If you dream of a broken phone - dream book. Why dream of breaking a phone or screen - interpretation of dream books

IN modern world mobile phone has become an integral part of our life. We cannot imagine a day without using it, and as a result, we dream about our favorite “toys” at night.

Seeing a telephone in a dream - does it mean something or not? Why do you dream about a telephone? These are questions we need to find answers to.

The main task is to get it right remember all the details of the dream. In old dream books it is quite difficult to find information about such modern things as a mobile phone. But still nothing is impossible! He who seeks will always find.

Why do you dream about a telephone?

We constantly ask ourselves, why do we dream about a mobile phone?

To answer this question, you need to understand for yourself that the device symbolizes the dreamer’s connection with outside world. It is also necessary to take into account how the dreamer treats his mobile phone. We store important information on our phones; almost our entire life fits on a memory card.

Seeing a broken device in a dream indicates a missed opportunity in real life or about unfulfilled desires. A broken phone testifies about loss of image, status in society. Be concerned about your position in your social circle. A non-working device is dreamed of by those people who have problems communicating in real life.

If you saw a mobile phone from the side in a dream, then be attentive to your surroundings. They are trying to confuse you and disrupt all your plans. Be ready to move towards your goal, despite the long web of lies that they are trying to weave around you. If you saw a mobile phone, then according to the new dream book, you need to regain your taste for life and diversify your routine.

Why do you dream about a phone that turns out to be non-working?

If when you try to call someone to a specific person, the device turned out to be non-working, then this indicates the need to establish relationships with this person in real life. He is really dear to you, but for some reason you have misunderstandings now. Call him, take the first step towards him.

According to the new dream book broken phone does not symbolize anything terrible. A damaged mobile phone in a dream reflects the fear of losing something, and possibly someone. The dream book suggests the need to take reasonable measures to retain what is really dear to you. Modern dream book answers the question: “Why do you dream about breaking your phone?” First of all, it should be noted that the current situation in the dream indicates that the dreamer currently has problems understanding other people.

Several options are possible, in which the phone could break:

  • in a dream you broke your phone yourself - in real life you are ready to get rid of a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.
  • if, on the contrary, you purchased a broken device, then expect new problems.

According to the dream book, a broken phone symbolizes a reluctance to deal with current problems; attempts to avoid solving problems may end in failure.

Why do you dream about breaking your phone?

This is a question many people ask themselves in the modern world. . Dream Interpretation gives answers, to all our questions based on what the circumstances were.

  • If you smashed your device on the asphalt, a wall, etc., then you are trying to get away from a relationship that is a burden to you. In a dream, the phone cracked during a conversation - you are exaggerating the significance of the problems. Try to treat them more simply and everything will work out on its own. Why do you dream about a phone if it fell on the floor and was damaged without your participation?

This situation indicates that your worries are in vain. Perhaps you are worried about your relationship with a loved one or about family troubles. The dream book advises not to be afraid and not to give up. As they say, fear has big eyes.

If you dream of a fight in which a cell phone was broken, then according to the dream book, difficulties await you. You will have to deal with them yourself, without anyone else's participation. But don’t be afraid, it will benefit you, you will only become stronger.

Also, in night vision, you might have dreamed of breaking someone else’s device. This means you will have a conflict with its owner.

  • In a dream, you threw a cell phone from a height - you are making a professional mistake, be careful at work.

The dream book also takes into account what the device was like in the dream: old or new. If you dream of a broken phone of an old model, it means that there will be changes ahead. Be prepared - it will open before you new world. The dream book says it is not necessary to interfere in the course of events, everything will happen without your participation.

A broken stationary device indicates that you need changes in your usual life. If you decide to take such a step, then, according to the dream book, success awaits you. In any case, the mobile phone symbolizes the information that we receive from the outside. Seeing a broken, broken, non-working device in a dream means its lack. Don't make hasty decisions. Once you receive all the information, everything will definitely work out. Don't rush things, everything goes on as usual.

In the dream, the phone drowned and did not break, indicating that the dreamer will break off relations with a loved one because of his emotions. You should not be led by feelings, so as not to lose someone who is really dear to you.

A new mobile phone symbolizes the beginning of a new promising relationship, and maybe even love. It's all up to you! In a dream, you decided to buy a new mobile phone, then in real life you want to make decisions and be responsible for your actions. Don’t delay in completing your plans to achieve your goals.

Seeing a new phone in night vision, when suddenly the glass on it cracks or some damage appears on the screen. Be careful, you shouldn't expect anything good from such a situation. The dream book says that new acquaintances await you, but this person’s intentions will not be entirely honest towards you. Although this meeting will be very interesting for you, do not let your guard down. Don't let them take advantage of you for personal gain.

If you tried to repair a broken device, then according to the dream book, you are trying to restore your old relationship. Think about how much you really need this?

You dreamed that you found a new phone, but its screen was broken, then according to the dream book, this means that success awaits you. It may be short, but during this time you will not have any financial problems.

A broken screen can also mean that you are not thinking about your actions towards those close to you.

But if the screen is broken large size- then watch what is happening around you. The negative actions of your environment can harm you.

Still, you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions based on what kind of dream you had. Look at your life carefully. Answers to exciting questions lie on the surface!

A dream in which a broken phone appears difficult to interpret. Why do you dream about a broken phone? As luck would have it?

As technology has seeped into everyday life human life just recently, the interpretation of this dream cannot be found in Freud, Miller or Vanga.

However, taking into account all the details and key points sleep, you can understand what a broken phone in a dream actually means.

Why do you dream of a broken phone in a dream? Let's try to figure it out!

It's important to remember how exactly the dreamer treated the broken thing in the dream and what she looked like.

If the phone was purchased recently and looked new and expensive, the dreamer will soon face big losses.

His material well-being will be shaken, and he will be forced to abandon the implementation of his plans.

If the phone breaks when falling from high altitude , such a dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

If the phone is very old, shabby and of no value to the dreamer, such a dream foreshadows minor everyday troubles that will not interfere family well-being reigning in the dreamer's house.

Such a dream also speaks of the desire of others to harm the dreamer, of their futile attempts to betray him to slander, destroy plans and encroach on personal property.

The dreamer has enough determination to resist any intrigues and is able to nip them in the bud. The dream speaks of his strong-willed character and unwavering determination.

If a phone in a dream is valuable as a memory of something important, some event or person, such a dream predicts important changes for the dreamer.

Some difficult event will take place, necessary for the dreamer’s life to enter a new direction and soon improve.

The dream can also mean abandoning old principles and beliefs in favor of new beliefs.

If the phone looks expensive and fashionable, but does not represent any value, such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s wastefulness.

IN everyday life he behaves in an inadmissibly reckless manner, and if he does not change his behavior, he will soon suffer a series of failures due to his own carelessness.

If the phone is valuable solely because it was a gift from a close friend or soulmate, the dreamer will have a quarrel with this person.

The dreamer should show as much patience and forbearance as possible in order to prevent a break in relations with this person.

Who broke it?

Let's look at another option for why you dream of a broken phone. It is also equally important to remember what exactly caused the phone to break down?.

If the phone breaks due to the dreamer's clumsiness, in everyday life this person shows excessive naivety and simplicity.

Ill-wishers will certainly come to take advantage of his gullibility, and he can seriously suffer due to his own gullibility.

If one of your friends or relatives accidentally breaks the dreamer’s phone, such a dream speaks of groundless conflicts and squabbles that arise between them.

These small squabbles can lead to serious conflicts, so you need to nip them in the bud to maintain a good relationship.

If the same person deliberately breaks the phone in a dream, in reality he is preparing to betray the dreamer and play a cruel joke on him.

If your phone breaks accidentally, falls out of a pocket or falls from a table, in everyday life the dreamer will have to encounter people or circumstances that will change his view of familiar things.

A dream involving a broken phone, cannot be called a good omen.

Broken things always portend misfortune- at least remember broken mirrors, bringing misfortune to superstitious owners for seven whole years.

However, you should not prematurely prepare for the worst: it is much more important to analyze your life, draw conclusions and prevent a sad outcome.

Dream interpretation broken phone

Every year we see technological progress that enslaves all sectors of our lives. Various benefits with which store shelves are overflowing make our life much easier, but on the other hand, they make it more primitive and simpler. The modern generation no longer imagines comfortable life without fashionable gadgets, preferring walks on fresh air Internet access and mobile applications.

Why do you dream about a broken phone? A necessary means of communication, which was previously available only to select people, is now found in almost every home. Leading seers and psychologists will help give a comprehensive interpretation.


A broken phone always causes dissatisfaction and sadness, because after it falls, it will no longer be able to function as before. However, a variety of scenes are possible in a dream, and the first thing you should do is remember what it looked like.

Phone model

If you dreamed of a broken phone

The modern world provides goods for every, even the most sophisticated taste. Communication means have several differences, although they perform the same function. So what did you dream about?

  1. Home. If it fell before your eyes or was already inoperative from the very beginning, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and not succumb to provocations. There are many people in your circle who are jealous of you and dream of spoiling your plans. Therefore, in the near future we should expect advice that could be harmful.
  2. Mobile. I dreamed about it cell phone, which had a huge screen? Or an inconspicuous model where the glass broke? Not a very good sign, indicating that you have lost the taste for life. You have forgotten how to experience joy from a new day and pleasant moments, so you are one step away from depression. Although your life is successful and happy at first glance, there is melancholy and despondency in your soul. You need to reconsider your values ​​and set your priorities correctly.
  3. Antique. Although this dream is not a bad sign, it speaks of your conservatism and a certain old-fashionedness. Although such traits make you beautiful, because of them you miss fateful chances and acquaintances. Perhaps this is precisely the reason why several relationships have already ended. Try to reconsider your interests and be a little bolder.

Features in a dream

Sometimes we not only see inconspicuous images, but also pay attention to some details. The dream book will help you figure out why they visited in the arms of Morpheus.

  1. The new model crashed. Just a second ago you saw new device, when suddenly the glass cracked and the screen became covered with a characteristic cobweb? An ambiguous dream, indicating that a very interesting acquaintance awaits you soon. Perhaps you will meet a person who will conquer you and make you fall in love without memory. But on the other hand, the dream book also warns about his dishonest intentions. Make sure that he does not take advantage of you for personal gain.
  2. Fell to the floor. If the glass breaks into pieces without your participation, then this is an indication that you are experiencing emotional and, at the same time, unnecessary anxiety. Perhaps you are afraid of losing a loved one or interesting work. The dream book reminds us that fear can paralyze actions and lead to aggravating results.
  3. Bright color. Have you ever seen a mobile phone in a bright color or case? Such a dream suggests that you have a lot of unrealized ideas lurking in your head. Don't be afraid to take risks and bring your most creative plans to life. They will bring you unprecedented success.

If you dialed a familiar number, you can safely count on the support of the people around you. They will help you in any endeavor.

Participate in a dream

If you called by phone

Did you dream about a broken phone that you did something with? In night dreams, you can expect anything, from conversations on an unusable device to the theft of this means of communication.

  1. Hear the call. You wanted to pick up the phone and it didn’t bother you broken glass? This is very good dream, indicating that you will soon receive news that can change your whole life. It will affect not only you, but the whole family.
  2. Communication problems. If you decide to call someone on such a device and communication problems arise, then there is a threat of conflict with your soulmate. You should have a heart-to-heart talk, throw out accumulated grievances and complaints. Be wiser and find a compromise in your relationship.
  3. Theft. If such an unpleasant action occurred in a dream, then in reality you should not expect anything good. You will be disappointed loved one. Perhaps you will not understand his ideas or views, or perhaps he will be upset by his recent action.

Break the phone

Did you have a dream where the phone fell not by itself, but with your help? Remember under what conditions this happened.

  1. Throw it against the wall. A sign of imminent troubles, as well as protracted conflicts with household members. Watch your actions and words so that quarrels are rare guests in your home. The interpreter notes that your loved ones are already quite tired of your impulsiveness and hot-tempered temper, which greatly upsets them.
  2. Accidentally drop it. Did it fall out accidentally in a dream? This means that in reality you will have the opportunity to participate in solving someone’s problems. This could be either an old friend or best friend, but he will be equally grateful to you for the services provided. Moreover, from now on you can count on his full help and support.
  3. Break in a fight. Unfortunately, difficult times are coming that you will have to go through alone. However, you should not be afraid of impending problems and difficulties. They will only toughen you up and provide you with tremendous experience.

Hasse's dream book states that a phone that fell and broke indicates dishonesty of your intentions and an evil deed.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze why such an ordinary image visited us, let’s turn to other sources. Famous psychologists and seers have spent a lot of effort to provide their unique interpretation.

If the phone fell

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist focused on whether he only had the opportunity to see such a picture or take any action in relation to it.

Be an observer

Miller claims that a phone with broken glass is a harbinger of deceitful, two-faced people. These individuals will soon cross your path, so be careful and carefully watch who you let into your heart.

Did he fall at your feet? You have many envious people, but they will not be able to interfere with your success in your career. Try to treat them with understanding and not get angry.


A dream in which you had a chance to talk through such a device characterizes you as a fighter for justice. You are not used to standing on the sidelines when people offend you weak people, and also put up with deception and meanness. For such a trait, fate will generously reward you.

If a woman had trouble hearing her interlocutor at the other end of the line, then there is a threat of unkind, deceitful gossip. It is necessary to dispel in time any doubts that may arise among those closest to you.

Esoteric dream book

But this source claims that such an episode in a dream is a sign that you will receive some kind of valuable information, which will help you in developing your career. It is worth noting that it will be provided to you by old comrades.

Finding a cell phone with broken glass is a great sign. A resounding, albeit short-term, success awaits you. For a while you will forget about any problems with money.

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In the modern world, we people are firmly accustomed to all sorts of benefits that make our lives easier, give us comfort and help us live easily.

The telephone has become indispensable the most important part everyone's everyday life modern man. And even children now cannot imagine their day without this “toy”.

Every day we have to repeatedly make or receive calls, talk and write messages - these actions have become commonplace. But what if I dreamed about this device at night - is it worth attaching significance to such dreams, or is it just a vision that came into a dream because it constantly flashes before my eyes in reality?

There is no doubt that it is worth it. You will be surprised, but the telephone, although it is not in ancient dream books, is a serious symbol today. This sign can not only promise important events, but also hint that the state of affairs should be changed.

How can a puzzled dreamer understand what a phone is for in a dream - be it a new and ultra fashionable one, a cell phone or an antique one? Phone call or long conversation? And a lot of other “telephone” dreams can take place - it can be lost, found, broken, and even sadder if it was stolen!

But this is a dream - and such events have their own meaning, very metaphorical. What exactly will the dream book say, and how to choose the right interpretation? It’s simple, but it’s worth carefully remembering the nuances of both the event and the dream. And they can be like this:

  • You just saw a telephone in a dream.
  • Cell phone in dreams.
  • I dream about a broken device.
  • New pipe in a dream.
  • An old, outdated, rare device.
  • In a dream, it was stolen from you.
  • Phone call, but poor connection.
  • A loud bell is heard.
  • It rings, but in your dream you don’t pick up.
  • Hang up in anger.
  • Can't reach anyone on the phone.
  • Telephone conversation in a dream.
  • A conversation in which you cannot hear the other person well.
  • Calling someone in a dream.
  • You dream about someone calling you.
  • You found a mobile phone in a dream.

In general, such dreams are ordinary, there is nothing fantastic in them. All these actions are familiar to everyone. But do not underestimate them - they always portend something important.

So it’s important not to miss the details, and to carefully interpret what the phone means in dreams – it’s an ambiguous and difficult sign.

See from the outside

It is not necessary that the dreamer called or spoke in his dreams - often we only have to see the symbol without taking any action. If this was exactly the case, then why dream of a phone seen from the outside, what to expect from such daydreams?

1. As the dream book says, the most ordinary telephone, seen from the outside, is a symbol of the fact that they are trying to confuse you in reality, confuse your plans, and disrupt them.

Be careful, don’t be afraid of ill-wishers, but don’t let them confuse you either. Don't give up on your goals, go towards them without looking at anything.

2. I could also dream about a cellular, modern device. The modern dream book answers why you dream about a mobile phone. If you believe him, then your life is quite good and successful, but it has lost its taste.

Maybe you should find an interesting activity, start showing your talents, get carried away with something? In addition, new acquaintances will brighten up your life, but, of course, with worthy people.

3. A broken phone in a dream is not a bad sign, and it does not promise trouble. In fact, the interpreter says that a broken device is a symbol of your fear, and you are afraid of losing something. Or someone?

Fear makes you weaker and more vulnerable, but it is of no use. If you are afraid of losing, then hold on tight and take reasonable measures to avoid this. But empty fear will not lead to anything good, only the opposite.

4. A very promising dream if in it you saw a new phone number. This portends you a new connection, a promising and very promising acquaintance - don’t miss the chance! Maybe you will find a good, worthy friend, and maybe love will appear. The dream book does not specify, time will tell!

5. Such a dream, in which the telephone was old, even antique, suggests that in reality you are very timid in your relationships, conservative and even old-fashioned. This is not bad, on the contrary, but everything is good in moderation, and perhaps we should be a little bolder.

My phone rang...

This doesn't surprise anyone. Agree, calls happen every day, and we ourselves have to call often. On an important issue, or just for the sake of a pleasant conversation with a friend.

But besides its direct purpose, many other things can happen to this item both in reality and in dreams - for example, it was stolen, or you found, bought, broke a pipe... You never know what else!

In any case, you should carefully and accurately remember your actions. They will help you interpret what you saw without making mistakes.

1. If your mobile phone is stolen in your dreams, it’s unpleasant, but still, it’s just a dream, even though it doesn’t bode well for the dreamer. This means that there is a risk of considerable disappointment from a loved one. You will be upset by someone's action, and perhaps your friend will act or behave very ugly, in a way that you do not expect at all.

Moreover, this act will not relate to you directly, but will upset you, and this person will fall in your eyes. If your phone was stolen in a dream, be prepared for such a nuisance. But be wise, you can save a relationship with a person by understanding the situation.

2. Problems with communication in a dream are a symbol that you should take great care of your relationship with your lover. To maintain valuable relationships, you should be wiser and not do rash things.

3. Hear in dreams phone call- a sign of imminent news! Good and amazing news.

4. As the dream book says, a telephone that rings in a dream, but you do not answer, is a serious sign. In reality, you do not want to notice difficulties, or you do not want to think about problems.

But think about it - this is not a solution, problems will not disappear if you simply turn away from them. You should not be afraid of difficulties - they are not as scary as you think. You can do it! And if you don’t notice them, then the situation will become neglected, and then it will be more difficult.

5. Hanging up in your hearts and emotions is a symbol of imminent troubles, perhaps in the family, with loved ones. But nothing bad will happen.

You just have to remember that relationships are worth protecting, so be tolerant of your loved ones, difficulties only test us - and you should not do rash acts, succumbing to emotions. Then you will regret it.

6. If you couldn’t get through in your dreams, this is advice. The interpreter says that not everything is lost, everything will be fine - you just need to be able to wait and be patient. Believe me, everything will work out, everything you want will come true - just don’t rush things!

7. A telephone conversation in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you have envious people. They are not dangerous, but you should just be aware of it, don’t run into trouble, be careful and prudent, and don’t get involved with unworthy, unkind people.

8. Talking on the phone in dreams, but having difficulty hearing the interlocutor is an important sign. You should be more attentive to your loved ones. You don’t notice their problems and feelings, you don’t give them enough love and care.

Of course, your problems and difficulties are important, they have consumed you. But you can find a little time for sincere participation in the fate of your loved ones.

9. Calling someone, dialing a number is good sleep! It means that in reality you can safely count on the support of others, no matter what happens. You are not alone, do not refuse valuable outside help.

10. If they called you, you will probably soon have to participate in solving someone else’s problems. If you need it and you sincerely want to help to a good person, which you care about, then that’s wonderful. But don’t let anyone take advantage of you just like that, value yourself.

11. Finding a mobile phone in your dreams is a wonderful sign. This is a big windfall!

This is such a sign - unusual, deep, multifaceted. Whatever a telephone portends in a dream, the interpreter does not skimp on the meanings.

Find what is right for you and use it correctly. Let the dream book help you accept right decision, avoid difficulties and bring your luck closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

In the 21st century, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of communication, so you should always stay in touch. Many people are alarmed when such an important gadget breaks, even in their sleep. Let's try to figure out why you dream of a broken phone?

Is the loss of this " right hand"Does a dream promise something bad and dangerous? Interpretation such a dream will show a broken phone not only with negative side, but will also tell you how your favorite gadget, broken to pieces, is useful in some situations.

There are several interpretations that explain the main reasons for the appearance of a mobile phone in a dream. Most superstitious people are interested in why they dream of breaking their phone? The answer depends on your dream, it is influenced by certain criteria: how it broke, perhaps only the glass broke, or it shattered into pieces.

Also, the interpretation will be different for each type of people, for example, for unmarried woman the interpretation of sleep will differ from a person who devotes himself entirely to business and work. Below we will examine this issue in detail.

The main thing you need to know: if the “pipe” was old, then rejoice, you got rid of the old trash in your life. Pleasant changes await you. But if it’s new, then it’s a symbol of difficulties and bad changes.

Symbol of connection and communication

First of all, we consider a cell phone as a means of connecting with other people through communication. In the “kingdom of Morpheus” this connection can be considered somewhat broader. A broken gadget may mean loss of contact with loved ones, the right people, separation, quarrels. For business people - omissions with business partners.

It is necessary to remember the details of the dream. Has great value, smashed this type equipment accidentally or intentionally, or maybe someone else broke it. It is advisable to remember who. Perhaps this is not your technique at all!

The meaning of a telephone in a dream

What does the appearance of a mobile phone in a dream mean? Seeing a mobile phone means that you will meet someone unexpected and long-awaited. You may also dream of a gadget when someone wants to contact you. Maybe someone likes you.

It is possible that the sleeping person has a great desire to see someone and talk. A cell phone may indicate that the one who sees the dream is missing out important detail in resolving any issue.

Breaking your favorite phone in a dream means bad news. And breaking a gadget that you dream about in reality means that in reality your rivals are plotting. Expect a catch.
Breaking an old unnecessary “pipe” in a dream means good news, new interesting meetings, new purchases.

Interpretation of the dream book

The dream book interprets a broken phone as impending communication problems:

  1. Conflicts with relatives; soon the connection with them may completely disappear. Don’t rush to get upset, everything will get better soon. Remember who you were talking to; when communicating with him, expect conflicts and misunderstandings.
  2. For unmarried girl this promises separation from your loved one.
  3. A person’s desire to get rid of annoying, unpleasant communication with a specific person or the desire to escape from everyone.
  4. For business man the telephone is part of his job. Having broken it, you need to expect great difficulties in business, up to the loss of it.

If you dreamed that the glass was cracked, perhaps someone would break into your personal space. You need to remember the size of the crack:

  • A small crack symbolizes minor troubles that can be easily solved.
  • A large crack warns of significant damage to come, which will be difficult to repair, but possible.
  • Many small cracks promise a small “black streak” with minor solvable troubles.
  • Several large cracks signal great difficulties that will have to be fought steadfastly.

The effect of cracks on the screen on the subscriber's dialing ability:

  1. Difficulty dialing a number due to a breakdown foreshadows the impossibility of communicating with an important person.
  2. Dialing the number is unhindered, indicating the need to accept the help of loved ones; you can’t cope without it.

If the dreamer breaks the phone with anger, then perhaps the anger is due to the impossibility of purchasing important information. This information will not be available in reality for a long time.

Let's pay attention to the broken part of the unit:

  • A broken speaker means that in reality the dreamer is concerned about his ignorance of the real issue.
  • A broken microphone indicates the dreamer’s desire to avoid responsibility for an offense.
  • The cracked body clearly “screams” about the need for life changes.

According to Freud

In fact, many people underestimate the importance of psychology in our lives. Sometimes our subconscious turns out to be wiser than us; it recognizes problems in advance and transforms them into dreams. Thus, all the experiences and worries endured during the day can result in extraordinary dreams at night.

Perhaps you don’t need to be afraid of a broken cell phone in a dream; it is simply associated with internal fears and worries. Such a dream is simply associated with the fear of losing some important person.

Or maybe the dreamer is afraid of responsibility and avoids it, or is afraid of the publicity of important information.

The fear of losing contact with each other is especially relevant for lovers, so for them to see a broken phone in a dream does not bode ill, as this is the fear of losing each other.

Accidental or intentional?

An accidentally broken unit warns the dreamer about his arrogance. We must remember: life can bring many surprises, and we cannot influence them in any way.
But a deliberately broken phone indicates that you can get into a lot of trouble in life simply through negligence or carelessness.

What should you expect?

When you wake up, you always need to remember your impressions from the dream and build on them. If you are scared and anxious, then you should figure out what you are afraid of? Fear of losing contact with your interlocutor, or fear of making your personal life public. Or maybe you remember the feeling of relief from breaking a boring ancient phone. Perhaps you just need to understand yourself and your fears and desires. And then you will only have pleasant and bewitching dreams.

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