Name Egor: hidden name code that determines character. Yegor's fate, destined by the name

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Egor.

What does the name Egor mean?

The name Egor means farmer (Greek)

The meaning of the name Egor is character and destiny

A man named Yegor is stubborn and persistent. Like every man with strong will, indulgent towards the weaker, flexible in the family, good-natured towards others. This is a business person, hardworking, resourceful, analytical, and self-confident. Amorous, easily ignited, sexy, affectionate and gentle with women. He does not tolerate loneliness; if he breaks up with one lover, he immediately finds another. However, he is quick-tempered, grumpy, cocky, and partial to alcohol. He marries either too early, right after finishing school, or late - about thirty years old. As a rule, his marriage is quite happy, but sometimes Yegor thinks that he made the wrong choice. Maybe after many years he will return to his first family. A man named Egor values ​​modesty in women. He does not tolerate boastful and flirtatious women, gets irritated if a woman tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Egor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person. In relationships with women, he is not capable of deceit; his declarations of love and marriage proposals are, as a rule, true and have a basis serious intentions. He takes a wife who is respectable, fair, intelligent and sexy woman. Egor in marriage is a respectable family man, a strong owner, and somewhat strict with his children. He sees his wife’s claims to be a leader as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict in small things, and shows firmness in big matters. A man named Yegor loves children and is involved in their upbringing, as he naturally has a pedagogical gift.

Meaning of the name Egor for sex

In sex, Egor is gentle and passionate. He considers oral sex to be the highest manifestation of feelings on the part of a partner. He does not tolerate inexperienced women; for him this means a lack of variety in intimate relationships. He himself is an experienced lover, knows perfectly well how to prepare a woman for sexual intercourse, and is easily aroused. Egor, born in August, is soft and affectionate, does not tolerate haste, and loves long foreplay. A man named Yegor is energetic and temperamental, looking for the same partner. “December” Yegor is voluptuous, does not allow the thought that he or his partner will remain unsatisfied after coitus. With little respite, I’m ready to enter intimate relationships many times. Gets irritated if he doesn't get a response. Sensitive to odors, requires cleanliness and accuracy from his partner.

The character and fate of the name Egor, taking into account the patronymic

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alekseevich, Egor Andreevich, Egor Artemovich, Egor Valentinovich, Egor Vasilievich, Egor Viktorovich, Egor Vitalievich, Egor Vladimirovich, Egor Evgenievich, Egor Ivanovich, Egor Ilyich, Egor Mikhailovich, Egor Petrovich, Egor Sergeevich, Egor Yurievich modest, flexible. Mine strong character prefers not to show it unless absolutely necessary. Patient, practical, sociable. Loving in his youth, he marries late. After the wedding, all his thoughts are only about his family. He knows how to provide for her, takes care of the children. More often has sons to whom he gives good education, spares no expense on this.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alexandrovich, Egor Arkadyevich, Egor Borisovich, Egor Vadimovich, Egor Grigorievich, Egor Kirillovich, Egor Maksimovich, Egor Matveevich, Egor Nikitich, Egor Pavlovich, Egor Romanovich, Egor Timofeevich, Egor Fedorovich, Egor Eduardovich, Egor Yakovlevich good-natured. Hot-tempered, but not vindictive. Has many friends, easily becomes dependent on them, is predisposed to alcoholism, especially those born in the summer. In the family he is compliant, allows his wife to lead him, but in decisive matters he shows character. He is simply too lazy to argue with his wife often, he lets everything take its course. Marries early and for love. This feeling carries through my entire life. When minor quarrels occur in the family, he always remembers how good it was with his wife in the first years after the wedding. And such a man named Yegor believes that people have inherent weaknesses, and he, as a strong nature, should be able to forgive. Sexy, openly expresses dissatisfaction with his wife if she does not satisfy him, but patient, he waits for a long time for his wife to understand his needs. For my part, I am always ready to meet her halfway. A good father, he is seriously involved in raising his children. Homebody. Children of different sexes are born.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Bogdanovich, Egor Vladislavovich, Egor Vyacheslavovich, Egor Gennadievich, Egor Danilovich, Egor Egorovich, Egor Konstantinovich, Egor Robertovich, Egor Yanovich, Egor Yaroslavovich selfish, selfish, straightforward. He is careless in his actions and does not compromise, which often harms him. He is influenced, although he cannot be called weak-willed. I’m just used to trusting people, especially friends. He is practical, serious in his decisions, and thinks long and thoroughly about his every action. He also takes a thorough approach to creating a family. A man named Yegor is not a supporter of short-term marriages; he will patiently endure all the troubles in the family, waiting for better times. Loves children very much. He becomes especially attached to his daughter, whom he spoils. He raises his son to be a real man, takes care of his physical development, and introduces him to sports early. He does not strive to manage the household, but always reserves the right to the last decisive word, and takes pleasure in the consciousness of his own superiority. His wife is usually quite happy with their marriage.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Antonovich, Egor Arturovich, Egor Valerievich, Egor Germanovich, Egor Glebovich, Egor Denisovich, Egor Igorevich, Egor Iosifovich, Egor Leonidovich, Egor Lvovich, Egor Mironovich, Egor Olegovich, Egor Ruslanovich, Egor Semenovich, Egor Filippovich, Egor Emmanuilovich a person who is easily vulnerable. He can be offended by a word carelessly thrown at him. Stubborn, persistent, reliable, punctual. loves very much beautiful women, however, when choosing a future wife, he takes more into account her spiritual qualities. A man named Egor enjoys home improvement, loves to buy beautiful things, and is a spender. More often he has daughters whom he adores, spoils, and does nothing for them. without regrets. He is proud of his family and often gathers friends at his house. By old age, such Yegor becomes grumpy and annoying. He closely monitors his daughters and tries to take part in their personal lives. Loves grandchildren.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alanovich, Egor Albertovich, Egor Anatolyevich, Egor Veniaminovich, Egor Vladlenovich, Egor Dmitrievich, Egor Nikolaevich, Egor Rostislavovich, Egor Stanislavovich, Egor Stepanovich, Egor Feliksovich, Egor Filippovich easy to communicate, cheerful and good-natured. However, the family is completely different. There he is a leader who does not tolerate objections, his word is law. Does not tolerate criticism, ignites like a match, although he quickly forgets the reason for his anger. You can get along with a man named Yegor, you just need to study his character. Yegor is not at all interested in running the household and does not control his wife. Loves to eat delicious food. He needs a good lunch and on time, order in the apartment, peace in the house. He can create noise and scandal himself. Hospitable, loves holidays, knows how to organize them. As a rule, the mother-in-law's favorite son-in-law. He gives birth to boys.

You will find for yourself useful information about the meaning of the name Egor, how to interpret it, historical facts and where the name Egor came from.

What does the name Egor mean? Translated, it sounds like “cultivator of the land.”

Short form

Ega, Egich, Egorka, Egorushka, Gor, Gosha, Goga, Gogich, Hera.

History of appearance

This name became a derivative of the name George. In speech, the capital letter “G” first gradually softened and then completely disappeared. So a new name came into use, which quickly caught on.

Patronymic on behalf of Egor

Egorovna, Egorovich.

Name day and patrons of Yegor

Egor can celebrate his Angela Day all year round. Fortunately, orthodox calendar offers many dates, among which you just have to choose the one closest to your birthday. Patrons who help to better understand what the name Egor means are:

Positive aspects of Egor

The meaning of the name Egor gives a person with that name such a character trait as healthy pedantry. It can manifest itself in everyday life, study, work or friendships. Whatever it is, this side makes a man very smart and decent. He is interested in science, culture and other aspects of society. There is always something to talk about with him. This good friend, a smart husband and an exemplary son.

Negative sides of Egor

Man wearing given name, is often overly boring. For example, wanting to explain something to your interlocutor, he may go too far and move from the rank of a good friend to the status of an “annoying guy.” In some situations, he seems to forget what the name Egor means and begins to become very lazy. It happens that Egors lack tenderness, they can be callous and a little angry.

Egor's character traits

Ega is a man for whom all doors are open. He is very talented and susceptible to external influences, and therefore at a young age he has a chance to realize himself in a variety of areas. The meaning of the name Egor gives a man with this name the opportunity to successfully engage in various activities. For example, creativity, sports, computers or something else. Having chosen a hobby for himself, the guy begins to actively engage in it and, realizing what the name Egor means, achieve success.

A man with this name is a good family man. In more at a young age It can be difficult for him to choose the one among the crowds of girls swirling around him. However, having truly fallen in love, a man wins his beloved and creates a very strong and harmonious family with her.

Despite the abundance of prospects life opens up for him, Yegor runs the risk of slipping and going down the wrong path. If he fails to successfully implement his skills in some business, he becomes depressed and disappointed in own strength. Without good outside support, Ega can get lost.

The meaning of the name Egor also helps a man when interacting in a team. He attracts everyone's attention and is the real life of the party. First of all, its nice appearance strikes you at first sight. And secondly, the guy captivates everyone with his smile and charisma.

Compatibility of the name Egor with female names

Understanding what the name Egor means, we can talk about its compatibility with other names. For example, Yana, Anna, Alisa, Karina, Ekaterina, Daria, Anastasia and Evgenia will be very pleasant interlocutors for him. But with the names Irina, Lolita, Victoria, Polina, Ida and Zhanna, the meaning of the name Egor does not combine very well.

Egor's Family and Love

The meaning of the name Egor plays with new facets in family life. A man plays the role of a real protector; he is a strong support for his woman. As a rule, a person with this name does not exchange for short relationships. He dates girls for a long time and tries to legitimize the relationship as quickly as possible. Egor is loved by children, and he excels in fatherhood.

Egor's profession

What does the name Egor mean in choosing a profession? He, like a historical farmer, tries to choose the area in which he will be able to fully express himself. It is difficult for Yegor to sit idle. Luckily, there are many careers that are perfect for him. He may work in the organizational field or, for example, in large technical companies. There are often cases in which he chooses areas that require creative thinking.


In terms of health, the meaning of the name Egor is slightly different from its translation from Latin. Ega grows up like an ordinary guy and does not have particularly developed muscles. Throughout his life he may be plagued by problems with teeth, hair and skin.

Egor's career

If Ega could, he would marry at work! His determination and what the name Egor means allows a man to quickly move forward career ladder. A person with this name wants to provide himself and his loved ones with everything they need, and therefore he especially strives for large fees.

Velikie Yegors in history

Sievers (general), Wagner (chemist), Benckendorff (director), Creed (musician), Firsov (politician), Isaev (poet), Davydov (geologist), Sobolev (public figure).


The name Egor is of Greek origin. By main version comes from the name George, which is also ancient Greek in origin. The literal interpretation sounds like “farmer.” This name has very strong energy and, according to the main version, is one of the simplest male names (colloquial).

The male name Egor was incredibly popular ten years ago, especially in Russia and Ukraine, however, today it is used much less often by new parents. Although it has a very multifaceted positive value and excellent compatibility...

Popularity: The name Egor is usually in 10-13 positions and occurs in Russian-speaking countries for 29-31 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Egorka, Gora, Grief, Zhora

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Egor promises a very complex and at the same time unusual character. It is believed that a boy, given the name Yegor by his parents at birth, must, when he grows up, acquire such traits as responsibility, diligence, prudence, and hard work.

At its core, Egor is always emotional personality, but able to control emotions like no one else can. In his actions he is based solely on common sense and logic. Egor will never give freedom to emotions, and if he is ready to do this, then only in the most extreme cases.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that the bearer of the name Yegor is very receptive, sensitive and suggestible, and their character usually strongly depends on the surrounding atmosphere and the upbringing given by their parents.

Advantages and positive traits: Egor is very diligent, and not a single bearer of this name will ever become a slacker or a lazy person. The bearers of this name always achieve their goals and try to bring everything to the end. They are also responsible, reasonable and honest.

Yegor has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those individuals who try to criticize him, and those who try to manipulate him. And Yegor will never get involved with a person in whom he even a little doubts - he is principled in this regard.

The name Egor is indirectly a synonymous name male name Yuri, which also came from George. The latter was famous among the nobles of the 17th–19th centuries.

Character of the name Egor

The character of the name Egor is one of the most complex factors; enough people have devoted themselves to its study. large number researchers, but everyone eventually settled on one. Everyone claims that the character of His guy named by name will be quite tolerable, if you don’t argue with his owner. In disputes, his real character always manifests itself, one might say, the second one, aggressive and uncompromising.

In addition, the character of this little name can endow it with a bunch of characteristics that oppose each other. For example, this is attentiveness and justice, counteracting inattention to people you don’t like, or integrity and kindness, interrupted by sudden aggression. But all this is inaccurate, because much of the above, like character, depends on additional influencing factors, for example, on upbringing, on the influence of the zodiac sign, and even on the influence of the sign on it. Chinese horoscope.

Early childhood

From early childhood, Egor shows enough self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and pride. In addition, the meaning of the name Egor can bestow integrity and even uncompromisingness, which in turn often act as factors that promote quarrels and conflicts.

Since childhood, this boy has had many quarrels and scandals with everyone around him. So, he especially often argues with his parents - he tries to challenge their every opinion, tries to avoid every punishment, and for any parental word he always finds two opposing ones. The situation for such a boy is no better with regard to communication with peers - already in early age he tries to show leadership qualities, tries to subjugate everyone around him, to become a role model and de facto boss for everyone. All this leads to the division of the entire environment into three groups, in one of which there will be weak-willed suckers, in the other, ill-wishers, and in the third - real friends (their minority).

But if you look from the other side, a different picture emerges. If you do not pay attention to his adherence to principles and perseverance, a different nature is revealed - on this side he is kind, generous, fair, talented and interesting. But the most important thing in him is not even this - the main quality that the meaning of the name bestows is determination, which allows a boy named Yegor to achieve a goal set by himself or someone else in one hundred percent of cases.


Egor is a teenager, but he is no less a complex person. By nature, he is a leader, boss, commander, organizer and a good conversationalist, but he has a lot of shortcomings. The main drawback will remain his inability to compromise - any conversation and any topic can become a reason for an argument with the interlocutor, and at the same time, even if Yegor is wrong, he will not admit it. Another meaning endows the boy Yegor, who has reached the teenage stage, with persistence, assertiveness, hard work, arrogance, superficiality in assessing people, uncompromisingness and diligence. Over time, it will also become permanent and mandatory, which will accordingly bear fruit.

Nevertheless, there will be a lot of troubles in his studies, and not because of his stupidity or unwillingness to study. On the contrary, he wants and can learn - the reason is his reluctance to obey, which not all teachers like. Typically, teachers constantly find fault with such students, which naturally affects everything, both grades and the studies themselves. But in most cases, he has excellent relationships with his peers - a boy whose parents decided to choose the name Yegor at birth, endows the meaning of this name with a whole bunch of qualities that are important for communication, thanks to which, in adolescence, he can acquire a bunch of friends and like-minded people.

Grown man

The adult Yegor, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is an eloquent, good-natured, benevolent, peace-loving, freedom-loving, self-sufficient and self-confident man. He has many friends, but he is not ready to do good for all of them, and he does not trust everyone. Tries to stay in the company of people he knows well, preferably those who have come from childhood, hates selfish and evil people. His downside, as before, lies only in endless arguments - well, he doesn’t know how to concede, he always defends his opinion to the last, even if he understands that he is actually wrong.

He himself is honest and sincere, will never deceive anyone, will not take advantage of anyone’s weakness, and leads an exemplary lifestyle. At the sight of injustice, he can become furious and show maximum aggression - he does not like it when someone is offended without any good reason. And yet, Yegor, this is a person who does not know how to forgive, any offense, and especially betrayal, remembers until the very end, until he takes revenge. But with women everything is much more complicated...

Interaction of Egor’s character with the seasons

Summer - the summer bearer of the name Egor will be active and purposeful, energetic, efficient, unable to stand still. Such a person gladly meets troubles and obstacles, overcomes them and moves forward with pride. He is also a born optimist - this is what attracts representatives of the weaker half of humanity.

Winter - the meaning of Winter, together with the origin of the name, promises other qualities. This boy will become serious, not an optimist, but rather a realist. Decisive, persistent, practical, reasonable, again, purposeful and assertive - this guy will definitely achieve his goal, and in a short time. He is courteous with women, but not romantic.

Spring - here a vain and selfish child with this name is born. Emotionality and excessive pride play against him, but the thirst for fun and optimism, on the contrary, attract people, and especially women. This is a womanizer, who in the future will definitely become a collector of broken hearts.

Autumn - this time usually brings the rational and pragmatic Egor, who has a clear position, is not influenced by the world around him, is purposeful and carefully plans everything in his life. This is a future reliable and faithful gentleman, but boring and even boring, and his character is quite complex.

The fate of the name Egor

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Egor in relationships with female representatives, in love, and in marriage, everything is much more complicated here, because it is quite difficult to predict what fate will suggest, in particular in this particular case. Although there is still a theory on this matter, and it indicates that fate will ultimately bring him together with a serious and responsible lady, just the kind he will be looking for.

It just so happened that fate suggests an eternal search for a man named Yegor serious relationship. At the same time, he will, in theory, look among the gray mass, that is, not some painted girl, but a lady with a capital letter. Frivolity, defiant behavior, bright colors and clothes - all this irritates men named by the name variation Egor.

In the end, fate also presupposes that the so-called man becomes a real family man, an exemplary husband and an exemplary father, responsible, obligatory, reliable, dutiful, faithful and devoted. This will make a real father, dad, whatever you look for.

Love and marriage

Egor is an attractive and successful man who knows what he wants from life. This attracts many beauties to him, but external beauty is not the main factor for him when choosing a life partner. His wife should be a modest, feminine, decent, good-natured, gentle and homely woman. He doesn't like it when his lover is the center of everyone's attention. And he is also very jealous.

Yegor gets married late because he is in no hurry to enter into an official marriage with his chosen one, first he gives probation their family life. It is important for him that he can unlimitedly trust his soul mate, feel her support and know that next to him is an intelligent, respectable, fair and thrifty woman, ready to spend the rest of her life with him. In turn, he will be a faithful, caring and gentle husband in return.

In family relationships, Yegor tries not to impose his unprecedented leadership on his family. He allows his wife to decide many issues on her own, but he makes some serious decisions himself, having personally thought through and calculated everything. Egor is not conflicted person, he is honest and open in his relationship with his wife. Love, respect, trust and friendship are the main principles of Yegor’s family life.

Egor as Father

When deciding to become parents, many people doubt how they will be able to fulfill such an important and necessary purpose as motherhood or fatherhood. Yes, that’s right, it’s impossible to predict such an important step in life in advance. But as for Yegor, his care, honesty, and tenderness suggest that he will definitely become a good father. He is incredibly happy to have children, he is grateful to his wife for this gift of fate and for a new goal in life - to raise healthy, happy and educated people.

Egor approaches the process of raising children with all responsibility and tries to take the most active part in it. He controls their health and development, every step they take. He loves his kids very much, but does not always allow himself to clearly express fatherly love. In the process of upbringing, Yegor is quite strict.

He loves to spend time with children and enjoys playing with them. logic games, helps with the completion of lessons and classes in sections. He devotes a little more time to his son, because in him he sees his chance to correct many mistakes. And what is no less important, it is very important for him that he and his wife can raise honest, persistent, open, independent people.

Compatible with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Egor with female names is fraught with many secrets, and one of them is the fact that in terms of feelings and sincerity, Egor has the best compatibility with Zhanna, Alla, Sofia, Edita, Flora, Isabella and Gloria.

To build a strong and lasting marriage, it is best to establish relationships with Daria, Nellie, Nina, Susanna, and Capitolina.

Agnia, Bronislava, Flora, Mirra, Ninel - it’s better not to build relationships with such people.

In general, that hard worker and careerist needs a gentle and attentive woman next to him, because he needs attention and care...

Egor's name day

Saints: Yegorios of Chios, new martyr.

What does it mean

Egor means “farmer”.


Analysis of the mystery of the name Egor it makes sense to start with origins. History of the name Egor has ancient Greek roots. This name has a common origin with the name George, comes from Greek word?????????, translated from Greek language- "farmer". There is a folk form of the name Yegory.

What does the name Egor mean according to D. N. Zima

In accordance with the interpretation according to D.N. Zima, the nature of the name Egor is such that its owners, as a rule, are withdrawn.

In his youth, Yegor usually conflicts with his peers, and every disagreement with someone leaves a deep wound in his soul. As a rule, with age, the mountain seeks easier outlets for its tension. This could be caustic self-irony, workaholism, or passion for some kind of sports activity.

Often Yegor puts on a mask, hiding his true feelings and experiences. Yegor plays his chosen role with pleasure, and this becomes his outlet.

Egor carefully selects his life partner. Only to her can he show his real face. In his family life, Yegor often proves himself to be a wonderful family man.

If one fine day Yegor reveals to you his inner world, which means he has added you to his friends. In general, for normal communication with him, it would be good to smooth out his irony; it is not always of a peaceful nature.

Characteristics according to B. Higir

According to the description of the name Egor according to B. Khigir, little Egor is an affectionate child who is not without cunning: from childhood he knows how to please people and earn something tasty. As a rule, Egor is a “mama’s boy”, he does not let her out of his arms, with his tenderness he achieves from his mother what he wants, while with his father such an act will not work for Egor, so strained relations can develop between the son and the father .

IN school years Egor shows accuracy and perseverance. He knows that good results in his studies will provide him with the favor of adults, as well as a future. Egor tries to behave relaxed with his classmates, although he is wary and does not lose control of himself.

Egor often manages to achieve career heights. He moves up the career ladder with enviable ease. He goes towards the chosen goal purposefully, without being distracted by minor distractions.

Yegor is attracted to modest, quiet women who value his attention and value their relationships with him. He is capable of great sincere feeling. Yegor loves his children, he is ready to protect them.


Variants of the name Egor: Igor, Georgy, Gosha, Egor.

Diminutive names Egor: Ega, Eg, Egr, Egorka, Egor, Yoga, Egorchik, Egorek, Egosha, Egorsha, Egoriy, Egorushka, Egorochka, Egorunka, Egorych; Igorunya, Goga, Goshka, Goshunya, Goshnya, Huntsman.

In different languages:

  • Name Egor in French: Georges
  • Name Egor in English: Georges
  • Name Egor in Spanish: Georges
  • Name Egor in Italian: Georges

Famous Egors:

  • Egor Kovalevsky (1811–1868) famous traveler and writer, mining engineer and philosopher.
  • Egor Stroev (1937) modern political and statesman.
  • Egor Isaev (1926) Russian Soviet poet and publicist.
  • Yegor Gaidar (1956 – 2009) modern politician, economist.

When pronounced, the male name Egor evokes a feeling of integrity and reliability, a man who is self-confident and stands firmly on the ground. Today it is rare name gaining popularity.

Parents need to know the karma and energy of the name, which will influence the character and fate of the child named Yegor at birth, for his proper upbringing, mental and physical health.

Meaning of the name Egor

Knowing the meaning of the name Egor is important for parents who decide to name their baby this way. The name Egor is considered to be derived from the ancient Greek name George, which translates as “farmer” or “cultivator of the land,” defining its main essence - hard work, creativity and patience. The name acquires its own from the day of baptism heavenly patron, who will provide assistance in overcoming difficulties throughout life. In the calendar, the name Yegor is identified with George, endowing him with the protection of two patron saints who suffered martyrdom for Christian faith- the warrior St. George the Victorious, tortured in 303, then revived after death to defeat the terrible serpent and Yegoriy of Chios, killed by Turkish soldiers in 1807. Yegors born close to the dates of commemoration of the holy great martyrs - May 6 and December 9 - will enjoy special heavenly protection.

Origin and history of the name Egor

The origin and history of the name Egor, which appeared in Rus' in the 10th century, is interesting. His ancestry goes back to Greek name Georgis, former second named after the main Greek god Zeus, who patronized agriculture. The name Georgiy was unpronounceable for the Old Russian language due to soft sound“g” before “e”, so it was transformed into Yegorgy. Later, for ease of pronunciation, they began to say Yegor, or Egor for short. The name Yegoriy was considered common. IN church calendar, compiled in the 17th century, introduced the name Georgy, and Yegor and Yegor were considered derivatives from it. For many centuries, the name Yegoriy was a common noun for Russian people. This is the name given to people who are adventurous, irresponsible and prone to drunkenness. The phraseological unit - obegorit, often used in everyday life, meant - to deceive, to outwit.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the name Egor lost its abbreviated and common meaning, becoming independent. During the years of Soviet power it was half-forgotten, but in the 21st century it began to gain popularity again.

What does the name Egor mean?

Anthroponymy - the science of people's names - explains each name by a combination of its constituent sounds, characterized by waves of a certain frequency. From birth, every person hears his name countless times, experiencing the constant impact of the combination of its sounds on the psyche and consciousness. All letters in the name are endowed with emotional and semantic content, forming psychological qualities personality. From this point of view, let us understand for ourselves what the name Egor means.

E– denotes the need for self-expression, communicating one’s ideas to society. This letter promotes diplomatic talents, insight, and adaptability to circumstances. In addition, “E” indicates pronounced sexuality and the ability to nervous breakdowns in relationships with close associates.

G– creates a thirst for knowledge, promotes quick reaction when assessing unforeseen situations and practicality. On the other hand, she speaks of a subtle mental organization with its inherent touchiness and vulnerability.

ABOUT– endows the owner of the name with the gift of intuition, the ability to experience deep feelings, and constantly improve. This letter encourages self-realization, setting goals and persistently pursuing them.

R- the personification of high efficiency, determination, intemperance in statements, which often interferes with climbing the career ladder. Free creativity is the best area for applying the talents and skills of the owner of the name.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of Yegor

Getting used to the name, the boy Egor from childhood tunes himself to the vibration of the combination of these sounds, subconsciously influencing the formation of his character and further life path.

Development of Egor's character

Egor's character begins to manifest itself from infancy, finally developing in adulthood.

From childhood, the baby is distinguished by curiosity and interest in the world around him. He will quickly learn to read, striving to independently gain knowledge from books. Since childhood, Egor has been hardworking, diligently carries out instructions from adults and quickly learns to order. The boy always tells the truth and does not tolerate lies from others, deeply experiencing deception and injustice. Among negative qualities, manifested in childhood - hot temper, arrogance when upholding justice.

During his school years, Yegor studies well. Conflicts often arise in relationships with staff and teachers. He may express distrust of his classmates, lose his temper while defending his opinion, and be a bore when explaining that he is right. Having reached adolescence the guy begins to show leadership qualities. He is eloquent and can captivate a company with his ideas. Whether this leadership is positive or leads to reckless and unlawful actions depends to a large extent on the attention and love of the parents.

An adult man, Egor, is distinguished by his determination and pedantry. He sets a goal and persistently pursues it. The difficulties that arise only motivate him to continue the work he has started. Cooled down by the emotions caused by failure, he uses his analytical mind to complete the task. In any matter, the adult Egor does not tolerate disorder - in everyday life, at work and in relation to money. He shows kindness, decency, sincerity and honesty towards the people around him, but Yegor has few real friends. Not every friend can tolerate his sharp tongue, ironic humor and insistence on maintaining order.

Characteristics of Yegor depending on the season of birth

Yegor's main character traits depend on his birth at a certain time of the year.

Winter Yegory- They are distinguished by determination, perseverance, practicality and purposefulness. They have an analytical mind that helps them build a career. In relationships with the opposite sex they show restraint and gallantry.

Egors, born in spring- endowed with fireworks of emotions and sexuality. This creative people, surrounding themselves with like-minded people and treating life as a continuous holiday. They are not devoid of vanity and selfishness, and cannot tolerate anyone’s superiority in the creative sphere, friendship and love.

Letnie Egory- optimists, resilient in the face of troubles that befall them. They are active and confident. Their positive energy attracts people, creating a friendly atmosphere around them. For women, summer Egor is the embodiment of charm, tenderness and sexuality.

Egors, who saw the world for the first time in the fall, people are rational. They think through every step in the algorithm of life, trying to avoid accidents. This applies to women. Autumn Egorovs do not have casual relationships; they are reliable husbands.

The influence of a name on fate

When choosing a name for a child, parents dream that his fate will turn out well. Let's see what is destined for Yegor in life.

Career and business

Egor, born in rural areas, the name predicts success in mastering a profession related to agriculture. He will be an excellent agronomist or a successful farmer.

If with childhood Yegor displays eloquence, the ability to express his thoughts vividly and figuratively; he can successfully develop a career as a diplomat, lawyer, TV presenter or teacher.

Given his analytical mind and organizational skills, Egor can be a successful leader. The ability to get people excited about a project, plan their implementation point by point and control the progress of the project allows you to achieve your goals. His ambitions and leadership qualities make it possible to earn money comfortable life. Egor is not satisfied with being a subordinate without a prospect career growth necessary for self-affirmation and self-realization.

In business, Egor needs to have a reliable and professional partner. Egor himself, due to his appetite for risk and desire to quickly achieve big profits, can lead his business to bankruptcy. Difficulties and troubles do not lead him to depression, on the contrary, they mobilize him, giving him the strength to rise, starting all over again.

Love and family relationships

Egor is demanding when choosing a life partner. He is convinced that everything should be beautiful in a girl, not only external beauty, but femininity, intelligence, decency and sexuality. IN love relationships Egor behaves openly and honestly, not trying to seem better than he really is, sincerely expecting a similar attitude in return. Egor is easily excitable, temperamental and energetic in sex. Considering himself an experienced lover, he strives to give a woman sensual pleasure and gets irritated if he does not feel a response. Sensual and passionate girls feel comfortable and safe with him.

Women who are frivolous and prone to flirting have no chance of persuading Yegor to marry. Most often, he marries late, believing that early marriages lead to divorce. He chooses a modest, economical girl with a calm character. It may happen that having decided to connect his life with the girl he likes, Egor may receive a refusal. But having gotten used to getting his way, he will make a lot of efforts to get consent.

In return for a reliable rear and order in the house, Yegor will be caring and loving father, good husband, but will never become henpecked. Having taken responsibility for solving family problems, he will fully provide for the family. He will be kind, affectionate and gentle to his wife, respecting her fidelity and devotion. Egor will raise his children in strictness, developing in them qualities of character similar to his own. Usually the reason for divorce in such families can be Yegor’s passion for alcohol. Successful names for marriage will be women with the names Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Tatyana, Nina and Yana. It is advisable to avoid a marriage alliance with Valeria, Galina, Elizaveta, Varvara, Polina and Lyudmila.

The influence of a name on health

Since childhood, Egor has had good health, but the child’s tendency to be overweight obliges parents to pay attention to proper nutrition And physical activity. Leading healthy image life, Egor will have an athletic figure and an attractive appearance. Eye problems may arise from adolescence. If your vision deteriorates, you should consult a doctor and undergo timely treatment. May become vulnerable to health nervous system. We should try to avoid stress, excessive drinking and smoking, which can cause addiction. The chrysolite stone will serve as a talisman that maintains good health. It has a beneficial effect on the overall emotional state, relieves stress and eliminates insomnia.

The formation of a person’s mental qualities and achievement of success in life is influenced by many factors. Among them, the mysterious power of the name over a person is confirmed, not excluding the influence of the name on the character and fate of Yegor.

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