Medicinal properties and use in folk medicine of remedies based on Adonis vernalis. Adonis spring (adonis): description and cultivation

Adonis, or, as he is otherwise called, adonis, is perennial plant, which can grow up to half a meter in height. The flowers are quite large in size (up to 5-6 cm in diameter) and have a bright yellow color.

According to ancient legend, the flower got its name from a Greek youth whose name was Adonis. This legend says that the plant began to grow from the blood of this Greek youth.

This plant is quite common: it can often be seen in Europe, Ciscaucasia, and Siberia. The plant prefers mainly steppe areas, but it can often be found on sun-drenched edges and outskirts of forests, groves, hills and mountain slopes, and open meadows. But, currently this grass is considered rare and therefore needs protection.

The flowering period falls in the middle and end of spring (April-May), and ripening in May-June. It is also popularly called yellow flower, due to yellow its flowers, hare grass, hare poppy and hairy grass.

Useful properties of Adonis

Almost all parts of the plant are used as raw materials for medicines, but the medicinal properties of the Adonis flower are most valued. The composition of adonis includes such useful components as fisterin, glycosides, adonite alcohol, various trace elements, vitamins and tannins.

The main medicinal properties of adonis are:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • cardiotonic;
  • vasodilation;
  • relieving pain;
  • anticonvulsant.

Application in traditional medicine

In the field of scientific medicine, this plant appeared relatively recently. It was first used as medicine only in 1880. Since then, many pharmaceutical companies have begun to use it to create drugs. The most famous were:

  • Bekhterev's mixture, which is recommended as a sedative;
  • Adonis bromine, which is often recommended for heart problems;
  • Adoniside is a ready-made herbal infusion used to normalize the circulatory system;
  • Cardiovalen – recommended for use in the treatment of neuroses and cardiovascular diseases.

Preparations based on this plant have good diuretic, sedative and cardiotonic properties. They are recommended for the treatment of diseases such as chronic circulatory failure, both in mild and more severe forms, as well as for problems with blood vessels and neuroses.

Use in folk medicine

This plant is quite popular among folk healers. It is sometimes called the savior of the heart, since one of the main causes is cardiovascular disease. They are used as raw materials for the preparation of medicines. aboveground part. Since the plant is now quite rare, it is forbidden to uproot it.

The collected raw materials must be dried quickly. The best way to do this is to use ovens or dryers. If the weather is warm and dry enough, then you can dry it under a canopy or in a well-ventilated attic. Please note that direct sunlight is harmful during the drying process. Due to their influence, Adonis loses its beneficial properties. Dried herbs should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry place, but not more than 12 months.

Traditional healers use infusions and decoctions of Adonis. They were used for liver and stomach ailments, infectious diseases, swelling, headaches, dropsy, and jaundice.

Adonis contraindications

It is important to remember that any drug can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Also, remember that Adonis is poisonous plant Therefore, dosages must be strictly observed.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor, who will adjust the course of treatment and acceptable dosages.

  • Pregnant women should strictly not take this plant or preparations based on it, as it can lead to miscarriage.
  • It is also contraindicated for ulcers, gastritis, hypertension and angina.
  • It is also not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age.
  • An overdose of products that contain adonis herb can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, increased/slow heart rate, drowsiness, convulsions, and dilated pupils.

Adonis Recipes

  1. Alcohol tincture for insomnia.
    To 20 grams of chopped herb you need to add 10 tablespoons of vodka or 40% alcohol. The infusion must be infused for at least 1.5-2 weeks in a dark place. After which you can strain and use it as a sedative and sleeping pill. The recommended dose is 15-20 drops at night (as a sleeping pill) or three times a day (as a sedative).
  2. Infusion for chronic heart failure.
    To prepare this remedy, you need to pour 40 g of chopped herbs into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After this, the infusion must be strained. This remedy is recommended to be used for heart neuroses and chronic heart failure three times a day, 2 teaspoons.
  3. Infusion of adonis and other herbs for the treatment of heart pathologies.
    To prepare such an infusion, it is necessary to prepare a collection of herbs (adonis - 1 g, lemon balm - 1 g, motherwort - 1 g, horsetail - 1 g, watch - 1 g, gooseberry - 1 g, birch - 1 g, clover - 1 g, calendula – 1 g, mistletoe – 1 g), which must be poured with boiling water and left for at least 3 hours. When preparing, you need to follow the proportion: for 10 g of collection you need to add 350 ml of boiling water. This proportion is designed for 4 doses.
  4. Infusion for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
    Proportion: 16 g of collection and 350 ml of boiling water. To collect, take 1 g of adonis, 1 g of sweet clover, 1 g of oregano, 1 g of St. John's wort, 1 g of nettle, 1 g of lemon balm, 1 g of motherwort, 1 g of wormwood, 1 g of celandine, 1 g of birch, 1 g of watch, 1 g of strawberry , 1 g chamomile flowers, 1 g fireweed, 1 g oat straw and 1 g rose hips. The collection is poured with boiling water and infused for three hours, after which it is filtered. A serving of infusion is designed for 4 doses.

Instructions for use:

Adonis is a herbaceous plant from the Ranunculaceae genus. The plant is valuable for medicine due to the glycosides it contains. In Adonis vernis, 25 cardiac glycosides were found that can slow down the heart rate, lengthen diastole, increase stroke volume, increase systole, and inhibit conduction inside the heart.

Medicinal raw materials are prepared mainly from spring Adonis, which is also called adonis, starodobka and yellowflower.

Chemical composition

In addition to cardiac glycosides, adonis contains vitamin C, alkaloids, tannins, phytosterols, and flavonoids.

Useful properties

Thanks to beneficial properties Adonis, its intake has the following effect:

  • Vasodilator;
  • Sedative;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Moderate diuretic;
  • Laxative.

Indications for use

The pharmaceutical industry produces Adonis-based tincture and Adoniside tablets, which are prescribed for cardiac neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, infections accompanied by weakened cardiac function, and renal diseases complicated by heart failure.

Adoniside tincture is prescribed to be taken 15-20 drops three times a day. Adoniside tablets are taken two or three times a day, 1 piece at a time.

Adonis bromine is available in tablet form. This drug belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs. It has the ability to influence diastole, produces a mild diuretic effect, and has a relaxing effect on the vagus nerve. Therefore, it is recommended as a sedative and to improve blood flow. Prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia to alleviate the condition, as well as in the case of neuroses and other similar diseases.

Adonis vernatum is included in Traskow's medicine (an anti-asthmatic agent) and Bekhterev's medicine (in combination with codeine and sodium bromide). Take them three times a day, a tablespoon.

Thanks to medicinal properties Adonis, its use for typhoid, scarlet fever and influenza also gives good results.


The use of spring Adonis is excluded if:

  • hypertension,
  • Bradycardia;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Atrioventricular heart block;
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers.

It is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Considering poisonous properties Adonis, its use without a doctor’s prescription is highly not recommended.

Home remedies from adonis

The medicinal raw materials are the leaves, stems, unripe fruits and flowers of Adonis. They are collected from April to May. The cut grass along with the flowers is first dried in a ventilated room or simply in the air. Drying temperature is 50-60 °C, it is believed that it is at this thermal mode the beneficial substances contained in the plant are better preserved. During the drying process, the grass must be stirred periodically.

During harvesting and storage, it should be borne in mind that both the stems and flowers of adonis are poisonous, therefore, accepted safety rules should be followed. They must be stored separately from other harvested herbs, marked with the appropriate mark.

Homemade medicines from adonis are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Water infusion. 6-10 g of dry raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left to settle. Used to activate the cardiovascular system, 1 tablespoon three times a day. For long-term treatment, the volume of raw materials must be reduced to 3-4 g per 200 ml of boiling water. You should drink the entire infusion within 24 hours. In some cases, it is also prescribed to children, but one teaspoon three times a day;
  • Decoction. One tablespoon of chopped herb is brewed in 400 ml of purified water for 5 minutes. Used to relieve increased intraocular pressure, overexcitation, epilepsy attacks and to regulate sleep. The treatment regimen is one tablespoon of decoction once an hour all the time while awake. When making the drink, it is recommended to add nettle and valerian.

The main thing why gardeners love the Adonis spring plant is its durability. In one place, these flowers can grow for up to fifty years and annually delight plant growers with lush, sunny blooms. If you plant even one small bush, in a couple of years it will grow so that it forms a small clump of 20-30 bright flowers. The only negative is poor germination seeds, so it is recommended to propagate Adonis by dividing the rhizomes.

Description of the plant Adonis spring

Spring Adonis, or Adonis (Runcupaceae family), is naturally distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Altai, and Siberia.

According to ancient Greek myth, these flowers were named after the beautiful Adonis - the beloved of the goddess of love Aphrodite. He was mortally wounded while hunting by a wild boar. Seeing the inconsolable grief of the goddess, the ruler of the kingdom of shadows, Hades, began to release Adonis to earth, where he spent six months, and then returned back to the kingdom of the dead. When Adonis came to earth with the first bright rays of the spring sun, nature came to life, and where he stepped, flowers blossomed. They became the personification of nature, joy and love that resurrects every year.

Below you can see a photo and read a description of the spring Adonis growing in the middle zone:

It is a low-growing rhizomatous, flowering early spring golden-yellow flowers 2-3 cm in diameter. Stems are straight, smooth, slightly branched, about 20-30 cm high.

As you can see in the photo, spring Adonis (adonis) has single flowers with “lacquer” petals:

Each flower lives 8-10 days, opening early in the morning and closing in the afternoon. On cloudy days, the flowers may not open at all. When the plant fades, finely dissected thread-like leaves appear. The seeds ripen in June.

Even one plant forms a curtain over time. Adonis reach their maximum development at approximately 40-50 years of age. By this time, up to 30 large flowers are formed on the plant annually.

Cultivation and use of spring Adonis

When growing Adonis flowers, you need to take care of well-drained, well-fertilized, sufficiently moist soil. Prefers open sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. Watering required hot weather and fertilizing before flowering and in July (for laying flower buds). The plant is winter-hardy.

Adonis is propagated by dividing the rhizomes in the spring, after flowering. The plant can be divided no earlier than after 5-7 years. Seed propagation quite difficult. Seed germination is very low, and seedlings are not hardy, grow slowly and bloom only in the fourth or fifth year.

Adonis grass is herbaceous plant from the buttercup family, which is most often found in Europe, the Caucasus, and also in Siberia. Its action helps people cure diseases of the cardiovascular system, and it also serves as a sedative.


The grass consists of the following elements:

1. Cymarin;
2. K-strophanthin-beta;
3. Saponins;
4. Flavone glycoside adonivernit.

They are also cardiac glycosides.

Release form

Adonis grass (in cut form) is produced in paper bags, which are located in ordinary cardboard boxes.

Medicinal properties of adonis herb

Adonis herb is a cardiotonic that performs the following functions:

1. Slows down the heart rate;
2. Strengthens stroke volume;
3. Reduces conductivity inside the heart;
4. Improves the quality of cerebral circulation;
5. Increases diuresis.

Indications for use

Adonis herb is taken if there is chronic insufficiency of the cardiovascular system, which produces such signs as: tachycardia, shortness of breath, edema, ascites. Adonis herb is also used as a sedative if the patient has heart neurosis, the central nervous system is excited nervous system, or with alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy.

Instructions for use

Pharmaceutical companies based on the Adonis herb produce both tincture and Adoniside tablets (they are prescribed in case of cardiac neurosis, if there is vegetative-vascular dystonia or infections that are accompanied by kidney diseases, heart failure). Adoniside tincture should be taken 15 drops 3 times a day. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

At home, an infusion of Adonis herb (spring adonis herb) should be drunk 3 to 5 times a day before meals, one tablespoon for adults. Children need to take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. An infusion is prepared using 6 grams of herb per glass of water (200 ml).

The shelf life of the infusion is no more than 3 days!


Adonis is not prescribed if the patient has the following ailments:

1. Hypertension;
2. Bradycardia;
3. Increased blood clotting;
4. Atrioventicular heart block;
5. Stomach ulcers.

Adonis herbs are also contraindicated for children under three years of age. Pregnant women should not take Adonis as there are rumors that it can cause a woman to miscarry. Therefore, it is highly not recommended for pregnant women to take adonis herb. It is also forbidden to take it yourself without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm your body. Always consult a specialist before taking medication.

Side effects

In case of overdose, nausea and vomiting may occur. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the norm prescribed by the doctor.


Synonyms for Adonis grass are spring adonis and Montenegrin grass.

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