Angel Photinia Day according to the church. Venerable Martyr Photina of Rome

The name Svetlana is considered unique, the origin of which is still being debated. Previously it was believed that church name Svetlana meant “bright”. Scientists have expressed opinions about the ancient Greek origin of this name. But this version was not confirmed either. The name Svetlana was first mentioned in the poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” by A. Kh. Vostokov, which was written in 1802. After some time, Svetlana’s name day was included in orthodox calendar.

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana in church - Fotinia (Fotina, Fatinia). Photinia of Palestine was the patroness of all Svetlana. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island completely alone for many years, but three times a year a shipowner came to him and brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a shipman sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. After 6 years, she died, which was discovered by the shipowner who once again arrived on the island. The Venerable Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine, where on January 10, 1991, a temple was erected in her honor.

To the icon Venerable Svetlana In Orthodoxy, the righteous address any problems in life, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to the calendar, Svetlana's name day church calendar are celebrated three times a year on the following biblical dates:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he should be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

Characteristics of the name

Svetlana represent responsible independent individuals who are accustomed to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally imbued with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by their sociability and goodwill; they adore cheerful noisy companies, as well as new acquaintances. The Svets fully justify their bright name, since they are unenvious and unforgiving individuals who can easily find common language with absolutely any opponent. They do not have any special tenacity of character or the ability to complete the work they start, however, thanks to their self-confidence, such women manage to convince people around them that they have the qualities they lack.

Kindness and authority can be traced in the character, inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and inflated self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Positive qualities Svetlana is more pronounced than negative. They know how to not pay attention to someone’s public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

It is always quite difficult for Lights to cope with their emotions; they are very temperamental individuals. Their authority goes well with their easygoing nature. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything that other people say.

Fate is not always kind to Svetlana, but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure setbacks.

They quite often need support, but they absolutely do not know how to ask for help, and by nature they do not have enough determination to achieve some high goal that women set for themselves. The Lights begin to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecisiveness of these women forces them to go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of their character, Svetlana knows how to be friends with complete devotion and selflessness. It is always cozy and bright to be around such people, and the wisdom that inevitably comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. There has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence in such individuals.

Sveta's childhood and youth

Little girls are mother's first helpers, they are happy to wash dishes, help cook and babysit their younger sisters and brothers. Svetki is cheerful and sociable, easily joining any children's team.

They love to command and are always the center of attention, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, because they have good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited to the information in textbooks. Parents need to early age instill in your daughters a love of reading, then they will grow into well-rounded individuals.

These girls have a very flexible psyche, therefore, what values ​​will be instilled in them by their parents and teachers in childhood will be the main ones for them. It is necessary to develop sense of purpose in Svetlanas, otherwise, as they get older, they will not want to study or work.

However, strict upbringing is not suitable for Sveta, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl’s character may appear. After many years By restraining emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with redoubled force in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women is their moral and psychological state. They may often have headaches, especially in those cases when Svetlana is very nervous. These individuals need to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial approach to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man is aimless for Svetlana; they definitely need that person who will love.

Despite all this, sex doesn't play any role important role in a woman's life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, a man’s ability to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and tender, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and compatibility

They choose their spouse carefully. Early marriage is not typical for such women; they wait a long time for their prince, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness- this is what Svetlana can find themselves in. They can leave work without regret and devote themselves entirely to their family. They are given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana’s husband will feel happy, since he will not have the need to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman is forced to take care of all the affairs herself, then she will be unhappy in her marriage. These individuals will be happy to hand over the palm to the man, but will try to keep all matters under their own unspoken control.

Such women will provide their children with maximum comfort and coziness; all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of the children and husband. However, Svetlana does not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day at a time.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Vasily;
  • Peter;
  • Alexey;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.

Career and business

Over the course of their entire lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find something they really like. They are not hardworking by nature, therefore, they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study; they often do not have higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlana - creative people, therefore they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women are very fond of expressing themselves as authoritarian and powerful personalities, they are quite cope with leadership positions. But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to complete all the things they start, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, and are not too concerned about building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the patron planets.

The patronizing zodiac sign for Svetlana is Aquarius. If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana: green, blue, red and brown.

totem plant: lily and birch. The birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, fertility and love, and on the other hand, cowardice and promiscuity. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal using cunning and deception, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.

Short congratulations in verse

To congratulate Tatyana, you can use the following cool short poems for a postcard or SMS, which can be diversified with some picture with a guardian angel in a church style.

Verse 1:

May fate generously reward you,

So that with a cool and fair wind

You've walked your life's path,

Sveta, don’t regret a thing!

Verse 2:

Congratulations, Sveta, on your day!

Let it not get in your way

Evil people, obstacles and pain.

Be strong and have an iron will!

Name day - old Christian tradition, which denotes the day of remembrance of the saint whose name is given to a person at birth and baptism. The dates for celebrating the day of the angel are set in accordance with the Orthodox calendar, a list of the most revered canonized martyrs. It happens that it is not known exactly which saint’s name this or that person bears. In this case, according to tradition, the name day according to the church calendar is celebrated on the day of the saint whose memory in the calendar coincides with the birthday of this Christian or immediately follows it. Therefore, despite the huge number of name days for some individual names, each person can have only one in a year, determined in accordance with the date of memory of one of the saints.

The meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana's name day is rendered crucial in the formation of a child’s character traits. A baby born on such a day is born with certain personal characteristics and qualities. has Slavic roots. The girl named so has been distinguished by a rather contradictory character since childhood. The fact is that she has a very high opinion of herself, although she is an average student and does not have any special abilities that would make her stand out among her peers. At work and in the family, she really likes to command, and she does it well. At the same time, Svetlana is a very kind and sincere person, ready to help even a stranger. In her youth, a girl takes care of her appearance and always strives. Svetlana likes to communicate with men; she is less interested in the company of women. She always knows how to learn from mistakes made and is ready to make drastic lifestyle changes if necessary. For example, change jobs, become softer and more sociable. The most important thing that a girl celebrating Svetlana’s name day should know is that her happiness depends only on herself. Therefore, before getting married, a girl should make sure that her lover is a worthy person and truly loves her. She is very diplomatic in relations with her husband's relatives, so her mother-in-law and father-in-law usually love her very much. Svetlana is very attached to her children and does everything to give them an excellent education. A good housewife and a faithful wife.

Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar

The name Svetlana was invented by A.Kh. Vostokov and was first used in the romance “Svetlana and Mstislav” at the end of the 18th century. The name became widely known after the publication of the famous ballad “Svetlana” by V. Zhukovsky. It began to be used in widespread practice only after church restrictions on naming were lifted. ordinary people names of saints. The times of I.V. Stalin brought him popularity, when he named the daughter of a famous political figure. The euphonious linguistic form and light sound of the name contributed to its rapid spread among the Russian population.

Svetlana's name day is traditionally celebrated in honor of two of the most famous Orthodox saints. February 26 is the day of remembrance of the Venerable Svetlana of Palestine. On April 2, the name day of Svetlana Rimskaya is celebrated.

Short form of the name Svetlana. Sveta, Svetulya, Svetlanka, Svetunya, Svetusya, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana, Svetlanochka, Svetik, Svetachka, Svetka, Svetochka, Svetusik.
Synonyms for the name Svetlana. Svetla, Fotinya, Fotina.
Origin of the name Svetlana. The name Svetlana is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Svetlana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A.Kh. Vostokov in the romance “Svetlana and Mstislav” (1802). It gained wide popularity after the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky published his ballad “Svetlana”. There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Rus', and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is Slavic, Russian name. It was formed by combining two concepts “light” and “lan”. “Svet” literally means “light”, “lan” in Old Russian means “earth”. Exactly Ukrainian word“lan” just means arable, and in a broader sense, fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on infertile lands. It turns out that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth,” and her short form of Light is simply “luminous.” Also interpreted as “light”. It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, “blonde-haired,” or “pure in soul.” A related and cognate name is Svetla.

According to the third version, the name Svetlana is a tracing of the Greek name Photinia, under which it occurs Orthodox baptism Svetlana. The name Photinia literally with Greek language translated as "light".

The name Svetlana became widely used after the publication of Vasily Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. Previously, this name could not be used for naming, since it was not mentioned in Orthodox calendar, so it could be found in the names of ships and enterprises. They began to actively call this name after the October Revolution, or rather from the late 1930s, and the fact that this was the name of I.V. Stalin’s only daughter played an important role in the popularization of the name Svetlana. In 1943 the Russian Orthodox Church recognized the name Svetlana and made it permitted in the church baptismal rite, and in the 1950-1970s this name became widespread. IN Soviet era The name Svetlana was given an ideological meaning to the name, namely the word “bright” placed a semantic emphasis on the construction of a “bright future”, on the movement of society along the “bright path” to communism.

The name Svetlana has enough analogues in foreign languages with the meaning “light”, “shining”, “clear”, “radiant”, “pure”. For example, Italian Chiara, German and French Klara and Claire, Italian Lucia, Celtic Fiona, Hebrew Liora, ancient Greek Faina, Eulampia (“candle, I shine”), Aglaida ( “shine, light”), Tajik Ravshana, Armenian Lusine, Kazakh Saule, greek names Photina and Photinia, as well as the name Elena (“torch”, “light”). In Persian the name Svetlana corresponds to female name Forug.

In Russia, the name Svetlana is often shortened to the name “Sveta”, and in Western Europe and English-speaking countries - to "Lana". The diminutives Veta and Lana are also short forms to other names and independent names.

The character and fate of Svetlana. Svetlana gives the impression of an easy, bright and sociable girl. However, in fact, Svetlana is a real commander with a very contradictory character. On the one hand, she is unusually kind to people, but if necessary, she can cause pain in such a way that it doesn’t seem like much. Sveta suffers from manic neatness and high self-esteem, but at the same time she is a very selfless person, persistent and decisive. But at crucial moments in her life, Svetlana for some reason fails to keep events under control.

Sveta is not afraid of work, she has diplomacy, but all this is spoiled by the desire to command. It is always easier for Svetlana in a male society; she has difficulty finding a common language with women. Although the girl is kind to her family, she is not used to taking into account gossip and public opinion. On the contrary, the more they talk about her, the better she feels.

Sveta is quite distrustful, especially towards men. She believes that you cannot rely on anyone.

Happiness does not always accompany Svetlana. She is often beautiful, but she cannot get settled in life. Although she has a high opinion of herself, her academic success is very average. Her parents have to take responsibility for Sveta’s fate, since in her youth she is equally likely to lean towards the side of good and the side of evil. Svetlana’s character is shaped by what surrounds her: her parents, the environment and herself. Ultimately, it all depends on the girl’s desire. She is capable of making herself.

Svetlana clearly stands out spirituality. Her thoughts and aspirations are pure and light. This is a very artistic and contrasting girl. She happily hurries to where they are waiting for her. Svetlana has a subtle intellect. The most important thing for her is closeness with her family.

Svetlana is a sensitive friend. She has a good influence on those who are close to her. Gives timely advice and is capable of selfless help. After communicating with Sveta, warmth and hope remain in people’s souls. This is a charming mystery woman.

Men can see something in Svetlana that is inaccessible to a prying eye. She always remains unobtrusive, but to the one in whose feelings she is sure, Sveta gives herself without reserve, completely adapting to the chosen one. In a partner, she primarily values ​​his experience and passion; appearance is secondary for her. Sveta cannot imagine her life without men.

Sveta hesitates for a long time to decide on marriage, trying to make sure that the chosen one is really worthy of her. She is diplomatic with her husband and gets along well with all her relatives, which is what their love deserves. Sveta becomes an exemplary mother and housewife. She is devoted to her husband and takes care of the children.

Sveta is a big fashionista, especially in her younger years. However, she does not always have a sense of proportion.

Since Svetlana often manifests herself as a powerful and authoritative person, it is easy for her to work in a leadership position. She's interested various areas activities, and she is good at manipulating people. However, sometimes Svetlana becomes indifferent to everything and weakly floats with the flow. If necessary, Sveta will not hesitate to change her job and environment, and is capable of improving herself.

Svetlana's birthday

Famous people named Svetlana

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991), laureate of the Nika Prize.)
  • Svetlana Savitskaya ((born 1948) Soviet cosmonaut, the second female cosmonaut in the world and the first female cosmonaut in the world to go into space open space. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1982). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.)
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Svetlana Zhiltsova ((born 1936) Russian TV announcer, presenter of KVN programs, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Svetlana Khorkina ((born 1979) Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in parallel bars (1996, 2000), three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995))
  • Svetlana Surganova ((born 1968) musician, poet and composer, soloist and violinist of the group “Night Snipers” in 1993-2002. Nowadays she is the leader of the group “Surganova and the Orchestra.”)
  • Svetlana Stepchenko (Toporova) ((born 1965) famous violist, soloist of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Svetlana Zhurova ((born 1972) Soviet and Russian speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1996). Five-time champion of Russia in sprint all-around (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005). World champion in sprint all-around (2006) and distance 500 m (1996). 2006 Olympic champion at a distance of 500 meters (one of three Olympic champions in speed skating in Russian history, along with Svetlana Bazhanova and Alexander Golubev).
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva ((born 1937) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980))
  • Svetlana Toma ((born 1947) real name- Fomicheva; famous Moldavian actress, Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR (1979), Honored Artist of Russia (2001), People's Artist of Moldova (2008). The artistic pseudonym Tom is usually pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable. The actress herself, however, points out that originally Toma (with the emphasis on the second syllable) was the surname of her maternal great-grandmother, of French origin.)
  • Svetlana Druzhinina ((born 1936) Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).)
  • Svetlana Alexievich ((born 1948) Belarusian writer, author of the books “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”, “The Last Witnesses”)
  • Svetlana Bestuzheva ((born 1950) Russian scientist, sociologist, journalist, writer, specialist in the field of social demography, social demography and social psychology; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Orientalist-Arabist)
  • Svetlana Varganova ((born 1964) Soviet swimmer, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1982))
  • Svetlana Rozhkova ((born 1965) pop artist, Honored Artist of Russia (1996))
  • Svetlana Fedorenko ((1972 - 2009) Russian pilot, aviator, Honored Master of Sports, absolute European champion in aircraft sports)
  • Svetlana Parkhomenko ((born 1962) née Cherneva; Soviet and Russian professional tennis player and tennis coach, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991). USSR champion in singles (1985), nine-time USSR champion in women's and mixed doubles, winner of eight Virginia Slims/WTA tournaments in women's doubles. European champion among amateurs in women's and mixed doubles (1983), four-time European champion among girls in singles and doubles.)
  • Svetlana Vysokova ((born 1972) Russian speed skater, bronze medalist of winter Olympic Games 2006, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006), Master of Sports of International Class)
  • Svetlana Josephy ((born 1963) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
  • Svetlana Kriveleva ((born 1969) Soviet and Russian athlete who competed in the shot put. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992). World champion 2003, silver (1993) and two-time bronze medalist of the world championships (1991 and 1999). She was a participant in seven world championships athletics. Four times (1992, 1993, 1999 and 2003) Svetlana showed best result season in the world in the shot put. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, ​​Kriveleva won the gold medal, ahead of China's Huang Zhihong and Germany's Katrin Naimke.)
  • Svetlana Loboda (Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand, photographer. She represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. She performs under the stage name LOBODA.)
  • Svetlana Pecherskaya ((born 1968) née Davydova; Soviet and Russian biathlete, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympic Games in the individual race, seven-time world champion, multiple medalist of the world championships, winner of the World Cup of the 1990/1991 season. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990 ).)
  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 – 2011) nee Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. In 1967, she emigrated from the USSR to the USA. The mother of the Russian cardiologist I.G. Alliluyev.)
  • Svetlana Svetikova ((born 1983) Russian pop singer, actress, musical artist)
  • Svetlana Sorokina ((born 1957) Russian journalist, member of the Academy of Russian Television, former member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), teacher at the Higher School of Journalism, presenter (2010) of “Program Guide” on Channel Five and program “In the Circle of Light” on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”)
  • Svetlana Sichkar ((1936 - 2012) Soviet animator. She took part in the creation of more than 80 cartoons, including “Mother for the Baby Mammoth”, “The Adventures of Munchausen”, “The Magnificent Gosha”, “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig”.)
  • Svetlana Kharitonova ((1932 - 2012) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoevich ((born 1950) theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Danilchenko ((born 1938) Soviet actress)
  • Svetlana Kharlap ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, master of voice-over and dubbing)
  • Svetlana Chuikina ((born 1975) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Shevchuk ((born 1967) Ukrainian writer (writes in Russian))
  • Svetlana Koroleva (Russian model, TV presenter, winner of the All-Russian national beauty contest "Miss Russia 2002" and international competition beauty "Miss Europe 2002". In 2003, the main Snow Maiden of the country. Since 2008, performer of the song for the Miss Russia for Children charity event.)
  • Svetlana Martynchik ((born 1965) modern writer and artist. Known as the author literary works, reviews and reviews published under the name Max Fry, and as the host of the radio program “Free Entry”. Some early works published under the name Max Frei were created in collaboration with Igor Stepin.)
  • Svetlana Yakir, Blume Yakir ((1936 - 1971) Russian writer)
  • Svetlana Yusim ((born 1941) Ukrainian artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine)
  • Svetlana Bless ((born 1942) Soviet and Latvian actress)
  • Svetlana Okruzhnaya ((born 1947) People's Artist of Belarus (1991), member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)
  • Svetlana Vilkina (Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, technical director and senior trainer in the kata section of the Belarusian Shotokan Karate-do Federation. The only owner in Eastern Europe fifth dan of the World Federation of Shotokan Karate-do.)
  • Svetlana Gladysheva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian alpine skier, vice-champion of the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer in the super-G. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994). One of two Olympic medalists in alpine skiing in the entire history of domestic sports. The second is Evgenia Sidorova , who won bronze in 1956 in Cortina d'Ampezzo in slalom. On March 31, 2010, Svetlana Gladysheva became the acting President of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Federation. On May 14, 2010, by a unanimous decision of the Presidium of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Federation, Svetlana Gladysheva became the President of the FGSSR.)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theatre scholar, theater critic, essayist)

Celebrating name days is old Orthodox tradition. On this day they honor the saint whose name is given to the child when he is born. The dates for birthdays and name days can sometimes be the same, but in most cases they are completely different. You can determine the date of your name using the calendar. For example, Svetlana can find out the day of veneration of her saint using the church calendar.

Svetlana according to the church calendar

If you know that your friend named Svetlana will soon have an angel day, you should take care of the present. Look exact date Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar, so as not to make a mistake with the time and day. When choosing a gift for a girl, first of all think about her interests, hobbies and desires. By taking all these points into account, you will choose the perfect gift.

Svetlana's name day and the meaning of the name

Svetlana is translated as pure, bright, giving light to people. Girls with this name are actually pleasant and easy to talk to, and it’s comfortable to be in the same room with them.

The name Svetlana is mentioned in Russian literature of the 19th century. It was during this period that it was formed given name. But some scientists are of the opinion that this name has ancient Slavic roots.

Girls with this name are open and honest, responsive, ready to help, but at the same time, Svetlana can surprise in communicating with loved ones, be selfish, straightforward, rude and even cruel. And how do two coexist in a fragile girl? strange world? Everything is easy to explain. Psychologists who study a person’s problems through his name claim that Sveta are unpredictable and powerful women. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine Svetlana’s mood at one time or another.

When is Svetlana's name day celebrated?

According to the new church calendar, Svetlana’s name day is celebrated on February 26, and according to the old calendar on February 13. On this day, all girls with this name celebrate their name day. This is also the day of remembrance of Svetlana of Palestine, who lived in the 5th century.

There are also name days - this is April 2, Svetlana the Samaritan is revered; November 16 - veneration of Saint Photinia.

Due to the fact that Svetlana’s angel day is celebrated several times a year, you need to know yours. It can be determined as follows: the date of the name day is the closest date of veneration of Saint Svetlana to her birthday. Looking at the Orthodox calendar, you will notice the name Photinia. Girls used to be called that way. At the time of baptism, girls received these names.

How to celebrate Svetlana's day?

...according to the church calendar

All name days must be celebrated correctly

Some of us don’t even know that such holidays exist. And some, when they mention a name day, immediately imagine a magnificent feast.

It may be celebrated in this way, but this is not why the day of the angel was given to man. Therefore, on your name day, we advise you to go to church, confess and receive communion. Spend the evening alone or with your family, look into yourself and understand how much you present life corresponds to the holy woman after whom you were named.

Considering the day of the angel Svetlana according to the church calendar, you can see what spiritual qualities Svetlana of Palestine possessed. Her life was strictly ascetic. In an effort to devote herself to God, she retired from people for 6 years. She spent these years in constant prayer and strict fasting. During this time, she reached the greatest spiritual level and nothing else bothered her: neither hunger, nor cold, nor need.

Saint Svetlana

Striving for heavenly paradise, she chose this path for herself. For which she was rewarded by God with meekness, humility, beauty and love. If we talk about another Great Martyr Svetlana of Samaritan, then she had worthy qualities spiritual person. In ancient times, during the reign of Emperor Nero, she was captured by the pagans.

And she was not afraid to preach her faith during interrogation by the emperor. They wanted to cut off her hands for this, but miraculously this did not happen. And then Nero ordered to tear off the skin from Saint Svetlana and throw her into the well. But even after going through terrible torment, she did not renounce Christ. Therefore, when celebrating your angel day, think first of all about your saint. Remember her story of life and death. And think about your life. Are you living correctly and how are you acting? After all, it’s never too late to change everything and steel is better than now.

Svetlana is the day of the angel and name day according to the church calendar

On the eve of the name day, the question immediately arises: what to give Svetlana for Angel's Day? First of all, this is a card with warm wishes. Next, you can consider a souvenir gift. A cute thing that everyone can afford. If Svetlana is a dear person to you, then you can consider a more expensive gift.

REFERENCE! There are shopping tents near the church where you can buy personalized cards, spoons, pendants and icons. This will be a good gift for Light on her name day.

And one more tip: sign the card with your own hand; the birthday girl will be pleased to read warm, sincere congratulations.

What to give to Svetlana?

It is better to choose a gift that is modest and sweet. As we wrote above, it is better to celebrate name days in the circle of loved ones.

For example:

  • - collector's edition of books by your favorite author;
  • - cookbook;
  • — a set of tablecloth and napkins, all handmade.

This is just a small list of gifts that you can give a girl on her day.

According to the church calendar, Svetlana celebrates her day several times a year. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to congratulate loved one and please him.

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The meaning of the name Svetlana: “Light”, “pure” (Slavic).

As a child, no one can understand Svetlana. She has a very complex character. You never know what to expect from her. She always looks like her father in appearance, and borrows her character from her mother. He goes to school without any desire. However, she is an average student so as not to upset her parents.

Having matured, Sveta becomes stubborn and persistent. He stands his ground to the end and will never give in. Full of energy, but in the most difficult life situations she gives up and is afraid of obstacles.

Svetlana wants to be a leader in everything, she loves to command. But at the same time, he's afraid public opinion. As soon as she hears something unpleasant for her addressed to her, she immediately gets upset and tries to change everything. However, she is well adapted to life, knows what she wants, is self-sufficient and independent. It is always easier for her to communicate with men, since she does not find like-minded people among women. If Svetlana became someone's wife, she becomes an exemplary housewife and mother.

Other forms of the name Svetlana: Sveta, Lana, Veta, Svetulya, Svetusya, Svetik.

With all my heart I wish, Sveta,
May your life always be
Honey, sweet like candy,
May you bloom with joy!

Let the sun, Svetochka, shine
It gives light only for you!
Let everything be what you want
Your heart for many years!

Svetlana, so bright,
That's not your name for nothing:
There is no end to the goodness in your soul,
You light the way for life.

I wish you well and happiness,
To illuminate everything around.
Don't let bad weather scare you,
And a faithful friend will be nearby!

Svetlana, Svetochka, Svetulya,
You are a bright ray on earth.
Be healthy, be a joy to your family,
Be happy in your destiny!

Happy birthday, Svetlana! May your life, in accordance with your name, be filled with light, happiness and joy. Let there be no dark moments at all, and let all sorrows and sorrows pass by. Love to you, peace in your soul and everything you wish for.

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetlana,
The brightest man
Be happy all the time
May your life be good.

Let in all matters of the heart
There will be joy and peace,
And luck is endless
Follows you!

I wish you, Svetlana,
It’s beautiful, like living in a fairy tale.
So that my husband takes me to restaurants,
I didn’t forget to give flowers.

So that you go happy
From morning to night, all year round.
Luck may love you
And you didn’t know that there were any worries.

Our dear Svetlana -
A queen without a flaw.
With this simple truth
Everyone agrees, my Svetik.

It's always fun where you are.
Cheers up
Your warm smile
A loud laugh and a good disposition.

Remain a spark of light
After all, there is no sadness with you.
Be always protected by God
Happy in life, loved.

I will tell you without deception:
You are simply the best, Svetlana!
After all, you give us light of happiness,
May you have no troubles!

May there be many bright days
And in my personal life everything is okay.
May only success await you,
Your loud laugh always sounds.

May everyone's wishes come true,
Let the confessions be passionate,
All life is cozy and calm!
You, Sveta, deserve it!

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetulya,
You're like a rose in July -
So beautiful, good
And your soul is pure!

There is no anger, no deception,
There is no flaw in appearance.
Stay like this -
Sweet, glorious, golden!

You radiate warmth and light,
And the world becomes kinder.
They call you Svetlana -
A flower that is dearer to everyone.

And the heart yearns for wishes
Love, warmth and long life.
Moments of sincere confession,
Where there are no letters from untruth.

May fortune visit you
And never burning out,
Let it fall in the moonlight
Yours lucky star.

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetlana,
Congratulations, my Svetik,
Let it fall, beauty,
Rain of good luck is golden.

Feelings for you - only real ones
The ones that make your head spin
And in the pocket “for pins”
Let the money rustle.

May you be lucky in your career
Always move forward
May you have a lucky break
Life will be difficult.

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