Profession lawyer. Legal specialties

IN recent years In Russia, the legal profession is one of the most popular among all specialties. Find out what they teach at the relevant faculties, what your job will be and whether it’s easy to get a job.




Entry barrier


A lawyer is a specialist in the field of law. He knows the laws and legal regulations, knows how to use them and is able to teach the basics to others. This is an expert in the field of jurisprudence who can occupy any position legal position, from to . To do this you need to get .


The origin of this branch of knowledge occurred in Ancient Rome. It was here that the first representatives of legal norms appeared - patrons. Before them, dispute resolution and judicial activity were an indirect concept and lay on the shoulders of the priests. Since the advent of patrons, legal knowledge has developed rapidly. At first, the right to make decisions lay on the shoulders of emperors, kings - heads of state. The industry has evolved, with both defenders and prosecutors emerging. Courts and judicial systems were born. Over time, law has developed into a broad branch. Religion became the basis for the laws; it was the commandments from the Bible that became the first laws. They introduced rules that humanity follows to this day. IN Russian Federation The development of law progressed slowly until the introduction of laws by Tsar Peter the Great. It was he who gave rise to the development of the legal sphere of our state. Then there was the judicial revolution. It was after it that we received a legal structure close to the modern one. Nowadays, jurisprudence is a broad branch of knowledge and opportunity. It includes the entire judicial system, knowledge of laws and legal norms and ways of monitoring their strict implementation by both individuals and organized structures.


The profession of “lawyer” implies a huge range of activities. This is a specialist in the field of law who studies it, teaches law, researches in this field and practical application of skills. The concept of “lawyer” includes a whole range of professions: lawyer, judge, notary, legal adviser, investigator.

They all combine knowledge of laws and legal norms. After all, it is the presence different rules, installations and regulations distinguishes modern society from primitive savages, for whom all issues were resolved by force.

A lawyer is a specialist who is fluent in information about legislative bases. He actually collects evidence and evidence on the basis of which he makes decisions. This area is so vast that lawyers are classified according to the basics of their focus. They act as defenders, prosecutors, experts, professors and judges.

Without legal science and law, our society would plunge into a world of chaos and destruction.

What specialties to study?

To become a qualified lawyer, you must obtain higher education in one of the specialties:

All these specialties give the right to work in the field of legal knowledge. How to convey them, and take part in legal proceedings and apply them in practice.

Where to study

To obtain a diploma and the opportunity to work in one of the legal fields, you must graduate from one of the universities in the relevant specialization. The most prestigious are:

  1. Faculty of Law.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

The range of core activities directly depends on the specialty you choose:

  • Professor of Law and Jurisprudence. This is a more scientific and safer activity. It is related to the delivery of the information base to students and students. This type application of knowledge is the safest and lowest paid.
  • Lawyer and prosecutor. The specifics of these professions are largely similar. They are focused on practical application your knowledge and skills. If a lawyer acts as a defender, then a prosecutor acts as a prosecutor. At the same time, the latter’s responsibilities are expanded to monitor the implementation of legal and constitutional norms.
  • Judge. This is the arbiter of justice who, based on the evidence and documents provided, makes sentences in accordance with the law.
  • Legal Advisor. Unlike lawyers, judges and prosecutors, this is an interested person - an employee of the organization who conducts its legal defense and ensures that all its actions are carried out in accordance with the law. The legal adviser draws up documents and employee agreements, decides everything conflict situations both privately and in court proceedings. This is the legal representative of the company.

The scope of activity of each of these specialists is directly related to predominantly paper work and the constant study of legal norms. The professions of lawyers, prosecutors and judges are potentially dangerous; they carry a lot of risks, especially when considering cases in which famous personalities are involved.

Who is this profession suitable for?

This profession Suitable for morally stable people. After all, lawyers are often subject to both psychological and physical pressure. At the same time they must have high level intelligence and broad outlook. A lawyer always thinks soberly and knows how to quickly make logical decisions. To do this, he needs an analytical mind. Also, one of the fundamental qualities for a lawyer is honesty and integrity. Only such people are capable of ensuring order and justice for our state.


Lawyers are always in demand. They ensure the security of business activities, help in resolving various civil disputes and conducting criminal trials. These specialists are irreplaceable and are constantly needed.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

A lawyer’s earnings directly depend on his type of activity and demand. On average, they receive from 20 to 90 thousand rubles per month. The minimum earnings are for law teachers, the maximum for judges.

Is it easy to get a job?

The easiest places to find work are legal consultants and law teachers. This work is constantly updated, new ones are opened educational institutions and commercial organizations that require these specialists.

Lawyers are quite in demand. They do not have the right to work in commercial structures and conduct entrepreneurial activity. They work in law offices and legal consultations. You start your career with an internship, and finding a job is quite easy.

The prosecutor is one of highly paid professions. It's quite difficult to get a job. The first step is the position of assistant prosecutor.

The hardest thing for a lawyer to do is become a judge. To achieve the position, there are many requirements: at least 30 years of age, more than 7 years of legal practice, passing a qualifying exam and voting.

How does one usually build a career?

A lawyer's career usually does not develop dynamically. Working in a commercial structure, you can become the head of the legal department. Having chosen the field of teaching, the peak of development will be the position of rector.

In the prosecutor's office, a career develops more dynamically. You can get a lot of prestigious and significant positions. Even grow up to Attorney General country or to his deputy. Many lawyers try to become employees of the prosecutor's office - this is one of the highest paid branches of legal activity.

The peak of every lawyer’s career is the position of a judge, and this is what most aspire to.


The legal profession itself is already considered prestigious. They are respected and have many advantages in society.

Lawyers have the opportunity to excel career growth. Most of the country's leading and highly paid positions require a legal education. Having started your career this way, you can eventually grow to become an attorney general or a judge through hard work and constant self-improvement arbitration court. To do this, it is important to have an impeccable reputation, successful high-profile cases and make a lot of effort.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of “Lawyer” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .

A lawyer is a broad and diverse specialty that affects all areas of our lives. The development of human civilization and population growth have led to the need to consolidate the norms of human behavior in certain rules, united in codes. Sometimes we don’t even think about it, but all our activities are subject to laws.

Imagine if there were no lawyers, no codes, no Constitution... The house would be yours only until someone stronger took it away, your freedom and life would be constantly subject to the claims of aggressive individuals. The world would be ruled by the law of force, humanity would plunge into bloody chaos, where thousands of conflicts would break out every day for the right to possess values, territories, slaves, women and power.

Laws have made our society civilized, thanks to them we can be relatively calm about our safety, life and property. Comparatively, because there will always be those who want to break the law.

So we come to the conclusion that the legal profession is a noble one, bringing order to people, protecting a complex and fragile social system from rocking, anarchy, and violence. Later we will talk about the advantages of this profession, but this one is the most important. A lawyer protects people's rights to their life, health, property and well-being. Today we will not remember those “defenders” of our rights and freedoms who take bribes, cover up criminals and themselves carry out criminal activities. Yes, they exist. But this article is not about them.

The need for the authoritative opinion of a third person in resolving disputes arose simultaneously with society. Once upon a time, the functions of judges were performed by leaders and shamans: tribesmen who were unable to reach an agreement on their own came to them. IN separate area professional activities jurisprudence emerged in ancient Rome, where the College of Pontiffs was established. In this state institute legislative documents were kept, they were interpreted and citizens were advised on legal issues. Many centuries have passed since then, legal disciplines have grown into a huge branchy tree that has taken strong roots deep into the life of society.

Today there is a whole range of legal professions:

  • The lawyer protects the rights of the accused in court by studying the case materials, being present at interrogations and collecting additional information. This independent specialists, most often working for themselves or in a law office. All lawyers are members of the Bar Association and pay fees.
  • The prosecutor represents the prosecution and also monitors the implementation of laws and regulations. His work consists of these two equally important components. Often the prosecutor can simultaneously serve as an investigator. Specialists who choose this direction work in the prosecutor's office and court.
  • The judge renders a verdict in litigation between legal entities, individuals and government agencies. He is endowed with the power and responsibility to administer justice in courts of all levels, from city to arbitration. Based on the materials studied, the judge makes a decision, guided solely by laws and regulations - this responsibility lies with him alone. It is very difficult to get a position as a judge: you need to work in the legal profession for at least seven years, pass a qualification exam, and only after that be admitted to the commission in the hope of being elected.
  • A notary deals with the preparation and certification of documents: wills, powers of attorney, contracts, copies, extracts from documents, signatures, deeds of purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, etc. The work of a notary prevents the emergence of disputes between clients, since competently drawn up documents are a guarantee of peaceful cooperation between all parties to the transaction. Specialists in this industry work in private and public notary offices.
  • The investigator is responsible for investigating crimes, initiating a criminal case and bringing it to court. His job is to study case materials - interrogation reports, examination results, evidence. The investigator takes an active part in interrogating the suspect and witnesses and goes to crime scenes. He also deals management activities, coordinating the actions of the investigative team. This specialty involves working in the police, prosecutor's office, and FSB. Upon receipt of a license, an investigator can work as a private detective.
  • A legal consultant manages compliance with laws and regulations in private and public organizations, as well as in relation to them. A legal consultant performs all duties related to legal tasks - he deals with the preparation of documents, filing claims, and defending his organization in court. He advises management and all departments on issues of financial, labor, administrative, and insurance law. Simply put, a legal adviser is a consultant, a notary and a lawyer rolled into one. A legal consultant can work on the staff of any firm or company, in law enforcement agencies and insurance companies, or have a private practice. One of the services provided by legal advisers is online legal advice, which can be obtained on the Internet platforms of individual specialists and legal agencies. You can consult with lawyers, for example, on the website
  • International lawyer carries out legal activity in structures with foreign partnerships. He serves as legal counsel in international offices of public and private companies. It is important for an international lawyer to know the law of other countries and at least one foreign language– English. And better - more.
  • Teacher and scientist. Any of the above specialists has the right to engage in teaching and scientific activity, passing on their knowledge to the future generation of lawyers. By the way, scientists not only write dissertations, but also participate in the creation of laws.

Profession lawyer: pros and cons

Revealing the advantages and disadvantages of different specialties, it is also necessary to remember the pros and cons of the legal profession , inherent in all of them equally. One of the important problems is the oversaturation of the labor market with graduates, which is why many holders of diplomas from law universities never start working in their specialty. Therefore, it is important to understand how much competition there is in this area. To become a sought-after specialist, you need to have good qualifications, constantly gain new experience, work actively and prove your competitiveness. In general, studying to become a lawyer is recommended only for those who feel a calling to this important, but difficult and very responsible profession.

The second disadvantage is that you won’t be able to start working in your chosen specialty right from your student days. Because jurisprudence is a complex science, too much depends on the decisions of individual employees to allow inexperienced beginners to work. It is necessary to undergo an internship, receive a certificate, work as an assistant, and only after that become a full-fledged lawyer or notary, and even then of the lowest rank.

Let's move on. In almost all cases, a lawyer is unlikely to be able to count on a standard eight-hour workday. Legal professionals have irregular schedules, as life constantly throws up new work.

Lawyers carry a great moral burden; a person’s life and fate depend on them. They often experience pressure from relatives and patrons of the accused, and they are tempted with bribes. In addition, a lawyer is always under the weight of doubt, and a mistake will cost him a lifetime of remorse. Whether he convicts an innocent person or releases a murderer, or whether his clients lose their home due to incorrectly executed documents, every day a lawyer hangs over the sword of Damocles of a mistake, from which innocent people may suffer.

Practicing lawyers do not have the right to engage in private business or work on the staff of any organization; representatives of a number of legal professions cannot engage in political activity. This means that the path to becoming and gaining experience will go through the thorns of exhausting and low-paid work, which is prohibited from being combined with other sources of income. To get through this, you need to have perseverance, high capacity for work and confidence in the chosen direction.

Of course, no one would dare to undertake all these difficulties if they were not balanced by the undoubted advantages of the legal profession. This is high pay, honor and respect from society, an opportunity to be useful, to realize one’s aspirations to help people in difficult situations.

What kind of lawyer should a lawyer be, what qualities are needed for this work? Responsibility, integrity, high resistance to stress, meticulousness, attentiveness, endurance, composure, hard work, high morality.

But the most important property a lawyer is philanthropy. Many go to this job in anticipation of huge profits, forgetting about the main component of their work - helping people. As long as money comes first for such a specialist, he will not be able to fulfill his most important purpose. And it consists in maintaining and restoring justice, maintaining balance in society and protecting the law.

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Specialist providing legal assistance to legal and individuals for legal matters is called Advocate.

The main task is to protect the client who hired him.

There are two areas of activity:

  • criminal;
  • administrative matters.

The first is the most responsible, since often the final decision depends on the court, which will subsequently decide the client’s fate. We can say with great confidence that the profession of a lawyer is extremely complex and requires certain knowledge to work in this field. We will discuss the pros and cons of being a lawyer below.


  • Firstly, the lawyer decides for himself how and when to work. As they say, you are your own boss. He also decides how much his fee for the work performed will be. If there are serious procedural events in the work that can drag on for quite a long time, then the lawyer can afford a rest of 3 weeks for every 5 months of work. Other professions most likely do not have this advantage;
  • Secondly, wages. The fee for the work depends on the complexity of the order and the authority of the lawyer, although a novice lawyer, even if he is confident in his abilities, can name a very good amount;
  • Thirdly, prestige. This type of work is highly respected in the labor market. If you have been working in this field for decades, then you have good connections, which further work may even come in handy;
  • Fourthly, audits are extremely rare, since tax reporting in law firms is very strict.


  • First: authority. It is extremely difficult to earn it, but if you work conscientiously and correctly, strictly following certain rules, then earning authority is not so difficult;
  • Second: crime. Whatever one may say, a lawyer has a certain relationship with crime. It may be no exception that the profession of a lawyer poses to some extent a danger to health, and maybe even life. These are probably the biggest shortcomings that can exist, but by working according to a certain plan, you can become a competent, qualified lawyer, because only the owner of such skills will not have any problems in his work.

As for education, to be a competent specialist you need to study a lot and hard.

Unfortunately, a lawyer without a legal education will not be able to get a job.

A higher legal education is necessary in such a complex profession as a lawyer, because often they have to prove that their client is right and how to do this, if you don’t know the laws and don’t have certain skills, then you simply won’t succeed. You need to be confident in yourself and your abilities.

At first glance it may seem that legal profession– it’s a pleasure and a favorite pastime.

On TV we see lawyers as literate people who know the laws by heart, always smiling and with money. In reality, the situation is significantly opposite.

Yes, I agree that there are lawyers who make fortunes in real life. But if someone thought about how they get it, they would not talk about the legal profession as a “simple” occupation.

In this article I want to do short review the legal profession, point out its pros and cons, and show the goals of lawyers. In general, I will quote everything from own experience, since he himself studied in the specialty “Jurisprudence”. So let's begin.

Lawyer... Expensive lawyer... Professional lawyer... We can hear such words quite often. This suggests that the legal profession has been and remains one of the most in demand in Ukraine.

Pros and cons

Of course, every profession has its positive and negative aspects. The legal profession is no exception.

I'll give you a few advantages.

  1. High salary. Oh yes. This is precisely why many people enroll in law schools.
  2. Status.
  3. Lawyer sounds proud and prestigious.
  4. Opportunity for career growth.
  5. You will be able to open your own company, provide individual paid services etc. And this, again, is money and authority.

Now a few downsides.

  1. Constant nerves (especially at the very beginning).
  2. Lots of paperwork.
  3. At first, there was a lack of practice (this happened to me personally).
  4. Difficult clients (again, affects the psyche).

I will say this, everyone chooses the pros and cons in this profession based on their own motives. For some, a minus can be a plus, but for others, vice versa. We are all different, and our points of view are also different.

Lawyers' goals

Well, I was waiting for this subtitle throughout the entire article. Let's think about what is the goal of a lawyer? Why does he study, do internships, protect someone’s interests?

These questions can be answered as follows.

A lawyer is, first and foremost, a defender of law and justice! Yes, now it sounds funny, since this concept is not followed everywhere, but still, the main goal of a lawyer is precisely the protection of rights, monitoring the implementation and observance of democratic principles.

But lawyers are people too, and, as you know, they are all different (I have already talked about this). For some, justice and legality are above all else, for others it is money and status, for others it is both.

In general, everyone also sees their own goals. I won’t write about my goals now - since it won’t fit on any piece of paper - I’ll just say that they should be reasonable and that’s all! There is no need to invent anything else.

In conclusion

Do you want to be a lawyer? Think carefully and answer this question with reason. Ask yourself additional questions- “Why do I need this?”, “What will I get out of this?” etc.

Do you think big earnings? Maybe, but for this you need to work hard and for many years to gain authority.

Write your answers on a piece of paper - if they are meaningful, then you are on the right path. Good luck!

A lawyer is a legal specialist who provides legal assistance to individuals and legal entities. The work of a lawyer cannot be combined with commercial activities in order to avoid a conflict of interest. His main task– this is an unbiased legal defense of the client. There are several areas of activity, among which we can highlight: administrative and criminal cases. The latter is considered the most responsible, since the future fate of a person often depends on a court decision.

What does a lawyer do?

The lawyer's task is not only to prepare a legal basis for the client's defense, in addition, he must convince the jury, who are considering the case from the position of ordinary citizens.

Often, a court hearing is accompanied by fierce debates on both sides.

What does a lawyer do and do? The specialist participates not only in the judicial process, he is involved in the work even at the investigation stage. The responsible specialist closely monitors all changes. Even if the client is in a pre-trial detention center, the lawyer does not stop developing the evidence base. This profession requires enough strong character, because sometimes you have to deal with cases where the guilt of the defendant is known.

A lawyer must be well versed in the law, have moral responsibility, and patience. In addition to the knowledge necessary for the direct implementation of activities (legal norms of legal proceedings, documentation, application of laws in practice), a big advantage of a specialist is oratory skills. Skillfully placed accents always play into the hands of the client.

Sometimes people confuse the profession of lawyer and lawyer. The fundamental difference is that a lawyer works for a company and represents its interests. To become a lawyer, you must graduate from a university with a legal specialty, obtain at least two years of professional experience, after which the commission of the Bar Chamber makes a decision on the candidacy based on a qualifying exam. Work is allowed to be combined with scientific, teaching and art activities.

Don't miss:

Pros and cons of being a lawyer


  • operating mode planning. The lawyer independently makes decisions on the workload, the implementation of assigned tasks, and determines the fee for services provided. The founders of law firms enjoy maximum freedom in time. This is especially important after protracted trials. To fully recuperate, you need 2-3 weeks of rest every 5 months, which specialists in other professions are unlikely to be able to afford;
  • wages are limited only by efficiency and authority. But even novice specialists can claim a high fee;
  • This profession is considered prestigious and respected in the civilized world. Working in the market for a long time, influential connections appear;
  • high management culture tax reporting law firms increases confidence on the part of fiscal authorities. Unscheduled inspections are extremely rare.


There are no shortcomings as such in the profession of a lawyer. The only negative is that not everyone can become an authoritative specialist in the legal services market.

Career growth and remuneration

A lawyer's career largely depends on professional qualities. To become in demand in the services market, you need to win several high-profile cases and establish yourself as a competent specialist. Reputation is the most important factor for success in work.

If we talk about wages, then it starts from $1000. There is no income limit as such; the fee depends on the complexity of the case and its duration.

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