I want to become an employee of your company. Why do I work for a big company and am just happy about it?

"Why do you want to work with us?". This question comes up at some point in every job interview, and there are several common types of answers, and one of them is better than the rest. Chris McGoff, author of The Art of Managing, talks about the most common options - and what the interviewer hears in each case.

Answer #1

"It's difficult, but interesting job, and I know that your company is really interested in staff training and development.”

What I hear: This candidate values ​​the company for its challenge and wants us to invest in his/her development.

Answer #2

“Your company has a great team and a positive corporate culture.”

What I hear: This candidate wants to be surrounded by nice people at the company, and that the company cares about maintaining corporate spirit.

Answer #3

“I see that your company is growing and provides many opportunities for development.”

What I hear: This candidate wants the company to provide opportunities for personal advancement.

There are other answers like these, but in general these are the main points I hear every time. Essentially, the candidate is explaining what he thinks he will get for himself if he takes the job. But there is a special answer - that rare and wonderful moment when I am happy with what I hear.

Answer #4 (ideal)

“The reason is simple: I have become familiar with your mission and vision. I have researched information about you and your company in in social networks, turned to his work contacts and other public sources. As a result, I think I can formulate four statements, and I would like you to confirm my thoughts.”

Exactly preliminary preparation helps the candidate stand out. The employee is required to demonstrate understanding of the following:

  1. What results does the company want to achieve;
  2. What prevents you from achieving these results;
  3. Why is this job so important for the company and for the interviewer personally;
  4. Specific ideas on how to help the company achieve the desired results.

When a candidate responds this way, it is obvious that this person is not here for his own gain. He came to the interview prepared and can explain what benefits he can bring.

When I hear answer #4, I have no doubt that the candidate has the following characteristics:

  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Zeal. This person has made an effort and used creativity to understand the situation in the company;
  • Basic understanding of how social networks work;
  • Availability of a network of professional contacts and the ability to work with it;
  • Understanding of the business, its goals and vision;
  • Understanding possible losses companies in case of failure and prospects in case of success;
  • Understanding the obstacles in the company's path;
  • The ability to convincingly explain why the company needs him.

When a candidate's answer matches the fourth strategy, we are likely to agree on the following:

  • As employees of the company, we do what is necessary for the business - even if it is not exactly what we would like;
  • We change and act as the interests of business require, and do not expect the company to change the way we want it;
  • We primarily work for business, and business works for the client. And if everything goes well, the business will take care of us too.

Choose the candidates whose answer is closest to the fourth option. And if you are invited to an interview, prepare well to answer the question “Why do you want to work for us” in this way. After this, be prepared to immediately hear the question: “What salary will suit you and when can you start?”

Prepared by Taya Aryanova


Constantly evaluate your actions. Self-criticism is a condition for improvement. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with acute self-esteem, which is based on the awareness of the real significance of one’s personality, on the presence of certain successes in work for the common benefit. Suppress your increased self-esteem and boasting.

Learn to live. Always stand up for your views. Be active and overcome all obstacles, only in this case you can get everything you want. Realize your plans and ideas. Initiative and self-control will help you build a career and get promoted.

Feel free to make informed, firm decisions and implement them. Always take responsibility for your actions. Actively and decisively demonstrate your business and personal qualities. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Often such people, having the best intentions, achieve significant results in work, become leaders.

Constantly improve. Build worldview, beliefs and ideals. Be guided by them in your actions. In this way, you will gain experience in behaving correctly with people, which will help you walk with ease and confidence. Read more, attend performances, exhibitions, meet new people. Don’t just focus on work, you should definitely have your own hobby.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: How to answer the question why you want to work for a company

Interview - the most important stage when applying for a job. No matter how good your resume is, the employer will definitely want to get to know you personally and form an opinion about you. And if you don't know how to answer question why do you want to work in companies, the impression you make on him will probably be unfavorable.


Check out the activities companies where you are applying for a job. If you have acquaintances or friends who work there, then talk to them, they can tell you about it in some detail. In any case, you can find some information about this company on the Internet, even if it does not have its own website. It will be just great if you manage to find information not only about the products that this company produces, but also about the history of its formation, as well as economic and social indicators.

You should get a clear understanding of this organization and know how well known it is in the market, its reputation as a business partner and a manufacturer or service provider. It would be good if during the interview you can refer to some publications about her activities that you could find in the media.

The list of reasons why you want to work in this companies, mention those that are important to you as a specialist - the opportunity for professional growth and advanced training. For some applicants important point is participation in capital companies foreign investors, which involves travel on foreign business trips and the possibility of obtaining professional certification international standard.

In a separate block, highlight the advantages that the company has in terms of social programs, level wages, opportunities to encourage initiative and integrity.

In conclusion, you can talk about how you see the opportunity to prove yourself as a specialist in this companies, in what ways you can be useful to her, what knowledge and experience of yours can be useful. Here you can list those places of work where you performed similar functions and responsibilities, talk about those methods, software products known to you that you can use in this workplace.


  • why do you want to work at this job

Tip 4: How to answer the question why I left my previous job

If you have been invited for an interview as a possible candidate for a vacant position workplace, be prepared to be asked questions questions not only regarding your qualifications and experience. There is almost always a chance that you will be asked about your reasons for leaving your previous place work. The answer to this question may determine the outcome of the interview.

Sometimes an interview is like a school exam. But, unlike a math test, there is no single correct answer. Instead, the questioner feels hopeful guesses mixed with inappropriate posturing. We spoke to recruiters to find out what questions job candidates are most often asked and how best to answer them.

tell us about yourself

Mistake: candidates begin to tell in detail their entire career path, mixed with biographical details, or retell their resume.

What you need to answer: try to look at yourself through the eyes of the employer and focus on the experience that will show you as a suitable employee, recommends Natalya Storozheva, a business coach at the Russian School of Management for personnel management:

– When communicating with you, he is interested in a very narrow range of questions: how suitable you are for performing business tasks; provided for by this vacancy; are you worth the money you are claiming; what is your motivation; Will you be able to fit into the corporate culture of the company and work well with the manager? Therefore, the story about yourself needs to be structured in such a way that, while listening to you, the employer receives answers to those questions that he does not voice, but keeps in his head.

Why do you want to work with us?

Mistake: applicants shower compliments on an international, dynamically developing company. Although, most likely, the honest answer is: “You are the only ones who called me for an interview. And I really need a job."

What you need to answer: Natalya Storozheva advises acting based on mutual interests. For example: “You need active managers to promote products, but I like to communicate with people, I like to conduct presentations and negotiations, and see the results of my work. Including financial ones." Or: “I have a family, two small children and a mortgage. Therefore, I am very interested in work and a stable income. As far as I know, you are now very interested in developing regional sales? I am ready for business trips, weekend work and irregular schedules.”

Why are you interested in this position?

Mistake: It would be wrong to say abstractly: “I want to learn something new,” notes Penny Lane Personnel Operations Director Tatyana Kurantova. What exactly is unclear.

What to answer: The answer depends on your motivation, says the expert. Tell us more about what exactly inspires you: further Professional Development, career, the desire to change the industry without changing positions, etc. It’s especially great if these goals correlate with the goals of the company where you want to go.

Why should we hire you?

Error: in the answer to this question, “the candidate often begins to praise himself, inflating his professional quality, or, on the contrary, becomes overly modest and shy,” explains Svetlana Beloded, head of the HR department at QBF.

What you need to answer: the expert advises to look at yourself from the outside as a professional and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses objectively.

“In essence, this is a question of the adequacy of the applicant’s claims,” she summarizes.

Tell us about your strengths

Mistake: General words about leadership, hard work and communication skills.

What to answer: Support with examples each quality you name.

– Depending on the situation, it is sometimes appropriate to talk about work experience, sometimes about the ability to learn, about a successfully implemented project or successfully resolved a complex problem conflict situation, - suggested the head of the personnel service of the Lash Russia company Natalya Khamova. It's best to think about this answer before the interview.

Tell us about your failures/failures

Mistake: Saying you don't have weaknesses and there were no mistakes or, on the contrary, savoring your failures for a long time and in detail, notes SPSR Express HR Director Anastasia Khrisanfova.

What you need to answer: everyone makes mistakes, this is normal - and this is how we gain valuable experience. Tell us about the reasons for the situation and the lesson you learned, suggests Ekaterina Syrskaya, talent acquisition manager at Coca-Cola HBC Russia.

What are your salary expectations?

Mistake: overstating the amount.

– Many are sure that the formula “Ask more - you will get less” works here. This is wrong. Usually, a company has already set aside a specific amount for the salaries of employees at a certain level, so asking for more makes no sense,” says Svetlana Beloded.

What you need to answer: Find out the salary range for your position in advance. And at the interview, discuss and ask questions: what does the salary consist of, what bonuses and bonuses are paid here for Good work that you are capable of.

– Remuneration for work is always a subject of negotiation. Therefore, do not immediately agree to the first number announced and do not be modest. Discuss, discuss,” suggests Natalya Storozheva.

What are your plans for the next 5 years?

Mistake: communicating your desire to move, find a job as a manager, or open your own business in a month or two.

What to answer: By asking this question, the recruiter wants to see your reliability, as well as your commitment to your job and the company.

“It is important to show that he (the applicant) clearly understands his career development: talk about the goals and plans for improvement in a specific chosen area,” advises a representative of Coca-Cola HBC Russia.

Why did you decide to quit your current job?

Mistake: cursing at your former boss.

How to respond: Take some of the blame on yourself. The head of the HR department at QBF recommends “talking honestly about the reason for your dismissal, describing not only the disadvantages of your current job, but also your mistakes, which you will try to avoid in your new place.” This shows that you know how to learn and work on your shortcomings.

Do you have any questions for me?

Mistake: not asking questions.

What to answer: Ekaterina Syrskaya suggests asking about the work process, job responsibilities, corporate culture.

“This way the applicant will be able to understand the details in more detail and show that he is really interested in this vacancy,” she summarizes.

The question “Why do you want to work in our company?” may at first glance seem like the easiest thing to do in an interview. After all, here, it seems, we can talk in general about such things as development, experience or growth prospects.

However, there is a hidden trap here. Don't forget that the employer is looking for a motivated employee who is interested in this particular job, so a too short or general answer may spoil the impression of you. In this article, GradTouch expert Jena Alcock gives tips on how to prepare to answer this question in order to be on top.

How to prepare?

Whether or not you will be successful in answering this question largely depends on how much you initially know about the company you are interviewing with. In this case, the information from the start page of the site will definitely not be enough. Look to see if there have been any articles about this company in the media; see if the company has a page on Facebook and Youtube. Explore what content you can find on them. It would also be a good idea to look through articles about the current situation in the industry in which the company operates.

What's better to talk about?

One of the secrets to success is to clearly define the topics you want to focus on when answering this question.

There are five main topics worth touching on in such a situation:

1) What the company does directly - the product or service that the company offers, and why it interests you;

2) Corporate culture - what it means to work in this company;

3) Recent successes of the company;

4) Corporate philosophy and mission of the company;

5) Experience and development that can be gained by working in the company.

There is no need to try to reveal each of them. It’s better to stop at two or three and talk about them in more detail.

What is not worth talking about is salary, vacation conditions or sick leave. The employer may immediately get the impression that you are unmotivated, not interested enough in the work itself, and are only interested in your own benefit.

How to make your answer irresistible?

Firstly, Do not repeat company slogans verbatim. Think about what you read and put it into your own words. The employer will note any knowledge you have about the company, but truly good impression you can only produce if you show meaningful engagement with the information you've learned.

Secondly, after you have found sufficiently detailed information about the company, come up with examples and arguments of how your personal and professional qualities can contribute to the company in one of the areas you are talking about. If you have chosen a topic about the company’s performance, please provide specific examples your achievements at your previous place of work and tell us about your focus on further top scores. If you are talking about the company’s philosophy or corporate culture, tell us how you apply similar approaches in your work. For example, if you like the company modern approach, explain that while working as a sales manager in an IT company, you learned to look for innovative solutions and non-standard approaches to work.

Remember that your main goal is to prove yourself as the strongest candidate, so in any question it is worth mentioning exactly why you are ideal for this position. This is what will be of key importance for the employer when making decisions.

5 fun “I want to work for you because...”

"Why do you want to work with us?" - this harmless question can become decisive in an interview. I don’t want to invent anything: the employer hopes for your honesty. But he will not be able to correctly evaluate every sincere confession, writes HeadHunter.

The next “Why do you want to work for us” during an interview is annoying and seems like a formality, but the recruiter asks this question with a specific purpose. He doesn't care how many months you've been looking for a job: he wants to know what in the job description attracted you. An interested employee works better and longer for the company, and finding such a person is a joy for the employer. So try to understand what you expect from future work. This will give you confidence at the interview: you will know where you came and why.
Here are five examples to help you give an honest and interesting answer.

1. “I’ve been using your product every day/week/my whole life. I like him because..."

Interest in the result of work is the best motivation. Try to find out about the company's activities, especially if you have not heard of it before. You will understand what needs to be done and tell you what can be improved.

2. “I've heard a lot about the corporate culture in your company. I think interesting system motivation and like the working conditions.”

Comfortable conditions are the key to keeping you in this job longer. Go to the “About the Company” section on the website: this is the main source of information. Read reviews, look at pages on social networks. Tell us about your impressions at the interview. Even if you only heard something from friends who work there, this will show that you are not a random person.

3. “I like that you care about people’s quality of life and improving the industry.”

Many companies have an ideology. Tell us why you think this is important.

4. “I know the people who work for you. I saw the employees’ Facebook accounts: we have many common interests. I’m sure we will find a common language.”

Join the work team new job- not an easy task. If you feel like you would fit in, say so during the interview.

5. “I want to develop in my direction, and I like the corporate training in your company.”

Talk openly about your career goals. If your ambitions are justified, the recruiter will appreciate your interest.

Avoid answers that are too general or short. Try asking why you were invited for an interview. This will be the start of an interesting dialogue and will take you away from answering boring questions.

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