“Cookware can be different” notes on speech development in the older group. Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group “What kinds of dishes are there?”

MDOU Lipitsky kindergarten combined type"Spikelet"

Conversation on the topic:

« Where did the dishes come from?»

senior group


Zhuravleva N.M.

Volkova V.V.

« Dishes for guests»

Target: Introduce children to the history of dishes. Systematize children's knowledge about the purpose different types dishes. Introduce the methods of its production. Promote the development of cognitive abilities. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Material: various pictures with dishes (exhibited on the typesetting canvas during the conversation).

Progress of the conversation

-- Guys, let's remember the fascinating and instructive fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief.”- What happened to the heroine of this fairy tale? That's right, all the dishes ran away from her.- Do you remember why this happened? Yes. Grandmother Fedora did not take care of her dishes, did not wash them, did not clean them, did not groom them.- How do you think. Are dishes worthy of respect? (Children's answers).- When do you think the first dishes appeared? That's right, a very long time ago. At first, ancient people did without utensils. Vegetables and fruits were eaten raw, and meat was fried over a fire and eaten with hands. But very soon they realized that this was not very convenient. Why do you think? (The food from the fire was very hot, and it was necessary to eat everything at once, because there was nowhere to put the leftover food). But different types of dishes have their own history. But before we get acquainted with the origin of some types of dishes, let's find out which items belong to the dishes. (Children list).- And so we already know that dishes are items for preparing, eating and storing food. There are also decorative dishes that are designed to decorate the interior. These are vases, plates, dishes, etc.- Name the items that are used in preparing food and drinks. (Pots, frying pans, baking dishes, teapots, coffee makers, dumpling makers, steamers, etc.).- What utensils are used when eating? (plates, bowls, dishes, salad bowls.)- What do we use for drinking and beverages? (Cups, glasses, shot glasses, mugs, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, jugs, bottles, thermoses.)- What kind of utensils are used to store food? (cheese bowls, tureens, pots, butter dishes, bread bins.)- What is cutlery? (spoons, forks, knives).- There are also auxiliary serving items, who knows what belongs to them? (Trays, saucers, candy bowls, vases, etc.).- That's how many different dishes there are in the house. And all of it can be made from different materials. Which ones? (Children call).- What kind of dishes do you think appeared first? (Children's answers).- The history of tableware goes back centuries, its rich pedigree is surrounded by all sorts of legends and myths, as well as entertaining historical descriptions. It is believed that the first dishes appeared about seven thousand years ago. It was sculpted from simple clay and by hand. Over time, people realized that not any clay is suitable for making durable dishes. Then other substances began to be added to it. This is how ceramics appeared. As for glass, it was used back in ancient Egypt. However, glass production reached its true flourishing in a later period. In China they came up with a recipe for porcelain and for a long time this recipe was kept secret. Long history and wooden utensils. Pots and bowls - the first utensils in Ancient Rus'. They were made from wood, and later from metal. For a long time, the kitchen was dominated by the pot - the direct predecessor of the modern saucepan. The sizes of the pots varied greatly. The pots differed in exterior decoration. More elegant were those in which food was served on the table. Pottery skills developed in the cities and little attention was paid to the external decoration of pots. However, despite its versatility, the pot had difficulty satisfying numerous culinary needs. Then all kinds of pots, baking trays and frying pans came to his aid. You have learned a lot about dishes, there is still a lot to learn, so I suggest you relax a little and play.
PHYSMINUTE The basket stood on the shelf, idle. Sit down, round your arms - depict a basket. She was probably bored all summer. Tilts the head to the right - to the left. Autumn has arrived and the leaves have turned yellow. Stand up, imitating tree branches. The time has come to reap the harvest. Stretch, pretend to pick fruit from trees. The basket is satisfied. Round your arms in front of you and nod your head. She was surprised Spread your arms. That so many fruits in the garden were born. Rise on your toes, show with your hands big circle.
Cutlery also has an interesting history. For example, an ordinary table knife. Our distant ancestors did not distinguish between combat, hunting, utility or table knives. Each one carried his own knife in his belt and used it for different purposes. Special table knives came into use much later and were sharp at the end. Then later they began to make them rounded so that people quarreling while eating could not hurt each other. Very interesting story has a tablespoon. The very first spoon was made by a man from stone. It was very heavy and heated up while eating, then people began to make spoons from animal bones. Spoons, like knives, were often carried with them in special cases, or simply in a belt or boot top. Later, people began to make spoons from wood.- What kind of spoons were they? (Wooden).- What spoons do we eat with now? (Iron). The fork is the youngest of the cutlery. Even at the royal table in the 17th century, only a knife and a spoon were used. The first forks had two prongs and were only owned by very wealthy people. All other people started using forks much later. Result: What interesting things did you learn about dishes today? What was the very first plate, spoon, and fork made of? What kind of knife was it? Can people live without dishes?

Zilya Makhmutova
Planning educational work on the topic “Utensils” in the preparatory group

Subject « Dishes» .

Program content: Form ideas about dishes and its meanings in human life. Clarify and expand children's knowledge about subjects dishes, its classifications (kitchen, dining room, tea room). Expand knowledge about how to handle dishes. Develop the prerequisites for holistic semantic perception of folk crafts.

To promote the implementation of independent creative activity of children through images of objects dishes, making crafts from salt dough, painting dishes.

Form an aesthetic attitude towards everyday objects.

Creating a book with children "menu", "Preparing a festive dinner".,"We treat guests". Substitute items for role-playing games, waiter and bartender costumes

materials and tools for drawing, sculpting, appliqué and artistic work, samples handicraft dishes: Khokhloma, Gzhel, gesture, Gorodets.

Creation of a manual book for groups"Stories told dishes» .

Drawing up algorithms: setting the table, making tea,

Books to read and look at: adding illustrations "Family Dinner", "Dinner (breakfast) in kindergarten, reproductions, photographs depicting various types dishes. Printed board games based on this topic.

To carry out educational activities in the family according to topic it is advisable to recommend parents:

Bring an item from home dishes and write a story about it. Reading: K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief",

"Blue Cup" A. Gaidar

"Pot of Porridge" Brothers Grimm

Rus. adv. fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane".

Consultation for parents: “Self-respect. What's his name educate» .

Joint educational activities By topic in special moments:



Conversation “What happens dishes

Target: form a generalizing concept « dishes» ; clarify the name with the children dishes; be able to name and distinguish kitchen, dining and tea rooms dishes; consolidate understanding of purpose dishes.

Physical education minute "The washing up dishes»

A game "Change the Word". Target: consolidate knowledge of the plural form of the nominative case of nouns with different endings.

Conversation "Which We use dishes at home» .

Target: Talk about objects that make a person’s work easier in everyday life (coffee grinder, mixer, meat grinder, etc., develop the ability to identify the materials from which objects are made.

Di "Name it correctly" (sugar bowl, candy – candy bowl)

A game "Negotiate proposals".

Target: teach children to form comparative degrees from adjectives.

"The History of the Samovar"

-Target: introduce children to the history of the creation of the samovar; bring up interest in his past.

Di “How are they similar and how are they different?” (Samovar and kettle)

Finger gymnastics "The Cooks"

Game exercise "Say the opposite".

Target: teach children to name actions with opposite meanings.

conversation "The Story of a Spoon".

Tasks: introduce children to the history of the invention of the spoon; with the materials from which spoons were and are made; with types of spoons, develop cognitive interest.

Conducting the experiment during breakfast "Which spoon to eat convenient: wooden or metal?”

Target: determine experimentally whether metal and wooden spoons heat up from hot food; Which spoon shape is more convenient for eating?

Game situation "IN china shop» Target: Strengthen the ability to compare objects (by purpose, color, shape, material, classify them ( dishes - porcelain, glass, ceramic, plastic).

conversation "The History of the Plate".

Target: introduce children to the history of the invention of the plate; with the materials from which the plates were and are made; with types of plates, develop cognitive interest.

Didactic game "Assemble the service"

Didactic game "Choose a rhyme". Target: to develop the ability to form the genitive plural form of nouns.

Didactic exercise

Continue work bed: straighten the sheet, cover with a blanket. Teach children to keep their shoes in order. Do not trample the backdrop. Know how to lace your shoes.

Hygiene procedures:

Situations "If you broke dishes

Didactic exercise “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly”

Continue work to strengthen the ability to refuel bed: straighten the sheet, cover with a blanket.

Teach children to keep their shoes in order. Do not trample the backdrop. Know how to lace your shoes.

Improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, and maintain order in the washroom.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Talk “A beautifully set table is the key to a good appetite” Talk "Can they wash dishes boys Talk "Which utensils cannot be used» Conversation about expired products.



Crow and Magpie Watching

Target: learn to compare a magpie and a crow, find features (appearance, voice, habits).

Look for traces of birds in the kindergarten area.

Outdoor games

"Penguins with a ball", "Don't step on it!".

Target: make it more difficult to jump on two legs by moving forward with an object clamped by your legs.

Individual work Development of movements.

Target: strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

Watching snowflakes


pay attention to the fact that snowflakes come in different shapes;

teach comparison, develop cognitive activity.

Research activities

Observe where the snow melts faster - on your mitten or hand. Why? What is formed from snow?

Labor activity Construction of a labyrinth.


teach to finish things;

bring up ability to act together.

Outdoor games

"Two Frosts", "Wolf in the Moat".

Target: develop attention and the ability to act on a signal teacher.

Individual Job"Walk carefully".

Target: teach to walk "snake" between objects without knocking them over.

Cloud watching


expand our understanding of the sky and its influence on our lives planets;

develop perception beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

Labor activity

Raking snow under bushes and trees, clearing paths and slides.

Target: learn work together, receive joy from the result.

Outdoor games

"The Hen and the Kite".

Target: continue to teach how to deftly dodge the catcher. "Snow Hockey".

Target: learn to roll the puck into the goal. Individual Job

Learning tongue twisters.

Target: work out correct pronunciation.

Observation of trees and shrubs

Target: expand and deepen knowledge about plants,

Research activities

Digging out the deep snow where the grass grew. Under the snow cover you can see small green plants with weak leaves pressed to the ground. Lead the children to the conclusion that snow protects the soil, preventing it from cooling.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow towards trees.

Target: bring up humane and active attitude towards trees.

Outdoor game

“What grows in different parts?”.

Target: fix the names of trees.

Vehicle surveillance

Target: consolidate knowledge about cars, be able to distinguish them by purpose. Labor activity

Collective work at the site to clean up the area.


strengthen the ability to concentrate attention on certain objects;

learn to combine strength and speed.

Outdoor games

"The Winding Path", "Traffic light".

Target: learn to act on a signal, jump over obstacles, land on both feet at once. Individual long jump work.


practice long jumps;

learn to push off with both feet.

Returning from a walk work before bed.


Reading by N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge"

Target: teach children emotionally perceive figurative content of works, comprehend the characters; Exercise children in the selection of comparisons, synonyms, antonyms.

Didactic game “What dish is this?” (formation of relative adjectives).

Di "Guess what it is" (exercises depicting silhouettes dishes)

Di "Let's help Fedora".

Target: expansion and enrichment of children's vocabulary in lexical topic« Dishes» .

Didactic game "Who is the most observant". Target: to develop children's attention, memory, everyday vocabulary.

Didactic game "Sounding dishes»

Didactic game "Each dishes have their place» .

Target: differentiate dishes(kitchen, tea room, dining room).

Game exercise "Guess what's missing?" Target: consolidate the ability to form plural genitive nouns.

Didactic game "Count dishes» (agreement of nouns with numerals)

D\i “Which drink is in which dishes(There is kefir in the glass, and coffee in the cup).

A game "One is many". Target: teach children to form nominative plural nouns.

DI « china shop» (composition of parts into a whole). Di "The Fourth One", "Couples". Target: fix names dishes, play independently, following the rules of the game, choosing the leader with a counting rhyme.

Didactic game "Big small". Target: teach children to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.


S\r game "Cafe" Target: teach how to independently distribute roles and act in accordance with the role, teach how to independently create the necessary buildings, and develop the skills of a friendly attitude among children. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games.

Finger gymnastics: "One, two, three, four, we washed the dishes...»

Lesson - conversation "The History of the Cup".

Tasks: introduce children to the history of the invention of the cup; with the materials from which cups were and are made; with types of cups, develop cognitive interest.

Conducting experiments: “How to distinguish an earthenware saucer from a porcelain one?”, “What do clay, earthenware and porcelain cups sound like?”

Tasks: experimentally determine the difference between a porcelain saucer and an earthenware one if you bring them to a light source; Determine experimentally what sound cups made of different materials make when struck with a wooden stick.

Guessing riddles about dishes.

Watch a video "How to make clay dishes» .

Target: introduce children to potter's work; develop cognitive interest; enrich ideas about the work of adults and lexicon children (potter, potter's wheel, glaze) .

S\r game "Pizzeria"

Target: Continue to develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, to observe role interactions and relationships in the game. Develop emotions that arise during role-playing and plot game actions with characters.

P/exercise for coordination of movements “Carry it without spilling the water in the spoon.”

Productive activity: Stencils "Salt shaker", "Kettle", "Milkman"- circle and decorate.

Didactic game "Change and say it right". Target: teach children to listen carefully and find mistakes.

Independent theater activity: theater on flannelgraph

"Fedorino grief".

Laying out from geometric shapes « Dishes on the table» .Didactic game "Call me kindly". Target: teach children to form adjectives with an affectionate meaning.

Washing flower pot trays.

An evening walk.


round dance game “Draw dishes» on coordination of speech and movement.

P\i "Penguins with a ball"

Target: teach children to jump to a visual reference on two legs with a ball held between their knees, trying not to lose the ball, and land on both feet. Develop agility, speed of movement, coordination.

Round dance game “The cup went out for a walk...”

"Simple Traps"

Target: teach children to run in all directions, dodging the trap. Develop speed of movement, reaction, and the ability to act on a signal.

P\i "Drive the ice"

Target: teach children to jump on one leg, trying to drive an object into a circle with the toe of their foot. Develop dexterity and the ability to calculate the force of a push.

Conversation with children middle group on the topic of:

« Where did the dishes come to us from?»

Target: Introduce children to the history of dishes. Systematize children's knowledge about the purpose of different types of utensils. Introduce the methods of its production. Promote the development of cognitive abilities. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Material: various pictures with dishes (exhibited on the typesetting canvas during the conversation).

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, let's remember the fascinating and instructive fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief”.

What happened to the heroine of this fairy tale?(Children's answers) That's right, all the dishes ran away from her.

Do you remember why this happened?(Children's answers) Yes. Grandmother Fedora did not take care of her dishes, did not wash them, did not clean them, did not groom them.

How do you think. Are dishes worthy of respect?(Children's answers).

When do you think the first dishes appeared? The first dishes appeared a long time ago. At first, ancient people did without utensils. Vegetables and fruits were eaten raw, and meat was fried over a fire and eaten with hands. But very soon they realized that this was not very convenient. Why do you think?(The food from the fire was very hot, and it was necessary to eat everything at once, because there was nowhere to put the leftover food). But different types of dishes have their own history. But before we get acquainted with the origin of some types of dishes, let's find out which items belong to the dishes.(Children list)

And so we already know that dishes are items for preparing, eating and storing food. There are also decorative dishes that are designed to decorate the interior. These are vases, plates, dishes, etc.

Name the items that are used for preparing food and drinks.(Pots, frying pans, baking dishes, teapots, coffee makers, dumpling makers, steamers, etc.).

What utensils are used when eating?(plates, bowls, dishes, salad bowls.)

What do we use for drinking and beverages?(Cups, glasses, shot glasses, mugs, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, jugs, bottles, thermoses.)

What kind of utensils are used to store food?(Children's answers) These are cheese bowls, tureens, pots, butter dishes, bread bins.

What is cutlery?(Spoons, forks, knives)

There are also auxiliary items for serving, who knows what belongs to them?(Children's answers) That's right, these are trays, saucers, candy bowls, vases.

That's how many different dishes there are in the house. And all of it can be made of different materials. Tell me which ones?(Children's answers)

What kind of dishes do you think appeared first?(Children's answers)

The history of tableware goes back centuries, its rich pedigree is surrounded by all sorts of legends and myths, as well as entertaining historical descriptions. It is believed that the first dishes appeared about seven thousand years ago. It was sculpted from simple clay and by hand. Over time, people realized that not any clay is suitable for making durable dishes. Then other substances began to be added to it. This is how ceramics appeared. As for glass, it was used back in ancient Egypt. However, glass production reached its true flourishing in a later period. In China they came up with a recipe for porcelain and for a long time this recipe was kept secret.

Wooden utensils also have a long history. Pots and bowls are the first utensils in Ancient Rus'. They were made from wood, and later from metal. For a long timekitchen The pot reigned - the direct predecessor of the modern saucepan. The sizes of the pots varied greatly. The pots also differed in their external decoration. More elegant were those in which food was served attable . Pottery skills developed in the cities and little attention was paid to the external decoration of pots. However, despite its versatility, the pot had difficulty satisfying numerous culinary needs. Then all kinds of pots, baking trays and frying pans came to his aid.

You have learned a lot about dishes, there is still a lot to learn, so I suggest you relax a little and play.


The basket stood on the shelf, idle.

Sit down, round your arms - depict a basket.

She was probably bored all summer.

Tilts the head to the right - to the left.

Autumn has arrived and the leaves have turned yellow.

Stand up, imitating tree branches.

The time has come to reap the harvest.

Stretch, pretend to pick fruit from trees.

The basket is satisfied.

Round your arms in front of you and nod your head.

She was surprised

Spread your arms.

That so many fruits in the garden were born.

Rise on your toes, show with your hands big circle.

Cutlery also has an interesting history. For example, an ordinary table knife. Our distant ancestors did not distinguish between combat, hunting, utility or table knives. Each one carried his own knife in his belt and used it for different purposes. Special table knives came into use much later and were sharp at the end. Then later they began to make them rounded so that people quarreling while eating could not hurt each other.

The tablespoon also has a very interesting history. The very first spoon was made by a man from stone. It was very heavy and heated up while eating, then people began to make spoons from animal bones. Spoons, like knives, were often carried with them in special cases, or simply in a belt or boot top. Later, people began to make spoons from wood.

What kind of spoons were they?(Wooden)

Now what spoons do we eat with?(Iron)

The fork is the youngest of the cutlery. Even beyond the royaltable in the 17th century they used only a knife and a spoon. The first forks had two prongs and were only owned by very wealthy people. All other people started using forks much later.

Result: What interesting things did you learn about dishes today? What was the very first plate, spoon, and fork made of? What kind of knife was it? Can people live without dishes?

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 67
combined species of the Krasnoselsky district “Wizard”

Calendar plan
compensating group No. 10

Lanina Elena Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg

Month November
Topic of the week: "Dishes"
ETC. - Strengthen children's knowledge about dishes. History of the origin of dishes. Introduce children to types of utensils; the materials from which they are made. Learn to compare, group, classify dishes, develop tactile and visual memory.
R.R. - Train in making proposals based on a picture. Activate children's vocabulary based on generalized knowledge about dishes, the ability to conduct dialogue with the teacher and with peers.
S-K.R. Enrich the content of children’s games, develop independence in choosing games, involve children in playing together with adults and children
Labor - Create a desire to play with dishes, put them back in their places, use them for their intended purpose, share with friends
Safety - Continue to reinforce children’s ability to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe, wash toy dishes.
H-E.R. Develop Creative skills children, teach how to work with various materials(cutting on a bias, rounding corners, conveying the image of a toy in the drawing, using sculpting techniques).
F.R. Continue to train children in jumping on two legs, accuracy, ball school - playing “pass”.
Health - Show role proper nutrition for human health.

Cooperative activity
Independent activities of children (organization of a developmental environment)

Title, purpose

In sensitive moments


1.P.R. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
"Visiting Grandma Fedora"
Goal: Expand and consolidate ideas about dishes; develop the ability to solve riddles by highlighting characteristic features, parts (bottom, spout, etc.), generalize, differentiate (tea room, dining room, kitchen); develop attention and logical thinking.
2 H.e.r. Modeling “Cup and saucer”
Goal: To teach methods of sculpting tea utensils, using the movement of the entire hand and fingers, to consolidate knowledge of sculpting techniques: rolling between the palms, stretching, smoothing, pressing, fastening parts.
3.F.r. Physical Culture
Sets of subject pictures.
Presentation "Tableware"
Antique dishes made of wood and clay.
Modern dishes.
work. plasticine, boards, napkins
- Reinforce the idea of ​​the days of the week with Yura, Yulia, Egor, Makar.

Development of the eye “Hit the target”
Fedya, Kira, Nastya, Dima.

D/i “Pick a Color” with Egor, Veronica, Vika V., Alesya.

Play activity
Ex. “Let’s cool the mug of tea” (developing voice power)
C/game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”, “What’s for what” (sugar bowl for sugar, etc.)
Game/exercise “Does this happen or not?” (development of hearing and logic)
P/n “Teapot” (speech with movement)
D/i “What is it made from.”
D/i “Haze”, “Describe without naming”
D/i “Lay out the pattern”, “Repeat according to the sample”.
D/i “Find out by touch.”
D\i “Pick a sign”: cup (which one?), teapot (which one?).
D/i “Edible, not edible”
Game situations: “Home Alone” (dangerous objects in everyday life), “Have all the rules disappeared?”, “Beating, not fighting, drowning, not drowning”
Conversation “How to behave at the table”, “Sadness, Bad mood", "In the china shop"
"Naughty little talkers"
Illustrations folk art– Gzhel, Khokhloma dishes, reproduction by I. Leitan “ Golden autumn", "Slabodka"
Morning exercises see card index
Cognitive and research activities
Experiment “Air - making a cloud.”
Purpose: to introduce the properties of air, where rain comes from. Material: pieces of ice, a jar of hot water, lid.
play/motor activity
- Dramatization games “Treat” (teach hospitality, politeness)
- Games with snow to determine the shape.
- S/r game “Dishes Fair” (classify dishes according to purpose), “Doll Cafe”
- Round dance game “Winter Winter”
P\i “Two Frosts”, “The Third Wheel” - running
"Snipers" - throwing
Labor shoveling snow to build a snow slide
Individual work
Ex. slip, and control with the ball pass. Goal: To train children in passing the ball with their feet (Dima, Yura, Maxim P., Maxim R.).

With portable toys
Board games:
"Carousel", "Loto",
“Domino”, “What is it made of”, “Haze”, Lay out the pattern”, “Repeat according to the pattern”.

Cutting pictures “Dishes”

S/r games “Family” and “Kitchen” - “Shop”

- coloring pages
- pencils
-sand sets
- clothes for the seller
- books
- pictures from decorative painting dishes.
-books about dishes.
- Drawing as desired using stencils

Mosaic games,
- Playing with massage balls and rings.

D\i “Select by color”
- Independent work With natural material and plasticine

- “Wonderful bag” - “Find out by touch” (dishes)

Games in the construction corner “China Shop”
- Independent games in the physical education corner


2.H.e.r. Manual labor
"Napkin for a glass"
Goal: Continue to learn how to fold a square diagonally twice, from corner to corner. Cut off the resulting “tail” from the resulting triangle; learning to hold and pass scissors correctly; repeat the safety rules.
3. H.e.r. Music
Scissors, white
square of paper

Pictures are riddles
and d/i “Say the opposite, kindly” - with Maxim R., Alesya, Nastya, Dima.
D/i “Whose? Whose?" Fedya, Kira, Nastya, Dima.


1. Joint activity of a teacher psychologist with children.
2. R.R. The story of the poem by S. Kaputinyan “Masha is having lunch” by Ushakov
Goal: Learn to compose short story based on a poem and a descriptive story about dishes. Replenishing your vocabulary with high-quality adjectives. (compare utensils by purpose, material and quality)
3. .F.r. Physical Culture

Plan diagram for compiling a descriptive story on the topic “Dishes”. nursery rhyme - game: “Our Vovka has a carrot on his saucer. Our Shark has potatoes in a saucepan. Our Natasha has currants in a cup, and Valerka has mushrooms in her plates. Now don’t yawn and name the dishes.”

The game "What's missing?" (development visual perception) with Makar, Maxim P., Serezha S., Serezha Ch.

Ex. “Clap the words” (dividing words into syllables) with Masha, Veronica, Vika V., Egor,

Explain to the attendants the sequence of actions in the dining room
D/i “Surprise the subject” with Maxim, Egor, Veronica


1. R.R. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
2. P.R. F.E.M.P. No. 8 page 31
Purpose: To introduce the formation of the number 10, based on a comparison of two groups of objects, expression. adjacent numbers 9 and 10; learn to answer the question “How much?” correctly. To consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and their sequence. To form an idea of ​​a triangle, its properties and types.
3. H.e.r. Music
4.F.r. Physical Culture

Handout. Gyenoš blocks
Sets of numbers 1-10.

Game "What's Missing" with Yura, Yulia, Egor, Makar.

Orientation in space “Hot, cold” with Masha, Maxim, Fedya, Seryozha

Invigorating gymnastics See card index
C.H.L. Illustrated reading of the English fairy tale “The Pot”, K. Chukovsky “Fedoreno Grief”, Nosov’s story “Mishkina Porridge”, V. Oseeva “Why?”
Memorizing poems and round dances for the New Year's party Game activities
- Children acting out the fairy tale “Three Bears” with the help of toys, pantomime “Bring the toy to life”
C\r game “Visiting the nesting doll” - guests ask to talk about the dishes
S/r game "Cafe"
D\i “Complete the sentence” - word formation in plural. h.
D\i “Who remembers more words”
D/i “What’s gone?”, “What’s for what”, “Guess from the description”, “Describe, and we’ll find out, we’ll guess”
D/I “Wonderful bag”
D/I “China Shop”, “Recognize by Silhouette”
Presentation of the logic game “Dishes”
Communication: “Resentment, revenge – good or bad?”
Check the weather conditions before the walk. Observation of seasonal changes (Kravchenko p. 34). Bird watching, taking out the feeder with food, who will fly up to the feeder.
Conversation “It’s icy, you can’t go and don’t eat, but it’s beautifully served, why isn’t anyone happy?”
Play activity
Ball game “WHAT? WHICH? WHICH?" (to activate relative adjectives in speech, throw a ball to the child and tell him what the dishes are made of; the child catches the ball, forms a phrase with relative adjective and returns the ball)
P/i "Red Nose Frost", "Homeless Hare" - running, P/i "Mousetrap" - running,
P/n at the request of the children.
Individual control for sliding and jumping (Vika, Makar, Veronica, Masha)
Independent children's activities
At the request of the children

Interaction with parents

Invite children to read K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Fedorino’s Mountain.” Find out what kind of dishes the child remembers, tell what kind of dishes there are, how they help people, draw the child’s attention to the material from which the dishes are made.

Train your child to write a story according to plan
- Ex. with the Teapot movement
“I’m a teapot grumbler, a busybody, a madman, I show my belly. I boil tea, fuss and shout. Hey people, I want to drink tea with you.”

Help in designing the collection “My Favorite Cup” from illustrative material
- Invite parents to make a papier mache saucer with their children and paint it

Individual consultations at the request of parents.


1. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
2.H.e.r. Drawing "Plate"
Goal: Learn to place a pattern on a circle, filling the middle and edges. Develop a sense of rhythm in pattern making, composition, color.
sheet of paper, brushes, napkin, gouache, oilcloth

Ex. “Count it” (agreeing numerals with nouns)
Maxim R., Alesya, Nastya, Dima.

Ex. “Selection of tableware items by color, accompanying actions with speech” by Makar, Maxim P., Serezha S., Serezha Ch.

Breathing exercises “Porridge is boiling” with Vika L., Vika V., Makar, Olesya

Strengthen your skills in jumping on two legs with Egor, Yura, Kira and Nastya

Tamara Kolesnik
Integrated lesson in the senior group “World of Crockery”

Subject: "World dishes» .

Target: Expand children's understanding of dishes.

Tasks: To develop the ability to combine objects according to common characteristics.

Learn to use words denoting materials of manufacture

subject (wooden, glass, iron, etc.)

Develop explanatory and coherent speech skills.

Strengthen the ability to decorate a product with Gorodets elements

paintings. Develop fantasy and imagination.

Equipment: Slides with views dishes, pictures from a fairy tale "Fedorino grief",

D/game: “What shall we serve it in?”, objects dishes from different materials,

pictures from dishes, decorated with Gorodets painting, audio recording

(music for the soul).

Handout: Cards "Different dishes» , cut pictures

"put the whole thing together", posters “transformation of a geometric figure

into the subject dishes", blank for painting, simple pencil,

equipment for painting with paints.

Methodical techniques: Visual, verbal, practical.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into group, stand around the table on which there are objects dishes, covered with a napkin.

Playback - Guys, now I’m going to ask you riddles, and whoever guesses it will get it from under

napkins the answer.

1 Is water flowing from a hot well through your nose? (kettle)

2 We don’t eat ourselves, but feed people? (spoons)

3 I puff, puff, puff, I don’t want to fry anymore.

Will the lid ring loudly and invite everyone to the table? (pan)

4 Are we made of glass, used for water, juice, milk? (glasses)

5 I always stand under the cup, don’t let the tea spill? (saucer)

Playback – Tell me, how can all these objects be called in one word? (dishes) Today we

let's talk about dishes.

(children sit on the carpet in front of the screen)

Playback (shows slides)Dishes- These are items for preparing or serving food.

Dishes happen:

1 Kitchen - in which food is prepared, we meet with it every day in the kitchen.

Name what you see in the picture? (answers children: frying pan, saucepan,

mantle, cast iron, ladle, etc.)

2 Dining room dishes - from which to eat, this is the one dishes which we see at lunch

table. What do you see in the picture? (answers children: tureen, deep plate,

small plate, salad bowl, etc.)

3 Tea room dishes- They relate to her tea-set, coffee service. Name

tea room items dishes? (answers children: teapot, coffee pot, saucer, cup, etc.)

Playback - And in order to consolidate what you saw and heard, I suggest playing game:

"Different dishes»

(children sit at tables)

Take a card with a picture of a different dishes. In the upper right corner of the card

there is a cabinet with shelves where you will place dishes. On the locker

a specific letter is printed. Name the first letter in the word "dining room"?

(children name the letter "WITH"). So on the shelves of this cabinet you place

dining room dishes by drawing an arrow from an object dishes for the cabinet. If on the closet

letter printed "TO"- that means you place the kitchen here dishes, and if the letter

"H"- means tea room dishes.

(children complete the task, after which the teacher asks 2-3 children the names of objects dishes, which they placed in a certain locker)

(hangs up a picture of Fedora)

Playback - Oh, guys, who is this? (children's answers). That's right, this is Fedor's grandmother from a fairy tale

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief". Guys, what kind of grief happened to Fedora? (answers)

Why the dishes ran away? (answers). Bye dishes ran through the forests and swamps,

it was all cracked, and some of it was damaged. Maybe we can try to glue it together and

then we will know which one exactly the dishes ran away from Fedora.

(children take envelopes with cut pictures and assemble the image)

Playback - Well done, now tell us about what you accomplished?

(children's answers, example: - This is a frying pan, you can fry cutlets and fish in it.

This is a saucepan; you can cook soup or compote in it.

This is a cup, you can drink tea and coffee from it.)

Playback - Guys, are you probably tired? Well then, get up quietly, let's go out onto the carpet together

and we'll start the warm-up:

Here is a large glass teapot,

Very important, like a boss.

Here are the porcelain cups

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers,

Just knock, they'll break.

Here's a plastic tray

He brought us the dishes.

(children sit on the carpet and sort out objects dishes)

Playback -Tell me what material it was made from. Fedora's dishes? If the spoon is made

made of wood, what is it like? (wooden).

(D/game is held “Which of which?”)

Playback - Is it possible to use paper? dishes? Why? (children's reasoning).

If Fedora had been neat and looked after her dishes, what would it be then

happened? (children's reasoning). And from you at home dishes don't run away? Tell me

how do you care for her? (children's stories). What happened to Fedora at the end?

fairy tales? Let's repeat the words Fedoras:

"I won't, I won't hurt the dishes,

I will, I will dishes and love and respect

Playback - Guys, have you noticed that all dishes does it have a certain shape?

Look what's on these posters? Name the figures? (children call

geometric figures: circle, square, oval, rectangle, trapezoid). Let's

Let's turn these figures into objects dishes?

(children by groups of 3-4 people, sit down at the tables and complete the details dishes,

talk about what happened and name the type dishes: kitchen, dining room or

Playback – (turns on the screen)– What is the name of the item? dishes, in which we pour sugar?

(children's answers are complete proposal: Sugar is poured into a sugar bowl)

(D/game is held: “What shall we serve it in?”. Slides: milkman, oiler, herring maker,

salt shaker, bread bowl, teapot, candy bowl, etc.)

Playback - Guys, from which one? dishes are more pleasant to eat? (children's answers). To there were dishes

beautiful, it is painted by master craftsmen. We recently met

Gorodets painting. Remember and name the elements of Gorodets painting?

(children's answers : bud, rose, kupavka). Now we will turn into masters and

Let's decorate the dish with Gorodets painting. You have blanks on the tables, choose

and decorate.

(children paint the preparations of the dish).

Playback - Well, we turned out beautiful dishes, painted by masters.

(the topic is being consolidated classes)

Playback -What did we talk about today? class?

What types is it divided into? dishes?

What is a kitchen utensil for? dishes?

What is included in the dining room dishes?

What did you enjoy doing most? class?

Were all the tasks easy or not?

I thank everyone for the good, correct answers and for the beautiful work.

What else to read