I dream about cabbage. Fresh cabbage in a dream - explanations of famous psychologists and dream books

A dream in which cabbage appears is always a hint for certain actions of the dreamer in reality. Therefore, it is very important to know why cabbage is dreamed of.

It is very important to know what you need to pay attention to when deciphering dreams with cabbage. This will allow you to more accurately interpret the dream, which means it will help you avoid negativity in reality.

Dreaming of a big head of cabbage

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, if you see a large and beautiful head of cabbage from the side, then this portends you real world wealth and prosperity. Such a dream lets you know that in the near future you will not encounter any difficulties on the way to your goal, and all troubles will pass you by.

Tight head of cabbage

For a young woman who has recently gotten married, a tight head of cabbage portends an early pregnancy and the birth of healthy children. That is, hence the belief that children are in cabbage.

Seaweed - interpretation of sleep

The appearance of seaweed in a dream is also interpreted in Miller’s dream book. Such a dream indicates that your sick relative will soon recover. It is only very important to carry out treatment using traditional medicine methods and not spare money on medicines.

Types of cabbage, how to interpret them

In addition, the following types of cabbage in a dream can be interpreted as follows:
    Cauliflower symbolizes the end of the black life streak; Salted or sauerkraut predicts that luck will be favorable to you during this period; Stewed cabbage portends numerous obstacles on the way to the goal; Unripe heads of cabbage warn of the need to tell the truth to loved ones.

Why do you dream about cabbage salad?

If you dreamed of cabbage salad, but in the dream you do not eat it, then you will soon make a profit or simply find money. Perhaps the money you receive will be small, but at the same time it will be a joyful event for you.

Growing cabbage - dream book

There are many variations of actions in night dreams with cabbage and each has its own interpretation in dream books. If you grow this vegetable in the garden, then, according to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, this promises a joyful and long-awaited meeting in reality.

Buying cabbage in a dream

Pleasant surprise in real life cabbage bought in a dream at the market or in a store also foreshadows. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of good news that will come to you from afar.

Water the cabbage

When you dreamed that you were watering cabbage in the garden, this indicates that you are too protective of your children. In order for your children to develop harmoniously, they need to be given more freedom.

Collect cabbage

The plot of the dream, in which you collect cabbage and cut it directly from the garden bed, indicates your wastefulness. You need to learn to spend money wisely, otherwise you will not get out of debt.

Shredding cabbage

If you dream that you are chopping cabbage, then this is a bad sign that promises you grief, tears and melancholy in real life. Moreover, you yourself, and not other people, will be to blame for the current situation around you. Therefore, it is important not to drive yourself to despair, but to try to take a more optimistic view of the reality around you.

Eating cabbage - the meaning of the dream

The most a common question, it is believed that this is what it means to dream of eating cabbage in a dream. Such a dream can promise illness in reality, which, however, can be easily dealt with initial stage. But if timely treatment is not carried out against the background of deteriorating health, serious illnesses may develop.

Boil cabbage leaves

If you cook cabbage leaves in your night dreams, then in reality you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue, which you will most likely provoke yourself. To avoid this in real life, you should not participate in empty conversations and chatter. During this period, any carelessly spoken word of yours can turn against you. And, as you know, evil gossip and slander can make life unbearable and lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

Why do you dream about a cabbage stalk?

The warning is a dream in which a stalk is cut out of cabbage. Perhaps in real life you will have to re-educate your husband or children who do not know how to behave in society.

Cooking cabbage dishes

It is important to know why you dream about cooking cabbage dishes, because such a plot is not a very good sign. Such a dream indicates that in real life you have debts that greatly interfere with your life. Therefore, it is very important to deal with them as quickly as possible and learn to cope with financial difficulties on your own in the future.

Cutting cabbage

When you cut cabbage in a dream, for example, into salad, it means that in the near future you will experience a feeling of jealousy. This is a devastating feeling and very often unfounded. Therefore, it is very important to see the situation from an objective point of view and evaluate it adequately. Strive not to let jealousy into your soul, but to clarify all questions in a sincere conversation with your partner. Interpretations various dream books dreams about cabbage can sometimes seem strange. Try to perceive them objectively in relation to a certain life situation.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream about cabbage - always bad dream. Unrest can run rampant in a variety of forms.

Cutting and harvesting cabbage means that with wasteful spending you are preparing disasters for yourself.

Dreaming that you are eating cauliflower- promises you a reprimand for neglecting your duties.

Seeing it grow means that after a period of failures and losses, bright prospects await you.

If a young woman sees her in the garden, this means that she will marry according to the will of her parents, and not according to her own.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Cabbage - well-being; crumble - melancholy; planting - a profitable life; eating is a hard life.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Family dream book

Dreaming about cabbage means unrest.

Green cabbage - portends treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.

If in a dream you cut and harvested cabbage, it means you are too wasteful.

A dream in which you ate cauliflower means that you will soon receive a severe reprimand for neglecting your duties.

If you see cauliflower growing, consider that the period of failure is over. Brilliant prospects are opening up before you.

A young woman who sees cauliflower growing in a garden in a dream will get married, even if her parents do not approve of her step.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cabbage in a dream symbolizes a heap of unresolved problems and an abundance of troubles.

Planting, watering or cutting cabbage is a sign that you are doing your business poorly and risk getting into a lot of trouble.

Eating cabbage in a dream is a harbinger of serious money problems. After such a dream, you should be more careful with your finances.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cabbage is a very complicated matter that lasts several years.

Sea kale is a dream hint: you need to include this product in your diet, otherwise you will have problems with thyroid gland.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Spring dream book

Cabbage - to a complex, intricate matter.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Summer dream book

Seeing how you salt cabbage in a dream means caring about your family.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you plant cabbage in the garden means big profits.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing cabbage in the beds in a dream is a bad sign, a harbinger of confusion in business and feelings. Weeding and watering cabbage means treachery in love and adultery. Cabbage gnawed by hares or caterpillars - in reality you will be slandered or slandered in gossip that you will hear from third parties.

If in a dream you are harvesting cabbage, then in reality you will plunge the whole family into poverty and constant debt with your unjustified wastefulness. Planting cabbage seedlings means receiving good news from afar.

Buying cabbage means in reality you will encounter an unexpected phenomenon or witness an incredible event. Cooking cabbage in a dream means deception, lies and pretense, boring, dull and monotonous work. Salting or pickling cabbage means disappointment in love, tears and stormy explanations, reconciliation and finding hope. Shredding cabbage heads means family discord.

Eating cabbage dishes in a dream foretells that in reality you will be pleasantly pleased and surprised by an unexpected gift and sign of attention from your husband or lover. Cauliflower in a dream threatens to receive a reprimand in real life for neglect of one's official duties. Cooking cauliflower means that failures will soon be followed by significant success.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cauliflower is a cold.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of cabbage, in the near future you may meet a person who in the future may become your beloved (beloved).

Cook cabbage - for a date with your beloved (beloved).

In a dream, you watched someone cook cabbage - a girl (young man) to whom you are completely indifferent will give you a date.

You dreamed that you were picking cabbage in a field - empty talk and trouble await you.

Planting cabbage in a field means a boring, measured life.

Eating cabbage in a dream means a precious gift.

A dream in which you watched someone eat cabbage - one of your friends will receive a valuable gift.

Seeing cauliflower in a dream means trouble.

In a dream, you watched cauliflower grow - know that after failures, success awaits you.

Cooking, frying, boiling cauliflower is a disappointment.

You dreamed that someone was cooking, frying, boiling cauliflower - soon one of your loved ones may greatly upset you.

Eating cauliflower is a reprimand for neglecting your duties.

If you dreamed that you watched someone eat cauliflower, you will soon receive a reprimand due to the fault of one of your friends.

In a dream, you bought or picked cauliflower - be careful, you risk committing a rash act that can bring big trouble to your head.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Esoteric dream book

Eating, planting cabbage means money.

Seeing and chopping means unsuccessful purchases.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Cabbage is one of the most negative symbols in our dreams.

Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.

Cutting and harvesting cabbage means preparing yourself for a bitter fate with wasteful spending.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Azar's Dream Book

Cabbage - trouble, illness.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Cook cabbage - gossip; there is a gift.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Modern dream book

Seeing cabbage in a dream does not bode well. Failures and confusion await you in all areas of life.

Seeing green cabbage in a dream means mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage.

Cutting a head of cabbage is a sign that your generosity and extravagance will bring you a lot of trouble.

To dream that you are eating cauliflower means that in reality you will receive a scolding for neglecting your official duties.

If you see it growing, after a dark period of losses, your prospects will become brilliant again.

If a young woman dreams similar dream- she will marry to please her parents, sacrificing her feelings.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Eastern dream book

Cabbage is a bad dream and foretells a series of minor failures and problems in all areas of life.

Seeing unripe heads of cabbage means mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage.

If you cut a head of ripe cabbage, be more economical; your wastefulness is a direct path to bankruptcy.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

family troubles, illness or loss. Cauliflower is a cold.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Cabbage - well-being.

Crumbling is melancholy.

Salting is a profitable life.

There is a serious illness.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cabbage - to money or poverty; worries.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Cabbage mean in a dream - To a quick find or accidental profit. Imagine that there is more and more cabbage. It will be good if you imagine that you are loading cabbage into a car.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Modern dream book

Cabbage - Family troubles, poverty, illness

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Cabbage - You dreamed of a head of cabbage - family troubles will befall you; it will be like a tangle of many threads - if you pull one thread, others will be pulled in; your problems are too tightly linked to each other; they can only be solved by looking at everything together. You see growing green cabbage in a dream - using the example of the person you love, you will learn the cruel meaning common expression that in love - every man for himself; it is quite possible that the person who swore his love to you will break his vows; If you are married, don’t advertise too much that you trust your loved one one hundred percent, lest you soon be disappointed!..

You chop cabbage - your remark will have an unexpected effect; when you evaluate others, be thrice careful; in the absence of a person, talk about him as you would if he were nearby; a word can hurt more than a knife. You plant cabbage - in reality you will learn important news; you will see a number of interesting perspectives. You are harvesting cabbage from the garden - the dream suggests that you are too wasteful; Perhaps you have holey socks, and you are wasting your money. You cook cabbage soup with cabbage - gossip in which your good name is violated in the most vile way will greatly upset you.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What Cabbage means in a dream - to finds, winnings, repayment of old debts and other unplanned income. Imagine a vegetable garden or field where all the beds are planted with ripe heads of cabbage. You see workers cutting cabbages and putting them in large boxes or bags. You approach them and join in the harvesting - you also begin to cut the cabbage. If you dream of big income, imagine cabbage being loaded onto trucks. Then imagine taking the cabbage heads home, cutting one into a salad, and eating it alone or with your family. If you dream of expensive gifts, imagine preparing, boiling and eating cauliflower.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Ancient Russian dream book

Cabbage - Eating in a dream portends boredom and sorrow; Eating cauliflower portends the acquisition of honors without any profit. Writing with a pencil means fragile hope. Seeing a carriage portends troubles on business; Riding in a carriage means elevation in rank and dignity.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Cabbage - This vegetable symbolizes vegetation, a waste of time, a vain search for truth. Seeing a kachan means difficulties. Eating cabbage means poverty, loss of time. Seeing cabbage growing in the garden means news, unexpected guests.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Jewish dream book

What does Cabbage mean in a dream - Cooking cabbage in the spring - to minor failures; in the summer - to a lot of gossip; in the fall - this portends attempts to deceive; in winter - you will receive a message that will upset you. Stewing cabbage means boredom and sadness. Seeing cabbage is extraordinary large sizes- a sign that you will receive an offer that should be treated with great caution.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Women's dream book

Dreaming about Cabbage – Cabbage is one of the most negative symbols of our dreams. Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage. Cutting and harvesting cabbage means preparing yourself for a bitter fate with wasteful spending, as the cabbage dream book interprets.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Cabbage - empty things, empty chores, a waste of time. Green cabbage - marital quarrels, treachery in love, infidelity. Shredding cabbage is wasteful. Seeing cabbage in the garden means a temporary loss of strength. Cauliflower - disregard for the rules. Cutting and harvesting cabbage means constant troubles in life.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

associated with the slang expression for the word money; but may also indicate children "found in the cabbage".

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Men's dream book

Complications in family life, troubles and disappointments. Cutting cabbage, cutting cabbage forks from the garden means that you yourself will upset someone, cause pain to a loved one. Dropping a head of cabbage that has rolled away from you symbolizes the loss of emotional contact with your child.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Old Russian dream book

cook - gossip; there is a gift.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream book for the whole family

Cabbage - complications in family life, troubles and sorrows.

Cutting cabbage, cutting cabbage forks from the garden means that you yourself will upset someone, cause pain to a loved one.

Dropping a head of cabbage that has rolled away from you symbolizes the loss of emotional contact with the child.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Chopping cabbage - such a dream means that soon you will have to part with illusions and remove pink glasses.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, cabbage warns that you will face violent attacks due to your partner’s jealousy.

Eating it means financial difficulties, losses, possible deterioration in the health of your relatives, and separation from them.

A dream in which cauliflower appears - the black streak is coming to an end, new horizons promise an interesting and happy future. New opportunities will open up before you, and there will be a chance to realize what you have long planned.

If it's green, you'll be carried away love passions, even to the point of cheating on your regular partner.

Salted cabbage - provide unique opportunity achieve amazing results.

Stewed cabbage - turmoil in business, quarrels and discord in the family. Mutual rejection of each other’s values ​​provokes numerous quarrels and separation between spouses.

You dreamed of cabbage salad - expect quick and instant enrichment.

I dreamed of chopping cabbage - quarreling with my closest relatives over a trifle. Feel worried about your future.

Whole cabbage is very good, positive sign. Things are going well, the results of the work bring pleasure.

If you eat something prepared from it, a very pleasant surprise awaits you, which you could never expect; your loved one will make you very happy.

To purchase it - something inexplicable, even an incredible event awaits you.

Collecting cabbage in the field - you should be more rational about your own finances, otherwise you will bring disaster not only on yourself, but also on your entire family, you will be constantly in debt.

Planting cabbage in a dream - your house will soon be filled with the cry of a child; a new family member will require a lot of attention and care, which will be a joy for you.

Rotten cabbage - fall into a debt trap. Collectors will not let you live in peace. Relatives will be unhappy with your debt obligations and inability to pay everything on time.

Sauerkraut - spouses will experience mixed feelings of anxiety and jealousy towards their other half. However, these feelings will not have any basis.

Fresh cabbage - for the arrival of a child in your family. Happy event, which will bring all relatives together.

Buying cabbage means the appearance of old acquaintances on the threshold of your home; you will greet them cordially and affably.

I dreamed of cutting cabbage - omissions will give rise to disputes and scandals in the family. Your task

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Growing cabbage is a symbol of improving life situation and health; crumbling a head of cabbage is a sign of negative emotions; eating, especially raw food, leads to vitamin deficiency, deficiency of vitamins I, C, A and deficiency of essential microelements, in particular phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and iron; To possible illness stomach or intestines.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Solomon's Dream Book

Cabbage - family troubles, illness, fight.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

An old English dream book

A dream about cabbage foreshadows the jealousy of a husband, wife, or lover.

If in a dream you cut cabbage yourself, it means that you will have to suffer because of the jealousy of your loved one.

If you see someone else doing this activity, it means that someone is trying with all their might to destroy your faith in your loved one.

Even worse possible consequences a dream in which you eat cabbage - it foreshadows the illness of loved ones, bereavements. At best, you will get away with losing a large amount of money.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream book of lovers

Green cabbage is a sign of infidelity and betrayal from the outside loved one.

A girl who dreams of cauliflower will marry the man her parents choose.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Lunar dream book

Cooking cabbage - gossip; there is a gift.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Russian dream book

Cabbage - for a fun life.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Russian dream book

Cabbage - associated with the slang expression for the word money; but may also indicate children "found in the cabbage".

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

Eating in a dream - portends boredom and sorrow; eating cauliflower - foretells the acquisition of honors without any profit.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Cabbage is a stupid woman.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Cabbage is self-sacrifice.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream book for a bitch

Cabbage - unrest, confusion.

Collecting cabbage - your extravagance can lead to bankruptcy.

Eating cauliflower - perform your duties accurately, accurately and in a timely manner.

Seeing cauliflower in a garden bed in a dream means a quick arranged marriage awaits you, which you may be happy with if you look at everything realistically and soberly.

Why do you dream about cabbage?

Dream book of the 21st century

Dreaming about cabbage is a harbinger of upcoming troubles associated with women.

Cooking it in a dream means boredom; tearing - to gossip; planting - to the news; salt - to deception; shredding - to surprise; eating cabbage in a dream means a gift.

Green cabbage - dreams of possible difficulties or anger.

A lot of cabbage in a dream means difficult memories.

If you see in a dream that you are eating cauliflower, the dream promises you a reprimand for neglecting your duties.

Seeing it grow means that after a period of failures and losses, bright prospects await you.

Seeing heads of cabbage in a dream means health problems.

If a young woman sees cauliflower in the garden, it means that she will marry according to the will of her parents, and not according to her own.

Often, clues come to a person in a dream. They should be treated with utmost care in order to change your life and adjust your future. A clue is a dream about a common garden vegetable - cabbage. In many dream books, meeting this regular in our gardens is a sign of monetary profit. To find out why this vegetable is dreamed of, you need to interpret the vision, remembering the details.

What kind of cabbage do we see in our dreams?

What does cabbage seen in a dream mean? Our dream book advises to treat the vision ambiguously. It needs to be considered and analyzed in context. Some dreams about this vegetable are extremely favorable, but there are those that warn of various negative phenomena.

For example, cabbage in Miller's dream book is an unfavorable sign. In this author’s collection, this vegetable does not bring anything good. The dream promises the manifestation of unrest, and it will be expressed in violence and disorder. If you see a green vegetable, this is a sign of treachery. It’s worth taking a closer look at your spouse; perhaps he has already tried to find a replacement for you.

The interpretation of a dream about cabbage is contradictory. It is necessary to remember all the details of what you saw and correlate them with the explanations of the dream books. Dreams with positive values- pleasant meetings, receiving money, reward for Good work. There are options where this vegetable marks future illnesses, adultery, and quarrels.

In Miller's dream book, cleaning this garden vegetable has a negative meaning. Some character traits can cause significant damage to your business. Extravagance and carelessness will lead your affairs to final decline. We need to take serious measures and reconsider our attitude towards money.

Why do you dream White cabbage– our dream book foretells monetary profit when you are planting it. Good sign is a salad made from it, which the sleeping person enjoys with pleasure.

Seeing fresh cabbage in a dream is a warning. The dream book warns that you may encounter treachery in love. The partner may act in a treacherous manner. Pay close attention to this sign of fate to avoid trouble.

Cauliflower in a dream is a good, joyful sign. It symbolizes that all the troubles that accompany you in Lately, have come to an end. The black streak of failures ends, a new one begins, light stripe of your life.

Why do you dream of rotten cabbage - although it is a low-quality product, the dream book does not consider it negative sign. On the contrary, it will soon become clear what the reason for your past failures lies. After this, you can easily resolve your problems. A good period of life begins.

Why dream of salted cabbage - it indicates that fate is favorable to you. Received good sign may relate to different aspects of life. The dream book foretells a large material reward, profit, profitable proposition from the authorities. A stable financial situation will serve as a reward for hard work.

Stewed cabbage is an unfavorable vision. It indicates that in the near future various misunderstandings will begin to occur in your affairs. The crisis will not bypass family relationships. Quarrels and discord will begin in the house, it will become difficult to find mutual language with my spouse. The dream book advises learning to give in to each other in order to avoid distance.

Why do you dream of young cabbage? This is a recommendation to rethink your attitude towards people. Small unripe heads of cabbage are a special sign for you. You need to learn to always tell the truth and keep your promises. In real life, you often resort to deception. As a result, your credibility is undermined. The situation must be corrected, otherwise even relatives will not believe.

Seeing seaweed - the dream book calls it an excellent sign, indicating that you are in good physical shape. Your health is also not in danger, your mood and emotional state is at its best.

Sauerkraut is an unkind sign, warning of marital jealousy. If you do the fermenting yourself, it means that you will be the one who will give rise to quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. Try to prevent adverse events in the family.

Various actions with this vegetable that we perform in our dreams

Cutting cabbage in a dream - the dream book promises grief that will cause your child. At the same time, you will be obliged to console him, since he will begin to worry about his sorrows very much. Try to prevent negative events, have a heart-to-heart talk with your child.

Buying cabbage in a dream is a sign that you will witness an unusual, special event. This incident will be joyful for a loved one and will bring pleasure to everyone. You will keep it in your memory for a long time, as one of your brightest memories.

Shredding cabbage is a warning about a series of small quarrels and misunderstandings in your home. They are dangerous because of the cooling of marital relations. The dream book advises taking action to improve relationships in the family, since the matter may end in divorce.

Eating cabbage in a dream means that a pleasant gift will soon await you. When someone eats this vegetable, it means that a gift is waiting for your friend.

Salting cabbage in a dream is a warning sign that you will be disappointed in love. There will be tears and difficult explanations ahead. These not-so-nice things will end well. Reconciliation with your life partner awaits you. Hope for good life, a stable relationship will not leave you.

Planting cabbage in a dream - the dream book claims that your life will be measured, stable, but boring. This vision has a different meaning. If you planted a vegetable in the garden, you should expect big profits.

Chopping cabbage means experiencing melancholy and a decadent mood. You should find a way to please yourself in order to get out of a depressed state as quickly as possible.

Stealing cabbage in a dream - such a dream has two meanings. If the theft is successful, you should take this as an unfavorable sign. Small problems will completely overcome you. They will grow like a snowball. There will be hopelessness. The coming days should be spent solving everyday little things. This way you can save your time and nerves.

If you were unable to steal cabbage in a dream, please note that the dream book advises to be patient. Soon you will need mental strength. You will actively participate in an adventurous transaction. It will remain in the memory for a long time, because it will certainly end in success.

Why do you dream about a head of cabbage, forks? If you cut the cabbage carefully, you don't need to spend a lot of money, it's time to become frugal. This is a warning against wastefulness on your part.

Eating cabbage in a dream - the dream book promises happy events, good luck. Perhaps guests will come to you soon, dear ones, good people. Meeting them will be unexpected, but will leave a lasting impression. Nice memories.

Picking cabbage is great for a sleeper. The collection of dense, mature forks is a special sign; one should expect a welcome visitor. He will be a person whom you will be extremely happy to see.

The meaning of dreams about cabbage

Cabbage in the garden indicates the poor state of your health, a general loss of strength. The dream book does not advise you to be upset about this, it is better to accept it preventive measures. Physical education classes will be useful, healthy sleep, complex of vitamins.

Cabbage in the garden means that news awaits you in real life. It is possible that guests will arrive that you did not expect to see. Meeting them will bring a lot of pleasure.

Why dream of cabbage heads - such a dream seen by a young woman predicts health problems for her. Unripe forks suggest that your spouse’s unreasonable jealousy or adultery awaits you.

Why do you dream about a lot of cabbage? The dream book says that the vision is neutral, but the events that follow it will bring a lot of sadness. This is evidence that difficult memories will come flooding back to you. A person will appear connected with your past, a difficult time when you experienced a lot of mental pain.

Cabbage pie is a wonderful sign predicting a break from routine work. If you buy a pie, expect an unexpected but pleasant meeting. When you are given a pie with this vegetable, you will hear good news.

Cabbage dreams of pregnancy. It is believed that if a woman who recently got married sees her, then she should soon expect an addition to the family.

Seeing pies with cabbage in a dream is very ambiguous, but there is no negativity here. A lot of ruddy pies, according to our dream book, promises your family good wealth. Family relationships will be stable and even.

When you bake cabbage pies, you should expect a profit. It will be a well-deserved reward after completing a long labor. If you were treated to pies in a dream, there is a risk of suffering from intrigue.

The meaning of the dream in which cabbage was dreamed does not coincide in many dream books. To make a more precise determination, you need to remember the context, since such a vision has many opposing interpretations.

We will not find such a vegetable in Vanga’s dream book. Unfortunately, the great clairvoyant, who left behind a wonderful dream book, with enough unusual interpretation, did not give her explanation for the vision about this vegetable.

Cabbage leaves seen in a dream mean that you may get sick. If you disassemble a head of cabbage into separate leaves, take care of your health. This sign predicts that you may catch a bad cold. Our dream book advises dressing warmly.

A field of cabbage is a neutral sign calling us to action. When you harvest vegetables in the field, you should avoid wastefulness and take the path of economy. The dream book recommends reconsidering your expenses, otherwise you will run up big debts. There is another meaning for of this dream- whoever sees him should expect empty talk and trouble.

Cabbage - incredible healthy vegetable: it is not only a natural storehouse of vitamins, but also an excellent protection against gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract and an unsurpassed means for cleansing the body of toxins.

Cabbage has excellent taste qualities and has about 20 various types, each of which is useful for humans in its own way. Why do you dream about cabbage? What does this appearance mean? unique vegetable in your dream?

Why do you dream about cabbage in the dream book of Miller, Tsvetkov, Miss Hasse

In Miller's dream book, cabbage dreams have a pronounced negative interpretation. To dream of a vegetable means complete confusion in both business and personal matters. If the cabbage is green, you should expect infidelity on the part of your husband or wife, betrayal by your partner. Do you pick cabbage in your sleep? You will face serious trials, the reason for which is your wastefulness and extreme short-sightedness when using money.

Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets cooking cabbage in a dream as a signal for unpleasant gossip about you, and eating this vegetable means receiving pleasant gifts in the near future.

Miss Hasse explains the appearance of cabbage in your dreams in two ways: the vegetable itself or the process of planting it in the ground leads to well-being and prosperity, but cutting cabbage portends melancholy. Eating this vegetable foreshadows a difficult fate full of hardships.

What does it mean to dream about cabbage according to Aesop’s dream book

Such a dream may mean frequent thoughts about procreation in reality. Watering cabbage beds in a dream is interpreted as your excessive indulgence and connivance towards your own children. This can lead to the fact that children will become completely accustomed to impunity for their misdeeds and pranks, and will generally stop taking your opinion seriously.

If in a dream you cut a ripe head of cabbage, get ready for the fact that all your power and authority will soon be needed to convince your child to follow the right course in life. Cooking cabbage dishes in a dream can mean a series of griefs that your child will bring you. However, the child himself will suffer severely from his own actions and wrong decisions, so he will need your consolation and support.

Do you dream that you are cutting the stalk out of a head of cabbage? You will have to fight negative tendencies or bad habits your child - while there is still time for this. If in a dream you dropped a head of cabbage, keep in mind that the child has become very distant from you, has withdrawn into himself, and you need to give him maximum time and attention in order to improve relationships, restore spiritual intimacy, and help your child open up psychologically. plan. Make sure that he receives help from you, and does not look for it from strangers.

Why do you dream about cabbage according to Medea’s dream book, English dream book

According to Medea's dream book, cabbage and its consumption is interpreted as a symbol of poverty and vegetation, a waste of time and effort searching for something that does not exist. A head of cabbage may symbolize difficulties, while a vegetable growing in the garden foreshadows an unexpected visit from guests or the receipt of news.

The English dream book explains cabbage dreams as quick manifestations of jealousy from your marriage partner. If you cut this vegetable in a dream, you yourself will soon suffer from jealousy; someone else is doing this - they are trying to shake your trust in your loved one from the outside. Eating cabbage can portend difficult trials, illnesses of loved ones, and troubles in financial matters.

Cabbage according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

If you see cabbage in a dream, be prepared to meet your soulmate soon in reality. Cook this juicy vegetable? Soon you will have a romantic date with your loved one. If someone else cooks cabbage in a dream, it means that in the near future you will receive an invitation to a meeting from a person of the opposite sex, to whom you are absolutely indifferent.

Harvesting cabbage in the field symbolizes futile efforts and empty conversations, while planting it foreshadows a measured, predictable life, very poor in events. If in a dream you eat cabbage, expect an expensive gift; someone else is doing it - a valuable gift will go to one of your friends.

Cauliflower portends trouble, but if in a dream you saw it growing, a reward awaits you for all the previously passed tests. Cooking this vegetable promises disappointment, and if you observe the process from the outside, one of your relatives will upset you.

Purchasing or harvesting cauliflower can mean serious problems that will follow your rash decisions. Do you eat it in your sleep? Troubles at work are possible. And if another person does this, your friend or acquaintance will be the reason.

Why do you dream of fresh, pickled, salted cabbage?

The interpretation of a dream in which sauerkraut appears depends to some extent on your life circumstances. It may mean your partner's jealousy, or simply a lack of your attention to him. The purchase of sauerkraut foreshadows the imminent reception of guests. A single man sees sauerkraut to strong love, married - to participate in wedding celebration, woman - to the imminent birth of a child.

This dream can have both positive and negative meanings. Fresh, delicious cabbage is a sign of prosperity, while spoiled cabbage symbolizes family quarrels and illness. If you prepare such a dish yourself, you can cause problems with loved ones. There may be a deterioration in health - significant if the cabbage is rotten, or slight if it is fresh and tasty.

When a person who has such a dream is unwell, his condition will soon improve. Treating someone with such cabbage in a dream means a quarrel; selling it means success in business and pleasant changes.

Fresh cabbage also has a double meaning - it can be both a harbinger of material wealth and significant problems. Cutting cabbage means hardship; seeing it spoiled by pests means gossip.

Salted cabbage is dreamed of by those to whom fate will be very favorable in the near future, especially financially.

Why do you dream of cutting, buying, collecting, shredding cabbage?

Do you cut cabbage in a dream, shred it? Beware of quarrels with your family. If you dream of buying cabbage, expect interesting phenomena and new events, the arrival of guests. This will be a great joy for you and your loved ones, and will provide pleasant memories for a long time. Harvesting a vegetable foreshadows the visit you desire.

Why do you dream about a head of cabbage, a big cabbage, a lot of cabbage?

A head of cabbage is an unfavorable dream for a young woman - health problems may arise. An unripe, green vegetable is interpreted as a possibility of severe jealousy and adultery.

An unusually large cabbage can mean a lot of troubles and problems that need to be solved, as well as the fact that in reality you should moderate your expenses. Did you dream about a lot of cabbage? This means a quick seal and sadness that arose in connection with difficult memories of past relationships.

Why else do you dream about cabbage?

The interpretation of dreams about cabbage also depends on its type and condition:

  • Cauliflower dreams of the emergence of new opportunities and chances, the onset of a white streak in life, portends a happy future, for a girl - a successful marriage;
  • white cabbage - to chagrin, but also to profit;
  • Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi - someone is secretly in love with you and is waiting for reciprocal attention from you;
  • seaweed - to the recovery of someone close to you from a long and serious illness, do not spare money on medicines;
  • rotten cabbage - to debts that you cannot pay on time;
  • cabbage in the garden means excellent prospects, but it can also indicate poor health and loss of strength;
  • a whole vegetable - to success in work;
  • cabbage in a salad - quick enrichment;
  • cabbage pie - a pleasant holiday, unexpected meetings, good news;
  • a lot of pies with cabbage - to prosperity in the family;
  • stew - quarrels, distance from loved ones, disorder in business;
  • unripe cabbage - to strong passion, betrayal of a partner;
  • watering cabbage - you should take your work more responsibly;
  • eating vegetables - for gifts;
  • cabbage in the form of seedlings - to receive excellent news from afar.

No matter how much cabbage you dream about and in what meaning, remember that the masters of your destiny are, first of all, yourself, and it depends only on you whether unfavorable dreams will come true or never come true, and whether favorable dreams will come true .

A head of cabbage and all actions associated with it have a negative meaning. You should expect troubles, both in personal relationships and in work matters.
If cabbage is green in a dream, then you need to expect possible infidelity on the part of your spouse, betrayal of your partner. Collecting cabbage is a sign of trials that arose due to inability to manage money.

a head of cabbage in a dream what is it for

Seeing cabbage in a dream is a signal of possible unpleasant discussions in your direction.

a head of cabbage in a dream what is it for

Carrying a huge head of cabbage is a sign of loss of hope. Eating it is a sign of stomach illness. Throwing a head of cabbage like a ball means opposing the general opinion. Chopping a head of cabbage is a sign of acquisition.

A head of cabbage does not bring good news, namely illness, family troubles or marriage.

why do you dream about a head of cabbage

Cabbage means the presence of a very long, complicated affair lasting several years.

a head of cabbage in a dream

A head of cabbage is dreamed of, warning the appearance of possible difficulties. There may be a manifestation of jealous relationships between marriage partners.

interpretation of a head of cabbage dream

Such a dream is interpreted as frequent thoughts about one’s own children. Watering cabbage means being lenient with your child. Cutting a head of cabbage - the need to help the child choose life path. Cutting the stalk from a head of cabbage means you will have to fight the child’s bad and negative habits.

what does it mean if a head of cabbage is in a dream

Seeing cabbage that you are picking in a dream implies the appearance of unnecessary troubles and empty talk.

interpretation of a head of cabbage dream

A head of cabbage is considered in two interpretations. First: to increase wealth, discounts and bonuses. Second interpretation: unpleasant matters that have long needed a solution, empty talk and troubles.

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