the buyer with the receipt attached.

How to use the cash register: While working, a cashier should not:

Work without a cash register;
Operate a cash register with taped tape;
Allow unauthorized persons to access the apparatus (the director or other responsible person is an exception);
Leave the place of work without warning. If there is a need to leave the cash register, the cashier must take permission and keep the keys with him;
Change the operating parameters of the cash register;
Keep your own funds in the cash register.

How to operate a cash register: upon completion of work, the director, in the presence of the operator, is obliged to:

Take meter readings;
Get a printout;
Remove the control tape;
Subscribe at the end of the feed;
Indicate on the tape the CCP number, meter readings, revenue and work completion time;
Compare the money collected at the cash register with the readings on the tape.

Operate the cash register: end of the working day:

Prepare revenue and payment documents;
Write a report;
Hand over the proceeds to the chief cashier;
Fill out the operator log.

After registration of all necessary documents and reports, the cashier must:

Prepare the cash register for next day work in accordance technical requirements;
Close the CCP with a cover and disconnect the device from the network;
Hand over the keys to the cash register and booth to the director or other responsible person against signature.

It was procedure for operating a cash register at any enterprise that issues checks.

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