In which units there is no hazing? Hazing and hazing

Hazing in the army in 2016 - myth or reality? Hazing and hazing in the army. What it is? And are these concepts different from each other? Or, on the contrary, are hazing and hazing in the army about the same thing?

In this article, let's dot the i's in the analysis of each of these concepts. And, most importantly, let’s answer the question: is there hazing in the army in 2016?

As always, I want to start with an analysis of the basic concepts. I am sure that in this way I will be able to clarify the meaning of both hazing and hazing. But here everything is not so simple...

Hazing and hazing

Friends, you won't believe it. But I just looked at the all-knowing Wikipedia and realized that the concept of hazing is not described there entirely correctly. Wikipedia was wrong. Now I have seen everything in life.

Let me explain my words with concrete evidence. Here is the definition of hazing from.

"Hazing" (analogue in the Navy - "Godkovshchina") - developed in Armed Forces ah, an unofficial hierarchical system of relationships between lower-ranking military personnel (soldiers, corporals, sergeants), based on their ranking, “sorting” based on the amount of actual service served by each individual and related discrimination, one of the types of hazing. It is semi-criminal in nature and usually manifests itself in the form of exploitation, psychological and physical violence.

Nevertheless, there is some truth in this definition. I agree with the definition right down to the words “... and related discrimination.” Because next - substitution of concepts.

The stereotype that hazing in the army is hell is already firmly ingrained in our heads. Massacres, grandfathers beating spirits with chairs at night and all sorts of similar horror.

What I want to say is that it is not true. And I want to explain the true meaning of this concept, which I became acquainted with only through my service in the Training Battalion of the VA MTO.

I won't invent too much smart words. I will say it briefly and as simply as possible.

Hazing in the army is a learning process proper service soldier of young replenishment (last conscription) by old-timers (). As of 2015 - soldiers of the previous conscription, since the service period is now only 1 year.

What is hazing in specific examples? These are extraordinary drill classes conducted by old-timers, because at first no one knows how to walk in the ranks, a visual explanation to new recruits of the rules of addressing comrades and officers, and the development of military discipline among newly drafted personnel.

Dozens of similar examples can be given. The meaning remains the same. Hazing is a process of helping a newly arrived soldier to quickly adapt under the supervision of one or more old-timers. First of all, the junior sergeant, who is appointed deputy platoon commander.

In reality, this is what happens. You are drafted into the army, you come there. And at the time of your arrival, there were still N people from the previous conscription left in the unit, that is, old-timers. They will be the ones who will teach you the basics of military service.

No fights, humiliation or public insults.

Hazing is good and useful tradition, and not the massacre that can be seen in thousands of videos on YouTube when searching for “hazing in the army 2015.”

It was like that for us. That's how we were taught. And we will continue this tradition in our battalion. Because in our part the Charter is loved and respected. Now let's talk about those who don't.

This is where it’s hard to argue with Wikipedia. The definition is short and precise.

Hazing relationships in the Armed Forces are relationships between military personnel that grossly violate the requirements of the regulations and are usually a violation of the law.

I agree 100%. Hazing is the same massacres, humiliation and mass fights that are also present in our army.

I cannot answer for all military units of Russia, of course. But trust me. Over the past six months, I have talked with many military personnel from different parts of our vast Motherland.

And this is what I can say with 100% confidence. There is hazing in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In many parts, unfortunately.

I can say for sure that we don’t have them. Any attempts not only to fight, but even to think about it are nipped in the bud.

Since my service, we began to be fed stories of how particularly daring cadets and soldiers fought among themselves, or even simply pushed a comrade, after which the latter fell and cut his eyebrow.

I cut my eyebrow and that's it! Do you understand how small it is compared to what happens in other parts? What is the outcome of the story? The culprit was sent to a disciplinary battalion for 2 years.

After returning he will serve out his term in the army. That is, first 2 years in the disbat, and then serve in the army. It was a good push, right? Now imagine what thoughts are reigning in this guy’s head right now, given that he is still serving in the disbat? Do you think he regretted what he did?

I think yes. But now it’s not about him.

I recently spoke with several of my friends who are also currently serving in the army. In their units there are hazing relationships and they are quite developed. Suffice it to say that in response to my question to one of them: “How many times did you fight?” I received the answer: “I lost count.”

And I heard similar words from more than one person. Well... Friends, I will not stretch out my opinion about hazing in the army over the entire next half of the article. You will recognize him at the very end.

My task in this article is to show difference between the concepts of hazing and hazing and, in a sense, restore justice.

So let's summarize and summarize.


  1. The concepts of “hazing” and “hazing” - Different things.
  2. You cannot call “hazing” a type of hazing. Hazing is a good old tradition. And I never had any assault or similar things.
  3. And hazing and hazing present in the Russian army.
  4. I would like to separately note once again: in my unit there is hazing, but there is no hazing.
  5. There are people who consider hazing to be an integral part of modern service. There are those who categorically disagree with them. We live in a free country and We have the right to our opinion.

P.S. Dear blog readers. I sincerely hope that I was able to convey to you main idea, for which I wrote this article. In a nutshell it can be expressed this way:

Hazing is good. Hazing is bad. The Russian army has both the first and the second.

Whatever your attitude towards these two features of army life, I ask you for help.

As I said at the beginning of the article, I was overcome by a crazy thought before writing it: to restore justice and return the concept of “hazing” to its true meaning in the minds of our citizens.

I ask you to convey my words or the text of this article as soon as possible more people around us. Personal recommendations/repost/send an article with a link via personal message or publication in your own public page. I will be glad for any support.

Thank you in advance to everyone involved in this great cause!

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have changed dramatically over last years- we are not talking about a simple change of image, the relationships between people, the status of military personnel in society, the perception of the army by our potential opponents and allies have changed. On December 31, the next conscription campaign for conscript soldiers ended - an excellent occasion to talk about the state of the Russian Armed Forces today, as well as about the future of our armed forces.

Summon Statistics

During the conscription, 147,100 citizens of military age were sent to serve. The mobilization plan, approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin, was fully implemented. Among the innovations, one can note the conscription on the territory of the Crimean Federal District, which happened for the first time in the history of Russia. Also during recruitment, four additional scientific companies were completed to the already existing eight. As an experiment, two research and production companies were also assembled. A special feature of this campaign was the improvement of the health of conscripts. Compared to 2012, this figure increased by six percent and reached 75 percent, if conscripts with minor restrictions are taken into account. The healthiest guys were drafted from the Stavropol Territory, Volgograd, Lipetsk and Penza region. Despite the increase in the number of contract soldiers, conscripts remain an integral part of the Russian Armed Forces - the share of conscripts is still about half. Measures aimed at increasing the prestige of the service taken by the Ministry of Defense have borne fruit: Russian young people no longer run away from military registration and enlistment offices. Thus, in the spring of 2015, only 3,869 cases of evasion from service in the armed forces were recorded.

The cure for the main Russian ailment greatly contributed to increasing the motivation of recruits. Now they are not in danger of hazing, although just a few years ago this word became the personification of the nightmares of those who were sent to serve. Hazing is a thing of the past for many reasons: from a general increase in the discipline of soldiers and control, including public control over conscripts, to a reduction in service life to one year. Old-timers who have been in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces for only six months longer try not to commit atrocities against new recruits, since the feeling of conscription is still fresh in their memory.

Expert opinion

The correspondent of the news agency "" learned about the direction in which the Russian armed forces are changing from a military expert, retired lieutenant colonel Igor Krasnov. According to DN’s interlocutor, the Russian army is confidently modernizing: “ I am proud of how Russia has developed in recent years - we have managed to transform our army from a crumbling, backward mechanism into a powerful tool designed to protect sovereignty and continue politics through military methods. Over the past few years, our troops have regained their former authority among their foreign colleagues - this was done through competent military planning, as well as through the allocation of decent funds for defense. In the near future, young people will understand that the profession of defending the Motherland is the most prestigious of all possible. I hope that the state will not forget about the army in times of economic crisis, since it is easy to destroy, but rebuilding it takes a lot of effort.

As for conscription service, there are no longer any pitfalls, as there were before. Many young people go to serve higher education, they are well educated and prepared for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Moreover, it is now in effect a large number of relaxations - you can use mobile phones, communicate with relatives. Also, it is now possible to serve in the district from which the recruit was drafted - this is another argument in favor of not evading service in the RF Armed Forces.

I didn’t write anywhere that this is the norm.

I would like to be wrong and be happy for Lithuania, but the situation is a little more complicated than it seems. Perhaps you've heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Volunteers selected not from criminals, but randomly selected healthy socially adjusted adults were randomly divided into guards and prisoners. So a third of the guards showed sadistic tendencies. This is the result of a closed society (barracks situation in the army) and an imposed social role (subordinate soldiers and soldiers, one way or another appointed to control and restore order). Second, i.e. the appointment of "guards" is optional.

In any team (medium and large) there are people who take pleasure in showing aggression towards others. In any team there are people with weak wills who find it easier to endure than to enter into conflict.

I asked and talked with my fellow soldiers, so imagine, they also believe that there was no hazing. But this does not mean that it really did not exist.

There are two rules. What doesn't concern you, you don't notice. What may torment your conscience, but you cannot change, you do not notice. If people’s psyches did not have such a property, they would quickly burn out emotionally. This is what happens to those who are professionally obliged to notice. A fact recorded by medicine, not in Russia alone, but everywhere, and initially studied in Britain and the USA, doctors, teachers, and police officers suffer from burnout syndrome.

You don’t pay attention, but aggression, pressure on the weak, is everywhere. The fact that people don't notice this in schools, for example, which everyone goes through, is sad. When your neighbor teased the fat, weak-willed boy in your class, that was what would later become “hazing” in the army.

When the USSR began conscripting criminals into the army, this did not give birth to hazing, but made its forms criminal.

As long as it does not take criminal forms, we simply do not notice it and do not understand it. In our unit, for example, no one noticed anything special and no one thought that anyone was doing anything criminal. Well, yes, ordinary stupid jokes, ordinary stupid half-joking attacks, demands, the strong one will simply smile and send, and then answer Vitas’ question - “we had nothing, what are you talking about?” But we got a weak one, and everything was bad in his family, he couldn’t stand it and shot himself. It turned out that what was ordinary was criminal.

Regarding history, returning to criminals and the USSR, in general, violence is like everyday life They were born in the army before the Red Army itself. Open the encyclopedia of Russian life" Quiet Don" - how Grigory begins to serve in the army. I think there are plenty of other examples, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Statistics from recent military conscriptions indicate that the lion's share of Russian conscripts are still trying to avoid military service. The majority of young men surveyed cite a reluctance to join the armed forces precisely because of the fear of impending hazing. It turns out that Russian guys are not afraid of attacks by aggressors, but of hazing, hazing, which takes place among military personnel, or are these just rumors, speculations that cause confusion.

What is hazing in the army

The first mentions of violations of regulations by employees and the development of so-called hazing were already noted in the Soviet army. In the 90s, there was an opinion that army lawlessness was crossing all boundaries, many simply did not know how to deal with it.

To be honest, the majority of today’s campaigners don’t even know what is commonly considered to be considered “hazing,” because a lot has changed and similar problems have been completely eliminated in many units. The Russian army is famous for its strict rules, which significantly distinguishes it from the Soviet army, although “relapses” also occur.

Hazing is a unique process of educating and training recently conscripted military personnel by colleagues of earlier conscription, the so-called “grandfathers.” To make it easier to separate from this definition the concept of “hazing”, let us immediately stipulate that the second speaks of obvious violations of the regulations by soldiers at any period of service.

Speaking about hazing at the level of army understanding, we are talking about the training of young soldiers by guys of an older generation, the so-called demobilization. When the more experienced ones tell, show how to behave correctly with seniors, address, walk, communicate with each other, follow a clear daily routine. Anything that goes beyond the bounds of reason, when demobilization begins to “go too far”, as rumors are heard, is usually attributed not to training, but to a common violation of the regulations.

It was with this kind of training that the first days of recruits’ service began; it was believed that this is how the formation of a military man occurs. Any lawlessness was always punished, hazing was suppressed, and the perpetrators suffered serious punishment.

In the common people, it is the hazing of military personnel, when the more “adult” generation, violating the regulations, abuses the young, which is considered to be hazing.

When did hazing appear in the army?

The first mentions of army hazing have come to us since the times of the USSR. It was then that, while “training” the new recruits, the old-timers massively humiliated, insulted, beat and suppressed morally, citing good intentions.

It was then that among soldiers, ordinary people, the concept of “violation of regulations” was replaced within the framework of the relationship between soldiers and the concept of “hazing.” Many people today confuse these problems without clear distinctions.

Is there hazing in the army 2017

Today, as in the distant 90s, you can hear that in many parts there is still chaos, proof of this is that on the Internet you can easily find a couple of hundred videos filmed and posted by the “grandfathers” themselves.

However, the majority of guys of military age can be absolutely calm, in the Russian army 2017 this problem actually eliminated. We can say with confidence that there are practically no incidents of violation of the charter at the level of employee relations, although hazing does occur!

Unlike the Soviet army, when the service life was at least two years, today, conscript soldiers, starting in 2008, are called up for only a year. The so-called “grandfathers” themselves barely served for six months, such a period does not mean much.

Of course, gross incidents indicating violations still remain, but often only because disagreements often occur in the male team. The guys are trying to resolve everyday issues through conflicts, to establish themselves at someone else’s expense, and to show superiority over the “young people.”

Unfortunately, even now, you can meet a “rotten” campaigner who is happy to try to convey to the recently arrived guys what a seasoned soldier he is, how much he has seen. The essence of morality is conveyed through beatings, beatings, insults, when the angry “grandfather” simply enjoys his superiority and often strength. You need to understand that in this case we are not talking about “hazing”, there is a clear violation of the regulations and such fellows, like criminals in civilian life, must bear real punishment, which also happens in the ranks of the armed forces.

Despite such unpleasant isolated cases, the majority of guys calmly, without such problems among their peers, serve their time, going home often without understanding at all why they are “scared” in civilian life, what this is connected with. The majority of today's soldiers respect the regulations, strictly follow the law, and behave decently and with dignity.

What to do in case of hazing in the army

In order not to become a victim, talking about the consequences of army hazing, it is necessary, first of all, for the young soldiers themselves to share for themselves the boundaries of hazing with experienced soldiers, not to be confused with hazing.

In fact, violation of the regulations is often provoked by recently drafted guys who misunderstand the help of their elders in training. Life tips, clarification of questions of existence, is sometimes perceived with hostility, and as you know, aggression, reluctance to obey, seemingly equal to oneself, often provokes an explosion of emotions. In this case, it’s not far from assault.

Hazing has always taken place and will always happen, because who, if not those who have already gotten comfortable “here”, will be able to correctly tell and convey to a young soldier what the rules of army life are. There is no need to react aggressively to the help of the “grandfather”; such intervention should not be confused at all with those “attacks” on civilians that take place among young people.

However, when we are really talking about obvious violations of the regulations, serious exaggerations of what was permitted by an old-time soldier, this is the right place to defend yourself, but within the framework of the regulations. To protect yourself in the future from aggression among the “grandfathers”, when receiving a blow to the face, beating and other mental attacks from experienced servants, you just need to write an appropriate report. The culprit or a group of people will certainly be punished. Such incidents are resolved by an army court; in this case, violators face disbat - a disciplinary battalion. The punishment is calculated over a fairly long period of one to two years.

How to serve during hazing

When planning to repay his debt to his homeland, a conscript must initially understand that there is no “hazing” as such in the understanding of the common people in the army. In any situation, you need to learn to restrain yourself and your emotions. Respond correctly to comments, as far as possible, as quickly as possible. short time understand the essence of army life.

It is necessary to be able not to provoke the aggression of others, not to fall into a momentary impulse of weakness, which can lead to serious consequences, both with health and during the life of the service.

It is important to recognize real hazing in time from the usual disregard for the charter on the part of the “grandfathers”. Be able to properly defend yourself within the framework of the charter, without falling for provocation, without once again provoking a conflict in which you yourself may find yourself a victim. You need to understand that most often it is young soldiers who first provoke themselves and then allow themselves to be treated incorrectly. Sometimes the boorish, rude communication of colleagues leads to a fight, which promises many problems, primarily for the recruits themselves.

The fall conscription begins on Sunday.

Tens of thousands of young people aged 18 to 27, who have no deferments or medical contraindications for service, will join the ranks of the army and other security forces. The conscription will begin on October 1, but in some regions (in the Far North, as well as in rural areas where there is a battle for the harvest), conscripts will receive summons in November.

Every adult in our country remembers the time when conscription into the army made parents conscripts say modern language, acute panic attacks.

Today there are many cases when parents make an appointment with the military commissar to take care of their son. He is such a nice young man, healthy, and he should definitely be drafted into the army. Moreover, the generals state that while previously they paid not to serve, today they are offering money to join the army.

World turned upside down.

I would be glad to serve

The author of these lines worked in the military registration and enlistment office in the early 80s. It was countryside, so I won’t say that the problem of “deviators” was too acute. But still, the parents tried to “agree” and, if not completely get rid of it, then at least postpone the prospect of the terrible barracks.

By the way, not everyone was taken then either. There was no reason for the military registration and enlistment office to exceed the plan. The extra ones were simply not called up, and this did not even require bribes.

One of our employees collected money: for a subscription to “Red Star” (it’s free for soldiers). Caught, tried, imprisoned.

The apogee is the gathering of conscripts. The guys came to us surrounded by family and friends, with vodka and accordions. The mothers of tomorrow's soldiers cried out loud, everyone else laughed, sang and danced.

These were the times when the USSR helped build socialism in Afghanistan. Parents of conscripts were mortally afraid of two things: hazing and Afghanistan. The boys themselves were afraid only of the first misfortune. The prospect of going to war was not particularly frightening. Youth.

You may not believe it, but then I filled out the documents for myself and went to serve as a fixed-term worker. I didn’t choose the location - only the Air Force troops.

And he went to serve. To those same notorious barracks, to the grandfathers...

Some statistics. The population of Russia is 146 million people. We take away women, minors, disabled people, draft dodgers, deserters, religious orthodoxies. I think the bottom line is about forty million. These are those who served in the Soviet and Russian army. And therefore, we have 40 million stories on the topic of what hazing is and how it is done.

Fell - did 300 push-ups

My story is probably not the brightest. In the "shmas-training" (school for junior aviation specialists), the role of grandfathers was played by sergeants. They were recruited mainly from natives of Western Ukraine. The guys were fierce. The day was planned out in seconds, and we fell asleep like the dead. There was no strength left to fight among themselves. Almost.

They beat us only in one case. Morning physical exercises involve a bare-chested uniform (in December!) and several kilometers around the city. First from the mountain, and then uphill, along an icy road. It was impossible to lag behind; because of one thing, the entire company was deployed to a new circle. Therefore, the most exhausted ones clung to passing buses. The sergeants slapped his hands.

The entire platoon was punished for any offense. Lie down and do push-ups. Everyone takes turns counting to ten. There are 30 people in the platoon. Can a normal person do 300 push-ups? Can not. But if you didn’t do push-ups, the sergeant would send you out “for a walk”: a forced march in gas masks... We almost didn’t see the officers. Imagine: 150 healthy 18-year-old guys, commanded by several 19-year-old sergeants. In the weapons room there are 150 machine guns and machine guns, zinc and ammunition. The door to the armory could be knocked down with one kick; it was guarded by an orderly “on the nightstand,” armed with a bayonet-knife. Moreover, this orderly is one of us.

But no uprisings broke out. Only once, when the sergeants were completely overplayed, did the company orderly refuse to eat. Still, we didn’t have time to eat, the sergeant gave us a couple of minutes for lunch. A hunger strike in the army is a major emergency. For the first time we saw so many officers...

They also didn’t rebel because they slept for six months and saw how we would take revenge on the “micro demobilization.” Before leaving the unit, we will take the sergeants into the toilet and beat them. For a long time. Brutal. Stretching out the pleasure. The bastards will answer for everything...

And then there was graduation from school. Before departure, everyone hugged the sergeants as if they were brothers.

Life is a strange thing.

They kept me in the "training room" and assigned me to duty. Eternally on duty: either at the checkpoint or at the headquarters. Those who had just been called up were given subordination. Strictly speaking, my grandfather was like walking to the moon, but for them I was an old-timer. I just don’t remember a time when I even had to raise my voice at someone. He neither committed hazing himself nor did he inflict hazing on others.

But my friend Yurka ended up in the Railway Troops. In the evenings, when the officers left, his grandfathers took him to the quarters and beat him. They didn't demand anything. They just beat me. We had fun. A friend years later (he, like me, became an officer) admitted that he was quite seriously looking for a rope. Hanging myself was liberation. But luckily, the headquarters needed a clerk. Hitting a staff member was a bad omen.

Why didn’t Yurka complain to the commander? But the commander already knew everything. Such a healthy guy with big fists. He tried to restore order and himself beat up the presumptuous grandfathers. Without long preamble, straight into the jaw.

Only in this part everything remained the same.

I know that your army left some other memories. But that’s what I’m saying: 40 million versions of the service.

Serve like a copper pot

Remember how in dashing years perestroika, the whole country argued with the generals? Human rights activists and committees of soldiers' mothers shouted: hazing is a shame.

The generals answered: you’re lying!

Then, under the pressure of facts, they changed their strategy. Yes, there are isolated cases of hazing. But the army has nothing to do with it! Look what's going on at the vocational school!

The position was initially a failure. If only because the guy from the vocational school could go home to his mother at any moment. But this trick didn’t work with the army.

It was necessary not to argue, but to radically change the army.

But for some reason they argued and argued.

Wider pocket

People don't join the army to earn money. For example, our pilots fighting in Syria receive much less than pilots of passenger airliners. In large airlines, an aircraft captain can earn up to 500,000 rubles a month, and there is a luxurious social package. Nevertheless, pilots are fleeing to Western companies, where incomes are even higher. Against the background of such wealth, our military aces are poor relatives. But they fight honestly and do not rush to join someone else’s air force.

This is to close the question of material motivation for military service.

The army has a wonderful way of turning teenagers into beefy fighters. The wizard's name is Comrade Sergeant. Photo: AP

They do not serve their homeland for money. But in peacetime, a contract soldier and an officer can, based on their standard of living, draw a conclusion about the value of the military profession for society.

How much do they get today, when they began to forget about hazing, and how much were regular military personnel paid 30 years ago, at a time when grandfathers ruled the barracks?

1987: for the rank of lieutenant - 120 rubles. and official salary - from 120. If you served in the North, then plus 20%. There were bonuses for secrecy and special conditions. They were given an increase for “length of service.” There was a 13th salary, rations (not everywhere), free travel on vacation.

In those years, you had to rent an apartment on your own; the army did not pay extra for sub-rent. At the same time, the lieutenant was in the barracks for days. I rarely saw my children.

How is it today?

As before, salary consists of a mass of components: salaries, allowances and bonuses. A lieutenant in the infantry receives from 40 - 50 thousand rubles, in the Airborne Forces - from 60 thousand, and a sailor who goes to sea - all 80 thousand.

For your 270 rubles. During the Soviet era, a lieutenant could buy 123 kg of doctor's sausage (cost 2.20 rubles). Today, for 50 thousand, a platoon commander in the infantry will buy 117 kg (a kg of a doctor’s degree is 400-450 rubles), and a paratrooper and a sailor will buy about the same as in Soviet time.

They do not serve their homeland for money. But based on his salary, an officer understands his value to society

At first glance, the modern lieutenant has not become richer. But rent is compensated, yes different shapes housing support. And most importantly: income directly depends on how you cope with your responsibilities. Three salaries are given for conscientious service. For personal achievements, the salary is multiplied by two.

Now imagine: in your platoon, a “demobilizer” broke the nose of a “young guy.” Three salaries are gone, and raises “for personal achievements” are gone too. In the event of more serious incidents or a repeat of the emergency, the career goes downhill. A citizen looms.

And in civilian life, 50 thousand a month - go look. Medicine is paid (if you are interested in the result), you go on vacation at your own expense, you have to pay off the mortgage for your entire life... Not to mention the fact that you won’t retire in 20-25 years.

It will not be possible to hide hazing. In units, doctors examine personnel and look for bruises and abrasions. Even if you fall off the horizontal bar, an investigation is ordered. A psychologist talks to the soldiers, and you can often talk to a priest.

Soldiers are given SIM cards right at the military registration and enlistment offices; they can tell their parents everything.

Of course, there were no cell phones, priests, or psychologists in Soviet times. But otherwise, nothing prevented the commander’s material well-being from being tied to the state of affairs in the barracks. This would have worked a few decades ago.

Although, of course, better late than never.


According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the number of crimes in the army decreased in 2016 by 5 percent compared to the previous year.

The most significant decrease in emergency situations is among those related to hazing - by more than a third. The number of incidents of assault has also decreased significantly.

On a note

Signs that a soldier's parents may suspect something is wrong

Olga Erofeeva, psychologist:

The son answers specific questions on the phone vaguely (just don’t ask about things that relate to classified military information).

He asks to transfer large sums of money to his card, avoiding answering - for what?

He can’t name the names of the guys he’s friends with.

He doesn’t get in touch for a long time (but “He hasn’t called his mom for a whole day!” - that’s not serious).

What to do if anxiety doesn't go away? Don't panic, collect as much information as possible. Call the commander. Come to the unit. And don’t despair: the military police and the prosecutor’s office are working well.

Autumn call

On the way to their place of duty, current conscripts are fed in the dining car. Each person is provided with a stylish toiletry case containing 19 items of hygiene items for the care of the face, hands and feet. Our grandfathers simply would not have understood this. We are not talking about barracks grandfathers - about real ones who served in the harsh and great Soviet army. Photo: Reuters

1. If you are expected to be drafted in the fall, run to the gym or to the “rocking chair.” The better your physical shape, the more confident you feel, and this confidence is passed on to others. They are friends with big guys.

2. Prepare to obey. Practice in civilian life how to behave correctly in conflict situations.

3. Type “Daily routine of a military unit” into Google and try to live in this rhythm for a couple of days.

4. Don’t believe that taking a bribe will get you out of the army without consequences. And it's not just that better year serve rather than serve in prison. The question is how they will get rid of it. A corrupt doctor reclassifies vegetative-vascular dystonia as a “congenital heart defect.” This diagnosis is for life.

5. Get ready to become a collectivist, even if in life you are an individualist and believe that “eagles do not fly in flocks.” In the army they fly. You just can’t imagine yet how inspired and synchronized it is.

In the modern army, they are more likely to educate in rubles. A 28-year-old senior lieutenant was sentenced in Orenburg for abuse of authority, which led to the suicide of a conscript soldier. The prosecutor asked for 5 years. The court took into account Family status(dependent on two children and a sick wife), gave 4 years probation. But the officer will pay 1 million rubles in favor of the deceased’s sister.

What else to read