Paraffin - what is it? How to use paraffin at home? What is the difference between a wax candle and a paraffin candle, benefits and harms.

Paraffin candles are beautiful to look at and quite elegant. They are usually used to add a festive atmosphere to any event.


Paraffin is the most common material for candle production, having supplanted stearin as the main product back in the early 19th century.

In 1830, a German chemist, Karl von Reikenbach, discovered a chemical compound called paraffin. The resulting substance instantly gained popularity not only among craftsmen making candles (paraffin in one form or another is included in most candles), but also affected the textile, food, and printing industries.

Candle composition

In purified form, the resulting product is actively used in the manufacture of candles. It is a colorless substance that has neither taste nor smell. The resulting material is greasy to the touch, does not dissolve in water, but dissolves perfectly in mineral oils and when heated in a variety of oils plant origin. The density of the purified material varies between 0.907-0.915/cm 3 . The colorless substance has low thermal conductivity. Synthetic material begins to melt at a temperature of 50-60 °C.

Essentially, paraffin is a carbon compound. Chemists and scientists know many types of chemical compounds.

Difference from wax

Unlike wax candles, paraffin candles do not burn for long. Wax ones are inferior to them in beauty, and even in interesting performance By appearance look more like church ones. However, with medical point candles made from wax are better than paraffin candles because they are made from natural material- wax produced by bees. Due to the fact that wax candles are quite expensive, they are usually not made entirely from beeswax, but use inclusions various materials in order to extend the burning time of the candle, as well as to simulate natural aroma.

Basic distinctive feature A paraffin candle is more fragile than a wax candle. Thus, candles made from paraffin crumble easily because they are a direct product of oil refining. Wax candles are always cut into an even layer.

Household paraffin candle

Household candles are most often made from untinted paraffin of medium or high purity. They are cylindrical in appearance and usually white, translucent or opaque in color. Such candles are the simplest, most popular and cheapest type of candles. Use them for their intended purpose during a power outage. It is used by placing it in a candlestick, with the help of which the candle becomes more stable.

Candle production

Paraffin candles can be easily made at home. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Paraffin (for example, from old candles or purchased in the form of a bar).
  • A small weight (you can use a nut).
  • Thread for the wick.
  • Essential oils and dyes.
  • Metal utensils for melting.
  • Shape (you can use a children's sandbox set).

Next you need to prepare paraffin. If you use old candles or purchased but ugly ones, they must be placed in hot water. Then cut it, pull out the wick from the inside and lower it into the bowl. Melt the paraffin using a water bath.

If you purchase a piece of paraffin in a specialized store, you need to cut it into small pieces and immerse it in a container for melting. At this time, it is necessary to stir the mixture periodically to prevent overheating, blackening and leakage of the substance.

Then you need to lubricate the walls of the candle mold with liquid soap and tie a weight to one end of the wick, placing it in the center of the mold. Add dry dye or wax crayons to the straightened paraffin mass. Pour in essential oil or fragrance. Then slowly pour the paraffin into the prepared mold in a thin stream. After which the candle, made of paraffin, must be left in the room until completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the candle include the good melting of a paraffin candle. The synthetic material melts perfectly and takes any shape. Paraffin also combines well with dyes, for example, when mixed with fat dyes it gives a rich, bright color.

The only thing you should pay attention to when adding dyes and flavors is that you don’t need to get carried away with them. For the simple reason that when burning a paraffin candle, an excess of dye can release harmful, toxic substances and create carbon deposits on the wick. A large number highlight flavoring bad smell when burning.

One more positive thing What you can take advantage of when making candles is their versatility and unlimited scope for imagination. During production, paraffin candles are added with metal, colored chips, and decorated in various ways using glass. Silicone, glass, and metal molds are used in the form of paraffin candle molds.

The disadvantages of candles made from paraffin include their inability to preserve for a long time a certain form. So, after small quantity Over time, candles made from pure paraffin become deformed, especially at high temperatures. To avoid this, experienced candle makers add stearin, beeswax or mineral wax, ceresin or ozokerite.

Also, unpleasant properties that arise when using candles include soot and acrid smoke. When the following negative signs appear, the conclusion arises that an unrefined synthetic material was used when making such a candle. And, therefore, the composition of the candle contains a significant proportion of mineral impurities. Soaking the candle wick in ammonium chloride can help in such a situation.

Useful properties of candles

The material in question has beneficial properties for a person. Scientists came to this discovery relatively recently. In their opinion, paraffin candles made with eucalyptus or thyme essential oils have the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Scientists and researchers have come to the conclusion that it’s all about the correct concentration of oils in the miraculous candle. For the simple reason that the basis essential oil- turpentine, and o healing properties Our grandmothers had heard a lot of this material. So in the near future, thanks to the burning of a candle, it will be possible to eliminate a huge number of microorganisms harmful to human health.

Also, heated paraffin helps improve blood circulation and accelerates the healing process of wounds, significantly improves the functioning of joints. Treatment with synthetic material is often used in the post-traumatic period during rehabilitation after injuries.

When purchasing candles, it is better to verify their origin in order to protect yourself from harmful counterfeits. Nowadays, paraffin candles are very often made to reduce production costs and simplify the process itself. But paraffin is a chemical product and cannot be called harmless, unlike natural wax, from which high-quality wax candles are made.

Paraffin candles

Paraffin is a synthetic substance that is obtained from petroleum and a mixture of hydrocarbons. To produce paraffin candles, the following is added to the substance:

  • chemical wax substitutes;
  • fragrances;
  • other non-natural components.

Because of this composition, paraffin candles are harmful to health. When burned, they release benzene and toluene into the air, which do not have time to burn due to the low combustion temperature. The entry of benzene into the human body is fraught with sleep disturbances, weakness and dizziness. When regularly entering the body through the respiratory tract, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, nervous and circulatory systems is disrupted, and diseases of the blood and bone marrow begin to develop. Toluene, when inhaled, also immediately affects nervous system, and then gets to the bloodstream.

Wax candles

Wax is a waste product of bees, produced by their glands to build cellular cells. The production of wax candles does not require the addition of any unnatural components, and therefore does not cause harm to health. Such candles burn evenly and do not emit any harmful substances into the air and do not smoke.

In the section on the question How do paraffin candles differ from wax candles? .. asked by the author Papinadocha the best answer is Paraffin, a product of petroleum distillation, is the most popular material for candles and is included in most candles in one form or another. In the 19th century, stearin significantly replaced it as a candle material.
Beeswax - natural product bee production. Beeswax candles burn longer than paraffin candles and are preferred because they are natural. Due to the higher cost of wax candles, candles are often not made entirely from beeswax, but rather it is added to other materials to extend the burning time of the candle and imitate the natural aroma. The wax used for candles comes in different types.

Reply from simplify[guru]
Paraffin - chemical, wax - natural

Reply from hundredrose[guru]
paraffin ones burn for 10-15 minutes and wax ones for 20-40 minutes

Reply from V. Makarova[guru]
wax is a resin

Reply from European[guru]
some are made of paraffin, others are made of wax, i.e. some are artificial (paraffin), others are natural

Reply from Lena[newbie]
When paraffin candles burn, they do not stick down, but simply melt. Wax candles, on the contrary, when they melt, smudges appear.

Reply from Zhenyusik[newbie]
wax ones are better

Reply from Olga[expert]
externally? color - paraffin light, waxy yellow - smoothly turning into orange... if by burning, wax candles do not leave cinders when they burn.

Reply from Zhenya[guru]
Paraffin ones are cheap, made of synthetic material, burn quickly, paraffin melts and drains easily, and the wicks smoke.
Wax ones are made from natural beeswax, burn well and have a pleasant smell. Dear ones.
Nowadays they are mainly used only in temples (churches).

More than once, each of us has wondered whether it is possible to distinguish natural wax from industrial paraffin and how to determine what material a candle is made of? It's actually very simple, and this experiment requires the components listed at the beginning of the article. In general, beeswax finds its use as often as paraffin, despite the fact that the latter is made from petroleum products. Beeswax is often counterfeited, trying to pass off the surrogate as something similar to a natural product.

How to distinguish natural wax from a fake?

In fact, the surface of beeswax is always smooth and has a slightly concave shape, and if you run or hit it with a sharp object, it will split into several parts, while the fake material only forms a dent after a strong blow.

How to distinguish wax from paraffin using a knife?

When cutting, paraffin always crumbles into small pieces, and natural wax is cut similarly to plasticine; it is a very soft and flexible material. In addition, natural beeswax is a natural product, and paraffin is a synthetic material obtained from petroleum products.

In addition, wax and paraffin behave differently when burned. Thus, wax, which does not contain artificial components and additives, never burns. Instead, it simply melts, forming large droplets that run down the length of the candle, while synthetic paraffin usually burns completely, leaving no trace behind. Relatively color palette, the paraffin itself can be made in any color, for example, blue, red, pink, burgundy, and even the color of silver, gold or pearl. A candle made from natural wax is usually tan or bright yellow in color.

In order to understand the difference between wax and paraffin, you should also pay attention to whether such material causes allergic reactions in humans. Often, natural wax, like any natural product, can cause allergies, but in the case of a candle made from paraffin, this cannot be said - allergic reactions to such a synthetic product are a priori impossible. However, this only applies to pure paraffin, in the production of which no additives or dyes were used.

Another way One way to check what material the candle is made of is the formation of soot.

To do this, you need to light a candle and hold the glass over it for just a few seconds. In the event that soot immediately forms on it, in other words, dark spot, then you can be sure that the candle is made of paraffin. Beeswax, when burned, will not leave soot stains on the glass. Also, a wax candle, unlike a paraffin candle, becomes covered with a white coating when stored for a long time in a cool room.

Due to the fact that each of us lives in an age of advanced technology, every time we come home, we want to surround ourselves with something cozy and less harmful, if not environmentally friendly. Thus, the trend to build houses from wood, to grow moss at home, less paint and wallpaper, and a loft style has already become fashionable. And the decor tends to minimalism too!
Candles, as a wonderful decorative object, are another subject that needs to be approached wisely and made as minimally harmful as possible. What are we talking about, the average candle user will say? I go to the store, I take myself a candle that is looking at me. All.

But today there will be a debriefing, we will explain to you in detail the difference that exists between candles.

So, paraffin or wax? What's the difference?

It would seem that wax, what could be simpler and more affordable? But no, on at the moment 100% wax candles of good quality are extremely rare. But everyone meets, so don’t despair! :) It’s no secret that many manufacturers prefer paraffin candles. Subsequently, they come out cheaper to the buyer. But is it worth it?

What is paraffin?

This is a petroleum derivative; in addition to paraffin, the candle contains a large set of chemical wax substitutes, stearin and fragrances. When burned, such candles release toxic substances, and paraffin itself is a carcinogen when burned. Doesn't sound like much, right?

But beeswax candles are another matter! Such candles contain propolis, which gives the candles a special smell and, when burned, evaporates, cleans and disinfects the air in the room. Moreover, they have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

The question arises, how can one still distinguish wax candles from paraffin candles? Candles can be identified by


Raw wax candles will have a distinct, natural wax aroma that is noticeable when the candle is held to your nose.

But paraffin candle will have no smell at all.

To the touch:

You can often find a candle with a slightly rough surface. But pleasant to the touch. This is what we need wax candle.

Paraffin ones feel like soap, a little greasy.

When burning:

When burning, you can notice how the candle burns evenly, does not flow, (does not cry), and when burning it melts, forming a drop of wax inside the candle. During the combustion process it periodically crackles. Burns slowly. Gives a very faint waxy smell. The candle is easily placed on a drop of wax on a glass surface.

Paraffin, in turn, burns quickly and flows, but there is a droplet when melting, which also indicates the presence of other impurities in it besides paraffin. Does not smell when burning.

Smell when extinguishing a candle:

A wax candle will give a natural, pleasant waxy scent.

Paraffin, by no means - an unpleasant paraffin smell

Candle plasticity:

A wax candle is most often very plastic, it bends easily, but does not break or crumble.

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