What size should a cross on a grave be? Grave crosses and their differences.

The cross on a Christian's grave is mandatory element. From the point of view of faith, it sanctifies the place of a person’s final rest and becomes the guarantee of the immortality of his soul. In recent decades, even at old Soviet-era burial sites, most secular monuments have been supplemented or replaced with Orthodox crosses.

Usually they are eight-pointed, less often - six-pointed variants or trefoils. Temporary crosses are most often made predominantly of wood, while permanent crosses are often made of metal. They can be welded, forged or cast. The material is usually iron(sometimes with titanium or gold plating), steel, cast iron and some alloys (brass, bronze).

Mostly such metal crosses are purchased from sellers of ritual goods, who in most cases produce them themselves - in whole or in part. But sometimes loved ones want to make a metal cross for a grave with their own hands. This is quite possible if you know required proportions and have skills in working with iron.

The dimensions of a metal cross, like any other, are traditional.

The proportions of the Russian eight-pointed cross have been determined the rule of the "golden (or divine) section", which was first used by the brilliant ancient Greek sculptor Phidias. It correlates with the impeccable parameters of the human body and determines the ideal correspondence between the whole and all its parts.

A cross is assembled from a long vertical crossbar and 3 shorter horizontal ones. Proportions are calculated in the ratios of elements. First of all, the desired height of the future product must be divided by 3.

Home transverse part placed under the upper third. It, in turn, is divided into 2. Here a plate (upper short crossbar) is welded. Its length is equal to half of the upper third of the crucifix (ultimately, together they form a cross with equal sides). The width of the central cross member should be one third of the height, multiplied by 2.

Thus, from the central part of the crucifix, its upper end will be 1/3 of the height, the sides will be 1/3, and the bottom will be 2/3. The last inclined plank is made along the lower third of the cross with an inclination of 45 degrees. Its size corresponds to the top short one.

Thus, if we take the height of the cross to be 1.618 m, then the dimensions of the remaining elements should be as follows.

The middle crossbar is 1 m.

Between the top and central crossbars 0.236 m is measured.

From the top to the first short one - 0.146 m.

From main to bottom - 0.5 m.

The gap between the top and the middle crosshair and the length of the main crossbar is 0.382 m.

For self-production, welding technology is most suitable.

For this you need pick up profile pipe and - if desired - a plate for information about the deceased and photographs (located below), as well as curlicues and other elements of metal decorations that are welded in the right places.

The last step before installation will be painting the cross in desired color . After installation, it is advisable to do it regularly, otherwise the iron will become covered with rust.

Due to corrosion, many people prefer to place them on graves crosses made of stone. They (especially granite) are much more reliable metal and require virtually no additional maintenance.

Signs, superstitions and instructions of the Church about crosses on the grave.

The symbol of Christ's crucifixion - the cross - has been shrouded in a mysterious shroud of riddles, secrets and superstitions since ancient times. Many of these signs have taken on a religious form since Christianity spread throughout the world, choosing the cross as its symbol.

According to religious dogmas, death is an important, turning point event in the life of every person. Moreover, monks and elders call life a preparation for death, since it is with the end of “earthly affairs” that the soul meets the Lord. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many different religious instructions and instructions are associated with the burial rite. A very important one is the installation of a cross on the grave of a deceased Christian.

The cross is a shrine that is revered and arouses reverence among all Christians. And in this regard, when installing it on the grave, some problems may arise. practical questions, caused by the fear of offending a sacred symbol, thereby incurring divine wrath.

How to install a cross on a grave?

Building on tradition Orthodox Christianity, the grave is positioned so that the head of the deceased is directed to the west and the legs to the east. According to biblical accounts, this is how Jesus was buried.

A tombstone cross is placed at the feet of the deceased, so that at the moment when the soul leaves its final refuge, it can see in front of it the holy symbol of forgiveness and offer prayers before it. Catholic traditions require placing a cross above your head. It is believed that when leaving the earth, the soul kisses the crucifix, expressing its submission and devotion to Christian teaching.

What to do with the old cross?

On the day of the funeral, an ordinary wooden cross is placed on the grave. This is done not only for religious reasons, but also for practical ones: the wooden structure is quite light in weight (compared, for example, with stone tombstones), and therefore its installation will not interfere with the natural subsidence and compaction of the soil at the burial site.

But when the time comes to install a new, permanent headstone, the cross is dismantled and the question arises of what to do with it. It is really impossible to throw away a shrine in the trash, as this is a sign of disrespect. It is recommended to burn a wooden cross as unnecessary. If such a need arises, you should ask the cemetery administration where this can be done. As a rule, each graveyard has places for such needs.

If the cross is well preserved, it can be given to a workshop or even sold. According to clergy, there is nothing forbidden or shameful in installing an old crucifix. In addition, an old tombstone can become the personification of the deceased’s non-covetousness, his meekness and lack of desire for material, earthly goods.

What to do if the cross is askew or has fallen?

Due to bad weather, a tombstone, especially a temporary one made of lightweight material and installed without a solid foundation, can become askew or even fall. If the crucifix is ​​askew, it should be corrected, a dense earthen mound should be made and it should be compacted well. The cross should stand straight on the grave.

There are two opinions about fallen crosses, but they agree that this is an unfavorable sign. Some argue that a toppled tombstone can simply be reinstalled, but with a better installation this time. According to others, the fallen cross should be burned and a new one installed in its place. Be that as it may, the Church recommends ordering a prayer service for the repose or lighting a candle if this happened at the grave of your loved one.

Signs and superstitions

Many people associate various superstitions with grave crosses. They cast fortunes on them, remove and damage them, cast love spells and conspiracies. Orthodox Church disapproves of such rituals; they are called pagan. The Holy Fathers assert that if you notice unkind signs associated with tombstone crosses, as if someone wants to bring trouble upon you, you should not be afraid and take it too seriously. You need to strengthen your faith, go to church, pray, accept holy communion, then no misfortunes will be able to touch either you or your family.

There are many more connected with crosses, one way or another. various signs and religious requirements. To bury a loved one, thoroughly observing the instructions of the Church, is a laudable, good desire, but if faith lives in the heart and sincere prayers for the deceased come from the depths of the soul, then you should not be afraid of making small mistakes associated with the installation of a tombstone cross.

A wooden cross is most often placed on a grave. This is done immediately after the coffin with the deceased is lowered into the ground. They are purchased at a funeral store, along with other accessories necessary for a funeral.

However, sometimes there is no such store at the cemetery, and it becomes necessary to make a crucifix for the grave yourself. In order for the cross to comply with all Christian canons, you need to know some data, which will be discussed in our article.

What types of crosses are there?

Orthodox Old Russian tradition, which is strictly observed today, it is customary to use two types of wooden crosses on the grave:

  1. Six-pointed. In this version there is a lower oblique crossbar (it is usually called the “righteous measure”). The whole essence of sinful human nature and the possibility of receiving forgiveness from the Lord is symbolized by its two ends:
  • the lower left end, signifying the sin of unrepentance, is directed towards the crucified one on the left, who blasphemed Jesus and ended up in Hell;
  • the upper right end symbolizes purification after repentance, since it was on this side that the thief who repented and went to Paradise was crucified.
  1. Eight-pointed. There is a shortened top crossbar located slightly above the long horizontal one. It is generally accepted that this completely replicates the shape of the cross used to crucify Jesus. The upper shortened bar is assigned the role of a tablet, which was written before the execution by order of Pontius Pilate. It read that this was “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

We calculate and create a model

First, you should draw a sketch of the future cross, chosen from the two options described above. On it, in addition to design solution, you should display all the dimensions that will have finished product. To calculate them, it is customary to focus on the proportions of the “golden section”, which reflect the ideally proportioned human body.


The base height of the eight-pointed cross is taken to be 1.618 m. In accordance with this, all other dimensions will look like this:

  • The vertical crossbar is 1.618 m long.
  • The length of the top crossbar is 0.382 m. It is installed at a distance of 0.146 m from the upper end of the vertical crossbar.
  • Next, stepping back another 0.236 m from the center, a crossbar with a size of 1,000 m is mounted.
  • 0.500 m is measured from the lower end and an oblique crossbar is installed.

Only after producing accurate calculations and having drawn the sketch, you can begin to make the layout. Once it is ready and the compliance with all the proportions established by the Christian canons has been checked, you can begin making the cross itself.

What materials can be used to make a cross for a grave?

The following materials can be used to make grave crosses:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Stone.

Wood is the easiest to process and its cost is affordable for almost everyone. True, to make a high-quality cross you will need some carpentry skills. However, even if they are not available, they can be acquired quite quickly, especially since the manufacturing process itself is very simple.

In order for the finished cross to stand on the grave of a loved one for as long as possible, it must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. For this purpose, several options can be used, which will be discussed further.

Varnishing a wooden cross

Before applying any type of protection, the surface of the cross must be cleaned and sanded. Only after this can you begin to apply the varnish, which should have been intended for outdoor use. That is, it is pre-designed to withstand the effects of moisture, freezing temperatures and direct sunlight.

What are the advantages of using:

  • Varnish applied to a wooden cross allows you to protect it from moisture for a long time.
  • The chemical properties of the varnish allow it to penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood, filling it with oils.
  • The vapor permeability of the varnish allows the wood to breathe, which prevents its damage.
  • The varnished surface is resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion.
  • The varnish is able to provide protection from the harmful effects of sunlight.
  • Pests, fungi and mold cannot penetrate the wood through the varnish.

Negative properties:

  • When varnished, the shade of the wood from which the cross was made changes.
  • It takes quite a long time for the varnish to dry completely.

Using paint

Paints, like varnishes, can have different bases. To paint a wooden cross on a grave, you must use one with an oil base.

The advantages include:

  • Oily quality paint, intended for outdoor work, resists moisture well.
  • The oil coating protects the wood from the development of harmful microorganisms.
  • A well-dried layer of oil paint practically does not react to mechanical stress and is resistant to abrasion.
  • Through oil paint UV rays do not penetrate.

Indicators related to minuses:

  • The color of the wooden cross changes greatly, since the base is completely opaque.
  • The structure of the tree is hidden.
  • Over time, the original color of the paint fades under sunlight.

Stain coating

Only those types of stains that are intended for outdoor work are used.

  • Impregnation is an excellent antiseptic.
  • The stain penetrates deeply into the structure of the wood, which helps protect the material from the inside.
  • Prevents the development of mold, fungi and insects.
  • It is very easy to apply and does not take much time to absorb.
  • The stain is formed protective layer on a tree.
  • The composition contains non-evaporating and non-leaching biocides.
  • Maximum preservation of such decorative functions of wood as structure and color is ensured.
  • Fragility of the applied layer.

Coatings containing wax

What's good:

  • Provides protection from weather conditions.
  • Does not allow sunlight to pass through.
  • Changing color slightly, it retains structural feature tree.
  • There is a wide variety of colors.
  • The surface becomes silky.
  • Repels water.

What's bad:

  • The elasticity of the coating does not provide protection against mechanical stress.

We treat the wooden cross with a colorless coating containing absorbents and UV filters

Positive properties of the coating:

  • Able to protect a wooden cross from sunlight.
  • The structure of the tree is not only preserved, but also complemented by shine.
  • The presence of absorbents and UV filters keeps the product in its original form for a long time.
  • There are no cracks on the surface, it is easily renewed.
  • Prevents pests from entering.

Negative properties of the coating:

  • It takes a long time to dry completely.
  • Requires application in several layers.

Where and how to place a wooden cross on a grave

After completing the manufacturing work, you can proceed to installation. Where should the cross be? The deceased is lowered into the grave so that he is turned to face the east, waiting for the Morning of Eternity, to immediately see the coming of the Savior.

A wooden cross, as a symbol of salvation, is placed at the feet of the buried person. In this case, the crucifix should be turned towards the face of the deceased. In this case, when the Sunday of the Dead comes, he, having risen from the grave, will see a sign signifying the victory of the Lord over the devil.

The opinion of the clergy

The cross is the main one on the grave in which the Orthodox lies. And he must stand in full height, and not, for example, painted on a tombstone. The cross is the hope and hope of a Christian. The monument is nothing more than a soulless block; it cannot in any way replace a standing cross.

If you really want to erect a monument, then this should be done in such a way that the cross remains in its place. In this case, the monument can be placed either next to the cross or opposite it, that is, in the heads. If it was not possible to save the cross, then it should be placed on the ground next to the grave.

The cross is sacred symbol Orthodox faith, which accompanies every baptized person practically from birth to the end of earthly life. It is this that the clergy recommend using as a monument at the grave of the deceased, because it will spiritualize the burial place and help the deceased move to another world. The dimensions of the cross on a grave can be very different, but it must necessarily correspond to the accepted “golden ratio”.

What shape should the cross be?

Since the advent of Orthodoxy, crosses have become an integral part of Christian life, symbolizing the immortality of the soul. The custom of installing a crucifix in cemeteries originated in the time of Prince Vladimir and to this day it does not lose its relevance. There are several versions of the cross, but only two types are most often used on graves:

  • Six-pointed, in which only the lower oblique crossbar is provided - the “righteous standard”. According to some apocryphal data, such a crossbar was a support for the steps of Christ. Its two sides symbolize the spiritual component of a person, as well as the possibility of forgiveness for everything that has been done. An end lowered down is not a sin of repentance, but an end raised upward is a virtue of repentance. As a rule, the left half is lowered down, since according to legend it is with right side there was a robber who repented before his death. When constructing a cross, it is important to maintain a forty-five degree angle of inclination of the plank.
  • Eight-pointed, complemented by a short upper horizontal crossbar. It is alleged that the same bar was on the original crucifix and a tablet was attached to it with the inscription - “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Exactly eight-pointed cross most often chosen for a cemetery, as it fully reflects the immortality of the soul and salvation in Christ.

It is worth emphasizing that according to the canon, there should be no epitaphs or photographs of the deceased on the crucifix located on the grave.

What size should a crucifix be?

The Orthodox eight-pointed cross is created on the basis of the classical human proportions, which are also called the “golden ratio”. It should consist of four crossbars, each of which is located in a specific place. Since their location has an ancient sacred meaning, deviations of even a couple of centimeters are unacceptable.

According to the “golden ratio” the coefficient ideal ratio sides is 1.618. It is according to this that classic grave crosses are created. The location of all crossbars must comply with the following parameters:

  • The vertical main crossbar, responsible for the height of the cross, is 1.618 meters.
  • The longest longitudinal crossbar, to which, according to legend, the hands of the Savior were nailed, is 1.618 meters. It is located 0.382 meters below the end of the vertical bar.
  • The top crossbar, which is the prototype of the sign, is 0.382 meters. The distance from it to the main crossbar is 0.236 meters.
  • The lower crossbar, symbolizing the footstool or scales of justice, is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Its ends should diverge to the sides by 0.125 meters from the main vertical. The central part of the crossbar is located at a distance of 0.5 meters from the lower edge of the cross.

It is worth emphasizing that the height of the grave cross can be any, but it is important to comply with all established proportions. Only in this case will the crucifixion be correct from a church point of view.

What to make a crucifix out of in a cemetery?

It is necessary to select the material for making a cross for a grave taking into account the time of its operation. If you plan to install a granite monument, then you do not need to choose expensive materials. Today crucifixes are made from:

  • Trees are classic version, used in 90% of cases. Wooden crosses can be easily disposed of after losing their appearance, they are inexpensive and accessible to everyone. If you plan to leave the wooden crucifix for more long term, then you should cover them in advance with stain, drying oil, paint or varnish. This will make the crucifix weather resistant.
  • Metal - in lately This material is used infrequently, but it is durable and picky. Metal crosses made using artistic forging look no worse than expensive monuments, but they more fully reflect the spiritual component of human life.
  • Concrete, granite, stone are expensive options used as an analogue to memorial monuments. Durable and attractive appearance and resistance to weather conditions.

The cross should be placed at the feet of the deceased, as it symbolizes immortality and future resurrection. Addressed to the face of the deceased, it will help him quickly part with his body and move to another divine dimension.

Number of entries: 62

Hello! Can there be a cross on a rosary without a crucifix? It's homemade.


Ideally orthodox cross must always be with a crucifix. Even in various small objects with the image of a cross there should be a crucifix. It often happens without the Crucifixion, and although there is nothing particularly terrible in this, it is still not correct.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Is it possible to independently make a small wooden cross (without the image of the Savior), 30 centimeters in height, and if so, when is the best time to consecrate it? Thank you for answering questions!


Dmitry, an Orthodox cross must be accompanied by a crucifix. Such work should begin only with the blessing of the priest. And if you are blessed, then the cross must be done in compliance with the rules, i.e. you must fast on the days when you make the cross, and before that, take communion.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, I would like to know: I got a silver cross, the size of my palm, from my great-grandmother. As I understand it, it was passed down from generation to generation. I decided to take it to the church to consecrate it, they consecrated it, but they said that it was an archpriest’s cross, they say, it’s better to give it to the church and so on... Explain what kind of cross this is and how to handle it? I don’t see the point in giving it away, because it was passed down through the family!


Julia, if this is really a priestly cross, then the laity cannot wear it, you can only hang it in the holy corner along with the icons, like a shrine, and pray on it. Such crosses are usually given to priests after several years of blameless service upon elevation to the next level of the priesthood - to the rank of archpriest. God bless you!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! At night, on the gate in front of my house, someone painted a cross, like on a grave. What does it mean? What to do?


Julia, the cross is our salvation. The cross is life, not death. Don't be afraid, on the contrary - let it be, no need to wash it.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me what this means. We moved into a rented apartment and recently saw crosses on the walls. One cross is at a height of two meters in the kitchen, the second in the corridor, it turns out that it is located opposite. At the bottom of the cross there is something like a coffin, inside there is written “o” and “x”, and two spears up, a cross with a candle is still visible on top of it. What could it be?


Maria, in all likelihood, this apartment was consecrated; during the consecration, the priest glues images of the Calvary cross to the walls. There is nothing to worry about - this is very good. Live peacefully in this apartment. The full Orthodox cross is depicted with a spear and a cane, below the cross the skull is the head of Adam. During the crucifixion they pierced Christ with a spear, and with a cane they brought a sponge with vinegar to Christ’s lips.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

At the crossroads of the village there is a cross with an icon of Jesus. The icon is shabby from time to time. The icon needs to be replaced for the Ascension Day. I ask for advice: what to do with the old icon and is it possible to place the image of the Mother of God instead of Jesus?


Hello, Nadezhda! In the Church everything is done out of obedience and with blessing. Before changing the icon on the cross, you need to address this problem to the dean of your district or to the rector of the parish to which the village belongs. This way you will solve the issue correctly.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Please tell me what to do. A year ago we sold my grandmother’s old house in the village. There were icons in the house and one cross (large) 20 cm made of metal. I don’t even know whose all this is, maybe our ancestors. Tell me, what should we do about this? Thanks in advance.


Svetlana, you can keep some, or, if you want, all the icons and the cross. If you don’t need them, take everything to church.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

My mother-in-law wears the cross of my husband, her son, and she is already 75 years old, and if she dies, she will be buried with a cross from both her and her son, we don’t know which cross is hers and which is her husband’s, they are the same, will it happen later? trouble with your husband?


You should not rush to ask such questions in front of a living person. You can be buried with one, two, or three crosses; this will not in any way affect the fate of the living owners of the crosses: they do not get sick or die from this. Pray well for the health of your mother-in-law and mother. In life, something happens to us not because of the crosses in the graves, but only because of our sins.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Father, I need your help, my mother invited a priest to the house to consecrate it, the house was consecrated, but the priest pasted stickers in every room, there was a cross on them and a skull under it, excuse me, but is this normal, what does this mean? Thank you.


Hello, Allah! The stickers for the consecration depict the so-called “Golgothas”. These are crosses that, like holy seals, protect the house from all spiritual enemies. The skull that you were afraid of means death, which the Lord defeated with His suffering on the cross.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello Father, a question from God's servant Lydia. Buried distant relative. The funeral service was held in absentia. When they sprinkled sand on the cross before closing the coffin, they did it wrong, and now it really torments me. Tell me if this is a sin and what should I do, thank you.


No, Lydia, this is not a sin, the main thing is that you did it. Usually, earlier, instead of sand, earth was poured, and not into the coffin, as now, but on top of the coffin, into the grave: when the coffin was lowered into the grave, the priest was the first to take a handful of earth and, wishing the deceased eternal peace, threw it into the grave. He threw this earth not just like that, but in a natural way for a priest, that is, in the shape of a cross, and in fact, that’s how everyone else should throw it, however, this is just a tradition, a ritual. Now, if the funeral service is performed in absentia, the priest, since he will not personally be present at the grave, simply delegates this action to one of the people praying.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Please tell me what to put on the grave of a relative and what not? Is a cross enough, are photos and other information about the deceased needed? They say that we need something like a monument with photos and data. Tell me what is really needed?


Hello, Yuri! First of all, there should be a cross on an Orthodox grave. For the memory of the living, you can hang a sign with the data of the deceased, a photograph. If you eventually want to erect a monument, then the cross should still be present on it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. Please explain. We change the cross placed on the grave funeral home at burial. What to do with this cross? Surely you can't just throw it away? Is it possible to place it on a nearby abandoned grave, having first tidied it up? Only the nameplate remained on it.


Hello, Galina! You can put a cross on the neighboring grave.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! After guests arrive at our house, crosses are drawn on the curtains and on the closet door with a marker, what does this mean?


One of the guests, apparently, decided to joke, or maybe just a little crazy. I don’t think it can mean anything more.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Is it possible to hang a crucifix above the front door?


Hello, Pavel! It would be more reverent to hang the crucifix in the holy corner.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Please tell me what should I do and what does this mean? At the cemetery, when my dad was buried, I stood near the coffin and my bracelet with a cross, bought at the temple, burst. She managed to pick up the cross, but the beads scattered. I collected them, but I don’t know what to do with all this now...


Larisa, you don’t need to pay attention to all these things. This means it was a low-quality bracelet. For us, the most important thing is our soul. You need to pray to God and live according to God's Commandments. If you bought a bracelet in a temple, it means that it was consecrated, and we must treat the shrine with respect, we cannot simply throw it away. Therefore, leave the cross at home, place it next to the icons, and bury the beads in the ground or throw them into the river.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good health. I wanted to order a new cross from the cemetery, because the old one fell, and they offered me to put up a used cross, but I also have to buy it, only it’s cheaper. These, they say, are the crosses that are removed to erect a monument. Is it even possible to put up such a cross?


Ekaterina, of course you can. If it is expensive to put a new cross on a grave, put the one that is offered to you. An Orthodox grave should not have a monument, but an Orthodox cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, father. Please give me some advice. I was given a crucifix, according to some (but not all) signs, the image is Catholic, can I keep it at home next to the icons, pray in front of it? Or take it to church? If it can be left, should it be consecrated? The gift is precious, I wouldn’t want to part with it. Thank you.


Tatyana, show this Crucifix to the priest in the temple and, if he blesses it, consecrate it and pray in front of it - do as the priest says after looking at it in person.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

What else to read