Intellectual game in Russian "own game". Intellectual game in the Russian language "What? Where? When?" (10th grade)

North Kazakhstan region Akzharsky district Kyiv high school

Intellectual game in the Russian language for grades 6-8

Completed by a teacher of Russian language and literature

Zhakupova G.G.



    repetition of school course topics (phonetics,lexicology, phraseology, morphology, morphemics, speech culture);

    improving selection and analysis skillslanguage material;

    attracting interest in linguistic phenomena.


The game is played according to slightly modifiedrules of the popular TV show “Own Game”. Classdivided into three teams, exit to the playing placesThere are players (one from each team), and eachThe last player from the three answers the one he has chosenthe question itself. Then the next three take the playing places, etc. It is advisable that everyone learnmembers of the class took turns visiting the playgroundplace. The game has four rounds, each round exceptfinal, three categories of questions, in each category three questions of varying complexity (the more difficultthe question is, the more points it brings to the gameku). The player himself chooses the category and price of the questionsa, after which he is read or shownquestion. The participant who answered correctly is selectedthe question they ask brings their team a number ofpoints equal to the issue price. And vice versa: a participantThose who give an incorrect answer lose these points. If rightThe correct answer is given by another player from the top three, then pointshis team gets it. Among the questions of eachund there is an auction question and a “pig in a poke.” Ifthe participant comes across an auction question, then anothera player from the top three can “outbuy” him by giving him painnumber of points, and then if the answer is correct, the player who bought the question bringshis team the number of points that he“paid” for the question (if the answer is given incorrectly,the team loses these points). "Pig in a poke" - questionnot from the selected category. A participant who comes across a “pig in a poke” can, if he wishes,give it to any player of the three.

In the final round, the final three playersalternately remove categories of questions that are difficult for them, and each of the players answers (in writingbut) to the question of the remaining category. Before the callBy asking the question, players announce their bets(of course, the bet cannot exceed the accumulatedthe number of points determined by the team). If the answer is correct, the bet is added to the total points, otherwise the points bet are deducted.The team with the most points wins in points.

Letters and sounds 100 200 300Phraseology100 200 300

Word meaning 100 200 300


Category "Letters And sounds"

1. Read the wordlinen by the sounds on the right in (100 points).

Answer: zero.

2. How many sounds [o] in a worddairy (200 points)?

Answer: one (last drum).

3. Solve the charade and name the words (300 points):

She cuts the grass with the deaf, With a voiced sound, it eats the leaves.

Answer: scythe - goat.

1. This headdress is dangerous to the health of a dishonest person. Name it. (100 points)

Answer: worda cap included in phraseological unitsThe thief's hat is on fire.

2. There are phraseological units in the Russian languagestart with the basics, I’ve never even seen the basics. What is itaz? (200 points)

Answer: az - first letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.

3 . Question-auction . Give a Russian phraseological unit synonymous with Frencha good cat gets a good rat. (300 points)

Answer: Large ship - great swimming.

Category "Meaning words"

1. "Pig in a poke" (100 points).

This letter, undeservedly offended, in 2005A monument was erected in the city of Ulyanovsk. On call her.

Answer: the monument to the letter E was erected on rodina of its author N.M. Karamzin.

2. Is it possible to say:Did I raise a toast?( 200 points)

Answer: possible if toast - piece of fried of bread.

3. Sapphire, indigo, cornflower blue, marengo. Which of these words is redundant? (300 points)

Answer: Marengo - shade of black, all others are shades of blue.

We all make mistakes 100200 300

Parts of speech100 200 300

We are polyglots100 200 300


Category "All We we're wrong"

1. In V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad” there are the following lines:

This one screams:

“Don’t touch those who are smaller!”

This boy is so good - a sight for sore eyes!

(100 points)

Answer: to give childishness to the hero’s speech, the author instead of the literary form of the imperative mood of the verb(don't touch) uses vernacular(don't touch).

2. Here are lines from the famous song for the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”:

Rowan berries painted Moscow,

The oaks stood like princes,

But not they, but ash trees

They grew without asking.

(D. Sukharev, Yu. Vizbor)

Which word violates the literary norm?(200 points)

Answer: the authors of the text use an outdated formprinces instead of modern literaryprinces in order to emphasize the antiquity of Moscow.

3. In A. Rosenbaum’s song “Boston Waltz” there are the following lines:

And people came to us from all over the area,

And birds flew from all the surrounding roofs,

The golden dancer flapping his wings,

How long ago, how long ago, music sounded there...

Which word violates the literary norm?(300 points)

Answer: For maintaining the size of the poem, the author puts emphasis on the worddancer to the penultimate syllable (literary norm -dancer).

Category "Parts speech"

1. Which snake can be an adverb? (100 points) Answer: already.

2. Soap, ice cream, bake, cry. How many of the following words can be only one part of speech? (200 points)

Answer: one(cry - verb, nouncry written without a soft sign).

3. Here are lines from N. Nekrasov’s poem “A Knight for an Hour”:

Fromjubilant, idlychatting,

Staining hands Vblood

Take me awayto the camp of the perishing

For great thingsa matter of love.

How many nouns are there in this fragment? (300 points)

Answer: nine nouns(rejoicing, chatting, glowing, dying - participles turned into nouns).

1. Many of us wear greek names, without even knowing it. The name Alexey, for example, translated from Greek means “protector”, Andrey means “courageous”, Makar means “happy”. There is often a dish on our table, the name of which goes back to Greek and means that to taste it is to experience real bliss. Name this dish. (100 points)

Answer: pasta (the hint is given in the question).

2. "Pig in a poke." Solve the charade and name the words. (200 points)

With a dull hissing I am a numeral,

With a voiced noun.

Answer: six - tin.

3. Question-auction.

Very often we use the expressionbash to bash, talking about equal exchange. Remember the colloquial names of parts of the human body and tell me how this expression is literally translated from Turkish. (300 points)

Answer: head by head (colloquial wordhead has the same root). Probably this expression should be used when exchanging prisoners.

To the origins of the word 100200 300

Russian grammar 100200 300

Composition of the word100 200 300

1. What is the name of the bony character in Russian fairy tales? (100 points)

Answer: Koschey (in the root we observe the alternation of consonantsst/shch, Wedjust - treat, father-in-law).

2. What day of the week man walking to the party?(200 points)

Answer: on Saturday(to go to the sabbath, to go wild - work on weekends; wordcoven came into the Russian language from Yiddish - a Jewish dialect German language, there it meant “Saturday”. In Hebrew this word sounds similar -Shabbat).

3. The name of this favorite fruit means “Chinese apple” in Dutch. What is this?(300 points)

Answer: orange

/. Please, win, walk, drive. Which of these verbs does not have the first person form? singular? (100 points)

Answer: win.

2. Run, scold, scare, break. Which of these verbs is conjugated differently than the others?(200 points)

Answer: run - a differently conjugated verb.

3. Dead man, deceased, doll, tree. Which of these nouns are inanimate?(300 points)

Answer: tree (accusative case) plural at animate nouns matches the genitive:I see dead people, dead people, dolls, Buttrees).

/. Ball, ray, cucumber, chair. Which word has a different suffix than the others? (100 points)

Answer: in a wordhigh chair suffix-chick-, in the rest-ik.

2. Auction question. How many prefixes are there in a word?misunderstand? (200 points)

Answer: two:under- AndBy-.

3. "Cat inbag." You have been asked to go all-in. How many points will you bet? (300 points).

Answer: all points.


1. Names.

2. Cities and citizens.

3. Youth slang.

4. Feminine.

5. Emphasis.

6. Aphorisms.

7. Other languages.


1. Names

The ancient Greeks and Romans used this word to call any foreigner, and we use this word when talking about rude, cruel man. Name female name, which translated from Greek means “stranger.”

Answer: Varvara.

2. Cities and citizens

At a competition for young performers we heard the following dialogue:

I met one Vyatka resident here - he plays great!

I understand who you’re talking about... This Vyatichi took away the grand prix from the last competition...

But it seems to me that this Vyatchan guy’s style of performance is too aggressive...

So what is the correct name for a performer from Vyatka?

Answer: Vyatich.

3. Youth slang

In the song “Tachanka” based on the verses of M. Ruderman there are the following lines:

Get out of the way, bird!

Beast, get out of the way,

See, the cloud is swirling,

The horses are racing ahead.

And from a swoop, from a turn

The chain of enemies is thick

Fires a machine gun

Young machine gunner.

Which of the words in this stanza in modern youth slang means “to have fun in a nightclub”?

Answer: swirl - have fun in a nightclub.

4. Feminine

Tulle, roofing felt, callus, aerosol. Which of these words refer to feminine?

Answer: corn.

5. Accent

Solve charades and name the words:

We are a stand for sawyers,

We are the coachman's seat.

But try and put it on

We have a different emphasis.

Be careful with us:

We gore with our horns

Answer:goats are goats.

6. Aphorisms...

Continue the famous Pushkin aphorism:How smaller woman we love...

Answer: ...the easier it is for her to like us.

7. Other languages

The name of this flower means “star” in Greek. What flower are we talking about?

Answer: aster (we find the same root in the wordsastronomy, astrology, astronaut).


/. Vartanyan E.A. Journey into the word. M.: Education, 1987.

2. Volina V.V. Fun grammar. M.: Knowledge, 1995.

3. Org A.O. Olympiads in Russian language. M.: Education, 2004.

4. Khrappa V. From Adam's apple to the apple of discord: the experience of etymological notes. Kaliningrad: Yantarny Skaz, 2005.

I. A Rudenko,

Definition Intellectual play is one of the forms of leisure activity that has a certain educational and educational influence on a person. What is leisure activity? What influence can be called educational? What does intellectual play teach?

The importance of intellectual games Develops cognitive interest Expands boundaries educational process Causes keen interest in the process of cognition Activates learning activities Helps to assimilate program material Forms basic research skills Teaches you to take the first steps towards self-education and choosing a profession

Objectives of intellectual games Formation of methods of mental action (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, analogy) Development of figurative and logical thinking Development of variability of thinking, creativity, imagination and constructive skills Development of speech (build simple conclusions, justify your beliefs) Formation of the ability to think and plan actions, look for solutions, guess about the results and check them according to strict criteria

Attention! The game brings particular benefits to low-performing children, since there is an increased learning motivation(without a motive, no activity is possible!) The game can reveal their dormant abilities. Conclusion: we build the game so that ALL children can express themselves in it. Intellectual games are highly effective if they are carried out not occasionally, but in a system

The pedagogical effect of games Models life situations struggle, competition Creates conditions for interaction, mutual assistance Unites, creates, albeit temporary, community (people, interests, goals) The game has its own laws, it teaches you to obey them The game, although it takes place within the rules, creates space for imagination and improvisation Teaches you to enjoy not only the game itself, but also from expanding your knowledge, from the ability to use it and enrich yourself with the knowledge of others. In the game you can show your own good qualities, which are not used in everyday life

Classification of games It is very difficult to classify games: the characteristics of one are intertwined with the characteristics of another, intersecting, blurring the boundaries

Options for intellectual games Your own game What? Where? When? Field of Miracles Tic-Tac-Toe Quiz Auction One Hundred to One Weak Link Gentlemen of Fortune Erudite Clever and Smart As a rule, this TEAM games

Game “Gentlemen of Fortune” Purpose: testing erudition, logical thinking, level of intelligence Team “ Good fellows» Team “Noble Knights” 6 rounds Warm-up “Who will answer faster? » (10 questions)

Round 1 Warm-up 1. A cow as a child? (Calf) 2. An astronaut suit? (Spacesuit) 3. Father of the wooden boy? (Papa Carlo) 4. The last letter in the alphabet? (I) 5. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping) 6. A day of fun, joy, celebration? (Holiday) 7. Baby sheep? (Lamb) 8. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? (Hedgehog) 9. Baba Yaga’s personal transport? (Stupa) 10. What goes on without moving? (Time) How does each task relate to the sections of the language?

Round 2 “Visiting a fairy tale” A long time ago, when people did not yet have jet aircraft, electric kettles, televisions, submarines, they dreamed about it. Dreams were put into fairy tales. I name fairy-tale miracles, and you name the inventions: Little Humpbacked Horse (snowmobile) Flying Carpet (airliner) Golden Cockerel (radar) Miracle Mirror (TV) Feather of the Firebird (searchlight) Ball of thread showing the way (compass) Sadko with a harp at the bottom of the sea (diver)

Round 3 Pages of history What can be considered the beginning of writing? (Bear scratches on rocks) What is the name of picture writing? (Pictograph) Who invented printing press? (Ivan Fedorov) Which part of speech is the oldest? (noun) How did the word “suave” come about? What is the ancient root of the word "polite"?

Round 4 Smart 1. Riddles (ordinary and language) Language riddles Which word has 7 letters O? (Defense capability) Which word is the subject in the sentence: To live - to serve the Motherland. 2. Rebuses 3. Charades 4. Anagrams

Round 5 Composition 1. Burime (poem based on given rhymes) For example: silence - spring Option 1 Silence suddenly disappeared: Spring has spread across the earth! Option 2 Everything went silent. Silence. Where are you, tell me, spring? Other rhymes: "dew - heaven"; "dog - brought"; "fairy tale paints"; "wind-moths"; "near the river - deep"; “in the forest - I’ll bring it”, “sorcerers - not scary”, “cold - by the window”

Round 5 Essay 2. Limerick is English version organized and legalized absurdity, five lines: A-A-B-B-A For example: Once upon a time there was an old swamp, A cantankerous and burdensome grandfather, He sat on a log, The corrosive old swamp sang songs to the little frog. Winnie the Pooh taught Piglet to bait a worm on a hook; But instead of the worm, Piglet's bare tail was hooked onto the tip of the hook.

Round 6 Wise thoughts Explain the phrase: “What we know is limited, but what we do not know is infinite” (Pierre Simon Laplace)

Intellectual game “Clever Men and Clever Girls” Competition 1. Warm-up Name the national tree of Russia (Birch) Name the souvenir of the Russian land that is loved by the whole world (Matryoshka) Which city was called the city of Masters? (Tula) What kind of shoes did the Russian peasant wear? (Lapti) What is the name of the holiday of farewell to winter? (Maslenitsa) What treat is a must on Maslenitsa? (Pancakes) What animal loves raspberries? (Bear) What forest animal dries mushrooms on trees for winter? (Squirrel) How day and night end. (b) What stands in the middle of the Volga. (L) How many ears do 5 mice have? (10) How many fingers do 4 boys have? (80) Who was the first to call K. Chukovsky on the fabulous phone? (Elephant) How did the fairytale frog traveler get to the south? (Ducks, twig) Name the hero of the fairy tale with a beautiful rich fur coat, who wanted to take Thumbelina as his wife. (Mole)

Competition 3. Make up a saying Each team receives an envelope. There is a card in the envelope. On the card, in the empty cells, you need to enter the missing letters so that you get a word that names a human character trait that is similar to the habits of any animal and add a saying. For example: HV_S_L_V_Y (boastful, like a hare) U_RYA_Y_ (stubborn, like a donkey) K_A_NYY (red, like cancer)

Competition 4. “What language” What language was spoken fairy-tale heroes whose portraits you see? Little Red Riding Hood - French (C. Perrault) Cipollino - Italian (G. Rodari) Carlson - Swedish (A. Lindgren) Pinocchio - Russian (A. Tolstoy) Bremen Town Musicians - German (Brothers Grimm) Thumbelina - Danish (H. H. Andersen ) Pinocchio - Italian (C. Collodi) Tom Sawyer - English (M. Twain) Cinderella - French (C. Perrault) Mowgli - English (R. Kipling)

Competition 5. “Field of Miracles” Although I look like a bird, I’m not familiar with the heights, I have wings, but I still walk all my life (ostrich) In ancient times it was believed that this object has magical power. If you rub it, an electric charge appears, so the Greeks called it “electron” (amber). This word means “rags”, “diaper”. In Polish, the word has a more decent meaning: a tattered, worthless piece of paper (cheat sheet)

Playing with the audience “Black box” This is a sign. Has its own name. It can be printed or handwritten. Indicates sounds in writing. (Letter) This is a sign. It has an inaccurate name. It's after the console. Warns the right neighbor that after him she denotes two sounds at once (Dividing b) This is a sign. We use it when the word does not fit on the line (Dash, hyphen)

Brain-ring “Young linguists”

6th grade


    intensify cognitive activity students,

    develop logic, intelligence,

    contribute to increasing interest in learning the Russian language,

    foster a sense of collectivism.

Equipment and materials:


  • cards.

Explanatory letter.

The form of the intellectual game “Brain Ring” is very interesting for students of any age, as it involves a keen spirit of competition. Carrying out such games helps to increase the intellectual level of schoolchildren, develop heuristic abilities, and unite children's teams.

This event was held with children from 6th grade. Each class assembles a team of 6 people, the rest of the children acted as fans, designed posters and composed “chants” in support of their six experts.

With some adjustments, the material proposed here can be used in working with high school children. A group of eighth-graders was selected as an expert commission. In a controversial situation (let’s say the answer is given, but not fully reasoned), the presenter turns to experts.

Progress of the game.

Music is playing.

1 task.

Introducing your team.

Greetings from the opposing team.

( 5 points)

Task 2.

Warm up.

Guess the word based on the interpretation of its lexical meaning.

    A vessel of a special device that protects the product placed in it from cooling or heating.

    The starting moment of a sports competition to cover any distance at speed.

    Urban ground electric railway.

    Red line, indentation at the beginning of the line.

    A device that allows a person to breathe underwater.

    He who loves his fatherland is devoted to his people, his homeland.

    A verbatim excerpt from a text.

(1 point for each correct answer)

  1. scuba

3 task. Phonetics.

How many times do sounds appear in the following sentences:

/w/ He is not good who is good-looking, but he is good who is good for business.

/a/ Above the salty wave, above the high wave, the cold sun rises.

Answers: /sh/ - 4 times; /a/ - 7 times.

4 task. Connect the words of the right and left columns to get new ones .

Hay gadfly

mushroom stamp

(5 points)

Task 5. How to list the days of the week in order (five days) without giving the number or name of the day?

Answer: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

Exercise 6. Change each of these words into another by adding one letter at the beginning, middle or end. Then, without changing the order of the words, write down all the added letters. They will make up a proverb.

Chest, rye, light, emphasis, enemy, stick, entrance, line, cannon, sword, village, import, whirlpool, dawn, base, dacha, rose, oval, cat, daughter, salary, gate.

Answer: milk mushroom, trembling, advice, mouthpiece, ravine, cranberry, exit, construction, edge, twine, saddle, removal, clamp, charge, market, luck, thunderstorm, dump, crumb, fishing rod, report, gate.

Healthy rest is the friend of work.

Task 7. Creative task: types of description – portrait, interior, landscape. Write a miniature essay using any type of description.

(5 points) Illustrations on the screen. Music.

Task 8. Who is more literate? (text editing)

Near the wide river, our atryat settled down for a rest. At first we expected Astanavitsa to be an hour away, but the sky began to become cloudy and we decided to change our minds.

The gear seemed to be fading. The rows were pleased with the new mantle, which was surrounded by low fir trees. It was convenient to set up tents here and set up the caster.

(5 points)


Leading. Dear participants in the battle, I suggest you show off your knowledge of the Russian language in the first warm-up competition. Each team will be asked a question that they must answer. If a team fails to complete a task, a second team can answer the question. 1 point is awarded for the correct answer.

Warm-up questions:

The inflected part of a word that forms the form of the word. (Ending)

Part of a modified word without ending. (The basis)

The significant part of the word, which is located after the root, serves to form new words or word forms. (Suffix)

A significant part of a word that is located before the root and serves to form new words. (Console)

The main part of the word, which contains the general lexical meaning for all cognate words. (Root)

Part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? What? (Noun)

A part of speech that denotes a feature of an object or its belonging and answers the questions: what? which? whose? (Adjective)

Part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions what to do? what to do? (Verb)

Words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but differ from each other in shades of lexical meaning and use in speech. (Synonyms)

Words of the same part of speech with the opposite lexical meaning. (Antonyms)

Words used only by residents of a particular area. (Dialectisms)

New words appearing in the language. (Neologisms)

Stable combinations of words. (Phraseological units)

A part of speech that denotes the number of objects, number, as well as the order of objects when counting and answers the questions how many? Which? (Numeral)

A special form of a verb (or part of speech - depending on the textbook. - Author's note), which denotes an attribute of an object by action and answers the questions: what? which? (Participle)

A special form of a verb (or part of speech - depending on the textbook. - Author's note), which denotes an additional action during the main action, expressed by a verb. (gerund participle)

Part of speech that indicates an object, attribute and quantity, but does not name them. (Pronoun)

An independent part of speech, which usually denotes a sign of an action or a sign of a sign, answers the questions where? Where? When? where? Why? For what? How? (Adverb)

Functional part of speech that connects homogeneous members suggestions, as well as simple sentences as part of complex ones. (Union)

A part of speech that expresses, but does not name, various feelings and motives. (Interjection)

The main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers questions in the nominative case: who? What? (Subject)

The main member of a sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject of speech. Answers questions: What does it do? what will he do? what is the subject? etc. (predicate)

The secondary member of the sentence, which denotes the subject and depends on the predicate or another member of the sentence, answers questions indirect cases. (Addition)

A secondary member of a sentence that denotes a feature of an object and explains the members of a sentence expressed by a noun. Answers the question which? whose? (Definition)

A secondary member of a sentence that denotes time, place, manner of action, reason, etc. and answers adverb questions. (Circumstance)

The teams split up. The first part of the team is given a card on which common nouns are written on the left, and proper names on the right, which, together with nouns, make up a phraseological phrase. It is required to form phraseological units by putting about common noun the number of the proper name with which it forms this phrase.

Assignment for the first part of the team:

2. Gemini ________ 2. Aladdin

3. Barrel ________ 3. Anyuta

4. Versta ________ 4. Ariadne

5. Eyes ________ 5. Achilles

6. Certificate ________ 6. Babylon

7. Kaftan ________ 7. Homer

8. Stables ________ 8. Gordius

9. Horse ________ 9. Domocles

10. Lamp ________ 10. Demyan

11. Bed ________ 11. Diogenes

12. Sword ________ 12. China

13. Flour ________ 13. Kolomna

15. Fire ________ 15. Monomakh

16. Massacre ________ 16. Morse

17. Heel ________ 17. Pandora

18. Wall ________ 18. Procrustes

19. Pandemonium ________ 19. Bartholomew

20. Node ________ 20. Prometheus

21. Ear ________ 21. Siam

22. Laughter ________ 22. Tantalum

23. Hat ________ 23. Trishka

24. Language ________ 24. Troy

25. Box ________ 25. Filka

26. Night ________ 26. Aesop

The result should be the following:

1. ABC 16

2. Gemini 21

3. Barrel 11

4. Versta 13

5. Eyes 3

6. Certificate 25

7. Kaftan 23

8. Stables 1

10. Lamp 2

15. Fire 20

16. Massacre 14

18. Wall 12

19. Pandemonium 6

22. Laughter 7

23. Hat 15

Leading. The second parts of both teams play the game “Who is faster”. Its essence is that you must guess phraseological riddles: I read phraseological units to you, and you must guess what or who this or that phraseological unit is about. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. If a team player makes a mistake, then the opposing team has the right to respond.

Tasks for the second part of the team:

1. They hang him when they become despondent, he is bullied by arrogant people, he is thrust everywhere, interfering in something that is not his own business. (Nose)

2. Not flowers, but withering; not clapping hands, but clapping them; not laundry, but they are hung out by overly gullible, curious people. (Ears)

3. It is in the head of a frivolous person; it is advised to look for it in the field; words and money are thrown at him; he whistles in his pockets if there is no money. (Wind)

4. Its place of residence is the shoulders; you can hit the wall with it; they often hit it with a butt; sometimes she even cooks, and sometimes she refuses to do it; they constantly beat something into her, but they also knock the crap out of her; Something constantly comes out of it for an absent-minded person. (Head)

5. You can’t spill it on your best friends; you can look into it, predicting something; it can lead to liars; you can sink into it and hide your ends; it is often stirred up over trifles and carried in a sieve; Sometimes they sit on it and even pound it in a mortar. (Water)

6. They often howl out of despair; it can be sea and Tambov; his favorite clothing is sheep's skin. (Wolf)

7. It can be pulled, but still it never waits for anyone, even if it is for children. (Time)

8. You can end it if you are tired of it; between it and death there are often people in a dangerous situation; You can leave it, but you can also join it; a person can be returned to it; we are often indebted to others for her grave; You can make your dreams come true in it. (Life)

9. He runs from incense; doesn’t want to be anyone’s brother; constantly tugging at someone and that’s probably why his leg is always broken; always brings someone and tries to confuse everyone; We are often sent to his place for a party because he is bald; you can drink up to him and his dozen relatives; but you have to keep your eyes open with him, because he alone knows everything, and what jokes he makes! (Crap)

10. The veil often falls from them, they are not torn off, closed or brought together; they are driven away, they are cried out and looked out for; they do not want to sit still and often get in their way; sometimes sparks fly from them; they are often in a wet place; they are calloused and give no rest, especially when they stick together. (Eyes)

11. You can enter it, or you can get in, which is less pleasant; it can be eternal and is constantly silent about something; She also appears everywhere with her friend Geography. (Story)

12. Usually it is boneless and very long, so it must be held between the teeth, or even better, on a leash so that it does not grind anything; it can dry out, unravel, become braided and not turn around; sometimes you can get so caught up in him that it doesn’t seem like much; the devil often tugs at it, causing it to itch and break; often he is the enemy of man; For some it is very poorly hung, while for others it is very angry and sharp, so you want to shorten it. (Language)

13. You can look into it while listening carefully to a person, but, of course, it is better not to put your finger in it; it may be full of troubles, or perhaps full of water that was collected there; when the opportunity arises, it can be shut up, especially by those who reveal it too often. (Mouth)

14. They often take themselves into them, but at the same time they release a lot from them; Everything constantly falls out of them; work better than them tirelessly; resourceful people often get away with it; It’s better not to go on a visit with them empty; they can rake in the heat if they are strangers; they can be washed, applied to oneself, held at the seams, untied; they may sag, fall off, or itch; It’s usually the legs that go, and it’s they who don’t get there, but if they’ve already reached something, then what you do with them, the golden ones, will be torn off with them and your legs. (Hands)

15. Someone can hang themselves on it when they meet; they put a collar on it and drive it into it; it can be wrinkled, rolled, twisted, broken, soaped; people often sit on it and ride on it, which brings little pleasure to its owner. (Neck)

Leading. It seems that the teams have no difficulties with phraseology. Everyone coped with the task. Let's ask the jury to announce the scores for both competitions.

The jury announces the scores.

Leading. Guys, do you know what anagrams are? These are words obtained from other words by rearranging their letters and syllables or by reading them backwards. Let's try to make anagrams.

Make an anagram

A sheet is hung on which anagram words are written. Teams work with words collectively. The first team to complete the task correctly receives 2 points for each correctly composed word, the second team receives 1 point for each word.

Words for the “Make an Anagram” competition:

Falcon (ear), rocket (carriage), mother (darkness), harp (headlight), summer (body), border (shirt), bathhouse (bayan), bush (knock), oil (resin), eyelids (Kiev), island (Rostov), ​​game (Riga), bottom (Don), address (Wednesday), minced meat (scarf), linden (saw), pine (pump), whale (teak).

Leading. Our participants have shown themselves to be good wordsmiths, and I propose to continue the battle in the same vein. Captains are invited to the ring.

You are given one minute to complete this task. During this time, you must make as many words as possible from one word large quantity other words, and these must be nouns in the nominative singular case.

The word CONSTRUCTION is displayed. The captains begin work at the leader’s signal.

Leading. Team members can also make up words, since you will have the opportunity to help your captain with your word once.

After the captains have composed the words, they take turns reading them out. The one who makes up the most words wins.

Leading. Our philological ring has come to an end. All tasks have been completed. All that remains is to find out the final outcome of the game.

The jury announces the scores. The winners are awarded with memorable gifts (of course, it is better if these are books about the Russian language).

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