If you are disappointed in a person. Disappointment in a person

— Symptoms of disappointment
— Ways to solve
— How to avoid disappointment in people?
— 7 ways to deal with disappointment in people

Disappointment is back side feelings of hope. If you really hoped for something, waited, believed, imagined, but over time your expectations did not come true, then this bitter feeling of disappointment comes.

Symptom #1: Loss of hope.
Hope is a foundation for the future. Therefore, when we are disappointed, we lose the energy to change the situation for the better.

Symptom No. 2: Heightened indignation.
If we react emotionally to the events that happen around us, condemning the people who are involved in it, this is a clear symptom of disappointment.

Symptom #3: Withdrawal.
Leaving is an attempt to distance yourself from the soul-corroding disappointment and start over. At the same time, care can be not only in the literal sense of the word. Alcoholism, drug addiction or madness are also types of escape from disappointment.

Symptom #4: Denial or disagreement.
This symptom is very easy to notice when communicating with people. If your partner often disagrees, argues, denies, this a clear sign that he is disappointed in something.

Symptom #5: Suicide or killing another person. Suicide is also a withdrawal from solving problems and a loss of hope. Murder is frustration turned to rage.

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— Ways to solve

1) Don’t rush to blame everyone and everything, look deep into yourself and the circumstances that happen to you and you will become less disappointed in people. Maybe they want to point out something to you, maybe it’s time to change something in your life.

2) Try to think about why this happens, and perhaps more than once. If circumstances are repeated time after time, then this is a reason to start with yourself, and not look for reasons outside.

3) If you want to speak up and you want to change your circumstances for the better, then find someone who can listen to you, but at the same time give you good advice, what to do next, and not just the one who will console you and agree with your every dissatisfaction caused by disappointment in this or that person.

4) Don’t accumulate emotions in yourself - know how to express them correctly and cleanse yourself internally. Here are some ways to cleanse yourself of negativity and develop inner satisfaction:

a) Cleansing with water - take a shower (preferably cool at the end) with your head, try to escape from the circumstances pressing on you and just relax.

b) Fresh air - go outside and try to walk in a quiet, pleasant place (it’s excellent to walk near a body of water: water and fresh air have a positive effect, calm you down - this is a time when you can calmly reflect on yourself and your life).

c) Get rid of old unnecessary things and conduct an audit in your home. Do the cleaning, and thus, by bringing cleanliness and comfort to the house, you put your thoughts in order.

d) Exercise. Yoga asanas have a positive effect on balance for stability and balance of mind and body.
e) Listen to music for relaxation.

f) Find your own ways to be inspired and develop, don’t sit still - improve and you will see how your inner state will improve and disappointment in life will go away.

5) Remember that what is inside is what is outside. If we are happy, then we pay attention to the positive around us, if we are unhappy, then we concentrate on the negative. So, appreciate what you have, rejoice in what is given to you from above and know how to correctly cope with the lessons that are given to you for personal development.

6) Try not to get attached to results, otherwise disappointments will arise in your life again and again. Set goals, do everything that is required of you, but at the same time be prepared to accept any turn of events.

7) By doing the right thing ourselves, we set an example for others. Starting with ourselves, we will change our environment. The main thing is to develop a full-fledged and harmonious personality, become self-sufficient and then you will not depend so much on the circumstances that put pressure on you, then there will be much less disappointment in life and people. Appreciate the present and believe in a wonderful future!

— How to avoid disappointment in people?

Happy families, in which, as we think, everything is fine, simply do not advertise their difficulties. In any family, in any relationship, everything is not smooth and perfect. People come together to develop together, overcome difficulties, and grow. None of our loved ones and loved ones are obliged to live up to our expectations.

In order not to be too disappointed in people, you don’t need to be very fascinated by them in the first place. Each of us should learn to be responsible first of all for ourselves! Demand from yourself, ask from yourself, accustom yourself to healthy discipline and to such actions that we expect from others.

People often discuss their problems with others, talk about people behind their backs. But this is a big mistake! Don't say things about a person behind his back that you can't say to his face. As they say, by judging others, we take their sins for ourselves. It will be much more productive if you pluck up the courage and honestly tell the person to his face what you expect from him and how you would like to see him.

Understatement and internal grievances often lead to depression, stress, divorce and separation. (Read). Many problems can be avoided if you simply talk to a loved one frankly, talk about your fears, doubts, and experiences. If people do not learn to speak, then they may completely forget the language in which they previously understood each other.

The best way to avoid disappointment in loved ones is to give them the freedom to be themselves, to accept who they are, to realize the idea that not everything is under our control, not written according to our script. The possibility should be allowed various options, various scenarios.

The biggest problem is also idealization. When we idealize people, relationships, events. Remember: in the world there is no one ideal, no one perfect. Even the most can be rude and cruel. Don't put too much hope on anyone. A very important trait for any personality is self-sufficiency, independence, and inner freedom. By clinging to someone or something, a person loses himself. Nothing and no one belongs to us in this world. “No attachment, no suffering” (Buddha).

— 7 ways to deal with disappointment in people

1) Stop idealizing people and events. Most of the disappointments come from this habit.

2) Accept responsibility for everything that happens to you. Every moment and turn of events is the result of your actions and way of thinking. Treat this responsibly and do not shift the blame onto others, thereby depriving yourself of your unlimited power.

3) Talk and listen. How much disappointment in people is due precisely to the fact that we do not know how to speak and, most importantly, hear. Be respectful of other people's thoughts and feelings, communicate what you expect from them, and listen carefully to their response. Don't replace their answers with the attitudes that were already in your head. Listen - and you won't be disappointed.

4) Give others the right to be different from you. Realize that a different way of thinking does not mean “wrong”. Accepting the possibility of existence different points vision, and without dividing the world into black and white, you significantly expand the boundaries of your consciousness and paint life in a variety of colors.

5) Don't brush it off own feelings. If you feel disappointment, pain and resentment, accept it. Don't be ashamed negative emotions, they already exist, and at this stage of life this is normal. This is a lesson that needed to be learned and will allow you to become better at something. Instead of dwelling on negative emotions, think about what exactly is better.

6) Complete disappointment is fraught with deep depression. Distract yourself by setting new goals and opportunities. Again, analyzing your own thoughts will help with this. For example, having realized that you are disappointed in your friends, you should not project the emotion onto the concept of friendship as a whole. Look for a reason to prove it to yourself, communicate with other friends and be a true friend to others.

7) Trust people and life. If you want something, don't expect it from others, but trust them. By limiting yourself in trust, you make your life poorer.
Replace self-pity with love. These two feelings are not at all identical, the first one deprives you of power, and the second makes you the mistress of your own life. If you truly love yourself, you will automatically stop placing too high expectations on others.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

No person allows himself to be fully known, hiding vices, unpleasant thoughts and unpresentable character traits.

Therefore, we have to accept everyone as they seem to us, sometimes creating ideal images in our heads instead of real characters.

This inevitably leads to disappointment in people: none of them is a standard, and therefore cannot live up to our expectations.

Experience disappointment in a loved one not easy. This is an extremely painful and personal moment. That very case when the truth stings not only the eyes, but also the heart.

However, this can be overcome: many of those who are disappointed in people continue to live happily, with hope and optimism.

Important Steps on the Path to Healing

The feeling of disappointment is devastating and instills uncertainty. It leads to many negative consequences, from loss of trust to awareness of the meaninglessness of life as such.

A person feels depressed, helpless, abandoned, unnecessary. He loses hope and faith and becomes a pessimist.

The fact that a loved one turns out to be different is regarded as betrayal and deception.

You forgave, believed, hoped, but nothing changed - and finally, your eyes opened. Remember four important things:

1. Firstly, disappointment in one person, even very strong and painful, cannot affect your entire life.

Fight the anger, resist the surging depression, but don’t let yourself be drowned.

Crying and worrying are allowed; for some, tears help to let go of the situation.

Chat with friends, look for new hobbies, dance, hit a punching bag - any means are good when you need a distraction.

2. Secondly, revenge is the worst way out of the situation. Pain for pain, an eye for an eye - this is all unproductive nonsense that will only worsen your internal conflict.

3. Thirdly, disappointment can be useful and sobering. It gives a lesson in life psychology.

Next time, you will not blindly trust the first impression; you will be more careful in opening your heart. Or maybe you decide to get rid of illusions forever and learn to evaluate people realistically?

4. Fourthly, you most likely noticed for a long time that something was wrong with this person. You had doubts, suspicions, but you tried to ignore them.

There were a million prerequisites for his final bad act, which became a critical point. Therefore, this is also your fault.

This is normal, we prefer not to notice what is unpleasant to us. Like little children believing in Santa Claus, we hope for a miracle: maybe it just seemed like it?

But now you have to admit that the chosen one is far from ideal, has a hundred minuses and unacceptable qualities.

Getting sober is unpleasant, you'll get a bad hangover, and you don't have to fight it alone.

How to live after being disappointed in a friend

How more hope We place expectations on friends and loved ones, the greater the disappointment when they are not justified.

And this is the whole root of evil: like a young dreamer, you first look at the world through rose-colored glasses, and then sharply pull them off - and everything around seems gray and dull.

Perhaps you expected too much from your partner or girlfriend, setting the bar high to achieve the mythical ideal of a relationship?

Disappointed in your loved one, realizing that he is far from a fairy-tale prince, you are ready to withdraw into yourself and break all ties.

Stop: are you in no hurry? Sometimes, shaking off the sparkles and sequins from the fictional ideal image, under them you can find a completely normal person.

With complexes and vices, with an army of cockroaches, nervous tics and bad habits - but his own, beloved and dear.

Think about the reasons for this feeling - are they so serious? Of course, if the guy turns out to be a maniac, an alcoholic and a fighter, you should end all relationships and forget about him as soon as possible.

But you will be surprised: some ladies are disappointed in their life partners because they express themselves illiterately, fold their underwear sloppily, or smell bad after the gym.

A frank conversation helps: explain to the person who caused you pain by his actions. What if he repents and is ready to become an ideal for the sake of your relationship?

If the disappointment is too great, the best thing you can do is forgive. Try to take this new experience as a life lesson.

Thank fate for making you stronger. And continue to believe in people - they know how to pleasantly surprise.

If you know people, you will never be disappointed in them.

The wind of hope can sometimes turn into a draft of despair.

How few people are left, namely people, sincere and real...

I don’t understand sometimes... For some people, what, a hobby or a credo in life is - DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE SOUL??? Or is it just a habit?

Disappointment in everyone and everything is a straight road into yourself, which soon ends in a dead end.

Disappointment is a little death!

If you are sure that everything will be fine, then be sure that bad is also good.

If you dreamed of something very, very good, and you were not disappointed when you woke up, life was good!

With every new disappointment you lose faith in the existence of decent people!

The more you idealize a person, the more disappointed you become in him...

We use irony to cover up big and small disappointments...

It takes an eternity to gain trust, but one moment is enough to be disappointed...

Disappointment in loved ones is more painful than being killed at the hands of the enemy!

I’d rather be alone than on a thread, smeared with false promises, over an abyss... So at least it’s calmer...)

Hello disappointment. It's nice that you come so often...

The stronger the love is at the beginning, the more bitter the disappointment turns out to be when the relationship has exhausted itself.

Even if at school you were an excellent student, in life you can turn out to be a complete fool.

The inevitability theorem is proven using disappointment experiments.

Don’t expect people to wait for you, show up only to be disappointed...

Hope is most often a delayed disappointment.

It’s a pity that we can’t live life again and keep those people who are important, and never meet those in whom we made mistakes...


The worst thing is to find out about a person you trusted endlessly that after that you simply don’t want to live...

Disappointment is a temporary revaluation of values ​​and conventions.

Disappointment is a strange feeling. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel sorry, it's just empty...

You can do a lot, but don’t let me be disappointed in you... it’s not easy to be disappointed!

Disappointment is inevitable if you rely on someone other than yourself...

It’s difficult to offend me, but it’s easy to disappoint me!

How great is your trust, so great will be your disappointment.

Trust seeks to meet honesty...

The most severe disappointments turn into new happy meetings.

If you don’t see me in your life, then I’ll take off my glasses.

I'm just tired of waiting, like no one else!

Disappointment is like a cold - they need to get over it. But then a strong immunity is formed.

How disappointed in people do you have to be to call a chainsaw “Friendship”?

Running… Jump… Flight…

There is an emptiness left inside and no one can fill it... You are one of the hundred that I wanted to remember...

Her body wanted love, but was not at all ready for another disappointment...

It's not such a revelation to learn that people disappoint. But the world will collapse if I find out that you will change by betraying me.

If I disappointed you, it means that you were not fascinated by me))

It happens that you trust a person as much as you trust yourself, and then it turns out that he is not at all who they took him for...

I am disappointed in you. Thank you very much for this, you helped me start living again.

An example of simultaneous triumph and disappointment: a mosquito killed on a white dress.

Hope is such a thing... It comes at a cost. We often pay for it with disappointment and pain. That’s why we keep it away from our hearts just in case, so as not to get burned...

Things are not going my way! I fall in love, I get disappointed, I fall in love, I get disappointed. Tired!

Disappointment is inevitable when one of the two relies only on own opinion, regardless of the partner’s opinion. This is how trust, understanding, love leave a relationship...

Nobody can disappoint you, only your thoughts about others disappoint you.

Doubt creeps up like a snake unnoticed and wraps its poison around the soul. Disappointments that leave a deep wound. Love and faith will heal the wound.

Frustration occurs in the head. When the heart still remembers the words, the look, the hands.

Disappointment due to Bad quality, last much longer than the satisfaction of a cheap price!

Disappointed.. Yes, So what? But tomorrow I will smile.

Was it good with you? I am now tormented by doubt... I thought that you were destiny, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding...

The magnitude of disappointment depends on the magnitude of hopes.

Remember: five times out of six, the light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train.

Don't trust the disappointed. It's almost always the powerless ones.

I was disappointed in just one person... and it felt like I had lost the whole world!

Reputation is earned over years, but lost in an instant...

That's why men are like this - first they lift you up into the clouds, and then pull them off them so painfully?

The greatest successes often come after the most bitter disappointments.

The more I am amazed at my dog’s selfless devotion, the more disappointed I become in some people...

When a person is disappointed in his loved one, he becomes disappointed in all people...

I'm tired of you playing with my feelings.

Don't be disappointed. Disappointment turns into powerful weapon in the hands of the enemy.

My heart is broken from the blows of your indifference...

To stop loving someone, it is useful to imagine him in a funny and ridiculous way.

No matter how much rubbish you please. It will still remain scum.

When you put the whole world at the feet of a scoundrel. Don't cry when he wipes his feet on the world.

People who fall in my eyes are broken to death...

The silence of some people in our lives makes us stronger, or kills us slowly, we will find out the result later... and perhaps late.

Is happiness always replaced by disappointment over time?

Fear of disappointment is too small a price to pay for what could become your happiness...

If you are still capable of disappointment, then you are still young.

How disgusting and painful it is to be disappointed in people! There is a feeling that your world has collapsed!

Perhaps someday I will be able to forgive you, and get up again, and live again...

People disappoint. I know. I even expect it. But what if one day I realize that I myself am disappointing others...

Don't refuse right away, let disappointment come in drop by drop.

It’s impossible to deceive me anymore... It’s just not possible to deceive someone who is already disappointed in people and doesn’t trust them.

- I was disappointed – I couldn’t help but be enchanted)))…

“Whoever expects nothing will never be disappointed.”

If you want to be good to everyone, you will end up disappointing everyone.

Love is blind... A tear runs down... Where were your eyes?

I decided to live a simpler life... After 5 minutes I realized that it couldn’t be simpler.

Love makes you crazy... And disappointment brings you back!

Give me freedom! I myself want to be disappointed in her.

Whatever you think or don’t think about, life’s surprises have never been cancelled.

Statuses about disappointment in people

Disappointment is a negatively colored emotional state caused by the collapse of hopes or expectations after the manifestation of the real picture of the world. This is a feeling of disappointment due to unfulfilled dreams or that did not live up to expectations. The higher our expectations and hopes, the greater the disappointment. Disappointment is the experience of sadness, an experience that comes with an understanding of what could have been instead of what actually exists. People try to do everything in their power not to feel this feeling, they try in every possible way not to admit true disappointment. This concept is one of the configurations in which the subject stops fighting to achieve what he wants.

What is disappointment

Disappointment is an emotional state after a certain situation that causes awareness of reality.

Disappointment in a person’s life forces him to accept the truth without achieving what he wanted. Many people prefer disappointment. This negative emotion allows you to continue to live in a fictional world, not to feel a heavy state of sadness, and not to admit that your high expectations have not been fulfilled.

Disappointment is considered one of the most difficult emotional states for a subject. In this case, the individual experiences a combination of several: sadness, anger, pain, resentment. Individually, it is much easier to cope with any of these emotions than with their totality. As a result, a person tries to avoid this psychological state a hundred times stronger than any other negative feelings. With disappointment comes the realization of the “ending”, the collapse of everything planned, a person does not receive what he cherished, does not experience what he wanted.

Disappointment in simple words This is the experience of sadness due to unfulfilled hopes or dreams that we ourselves place on. It is necessary to highlight that such definitions as “disappointment” and “charm” contain the identical root “charm”. But only in fairy tales are there sorcerers who cast spells. In fact, it is the subject himself, who hopes to get something that does not exist, who himself creates the image of what is expected (often overly inflated), due to the inadequate reality of the existing world. When the image collapses, disappointment sets in.

Subjects who know exactly what they want are more likely to become victims of disappointment. A person who planned everything in advance, fantasized the outcome of his own actions or the actions of people around him, the feelings that should arise, emotions and experiences, seemed to have charmed himself, closed his eyes with a veil of illusions. As soon as all this collapses, a negative feeling that no one loves will certainly come, from which everyone runs away.

Delving deeper into the consequences of the disappointment that has come, one should pay attention to its positive features. After all, when disappointed, a person takes off his rainbow glasses, clearly sees the world as it really is, he ceases to be deceived. The experience of our ancestors says “to live knowing the bitter truth better than sweet lies“, and the experience is not one century of life. But it’s worth learning to perceive life in different tones, not just like “good and bad.”

The view of disappointment for each individual is subjective; everyone has the right to condemn exclusively himself. Man is a creature prone to the ideal; he strives to achieve it everywhere: in relationships, at work, in himself. Directly in a situation where expectations are too important, disappointment most often occurs. As a rule, the most painful experience is disappointment in people, especially in loved ones.

Disappointment in a loved one is a key factor in breaking up a relationship. At the initial stage of a relationship, falling in love fascinates people. Everything seems: bright, colorful, carefree, and this is where the problem begins to arise. This is the starting point for the development of our fantasies, how everything will proceed in the future: people begin to endow each other with “super” qualities, determine how a person should behave, how he should speak, what feelings he should show, imagine an ideal life. A certain standard of a loved one is created, this prevents us from perceiving this kind of situation adequately, what is really happening. A person in love is not able to notice any shortcomings, flaws in behavior, negative qualities character, in addition, he himself tries to show only his best sides, flaunting only attractive character traits. Unknowingly, partners mislead each other, as if casting a “spell” on each other. As soon as the period comes when people begin to live together, a period of relaxation begins (to live forever in tension in order to show the best is very difficult and destructive for oneself) and the person reveals his true appearance. This is the line beyond which lies disappointment in your loved one.

How to cope with disappointment in people

As soon as a person’s behavior goes beyond the established standard, the destruction of the one we created for ourselves, in which we ourselves believed, occurs. The experience of disappointment affects the deterioration of the subject’s psychological state. It is believed that it is the negative behavior of loved ones that becomes the starting point for the formation of disappointment, but much can be forgiven. An emerging factor will be the need for a change in opinion about this person, the destruction of hopes regarding him.

Disappointment is a factor that causes a storm of various negative emotions, the prolonged manifestation of which leads to disruption of the subject’s normal rhythm of life. As a result, emotional instability occurs, loss of confidence in own strength. Factors that give rise to emotional instability and contribute to the development of disappointment may be:

– lack of character of the subject during the period of decision of important life problems. A weak-willed person who is afraid to face himself is capable of any non-standard situation frame, cause irreparable damage;

– Betrayal is the most common factor that causes disappointment. Because of depressive state, accompanied by serious personal changes in the subject;

– lack of confidence in one’s own charm. The subject’s life position is to consider himself unworthy, unable to attract the attention of a partner of the opposite sex. As a result, dependence on the opinions of others arises.

The level of disappointment and its consequences directly depends on the scale of the betrayal itself.

How to cope with already manifested disappointment in a person? It is worth trying to answer the question of why this incident occurred, why the subject had to meet your expectations. Analyzing the situation from another direction, you should take into account the personal characteristics of the subject, his behavior is completely justified for him, the person does not have the slightest idea what you have imagined and what ideal qualities have been attributed to him. Views on the world may be completely different from your own values ​​and beliefs - this may not be noticed when couples are in love.

The occasional repetition of your partner's negative actions may make you understand that the essence of what happened lies much deeper, in the depths of your own experiences and emotional states. Alternatively, it is your behavior that contributes to the occurrence of such reactions. Don’t blame everyone around you, analyze your own actions and desires.

If disappointment takes you by surprise, you should never accumulate in your own inner world negative emotions. Each of them must be allowed to react, to reach the stage of completion. The accumulation of negative emotional states can lead to inevitable psychological changes that you cannot overcome on your own. For effective cleansing internal state for excess negative emotions, you can use several simple techniques: cleansing with water (showering, possibly speaking all negative feelings to the water), walking on fresh air, physical exercise, development creative ideas which ones have you been putting off; purchasing a pet.

Don't dwell on what happened. Come to terms with the fact that what happened was inevitable and this is not the end of your existence, after this you can live, while having precious psychological experience that will allow you to avoid illusory influence in the future. Focus on your goals, don’t plan the outcome, but keep yourself busy working to achieve your goals as much as possible.

Stop looking up to others. Strive to and do not copy the behavior of others who, in your opinion, are successful or impeccable. Stop yourself from idealizing everything that comes your way, direct your worldview in a different direction. Disappointment helped you remove the veil from yourself, so learn to see the world with all its shortcomings and negative manifestations. Be an example for others, be the person that nature created you with all its virtues and imperfections.

Throw away all existing templates, everyone, without exception, is given the opportunity to react differently to surrounding stimuli, everyone has their own individual view of the world. Don't be afraid to enter new love relationship– disappointment received in the past will serve as experience for you in the present.

Disappointment in a person’s life is a natural emotional state that you should not be ashamed of, or even afraid of. It should be remembered that time is not under the control of a person; it is no longer possible to change the situation of disappointment. This is not a sentence. The ability to control your feelings, dreams and hopes, to use them rationally in relation to the desired subject, will allow you to allow less fatal mistakes, will free you from excess illusions.

Two years ago, accumulated grievances forced me to shrink my world to the size of a suitcase, cut long hair and get away from everything that surrounded me for several years in a row. I clearly remember a feeling of dull resentment, like an invisible nail in my head. You pretend that there is no nail, but it reminds you of itself. I think my experience with art helped me make the decision at that moment. Caravaggio at one time brought realism to the pinnacle, and hundreds of years later Pollock brought art down from this peak, breaking it into a multitude of splashes of color. That’s what’s interesting about abstraction: looking at it, we can assume anything. That's what I did too. I broke my realism into colored spots to see something fundamentally new in them.


Usually, in such a fall from realism into experiment, a person experiences pain, and he learns to dull his emotions. By-effect: By weaning yourself from acutely feeling annoyance, you also dull your joy. By giving up feelings, you turn into a mechanism in which control is more important than any emotions. Extremes are bad, but today I understand that going into emotional hibernation for a year was useful. In this hibernation I learned important things and came to important knowledge - knowledge of myself. For those who have already experienced this, my advice may seem ridiculous. However, there are also those who will need this map along a complex and fascinating route that every person takes several times in their life. If we were in a movie, at this phrase you would hear the sound of rain and pathetic music. So, get ready: I ​​want to talk about the path to yourself.


Step one: don't try to impress. People who understand themselves care much less about how they look to others because they are too busy with life. U happy people There are also expectations, but they are almost unrelated to the generally accepted understanding of “how it should be.”

Step two: learn to distinguish your desires from those imposed. Losing weight, meeting your loved one - all of this sounds great and will most likely happen to you in due time. But perhaps this is not what you want right now? In China there is a parable that is retold in different variations. One day, the judge invited the convict to voice his last will. “I want my spirit to avenge me,” he replied. The audience gasped - after all, in that city it was believed that a person’s last will is always fulfilled. But the judge was calm: “Okay,” he said. “If your head rolls across the floor and grabs my leg with your teeth, I will believe that your spirit will overtake me.” And so the executioner carried out the sentence. The head rolled along the floor and grabbed the judge's leg. However, he was not afraid of persecution. The judge outwitted his opponent: he made him want not revenge, but the opportunity to bite his opponent on the leg. This story is about how often we are deceived by momentary desires and how often we carry out the imposed will of others. Therefore, at least once a week you should ask yourself the question: “What do I really want?” This is a huge step away from disappointment.

Step three: less poison. As Jean Cocteau said, “The phrase “Picasso’s paintings are daubs” says nothing about Picasso, but everything about the speaker.” The mirror principle in action. People who are unhappy with themselves think too much about others, and mostly in a bad way. At work, in transport and on the Internet, they sit as if in a circus and wait for the acrobat to stumble. From this a huge funnel of criticism, sarcasm and indignation is born, which devours time. Therefore, the third important step is to demand less from others and take more care of yourself.

Step four: adequate expectations. We are disappointed by people who didn’t love us the way we wanted, or didn’t love us at all, and also by trips that didn’t go as planned, meetings that didn’t go according to plan. Sometimes everything doesn’t develop exactly according to plan, but it happens that the path not marked on the map turns out to be the most interesting and shortest.

Step five: reasonable plans. Making plans for the day, week, month and foreseeable future is useful. Firstly, it will prevent us from getting lost in the mysterious forest of procrastination, and secondly, if by the end of the day at least 70 percent of the list is done, we feel good.


I know a girl who worked in a glossy magazine and dreamed of looking like a model. Then she moved to another country, where, out of boredom, she started making jam. Soon neighbors began to buy her jam, then friends of neighbors - so she literally became the star of her neighborhood. And this girl realized that at eighteen she really wanted to be languid and thin, to be photographed with her collarbones on display and look like a model. But at twenty-eight she wants to laugh, ride her bike to the river and make jam. If after another ten years she wants something different, that will be normal! It's normal to grow and change according to your desires.


Another example, from the men's world. My friend is so romantic that sometimes his dating scenarios are similar to the jam from the previous story - everything is very sweet. With one of his companions he started doing yoga (like her), with another he learned to play the drums because she dreamed of dating a musician, with a third he started dancing because that’s what she wanted.

And so, after another chameleon experience, my friend realized that he was not a mysterious prince or a lover of oriental practices, but a man who liked to drive a truck and work as a consultant in an environmental organization. Properly sorted garbage and the future of the planet are more important to him than the desire to please women. Now he lives this life - not the ideal prince, but his own. Therefore, his girlfriend is no longer ideal, but his own, which is much better. Sometimes, when the old value system is broken and a new one has not yet emerged, we all want to lie low, even if Bruges is too far away. Remember the pathetic music we talked about at the beginning? Before the final phrase, you will have to turn it on in your head again.

Don't be afraid to slow down. Don't be afraid to follow the rhythm and experience both the top and bottom of your pulse. After all, this is what it means to live. You may not find all the answers on these waves, but you will definitely find time to listen to yourself. When you get tired of this, listen to Nina Simone. This recipe never fails.

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