Self-esteem is a mysterious tool. Presentation "what is dignity"

Manifestations of self-importance:
Manifestations of self-esteem:
Demanding self-respect, Desire to
recognized the authority
Respect and authority are acquired naturally
through hard work and good deeds

There are many more real achievements than they say
about them, modesty

Reaction to comments - interest, desire to learn
Rivalry, win-lose strategy

Self-justification, while condemnation and criticism
Collaboration, win-win strategy,
the desire to achieve something and let others manifest

dabble in life
The truth seems healing because of the thirst for development
To say, not to be. Creating External Effects
to the detriment of the essence
Be, not seem to be. Striving for everything external
see the essence
Looking for admiration and support outside, adjustment
in line with social approval

acquired meanings. Search for an objective assessment
The pursuit of freedom without compromising the freedom of others
Achieving goals, wanting to prove something to others
Achieving goals, Wanting to discover yourself and learn on
what is capable
The desire for possession and possession
The pursuit of love and creativity.
The urge to consume
The desire to create
Demanding on oneself, while striving to understand
motives for the actions of others

No. Manifestations of a sense of oneself Manifestations of a sense of oneself
importance (FSV)
dignity (CHSD)
Respect and authority is gained
naturally through hard work and
good deeds
Embellishment of real achievements,
There are far more real achievements than
talk about them, modesty
Reaction to comments - indignation, resentment,
Reaction to comments - interest, desire
find out the details
Rivalry, win-lose strategy, Collaboration, win-win strategy,
desire to feel superior
the desire to achieve something and let it manifest
Self-justification, while Condemnation and
Demanding on oneself, while striving
criticism of others
understand the motives of others
The truth seems painful because of the thirst
The truth seems to be healing because of the thirst
dabble in life
To say, not to be. Creation of external
Be, not seem to be. Striving for everything
effects to the detriment of the essence
externally see the essence
Looking for admiration and support outside,
Living according to your feelings
alignment with social
values, beliefs and
acquired meanings. Looking for an objective
self assessment
Striving for power and control of others
Pursuit of freedom without sacrificing freedom
Achieving goals, wanting to prove something
Achieving goals, wanting to reveal yourself and
find out what you are capable of
Striving for possessiveness and possession Striving for love and creativity.
The urge to consume
Demanding self respect. desire to
recognized the authority
The desire to create

No. Results in life from development
Life outcomes from the development of CHSD
Lots of fears, fears, worries
Basic deep calm
Distrust of others, expectation of a dirty trick from them
Ability to trust and subtly feel intentions
of people
Lack of openness, true intimacy,
There is a solid base to build strong
Situations of uncertainty cause
tension and stress
Exacerbated in situations of uncertainty
Inability to distinguish lies from truth
Stay in illusion
Sobriety and clear vision of the essence of things
There is no strong inner support in life
Finding a strong inner foundation
Limited Usability
its natural potential
Knowing your limitless possibilities

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"Honor and dignity"

What is honor?

What is dignity?

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Honor is a category that means the moral assessment of the individual by society, as well as the self-esteem of a person. Honor is one of the blessings that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and inexpressible. (Large legal dictionary) Honor is a complex moral, ethical and social concept associated with the assessment of such qualities of an individual as loyalty, justice, truthfulness, nobility, dignity. (Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

What is honor

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Honor is the readiness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's state, while neglecting even a threat to one's life. Honor is an inner watchman that does not allow not only low deeds, but also unvirtuous thoughts. Honor is one of the main virtues of a person that determines his whole life. Honor is the inviolability of the body, the strength of the soul and the purity of thoughts.

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War activities. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both an ordinary soldier and a commander. household situations. A person who stands up for the weak or offended is a man of honor. extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to save himself alone, but about how to save himself together with everyone - a man of honor.

Manifestations of honor in everyday life

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Honor should be in a person from birth. If a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make considerable efforts in order to become a man of honor. Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who trains himself not to make impossible promises and always keep his word becomes a man of honor. Psychological trainings. The less a person has fears and concerns, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will show himself as a man of honor. Psychological training helps to get rid of many fears. Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly evaluate himself, see the negative aspects of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on his way to becoming a man of honor.

How to Cultivate Honor

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Dignity is an inalienable property of a person as the highest value, belonging to him regardless of how he himself and the people around him perceive and evaluate his personality. Dignity is one of the intangible benefits that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and intransferable. (Big Law Dictionary)

What is dignity


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Dignity gives respect - to yourself. Only those who respect themselves can respect those around them. Dignity gives confidence - in one's own spiritual strength and strong-willed qualities. Dignity gives freedom - from criticism and slander of the townsfolk. Dignity provides choice - the higher a person values ​​himself, the more potential opportunities he has for applying his strengths and talents.

Benefits of Dignity

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The willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the benefit of others is a manifestation of human dignity. Fulfillment of duty. Fulfillment of duty - to the Motherland, to parents, to children, military duty; debt in the most general sense is a sign of a worthy person. Judicial system. "A claim for the protection of honor and dignity." Only those who are aware of their dignity are capable of defending their civic dignity. Competitions. In sports, a person often has to overcome obstacles, overcome physical discomfort. A person with self-esteem is capable of withstanding all the tests without losing face. extreme situations. A person who saves people in case of fire, explosion, in any other extreme situation, shows himself as a worthy person. Charity. A worthy person will not miss the opportunity to quietly, without sticking out his own "I", to help those who really need help.

Manifestations of Dignity in Daily Life

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Sports. The struggle (both physical and mental) with a heavy sports equipment or with heavy loads forms a person's self-respect. Self-respect is a manifestation of self-esteem. The acquisition of knowledge. With the acquisition of more and more knowledge, a person has an increasingly reliable platform for developing self-esteem. Household relationships. By not encouraging and not allowing derogatory treatment from others, a person gains self-esteem. Controversy (dispute). By training in controversy, a person gains self-confidence and, consequently, self-esteem.

How to develop dignity

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A person should be honest by nature, not by circumstances. Marcus Aurelius.

Statements from the depths of human thought

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Pick up two or three proverbs that would talk about honor and dignity. Recall and tell about the actions of the heroes of books, fairy tales, films known to you, corresponding to the concepts of honor and dignity.

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    What is honor

    • Honor is a category that means the moral assessment of the individual by society, as well as the self-esteem of a person. Honor is one of the blessings that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and inexpressible. (Big Law Dictionary)
    • Honor is a complex moral, ethical and social concept associated with the assessment of such qualities of an individual as loyalty, justice, truthfulness, nobility, dignity. (Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)
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    • Honor is the readiness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's state, while neglecting even a threat to one's life.
    • Honor is an inner watchman that does not allow not only low deeds, but also unvirtuous thoughts.
    • Honor is one of the main virtues of a person that determines his whole life.
    • Honor is the inviolability of the body, the strength of the soul and the purity of thoughts.
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    Manifestations of honor in everyday life

    • War activities. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both an ordinary soldier and a commander.
    • household situations. A person who stands up for the weak or offended is a man of honor.
    • extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to save himself alone, but about how to save himself together with everyone - a man of honor.
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    How to Cultivate Honor

    • Honor should be in a person from birth. If a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make considerable efforts in order to become a man of honor.
    • Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who trains himself not to make impossible promises and always keep his word becomes a man of honor.
    • Psychological trainings. The less a person has fears and concerns, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will show himself as a man of honor. Psychological training helps to get rid of many fears.
    • Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly evaluate himself, see the negative aspects of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on his way to becoming a man of honor.
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    What is dignity dignity

    • Dignity is a moral category that means respect and self-respect of the human person.
    • Dignity is an inalienable property of a person as the highest value, belonging to him regardless of how he himself and the people around him perceive and evaluate his personality. Dignity is one of the intangible benefits that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and intransferable. (Big Law Dictionary)
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    Benefits of Dignity

    • Dignity gives respect - to yourself. Only those who respect themselves can respect those around them.
    • Dignity gives confidence - in one's own spiritual strength and strong-willed qualities.
    • Dignity gives freedom - from criticism and slander of the townsfolk.
    • Dignity provides choice - the higher a person values ​​himself, the more potential opportunities he has for applying his strengths and talents.
  • Slide 8

    Manifestations of Dignity in Daily Life

    • The willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the benefit of others is a manifestation of human dignity.
    • Fulfillment of duty. Fulfillment of duty - to the Motherland, to parents, to children, military duty; debt in the most general sense is a sign of a worthy person.
    • Judicial system. "A claim for the protection of honor and dignity." Only those who are aware of their dignity are capable of defending their civic dignity.
    • Competitions. In sports, a person often has to overcome obstacles, overcome physical discomfort. A person with self-esteem is capable of withstanding all the tests without losing face.
    • extreme situations. A person who saves people in case of fire, explosion, in any other extreme situation, shows himself as a worthy person.
    • Charity. A worthy person will not miss the opportunity to quietly, without sticking out his own "I", to help those who really need help.
  • Slide 9

    How to develop dignity

    • Sports. The struggle (both physical and mental) with a heavy sports equipment or with heavy loads forms a person's self-respect. Self-respect is a manifestation of self-esteem.
    • The acquisition of knowledge. With the acquisition of more and more knowledge, a person has an increasingly reliable platform for developing self-esteem.
    • Household relationships. By not encouraging and not allowing derogatory treatment from others, a person gains self-esteem.
    • Controversy (dispute). By training in controversy, a person gains self-confidence and, consequently, self-esteem.
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    • One can be an honest man without being great; but one cannot be a great man without being honest. (from the Encyclopedia of Aphorisms)
    • A person must be honest by nature, not by circumstances (Marcus Aurelius)
    • Once they sold a batch of captured Spartans into slavery. One buyer asked the prisoner he was going to buy:
      - Will you be an honest person if I buy you?
      “I’ll be them all the same whether you buy me or not,” the Spartan replied. From the collection “World Wit”
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    • Pick up 2-3 proverbs that would talk about honor and dignity.
    • Recall and tell about the actions of the heroes of books, fairy tales, films known to you, corresponding to the concepts of honor and dignity.
  • View all slides

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