Competitions for large companies for corporate events. Competitions for corporate parties: what they should be like for the holiday to leave a lasting impression

Do you scour the Internet at night in search of cool competitions for corporate events? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time writing various competitions for parties, and at the same time monitoring various sites where we can get various jokes. For the most part, everything is offered the same everywhere... One word Toastmaster-Style. Dear reader, brings to your attention a unique TOP-7 competitions that will definitely go well in any company. Something has been observed, something has been invented, the fact is that these things go great in any company.

But before that, watch a cool congratulatory video from the star of the Show “DANCING” on TNT:

Competition 1. Shifters.

A great competition to start your New Year's program. The presenter invites everyone to play the game. It is necessary to guess the original names of films from the “upside down” versions. To help participants understand the point better, you can give them an example. You can come up with your own list of changelings, here’s what we offer:

Changelings - movies

1. “Seventy-one eternities of autumn” (“Seventeen moments of spring”).
2. “A ragged man with the last name hippopotamus” (“Crocodile Dundee”).
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. “Cap” French Republic"("Crown of the Russian Empire").
5. “Everyone is on the street” (“Home Alone”).
6. “Glass Leg” (“Diamond Arm”).
7. “Vorovskoye Vocational School” (“Police
8. “Cadets, go back!” (“Midshipmen, forward!”).
9. “Black Moon of the Jungle” (“White Sun of the Desert”).
10. " Home cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. “Cold Feet” (“Hot Heads”).

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. “Devil’s Liver” (“Angel’s Heart”).
2. “Sing, sing!” ("Dance Dance!").
3. “Uryupinsk trusts smiles” (“Moscow does not believe in tears”).
4. “We’ll die after Wednesday” (“We’ll live until Monday”).
5. “Vasil the Good” (“Ivan the Terrible”).
6. “It’s all men in rock” (“It’s only girls in jazz”).
7. “Little hike” (“Big walk”).
8. “Cat under the straw” (“Dog in the manger”).
9. “Put Dad on the Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. “Sidorovka, 83″ (“Petrovka, 38″).
11. “Short Lesson” (“Big Break”).

Changelings - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. “Stupid green sock” (“Stylish orange tie”).
5. “I can live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts lying on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “The Russian in the house does not wait for the sunset” (“The Chukchi in the tent waits for the dawn”).
8. “I, I, I morning and evening” (“You, you, you night and day”),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She likes strawberries on ice”).

Competition 2. WHERE AM I?

Another conversational competition, which is also good for starting a holiday program.

The game requires four participants. They stand in a row with their backs, and a pre-prepared poster with one of the following notes is hung on everyone’s back: - sobering-up station - public bath- restroom - public transport.

The participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that hang on their backs. Next, the presenter asks questions, addressing each participant in turn. The questions should be:

— Do you often go there?
— When going there, who do you take with you?
- What are you doing there?
— What do you feel after being there?

— Do you want to come there at least once more?

The inscriptions on the “signs”, of course, can be changed. Let's say you can make signs:
— Nudist beach,
— Shop "Intim"
— Pedicure

Competition 3. BOXING MATCH

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. Ladies of the heart are present right there to provide beneficial psychological impact on your knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc. After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. Then they are given a can of beer, which they have to open and drink themselves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

PROPS – 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candies, 2 cans of beer

Competition 4. DANCE FLOOR STAR

A super active competition that is perfect before a musical break to warm up. Here a lot depends on the presenter; you need, of course, to tease and joke with the contestants and cheer them up. The competition was held at more than one hundred corporate events, and it was always met with laughter and fun!

— Well, now a competition called “Star of the New Year’s Dance Floor” will be held for you. This competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is simply to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (rock and roll plays) (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now there are only four of you left. Imagine that you danced for an hour and were so tired that your legs gave out, but real stars don’t give up that easily! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your legs. (plays “hands up - well, where are the hands”). (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and asks him to leave the dance floor to applause).

There are only three of you left, and you are pretty tired, it’s time to sit down. Now dance actively while sitting, you can only move your head and hands. (Caste - Blatnoy number). After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the least active one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we still have two real superstars of the dance floor! There's one last push left. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle the whole body goes numb, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is to dance with your facial expressions without moving anything! Let's go! (rock and roll).

After the 30 second “make” a face, the presenter, with the help of applause from the audience, selects New Year's star dance floor!

Competition 5. A SIECE OF BREAD


The essence of the competition is that the presenter offers to bet with someone that he cannot eat a piece of bread (a standard half) in 1 minute without drinking. This seems like a very simple task and will captivate participants to try their hand at it. But in reality it is almost impossible to do this. Do you have any doubts? Try it for yourself at lunch.

Competition 6. ICE, BABY, ICE!

A VERY INTERESTING TEST THAT IS FUN TO DO. True, a little trouble with the props is required.

The presenter calls three daredevils to participate in the competition and says that the task is “easy as pie” - you need to put on a T-shirt, that’s all. After participants are found. The presenter brings out three T-shirts, well rolled and frozen in the freezer. The participant's task is to put on the T-shirt the fastest.

Competition 7. KISS TO KEEP OUT


The presenter calls 8 participants - 4 males and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - m-f-m-f. Then they are told that they need to pass a kiss on the cheek, everyone in order kisses the next one on the cheek. At any moment the music stops and whoever stops is eliminated. The host should subtly command the DJ when the music needs to stop. At first, you can do it so that girls and guys drop out one by one, but by the end you need to adjust it so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear organizer of noise and fun! We hope you enjoyed our competitions. We will post a lot of them on this blog, so don’t forget to subscribe, and we will do everything to ensure that you celebrate the most joyful New Year in your life.

Remember Smartyparty is a boxed solution for holding a corporate event on your own. if you AND YOUR COLLEAGUES don’t want AND CANNOT waste time and fuss with finding props and preparing for the holiday - give them a box. in it you will find everything you need to organize a super fun PARTY.

Cool games for guests. Games will not only add spice to any celebration, but will also help guests quickly get acquainted and become friends.

Cheerful and funny games for an adult party

Dating games

Dating game "Ball, choose a match for me"

The guests stand in a circle. There are two balls in the game. One is given to a woman, the other to a man. While dancing to the music, a woman walks in a circle and passes the ball to the man she wants, and the man, in turn, passes the ball to the woman he likes, and so on while a fast melody plays.

Game "Magic Rings"

Guests are invited to stand in two circles, one outer and one inner. Guests from the inner circle turn to face the guests of the outer circle. While the music is playing, all the guests walk in a circle, the outer circle to the right, the inner circle to the left and dance. As soon as the music has died down, the guests get to know each other by standing opposite each other. A man shakes a man’s hand, a woman curtsies in front of a woman, a man kisses a woman’s hand. Before the game, you can invite guests to rehearse.

Game "Ball in a Circle"

The guests stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the guests pass the ball to each other. But we warn you not to throw it away, but to pass it on. When the music stops, the one with the ball says his name loudly and stands in the middle of the circle. The music sounds again, do not forget to invite guests to dance while playing. Gradually two circles will form, the outer circle will become smaller and smaller. As soon as two people remain, they must be given a prize for their speed and intelligence.

Games for company

Game "Good mood for everyone"

The guests stand in a circle. An incendiary disco melody sounds. At the moment of dancing, the leader offers to pass on to each other good mood. One person takes a neighbor’s arm and spins with him, thereby this neighbor must go to his neighbor and spin with him arm in arm to the music, and so on until everyone is overloaded to the music.

Game "Golden Gate"

Two people stand up as a couple, hold hands and raise their hands up, the rest of the guests, to the music, stand one after another and, holding hands, walk through the gate that two people created, raising their hands. The music stops, the hands drop, and those who remain inside stand in a circle with the two beginning players. Hands are raised and the rest of the guests continue to pass as long as the music continues. They play until the last player. The inner circle becomes the main one.

Game "Smart Train"

Each guest is a separate trailer. The host of the guests chooses a train and announces the rules of the game. Each trailer hooks up another trailer, and so on until the last one. The penultimate participant who hooked his trailer last wins.

Game "Islands"

The guests are standing around. Each player has a sheet of A-4 paper at their feet. To the music, guests walk in a circle and dance. The music has stopped, and each player stands on his own island. The presenter removes one piece of paper after each time. Those who don't get it don't leave the circle, but simply dance to the music. Play to the last two players. Prizes for the winners.

Theater and song games for company

Cool game "BABA YAGA"

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.


Participants choose a well-known song and begin to sing it in chorus. At the leader’s command: “Quiet!”, the players become silent and begin a song to themselves. After some time, the presenter gives the command: “Loud!” and the players sing the rest of the song out loud. In most cases, while singing to themselves, the players change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!”, everyone sings discordantly and the game ends with laughter.


Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- a sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- a baby who has just learned to walk;
- guy in front unknown girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Fantasy game "GOLDEN KEY"

Participants in the game will have to portray scammers from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Two pairs are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, hugging each other, cover the given distance. The first couple to hobble gets a “golden key” - a prize.

Naughty games for company

Game "Whose Knees"

In the middle of the hall, chairs are placed in a circle. Participants (men and women) sit on them. A driver is selected and stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded. Music sounds and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver must sit on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The person on whom the driver sat on his lap is trying not to give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?” The driver is trying to guess. If he fails, then he changes places with the player, if not, the game is repeated.

Game "Robber Dancers"

The presenter creates pairs based on the number of men. Three women are invited separately from the couples. And explains the rules. Couples dance to the music. Dancers (3 women) approach the dancers and clap their hands loudly. The couple automatically breaks up, the man goes to the one who clapped his hands. The woman who remains becomes a bully and approaches any couple and breaks them up. The most important thing in this game is that the music should not be slow.

Game "Waters"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives two pots of drinking water(possible with beer, compote, juice) and straws according to the number of participants. At the leader’s command, both teams begin to drink water using straws. The team that completed the task faster wins.


An odd number of participants are divided into pairs. The one left without a partner gets a special partner - a mop. The host turns on the music and the couples begin to dance (about 2-3 minutes). As soon as the music stops, the couples must switch partners. This must be done very quickly, since at this time the player without a partner throws the mop and grabs the first person he comes across, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman. The participant left without a partner will have to dance for the next 2 minutes with a mop. It turns out to be fun.

Game "FEED ME"

The guests are divided into pairs. Each pair consists of a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to work together, without using their hands, to unwrap and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do this wins.


Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.


Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Game "APPLE"

Each dancing couple holds an apple or orange between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple.

The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are asked to dance in a squat position.


Participants stand behind each other and hold onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. The chain should not break.


A piece of cheese (100 - 150g) is tied to an elastic band. The elastic band itself is attached to a stretched horizontal rope. A total of 2–4 pieces of cheese are hung, and a pair of participants (preferably of the opposite sex) is called to each of them. The players' task is to eat the cheese without using their hands. Whoever eats the fastest wins.

Game "CLAP"

Several participants are called. The presenter shows them two positions:

1 – right hand holding his left earlobe, and left hand– tip of the nose;

2 – the right hand touches the tip of the nose, the left hand holds the lobe of the right ear.

When the leader claps, all participants must change one position to another. The tempo of the clapping gradually increases.

The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest.

Guests are divided into several teams, depending on the total number of people at the holiday. The team should have approximately 5-6 people. The task of each team is to think over and show a funny short film from the theme: “One day in our work.” For the best acting, production, etc., the team receives an Oscar in the form of a bottle of champagne, for example.


Participants are given cards with humorous questions. For example, “how to make a dog fly”, “how to quickly stop a plane”, “how to eat pea soup” and so on. In one or two minutes, players must make a detailed step by step instructions and write it down on a piece of paper. The author of the most detailed and funny instructions wins.

Selfie of the evening.

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that throughout the fun and celebration there will be a competition for the best selfie. That is, there will be a camera on the table that each of the guests can take and photograph themselves in the most interesting pose, for example, with the boss, on the balcony, and so on. At the end of the evening, all the shots are shown on the big screen (using a USB connection) and the best selfie is chosen based on the applause of the guests. And so that guests don’t forget, the host periodically reminds everyone about the selfie competition. As a prize, you can give a funny award - a photo frame with a photo of Chuck Norris, because he is the coolest.

Chef is like a dance

The presenter, without any hint that something will have to be done, announces a competition comparing the chef with dancing; it’s just that each guest of the corporate party must associate his boss with dance. For example, Alexander Igorevich is passionate, impulsive, impetuous, like tango. Or Zhanna Olegovna is cheerful, active, confident, precise, like a cancan, and so on. And after all the guests have voiced their comparisons of the chef with the dance, the host announces the second stage, in fact, the dance itself. Now each guest must dance with the chef the dance with which he was compared by this guest. And the prize will be received by the boss himself for active participation and by the employee who showed himself to be the most artistic and funniest of all. The main thing is not to forget for the presenter to prepare the music of famous dances, and if, suddenly, the music is not needed, the rest of the guests will support with applause and sing the desired melody.

Shovel money

For this competition you need to prepare (print) a lot of money - paper bills different denominations. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 4-5 participants. Each team receives a bucket (basket), and each participant receives a shovel, of course, not a real one, but a toy one or simple shovels. The presenter scatters printed money around the hall. At the command “start”, the participants, using only a shovel without the help of a second hand, begin to rake money and put it in their team’s basket. When all the money on the floor runs out, the teams count. The team that collected the largest amount of money will be the winner, and the prizes will be the very “shovels” with which the participants scooped up money, so that in the future in life, guests of the corporate party would literally scoop up money with a shovel.

More offers

Pairs of employees participate. All participants in a pair are tied at the waist and each is given a mop. In a circle for each pair there are “advantageous offers” for the company (simple balls). The couple is located in the very center of this circle. At the “start” command, each employee must use a mop to collect as much as possible advantageous offers for your company. And whichever guest of the corporate party succeeds will receive a prize.

Hello, where are you coming to us from?

Each of the guests of the corporate party pulls out a forfeit, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Italian, Georgian, American, Estonian, and so on. When all the guests have become familiar with “their” nationality, they take on the role of a foreign partner for a few minutes and a conversation begins (with accents), in which everyone takes part at once. Whichever guest can guess and name the most partners by nationality will win.

Most famous employee

All guests and employees of the corporate party line up in a row. The boss is standing in front of them. The presenter asks questions to the boss, and he answers questions in turn for each of the employees, for example, what is the blood type? How many children? Who is your profession? What month is your birthday? Favorite dish? Biggest fear? Favorite movie? City where you were born? And so on. The employee with the most correct answers from the boss will become the winner and receive the title of the most famous employee, as well as receive a prize. The boss will also receive a prize for the difficult test, if, of course, he answers most of the questions correctly.

What if there's a fire alarm?

Corporate party guests are divided into two or three equal teams. A “captain” is chosen for each team. Team captains each receive a long rope. The captains turn away from the guests, and the host arranges all team members in a chaotic order. On command " fire alarm“The captains turn to the guests and look for their teammates with their eyes: they find the first and tie a rope around his hand, then tie his hand to the second, then to the third and so on until the last. Whoever is the first of the captains to gather his team “on the rope” will win, which means he will be the first to lead his guys out in case of danger. And such a hero, of course, is entitled to a prize.

The neatest employee

Each employee needs to show strength, dexterity and intelligence and prove to everyone that he is the most careful employee. Participants stand at a certain distance from each other. There is a chair for each participant (at the same distance). Near each employee there is a basket with chicken eggs(in the same amount for everyone). At the “start” command, all participants begin to transfer these eggs to their chair, but only without using their hands. Whichever employee proves himself faster, better and more careful in this matter will win.

Corporate parties are the most anticipated days for the entire team. But to have a fun holiday, it also needs to be planned, just like a quarterly report.

The main task is to unite employees together to participate in fun competitions and comic tournaments.

Where to start with fun competitions for corporate events

It's better to start with simple tasks. The closer it gets to the evening, the more relaxed your “signature” company will become and everyone will participate with laughter and pleasure. And what to hide, alcoholic cocktails and an endless stream of toasts will do the trick.

"Remember all"

If the team is large and not everyone knows each other by name, then a competition will make this task easier and relieve tension. Teams should have 15-20 people. Each person takes turns calling their name and movement. For example, Marina + clap your hands. The neighbor repeats the combination and adds his own. The last participants get to remember everyone.

“Catch the ball!”

The conditions are simple: two teams must stop the ball from falling to the floor for a while. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. Teams line up in 2 lines. It turns out that pairs are formed from members of opposite teams. Everyone has a ball in their hands. After the whistle, the balls are thrown into the air. Whoever's ball fell first gets a point for that team. The next pair immediately tosses the balls again. You can limit the time, for example, 1-3 minutes. The team with the most points loses.


There are 2 chairs on the stage. They draw a line between them and scatter things different sizes and volume. At the leader’s whistle, both participants begin to quickly collect objects and place them on a chair. A mandatory condition is that you can bring and place 1 item at a time.

Cool competitions for corporate parties blindfolded

Such entertaining competitions are very exciting for both the viewer and the participant. Therefore, there will be an abundance of people willing to take part. What else do you need for corporate party, if not a cheerful sociable spirit?

"Who is there?"

Tip: The competition is great for moderately intoxicated participants.

10 people are brought onto the stage and blindfolded with dark ribbons. Afterwards, the presenter touches everyone and assigns them to the players serial number. Next, the participants are swapped. 30 seconds are timed so that everyone finds their place in ascending or descending order. It’s even more interesting when letters are used instead of numbers, and then the players are asked to add words. You can use your voice and say your number/letter.

"Find me"

More than 6 people participate. The main player must remember what the others look like (time estimate: 3 seconds per person). Afterwards he is blindfolded and must guess by touch who is who.

The highlight of the competition: those guessed quickly change some of their things, change their hairstyles, put on awkward costumes or jewelry. It all depends on your imagination and props: a hot dog costume or a grandmother’s scarf. The task is not to allow yourself to be recognized and to puzzle the one who recognizes you.


Several ribbons are pulled to form a labyrinth with obstacles. You cannot touch the tape. The player remembers the location of the threads and is blindfolded with a dark scarf. You need to overcome the corridor blindly and from memory. Once the participant is ready for the test, the tapes are removed without telling the player. It's a lot of fun to watch.

Fun competitions for corporate parties for drinking and eating at speed

"Eat me!"

The candies are tightly wrapped in wrappers. Additionally, you can attach ribbons, pieces of paper, or napkins with a bow. Couples of the opposite sex are given 3 candies, which must be opened and eaten. Without hands, of course


Attention: relevant for doctors, veterinarians and anyone who wears rubber gloves at work.

Champagne is poured into disposable gloves. Make holes in the fingers. The goal is to quickly “milk” and drink the drink first.

Cool corporate event competitions for brave employees

There are drinkers at any celebration, not just at corporate events. Moreover, this promises the fun to last long and unforgettably. But there are also plenty of shy guests. Therefore, the following competitions are good after a strong toast, so that a note of liberation touches everyone.

"Alcohol trash"

Two teams drinking alcoholic drink for speed. There is a full bottle and a glass/glass on a low stool. The distance from her to the team should be 10-15 meters. Each person in turn runs up to the bottle, pours a full glass and drinks. Make several circles until the drink runs out.

A must do! Choose a drink of moderate or low strength so that guests do not get drunk on the second round.

"In my pants..."

You need to stock up on a bunch of ridiculous phrases and clippings from article titles to make the competition fun. They make pants out of paper and throw scraps of phrases there. An envelope is passed around in a circle. We take out a fragment with the beginning “In my pants...” and continue with the words from the lucky piece of paper.

"The most flattering compliment"

One person is chosen. He leaves the room for a couple of minutes. During this time, each person receives a compliment addressed to him. The person who enters reads or listens to the list and must find the recipients. The more piquant the complement, the more interesting the game.

Please note: it is good to choose liberated and courageous girls for the role of guesser.

Widely or simply, in an office or a cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but it will happen - every office will celebrate New Year. We know how to have fun this evening. We have the top list of games. You have the initiative and good company



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Big box or an opaque bag where you can collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer shorts, bra big size, bonnets, clown noses, etc.

ESSENCE: At the leader’s signal, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box takes out one thing from it and puts it on himself. The condition is not to take it off for the next half hour!

CLUE: Don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see security guard Vasily in a 100F bra!




ESSENCE: The presenter (the most active of his colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone sitting at the table to say which part of the body they like and which part the neighbor on the right does not have. For example: “I love him left knee and I don’t like the nose.” At the end of the revelations, the presenter asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the “successful” places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the “unsuccessful” ones.

CLUE: It is advisable to have colleagues of different genders sitting next to each other.

TIP 2: Having bitten the system administrator in the ass, return to your work computer and make backup copies of all important documents. Maybe he will take revenge...



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is indignant at the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently pacing around the office.

CLUE: Remove dishes very quietly. She will still be needed.



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Room (see Hint).

ESSENCE: Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter speaks into each person's ear the names of two animals. Then he loudly lists the animals; the person, having heard “his,” must sit down. The task of his neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game plays at a fairly fast pace. When everyone gets the hang of it, the presenter will say “Whale” - this is the animal that is wished for each participant in the second paragraph. The result will amuse everyone!

CLUE: Prudently clear the area within the fall radius of your colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole puncher.


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Any, but only male.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Inflated balloons, tape, matches.

ESSENCE: There are men in the group who still want a million dollars and who still wonder what it's like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Tape tape to participants' bellies Balloons. A box of matches crumbles in front of each “pregnant woman”. The task is to collect matches as quickly as possible and not let the “belly” burst.

CLUE: Is it worth limiting yourself to just one? balloon? Give Chief Economist Sergei Ivanovich one more try!



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper signs with funny, not the most in simple words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

ESSENCE: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their nickname from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

CLUE: The bread slicer will be offended if you click on it like that for the next year.



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Maybe the desire to sing (with skill it’s more difficult).

ESSENCE: Divide into teams depending on the number of players. Together, choose a theme for the competition, for example, love, snow, animals... Each team must remember a song “on the topic” and perform a few lines from it. Those who last the longest win.

CLUE: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you wish, you can prove to anyone that the song “You left me!” dedicated to a real animal!



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Cocktail straws and ping pong balls (according to the number of participants).

ESSENCE: Prepare the path: place bottles, glasses, glasses (in general, everything that comes to hand) on the table so that paths are formed. Players will chase their balls along them, blowing on them through straws. The one who arrives at the finish line first wins.

CLUE: It’s good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. At this time, the rest can sing in chorus the song “ in hot blood.”


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 5 to 20.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pencils, paper and erasers.

ESSENCE: Each player draws a friendly cartoon of someone present. The portraits are passed around in a circle, and each back side writes who is shown in the picture. When the art goes around the circle and returns to the author, count the number of points (i.e., correct answers). The author of the most recognizable portrait wins.

CLUE: To ensure that no one is left out, draw lots in advance to see who is portraying whom. And there’s no need to draw personnel officer Glafira Pafnutyevna a mustache like Budyonny’s - in fact, the stubble above her lip is just beginning to appear...



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens according to the number of participants.

ESSENCE: Everyone is sitting at the table. The presenter sets general question, for example, “who?”, players write the answer, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Then the next question is asked, for example “when?”, and the procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has filled out their sheets. Then, amid friendly laughter, the presenter reads out the resulting stories. You probably learned a similar game back in school.

CLUE: Having a presenter is not essential. Everyone can ask questions in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is actually doing late at night on the office sofa...



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens or pencils.

ESSENCE: Break into two teams. Each person receives a sheet with categories marked on it, for example, city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Select a letter of the alphabet and start the game. Within a certain time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible.

CLUE: Categories can be professionally oriented, this will unite the team. How nice it is for friendly car service workers to jointly come up with the fifteenth name of an engine part starting with the letter Ш!



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: Starting with “A” and further along the alphabet, everyone comes up with a congratulation for “their” letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

CLUE: Don't skip the letters G, Zh, J, Ъ, И. It will be fun. Wow!


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 7 to 15.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

ESSENCE: Honesty game. The first player says: “I have never…” and names something that he has never done in his life. Everyone who, on the contrary, had the specified experience, gives the hero one chip. Everyone’s task is to come up with something that they haven’t done, unlike most of those present. The winner is the one who, after a certain number of laps, collects the most chips.

CLUE: You can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, or large beans as chips. But you should not use the acquired knowledge about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Just think, secretary Irochka never came to work on time, but she won!



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pens or pencils, print out the beginning of a famous poem on sheets of paper.

ESSENCE: Let everyone add their own rhyming ending to the given poem. Believe me, even the popular “The bull is swinging...” with light hand your colleagues will find an unpredictable happy ending (or maybe not a happy one!).

CLUE: Prepare a few printouts, the game is addictive. And listen to what this bull will eventually come to...

Published: Cosmopolitan Russia - December 2010

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