Modeller, modeler of architectural details. Profession modeler of architectural details

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

My profession is called modeller.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

I produce stucco decoration using the casting method or the broaching method. Stucco decoration is widely used for finishing apartments, offices, cafes, restaurants, and hotel complexes.

These are bas-reliefs, columns, ceiling rosettes, balusters, cornices, consoles and other architectural excesses. It should be noted that stucco molding never goes out of fashion; products change over time, but they are always popular.

The casting method is that the gypsum solution is poured into soft silicone or polyurethane molds, then shaken and after 15 - 20 minutes the finished product is removed. The broaching method is used in manufacturing ceiling cornices, bodies of columns and pilasters, moldings. Here the gypsum solution is evenly distributed over big table and with the help special device The product is pulled through.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

To work, you must have completed secondary education, preferably having a specialized secondary education in construction.

4. Describe your work day.

My working day begins with preparing molds for casting. The required forms are placed on the table and processed special composition. Then a gypsum solution is mixed with the addition of pigments, and this solution is poured into molds. When the plaster hardens (after 15 minutes), the finished products (panels, rosettes, cornices) are removed from the mold, cleaned of defects and transferred to drying.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

The entire process takes place in the workshop.

6. What do you like most about your business?

I like my job because it is creative. From the same cast parts you can create different products.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

I don’t like to do a lot of monotonous and monotonous work, but sometimes I have to.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

The work is piecework. If you want to earn more, work harder. The salary level is adequate for the labor invested.

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

Everyone on the team has construction specialties. All people are creative.

10. What human qualities in your opinion, are the most important in your business?

In this matter, it is important to be careful and efficient.

11. Work gives me additional features(here is everything that work gives you except money, self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

In addition to working in the workshop, I have the opportunity to travel to sites to install stucco.

12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

I rate my work as a 5 on a five-point scale.

13. Why did you choose this job?

I chose this particular job because my whole family is involved in stucco decoration.

14. What opportunities exist for your career growth?

Opportunities for career growth always exist - having such a profession, you can always open your own small stucco workshop and turn the profession into a small business.

Characteristics of work. Modeling planar models from clay with simple ornaments. Cutting out the necessary templates and making wooden formwork. Extruding plaster bases of planar models. Assembly of plaster flat models with a smooth surface, as well as flat models with a simple ornament. Cutting out of plaster models of crackers, drops, beads and other similar small products. Carving simple ornaments on plaster models. Cleaning flat and three-dimensional models with a smooth surface, as well as flat models with simple ornaments.

Must know: types of simple architectural details and their components; types of stucco ornament; properties of materials used to make models and requirements for their quality; the principle of operation of machines and devices for turning and drawing out model parts.

§ 136. Modeler of architectural details, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Modeling from clay and plasticine flat models with complex patterns. Drawing, turning and cutting out parts of three-dimensional models. Assembling plaster models with complex patterns, as well as three-dimensional models with simple patterns. Carving of complex ornaments on plaster models. Cleaning of three-dimensional models with complex patterns.

Must know: methods for constructing complex architectural details; techniques for the composition of complex stucco ornaments.

§ 137. Model maker of architectural details, 7th category

Characteristics of work. Modeling of three-dimensional models from clay and plasticine with particularly complex patterns. Assembly of plaster models with particularly complex patterns, as well as three-dimensional products with complex patterns. Carving of particularly complex ornaments on plaster models. Cleaning of three-dimensional models with particularly complex patterns. Creation of stucco ornament compositions.

Must know: methods for constructing particularly complex architectural details; techniques for composition of particularly complex stucco ornaments.

Secondary vocational education required.

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The release was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/06/2007 N 243
(as amended: Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 N 679, dated April 30, 2009 N 233)

Modeler of architectural details

§ 91. Modeler of architectural details, 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Cooking glue and formoplast. Preparation of sculpture clay. Preparation of solutions, lubricants and paper-adhesive mass (papier-mâché) according to a given composition. Preparation of reinforcement, tow and shingles. Removal (without preservation) of molded architectural details with cleaning of the bases.

Must know: types of basic materials used in the manufacture of models and molded architectural details; methods for preparing glue, formoplast, sculpture clay and gypsum solutions.

§ 92. Modeler of architectural details, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Making molds from plaster models for small flat molded architectural details with a smooth surface or simple ornamentation. Making rough molds from clay or plasticine models and casting plaster models or parts thereof in these molds with removal of the molds. Production of gypsum or cement lump molds. Production of adhesive or form-plastic elastic forms. Casting and beating of gypsum and cement flat small volumetric products, molded architectural details with a smooth surface or with a simple ornament. Stuffing of small flat products made of paper-adhesive mass with a smooth surface or with a simple ornament. Installation of small flat products and molded architectural details with a smooth surface or with simple ornamentation. Removing molded architectural details small sizes with simple ornaments, preserving them for casting molds. Cleaning of flat products and molded architectural details with simple ornaments.

Must know: basic properties of the materials used; methods for manufacturing gypsum or cement lump and mold-plastic elastic forms; methods of preparing small clay models for taking rough forms from them; methods for making molds.

§ 93. Modeler of architectural details, 4th category

Characteristics of work. Making molds using plaster models for casting products and molded architectural details. Installation of flat large products and molded architectural details with a smooth surface or with a simple ornament, small ones with an ornament medium difficulty or complex. Installation of volumetric products, small with a smooth surface or with a simple ornament, and large with a smooth surface. Production of combined forms. Casting, beating and stuffing of products and molded architectural details of all types. Finishing of all types of products. Removing molded architectural parts with complex ornaments or bulky ones, preserving them for casting forms.

Must know: making combined molds from gypsum and glue, from gypsum and formoplast, from plaster and wood; requirements for the quality of products and molded architectural details; methods of preparing large clay models for taking rough forms from them.

§ 94. Modeler of architectural details, 5th category

Characteristics of work. Making rough molds from clay and plasticine models, casting plaster models or their parts in rough molds. Production of gypsum lump, combined and elastic forms. Installation of manufactured molded products.

Must know: marking methods used for complex decoration of premises and facades with stucco products.

Note. Small flat products include: overhead letters with a height of up to 500 mm, wreaths with a diameter of up to 500 mm, ventilation grilles with an area of ​​up to 0.5 m2, coats of arms with a height of up to 500 mm, garlands with a length (along the circumference) of up to 750 mm, cartouches with the largest dimension up to 500 mm , sheets up to 750 mm long, lock masks up to 500 mm high, linear products (smooth - the sum of height and offset, embossed - height, convex - height along the curve) up to 500 mm, rosettes (round - diameter, elliptical - half the sum of the main axes , rhombic - half the sum of the diagonals) up to 500 mm, triglyphs up to 750 mm in height, round emblems with a diameter of up to 500 mm, portal emblems with an area of ​​up to 0.5 m2.

Small volumetric products include: vases with a height (without plate) up to 250 mm, balusters with a height of up to 750 mm, vases with the largest dimension up to 500 mm, capitals with a height of up to 250 mm, piece drops with a height of up to 500 mm, brackets with the largest dimension up to 500 mm, modules largest dimension up to 500 mm, handrails up to 1000 mm long, piece crackers up to 500 mm high, bowstrings up to 1000 mm long, cones up to 500 mm high.

Products whose dimensions exceed those indicated above are classified as large.

We invite adult students who have a penchant for sculptural modeling and want to take part in the courses for model makers at the Russian Academy of Crafts. short term master an in-demand profession. Modeling of architectural details, interior elements, making models and forms for reproducing various products or for making unique objects (props, exhibition models, etc.) - all this can be the subject professional activity model maker

Within public education this profession is available after a one-year course in college (Moscow colleges do not offer a similar specialty) or after the sculpture department of an art university (training period is 4-5 years). Model maker courses in two months provide the most necessary knowledge by profession, which allow you to start working immediately after graduation. Those who successfully complete the course program receive a certificate of profession with the assignment of a rank.

What is included in the sculpting training program?

  • Safety precautions in the work of a modeller. Protection from the toxic effects of the materials used.
  • Styles in art. Features of stucco architectural elements of various styles.
  • Properties of materials for molding (plasticine, gypsum, polyurethane, concrete, formoplast). Use of adhesives and reinforcing materials. Material compatibility.
  • Design of molded products. Sketches and drawing works.
  • Preparation of molding mass. Manufacturing of flasks, molds, castings.
  • Manufacturing finished products: architectural elements, ornamental forms, anatomical details.
  • Quality assessment of molded products, elimination of defects.

During the courses, students learn to prepare materials for modeling, work with glue and reinforcing elements of molded products. During their studies they perform several educational works: create forms from plaster and formoplast, sculpt models from plasticine, make symbolic ornamental details and anatomical forms. Graduation work maybe, to choose from, a Roman profile, a Tudor rose, a half-column, a cornice, a portal, a frieze, an ornament.

Conditions of study

Course duration: 156 academic hours.
Theoretical classes - in classrooms, practice in equipped workshops of the Academy.
Issued document: WITHcertificate of profession “l”engraver of architectural details” with the assignment of 2–3 categories.

To obtain a certificate, it is necessary to pass a test in a theoretical course and defend a final qualifying thesis, which the student does during practical classes.

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