Wall-paper structural under painting. Structural wallpaper for walls: features and how to glue

The choice of wallpaper for renovation is one of the most important factors, they mainly determine the style, character and atmosphere of the home. There are a lot of types of wallpaper material, but today we will talk about non-woven wallpaper for painting, since recently they have become very popular.

In the article we will talk about the types of these wallpapers, their positive and negative sides, methods of application, as well as the choice of glue and paint for repairs.

Types and characteristics of wallpaper for painting

Interlining is a semi-synthetic non-woven material based on cellulose fiber, sometimes with the addition of polyester.

By its properties, it is close to paper, but has enhanced performance characteristics:

  • High strength.
  • Abrasion resistant.
  • Thicker base.
  • Increased resistance to open fire.
  • Good moisture resistance.
  • Not subject to fading.
  • Not afraid of mechanical damage.
  • Allows multiple repainting (5-7 times).

There is an opinion that non-woven wallpaper for painting is harmful, you can argue with that! The composition of the wallpaper includes cellulose - a material used for the production of paper. Everyone knows that paper is an environmentally friendly product.

In addition, compositions that do not contain harmful substances (formaldehydes) are used to solder layers and apply patterns to canvases. The risk for people prone to allergies can only be dust accumulating on the relief of the wallpaper. But if the canvases are smooth, then even this danger disappears.

Wallpaper for painting is divided into two types:

  1. Non-woven paper-based.

They consist of two or three layers soldered with a polymer composition to each other, the top one is made directly from non-woven fabric, the rest form a dense base of glued paper.

  1. Non-woven wallpaper for painting.

In this case, the front side is covered with vinyl, acrylic or textile, and the inside consists of a layer of non-woven fabric.

In appearance, the canvases for painting are divided into two categories:

  • Smooth. The front side has a uniform flat surface.

  • Structural. A voluminous chaotic or ordered pattern is applied to the outer canvas.

Non-woven wallpaper does not deform after drying, which eliminates the divergence of the connecting seams. Since the canvases are quite thick, they are glued end-to-end, the glue is applied mainly to the wall. This method facilitates the work, and the wallpaper does not tear when smoothing.

To increase the strength, a protective water-repellent film is applied to the canvases, so the material does not soak when in contact with paint or glue.

How to choose non-woven wallpaper

As we found out, non-woven wallpaper for coloring can be the best option for an interior with plain painted walls.

Let's look at what parameters you need to choose canvases in order to acquire high-quality and reliable material:

  1. Wallpaper type.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite transparent, a wall with an uneven color surface can shine through them. You can repaint such wallpapers 5-7 times.

Non-woven wallpapers are thicker, they don't care what the previous wall color was. Canvases can be repainted up to 15 times, but as a result, this will affect the surface relief.

  1. Canvas thickness.

Non-woven wallpaper is purchased mainly for ceilings or flat walls, as they are lighter and, accordingly, easier to glue.

The second type is taken for problematic surfaces. If the wall is not perfectly flat and has some defects, then such wallpaper will do just fine. They are denser and will perfectly hide pits, cracks or small potholes on the surface.

  1. The texture of the surface of the canvas.

The choice of this factor depends on where the wallpaper will be glued. For ceilings, smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting is usually purchased, and embossed ones are taken for pasting walls.

  1. Wallpaper color.

Manufacturers offer two types of material: tinted and white non-woven wallpaper for painting. If there is no need to immediately paint the walls, then you can choose the canvases of the desired color, and subsequently repaint them in any other tone.

  1. Material price.

This factor plays an important role when choosing wallpaper, since the cost of paintings is not small. But if you think about the fact that with a high-quality sticker and painting, the apartment will not need repairs for several years, then you should not save on the price.

Although now, with a huge assortment and great competition, you can find non-woven wallpaper at a very different cost, and in many stores there is a system of flexible discounts. And, of course, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, if funds allow, then it is better to purchase finishing material from trusted companies.

We have given 5 main factors by which you should choose this type of wallpaper, and now we will talk about which glue is best for non-woven wallpaper.

Adhesive selection

We bring to your attention the TOP 5 best types of glue for non-woven wallpaper:


The glue contains methylcellulose, modified starch, additives with antifungal properties, has fast setting and good sliding abilities, after drying it becomes transparent.

  1. Quelyd "Special interlining".

It contains bactericidal and antifungal additives, works well with heavy wallpaper, sets quickly, and after drying does not leave marks on the canvas.

  1. Methylan Interlining Ultra Premium.

The adhesive has reinforced adhesive components that promote better adhesion and is used on all types of wall surfaces.

  1. Pufas EURO 3000 Non-woven special.

Of the five types of the Pufas brand, this adhesive is the most suitable for non-woven wallpaper. Available as a transparent composition, and with a blue indicator. It has excellent sliding ability and fast setting, after drying it becomes transparent.

  1. KLEO Extra Non-woven Line Premium.

It contains the same modified starch and antifungal additives, good adhesion and excellent adhesion. Especially good for sticking heavy wallpaper.

I must say that all the adhesive compositions presented practically do not leave marks on the wallpaper, which means that even if glue accidentally gets on the front surface of the canvases, they will not spoil the appearance of expensive wallpaper. In addition, the compositions have an affordable price, high quality, economical consumption and clear breeding instructions.

Many manufacturers for the wallpaper of their brand immediately release a similar adhesive for them, but if one is not available, then the presented TOP-5 will help you make a choice.

Paint for non-woven wallpaper

Since we have non-woven wallpaper - wallpaper for painting, you need to know which paint is best for them.

Three types of paint are used for painting canvases:

  • Acrylic water-dispersion.

All types have excellent air permeability (“breathe”), are easy to apply, economical, and UV resistant. But if the water emulsion is less resistant to abrasion and is easily washed off with water, then acrylic and latex have excellent strength and water-repellent properties, they can even be washed with neutral means.

Therefore, the first type is used mainly for painting ceilings and walls in dry rooms, and the second and third are used in any room, even bathrooms. The advantages of these types are the absence of an unpleasant odor when stained, quick drying and high environmental safety, they can be used in kitchens and children's rooms, as well as in high traffic areas.

Paint for non-woven wallpaper for painting can be:

  • Matte, it perfectly masks defects on walls and ceilings.
  • Semi-gloss, which is used mainly in dark rooms (corridors, hallways).
  • Glossy, it is recommended to use it on perfectly flat walls, as the play of light and bright reflections will highlight all the depressions and bumps on their surface in relief.

For voluminous canvases, designers combine paint: they apply a matte finish to the entire surface, and then the relief is painted with a glossy one, thus highlighting the pattern even more clearly. Or they paint structural wallpapers with a special roller, which applies paint only to the convex part of the pattern.

Experts advise purchasing white wallpapers for coloring, but if you initially chose colored ones, then in order to choose the right shade, it is better to contact the masters.

Important! When this is not possible, and you mixed the color scheme with your own hands, then you should not paint the entire wall at once, what if you don’t like it after drying? You need to try the resulting color on a small inconspicuous area in order to finally decide on the chosen tone.

The construction market offers the following widely used and proven brands:

  • Tikkurila.

Country of origin - Finland, acrylate paint for wallpaper dries quickly, fits perfectly on any surface. It has many fashionable, elite shades. It is applied in any rooms.

  • Tex.

Country of origin - Russia. The base is super white, a wide range of shades has been developed for tinting, it is used for painting wallpapers of any kind. Withstands daily wet cleaning.

Country - producer - Russia. The main color is white, a wide range of colorants. It is used in rooms with moderate humidity, dries quickly, is easy to apply, and is highly environmentally friendly.

Country of origin - Denmark. Forms a thin coating that emphasizes the pattern of the canvas, evenly distributed, resistant to abrasion and wet cleaning.

These brands are distinguished by good hiding power, economy, evenness of application, depth and saturation of shades. In addition, they are time-tested, do not fade and retain their original color over a long period of operation.


We offer a selection of several interesting design solutions using wallpaper for painting.

We hope that we clearly talked about the types of wallpaper for painting, the adhesives and paints used, presented photos and videos in this article. And if you decide to use non-woven wallpaper for painting in your home, then the interior of your home will always be new, bright and memorable.

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How to choose structural wallpaper for painting: 3 ideal types

The most popular and practical option for wall cladding is structural wallpaper. When choosing this material, you need to know their varieties, properties and capabilities. I will tell you about them.

Why Choose Structural Coatings

Ideally smooth walls are not available in all apartments. A smooth canvas of thin wallpaper cannot remove defects. Using thick wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern, you will hide all the flaws and flaws.

Today, plain walls are in fashion. They look advantageous only if there is a texture that embossed wallpaper will give them. The result is a modern design and sophisticated interior.

The advantage of such a coating is the possibility of repeated repainting. The material is resistant to any dyes. Some species can withstand up to 12 colors.

Embossed wallpapers are a kind of paper. Many do not know their merits and traditionally use the usual ones.

Advantages of structural wallpaper, relevant for the consumer, that is, for you and me:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Increased density.
  • Durability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Not damaged by sticking.
  • Variety of designs and textures.
  • The interior is updated at no cost (repainting).
  • Small dirt is easily removed.
  • They change appearance depending on the lighting.
  • Are convenient in work.
  • They are used in any premises.
  • Suitable for suburban housing.

The advantages include the ability to mask irregularities on the walls. They do not scratch, do not absorb moisture, do not spoil the microclimate. Having bought paint, you can change the color scheme of the interior in an hour.

If you make repairs with your own hands - buy textured wallpaper. Most options have a meter roll width. This speeds up installation and creates a minimum number of joints. Grainy textures do not require selection and layout on the wall.

Types of structural coatings

Three types of textured wallpapers are produced. All of them are popular and suitable for painting.

View 1. Paper

The most affordable and easy to use are paper structural wallpaper for painting. They are dense, well mask the flaws of the surfaces, are cheap, but will not last long.

The quality of structural wallpaper depends on the type, manufacturer. Cheap - paper-based can soak when applied. Vinyl - with improper use, they quickly lose their original appearance. Non-woven and glass wallpapers are the most durable, easy to use, but expensive.

There is a water-repellent effect that persists after several repaints. The lightness of the material allows you to use them for decorating the ceiling. Paper types are divided into two types:

  1. Structural (simplex)- consist entirely of paper, on the surface of which a pattern is applied by embossing. They have the perfect texture, they have the lowest price.
  2. Coarse structure (duplex) - have two layers. The lower one is paper, the upper one is decorative, made from coarse fiber, wood shavings. The volume of the relief depends on the “grinding of the fibers”. The texture is comparable to natural canvas. Such material is more practical, hides wall defects well and can withstand up to 5 repaints.

Both types do not require skill when gluing, easy to work with. They give the interior simplicity and naturalness.

View 2. Non-woven

Structural non-woven wallpaper is more practical, has a higher density. Produced by spraying foamed vinyl on stencils. Do not wrinkle, do not deform after drying.

The vinyl layer is easily scratched, but after painting + varnish acquires strength and durability. Interlining well masks irregularities, withstands parkiness and moisture. In the process of shrinkage, the walls can stretch and mask cracks at the corner joints.

View 3. Glass fiber

The material is considered the most practical, reliable and durable. Consists of a paper basis and the reinforcing glass fiber applied on it. The composition of the threads is natural: dolomite, quartz, lime, sand, soda.

Such wallpapers have a high decorative effect, excellent texture, clear relief. They can be smooth or with a barely noticeable monotonous blotch. Withstand mechanical friction, resistant to scratches.

A big plus is the possibility of washing with a soft brush. They have refractory properties, are not allergenic, do not attract dust, and are resistant to the development of fungal influences.

Glass fiber is wear-resistant, so they are often used in residential areas with increased activity, in offices and hotels. Easy to stick on but hard to remove. With proper operation, they remain unchanged for 30 years.

How to choose a wallpaper structure

It's hard to give clear advice. The choice depends on your character, taste, type / size of the room. Each texture has its own purpose and is selected individually.

Uncomplicated drawings are suitable for creative natures. For lovers of clear lines and order - with elements of ornament, a simple pattern. Fine-textured, smoother, with a chaotic medium-sized, monotonous pattern will suit a small room.

If the relief is voluminous - do not use glossy, golden paint. The drawing will "hit in the eyes."
Choose semi-matte and matte options, they are organic and natural. Paint is easier to apply on smooth wallpapers. Even paper, with a fine-grained texture, can easily withstand six repaints.

Considers the functionality of the room

In the bedroom and nursery, it is better to use paper duplex and interlining with wood fiber. These canvases are environmentally friendly and safe for health.

For the kitchen, corridor, dining room, hallway, purchase non-woven and glass wallpaper. In the bathroom and toilet, give preference to moisture-resistant and washable fiberglass.

The setting is important when choosing texture. If the room is oversaturated with small details, then large elements of the pattern will lead to disharmony.

How to make an original interior

Structural types of wallpaper are popular. They easily adjust the design, improve emotional perception. With the help of repainting, the interior palette is easily changed.

Wallpaper canvases can be painted in different ways:

A photo Description

Surface method

Used on tinted views. Paint is applied to the surface of the relief and a two-color image with a highlighted pattern structure is obtained.

Wrong way

To create a more convex / voluminous texture, the interlining is painted from the wrong side.

After gluing, the base will change tone, fade and the pattern shows originality of texture.

wall painting

Fine-grained, smooth canvases can be painted. First they are tinted, then a design drawing is applied.

You can create a plot, abstraction, geometry. Done with a stencil or by hand. The result is an exclusive, a masterpiece.

Work order:

For those who decide to make textured walls, it is useful to read the installation details. The instruction differs little from working with conventional roll materials:

  • Prepare the desired type of glue, a roller, a tape measure, a container for glue, a flat brush, a sharp knife.
  • Cut the roll into strips of the desired length, taking into account the selection of the pattern.
  • For the first piece, mark the wall (on a plumb line).
  • How to use the glue, see the information on the package.
  • For interlining and fiberglass, the wall is primed, then smeared with glue.
  • Fixation is done only in the joint.

Glass fiber and interlining, with a pattern without selection, can not be cut into canvases. Lay on a greased wall and after smoothing cut to desired length. Fix to the wall by rolling with a dry roller or ironing with a rag.

How to choose a quality coating:

  1. Consider a roll. It must have a clear serial number and stamp.
  2. A good manufacturer necessarily supplements products with markings indicating the composition, installation methods, moisture and color resistance.
  3. When buying several rolls, check the identity of the batch and series.
  4. The relief should be clearly visible through the packaging.
  5. There should be no deformation on the roll, especially at the ends.
  6. When buying tinted options, check the tone numbers - they must match.

Structurally profiled wallpaper is a finishing material with a paper backing. It can be printed or embossed in a variety of colors. Products can imitate wood, metal or fabric.

Some characteristics

  • products of structural profile type are 2-ply paper with a weight of 120 g/m². It is made by printing foam paste with preparation. Number of colors 1-6. During the production process, mandatory gelatinization is applied in a special channel at 16 degrees;
  • further, in an oven with a temperature of 200-210 degrees, PVC paste forms foam, which makes it possible to give relief to the material;
  • then the elements are cooled and formed into rolls for sale.

A variety of structural profile structures:

  • structurally profiled wallpapers of a simple type are light-colored elements with a coarse fiber, which can have the structure of a fabric or plaster;
  • a high-class product is a product with a pattern of many colors;
  • granular type - these are devices that, after the final printing, are sprinkled with various types of granules.

A distinctive feature of this type of material is good compatibility with any interior style and excellent decorative properties. Thanks to production technologies, such a finishing material is as convenient as possible for use.

In addition, such wallpapers can be repainted several times in a row, and they will not lose their properties. This is very important in terms of saving money. This finishing material has a very affordable cost. Gluing structurally profiled wallpaper is as easy as shelling pears.

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Structural profile wallpaper: how to glue?

Wallpaper of this type is produced on 2 bases: it is non-woven and paper. Therefore, with this in mind, it is worth choosing an adhesive for mounting the material.

For example, paper-based wallpaper for painting has a denser structure due to a special solution impregnation. Such systems pass steam.

The gluing process depends on the type of base.

The paper base involves applying glue to the walls and the material itself (for non-woven or vinyl products), after which the canvas is applied to the treated surface and smoothed to the sides with gentle movements.

The main thing is to properly dock the canvas. It is important that structural wallpaper should be glued carefully to avoid bubbles and creases that are difficult to remove. If the wallpaper has a non-woven base, then they are distinguished by a strong structure.

It is necessary to glue such elements (structural wallpaper) by first applying glue only to the working wall, on which then apply a dry canvas. You can achieve a perfect junction of the edges of the canvas - it's quite simple.

In order for wallpapering to proceed correctly and you get the desired effect from the new room, you should choose the right glue. The choice of glue is based on what is the basis of the wallpaper.

An important point of pasting is the surface treatment of the walls before installation:

  • be sure to carefully remove the old wallpaper, align the walls. They must be dry and clean. This is a guarantee that the strips will adhere properly and will not fall off the next day;
  • when the wallpaper is completely dry over the entire surface, they can be painted, and in a few words of paint. The layering of the paint depends on the density of the canvas itself. The painting process should be carried out in stages to achieve uniform coverage. The paint is not smeared on the canvas, but rolled out. Do not press too hard on the roller, otherwise stripes may appear on the wallpaper. Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous layer has thoroughly dried.

There is some trick to coloring non-woven wallpaper. It is necessary to apply paint from the wrong side before gluing the canvas. Interlining will absorb paint, and vinyl spraying will not change its white color.

The ability of your wallpaper to wash depends on the choice of paint. For example, it is available with acrylic or latex consistency.

Wallpaper manufacturers are increasingly trying to make fashion trends in interior design also practical. After all, every year it becomes more and more difficult to satisfy the requirements of demanding customers, and domestic firms also have to compete with such countries - wallpaper giants as Germany, Italy, and the USA. The leaders of modern wallpaper production come up with new and new ways to entice the buyer, offering him a product that will best meet the requirements of the market.

Since most of our apartments were built over 20 years ago, the walls are far from perfect. And even quite the contrary, they are simply replete with flaws, cracks and irregularities. It was in order to hide such defects and create a unique interior that structural wallpaper for painting was invented. This is a white wallpaper (tinted rolls are less common) with a pronounced embossed texture, which are impregnated with a special composition, thanks to which they do not sag from applying paint.

The price segment of such wallpapers on the market is quite wide: from cheap domestic paper ones to expensive foreign-made non-woven and fiberglass ones. In general, everyone can afford such wallpapers.

Varieties of structural wallpaper

We list the main types:

1. Paper - the simplest and cheapest type of structural wallpaper. These are often two-layer wallpapers made of thick paper. The first layer in them is smooth and serves to adhere the surface of the walls and the outer layer with embossing.

Depending on the type of embossing, paper wallpapers are divided into 2 types:

  • Structural.
  • Gross structural.

Their distinctive feature is the top layer of wallpaper. In the first case, embossing is done directly on rough paper, and in the second, relief is achieved by a layer of wood chips, which is placed between the outer and inner layers of wallpaper. Moreover, the larger this shaving, the more embossed the wallpaper is.

Such wallpapers can be used both for pasting walls and for finishing the ceiling. They are glued end-to-end, according to the technology of gluing ordinary paper wallpapers.

2. Non-woven wallpaper has become extremely popular due to the properties of the material itself. Interlining is made from pressed pieces of cellulose fibers, which provides this coating with good resistance to deformation and strength. In the production of structural wallpaper, a pattern is applied to a thin and smooth non-woven base, and then a layer of foamed vinyl. Such wallpaper for painting is ideal for gluing in new buildings, since the non-woven base will not deform even if the house shrinks. In addition, interlining prevents the appearance of small cracks on the walls. Another advantage of such wallpaper will be the ease of gluing, because the glue is applied only to the wall, which does not allow the wallpaper to get wet.

The disadvantages of such wallpapers include the fact that the foamed vinyl coating crumbles quite easily until the wallpaper is glued and painted, which can slightly complicate the work of gluing and applying paint.

3. Glass fiber is a completely new invention, based on a glass fiber thread produced at a temperature of 1200 ºС. Such wallpapers are made in two ways:

  • Pressing. In this case, a cobweb is obtained, which perfectly reinforces the surface of the walls and allows you to get a smooth velvety surface.
  • Production of fiberglass cloth. In this case, fiberglass is used to make threads, which are then used to create wallpaper.

The finished product in this case looks like a roll of ordinary thin wallpaper.

Attention! In addition to the above options, many stores offer non-woven structural vinyl wallpaper, also for painting. This material is easy to glue, as well as paint with your own hands.

Fiberglass wallpaper is a durable hypoallergenic wall covering. Their undoubted advantages will be: resistance to moisture and chemicals (such wallpapers can be safely washed), fire resistance, the possibility of reusable staining (10–12 times).

Glass fiber has a static charge, which does not allow dust to linger. Also, they do not contain natural “nutritional” trace elements that contribute to the occurrence of mold and fungi. The service life of fiberglass wallpaper with proper operation reaches 30 years.

Structural profile wallpaper

In addition to the varieties mentioned above, there are also wallpapers of a structural-profile type. This is a wallpaper with a paper base, on which a three-dimensional pattern is applied by printing or embossing. The color scheme of such wallpapers can be very diverse. Structural-profile wallpapers are often made with imitation of wood, metal, fabric, etc.

Structural-profile wallpaper has several varieties:

  1. Simple type. This wallpaper is predominantly light colors, which are made from coarse fibers. Often they are produced with imitation of fabric or plaster.
  2. High quality structural wallpaper. They are distinguished not only by an interesting texture, but also by a variety of colors of exceptional quality.
  3. Granular wallpaper. During the production of such wallpaper, the final step is to cover them with a layer of granulate, which gives the wallpaper additional volume.

So, when you have several rolls of brand new beautiful non-woven textured wallpaper on your hands, it's time to ask yourself the question: how to glue and what to glue.

Below are a few tips to help make the gluing process easy and the result worthy of praise.

  1. One of the important points here will be the choice of glue, since the final result will depend on its quality and type. In the selection of glue, you need to be guided by the type of wallpaper and carefully read the inscriptions on the pack.
  2. When diluting the glue, follow the instructions exactly and mix the substance well in order to avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Remember, when sticking paper wallpaper, glue is applied to both the canvas and the wall, non-woven wallpaper - only to the wall.
  4. Half the success is in the preparation of the walls. Before gluing, remove all remnants of old wallpaper, repair cracks and flaws, prime the surface of the walls.

Our useful video instruction will help you better understand the features of how to glue and paint this material:

So, we hope you now have a better idea of ​​the characteristics of paintable structural wallpaper. Good luck with the repair!

Structural wallpaper have a relief surface and this differs from other types and is widely used today for wall decoration. These wallpapers will give your home a more exclusive look, whatever you choose. There are several types of structural wallpaper with different base materials: paper, non-woven and fiberglass.

structural wallpaper

Benefits of structural wallpaper

In the presence of irregularities in the surface of the walls, it is important to use structural wallpaper with a relief texture. Compared to ordinary wallpaper, structural ones are more beneficial. This type of wallpaper can withstand up to 15 layers of paint, which will significantly save not only money, but also time.

In addition to white structural wallpaper, they also produce tinted ones. Usually, these are pastel and soft colors, which, with subsequent painting, will give an interesting shade to the color of the walls.

Types of structural wallpaper

In the production of structural wallpaper, three different base materials are used: paper, interlining, fiberglass.

Consider the main features of each type.

Paper structural wallpaper

There are two more types of paper embossed wallpapers: structural and coarse-textured. The structural coating of paper wallpapers is deeply embossed paper, and the coarse-textured coating is a relief layer of wood chips, which is located between the base and coating layers.

Paper wallpapers are impregnated with a special water-repellent substance, which makes it possible to paint them up to 10 times. You can use this wallpaper for gluing walls or ceilings.

Structural non-woven wallpaper

The non-woven base of the wallpaper is denser and has an increased resistance to deformation, it hides wall surface defects well. Coating - foamed vinyl.

Despite the positive qualities of this type of wallpaper, there is also a negative: the vinyl coating requires caution, as it can be easily damaged. Non-woven wallpaper is a good option for finishing uneven walls.

structural wallpaper finish

Fiberglass basis of structural wallpaper

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