Scenario for Teacher's Day at school with competitions and nominations. Funny, interesting

Scenario for the event "Teacher's Day"

Children prepare for the flash mob before the start(the music consists of children's songs) and the whole holiday is accompanied by a presentation with photos of teachers in their youth and now.

Flash mob in progress

children immediately say words after dancing

student 1. Hello our dears,

Our beloved ones,





And beautiful!

Our dear teachers!

student 2. Our dear teachers!
We cordially congratulate you on your holiday!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and
limitless patience!

student 3. May there be happiness and health,
May there be enough strength for everyone,
And every day of ordinary life
May it only bring you happiness!

student 4. We are in class, maybe not often
We pamper you with a raise of our hand,
But on this day there are many beautiful words
The students want to express to you.

students5. Let the years pass in succession,
With teachers, life is always new,
And serve as a guiding star
Your wise words are in our lives.

student6. Your experience, titles, generosity and participation
They will leave a good mark on our souls!
Teacher's happiness is formed
From our student victories.

student7. And let the years fly ahead,
There is no need to be afraid of age,
May you have many years of experience,
But in your heart there are only 20!

perform the song " We love you, your dear faces"

We love you, your dear ones,

You gave us wings, a start to life,

So that we could fly like birds,

To the wisdom of snowy peaks.

There are lakes of kindness in your eyes.

Thank you for the simple truths,

Thank you for your patience and work.

Thank you for defining it for us,

A delightful route into the world of knowledge.

Teachers - for us, you are the light in the window,

The light of knowledge, the light of intelligence and warmth.

And even if you’re a little angry.

In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.

And even if you’re a little angry,

There are lakes of kindness in your eyes.

We wish you happiness, strength and health,

Flowers, success, joy, love,

The students are a cheerful class,

We dream that you will live forever,

Teachers - for us, you are the light in the window,

The light of knowledge, the light of intelligence and warmth.

And even if you’re a little angry.

In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.

(2 presenters come out)

Leading: Today a holiday for teachers was organized by a school travel agency

Leading: And we want to start the celebration with one beautiful legend.


Once upon a time, in a small village there lived a poor teacher.
The children loved him. The teacher gave them good knowledge. All his students
After graduating from school, they left the village and became great people,


One day God looked at the earth and was surprised.
Where did so many come from? knowledgeable people?
And He asked who taught them everything that they could do.
Great people remembered their old teacher.
God, as a reward for his wisdom, patience and work, fulfilled his cherished dream
travel the earth. That's why he gave me the magical golden globe.
By touching the globe you can go to any point on earth.

Leading: The school travel agency has acquired an exclusive golden globe and today offers to use it to travel around the world.

A globe wrapped in gold foil is brought onto the stage. The presenter spins it several times and points with his finger.

Leading: It’s stuck, we have a voyage to Africa planned, but something turns out wrong. (is reading)

Entrance door, first floor corridor, staircase, second floor. Everything is clear. The Golden Globe proposes to limit ourselves to small things and make not a round-the-world trip, but a round-the-world trip.

Leading: True, this route is familiar to every teacher, but we will try to diversify it. Extensive plateau. First floor corridor. From behind the doors of music, melodic tunes are heard.

Leading: The Golden Globe is rotating. Let's move on Central Continent - director's office

Leading: What is most important for a director?

Leading: Courage, ability, never to lose heart and cope with the most difficult and unexpected situations.

Leading: Today we have prepared a task for you.

Leading: Our Viktor Vladimirovich is brave. He will not be afraid to undergo an unprecedented test.

Leading: Of course, Viktor Vladimirovich, we ask you to come on stage.

Leading: So, Viktor Vladimirovich, you, as the most responsible one, will answer our questions.


Higher full name?

Date of Birth?

How many children of your own do you have?

What is the name of the director of our school?

What is your wife's husband's full name?

What date is today?

What are you doing now?

Leading: You see, the director not only coped with the task brilliantly, but also did not lose his sense of humor in this severe test.

Leading: Applause to the director. And now the floor is yours, Viktor Vladimirovich.

Director's speech.

song "Who is the kindest in the world"

1Today we are on an autumn day
In spite of the winds and rains
We'll sing a song as a gift
To my teachers.
Who is the kindest in the world?
Who gives knowledge to children?
Who will advise and help?
Who can forget grievances?
This is a baby shower healer,
This is our good teacher.

2Pass school years.
Flashes by day after day.
But wherever we are,
We will always sing about you.

3May happiness surround you
Despite adversity.
You this song more than once
The students will sing.


Leading: Our journey continues to the Himalayas. It has its own special life, filled with events and experiences. We congratulate on Teacher's Day the teachers who taught us to read, write, count - teachers primary classes.

Leading: You, like mother hens, teach the chicks to walk, peck, and not leave their mother.

And the head teacher and the director say: “Look, don’t fall behind the program”


So that there would be fewer obstacles on your way,
And experiences, and various stresses.
And more different prizes and awards
And the achievements of your interests.

8 children come out. Everyone has a sign in their hands. One has the inscription “mathematics”, the other “history”, the next “chemistry”, etc. They each take turns saying their own phrase. The presenter says:

Leading: Silence. Classes are going on. We walk along the corridor, snatches of phrases reach us from the slightly open doors of the offices.

Mathematic teacher: Write down the conditions of the problem. Two comrades went to pick mushrooms in the forest, which is...

Life safety teacher: in the zone chemical contamination radius 20 km. Wearing special suits and gas masks...

A history teacher: The mammoths rushed to the steep bank of the river, where those armed with stone axes were waiting for them...

Teacher German : muther, father, bruder und...

Chemistry teacher: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev with his famous table, as well as...

Music teacher: Pyotr Ivanovich Tchaikovsky, who loved to repeat: in order to become a real musician, you need to take...

Labor Teacher: block in left hand, and the hacksaw to the right, then you will never...

Literature teacher: You won’t forget these heartfelt words, so familiar to each of us from childhood...

Physical education teacher: Sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up... and... one two, one two, march.

pupil. In aviation it is strictly believed that
How many hours did the pilot fly?
Few people know about the teacher.
How long did he stand at the board!

How many notebooks did I check at night?
How many plans have I written in my life?
How many times have you believed a person?
And I punished myself for it
For wisdom and knowledge,
For your restless patience,
- For charm and beauty,
- For amazing optimism,
- For integrity and exactingness
- For dignity, for faith...

Thank you very much!

The leading teachers come out.

1. Our school employs 15 teachers. The total teaching experience was 302 years

2. Dear teachers! And a week before the holiday, we conducted a poll in grades 2-9 based on nominations. And today we are in a hurry to announce the voting results!

1. And we will start our teacher nominations with the most honorable one. Its nominees have behind them not just professional and life experience, not just encyclopedic knowledge, but Wisdom with a capital W.

2. “Nomination veterans of teaching work.” Please come up to the stage: read your full name. and at the same time show a presentation and a story about work experience.

1. Dear teachers, who have devoted so many years to the difficult profession of teaching! We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

2. After all, for you this is no longer just a holiday, but a bright day when not only small children, but also adults: parents, grandparents, thank you. Thank you very much for your long and fruitful work.

1.And we continue to read out the nominations of teachers who are currently working in our school (each teacher goes on stage, is awarded medals in nominations and is shown photos of teachers based on the presentation)

Wins in the “Kind Heart” category

Wins in the “Cool Teacher” category

The “Modern Teacher” nomination is awarded to...

In the category “Inexhaustible Source of Energy” the guys agreed that this

The nomination “The Wisest” is awarded to…………..

The winner in the “Most Fair” category is……. …….

The winner in the “Lady Style” nomination is……………………

The nomination “Golden Hands” is awarded to…………

The winner in the “Hero of Our Time” nomination is……………

The nomination “Beauty will save the world” goes to ……………..

The winner in the nomination “Most sporty” is ……………

In the nomination “The most charming” the winner is ……………

The winner in the “Most Responsible” category is……………

The winner in the “Brightest” category is ……………

2. A student survey was conducted at our school: “What would I like to know about my teacher?” Based on the survey results, the most interesting options questions that you have to answer.

(questions are given to teachers)

“How many times at school did you leave class for football?”
“What games did you like to play as a child?”
“What is your shoe size?”

“What do you like more: ice cream or Bird’s Milk candies?”
“Do you like to travel?”
“How many dolls did you have as a child?”
“Do you do exercises in the morning?”
“Do you have a desire to create a women’s football team at school and play in it yourself?”
“Do you keep the certificate with which you graduated from school?”

“Did you pull girls’ pigtails at school?”
“You have to ride a bike to school. Do you follow the rules traffic
“Until what time do you usually sleep on weekends?”
“We know that you love to sing and you are very good at it. Would you like to give everyone sitting in the hall your favorite song now?”

teachers sit down, students in grades 1-4 leave

1. Our dear teachers!
We would like to congratulate you today.
Don't be strict with us today,
We are burning with excitement.
2.We, a gang of noisy schoolchildren,
We give you hearts and flowers.
It takes courage to teach us,
The tasks are oh so difficult!
3.You burn with the candle of knowledge,
Bringing us their deep light.
You only want one thing from us:
So that we become wiser in return.
4. You give us all a start in life,
Giving only affection and love,

You give up every bit of yourself
In the name of knowledge again and again.

5. Our dear teachers!
We wish you good health,
And may your souls not be touched,
Frosts of life's winter.

performance of a song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”

On October 5, it is customary to celebrate Teacher's Day in Russia; the holiday scenario for teachers, cheerful and full of different cool numbers, will cheer up teachers. In Ukraine, the day falls on the first Sunday in October.

What are the holiday traditions?

Each educational institution has its own rules, and everyone follows them with pleasure—first-graders and the principal. The school is self-governing - lessons are taught by students, and teachers are given a break from everyday life. They receive gratitude from students, their parents, and also from officials. And for young housewives this is an opportunity to cook.

Schoolchildren love Teacher's Day

To make this wonderful fall day especially fun, consider the following tips for running a school activities program.

  1. Sports competition between students and teachers - football, chess tournament.
  2. Preparation of a thematic script. For example, a school in the 60s. It’s worth choosing the appropriate outfits and teaching a lesson in the disciplines that were taught during the USSR, for example, a calligraphy lesson.
  3. During breaks, conduct photo shoots - colorful and picturesque photographs will become part of the school archive. Teachers will not mind having fun with the prepared accessories - crowns, mustaches and lips.
  4. Use funny badges: “Scared of the skeleton in the closet? He’s coming for you,” “Queen of Chemistry,” “I didn’t forget my head at home.” Jokes will lift your spirits with their originality.
  5. School or class blog in in social networks fill with holiday elements. Add a film about teachers, funny joke or gratitude for their daily work.
  6. Send greeting cards to teachers - by e-mail or everyone in the class. It would be better to hang it in the hallway a week before the holiday Mailbox, so that everyone can write and drop letters there to teachers. And on Friday morning before classes, hand out a written thank you note to each teacher.
  7. Post on school walls wall newspapers with photographs of teachers and congratulatory poems.
  8. Decorate the school hallways with flowers and leaf garlands.
  9. Make a musical change. Include songs adapted specifically for each teacher.

School creativity is the most controversial art

Some of the scenes can be borrowed.

Have you taken part in skits on Teacher's Day?

Holiday scenario

One of the final stages of Teacher's Day at school will be a concert, rehearsed and performed by students or with the help of parents. It is worth inviting to the event those teachers who have retired, but who continue to be loved and remembered. A festive script can be composed in such a way that it contains congratulations in poetry and prose, funny and funny theatrical scenes, funny song numbers, and dance performances. You can see the date of the holiday.

Years go by, but the teacher's accessories do not change

If at the end of the celebration a sweet table with treats is laid, it will be a wonderful end to the day. It is widely popular in elementary schools.

"Introductory" scene

In the hall there are bouquets of fresh flowers, fallen leaves and rowan branches. They are placed on window sills and on the stage. Everything around is sunny and colorful. Costs persistent odor autumn.

Russian grandmothers appear on the stage.

  1. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
  2. They trusted me...
  1. Spend a day…
  2. Quiet, don't interrupt my words! They trusted me...
  1. Spend today...
  2. Look at her! I was entrusted (look at my partner) to conduct (look again) ...
  1. Today's holiday.
  2. You're bothering me, why are you bothering me?
  1. Because you cannot announce and conduct a concert correctly. How would you introduce the singer if she came out now?
  2. How, how, is it correct to announce a singer like this: now a woman will come on this stage, she will sing for you...
  1. Oh, don't make me laugh. What if dancers participate now? Will you sleep?
  2. You will announce the dancers.
  1. I will represent everyone because you are doing it wrong! The presenter at the concert should be a person with a twist, savvy and cheerful.
  2. You said that as if you were going to steer a ship in a storm. Also my captain.
  1. I'm not a captain, I'm a woman.
  2. Don't be ridiculous, you are an old piece of junk. Dust and sand are falling off you.
  1. And you are like an old nag - skinny and long.
  1. Why did we break up? People are looking at us.
  2. We declare the festive concert in honor of Teacher's Day open.

Schoolchildren are trying

Presenter 1. School is the most amazing place on earth. Joys and tears are appropriate here, childhood and youth are found here at the same time, dreams come true. Here they meet and part.

Presenter 2. Yes, this is an island of happiness and childish carefree, where there is no entrance ticket for adults.

  1. Only teachers have a ticket to enter here on a permanent basis. The school became their home, and the students became their children.
  2. They have a huge kind heart, giving a piece of it to every child year after year.
  1. Congratulations to you, our dear teachers, on your professional day. What should you do for the holidays?
  2. Give gifts. Today we will delight our teachers with small but cute gifts.
  1. The youngest students prepared the congratulations.

First graders perform a song.

  1. Today, our dear teachers, accept from...
  1. Obedient and not very obedient.
  2. Exemplary and not very good.
  1. From boys and girls.
  2. A gift from your loving 2nd grade students.

The main thing in sketches is sincerity and soul

Ved. 1. And now our teachers will become students for a moment and will answer the blitz form.

Ved. 2. We name selectively the letters of the alphabet, and you name those qualities for this letter that school teaches. For example, B – attentiveness, endurance. X – courage.

Letters are shown on the screen, and slides with pictures change when the answer is given. Quiet music plays in the background.

Ved. 1. There is a belief among teachers that all predictions heard on this day come true.

Ved. 2. Our 11th grade graduates decided to hold a fortune-telling lottery. Shall we check?

  1. We invite each teacher to pull out his ticket and receive a fortune prediction.

It’s worth preparing the script at least a week in advance

Grade 11 prepared tickets and predictions for each teacher in advance. They walk between the teachers and offer to pull something out of the bag blindly. To speed up the process, you can make several bags. On background- music.

Decoding forfeits

5 kopecks - a small increase in your salary awaits you.

Rose – this year you will become even more beautiful and brighter.

Sweetie - a sweet life awaits you in the near future.

Map of the world - there will be a business trip or travel.

Bay leaf - get rewarded for creative work.

Dummy - possible addition to the family.

Crown – we proclaim the queen (or king) of today.

Ring - you will attend a wedding.

Fork - guests will come home today.

Shovel - look for treasure, you will definitely find it.

Pasta - be careful, they will give you false promises.

Celebrations need more creativity.

Continuation of the holiday

Ved.1. Let's introduce a tradition on Teacher's Day 2019. What date is the holiday, and such grades should be given to students on this day.

  1. What are our teachers like at home? Can you imagine them?
  2. I - no, but 7th grade - yes. He prepared a speech: “To the teacher at home.”

Participants in the performance take their seats at the table.

Mother. So, let's start lunch.

(Father and grandmother are eating).

Mother. Let's check those present.

(Everyone put down their spoons).

Mother. A - Andrey. Where is Andrey?

Father. Not at home.

Mother. B – grandmother.

Grandmother. On the spot.

Mother. I see what's here today. Why did you miss 2 lunches?

Grandmother. I was sick.

Mother. Do you have a document?

Grandmother. On the table, near the medicine.

(Andrey appears).

Mother. Oh, Andrey has arrived. Where have you been?

Andrey. Played football with friends.

Mother. I'm tired of these disrespectful and frivolous excuses. Give me a diary, I’ll write a note and let my parents read it.

Father. (I watched the recording and addressed my son) Why do you disgrace me so often? (Hands over the diary to his mother).

Mother. Oh, Andrey! You are punished, there will be no cartoons today.

Andrey. Well, maaam!

Mother. Don't be a mother. Eat. I have a new question. Who is responsible for the garbage today? Who will bear it?

(Father sighs, grandmother fiddles with her sleeve, Andrey bends low over the food).

Mother. Oh, there's a forest of hands here.

(The phone rings).

Mother. It's already a call.

A well-deserved day off for teachers and an opportunity for students to realize their talents

Ved. 1. Are you curious about what school will be like in the near future?

Ved. 2. The future will come, then we’ll see.

  1. And, in order to somehow calm the imagination, we invite the ninth grade to the stage.

First grade

The bell rings.

Teacher. Good afternoon. Everyone handed over flash drives with homework. Today, I hope, there are no viruses, right, Alexandrov? Turn on your Bluetooth and get verified essays. Ivanov downloaded the entire work from the Internet - I checked it for uniqueness.

Ivanov. I came up with it and wrote it myself.

Teacher. And Petrov has work for 700 kilobytes. Where is the required volume? You are in 9th grade. The plan requirement is a megabyte and no less. (Petrov sighs convulsively).

Petrov. I couldn't finish it. My Word Office crashed.

Teacher. Haven't you updated it yet? What version do you have?

Petrov. No, 2023 Program.

Alexandrov. Do you want me to send you a new one?

Petrov. Okay, agreed.

Teacher. Silence in the classroom. I will upload essay grades to electronic journal at the end of the lesson. Tell your parents to download the school website and leave their electronic signatures on the web portal that they are familiar with all the “failures”.

Ivanov. Oh, my mom won’t be able to, we have network outages, the Internet hasn’t worked for 4 days.

Teacher. Ivanov, yesterday I talked to your mother on Skype. So no need to be cunning. Cool, turn on your gadgets and enter today's date. (Petrov quietly takes out a book and begins to read it under his desk.)

Alexandrov. Oksana Ivanovna, I forgot my tablet at home today.

Teacher. Alexandrov, then take out your smartphone, write in it, and at home you can copy everything onto your computer. Petrov, put the extra things in your bag. (Petrov is reading and doesn’t hear.) I asked you to hide the book. You know that paper media It is prohibited to bring it to school.

Alexandrov (quietly to Petrov). Just bring a notebook with a pen, then you’ll go straight to the director.

Teacher. Ivanov, take the remote pencil and write down a proposal on the interactive board. “Teleportation takes us to the store every time, but grandpa prefers to use a hypermotorcycle.” What word is outdated here?

Petrov. Grandfather!

Teacher. Petrov gets 0 points. Obsolete word"hypermoto-turbocycle".

Petrov. It’s strange why not grandfather, he’s also old.

The bell rings.

Students. Oksana Ivanovna! Congratulations on Teacher's Day and present to you these wonderful electronic flowers, we collected them on the Internet with the whole class.

Teacher. Thank you.

Students. Then, in honor of the holiday, please don’t put “twos” in the journal, otherwise we’ll be punished again at home.

Teacher. So be it, everyone is free.

Everyone disperses, and the teacher quietly sits down, looking around so that no one sees, takes out a book and leafs through it.

Favorite teachers on the podium

Ved. 1. A teacher is like a light that illuminates life. He has a big fiery heart that enlightens children.

Ved. 2. It is not an easy task to teach intelligence, but the teacher is not afraid of difficulties and does not shy away from them...

The presenters' words are interrupted by two people in white coats.

Scene “Sanitary and Epidemiological Station”

S.1. Did you call the sanitary and epidemiological station?

C.2. No? We received a call that there was a measles epidemic at school No. We need to get vaccinated.

S.1. Colleague, look at them, this is not measles, this is a real Pythagoras-Bill-Mendeleev syndrome.

C.2. Precisely, this condition occurs in the body of teachers, weakened by events, lessons, tests, teacher councils in the teachers' room, and checks. The symptoms are visible: a forced smile, trembling hands, confusion in the gaze.

S.1. What do we do? What measures will we take?

C.2. IVs?

S.1. Will not help!

C.2. Injections?

S.1. There won't be enough syringes. What we can do is clear our tired heads of different thoughts.

C.2. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are on a desert island, where there are no tests or schoolchildren. There are no notebooks or tests. Raise your hands up, slowly place them on your head, scratch it. Then lower and shake your arms towards the floor. You personally threw everything that stuck to your hands, all your thoughts, onto the floor. Everyone is healthy and healed.

S.1. Be happy. Good and obedient children to you. And many vacations and vacations.

C.2. Goodbye!

Backdrop design is also important

Ved. 1. 5 days before the holiday, we organized a vote among students high school in the following nominations: “Cool teacher”, “Queen of the teacher’s room”, “Modernity and fashion”, “Tender heart”, “Light at the end of the tunnel”, “Hero of our time”, “Stops a galloping horse”, “Smart mind”, "Beauty and Science".

  1. In the category “Cool Teacher” the winner was..., who has... votes.

The winner in the “Queen of the Teacher’s Room” nomination is… she was voted for by… students.

The students' song is always so touching...

Ved.1. Today is the brightest holiday for teachers. Please accept greetings from all students.

Ved.2. We would like to thank you for your inexhaustible work, hard work, patience and wisdom.

  1. We hasten to congratulate and give all the blooming flowers.
  1. At the end of the concert, there was a presentation of a congratulatory video from the students.

You need to videotape your congratulations in advance. This will be a memorable gift for the school. And at this moment you can imagine a surprise prepared for the school principal. This is a kind of interview film, filmed and edited by a group of high school students. It may contain not only the school director’s answers to the questions: “How did he become a teacher,” “What is school for him.” Let them film reviews of the director from his colleagues, congratulations from students. This kind of film will be of interest to everyone: from first-graders to graduates. Only for its public display you need the permission of the director himself.

Dancing to the studio!

Coming up with a holiday script for teachers for Teacher’s Day, fun and funny, is not at all difficult. The main thing is that the preparation comes from the heart, congratulations are sincere and with love. Don't forget to choose!

See an example of a fascinating scene for Teacher's Day

(The song “Smile” is performed by preparatory class children)

Presenter 1:

Yes, it is with a smile that friendship begins between a teacher and a student, who go hand in hand for a long time.

Presenter 2:

It is with a smile that a teacher begins his morning, where every day of teaching, hardening like resin, turns into amber, sunny and warm.

Presenter 1:

Teacher's Day takes place regardless of our mood, our health, the vagaries of nature, or the crisis in the country. Because being a teacher is forever.

Presenter 2:

Today's celebration can be described with full confidence as a celebration of intelligence, talent, creativity, creation for the benefit of the Motherland.

Presenter 1:

A teacher's heart... Well, what can you compare it with?

With a cosmic Galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare! And we will say: “Knock,

A teacher’s heart—hope, believe, love!”

Presenter 2:

This year, the anniversary year for our school, articles appeared on the pages of city and regional periodicals, the main characters of which were those who will rise to this stage today.

Presenter 1:

Today we present the “Vivat, Teacher” awards in various categories (and we have 8 of them). Each nomination is a bright characteristic reflecting the activities of the teacher and his merits in the development of the school and the formation of the younger generation.

Presenter 2:

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,

The ability to give your all,

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this we see light and grace.

Presenter 1:

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And will you understand? Tried not in vain

And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.

Presenter 2:

Showered with colorful rain of bouquets

And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,

I want to say: “Vivat, teacher!”

And give part of my soul for you!

Presenter 1:

The “Vivat, Teacher” award ceremony is considered open!

(Fanfares sound)

Presenter 1:

So, 1 nomination - "Generator creative ideas» . The winners of this nomination have great creative potential and high efficiency. Their ideas for implementation in educational process new types and forms of work meet the modern needs of society for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Presenter 2:

And the winners of this nomination are - . I ask them to come up to this stage.

(They go up to the stage…., medals are awarded)

Presenter 2:

We would like to ask you one question at a time.

- , what qualities do you value most in a teacher as a musician? (Answer)

- …, Everyone has a motto to achieve their goal. Name yours. (Answer)

Presenter 1:

And now a little impromptu. Imagine that he landed near our music school alien ship. Aliens came out from there and ask you to explain who you are and what you are doing here. How do you explain it to them briefly? (taking into account the fact that they know nothing about the profession and music).

(The situation is being played out)

Presenter 2:

Thank you for your answers, please take your seats.

Presenter 1:

The next nomination is called “I give my heart to children.” The winners of this category have extensive teaching experience. They devote every part of themselves to their students. Their children take an active part in the life of the school, city, and district. What can I say, they even defended the honor of the republic at international festivals. And I think that you all have already guessed about the winners in this category...

Presenter 2:

This is, of course, the same Music …. And I will ask them to come up to this stage.

(They go on stage, music plays, medals are awarded)

Presenter 2:

I have only one question for you: what does your profession mean to you?


Presenter 1:

Well, now a little test for you. Now we will see how you know your children. We'll blindfold you. One of your students loses a little musical excerpt. And you will have to find out from the game which of your students is playing the instrument at the moment.

Presenter 2:

It's amazing, they guessed right... I'll ask you to go into the hall

Presenter 1:

The next nomination reads like this: My work is my second home" The winner of this nomination has a very persistent character. He combines firmness of spirit and feminine softness, assertiveness and the ability to persuade.

Presenter 2:

And the winner of this nomination is the school principal...

(comes up on stage and is presented with a medal)

Presenter 2:

Svetlana Ivanovna, answer this question: do you consider yourself a daredevil who at one time decided to shoulder this difficult burden - the position of director? ( Answer) If a wizard appeared now, what would be the cherished wish associated with music school, Would you ask him to perform it? ( Answer)

Presenter 1:

Our trials will not bypass you either.... Let's try to make sure you know your farm. How many classrooms are there in our building (currently 14 + assembly hall), how many teachers are under your supervision (12, not counting S.I.), what is the area of ​​this building, since what year have you been the director of this educational institution(1987), what significant event took place for the school recently (the anniversary of the music school)?

Presenter 2:

Thank you for your answers, please go into the hall. And for all the teachers present in the hall, a former student of our school ... who will perform the song “Romeo and Juliet” gives her musical gift.

(Song “Romeo and Juliet” by Gidzak E.)

Presenter 1:

Well, we continue the “Vivat, Teacher” award ceremony. And the next nomination "Dedication to the profession." The winners of this category have a subtle creative approach in teaching children this complex subject, they know how to find the key for each child and direct him in the right direction.

Presenter 2:

The winners of this nomination are . I will ask them to come on this stage.

(They go out to the music)

Presenter 2:

I have this question for you: why solfeggio, because the kids at music school don’t like it so much?


Presenter 1:

Since you are such experts in music theory, then try to solve a few musical puzzles.

(solving puzzles)

Presenter 2:

Great, you figured it out quickly. And these are your well-deserved medals.

(medals are awarded to music)

Presenter 1:

I would like to invite the winners of the nomination to this stage "Young and promising" who have enormous creative potential, creative approach in work, with tireless enthusiasm.

Presenter 2:

I think everyone has already guessed what it is . I would like to ask you all to come up to the stage.

(They go up to the stage ... to the music, the winners’ medals are awarded)

Presenter 2:

A teacher is a unique profession, beyond time, fashion and geography. Girls, how do you see modern teacher music?


Presenter 1:

We already know how responsible and efficient you are, we would like to see how attentive and relaxed you are. I know that you all sing well. Let's sing Russian together folk song“There was a birch tree in the field.”

(they perform the song “There was a birch tree in the field” as the presenter demonstrates the movements)

Presenter 2:

Great, great. Take your seats in the auditorium, and we continue. We have another nomination called "Pedagogical optimism." The winner has a soulful character. Happy to accept everything pedagogical innovations, although sometimes he can be grouchy.

Presenter 2:

I think everyone has guessed that this is …. I invite him to the stage.

(… comes up on stage, music sounds, a medal is awarded)

Presenter 1:

…what does your musical instrument mean to you?


Presenter 2:

Then maybe you can perform something for us?


Presenter 1:

Thank you. Take a seat in the auditorium.

Presenter 2:

Our award ceremony has come to an end, and therefore our evening. But the surprises weren't over yet. The aliens who landed near our school a few days earlier left a small gift for all of you. They observed you and your work, and also read your thoughts and reflected on paper. Accept gifts. ( Envelopes are filled with friendly caricatures made using photomontage, where our teachers are depicted with their dreams come true)

Presenter 1:

I would like to once again congratulate everyone present on Teacher’s Day and wish them creative success, talented students, and understanding parents.

Presenter 2:

Our wishes are endless

Joy, excellent health,

Happiness and warmth

Let your smiles glow with love!

Presenter 1:


Presenter 2:

Thank you for your attention!

To download material or!

Scenario #1

Dear teachers! On this special day, we want to thank you all and present awards in several categories.
So, in the category “Titanic Work” the school administration is awarded: director Tatyana Nikolaevna Zimina and her deputies.

Through storms and fogs
Lead the ship day and night -
This is the captain's task,
Conquering the distance.
You took care of our happiness,
And hope and dream.
Let all misfortunes be avoided
Our school is a mile away.

Primary school teachers are awarded in the “Our Second Mother” nomination:
 Yakhlakova Lyudmila Andreevna
 Byakova Elena Nikolaevna
 Kasatkina Lyubov Borisovna
 Vikhareva Elena Borisovna

You are our second mothers,
We love you - the kindest ones,
Understanding, skillful,
Smart, affectionate and brave,
And on all earthly paths
Forever close and dear.

In the category “Master of Integrals” the teacher of algebra and geometry, Marina Aleksandrovna Nikitina, is awarded.

Scientists move science forward
Inspired by experience and knowledge,
But practice is ahead of everyone
Beautiful Science- mathematics.

Physics teachers Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Novoselova and Olga Leonidovna Lezhepekova are awarded in the “Inexhaustible Source of Energy” category.

Your soul cannot be measured
In any dimensions,
After all, they always knew how to believe
You are your disciples.

In the category “For expanding our horizons,” the geography teacher Nina Evgenievna Stebenkova is awarded.

As long as the earth turns,
We all need teachers
That all the paths and paths
They helped us find it in life.

Chemistry teacher Lyudmila Sergeevna Klabukova is awarded in the “Best Experimenter” category.

No secrets in the world
They won't hide from you
No tests
Will not dull the shine of your eyes.

In the nomination “Hero of Our Time” the teacher of biology and life safety is awarded to Lyubov Georgievna Klestova.

Bio is life, which means
You taught life, you taught to live.
We wish you a lot of happiness and good luck,
To teach wisdom for a long time.

For all teachers of the science and mathematics cycle, our musical gift.

We continue with the award ceremony. In the nomination “A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom,” the teacher of Russian language and literature, Valentina Mikhailovna Mamaeva, is awarded.

Probably everyone knows this
The most precious thing is light in darkness.
Without this faith there is no happiness,
And you are that light for us!

Teachers are awarded in the “Vyatka Ladies” category in English:
 Klabukova Anna Anatolyevna
 Vishnevskaya Galina Mikhailovna
 Kassina Galina Sergeevna

Thank you for your kindness
For your thoughts height,
For modesty of thoughts and needs,
For the humanity of your souls.

In the category “Keeper of Antiquities” the teacher of history and social studies Yulia Pavlovna Podshivalova is awarded.

The years fly by, century after century passes...
Everything created in the world by man
Historians preserve for all people,
People thank you for this.

In the nomination “The most worldly and cultural teacher”, Natalya Nikolaevna Russkikh, a teacher at the Moscow Chemical Conservatory, is awarded.

Beauty saves the world
And, of course, kindness
So you must understand -
You will have to save the world!

Music teachers are awarded in the “Heart Lighters” category:
 Kuznetsov Igor Nikolaevich
 Baranova Irina Vitalievna
 Vorobyova Svetlana Sergeevna
 Toropova Tatyana Alekseevna
 Kislitsyna Evgenia Sergeevna

Your soul is rich in dreams,
And in the head there is a chamber of the mind,
And your hands are worthless,
We bow to you.

For all teachers of the humanities cycle, our next gift.

Our awarding continues with the nomination “The Lord of the Rings... and the Uneven Bars.” As you guessed, the winner is the teacher physical culture Timkina Lyudmila Sergeevna.

It's not easy to survive in life,
In search and struggle,
An example to us is your endurance,
Self confidence.

Technology teachers Eleonora Viktorovna Gudina and Nikolai Veniaminovich Beznosikov are the winners in the “Golden Hands” nomination.

Requires a lot of costs
Life and way of life,
So your lessons are yours,
It is very important to remember in life.

Our librarians Galina Desanovna and Zinaida Nikolaevna win in the “Source of Knowledge” category.

Thank you for being on earth,
That you have chosen a difficult calling,
After all, a book is also a path in the darkness,
And without it the road to knowledge is more difficult.

In the category “He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut,” the school's caretaker, Alexandra Vasilievna Rubleva, is awarded.

The caretaker does not place obelisks anywhere,
And how much terrible risk there is in their work,
All the time he is in worries, here and there...
Thank you for your wonderful work.

Medical and psychological services are awarded in the Golden Heart category. This is Lyudmila Alekseevna and Olga Sergeevna.

Always, driving away fatigue,
Are you ready to help people?
We thank you for this,
And again we say thank you.

Our canteen workers are awarded in the “Hunger Fighters” category.

You cooked skillfully
And the food was very tasty.
And it's a big deal of yours
Everyone was attracted, fed, warmed.

In the category “The First Vyatka Rimbaud” the security guard Vladimir Aleksandrovich is awarded.

Sometimes it’s almost impossible without security,
And our security is strong and reliable.
We wish you happiness and true friends,
Good luck in your difficult work.

Our awards ceremony has come to an end. But we also cannot help but say about the people without whom this holiday would not have taken place - these are our parents.

Are we living well or are we living badly?
There is one thing that always caresses and warms,
And, of course, this is the parental home,
There is nothing dearer, nothing dearer.

Thank you for everything. And in conclusion, we once again thank all the teachers and school staff for your wonderful work. Good luck to you!

Final song.

Scenario #2

Alina: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and give you this concert program.

Denis: Oh, so many smart, kind, wise,
Beautiful women sitting here
And how many wonderful discoveries
We still have to deal with them.

Alina: There are a lot of talents at our school:
Singers, dancers and readers
And for beloved teachers
There will be many kind words.

Denis: But first, a riddle for all of you: What is the most common name among school teachers?
(9 teachers at school named Natalya).

Alina: And this is the name of the cool mother of our first-graders.

Six months ago you came to first grade,
Natalya Sergeevna met you.
Finish school, years pass -
You will never forget her!

Denis: Students of grade 1B are speaking.

* * * * * * Kharms.

Alina: Excellent teachers teach our second-graders.

Denis: Elena Nikolaevna - you are the most wonderful,
You are known throughout the school for your kind smile!

Alina: All children love Valentina Ivanovna,
And they consider her the wisest in the world.

Denis: 2nd grade students performing.

* * * * * * “Three Mothers.”

Alina: In the third class there are also incomparable masters of their craft.

Denis: Lidia Ivanovna is the pride of our school,
There is no one in the world who is smarter or more beautiful.

Alina: Lyudmila Ivanovna is so elegant,
Plus a sea of ​​culture, plus a sea of ​​talent!

Denis: Elena Alexandrovna is sensitive, active,
And the elementary school is the most athletic!

Alina: Natalya Filippovna is the good fairy,
It’s calmer to be with her, my heart is lighter!

Denis: 3rd grade students are performing.

* * * * * Yakimova - dance.

Denis: And now another mystery: what is the second most common name? (Second place was shared by Tatyana and Lyudmila - 8 teachers each). And among Lyudmil there are two fourth grade teachers.

Alina: Lyudmila Nikolaevna was awarded the title
Honorary Education Worker,
But, most importantly, this, of course, is not a title,
And the fact that school is her calling.

Denis: Lyudmila Vladimirovna is energetic
And it works just fine with the class!

Alina: In a responsible matter, of course, there is no equal
In everything, the incomparable Galina Petrovna.

Denis: Marina Vasilievna – kind, gentle,
And the love in her heart for children is boundless.

Alina: 4th grade student Nastya Gulyaeva sings for you.

* * * * * Gulyaeva Nastya.

Denis: from the teachers primary school they have good helpers in their responsible work.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is the muse of the museum,
She lives good, eternally sowing.

Denis: And in difficult times he helps us,
Psychologist Zinaida Nikolaevna!

Alina: Galina Desanovna! Zinaida Nikolaevna!
From the most important to the smallest -
Everyone at school loves you and appreciates you and honors you.
For your noble and creative work.

Denis: 4th grade student Sergei Kalinin is playing for you.

* * * * * Kalinin

Alina: A lot good words teachers of Russian language and literature deserve.

Denis: Valentina Mikhailovna - intelligence, honor and conscience,
It's time to write a story about her...

Alina: Let's send a telegram to the president,
What should this story be included in the program?

Denis: A worthy example for everyone - Lyudmila Petrovna,
Her love for school and children is enormous!

Alina: Tatyana Vladimirovna is respected,
She surrounds everyone with her care!

Denis: We were lucky with Tatyana Borisovna -
A wonderful teacher who brings warmth!

Alina: Natalya Nikolaevna - Miss Charm,
How much cordiality she has, how much charm!

Denis: Evgenia Baeva reads poetry for all teachers of Russian language and literature.

Alina: From 1st to 11th grade, physical education teachers are with us.

Denis: Lyudmila Arkadyevna is very sincere,
She brings joy to everyone every day!

Alina: Very proud of Lyudmila Sergeevna
The whole school - and this is no secret for a long time,
We were able to achieve a lot in sports,
And we look forward to even more victories in the future!

Denis: Svetlana Veniaminovna is so elegant,
Beauty and intelligence are a successful combination.

Alina: Trefilova’s student Anna will perform an acrobatic sketch for you.

* * * * * * acrobatic sketch

Denis: There are wonderful history teachers at our school.

Alina: Tatyana Nikolaevna is a worthy person
And you can be calm about the school in the future.
Denis: He will tell you the whole truth about the past,
Zinaida Alexandrovna,
And in the present too,
She will help you figure it out.

Alina: We praise Tatyana Gennadievna without flattery
She is an example of nobility and honor.

Denis: Olya Shastina sings for history teachers.

* * * * * * Olya Shastina

Denis: And again - a mystery. What is the most common name among those teachers of our school who also graduated from the forty-eighth school at one time? (This is Olga: Olga Alexandrovna, Olga Mikhailovna and Olga Viktorovna).

Alina: And we continue our congratulations. Teachers help us create beauty with our own hands visual arts and technology.

Denis: Olga Alexandrovna is loved and appreciated by everyone,
The school shone with her in all its glory.

Alina: We can all be proud of Svetlana Nikolaevna,
Her paintings are wonderful, they are even available abroad.

Denis: Galina Nikolaevna is a miracle worker,
There is so much to learn from her!

Alina: Irina Anatolyevna is a great example for us:
Not every school has a living millionaire!

Denis: For teachers of fine arts and technology, students of grade 11A perform.

* * * * * * Podium

Alina: Valentina Alekseevna shines with humor,
Galina Sergeevna is not inferior to her.
And with a funny joke from their light hand,
Their graduates are moving through life.

Denis: Galina Mikhailovna needs to be honored
Because she is not indifferent in everything!

Alina: Tatyana Vyacheslavovna – sweet and modest,
But he shows great love for the work.

Denis: Natalya Yurievna radiates charm,
He will not bypass you with care and attention.

Alina: With Natalya Leonidovna the heart is always light,
It’s easy to warm your soul in the rays of her warmth.

Denis: For teachers foreign language Natasha Bedareva sings.

* * * * * Natasha Bedareva

Denis: Listen to one more riddle. There are more than 60 teachers working in our school, but there are only 16 different names. Question for teachers: which methodological associations do not have namesakes?... (this method is an association of teachers of fine arts and MO mathematics)

Alina: And now we are addressing teachers of the educational field “Mathematics”, that is, teachers of algebra, geometry and computer science.

Denis: Marina Alexandrovna is worthy of respect,
And in life, as in algebra, it will tell you the solution.

Alina: Larisa Nikolaevna is a wonderful person,
You will never meet a kinder and more caring person!

Denis: And now again a mystery: what is the most common middle name among teachers in the educational field “Mathematics”...
Let's check it now!

Alina: Without Rimma Viktorovna at school
You can't live even five minutes.
She deserves a better life
But they won't give her peace.

Denis: And Olga Viktorovna has children
They can safely admit that
That her gaze is like a ray of light,
What illuminated our school house.

Alina: Natalya Viktorovna is with us
Not so long ago, but everyone will say
What computer science has revealed
In front of the children in all its glory.

Denis: Sports dance is performed by students of grade 11B.

* * * * * Sports dance

Denis: And again a riddle: Which methodological association is the most titled?... These are teachers of the natural cycle.
Alina: Out of 7 teachers natural sciences 2 honored teachers, Soros laureate, winners of city and regional competitions of excellence. 43% of teachers in this cycle have highest category, and the total teaching experience for seven is 200 years.

Denis: Nina Evgenievna shines with light,
You can learn good things from her.

Alina: It will give you deep knowledge
Elizaveta Georgievna -
The main creator of the Code of Conscience
And she is a model of nobility.

Denis: Olga Leonidovna is smarter than all physicists,
Who in Europe can be placed next to her?

Alina: Elena Alexandrovna is beautiful and smart,
And she is talented in various endeavors.

Denis: Lyudmila Sergeevna has no equal here,
In any matter, she will give wise advice.

Alina: Many people in the city envy us,
What Lyubov Georgievna teaches us!

Denis: Olga Mikhailovna at school in three persons,
Teacher, Parent and Alumna.
And all this is written with a capital letter,
After all, she does everything in life with her soul.

Alina: 10th grade student Oksana Semenishcheva sings for you.

Denis: And now a riddle: what subject are there the most teachers in school?.. Music teachers, or rather teachers musical instrument. And they are all very talented!

Alina: It's time to go on tour to Italy
With students Tatyana Vitalievna,
And to Spain or Holland
Lyudmila Rafaelevna and Anetta Nikolaevna.
To France - Larisa Vyacheslavovna,
Tatyana Alexandrovna and Galina Ivanovna,
Young geniuses are not inferior either
Valentina Evgenievna and Natalia Evgenievna.
Denis: The artists from Carnegie Hall are on vacation!
School No. 48 is on stage!

* * * * * Piano duet, 9a.

Alina: In addition to individual instruments, the school teaches choral singing, vocals, solfeggio, and musical literature. But the teachers of these subjects are talented not only in art, but also in everything else.

Denis: We know that everything will be fine at school,
If Elena Ivanovna is on duty,
And if Tatyana Ivanovna is paired with her,
Then you can wait for the ideal order.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is a star lady,
And her work is in each of our victories.

Denis: All the children love Tatyana Alekseevna in the choir,
After all, with her they are always in a positive mood.

Alina: Natalya Alekseevna has a lot of advantages
She is smart, talented and a musician from God.

Denis: Always sincere and stylish on stage
Everyone's favorite Natalya Vasilyevna.

Alina: Svetlana Leonidovna is always kind with children
And it’s high time to give her the Order of Mercy.

Denis: The 2 A class choir sings for all teachers.

* * * * * Choir

Denis: It’s not only thanks to the teachers that the school exists. We want to thank all the women who work in the office and on shift, in the wardrobe and dining room, ensure cleanliness and order, and take care of our health.

Alina: All the women of the school are congratulated by male teachers.

Leading together : Good afternoon, dear teachers, guys, guests.

Ved.1. The first school channel is with you! On air Nastya

Ved.2. And Anton...

Ved.1: Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

For those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches to achieve victory in work -

To everyone whose proud name is “teacher”,

We dedicate the broadcast.

Ved.2. In our country, all professions are equally important. But one of the most respected professions is the teaching profession.

Ved.1. The teacher leads us through the years of childhood, adolescence, youth, gives us his knowledge, puts a piece of his heart into us.

Ved.2. You help us find our path in life. Teach us kindness and justice.

Ved.1. It’s such a blessing that we have teachers like you.

Ved.2. And now it’s time for the “Weather Forecast” section. Let's find out And we give the floor to our correspondent.

Student . Today, October 5, at the “Personality” school it is sunny with smiles, floral winds are blowing. By the middle of the day, gusts of joyful applause are expected, warm short-term tears are possible, and a front is expected Have a good mood. (On the screen there is a presentation with a photo of our school).

Ved.2. Now it’s time for a musical break.

Song ""(Motif of the song performed by L. Dolina).

What is the forecast for us at school today?

Fives or twos waterfall?

What is the forecast for us at school today?

And what gets you going in the morning?

The most important thing is the teacher at school,

And everything else is vanity.

Easy to settle with a call.

What a lesson, where to run with the magazine,

How to teach or how to write a report?

Always a smile on a tired face,

It doesn’t matter – that’s the kind of people you are.


The most important thing is your work,

And everything else is for later

You only care about one thing -

Teach children by example and kindness.

What subject is such a mood,

Fives or twos waterfall,

Who to praise, where to show patience -

The teacher must guess accurately.


The most important thing is the child at school,

Everything is for him, and this is not without reason:

There is only him, and everything except

It will never become important to you.

Ved.2. Indeed, despite the fact that it often rains and is cold in the fall, there is warmth in our school, which our teachers give us.

Ved.1. Yes, and it is teachers who instill faith, hope and love in us.

Ved.2. And all because teachers are the most good people in the world.

Ved.1. Why so?

Ved.2. Yes, because who else can spend so much time next to students who are either running somewhere, headlong, or don’t understand anything in class, as if they fell from the moon? But the teacher still looks at us patiently and smiles.

Ved.1. And the most patient of all in the school is, of course, the director. He is like a real captain, who confidently leads the ship forward, skillfully avoiding underwater currents and reefs, avoiding shallows, defeating thunderstorms and storms! This is why our school is thriving, and so are we. Today we want to wish you good health, prosperity, and the implementation of all your plans.

Ved.2 . Well, it’s time for us to move on to the next section, “The most, the most.” The floor is given to the director of our school.

Word from the school principal.

Student.1. Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart,

In these sounds that are dear to us.

Everything related to youth, childhood

We owe it to the Teachers!

Today you have poems and songs,

The sparkle of inspired lines,

The wisest of all professions

The greatness of the title - Teacher!

Student.2. On such a nice, clear day

I would like to congratulate

All Russian teachers

And glorify your feat!

For many years in a row

You are always with us.

The guys in the house say:

“Out there, our mothers!”

For long, kind, honest work

They are not erecting a monument to you.

May all your students

They praise you for their work

And every former student

He will say thank you loudly

Thank you many, many times

For teaching us!

Student.3. You every day and every hour,

Dedicating yourself to hard work,

Just thinking about us,

You live by worry alone.

So that the earth may be famous for us.

So that we grow up honest,

Thank you, teachers,

As mothers, thank you for everything!

It's brighter to live next to you,

And, late or early,

We can forget otherwise

But we can’t forget about you!


Ved.2. I have been watching my students since the very morning and they all pass by me happy, with bouquets of flowers in their hands, rushing to school to congratulate their beloved teachers on this wonderful holiday! And our correspondent tried to interview several students.

Ved.1 . Let's find out what the youngest students in our school say. Category "Through the mouth of a baby."

Video with statements from 1st grade students about the teacher and his profession.

Ved.1 . And again we are the studios of our channel.

Ved.2. The teaching profession is very difficult; it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically it consists of difficult but interesting everyday life. And today we see smiles and joy on the faces of our teachers. Let's find out what the stars say about the upcoming school year.

Horoscope for teachers. Presentation.

Student 1 .Keeps the constellations of creativity watches.

And who is first in our Zodiac?

On the day of the holiday Libra reigns,

Today we are all in your sign.

Libra (24.09–23.10)

Student 2 .A happy time awaits you,

The disciples will give glory,

You will be right in everything.

You are expected to be on duty in the morning,

Bouquets and understanding await you

And national recognition!

But weigh everything everywhere, always

Your star is telling you!

Virgo (08/24–09/23)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Virgo.

Student 3. Continue our Zodiac

Neat, strict Virgos.

This is a special sign of the school,

By birth the school is Virgo.

This is logic, harmony of thoughts,

Both calm and perseverance.

The year of change will give Virgos

(And he will give lessons too).

Virgos will calculate their success themselves,

We will help you share your success!

Scorpio (10/24–11/22)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Scorpio.

Adventurous, bright Scorpio!

And who does it unite?

Our Scorpios are on the screen,

But they don't sting at all!

They love everyone and help everyone.

Travel, rewards await you,

And victories in competitions await you.

Everyone will be infinitely happy to see you

And the stars will reward you for your work!

Sagittarius (11/23–12/21)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Sagittarius.

Student 5. Sagittarius shoot accurately, deftly, accurately,

We understand them very quickly.

And we clearly write everything in notebook cells

For all beloved and dear Sagittarians.

You teach us goal setting.

Thank you very much! Indeed,

It is so important to discover purpose in life!

And the stars will give you a bow and arrows,

A means new big deal!

Capricorn (12/22–1/20)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Capricorn.

Student 6. Capricorns are the most persistent people

And they always strive only upward.

New spaces await them soon,

Fun, joy, happiness, laughter awaits. Legitimate rest awaits on the weekend,

Well, the students are waiting at school -

New knowledge new shoots

And a reward at the end of the year!

Aquarius (01/21–02/19)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Aquarius.

Student 7 .Humanity-loving Aquarians,

With you, we can easily overcome all difficulties.

You are attentive, you are wise,

Light fires in your souls!

Even though you are an Aquarius,

You don't pour excess water!

May life give you bad luck,

And it will give you a wonderful year.

Pisces (20.02–20.03)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Pisces.

Student 8.

Calm Pisces, cheerful Pisces,

You could certainly be birds,

After all, your creativity is flight!

You teach us expanded consciousness,

How can you use knowledge differently?

What awaits you in the coming year?

Of course, love, undoubtedly, success,

No annoying interference.

Aries (23.03–20.04)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Aries.

Student 9. Aries are adventurers

Restless, bright, fast.

Life will give you a bouquet of entertainment,

Life will shoot off with festive fireworks.

Your stubbornness is our zeal,

Be stubborn, be persistent.

We are in your thoughts and in your heart -

We are very grateful to you for this.

Taurus (04/21–05/21)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Taurus.

Student 10. Romantic dreamers Taurus,

You teach us fantasy, and by the way,

All Taurus are wonderful fathers and, of course, wonderful mothers.

Let harmony enter your home,

Let your dreams, desires come true,

And when we enter your classrooms,

Give us your knowledge!

Gemini (05/22–06/21)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Gemini

Student 11. Geminis are great actors

You change so cleverly, quickly,

You are an example of how to live in harmony with yourself!

Everything awaits you doubly:

Tests, classes

And extracurricular activities!

(Double bonuses

They are waiting for you in the spring).

Cancer (06/22–07/22)

On the screen are photographs of teachers born under the sign of Cancer.

Student 12. Your birthday, Cancer, is in the summer.

What can we say about this?

You don't bring cakes to school,

And you don’t bake pies for us.

It’s a pity that we don’t give you flowers either...

So, we should especially congratulate you!

We are very glad that you are next to us,

Happiness is to be your students!

Leo (07/23–08/23)

Student 13. King of beasts, golden-maned Lion!

This smart, proud cat charms everyone,

Maybe he can give it a little paw.

But behind him, behind the king, everywhere:

In class, on the road, in fun -

Inaccessible to any trouble,

We are all beyond doubt.

Lions! Golden days await you,

They will come very soon!

Presenter 1. If the stars light up, it means someone needs it! And we are sure that thanks to your daily work, dear teachers, we become stars!

Thank you for your work, patience and understanding!!!

Presenter 2. This is how our horoscope ended,

We hope not boring.

Smile! And this year

He will give you all the best!

Musical pause. Dance.

Ved.1 . Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they manage to educate them?

Ved.2. What a huge heart you need to have to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year! And how kind, patient and ageless should a soul be?

Ved.1. And I know why teachers are always so young, beautiful, and energetic. They are always next to us, charged with positivity, and in general there is no time to be bored or despondent with us.

Ved.2 . That's for sure... The next section is “Play, harmonize...”.


Congratulations on Teacher's Day

We have come today for you.

Wish you great success,

So that they teach better than us.

All the guys in our class

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Just not to study.

If you want to know a lot,

Achieve a lot

Must learn.

Vova is late for school

Explains simply:

- And study, Marivanna,

It's never too late!

Two girls talking

Pure English

Every word is “okay”

Apparently, good girls!

Didn't answer about fairy tales

To Alenka's question.

And they put it in her diary

The ugly duckling!

Who has dogs, cats,

Who keeps mice...

In the diaries of Seryozhka and Leshka,

Swans are being bred!

There are no stupid people

Neither boys nor girls

Behind the A's guys

They even stand in line!

We went to the circus as a class,

We saw some tricks.

After everyone's tricks

The diaries are missing!

I got "four" -

Mila boasts.

But in fact it's

There were two ratings.

Mom woke me up:

“Get up quickly, son.”

And I turned on my side

And I slept through one lesson!

We wanted in English

Reach unharmed

We make our way along the wall,

so as not to get knocked down along the way!

I studied the cases

Solved math

But English words

My head couldn't fit it!

All the ditties have already been sung,

You can start clapping.

You can even use flowers

Throw us in with your friends!

Ved.1. During the period of study at school, our students collected some of the most frequently used expressions, which in the literature are called catchphrases. Listen to our comic encyclopedia.

Ved.2 . Time for the “Explainer” column.

Two students read explanations.

“The Road to Calvary” - the road to school.

"Shining Path" - the road from school.

“A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom” - Sunday.

“There is no such thing as too much happiness” - vacation.

"Tiger Tamer" - class teacher.

“Restless Household” is a native class.

“Judgment is Coming” - parent meeting.

“Much Ado About Nothing” is a great collection.

“Hope dies last” - begging for money from parents.

“Walking through torment” - doing homework.

“On the Count's Ruins” - class before cleaning.

"Madhouse" - class during recess.

“Report with a noose around your neck” - the answer is on the board.

“Poverty is not a vice” - lack of A’s.

“It’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat” - an excellent student who received a bad mark.

“Woe from Wit” - two points for the clue.

“Notes of a Madman” - an essay on literature.

“Battle of Kulikovo” - wardrobe.

Ved.1. Yes, what can you hear within the school walls...

Ved.2. I propose now to announce a musical break on our channel.


Ved.1. Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today every person celebrates, because whoever he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all, he is someone's former student.

Ved.2. And it is true. Whatever a person becomes, he has first gone through the difficult path of a student. I stood at the blackboard, sighed over my homework, worried about getting a D, and was happy about getting an A. And the teacher was always with him: both in sorrow and in joy.

Ved.1. We present to your attention the section"One to one."


Scene 1.

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

The student goes to the board and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”

A student writes from dictation on the board.

Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.

The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student: “Dad and Mom.” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Scolded someone, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Well, the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

Scene 2.

Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?

Student: What should we divide, Mikhail Ivanovich?

Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.

Student: And between whom?

Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.

Student: Then three for me and one for Sidorov.

Teacher: Why is this?

Student: Because Sidorov owes me one apple.

Teacher: Doesn’t he owe you a plum?

Student: No, I shouldn’t have plums.

Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?

Student: Four. And all to Sidorov.

Teacher: Why four?

Student: Because I don’t like plums.

Teacher: Wrong again.

Student: How many is correct?

Teacher: Now I’ll put the correct answer in your diary!

Scene 3.

Conversation with the teacher:

- Sidorkin, didn’t you promise me that you would correct your bad grade?

- Yes, Mary Ivanna.

“Didn’t I promise to call your parents if you didn’t do this?” - Yes, Mary Ivanna, but if I didn’t keep my promise, then you don’t have to keep yours either!

Song "Teachers of Moscow". (Performed by all concert participants).

Presenter 1.

Teacher's Heart... Well, what can you compare it with?

With a cosmic Galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare! And we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher's Heart - HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE!

Ved.2. This concludes the broadcast of our school TV channel. Be happy! Thank you for everything! Happy Teacher's Day!

What else to read