Difficult cases of punctuation in complex sentences. Compound sentences in Russian: examples and rules

Punctuation is a rather difficult section of the Russian language. It includes a huge number of rules for the use of punctuation marks in writing. Some of these rules relate to complex sentences. In what cases are commas used, and whether other punctuation marks are used in a complex sentence, these are questions that both schoolchildren and those people who are improving their knowledge of the Russian language should understand.

What are compound sentences?

In the Russian language there is such a thing as complex sentences. There are several types of them. One of them is compound sentences. This term refers to a unit of language that contains several simple sentences connected by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

In such designs, the parts are equal. Unions uniting simple sentences, are not included in any of the parts. To make the essence of the term “compound sentence” clear, we give examples below:

  1. The wind was blowing outside and yellow leaves, whirling, fell from the trees.
  2. Mom went to work, and Vasya decided to go to his classmate for a textbook.
  3. A thunderstorm will begin soon, but Mukhtar will not hide in his booth.

Classification of complex sentences

Constructions formed on the basis of a coordinating connection are classified into sentences with an open and closed structure. The first of them may have more than two parts. In sentences related to structures with a closed structure, only two components are distinguished.

Complex sentences with an open structure are characterized by the meaning of simultaneity. They can be expanded with additional parts. Optional connecting connections ( yes, and, neither...nor) and separating ( either, or, then... then) unions.

For sentences with a closed structure, the above feature is not typical. They can be compared to a closed series. The parts of the sentence are structurally and semantically related and interdependent. The conjunctions that are used are - and, and, however, but, but.

Examples of compound sentences with open structure

These constructions in Russian are divided into several types:

  1. Connecting sentences. They express relations of temporal succession, relations of simultaneity. An example shows punctuation marks in a complex sentence: The door opened and guests entered the room.
  2. Separating sentences. They express relations of alternation and mutual exclusion. Somewhere a fire was set on fire, or a fire occurred. This construction is a mutually exclusive proposition. Either Lisa was spinning around at her desk, or Vasya was throwing notes towards the next row. But this is a proposal for alternation.

Examples of complex sentences with a closed structure

In order to accurately place punctuation marks in a complex sentence and do the exercises perfectly, you need to know that constructions with a closed structure are classified as follows:

  1. Sentences with addition meanings. The rain began to pour, and its small drops began to softly fall to the ground.
  2. Sentences expressing resultative meaning. The second part expresses the result, consequence or conclusion caused by the first part. The day was drawing to a close, and the objects in the room gradually lost their outlines.
  3. Sentences with an adversative meaning. Everyone knew him, and no one wanted to communicate with him.
  4. Comparative sentences. The father left the room, and the mother was left alone with her daughter.
  5. Comparative and distributive constructions. In the distance an old, crumbling house could be seen, and next to it lay logs brought by the owners of the land.
  6. Suggestions of inconsistency. The sun rose outside, and Vasya was still sleeping.
  7. Opposing restrictive sentences. In such constructions, one of the parts reports a situation that limits the manifestation of action in the other part. Andrei wanted to stop the search, but Alexandra did not want to give up.
  8. Opposing-concessive offers. The rain had stopped long ago, but the ground continued to remain damp.
  9. Opposing and countervailing proposals. The furnishings in the house were simple and sparse, but the atmosphere seemed very cozy and warm.

Placing commas in a complex sentence

In each of the above examples, you can notice the comma. The placement of punctuation marks in a complex sentence is explained existing rule. It states that simple parts contained in a complex structure are separated from each other by commas.

If we supplement the above rule, we can say that commas separate parts of a complex sentence connected by conjunctions:

  • connecting;
  • dividing;
  • adversative;
  • connecting;
  • explanatory.

Cases when a comma is not placed before conjunctions and, yes, or, or

Many schoolchildren who do not yet know all the rules for using punctuation marks think that before conjunctions and, yes, or, either Commas are always used in complex sentences. Actually this is not true. There are several exceptions to general rule. So, there is no comma:

  • when simple constructions that are part of a complex sentence have a common minor member ( Residents walked along the village street and children rode bicycles);
  • when simple constructions from a complex sentence have something in common subordinate clause (When the performance ended, the curtain came down and the audience applauded.);
  • When simple designs explain the common third part connected with them by a non-union connection ( She felt unwell: her temperature rose and she felt pain in her head.).

Commas are also not placed before dividing and connecting conjunctions if the constructions include interrogative, exclamatory or incentive sentences. Example: When will the meeting start and what issues will those present discuss?

Dash in a complex sentence

What punctuation marks are used in a complex sentence? The construction can contain not only commas, but also dashes. This punctuation mark is used in cases where there is a sharp contrast or unexpected addition in the second part of the sentence. The dash serves as a substitute for a comma. The stranger threw the manuscript into the fire - and suddenly thunder roared.

The punctuation mark is also placed in those constructions in which their parts are one-part nominative (or denominative) sentences. Here are some examples showing a dash in a compound sentence:

  1. A sudden clap of thunder - and blinding lightning flashes in the sky.
  2. Another two or three hours - and the performance will end.
  3. One shot - and the hunter hit the bird rising into the sky.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence: the rule for using semicolons

This punctuation mark is used in several cases. Firstly, it is necessary when parts of a complex sentence are significantly common. A semicolon divides the structure into two parts, which greatly facilitates the perception of information. He constantly gave her flowers, looked after her beautifully, spoke kind and tender words that could turn the head of any woman; but she did not pay attention to him, did not see all his merits and positive qualities.

It is worth noting that the semicolon is placed mainly in those sentences in which the parts are separated by conjunctions yes and, but, however, but. In rare cases, a punctuation mark is used in a construction before a conjunction A.

Some additional nuances in using semicolons

Before unions and, yes (with the meaning and) The semicolon is not always used. This punctuation mark is used only when in a complex sentence two parts are combined, which without the mentioned conjunctions could be separated by a period. On the table this morning delicious soup, spring rolls and meat cutlets; and while we were eating, my mother came into the kitchen to ask what to cook for us for lunch.

Sometimes the use of a semicolon is optional, that is, it is optional. Here's an example: He already knew Sveta, she was not brought from far away, from a neighboring village, and she had been brought to him before. There are commas in a complex sentence. The parts included in the composition are connected by a union yes and. It forms a connection between two one-part indefinite sentences.

Colon in a compound sentence

A colon is a punctuation mark that divides a sentence into two parts. One of them is connected with the other by causal and explanatory relationships. In complex sentences, a colon may be present. The weather changed outside: the wind rose and clouds covered the sky.

As you can see from the example above, the part containing information about wind and clouds shows how the weather has changed. If the constructions lack explanatory and generalizing parts, then punctuation marks in a complex sentence in the form of colons are not used.


Punctuation marks in a complex sentence can be different (comma, dash, semicolon). In some cases a colon is necessary. It is worth remembering that it is very important to correctly distinguish complex constructions from simple sentences that are complicated by homogeneous predicates. Here are some examples:

  1. The students asked a question and the teacher answered it.
  2. The sun peeked through the window and illuminated the interior with its rays.

The first sentence is complex. In it, the parts are separated by a comma and a conjunction And. The second construction from the example also contains this union. However, there is no comma in the sentence, since it is not complex.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that our speech consists of sentences, some of which are complex. It is very important to know the rules for placing commas, dashes, semicolons, and colons. The fact is that in spoken speech we use intonation in order to be better understood, and in written speech we use punctuation marks. They are of great importance and can even decide a person’s fate. The importance of the function of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, as in any other, is confirmed by the famous phrase “execute cannot be pardoned.” That is why it is necessary to remember the rules and learn to apply them in practice.

1. Complex sentence, etc. A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence connected by conjunctions:

*connective (and, yes in the meaning and, neither... nor); *adversative (a, but, yes in the meaning of, however, however, but, otherwise, not); *dividing (or, either, whether.

Lee then. . . then, not those. . . not that); *connective (yes, yes and, too, also); *explanatory (that is, namely).

If the parts of a complex sentence are significantly common or have commas inside them, then a semicolon is placed between them (before the conjunctions but and yes in the meaning of “and” only if they connect parts that would otherwise be separated by a period): Almost every evening later they went somewhere out of town to Oreanda or to a waterfall; and the walk was a success, the impressions were invariably beautiful and majestic every time.

If the second part of a complex sentence contains an unexpected addition or sharp opposition in relation to the first part, then a dash is placed between them instead of a comma: Dexterous and strong blows with sledgehammers on the barrels of machine guns, and the Nazis can no longer shoot (V. Stavsky). The comma before the conjunctions a, yes (meaning “and”), or, or is not placed in a complex sentence:

If parts of a complex sentence have a common minor member (In such a storm, the wolf does not prowl and the bear does not crawl out of its den); -if parts of a complex sentence have a common subordinate clause (When a thunderstorm began, the game stopped and the children rushed to run home); -between two nominative sentences (Walk in the forest and boating); -between two interrogative sentences(What time is it now and how much time is left before the train leaves?).

A comma is not placed between two impersonal sentences that have synonymous words as part of the predicates (You need to rewrite the work and explain the mistakes made in it).

2. Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence:

The subordinate clause is separated from the main clause by a comma or separated by commas on both sides if it is inside the main clause. Sometimes, with intonational emphasis, explanatory subordinate clauses (as well as conditional clauses with the conjunction li) standing before the main sentence are separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash: He who is cheerful laughs (L. -K.); As the teacher said, I listened for a long time at the window (Plsch.);

In rare cases, a colon is placed before a subordinating conjunction: this occurs when the previous part of a complex sentence contains a special warning about subsequent clarification (at this point you can insert the words “namely”): Hadji Murat was sitting nearby in the room and, although he did not understand of what they were saying, he understood, however, what he needed to understand: that they were arguing about him and that his departure from Shamil was a matter of great importance for the Russians. . (L T.)

When a subordinate clause is connected to the main clause using a complex subordinating conjunction (because, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, so that, instead of, in order to, in order to, after, while, since, etc.), then the comma is placed once: *before the conjunction, if the subordinate clause follows the main one: We sat on the corner of the bastion, so that we could see in both directions All; *after the entire subordinate clause, if it precedes the main clause. A subordinate clause consisting of only one relative word is not separated by a comma: He was offended, but did not say why.

3. Difficult non-union proposal- a sentence in which the parts that form it (simple sentences) are interconnected in meaning, intonation, and the order in which the parts are arranged. There are no conjunctions between the parts of such a sentence. Comma and semicolon in a non-union complex sentence:

A comma is placed between independent sentences combined into one complex non-union sentence if such sentences are closely related to each other in meaning: Deep darkness fell in the sky, day fell on a dark valley, dawn rose (P.).

If the parts of a non-union complex sentence are distant from each other in meaning or are significantly widespread and have commas inside them, then a semicolon is placed between them: At the gate I saw an old cast-iron cannon; the streets were cramped and crooked, the huts were low and mostly covered with straw (P.); It was already evening; the sun disappeared behind a small aspen grove that lay half a mile from the garden; her shadow stretched endlessly across the motionless fields (T.).

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More on topic 42 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence:

  1. 2. Unconnected complex sentences, punctuation marks in them. (24)
  2. The concept of a complex sentence. The place of a complex sentence in the system of syntactic units of language. The grammatical meaning of a complex sentence as its main distinguishing feature. Complex sentence as a structural-semantic association predicative parts and as a special independent unit of syntax. Differential features of a complex sentence.

Topic: BSC: structure, meaning, punctuation Date: 10/1/15

Class:11 B

Target: summarize and systematize students’ knowledge on the topic: “Repetition. Types of complex sentences. Complex sentences."


    repeat and consolidate students’ ability to determine the structure of the BSC and its parts,

    use punctuation marks as well as spelling skills;

    help students understand the scope of use of these constructions;

    intensify vocabulary students by fully answering questions and

    making proposals on the topic of the lesson;

    develop the mental activity of students;

    cultivate a love of language and a sense of mutual assistance;

    test students' knowledge on the topic of the lesson.


1. Repetition of what has been learned

The golden grove said...
Birch in..gray tongue
And the cranes suddenly shed...
They (don’t) really care about anything else. (verse: “The golden grove dissuaded”)

I came to this earth
To quickly...throw her away. (verse: “Beloved land! The heart dreams of stacks of sun in the waters of the bosom...”

The village was sweating in potholes
Zasl..nila hut l..sa. (verse "Rus")

S. Yesenin


Explain the spelling, open the brackets, insert missing punctuation marks. Whether these sentences are simple or complex, determine their type. (1st - BSP; 2nd - SPP; 3rd - SSP)

Questions for the class:

    Why is the first sentence complex?(Both parts of this sentence are connected using intonation and the coordinating conjunction I)

    Why is the second sentence an NGN?(The parts of the second sentence are unequal; they are connected using intonation and the subordinating conjunction CHOB)

    Prove that the third sentence is a BSP.(Its parts are connected only by intonation)

Let's diagram these proposals.

2. Generalization of the material. Drawing up a diagram

Complex sentence
Union Non-Union


    What sentences will we call compound?(SSP These are sentences consisting of 2 or more equal parts, interconnected by intonation and by means of coordinating conjunctions.Coordinating conjunctions are located between the parts of the BSC and are not included in any of them)

    How does BSC differ from SPP?(SPP consists of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses, which depend on each other and are interconnected subordinating conjunctions and allied words)

    What about BSP?(These are complex sentences, the parts of which are equal and connected to each other using intonation)

Teacher. Today we will focus on the BSC. What can you say about punctuation marks in BSC? Let's turn to the board.

Example 1 :

Bad weather is rustling outside,
And they have been sleeping in the house for a long time. (A. Tolstoy)

(In SPP, a comma is placed between simple sentences connected by coordinating conjunctions)

Related question: what coordinating conjunctions do you know?

A) composing (and, yes, no, no, also, too)
B) adversative (a, but, yes (= but), however, at least, otherwise, not that)
C) dividing (or, either, this, not that - not that)

Example 2 : I only had blue paint; but, despite this, I decided to draw a hunt. (L. Tolstoy)

(If parts of the BSC are significantly common or already have commas in them, then a semicolon is placed between them)

Example 3 : I’m in a hurry to get there, and the whole city is already there. (A.S. Pushkin)

(If the second part of the BSC contains an unexpected addition or sharp opposition in relation to the 1st part, then between them instead of a comma is put dash )

Example 4 : Heavy trucks were moving along the streets, cars were racing, and pedestrians were walking hurriedly.

(A comma is placed in the SSP if both parts have a common minor member or a common subordinate clause and are connected by a repeating conjunction)

A comma is not placed before conjunctions AND, YES (=AND), OR:

Example 5 : It seems that the leaf does not move and the twig does not creak.

(If parts of the BSC have a common secondary member or introductory word)

Example 6 : When the thunderstorm started, the game stopped and the children rushed home.

(If parts of the BSC have a common subordinate clause)

Example 7 : Walk in winter forest and sledding.

(Between two noun clauses)

Example 8 : What time is it now and how much time do we still have to wait?

(Between two interrogative sentences)

Example 9 : Need to write a paper andshould explain the mistakes made in it.

(Between impersonal sentences containing SYNONYMS as predicates).

5. Practicing skills and abilities. Explanatory dictation

    The dry crack of a rocket launcher - and two green lights flash in the sky.(A. Perventsev)

    On round table a tablecloth was covered and there was a Chinese cutlery.(L. Tolstoy)

    In the cold field the wind rustled, and the rain poured, and thunder roared.

    The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and the whitish fog was beginning to disperse when the bell rang.

6. Training exercise:

Exercise: copy down the sentences, insert missing letters, punctuation marks. Determine the type of coordinating conjunctions.

    She laughed (with) all her heart and her laughter gave sparkling...power to her...sweetening beauty. (N.V.Gogol)

    We have grown apart... but I keep your portrait on my chest. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

    At this time, in the d..vichya, not only was the prime minister known, but also appearance it was described in detail. (L.N. Tolstoy)

(Careless) strokes lay on the canvas
And the sea wave ran into the distance.
And there was no trace of sadness and melancholy.
The soul fluttered up in the waves, catching up.
The water changes color it burns
And hundreds of moons rush streams somewhere.
The sun is about to appear in the east
And the ocean will obediently fall silent.

Assignment: write out the SSP poem from the text.

7. Constructing sentences

Exercise: form a BSC from a simple sentence.

    Despite late time, you could still hear birds singing in the forest.(The time was late, however (but) birdsong could still be heard in the forest.)

    Due to prolonged rains, the swamps became impassable.(It rained heavily, and the swamps became impassable.)

    Cautious steps are heard. Someone's stomping is heard.(Careful steps are heard, then someone’s whisper is heard.)

8. Selective cheating

Exercise: (according to options) write down sentences and make diagrams (teacher reads the text)

Option 1 – simple with homogeneous members
Option 2 – SSP

    Chelkash became angry and a sharp burning sensation in his chest shook him. (M. Gorky)

    Grandfather sipped tea from a glass and listened to the conversation. (V. Veresaev)

    The first hunting failure made me angry, but did not destroy my passion. (I. Turgenev)

    By dawn the dog began to bark and there was a knock on the door.

    The falling snow covered all objects and a white veil enveloped everything around.

    Zakhar with difficulty freed himself from the door and immediately closed it behind him.

9. Test work (test) in order to test students’ knowledge on the topic “Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in BSC"

10. Summing up the lesson


    What is the difference between a simple sentence and a complex one?

    What types of complex sentences do you know?

    What sentences are called SS?

    How do SSP differ from BSP and SPP?

    When is there no comma between simple sentences in the BSC?

11. Homework: extract from texts fiction 6 compound sentences with various types coordinating conjunctions.

Test work

1 option


A) In the pine thickets, birch trees, showered with dry coolness, trembled from the cold.
B) I convinced myself that this autumn was the first and last in my life.
C) The leaves shriveled from the heat; the trees were charred by the fire.
D) Dawn shone in the east and golden rows of clouds awaited the sun.

2. Indicate the BSC in which a comma is placed

A) Who are they and what do they need?
B) At this time, the hayloft door creaked and Anton’s head poked out.
B) There is snow all around and the trees are covered in white.
D) Linden trees are blooming and it smells like linden honey.

3. Determine the type of sentence by structure: Leikin’s ancestors were serfs, but they were released earlier, amassed capital and were luckier than the Chekhovs.(M. Gromov)


4. Specify the BSC

A) I conveyed your order to him and he fulfilled it with great pleasure.
B) The origins of filial feelings for the fatherland lie where we are born and live.
B) Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten.
D) I returned home, but the image of poor Akulina did not leave my head for a long time.

A) DADON fell from the chariot, gasped once and he died.
B) The river flows through the fields like a cold wave and my gazebo is reflected by the smooth surface of the river.
B) Another second and his hand pulled the fishing rod towards himself.

A) Occasionally a weakened sail will flap or a wave will splash under the stern.
B) either the doctors made a mistake or the wound healed itself.
C) After the thunderstorm, everything was shining and breathing was easy.

A) My friend spoke little but very interestingly.
B) In the mowing, mosquitoes and midges are circling.
C) The weather is excellent and there is no rain.

Option 2

1. Indicate the type of complex sentences (no punctuation marks )

A) The sun set and night followed day without interval. (M. Lermontov)
B) You could hear frogs screaming somewhere far away.
C) She is as fresh as a spring flower nurtured in the shade of an oak forest. (A.S. Pushkin)
D) We lived in a village, under our window there was a meadow all golden with dandelions. (M. Prishvin)

2. Indicate BSCs that do not use a comma

A) For many centuries, hot winds dried this land and the sun burned until it became so strong.
B) He listened to me with a smile, but at times his gaze was insensitive.
C) After a thunderstorm, the air is clean and easy to breathe.
D) My legs began to tremble and my head began to spin.

3. Determine the type of sentence based on its structure: By dawn, the dog suddenly went crazy with barking and then fell silent and whined joyfully. (Ch. Aitmatov)

B) simple, complicated by homogeneous members.

4. Specify the BSC

A) A dry leaf falls at night, the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.
B) Somewhat away from the house, a miserable cherry orchard darkened and there were sleeping sunflowers. (A. Chekhov)
B) Chelkash was not in a good mood today and answered questions abruptly and sharply. (M. Gorky)
D) We will arrive in the evening because the performance will end late.

5. Indicate the BSC where you would place the dash.

A) One jump and the lion is already on the buffalo’s back. (A. Kuprin)
B) It’s boring and sad and there’s no one to give a hand to. (M. Lermontov)
B) He said and Petersburg arose from a wild swamp. (A. Pushkin)

6. Indicate the BSC with a common minor member.

A) It was freezing at night and stars dotted the sky. (I. Bunin)
B) Since dawn, the cuckoo across the river crows loudly in the distance and the young birch forest smells of mushrooms and leaves (I. Bunin)
C) On the lower floor of the balcony, a violin began to play and two gentle female voices sang. (A. Chekhov)

7. Indicate simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members.

A) His soul has come to terms with storms and anxieties and, thrown ashore, he is bored and languishing. (M. Lermontov)
B) Anna stayed at home all day and did not receive anyone. (L. Tolstoy)
C) The saleswoman threw the knife, nodded her head to Pavel and walked across the hall to the side door.

How important it is to put the punctuation mark correctly in the right place, you know and remember famous example: “Execution cannot be pardoned.”

In this lesson we will learn to put or not to put a comma in a complex sentence. After completing the exercises, the test and working with the simulator, you will consolidate your skills and better remember what punctuation marks should be put in the BSC. You will learn that not only a comma, but also a dash can separate simple sentences within a complex sentence.

Subject: Complex sentences

Lesson: Punctuation in Compounds proposals

Compound Sentences(BSC) have two or more bases (like each complex sentence), parts of the SSP are connected using intonation and coordinating conjunctions. These sentences must be distinguished from simple sentences complicated by homogeneous predicates. But simple sentences are not always separated by a comma, and they are not always separated by punctuation marks.

Two simple sentences connected using intonation and a coordinating conjunction.

The day was warm, and here and there the rowan trees glowed for the last time.

Offers have one common member , general subordinatingpart, general introductory word.

Comma we don't put it before conjunctions and, yes (= and), or, or

An orchestra played and a choir of singers sang in the city garden.

Sentences whose parts are two exclamatory, interrogative or imperative sentences.

We don't put a comma

What time is it now and how long do we have to wait?

Which warm evening and what clean air!

Clean the room and set the table!

The second part of the sentence contains unexpected joining or sharp opposition in relation to the first part.

Dadon fell from the chariot, gasped once - and he died. (A. Pushkin).



1. How to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from?

2. Are simple sentences always separated by a comma in BSC?

3. In what cases are simple sentences in the SSP separated by a dash?

4. In what cases do we not put a comma in the BSC?

Exercise 1. Underline grammar basics in sentences.

(1) The sun came into the windows and washed the glass with dew. (2) The day was warm, and here and there the rowan trees began to glow for the last time. (3) In the city garden, an orchestra played and a choir of songwriters sang. (4) What time is it now and how long do we have to wait? (5) What a warm evening and what clean air! (6) Clean the room and set the table! (7) Dadon fell from the chariot, gasped once - and he died. (A. Pushkin).

Exercise 2. Explain the placement of signs or their absence in the sentences of exercise 1.

Exercise 3. Place punctuation marks.

1. The minute and the verses will flow freely. (A. Pushkin.) 2. It was freezing at night and stars dotted the sky. 3. Another second and his hand pulled the fishing rod towards himself. 4. The sun was shining high in the sky and the mountains were breathing heat into the sky and the waves below were beating against the stone. (M. Gorky)

1. Efremova T.F. New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative. - M.: Russian language, 2000. ().

2. Reference and information Internet portal “Russian language”| Dictionaries... ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9th grade. general educational institutions / S.. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Czech. M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; edited by MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing M.: 2012.

Unified state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Demo version control measurement materials of the 2013 unified state exam in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS"

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for state (final) certification in 2011, 2012, 2013 (in new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of the main general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

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