State and municipal administration: what kind of profession is it.

Credit - a loan in cash or commodity form provided by the lender to the borrower on the terms of repayment, most often with the borrower paying interest for using the loan.

State and mun. credit - monetary economic relations in which the state or municipality is a creditor or debtor, guarantor or principal (the person in whose favor the guarantee is given).

The other party in these relations may be legal entities and individuals (residents and non-residents), state or municipal bodies of other budget levels, foreign states or international organizations.

State and municipal credit includes the following relationships :

-state and municipal lending- the state or municipality is the creditor;

-state. and mun. borrowing- the state or municipality is the debtor or the debtor and the principal;

- state and municipal guarantees- the state or municipality is the guarantor.


1) loans from credit institutions received by executive authorities;

2) government loans carried out through the issue of securities;

3) other debt obligations, including in the form of Agreements on the provision of state guarantees, surety agreements to ensure the fulfillment of obligations by third parties;

4) re-registration of debt obligations of third parties into state (municipal) debt on the basis of adopted federal laws;

5) agreements and agreements on the extension and restructuring of debt obligations of previous years

BC identifies (types):

Loans from credit institutions;

Budget loans from other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

Foreign loans states, including targeted foreign loans (borrowings), international financial organizations, other entities international law, foreign legal entities persons


●voluntariness of state credit has a constitutional nature, since by virtue of Part 4 of Art. 75 of the Constitution, state loans are placed on a voluntary basis. Voluntariness in relations related to state credit is manifested in two aspects. Firstly, a private entity voluntarily decides to enter into a credit relationship with the state. In other words, a potential counterparty of public authority has the right to provide the state with its temporarily free cash or spend them in other areas. Secondly, voluntariness in the relations under consideration is manifested in the constitutional ban on forcing subjects to enter into a loan agreement for the temporary use of free funds of the state. Thus, the BC established that the initiative to enter into interbudgetary credit legal relations can only come from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation represented by their executive bodies

Repayment principle government loan means the return of the amount of money issued to the lender. Loan repayment can be carried out in two ways:

o the entire loan amount is returned upon expiration of the term in a one-time payment;

o in accordance with the state loan agreement, the return of funds in installments is allowed. It is important to note that in this case, interest for using the loan is accrued only on the remaining (unreturned) part.

The principle of urgency means the provision or attraction of a loan for a certain time, after which it must be repaid. The term under a state loan agreement may be determined by current legislation, a loan or other agreement. For example, in accordance with the BC, debt obligations of the Government of the Russian Federation can be issued for a period from one year to 30 years.

Principle of target orientation state credit funds are enshrined in the BC and mean the right of the party providing their funds for temporary use to stipulate the purposes for their placement.

For example, organs state power constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to attract loans from the federal budget to cover the deficits of the corresponding budgets, as well as to finance the expenses of regional budgets to pay off debt obligations (see Article 93.2 of the BC, Moscow Law No. 43 dated November 14, 2007 “On the city’s public debt Moscow", Law of the Tyumen Region dated September 26, 2006 No. 494 "On the public debt of the Tyumen Region"). Federal budget funds are issued as a budget loan to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to finance cash gaps that arise during the execution of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, in 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation was vested with the right to provide budget loans to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to cover temporary cash gaps arising in the execution of regional budgets, as well as to implement measures to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters (see Article 16 of the Budget Law for 2008 and for the planning period 2009 and 2010).

State and municipal debt

The concept of state and moon borrowing. Forms of borrowing Definition of state and moon loans, their classification. Program of state external and internal borrowings of the Russian Federation. The concept of government debt. Composition of the government debt of the Russian Federation. State internal debt: definition, structure, dynamics. State external debt: definition, upper limit. Defined capital, main and current state debt.

State borrowing- loans and credits attracted from individuals and legal entities, foreign states, international financial organizations, which create debt obligations of the Russian Federation and sub-RFs as a borrower of a DS or a guarantor of repayment of loans (credits) by other borrowers .

State (mun) borrowing is used as a way to attract DS to cover budget deficits at all levels of the RF BS - fed, reg and local.

Forms of internal government loans:

Government loans carried out by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation;

Treaties and agreements on the receipt of Russian Federation budgetary loans and budgetary credits from b-v other levels of the RF BS;

Agreements on the provision of state guarantees to the Russian Federation;

Agreements and contracts concluded on behalf of the Russian Federation on the prolongation and restructuring of debt obligations in the Russian Federation of past years.

Depending on differentiation; By type of borrowing and forming a portfolio of government debt obligations, external borrowings are divided into foreign credits (loans) and borrowings carried out by issuing government securities.

The form of state and municipal borrowing is loans, attracted by state authorities and local self-government bodies to increase their resources. Loans can be provided by state and commercial banks, other KOs, foreign state banks, their banks and firms, international financial organizations. According to the methods of carrying out state and municipal borrowings, they are divided into voluntary and forced.

State and mun. loans- this is den. resources attracted from individuals. and legal persons, foreign state, m/unar-x fin. org on the basis of concluded agreements, under which debt obligations of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a Moscow region arise as borrowers or guarantors.

State agreement or mun. The loan was closed by purchasing an investor from a state issue. or mun. Central Bank, satisfying the investor's right to receive from the borrower the loans provided to him by the established %.

State and mun. loans are classified according to a number of criteria:

1. by right of issue: placed by central, sub-federal and local administrative bodies.

2. Based on the holders of securities, loans are classified into those placed only among the population, only among legal entities. persons, and universal, i.e. placed among both.

3. Based on repayment terms, loans are divided into short-term (up to 1 year), medium-term (from 1 to 5 years) and long-term (5 years and above).

4. Based on the place of placement, a distinction is made between internal loans (in national currency) and external loans placed on foreign currency markets (in the currency of the creditor country, the borrower state or a third country).

State internal and external borrowing is carried out in accordance with the Programs approved in the final draft. year together with the Law on FB.

State external borrowings of the Russian Federation: issue of the Central Bank on behalf of the Russian Federation, loans from: Credit.organization, foreign state, foreign legal entities and international organization in foreign currency !!. State Internal Loan of the Russian Federation: issue of the Central Bank, loans from: budgets,, international org-th in the currency of the Russian Federation.

State external borrowings sub-ta: issue of the Central Bank, loans from foreign banks in foreign currency; State internal loan sub-ta: Higher Central Bank, loans from budgets, th and and international org th in the currency of the Russian Federation;

Mun. borrowing MO: issue of the Central Bank, loans from budgets and regional organizations.

State external loan program This is a list of foreign borrowings of the Russian Federation for the current financial year, divided into unrelated (financial) and targeted foreign borrowings. At the same time, for unrelated loans and credits, the sources of attraction, the amount of the loan and the repayment terms are indicated, and for the whole foreign loan - the final recipient, the purpose of the loan and the directions of use, sources and amounts of the loan -i, repayment terms, guarantees of 3 persons for the return of funds to the FB (if such a return is provided for), an assessment of the volume of use before the beginning of the financial year and a forecast of the volume of use of funds in the beginning of the financial year.

State internal loan program, sub-in the Russian Federation, Moscow region is a list of internal state and municipal borrowings for the financial year by type of borrowing, indicating the total volume of borrowings, directions for covering the budget deficit and repaying state, municipal debt obligations.

State internal and external borrowing programs are presented by the implementing authorities in accordance with the requirements. za-legodat. (represented) authorities together with the draft law on the budget for the financial outline. year.

State or mun. duty– obligations arising from loans assumed by the Russian Federation, sub-Russian Federation and local authorities, guarantees for obligations of 3 persons, other obligations. Or the amount of debt on issued and outstanding government. loans.

State Russian debt– debt obligations of the Russian Federation to individuals. and legal persons, foreign state-mi, m/unar org-mi, etc. sub m/unar-go law. It is provided to everyone in the fed. Ownership, composition of the state. treasury

State debt is divided into external and internal. The criterion for such division in Russia is the type of currency in which the state’s obligations are represented.

External debt- These are obligations arising in foreign currency.

Domestic duty- obligations expressed in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles).

Depending on the repayment period, types of debt are distinguished. obligations: short term(up to 1 year), average(from 1 year to 5 years) and long term(from 5 to 30 years).

Repayment terms are determined by the terms of the loan, but cannot exceed 30 years. A maximum has been determined for MO obligations. repayment period is 10 years.

Composition of the state debt of the Russian Federation This is a group of debt obligations in the Russian Federation, which exist as obligations for:

1) loan, attracted on behalf of the Russian Federation as a borrower from the loan. org-tions, foreign state, m/unar fin. organizations, other subjects of international law, foreign legal entities. persons;

2) state prices securities issued on behalf of the Russian Federation;

3) budgetary loans attracted to the FB from other budgets of the Russian Federation;

4) state guarantees of the Russian Federation;

5) other debt obligations previously classified accordingly. from the legislation of the Russian Federation to the state debt of the Russian Federation.

In the volume of state internal debt of the Russian Federation include:

1) nominal amount of government debt. price boom Russian Federation, obliga-va cat. expressed in Russian currency;

2) the volume of principal debt on loans, cat. received the Russian Federation and obligations expressed in the currency of the Russian Federation;

3) the volume of principal debt on budget loans received by the Russian Federation;

4) the volume of government obligations. guarantees expressed in Russian currency.

Internal debt includes the following elements:

· Market debt obligations – issued by the state and freely circulating in the domestic government securities market.

· Non-market debt obligations - obligations that cannot be freely sold and bought (debt of the Government of the Russian Federation on loans received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, including debt of enterprises in certain industries, re-registered as state internal debt)

In the volume of state external debt of the Russian Federation include:

1) nominal amount of government debt. prices boom. RF, obligations under cat. expressed in foreign currency;

2) the volume of principal debt on loans, cat. received by the Russian Federation and obligations expressed in foreign currency. currency, incl. for target foreign loans (loans),

3) the volume of obligations under state guarantees of the Russian Federation, expressed in foreign currency.

When adopting the budget for the financial year, the following was determined:

· Upper limit of the state external debt of the Russian Federation

· Upper limit of state external debt to the Russian Federation.

· Limit on provision of guarantees to third parties.

The maximum amount of government external loans should not exceed the annual volume of payments for servicing and repayment of the principal amount of government external debt.

Public debt is:

1. Capital (debt with interest)

2. Principal (face value of debt)

3. Current (those expenses that are paid constantly)

In absolute terms, Russian foreign duty on January 1 2010 year amounted to $37.6 billion

2. Management of state and municipal debt.

Managing state and moon debt: concept, tasks, effects. Characteristics of the main methods of managing government and municipal debt. Methods for improving the government and municipal debt management system.

State Department debt– the number of government measures for issuing and placing debt obligations, paying interest on them, repaying loans and determining the conditions for issuing new government obligations. c/w.

Goal: to find the optimal state of the state's consumption in additional financial resources and the costs of attracting, servicing and repaying them.

The objectives of debt management are:

Maintaining the volume of gas pressure at a safe level;

Abbreviation of the service system of the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

Ensure that the state's obligations are fulfilled in full at the lowest possible cost in the medium and long term.

In a broad sense: debt management- this is one of the areas of financial policy of the state (MO), implemented by the competent authorities and management and associated with the obligations of the state (MO) as a borrower or guarantor.

In a narrow sense: debt management- this is the essence of actions, connection with preparation for the issue and placement of debt obligations of the state (MO), actions to regulate the state market. (mun) securities, as well as actions to service and repay debt obligations and provide guarantees.

Basic principles of managing the State Duma:

Unconditionality – ensuring accurate and timely fulfillment of the state’s obligations to investors and creditors without imposing additional conditions;

Unity of accounting - accounting for all types of loans and borrowings must take place in a mandatory manner;

Unity of policy – ​​ensuring a unified approach to policy for managing public debt at all levels of government;

Coherence – provides maximum opportunity to harmonize the interests of the lender and the government borrower;

Risk reduction – taking all necessary actions will reduce the risks of the lender and investor;

Optimality is the creation of such a system of state winters so that the fulfillment of obligations under them is associated with minimal costs and minimal risks and has the least negative impact on the economy;

Publicity - providing timely, reliable and complete information in the loan parameters to all users.

State Department the debt of the Russian Federation will be carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, state. debt of a subject of the Russian Federation - the executive body of this subject, municipal debt - authorized body MSU.

The GD control has 4 components: forecast; plan-e; analysis; control.

Methods for controlling the gas pressure:

1. refinance – repayment of part of the capital fund at the expense of newly attracted funds;

2. conversion – change in loan income;

3. consolidation – turning parts of a debt into a new debt with a longer repayment period;

4. novation-agreement between the state borrower and the lender to replace the obligations within the framework of 1 loan agreement;

5. unification of the state’s decision on the unification of several previously issued loans;

6. deferment-consolidation while the state refuses to pay income on loans;

7. default - refusal of the state to pay the State Duma.

Restructuring is the termination of debt obligations based on an agreement, the composition of the State Duma, with the replacement of decree debt obligations with other debt obligations, providing for other conditions of service and repayment of obligations.

Municipal governance, being a form of public power, provides for the presence and activity in the system various kinds employees and officials who provide solutions to local problems. IN current state household, socio-cultural and economic infrastructure of all settlements, without involving professionals from the relevant authorities in the administrative apparatus, it is impossible to ensure effective management of the economy. Next, let's take a closer look at what municipal government is.

General information

The Constitution, delimiting state and municipal administration, formed the prerequisites for the creation of appropriate institutions. Local power is exercised through the activities of specially formed services. State and municipal administration cover different areas. However, both of these institutions exist in the interests of society. The concept and general criteria for the formation of local authorities, the legal aspects of the activities of employees are formulated in Law No. 25 “On Municipal Service”.

Basic Concepts

Municipal management is a professional activity carried out on an ongoing basis in the appropriate position. She is not elective. According to the law, a position should be understood as an official position provided for in the charter of a municipality within the framework of regional regulations of the subject. It assumes certain powers relating primarily to problems of local importance. Municipal positions are provided for in the relevant local authorities, formed in accordance with the charter of the Moscow Region. For each official position, its own terms of reference are established for ensuring and exercising the powers of this authority, as well as responsibility for their implementation.

Job classification

All of them are divided into elective and others. The former can be replaced on the basis of municipal elections, in accordance with the decision of a representative or other local government body. Election concerns, for example, deputies. Replacement of other municipal positions is carried out through the conclusion employment contract. The law provides general classification. In accordance with it, positions can be:

  • Higher.
  • The main ones.
  • Leading.
  • Seniors.
  • Younger.

Regional laws approve special registers. They provide a specific list of names of municipal government positions for a given subject. They are classified according to functional characteristics, groups, election commissions, and authorities. When delimiting, the historical and other features of the territory are taken into account.

Entering the service

For citizens wishing to obtain a particular position, certain requirements are established. Persons who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and have the appropriate qualifications can enter the service. Requirements for professional training of citizens are established in Federal Law No. 25. Persons who do not have the restrictions specified in Art. can enter the municipal service. 13 of this law. When accepting citizens for positions, as well as in the process professional activity, subsequently it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect advantages or limits depending on race, gender, origin, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership in social groups, official or marital status and other circumstances not related to professional and business qualities employees.

Legal status

A citizen is recognized as a municipal employee who, in the manner established by the relevant acts within the framework of the Federal Law and the laws of the region, performs the duties of his position for a salary. It is paid from the local budget. Persons who carry out technical support activities of local authorities, election commissions of the Moscow Region, cannot fill these positions and are not employees of the relevant institutions. The law establishes a special legal status persons exercising municipal governance.


Regulatory acts of local authorities establish the duties and rights of employees, as well as guarantees of their activities and restrictions related to the performance of work. During elections and referendums, officials cannot use their status and involve subordinates or those in other working dependence in carrying out activities during the performance of their work duties that would contribute to the election or nomination: collecting signatures, campaigning during business trips. Municipal employees are not provided with a preferential right of access to the media; they cannot use organizational, technical and material means that ensure the execution of their powers during election campaigning and collecting signatures. Officials registered as candidates are exempt from professional activities for the period of their participation in the election campaign.

Municipal government: bodies

Local power is exercised in the municipality. It is represented by a rural, urban settlement, their parts, several points that are united common territory, or another area with residents in which municipal government is carried out. Local authorities are elected and other formations that are empowered to solve problems of local importance. Municipal government bodies are not part of the system of government institutions. The list of local authorities in each specific municipality is determined by its charter.

Representative municipal bodies may form extra-budgetary trust funds under the conditions and in the manner established by law. Local authorities, in accordance with the rules of law of the Russian Federation, can issue lotteries and loans, issue loans, form banks and other financial institutions. The head of the municipal government acts as a coordinating element of the municipal government structure. Its tasks include, among other things, ensuring the coordinated activities of lower levels of the system. Structural divisions are control elements. They form the lowest level of administration and directly interact with local executive authorities. The latter are unitary enterprises. They perform certain functions: they produce any products or provide services. The complex and purposeful activity of the executive elements of the Ministry of Defense is the basis of its functioning.

Role in the socio-economic system

Local authorities carry out municipal property management. It includes budget funds, reserves of extra-budgetary funds, Natural resources, land. It also includes municipal organizations and enterprises, their property, cultural institutions, healthcare, sports, etc. The local budget includes taxes, fines, fees, as well as deductions from federal, regional and other payments in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation. In cases provided for by law, municipal property management is carried out directly by the population itself.


At the municipal level, it includes housing and communal services, consumer service institutions, the construction industry, public catering, trade, and so on. Homogeneous industries form corresponding industries. Enterprise management functions, depending on their content, are divided into intersectoral and sectoral. The first include the organization of labor and its payment, long-term forecasting and planning, logistics, accounting, etc. Functions of an intersectoral nature in their content are practically independent of the specifics of enterprises. Municipal property management is carried out by relevant committees. They are in charge of shares (shares, stocks) of business companies of mixed forms, as well as joint-stock companies formed during privatization. Municipal management of property presented in the form of investments from budget funds, as well as those attracted from individuals and legal entities, is carried out by the head of the Moscow Region.

Cultural sphere

This area of ​​activity includes solving problems of healthcare, education, culture, social protection and other sectors. Culture is an area of ​​spiritual life. Its system in the Moscow Region consists of institutions such as theaters, museums, libraries, cinemas, and clubs. Municipal education management is a relatively independent, territorially isolated part. It interacts with other industries. The municipal government of the city ensures the activities of healthcare and social protection institutions.

Pon, principles and character traits state (mun) administration. Management and power, section of authorities.

State Control– legal power activity of all state bodies, executive authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects in the implementation of assigned powers.

General principles:

The democratic people are the only source of power;

The law is respected and fulfilled K and z-v,

Objectivity – adequately perceive the ongoing processes;

Scientificity – application of scientific methods in decision-making;

Specificity – management is built taking into account specific life circumstances;

Separation of powers - section of state. authorities in zak., span. and court. with the consolidation of specific functions;

Federalism - the activities of executive authorities based on the normative consolidation of the delimitation of competence and subjects of jurisdiction between the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Efficiency – achieving goals is achieved with minimal expenditure of effort, medium and time.

Organizational principles:

Industry-specific management activity, taking into account the generality of the management object, which forms a specific industry (industry, transport management);

The territory-former of the system is managed on the territory. basis (adm-ter division);

Functional – organs and apparatuses of use. authorities carry out general subordinate functions;

A combination of unity of command and collegiality - the most important issues are decided collectively, and operational issues that do not require consideration are resolved individually.


1.Performing generally significant functions: forecaster; planning; organization; supervision; control.

2. Normative and administrative regulation, carried out with the help of laws, decrees, resolutions and other n/a acts.

3. The activities of the executive authorities are of a subordinate nature, carried out on the basis of the implementation of the law.

4.Use power in your activities.

5. Continuous nature of government activities, daily management of all areas.

6. High professionalism of civil servants.

Adm-pr relations. Types of adm rights.

Adm-pr relations –general relations regulated by the norms of the administrative law, arising on the basis of legal facts in the field of Spanish. authorities (state administration).

Signs: are public legal relations; are domineering in nature; are organizational; In case of violation of the AP relationship, administrative liability arises.

Structure: an object; subject; legal Facts content; AP regulation method; ways to protect administrative relations (self-defense, administrator, judicial).

Kinds Adm-pr relations:

1) by the nature of legal relations:

Material, based on the norms of substantive law;

Procedural, arising from the practical implementation of the norms;

2) according to the type of relationships that arise between subjects: - horizontal - when power structures interact with each other, there is no subordination;

Vertical – one side of the legal relationship is subordinate to the other;

Subordination - subordination;

Coordination and power powers of joint activities of several managing entities;

3) by purpose: regulate; protective.

4) by direction:

Arising within the framework of the internal activities of management bodies (resolution of structural and personnel issues, distribution of responsibilities of employees of the management apparatus.)

Arising within the external sphere of management, in the process of implementing management functions in relation to managed objects.

System of state and municipal management. Social and organizational principles of management.

GMU system- bodies and institutions, management positions, public authorities and administrative apparatus at the state and municipal levels; pr norms and individual management decisions, technical tools and information in management, functionality and relationships, interaction of officials, employees of organizational authorities and management.


1.Integrity of the GMU system: interaction of all bodies and levels of management.

2.GMU functioning of several complex social systems.

3. Structurality - the internal structure of the system, the form of its organization.

Subsystems and their components of GMU:

-Institutional subsystem, Institutes of power and management: Institute of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation, judicial bodies: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

-Normative-pr subsystem- a set of rules and methods regulating the organization and order of children's org power and management.

-Communication subsystem. communication information sub-control.

-Functional-structural subsystem. Gosu and mun organs in their management functions differ in subject, content, method, and volume of influence.

Socialist principles:

-Legality,compliance and execution by all sub and objects of state administration with other regulations.

-Objectivity. Scientific determination of ways and means of further improvement of public administration. - Specificity, implementation of state management in relation to specific life circumstances.

-Efficiency, achieving state goals. control with the use of minimal effort, medium and time.

-Delimitation of subjects of reference between federal government agencies management and authorities of the sub-RF are carried out on the basis of K (Articles 71 and 72). recognizes and guarantees the functioning of the local self-government; within the limits of its powers, the self-government resolves issues of local importance.

Organizational principles:

-Industry. Bodies are being formed to implement the type of government management activities (health, culture).

-Territory, formed the apparatus of state (sp) power in accordance with the administrative division.

-Linear. Each manager, within the limits of his competence, has all rights and management functions in relation to his subordinates.

-Functional: control within a specific function.

-Rational distribution of powers between subjects of action: legal assignment of tasks, responsibilities and rights to each body and employee.

-Responsibility of subjects of action for the results of the work.

-The combination of unity of command and collegiality; resolution of the most important issues by collegial bodies.

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State and municipal administration has long been one of the popular specialties of study at universities. Not everyone can imagine where they can go to work with such an education. But the desire to be in power drives many to obtain an appropriate diploma.

How long have they been teaching state and municipal government?

State and municipal management or State Management emerged as a field of study in the late 1990s. At the same time, the profession gained popularity among applicants. During this period, it became clear that specialists employed in state and municipal structures implementing executive or legislative functions of government needed to be trained in a new way.

IN modern practice such a specialty became part of another block of training programs. Managerial professions cover the needs not only of the state or municipal sectors of the economy, but also of the commercial sector.

As part of the training program, competencies are developed that allow you to successfully realize yourself in future profession:

  • economic knowledge;
  • legal basis;
  • general cultural knowledge;
  • the ability to exercise self-control, self-motivation, self-development.

Before this, such knowledge could only be obtained through the party line in special schools and courses at universities and colleges.

Why is it prestigious to get such a profession?

The popularity of the GMU profession is caused by several factors

  • During the period of economic reforms, the sphere of state and municipal administration seems to be the most reliable and stable, allowing one to be confident that all rights and obligations on the part of the employer will be fulfilled.
  • Many people mistakenly believe that having received such an education, a direct path to the very top of power structures immediately opens up. In fact, the career of an official is usually progressive, as in other areas.
  • There is a myth that officials have high salaries. Although in the field of municipal administration, wages for specialists fluctuate at the level of 13–20 thousand rubles per month.
  • Those working in the relevant government structures must improve their skills and have specialized education.
  • Businessmen who want to lobby their interests in government agencies are interested in having the appropriate education.
  • Such education does not lose its relevance over time, because officials are always needed. If necessary, you can undergo advanced training to become familiar with new changes in legislation.
  • Some regions, interested in officials working in the outback, sign agreements with universities and send those who want to study there for free.

What kind of work can you do?

The GMU profession is quite universal. It gives you the opportunity to express yourself in different areas. After all, the functions performed by federal, regional and local authorities are very diverse. A person with such education can work:

  • in legislative bodies of government at any level as an assistant to a deputy;
  • in supervisory authorities (prosecutor, tax inspectorate);
  • in pension fund structures;
  • in social protection authorities;
  • in executive power structures at any level;
  • in public relations structures.

The profession allows you to work successfully in commerce. After all, management and other skills are also in demand there. Knowledge of legislation has always been a weak link among those who received education in commercial specialties. Business management also involves active interaction with municipal and government agencies authorities.

The requirement that an applicant for a vacancy in state and municipal authorities have such a profession is heard in most cases.

The profession can be mastered by school graduates, as well as by those who have already realized themselves in the labor market. In the modern system, there are several formats that allow you to obtain higher education at State Medical University. Many of them allow you to work and study at the same time.

Among them:

  • Bachelor's programs. This is basic education, which is implemented on full-time and part-time courses. Can be organized remotely. Refers to higher education. The initial level can be an excellent start in a future profession or help in building a bureaucratic career.
  • Master's programs. For those who want to study issues of state and municipal management in more depth, two-year training programs are offered. In this case, a person may already have a basic education at State Medical University or use the knowledge acquired during the development of other specialties.
  • Professional retraining programs. They are usually sold within a year. Any specialist with higher education can learn the profession of State Medical University.
  • Advanced training programs. State and municipal authorities are required to send their employees for advanced training at least once every 5 years. If a person has a different education (economics or law), he still has the right to improve his qualifications in the State Medical University profession. Management of these issues is entrusted to human resources services.

Graduate and doctoral programs are also available to specialists. Receipt academic degree in the field of state and municipal management allows you to increase your status among colleagues. This type of training is aimed at serious advancement in.

Public administration implies that its representatives must have a good understanding of the material from the perspective of scientific approaches. Therefore, postgraduate or doctoral work allows you to master these competencies.

Where is the best place to study?

In order to become the best in your profession, it matters where you receive your education. Not all universities or research centers are equally good at presenting material.

Therefore, when choosing a program and training base, you need to analyze a number of indicators.

  • How many years has training been provided at this university?
  • What is the position of the university in the national rankings.
  • How many graduates are there from the programs, what is the share of their employment, is there any famous personalities among university graduates.
  • Availability of a license and the nearest date of certification of the university.
  • Availability of partnership programs with state and municipal authorities.
  • Is there a direction for students to undergo internships in organizations where state and municipal administration is implemented?
  • Cost of education. It cannot be low, because attracting highly qualified specialists in the training process is an expensive pleasure. If the very fact of getting crusts is important in order to work in an existing position, this indicator can be ignored.

What qualities will help you in learning and work?

Considering that this profession involves gaining knowledge in different fields, the individual must constantly expand his horizons. If a person is focused on managing his career in the field of GMU, he needs:

  • work to improve public speaking and communication skills;
  • study personality psychology, including ways to manage public opinion;
  • deal with personal image;
  • be willing to work in lower positions or as a volunteer in order to gain the necessary competencies and connections;
  • be able to express personal opinion in a timely manner.

Obtaining an education in the field of State Medical University does not guarantee successful employment. But if a person systematically moves towards a cherished goal, then such training programs can be of great help in future work.

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