Mnemonics: memorizing foreign words. How to easily remember new words

International specialist in Human Design and Gene Key systems, author of the book “Design of a Cloudless Life”, meditation teacher. Lives between Russia and India, consults, conducts sessions, seminars and retreats, works with clients from all over the world. Writes healing fairy tales in English and Russian. Sometimes consults at the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune (India).

  • I haven't started teaching English language from the cradle. Since my sister studied German and was very successful in it, I decided back in kindergarten that this was my path. I wanted to imitate my sister in everything: thanks to her, I learned to read at the age of 4, so choosing German was also easy. So, my sister and I studied Deutsch on our own for several years, and it was fun. And then fifth grade came, and they didn’t ask me what I wanted, baby, and they enrolled me in the English group. After all, I felt that this was my destiny :)

    Today I would like to talk about ways to learn foreign words. They went through many tests, were tried on me and my students, some methods were improved, others were discarded as unnecessary. So, I’m sharing what worked for me personally and my favorite students.

    1. Mnemonics or simply associations.

    To be honest, I didn’t even know that this method was called such a tricky word. I used it on my own back in school, and over time I began to get more sophisticated :) Now I’ll explain.

    Everything is very simple: we take a word, attach an image to the word. The method works well for visual learners. I also often imagine, together with a word and an image, how this word is spelled side by side. This technique is especially useful for abstract words. For example: heat- desert, Love- Cupid with an arrow, open- hand opening a bottle of lemonade or beer. We all have our own associations, and even if they seem very strange to someone, but it works for you, let's be strange :)

    The next stage is to consolidate this image, word and the connection between them in the brain, that is, repeat it over and over again until it is postponed. You should not treat this as hard and tedious work. I am for any process to be easy and playful. I use mnemonics especially complicated words, which by no means want to be immediately remembered.

    2. Make cards for words.

    The good old way with which I prepared for the terrible GRE exam, which is necessary for admission to an American university. We write the Russian version on one side, the English version on the other. Important: do not write all the meanings of this word, the first two are always enough to start with, unless you have a specific term in mind. Cards can be made on your phone or on paper. They are convenient to carry with you and test yourself in your free time.

    3. Cover items with stickers.

    We reserve this for creatives and beginners. A word is best remembered when, instead of translating it, you have a picture before your eyes.

    4. Vision in context.

    English is contextual. When people ask me how to say “go,” I always answer: “depending on where, depending on why, and depending on how long.” Until we see the new word in context, there is little we can do with it. So that the word does not remain a dead weight, we make written sentences with the word or expression, or better yet three, then read them out loud.

    5. Dictate on audio.

    It is important not only to recognize a word (expression) when we see it, but also to recognize it when we hear it. To do this, you need to pronounce it many times. Good way- dictate yourself into a voice recorder and then listen to it. Of course, it is first important to find out how to pronounce this very word correctly, so as not to follow the sad example of Vitaly Mutko and his speech at FIFA under the killer title "From the Botom ov May Hart":) After 30 minutes the word should be repeated. They say repetition before bed is the most best time for memorization, since this is the best time to work with the subconscious.

    6. Smart cards.

    We take one topic and brainstorm. For example, fruits are melon, pear, apple, plum, grape, etc. This method can be combined with the “card” method. And remember that the more time we spend on one word, the faster it is put into the passive dictionary and the faster it will enter the active one.

    About active and passive vocabulary. When we learn/see a new word, it is first stored in a passive internal dictionary. This is the first important stage. That is, you begin to recognize this word when you see it, especially in context. Only after this does this word have a chance to “go” into the active dictionary, that is, you will be able to retrieve it from memory and use it in speech.

    7. Find an accomplice.

    Surely there is someone in your life who would like to learn a foreign language with you. It's stimulating. It’s especially fun to make up an associative series together with a friend - it’s a lot of fun :). At one time, I didn’t have an accomplice, and I studied English on my own. But I use this rule in other cases, it always works! I'll tell you someday.

    8. Use emotions.

    When memorizing a word, the emotions that you put into a new word are very important. If you link it with some live pictures, evoking emotions, preferably positive, but not necessary :), the word will be deposited at least in the passive dictionary. It can be tied to personal memories, which is also very effective. You can evoke smells, tastes, fill the picture with color, or combine it with your favorite music. This method is well suited for memorizing certain concepts that are difficult to attach to something specific.

    9. Spelling.

    You must not only know how to pronounce a word, but also be able to write it. To do this, take a sheet of paper and write it many times. The concept of "spelling" is very important in the English language. If you have a friend Ashley whose name is spelled Ashly and not Ashleigh, then God forbid you spell her name wrong. There will be no offense :)

    10. A bunch of concepts.

    When you study individual words, this is one thing, but when you connect them together, it becomes even more effective. You can, for example, select 10-20 words and write a coherent story consisting of these words. He can be stupid, funny, serious - it doesn’t matter, have fun with it! Personally, I find this method very entertaining.

    11. Opposites.

    We choose those words that have antonyms and remember them first separately, then in pairs. For example, good - bad, awful - awesome. You can do the same with synonyms (nice - fine - good), with professions (to teach - teacher, etc.), using word formations. More on this in the next paragraph.

    12. Word formation.

    Here you can study suffixes and prefixes with which new words are formed. For example, believe (believe) - believable (probable) - unbelievable (incredible) - believing (believing) - belief (faith) - disbelief (disbelief).

    13. Combination of all methods.

    This is the most best way. All of the above methods complement each other and help.

    Now all that’s left to do is get started :) Next time I’ll tell you about the resources with which learning and improving English can become a powerful tool for self-development!

    “To speak another language means to own a second soul”


    The importance of knowledge foreign language V modern world difficult to overestimate. In order to travel, you must know the language of the country you are going to, or at least English. There are many foreign language resources on the Internet, the key to which is knowledge of the language. Increasingly, when hiring, knowledge of one or even several foreign languages ​​is required. And its study contributes to the formation of new neural connections in the brain.

    The main difficulty in mastering a language is words. This article is designed to make this process much more interesting and easier.

    If you are not yet familiar with the basic principles of mnemonics,...

    Method phonetic associations

    This method is based on the consonance of words of a foreign language and a native one. In order to remember a word, you must find a word that sounds similar in your native language.

    For example: pillow [ˈpɪloʊ] translated from English is pillow. In pronunciation this word is very similar to Russian word"saw". We imagine how a saw cuts a pillow from above, feathers begin to fall out, etc. (don't forget about the brightness of the image). Or the English word hang - to hang. It reminds me of the word "khan". We imagine how the khan hangs on the horizontal bar.

    What to do with the word elephant? It is difficult to find a consonant word for it. But you can divide it into parts and pick it up some words For example " Ele ktronika" (the one where the wolf catches eggs) and " forfeit ik". We imagine how an elephant with its trunk holds an “Electronics”, half wrapped in a candy wrapper.
    Let's consider more complex example: suggest - suggest. We imagine how Stalin holds a large open jar with jam, a piece of cheese sticking out of it, and Joseph Vissarionovich actively offers buy this. We read the images in order (from top to bottom): sy p, je m, St alin. The result was something very reminiscent of suggest. We immediately remember the translation - to offer.

    Important! When repeating words, be sure to pronounce the correct pronunciation of the word. Although you do not remember it exactly, but only approximately, you will still remember it with periodic repetition. Can be repeated as follows: first you read a word in a foreign language, remember the phonetic association and name the translation, and after some time you will no longer need to imagine Stalin selling jam every time, you will be able to name the translation straightaway. If you want to communicate verbally, and not just be able to read and write, then this is the effect you need to achieve. It's not that difficult. With regular reading, automatism can come even without special effort from your side. But some words will not appear in the text so often, so they will have to be repeated separately (allow time for this in your schedule).

    Word formation

    Study the word formation of the chosen language. How can you turn a familiar word into the opposite meaning (happy - happy, unhappy - unhappy), how can you turn a noun into an adjective or adverb (success, successful, successfully - success, successful and successful, respectively). Pay attention to words with two roots (snowball – snow+ball – snowball or snowball). Be sure to understand formative prefixes and suffixes - this will make the process of learning the language much easier.

    As you noticed, to memorize words it is not at all necessary to highlight supporting images. But if you wish, you can do this: create a memory palace with several corridors (one per part of speech) and place images in it. Then you will have a complete dictionary of the language you are learning in your head.

    Bonus: remembering new words in your native language
    A process similar to memorizing foreign words: we create a phonetic association, find an image for the semantic meaning of the word and connect it.

    For example: an epigone is a follower of some artistic, scientific, etc. movement, devoid of creative originality and mechanically repeating someone else’s ideas. Phonetic associations: ep olets, Yoke ry N Ikolaev. We imagine Igor Nikolaev sitting at the table and copying something from one piece of paper to another. He has huge epaulets on his shoulders. Ready.
    Now you don’t have to spend hours cramming a couple of dozen words. The speed at which your vocabulary, will grow up, and the desire to learn the language will increase, because rapid success in learning is very motivating. Don’t put it off for too long: learn 10-20 foreign words right now.

    Which we are studying, we have known for a long time, but to expand our vocabulary and memorize large number foreign words are problematic for us. Because of this, the speech, although correct, is meager. What to do?

    In this article we will tell you how to quickly and easily memorize foreign words in order to expand your vocabulary and make it richer.

    Foreign words

    Set goals

    The first step to learning a new language is setting goals. Many people treat this point superficially, but it is the main one in this matter. By working on it, you can ultimately determine whether you have truly achieved everything you wanted. When you are faced with the desire or need to learn new language, many questions, problems and small details come to mind: too many words, difficult to learn, learning methods are different.

    When you set a goal for yourself, work out what you want to achieve in the end, you focus on narrower areas. Research shows that people who work to set goals are more likely to succeed than those who simply start teaching without knowing what they want to achieve. Use the following tips to successfully set a goal and achieve it:

    Focus on a specific outcome. Work out the details and determine what exactly you want to learn, not how much time you want to spend on it. For example, tell yourself: “This week I want to learn 30 English words related to shopping."

    Set short-term goals. Of course, having a serious goal is good, but if it is too broad and requires a huge investment of time, it will not be enough to motivate you to work every day. Break yours big goal into smaller ones, and successfully complete small weekly or monthly tasks.

    Challenge yourself. Goals are always achieved much faster if they force you to make an effort. The main thing is that you do not feel burdened or pressured. This method can work if you set yourself one goal, but with different possible outcomes. For example, say: “I will learn 30-50 English words this week.” The smallest number allows you to start working with the knowledge that the goal is not that difficult to achieve. The most large number will force you to make an effort to show the best result.

    Write down your goals. This obvious method really works because keeping your paper organized allows you to focus on what you're writing fully. In fact, you can use some other means for this: notes on your phone, notes on the refrigerator, a marker on the wall, or your finger on the mirror.

    Read also: 5 most unusual languages ​​people speak

    The most common foreign words

    Make a schedule

    Have you ever wondered how musicians memorize so many songs and remember them for a long time? It's all about daily practice because that's why they rehearse over and over again. This process takes time, but is rewarded later.

    When learning new words, you may think that it takes too much time and that what you already know is enough for you. However, you will be able to speak beautifully, correctly and interestingly only when you enrich your vocabulary. In fact, it doesn't take much time. Just make a schedule and you will see it.

    If you are a person who prefers to get up early, study words for half an hour - in the morning. Teach them while you choose clothes, wash and dress, while you make tea. Plus, you can treat yourself to small prizes for a job well done - allow yourself new thing or going to a restaurant, for example, after a week of working with new words. Remember that this will only work if you actually learn the words every day.

    Group words by topic

    Many people, when expanding their vocabulary, make one common mistake - they start learning all the words in a row. To make it easier to remember foreign words, you should not study everything by simply remembering and translating them. Create a list of words grouped by topic or category. For example, write down all the words for colors, food, animals, verbs of motion, and others.

    This method allows you to divide the entire huge vocabulary into small parts that are much easier to learn. In addition, associations with a topic will help you remember both the words themselves and the area in which they are used. Small lists of words will motivate you to study them, because you will not feel overwhelmed or pressured, but the result will not be long in coming.

    Look for opportunities

    “Learn a word” and “memorize” are completely different concepts. A person who truly learns new words always knows how and in what situation they need to be applied, otherwise all efforts become meaningless. Otherwise, they are simply erased from memory, and you have to start over.

    In order for the learned word to firmly settle in your memory, use it as often as possible. If the word is rare or unusual, find out when it is appropriate to use it. If the word is completely ordinary and the situation allows it, start a topic that would require the use of learned words. For example, if you are on at the moment study the list of animals that live in the forest, interest your interlocutor and tell him a few amazing facts about wild nature.

    How to memorize foreign words

    Video and audio

    If you really want to enrich your vocabulary, but notice that you have poor visual memory, and you are tired of constantly repeating words out loud, use various educational videos and audio recordings with the pronunciation of words. This will help you relax, go about your business, while listening to someone repeat words that are new to you.

    You can turn them on as background to your daily activities and listen while getting ready for work or taking a bath. This way, you will not only remember words, but also know how to pronounce them correctly - this is a very important point in expanding your vocabulary and when communicating with native speakers.

    Own words

    In order to understand which words are most often used in everyday life, and which ones are practically no longer used, highlight the most popular ones in your speech and the speech of your loved ones. If you notice that you often use a certain word, or it often appears in the speech of your friends, write it down.

    Over time, you will collect a list of words that you can translate and learn, because the words that you are given to study in old books and textbooks are not always used in everyday life. They have important For general development, however, you should first find out how often and in what situations native speakers use them - otherwise you may find yourself in an awkward position or simply not be understood.

    Synonyms and antonyms

    As in the Russian language, many foreign words have synonyms and antonyms. This point will help you enrich your vocabulary and make your speech richer and more beautiful, because using the same word in a sentence several times in a row will not add beauty to it.

    If you find a word that you use often, try to find a replacement for it. Learn a few synonyms - you will know what it means, and the associations will do their job. You won't have to search for and remember the area in which this word is used, because synonyms have the same meaning.

    Many who begin to learn a language, from the very beginning, wonder how to memorize foreign words easily, quickly and with pleasure, so that they can immediately speak a foreign language.

    Technology for memorizing foreign words

    First of all, one most important note - this technology Memorization of foreign words is set up in such a way that you need to quickly learn words in the “foreign - Russian” direction, that is, we look at a foreign word and remember its meaning in Russian, but not vice versa!

    Once you decide to quickly speak a foreign language, the question arises: how to memorize hundreds of foreign words a day? This is not always possible, because words themselves cannot jump into your head. You always need someone to put them there or enter them into memory, like in a computer.

    Stage 1 Working with foreign words

    At the stage of working with foreign words, we select, divide and remember foreign words.

    1) Choose a portion of words to memorize, amounting to one hundred pieces!

    I would like to note right away that 100 is the absolute maximum, at least for me. Maybe, if this technique starts working for you, you will be able to quickly learn words right away and overcome both 200 and 300, but for starters, it’s better not to take more than 50-60. Limit your speed!

    2) Divide the portion into five parts

    It's akin to separate meals, so that not all at once, but all day, but little by little. Please note - the parts must be equal! Therefore, to quickly learn words, initially take the amount that is divisible by 5 without a remainder!

    3) Remember the words

    Of course, you need to memorize as much as possible, because the art of quickly learning words requires great precision! In total, memorizing the words from the first part will take you no more than 30 seconds!

    Mechanism of short-term memory

    How does the short-term memory mechanism work at stage 1? 30 seconds is a very significant figure! It is directly related to our short-term memory, which both allows and does not allow us to quickly learn words. Why? Because short-term memory is like RAM on a computer, only in humans it gets overloaded very quickly.

    Well, judge for yourself how to quickly learn words if this memory holds information for only 30 seconds, and it remembers from 2 to 26 pieces of information for this half a minute! This cannot be compared even with the first computers of the 80s.

    But! Man is not a machine, so his memory has some other interesting capabilities! For example, it doesn’t matter to her how long the word you remember is! That is, if we have seven letters, seven words and seven phrases, memorization will be the same! Moreover, preference is given to longer information. So it’s better to quickly learn not individual words, but entire expressions!

    Deterioration of short-term memory

    And one more important circumstance - short-term memory may deteriorate; short-term memory will not work if, having started to quickly learn words, you begin to repeat the word that you just memorized many times! The memory will simply become full and freeze.

    In other words, if you repeat one word for more than 30 seconds, it will simply be erased from your short-term memory and will not move into your long-term memory! And in reality, even if you learn words very quickly, a person is unlikely to be able to repeat one word 10-20 times in half a minute at such a speed.

    Hence the conclusion - make the primary element longer - quickly learn not the word itself, but the phrase in the context. This is more pleasant for the memory and more useful in order for you to quickly learn to speak a foreign language. The number of foreign words and expressions that you memorize in “one sitting” should be limited.

    If you increase it even a little, you will immediately begin to forget everything.

    How does the memory process occur in the brain?

    How does the process of memorization occur in the brain and what can improve it or, conversely, damage it. We do not repeat, but remember! Moreover, look - we remember from 2 to 26 units in “one sitting”! Therefore, do not be overloaded initially - after all, additional blocks RAM you don't have. Take breaks! If you remember the words from one part, don’t rush to the next!

    Slow down and switch to some neutral process that is not associated with the desire to quickly learn words. The pause should be at least ten minutes! You need to “recharge” your short-term memory and open the long-awaited door to your long-term memory.

    During these ten minutes, you unconsciously begin to quickly learn and repeat the words that you just memorized. A slowly cooling brain gives you unique opportunity increase the time it takes new words to be found in short-term memory by up to a day and a half!

    Stage two: rhythm, contexts, repetition

    In the second stage, we have to learn how to work with rhythm, include words in contexts and repeat correctly.

    1) Repeat the words!

    10 minutes after memorizing the first part of the words, put a piece of paper on the translation, run your eyes over the words and check how you remember them. Don't worry if you missed something. Catch up on everything in the next steps!

    2) Let's knock on the rhythm!

    We take something that ticks evenly and loudly, for example, a metronome - mechanical, electrical, computer or something like that. If you don’t have one, feel free to arm yourself with a pencil and start knocking a rhythm of 1 beat per second. In the same way, we set the rhythm on the metronome to 60 beats per minute.

    And so, with each such blow we look at the word that we remember and try to recognize it. Knock-word, knock-word, knock-word... and off we go. At the same time, we mentally count how many words have already passed. If at this second we cannot remember a word, we leave it and move on to the next one. Our task here is to maintain the rhythm!

    Why are we even doing this? And then, just to turn on the internal resources of the brain and long-term memory, which activates the ability to quickly learn words. We seem to slightly introduce ourselves into a “language trance”, as we concentrate on the rhythm, and all our fears and internal criticism stand out, fooled and they cannot interfere with us at this moment. At the same time, the mechanisms of word recognition and its deeper memorization are activated.

    All actions, starting from Step 4, are recorded by the hour - how much time you need to go through all these steps. In the future, it will be possible to quickly learn words and plan the number of words to memorize in a total portion.

    3) We work with the following parts of words

    We move on to the second and subsequent parts of words from our portion and repeat the first stage. Remember to pause for 10 minutes after memorizing each part for the first time! And so we quickly learn the words and study the entire portion!

    4) Check the entire portion!

    We do this very simply - we read all the words that we memorized and repeated. This step is important because we summarize our “brainstorming” and “clean up our tails,” that is, we remember those words that we have already forgotten.

    As a result, it should take you no more than one hour to quickly learn words. How many words you will have time to remember and repeat during this time is up to you, but be prudent. Quantity does not mean quality at all.

    What should you do now, after you have studied the entire verbal portion? You must begin the process of loading the learned material into long-term memory. This is done using interval repetitions in order to “push” information from short-term memory even deeper.

    How not to forget foreign words

    The answer to the question of how not to forget foreign words can be interval repetitions. Interval repetitions are repetitions of a learned portion of words at certain time intervals, after which this tasty portion is remembered seriously and for a long time.

    When you started learning words quickly, you already repeated them once - each part 10 minutes after memorizing. Now you repeat the entire portion according to the following scheme:

    First repetition – after 24 hours

    Second repetition 24 hours after the first

    Third repetition – 24 hours after the second

    The fourth, final repetition - 2-3 months after the third!

    Don’t be confused by such a long break in repetitions - in reality, you will be able to remember the words even after a year! So don't worry about your memory! The main thing is to be sure to complete all four intervals!

    Okay, you've completed the first portion, but what about the rest? After all, the next day you will take the next portion, on the third day - another, and then - again and again! How not to drown in this avalanche of words that suddenly rushes into your consciousness and completely confuses your cards?

    It's very simple! You will need not only to quickly learn the words themselves, but also to streamline the process of learning foreign words and repeating them.
    To do this, designate each portion with a serial number from 1 to infinity and put these numbers on the calendar according to the repetition intervals.

    Enter the date directly into the box serial number portions and everything! Just don’t forget which number hides which portion of words. By the way, the portion number can be initially written down in the very source of these words.

    Is it possible to learn a foreign language on your own?

    Having learned how to quickly memorize foreign words, the question immediately arises: is it possible to learn a foreign language on your own? What can I say? The technique works! The brain accelerates, but does it gradually, as if spinning up the speed, but then it may not stop.

    I quickly learned words and in about one week I reached the level of 50 words per hour, but then I already felt the strain of my brain, a kind of “burning out”. You know, I read that simultaneous interpreters change their work every half hour because their brain simply cannot withstand more long time due to constant tension and concentration.

    Something similar can be felt here! At first, everything is quite difficult and unpleasant. Everything inside refuses to quickly learn words and longs for the usual cramming of words, which then happily disappear from memory.

    However, after several days of such accelerations, the body gets used to it and the first results begin to come. Even later, there is a temptation to quickly learn words and pump this flywheel to the maximum, but here I would recommend that you take your time.

    The number of words in a portion needs to be increased little by little, and only if you see that your technique has worked. What this quantity should be is up to you to decide, but think for yourself! For me, the optimal portion is 50-60 words, well, this is like the permitted speed in populated areas.

    Now let’s talk about how often you need to use this technique. Who wants to quickly learn words “with a breeze” at 200 per hour, evaluate your capabilities to begin with. After testing it out, I am deeply convinced that it should not be your primary way of learning foreign words.

    It would be very uncomfortable for me if every time I memorized and repeated, I accelerated all my neurons, and then calmed them down for a long time. This is somehow fraught, I think... The technique is definitely effective at the basic stage of vocabulary acquisition. This is where you need to quickly learn words in order to quickly start speaking a foreign language and learn to perceive a foreign language by ear!

    You can also quickly learn words and apply the “two hundred words per hour” technique at the stage of mastering thematic vocabulary, that is, on some specific topics and areas, where there are a lot of words and most of them are specific terms.

    In a word, use this technique to quickly learn words periodically to keep your brain computers in working and battle-ready condition, as well as to increase your motivation to learn foreign languages.

    And as for motivation... throw out of your head all the thoughts that with this method you will learn and quickly forget all the words! This should not prevail in consciousness! Set yourself a goal - to master the skill of quickly learning words and increase the portion of words you study to... the certain number per day, according to your capabilities.

    That's it! And I am more than sure that the ability to memorize foreign words easily, quickly and with pleasure will come to you very soon and will stay with you for the rest of your life!

    We have been learning English all our lives, we know the rules, but we still cannot answer a foreigner correctly and watch the series in the original without pain. Why is this so?

    We decided to understand this injustice and found a way to better learn foreign words. There is a universal memorization formula proposed by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. And it works.

    Why do we forget

    The brain protects us from overload and constantly gets rid of unnecessary information. This is why all the new words we learn first end up in short-term memory rather than long-term memory. If they are not repeated and used, they are forgotten.

    The Ebbinghaus “Forgetting Curve” shows that within 1 hour of learning, we forget more than half of the information. And after a week we remember only 20%.

    How to remember everything

    To keep new words in your head, you need to try to “put” them into long-term memory. Memorization in this case is ineffective, since the brain does not have time to quickly comprehend the information and build strong associative connections. To remember longer, it is better to stretch the memorization process over several days, or even weeks. In this case, repeating it once is enough.

    You can practice spaced repetition using homemade flashcards or special applications like: Anki (Android, iOS) and SuperMemo (Android, iOS)

    12 more secrets for memorizing new words

    • Teach mindfully. Meaningful material is remembered 9 times faster.
    • Decide on a list of words you need to keep the conversation going. There are only about 300–400 of them. Remember them first.
    • Please note that Words at the beginning and end of a list are remembered better(“edge effect”).
    • Switch your attention from the chosen topic to another. Know that similar memories mix(interference principle) and turn into “porridge”.
    • Teach the opposite. If you remember day, then consider night. Antonyms are remembered faster and easier.
    • Build your “memory halls”. The essence of the method is that you need to associate the words you are learning with a specific place. For example, while walking around the room, associate new words with individual details in the interior. Repeat several times and leave the room. Afterwards, recall the room and at the same time the words you learned with its prompts.
    • Use the "word-nails" technique. The essence of the method is to add the word being learned to an already known word for memorization. This way, when you think of “nail,” you may be able to think of another word. For example, in the counting rhyme: “One, two, three, four, let’s count the holes in the cheese,” the words “four” and “in the cheese” are connected with each other.
    • Associate new words with ones you already know. For example, the word heel (heel) can be remembered by remembering Achilles and his Achilles heel. And you can learn the word look if you remember how difficult it is to look when cutting an onion.
    • Write stories. If you need to remember words in a certain order, try organizing them into an impromptu story. It is important that all words are related to each other according to the plot.
    • Use a voice recorder. Say the words while recording, and then listen to them several times. This method is especially suitable for those who perceive information better by ear.
    • Bring it to life and visualize it. Use facial expressions when learning about emotions. Get moving as you learn sports-themed words. This way you also use muscle memory.
    • Don't learn the language from a dictionary or school textbooks. If you love Game of Thrones, try learning words from this series. It's much more interesting this way.

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