Everything about the name Anton. Description of the name Anton

Origin and meaning: the name Anton is of Latin or ancient Greek origin and means “Entering the battle”, “Opposing”, “Competing”

Church form of the name—Antony

Diminutive forms: Antosha, Antoshka, Tosha, Antoshenka, Antosh, Antonka, Toshenka.

Name synonyms: Anthony, Anthony, Antonin, Antoine, Antonius, Antonio, Antal, Anthony,

Anton in English: Anton

How the name Anton influences fate and character

Characteristics of the name Anton

The name Anton means a thoughtful and careful call to action. A guy named by this name must avoid senseless heroism, always look at the current situation soberly and without excessive emotionality gets things done.

Anton's fate is directly related to the ability to maintain a balance between caution and decisive action. He will achieve success as a leader if the work is not associated with risk. To express himself in creative endeavors, Anton should not be afraid of the opinions of others.

1. Character virtues

Anton’s positive traits are patience, caution, attentiveness, the ability to wait for the right moment, and the ability to avoid participating in adventures. He shows decisiveness in actions only after a detailed study of the problem, and does not show ambition.

When surrounded by Anton, he behaves friendly and is a pleasant conversationalist. Friends value him for his truthfulness, and his employees respect him due to his endurance and extraordinary approach to his job duties.

2. Disadvantages

Main negative trait– frequent withdrawal and desire for solitude. Before making an important decision, Anton can think for a long time, asking advice from colleagues and loved ones, but in the end he will do it his own way.
IN adolescence Anton is acutely aware of failures and may abandon the case at the final stage.

On the love front, the owner of this name prefers independent, wealthy and beautiful girls, but often fails in relationships due to severe jealousy, frequent uncontrollable outbursts of aggression and lack of self-confidence.

The meaning of the name Anton

3. For a child

As a child, Anton often has an introverted temperament and does not open up to others. At the same time, he easily becomes a favorite in the company and conquers many people with his innate charm.

IN early years Antosha suffers from sudden mood swings and increased sentimentality. He prefers not to put his inner experiences on public display, so inattentive parents may not notice changes in their child.
Tosha's studies come without much difficulty; he has an excellent memory. By nature, a child with this name is very inquisitive and regularly expands his knowledge through independent reading.

About the meaning of the name Alexey

4. For a teenager

Teenager Antoshka is moderately principled and knows how to find common language with people different ages. Laziness and pessimism are alien to him. The guy is distinguished by his good disposition, eloquence, responsiveness, active life position, emotionality and readiness for adventure.

Antoshi's main disadvantage in his teenage years is his pronounced dependence on the opinions of others. He unconsciously adopts the qualities of his friends, which can be both positive and negative.

In high school, Anton shows good knowledge, both in science and science. humanities. However, he needs constant stimulation; in its absence, problems may begin with his studies. At the same time, Tosha gets along well with teachers and classmates.

5. For an adult man

An adult Anton is characterized by prudence, calmness, clarity of mind and stability. He refuses to participate in dubious matters without hesitation. In difficult situations, the owners of this name are sometimes overwhelmed by indecision.

Anton is not used to trusting new people; he has few real friends and they all appear in childhood. In life, both ups and downs await him. Taking every failure seriously sometimes leads to nervous diseases and strong isolation.

A person with this name is quite indecisive, but he is used to hiding this shortcoming behind natural charm and kindness.

The influence of the name Anton on future fate

6. Health

Anton has good endurance. With age, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines, vision decreases, and problems in the functioning of the kidneys are often observed.

7. Family relationships

When getting married, Anton is guided by pragmatism and common sense. He chooses a companion who is reliable, smart and balanced, devoid of career ambitions. Has a negative attitude towards civil marriage and divorce, most often gets married no earlier than 35 years old.

Problems in relationships with your wife can arise due to outbursts of jealousy, love of freedom and increased interest in other representatives of the fairer sex. Anton tries to avoid conflicts at home mail, so at home he behaves docile and undemanding.

8. Career and business

Anton rarely chooses a profession on his own; most often he asks for advice from his parents or friends. He approaches his work responsibly, but does not strive to advance career ladder. For decisive action, he needs a shake-up, otherwise he may spend his whole life in one position.

In critical situations, a man named Anton is able to show perseverance, perseverance and ingenuity. Financially, he is frugal.

Anton is best suited for professions that are risk-free. For example, scientific activity, medical field and teaching. From birth, Tosha has a gift for writing, but the lack of self-discipline does not allow her to achieve success in her creative endeavors.

9. Hobbies and interests

Anton prefers to spend his free time alternating reading and playing sports.

Horoscope named Anton


Anton, born under the sign of Aries, is by nature a sensitive and vulnerable person, emotionally dependent on those around him. He treats people with trust and responsiveness, but in case of betrayal, he takes revenge on the offenders. Disillusioned with people, he often withdraws into himself. He will be happy with a patient girl who can accept his frequent mood swings.


Has natural charisma. He is easily influenced by others, but, if necessary, he will always be able to defend his own point of view. A Taurus named Anton lives for today and rarely thinks about the near future. In a relationship, he chooses an imperious and strong lady who can independently manage family affairs, and becomes completely dependent on her opinion.


Anton-Gemini finds it difficult to find a common language with people and colleagues, due to his impulsiveness, temperamental and unbalanced character. He is lenient with himself, but quite demanding of those around him. His innate charm attracts girls to him, but Anton is afraid of a long-term relationship on a subconscious level.


Uncertainty, indecisiveness and the inability to refuse people are traits inherent in Anton-Cancer. He often suffers from his kindness and gullibility. A woman suitable for such a man must be both a strong and sensual person.


Anton, born under the constellation Leo, has a rich imagination; his excessive daydreaming can make him forget about reality. This often leads to disappointment in representatives of the opposite sex and in one’s own life.


A man of this zodiac sign is often the center of attention and delights people with his openness, friendliness and sociability. Anton-Virgo has an optimistic view of the world and chooses a calm and balanced woman for a relationship who can provide comfortable and cozy conditions.


Anton-Libra has a soft and flexible disposition. In life, he tries to plan everything in advance; in relation to his person, he cannot stand rudeness and superficial treatment.


Anton, born under the sign of Scorpio, has a complex character. This is a rather hidden and mysterious person, so it is difficult to predict his actions. Such a person reveals himself only to close people. The beloved will have to come to terms with the fact that her betrothed will not want to fully open up to her.


The man of this zodiac constellation characterized by a loving nature and fickleness. He makes decisions based on common sense, but a spiritual impulse. Girls are drawn to Anton-Sagittarius, but he does not want to give up his freedom, so he is often unhappy in relationships.


Anton-Capricorn rarely gives in to emotions and is distinguished by his insightful mind and integrity. He carefully considers every action, avoiding accidents in life. Often remains single due to fear of a serious relationship.


Anton-Aquarius dreams of recognition and glory, and is characterized by excessive impressionability, daydreaming and a melancholy character. If his dreams do not come true, he withdraws into himself, becomes depressed and gives up. A new goal can bring him back to his previous state of mind. The problem of failure to achieve set goals lies in the inability to clearly formulate tasks. In relationships with girls, Aquarius men often do not achieve harmony.


Romance, vulnerability and undisguised shyness - these traits are inherent in Anton-Pisces. He believes in true, sincere love and makes every effort to find his soulmate. Marries at a more mature age. This man is distinguished by contagious optimism; throughout his life, success smiles on him in all his endeavors.

Compatibility of the name Anton with female names

Anton's birthday

  • January: 2, 12, 21, 30
  • February: 1, 18, 23, 25
  • March: 5, 10, 14
  • April: 27
  • May: 1, 17, 20, 25
  • June: 1, 20
  • July: 4, 6, 7, 16, 19, 23, 26
  • August: 13, 16, 20, 22, 25
  • September: 15
  • October: 7, 16, 23, 26, 30
  • November: 8, 22, 24
  • December: 14, 20

Name Astrology

Time of year Summer
Metal Tin
Day of the week Sunday
Totem animal Lion and cheetah.
Tree Maple
Plant Garlic
Stone Pomegranate
Planet Sun and Mercury
Astrological sign Leo and Gemini
Element Fire
Color Yellow, red and white

Numerology of the name

For Anton the most lucky number — 4

The name Anton got its origin from the ancient Roman name Anthony, which in translation means - entering into battle. According to some versions, there is an assumption that it originated from Greek language, translated means – enemy, or from Latin - competitive.

This is a fairly simple name, which clearly expresses masculinity, strength, power and majesty. Popular not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. This name contains a call to action, but at the same time does not allow one to forget about caution. Anton is a sober and careful observer. He knows how to wait, is not prone to adventures, is objective, decisive and prudent. The balance between these qualities is one of the important components in the energy of this name, and also helps determine the nature of his actions. Anton is ready for self-sacrifice, although sometimes he lacks confidence and courage in his own abilities. He is a good, loyal friend, despite the fact that he prefers to keep his distance in company. The Antons take failures hard. Able to charm and place. These qualities accompany him throughout his life.

His life is filled with ups and downs, struggles with himself. He passionately desires freedom, for which he later pays with loneliness. Antonov’s intuition is quite well developed, and he mainly relies on it. They have good intelligence and developed memory, but do not take advantage of all their capabilities. By nature, he is not used to feeling moral pressure and tries to avoid such situations. Antons are quite hardy; to maintain vitality they need sleep and fresh air.

They are hardy and responsible at work. They make talented scientists. Their only drawback is cowardice, well hidden by them. Antons born in winter are more courageous, calculating, cunning and diplomatic. Antons, born in January, are quite good athletes with the qualities of a fighter. Anton's energy, which is controlled by prudence, can ensure his success in a leadership position, if this does not require risk. They can express themselves very well in a profession with a creative bent, the main thing is not to be afraid of seeming funny to others.

In love, Anton strives for the ideal. Because of the fear of loss and suffering, he prefers not to follow new hobbies. He may generally lead a lonely lifestyle, remaining single.
Prosperity in sex life generally reach only by the age of forty. Anton, born in winter, is emotional, active, and prone to love adventures. In marriage, he is not jealous and respects his wife’s independence. He can make concessions, even if they bring him pain.

One of the famous owners of this name is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He was born in January 1860. He had a medical education, worked as a zemstvo doctor, and was fond of literature. Until I was forty I didn’t have much serious relationship with women, he was no stranger to love affairs. He married at forty-one and died in 1904, leaving a significant mark on Russian literature.

Anton is simple in communication, the main thing is to speak with him on the same level, not to try to subjugate him and not to obey himself. IN big companies Antons do not strive to be the center of attention, but in a narrow circle, the main role may turn out to be theirs.

Astrology claims

Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Twins

Patron planet: Mercury

Character Traits: Prudent, active, moral, with well-developed intuition

Name colors: White, yellow and shades of red

Lucky colors: Red, its shades and white

Patron saints of the name: Roman Anthony (August 16), Great Anthony (January 30), Anthony – Warrior (May 1)

Stone - talisman: Fire red pyrope, garnet

Names: origin and forms

Anton- (from Greek) enemy; (from Latin) wide, spacious.

Antique: Anthony.
Derivatives: Antonka, Antonya, Tonya, Antokha, Antosha, Tosha, Antosya, Tosya, Antya.

Directory of Russian names

From Antony, Competing(from Latin).

Their life is a cascade of failures, compromises, and ups. Unbalanced natures. Fighting with themselves. All the time striving for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness. Seeking friendship. For the Antonovs, love is torture.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Anton- opponent (ancient Greek), competitor (Latin).
Simple and good name, common not only in Russia, but also in Europe.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: yellow, red and white, taken approximately equally.
Talisman stone: pomegranate.
Auspicious plant: maple, garlic.
Patron name: marabou, cheetah.
Happy day: Sunday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: softness, indecisiveness.


Anthony of Alexandria, martyr, August 22 (9).
Anthony of Apamea, martyr, November 22 (9).
Anthony the Great, Egyptian, venerable, founder of desert dwelling, January 30 (17).
Anthony Vilensky (Lithuanian), martyr, April 27 (14).
Anthony Dymsky, Rev., January 30 (17), July 7 (June 24).
Anthony of Egypt, presbyter, martyr, January 21 (8).
Anthony of Constantinople, Patriarch, February 25 (12).
Anthony Leokhnovsky, Novgorod, abbot, October 30 (17).
Anthony Martkopsky, Iversky, stylite, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism, February 1 (January 19), May 20 (7); martyr March 14 (1).
Anthony of Nikopol (Armenian), martyr, July 23 (10).
Anthony Pechersky, founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in the Near (Antoniev) Caves, July 23 (10), September 15 (2), October 11 (September 28).
Anthony the Roman, Novgorod, Rev., August 16 (3). Anthony the Roman was born in Rome in 1067 to wealthy Orthodox parents, and was raised by them in piety. After the death of his parents, he distributed part of the inheritance to the poor, and invested the other in wooden barrel and launched him into the sea. He himself took monastic vows in a desert monastery, where he lived for 20 years. During the persecution of the Orthodox, he wandered until he found a large stone on the seashore, on which he lived for a whole year in fasting and prayer. A terrible storm tore off the stone and carried it into the sea. On Christmas Day Holy Mother of God The stone stopped 3 versts from Novgorod on the banks of the Volkhov River. Anthony founded a monastery on this site. The next year, fishermen caught a barrel containing his inheritance, which had been put into the sea many years ago. With his inheritance he bought land for the monastery. Spiritual asceticism was combined in the monastery with intense labor activity. In 1131, Anthony was appointed abbot of the monastery. Died in 1147.
Anthony of Rome, martyr, July 19 (6).
Anthony Siysky, hieromonk, December 20 (7).
Anthony Chernozersky, Rev., January 30 (17).


August 16 - Anton-vortex.
Such are the Anton-vortices, such is October.
If the wind is whirling, expect a snow storm.


A very dreamy, affectionate and affectionate child. At school he is constantly looking for someone's friendship, good location. Observes everyone, analyzes the actions of others, draws conclusions. He often thinks about it, but he doesn’t know what, it’s just a colorful chaos in which he dissolves. He constantly follows his friend: if he plays sports, then Anton is in the gym, if he is in a technical circle, then Anton will become interested in technology.

An adult Anton is capable of self-sacrifice, but he lacks courage and confidence in his abilities. He thinks for a long time before coming to any decision, and is careful.

In company, Anton remains aloof, although he may be at the center of it, but this is difficult for him, he literally forces himself to entertain society. Anton is a faithful comrade, often sentimental, kind, and patient.

Anton has a good memory and intuition, but most often he does not use his capabilities, as he quickly loses his composure. "Winter" Anton is more cunning and calculating. Anton's main field of activity is medicine, mathematics, philosophy. May be a knowledgeable practicing engineer. Anton rarely achieves his intended goal, but does not suffer from this due to the changeability of desires.

Anton loves music and reading books.

He marries the one who takes the initiative herself, even if he likes another woman. Therefore, Anton is not an exemplary family man. He is not a homebody, he often falls in love, but due to his indecisive character, he does not embark on love adventures. His family relationships are best with Marianna, Tatyana, Christina, Natalya, Valeria, Ekaterina, Irina.

Surname: Antonovich, Antonovna.


Anton Antonovich Delvig (1798-1831) was a great poet, underestimated during his lifetime by everyone except his great friend A.S. Pushkin. Both of them were born and spent their childhood years in Moscow, which they were both proud of. We met for the first time at the Lyceum.

Anton Delvig outwardly seemed calm, even lazy, but in fact he thought a lot. Here is a quote from the lyceum director’s description of Delvig: “His games and jokes reveal a certain ironic wit, which, after several satirical poems, made him a favorite of his comrades.”

After graduating from the Lyceum, Anton Delvig became the soul of Pushkin's circle of writers, the organizer, publisher, compiler and editor of seven books in the almanac "Northern Flowers", two - the almanac "Snowdrop" and "Literary Newspaper". In addition, he wrote many poems, songs, odes, which have now been collected together and made up a solid book. This is despite the fact that Delvig did not have any inherited capital and had to always take care of his daily bread.

Delvig was released from the Lyceum to serve in the Ministry of Finance, but he could never have become an official, and even a financier. Therefore, in 1820, he “hired” the Public Library under the supervision of the fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov. The two poets highly valued each other.

Anton Delvig was the first to hear and appreciate Pushkin. While still at the Lyceum, secretly from the author, he sent to the magazine “Bulletin of Europe” the poem “To a Poet Friend,” which appeared in a July book for 1814. This was the very first Pushkin publication. And Delvig himself announced to the world the birth of a new poet:

Pushkin! He won’t even hide in the forests:
The lyre will give him away with loud singing.

Delvig wrote a lot, the best were his songs, set to music by many composers, they still live. Among them is “The Nightingale” by A.A. Alyabyeva, “For the autumn light rain” by M.I. Glinka, “The little bird sang, the little bird sang” by A. G. Rubinstein.

The death of Ryleev, the bitter fate of Pushchin and another close friend, Kuchelbecker, whom he had to rescue from trouble more than once, were a personal downfall for Delvig. On October 19, 1826, on the day of the Lyceum anniversary, Anton Delvig read poems in which he openly said about this:

But for a while they darkened
We are our fun, brothers,
That we don't see two friends
And we don’t press in our arms.
They are not with us, but at this hour
There is a fire burning in their hearts.
Believe me, they understand our voice,
It will penetrate hard stone.
Let's drink, friend, in their memory!
Let's drink full glasses,
For distant ones, for relatives
We'll be twice as drunk today!

“Distant, dear” - these are Pushchin and Kuchelbecker. Delvig helped Kuchelbecker's relatives, like Pushkin, sent him books to prison; More than once he deceived the censorship by publishing anonymously or under pseudonyms the works of Decembrist prisoners: Kuchelbecker, A. Bestuzhev, A. Odoevsky.

Delvig died in 1830 after catching a cold and being ill for several days. But contemporaries unanimously argued that the humiliation he experienced and Benckendorff’s harsh abuse brought his death closer. The Literary Gazette published a quatrain dedicated to the heroes french revolution 1830. For this, Benckendorff summoned Delvig and threatened to throw him and his friends - Pushkin and Vyazemsky - into prison. The newspaper was first closed, then transferred to another editor. A trivial cold turned into a fatal disease.

In October 1831 A.S. Pushkin wrote prophetic poems for the next Lyceum anniversary:

And it seems like it’s my turn,
My dear Delvig is calling me,
A living comrade of youth,
Comrade of sad youth,
Companion of young songs,
Feasts and pure thoughts,
There, in the crowd of shadows of relatives
A genius that has escaped us forever.

From January 14, 1831, when Delvig died, to January 29, 1837, when Pushkin died, none of the lyceum students from the first graduating class died.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

There are two versions of the meaning of the name Anton. They are associated with two theories of the origin of the name.

The first version of the meaning of the name Anton is associated with its Roman history. Many generic names of Rome became proper names. This happened, for example, with the name Sergeeev and Antoniev, who became Sergei and Anton. Unfortunately, the meaning of the name and the deeper etymology of the name are unknown, but it is believed that the name has Etruscan roots.

The second version of the meaning of the name Anton is associated with the theory of the origin of the name from the Greek αντεω or ανταω, which translated means “to compete” and “to enter into battle.” This is one of the epithets of the god of the Greek pantheon of gods, Dionysus. So following the logic of this version, the meaning of the name Anton is “competing” or “entering into battle”.

The name Anton has several related names. All of them also do not have a single version of origin, but each of these names, according to one of the versions, has an origin from the above Greek words. These are the names Antonina, Nina, Antonin.

The meaning of the name Anton for a child

Anton is a good, affectionate and slightly thoughtful child. He plays well with other children and gets along easily, but is also not averse to daydreaming. Having matured a little, Anton takes friendship very seriously. Often, as an adult, he continues to communicate with childhood friends.

Anton doesn't have enough stars in his studies, but if he wants to, he can easily cope with any educational program. The main thing in a child is to be able to ignite the desire to learn. He is more inclined towards exact sciences, but this becomes noticeable only in high school. And this is, of course, if there were no problems with studying in primary and secondary school

Anton's health is good and can please his parents. Many Antons do not suffer from childhood winter problems in the form of frequent colds. However, some Antons are prone to being overweight. This usually becomes noticeable in late adolescence. Sufficient physical activity and a proper diet are the key to keeping the problem under control.

Short name Anton

Tokha, Tosha, Antokha, Tosya, Tonya, Antya.

Diminutive pet names

Antonka, Antosha, Antoshka, Antoshenka, Antoshechka, Antosya, Antonia,

Children's middle names

Antonovich and Antonovna. Folk form Antonich and Antonichna.

Name Anton in English

IN English the name Anton is spelled both Anthony and Antony. Reads like Anthony.

Name Anton for international passport- ANTON.

Translation of the name Anton into other languages

in Belarusian - Anton
in Bulgarian - Anton
in Hungarian - Antal
in Greek - Αντώνιος and Αντώνης
in Spanish - Antonio
in Italian - Antonio
in Chinese - 安东
in Latin - Antonius
in Latvian - Antons
in Lithuanian - Antanas
in German - Anton
in Polish - Antoni and Antoniusz
in Portuguese - Antônio and António
in Romanian - Antoniu and Antonie
in Serbian - Antonije
in Ukrainian - Anton
in Finnish - Anton and Anttoni
in French - Antoine
in Croatian - Antun and Anto
in Czech - Anton
in Japanese - 力士

Church name Anton(V Orthodox faith) - Anthony. Since the name came into the Russian language from Greece (Byzantium) along with the adoption of Orthodoxy, it is pronounced in the Greek way in church.

Characteristics of the name Anton

Anton can be described as a calm and balanced person. Anton often takes a long time to decide on an action and carefully calculates the consequences. Rather, this is due to his periodically manifested insecurity. However, in a familiar and safe situation, you will not notice this. In these cases, he quickly and confidently makes even the most important decisions.

Anton is monogamous at work. With his dislike of unusual surroundings, this is a self-evident feature. He, having become accustomed to one workplace, will not even try to find something else. If he has learned to do a job well, then in the future better than man Can't find this place. But this will be his “signature” version. Don't try to retrain him.

In his youth, Anton is prone to quick and passionate relationships. He treats it like a game. In the family, Anton is constant and reliable. By choosing a girl to be his wife, and not just a friend, Anton will finally settle down. For his part, he will provide that “wall” behind which there will be peace in any of life’s adversities. No need to wait from Anton family life Italian temperament. This is not what he sees as a manifestation of love for the woman he loves. Treats children with love and enjoys spending time with them.

The mystery of the name Anton

Anton's secret can be called his tendency to jealousy. He's serious about family relations, demands the same attitude from his wife. Light flirting is now prohibited. As they say - everything goes to the house. However, he doesn’t make a big secret of this, but many girls don’t notice this until marriage.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Cheetah.

Name color- Yellow. More matching colors- red and white.

Tree- Maple.

Plant- Garlic.

Stone- Pomegranate.

Short form of the name Anton. Antokha, Antosha, Tony, Ante, Tosha, Antonka, Antonya, Antosya, Tosya, Antya, Tonya, Anto, Antush, Antos, Titoan, Tonio, Nino, Tituan.
Synonyms for the name Anton. Anthony, Antonin, Anthony, Antonius, Antoine, Antonio, Anthony, Antal.
Origin of the name Anton. The name Anton is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Anton has Latin roots, coming from the Roman family name Antonius (Antonius, Anthony). This is a very ancient Roman family name, so exact value not known.

It is possible that it comes from the ancient Greek “antao” (“anteo”), meaning “to meet”, “to collide”. There is an interpretation of the name close to this meaning - “entering into battle”, “opposing”. There is also a version that the root of the name Anton is “anthos” - “flower”.

The paired female name for the name Anton is Antonia. But the name Antonida is “daughter of Anthony.” Variants in other languages: Antoinette, Anton. From the generic name Antonius the derivative name Antonin (Antonen) appeared, to which the pair female name is Antonina.

The diminutive Tony subsequently became an independent name, although it continues to be actively used in relation to the name Anton and its analogues (mainly in European and English-speaking countries).

The church version of the name Anton is Anthony; it is worn by many saints and reverends. Christians especially venerate the Monk Anthony the Great, who was one of the first monks to lead a hermit life. People themselves began to look for him in order to touch his wisdom.

The owner of the name Anton is a man not without a certain charm, although he does not necessarily use it consciously. He would rather be loved by others for the intelligent and subtle qualities of his mind than for the seductive powers he may possess.

He is a reserved and preoccupied person who, although quite charming and outgoing, does not like to talk much about himself and remains rather secretive. A man named Anton is like a man who was born to win, he is capable of dynamism and determination, is extremely persuasive and tends to be responsible for all his actions.

Anton has a talent for organization, but he does not appreciate fast work, work without thoroughness. His ability to work is significant, he has a practical approach and analytical thinking, he has a skeptical and critical manner in assessing both his own efforts and the efforts of others. Effective in self-defense, sometimes quite unrestrained in criticism.

As a child, he is an extremely independent boy, maybe even too much. Anton often strives to get away from everyone, to retire with a book, and prefers to be alone than in unwanted company. Parents should pay attention to this tendency and instill in the boy the importance of spending time together and cooperation, since such behavior can lead to a self-centered pattern of behavior in life.

Anton enjoys silence, study, reflection, analysis and meditation, and is often interested in advanced technology ( information Technology, nanotechnology, robotics, oil and gas industry). Accuracy of perception and in-depth study of the issue will help him find his calling in architecture, scientific fields, marketing, and logistics. Despite all his personal isolation, Anton knows how to correctly build sequences, think logically, and has perseverance in achieving goals, which is why such areas as politics and sports are close to him.

In matters of the heart, he is a rather shy man, hiding his keen sensitivity behind a veil of indifference that can make him seem cold and unfeeling. However, Anton has an excellent moral character. Extremely demanding and selective in his personal relationships, he may remain a lone wolf unless he manages to find a soulmate, a spouse with whom he can share everything. And he will choose her in accordance with the general intellectual, cultural or spiritual kinship.

Anton's birthday

Anton celebrates his name day on January 18, January 30, March 9, March 13, March 14, March 16, April 21, April 27, May 1, May 2, May 26, June 1, July 7, July 19, July 23, July 25 , July 26, August 16, August 17, October 30, November 22, December 20.

The founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery and one of the first monks in Rus', the Monk Anthony did not at all live up to the literal meaning of his name.

Since childhood, dreaming of becoming a monk, already as a youth Anthony reached Holy Mount Athos (the territory of modern Greece). Having taken monastic vows, he very soon, with his humility and obedience, attracted the attention of the local abbot, who blessed him to return to Russian land and preach Christian values ​​by his example.

Returning to his homeland, Anthony settled in solitude near Kyiv. With his gentle, deeply prayerful life, he began to attract other people who began to settle around the cave. This is how the famous monastery was formed.

Famous people named Anton

  • Anton Chekhov ((1860-1904) Russian writer and playwright. Considered a classic of world, not just Russian literature. His plays, stories and stories have been translated into more than 100 languages. “The Seagull”, “Three Sisters” and “ Cherry Orchard" - the most famous plays that have been staged in all theaters around the world for more than a hundred years. He was also a practicing physician.)
  • Anton Makarenko ((1888-1939) Soviet teacher of world renown. According to the decision of UNESCO (1988), Anton Makarenko is considered one of the four teachers who influenced the entire pedagogy of the twentieth century. He was also a writer - all his works are devoted to pedagogy and education.)
  • Anton Rubinstein ((1829-1894) Russian composer, was also a pianist and conductor. He stood at the origins of professional musical education in Russia. Thanks to him, the very first Russian conservatory appeared in St. Petersburg in 1862, where he became a music teacher. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is his student.)
  • Anton Denikin ((1872-1947) Russian commander, military man, leader of the White Guards, was also a political and public figure. He wrote memoirs, journalism, and was a military documentarian.)
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek ((1632-1723) Dutch scientist, studied natural sciences. He improved the production of lenses for microscopes, which made it possible to achieve 500x magnification. Discovered red blood cells, studied bacteria, found new types of organisms.)
  • Anton Kalishevsky ((1863-1925) Russian literary critic, was involved in the organization of librarianship in Moscow, became director of the library of Moscow University)
  • Anton Walter ((1905-1965) Soviet scientist, nuclear physicist, for the first time in the USSR, together with other scientists, artificially split atomic nucleus accelerated protons)
  • Anton Sikharulidze ((born 1976) Russian figure skater (pair skating), twice medalist Olympic Games, multiple winner of various prestigious championships)
  • Anton Golovaty ((1732/1744 - 1797) Cossack ataman, founder of the Black Sea Cossack Army. Initiated the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks to Kuban. He was a philanthropist and cultural figure of his era.)
  • Anton Nosatovsky ((1883-1955) Russian scientist, agronomist-breeder. Received two new varieties of spring wheat.)
  • Anton Rutner ((1817-1897) Austrian geographer, conqueror and unstoppable explorer of the Alps)
  • Anton Kandaurov ((1863-1930/1936) Russian artist, illustrator; was a performing artist at the Bolshoi and Maly theaters)
  • Antoine Dorsa ((born 1989) Swiss figure skater (pair skating))
  • Anthony Jarrad Morrow ((born 1985) American basketball player)
  • Antal (Tony) Kocsis ((1905-1994) Hungarian boxer, Olympic champion 1928)
  • Antonin Broz ((born 1987) Czech luger, multiple medalist)

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