How to revive old things. Shibori on shorts or

Denim items are those that can be combined with all outfits. How varied can you combine clothes with them? They will never go out of fashion, and will always remain the most convenient and comfortable for the whole family. But what should you do if you suddenly spill wine, get caught on a nail, or just get worn out? Nowadays, there are many ways to revive them and bring them to the “exclusive” class.

Let's reanimate

Ripped jeans are considered the easiest to resuscitate. For example, if you accidentally got a hole, instead of throwing them away, take a blade and you can make horizontal stripes and ruffle them inner side and that’s it, jeans will look great with a plaid shirt and sneakers.

But suddenly, on the second day, after the party, you notice a huge stain. So what should I do? You don’t have to get upset, just run to a store where they sell a variety of applications. Choosing them you can get confused, there are now a lot of them on the market huge selection. But you can give your preference to embroidery, it is always in trend, or leather goods. They are attached simply, even with the help of a hot iron, you can repair everything with your own hands. This method is used most often and covers both stains and all flaws.

Looks very nice when just left big holes on the pants, and under the bottom they put openwork embossed lace, black and white, and to match the tone of the jeans, it looks luxurious.

It happens that pants often get worn out, especially in the pockets. Taking a sheet of sandpaper, you can correct everything, rub it with care, and the result will be no worse than new.

You can experiment with all denim items, and bags are no exception. In an unusual way is painting, this process is very interesting. And it’s interesting because of what happens in the end result. Special dye for clothes can be purchased at a fabric store. By tying your jeans with a long rope and then applying paint, you can get an extraordinary result. At home, you can use tea leaves as paint, it turns out well.

Many people carry out experiments using bleach, pouring chaotic patterns, you can achieve unusual and fashionable clothes.

So, just with the help of imagination, improvised means and your own hands, you can actually make jeans that you will love even more and will wear for a couple of years.

Sometimes it happens that the things we love for one reason or another have deteriorated, and you can’t wear them anymore and you can’t throw them away. Sewn knotted batik will help disguise imperfections. This option is especially suitable for those who do not know how to draw.

Required materials:

Clothes requiring restoration

Needle, synthetic thread

Paint syringes

Acrylic-Gamma paint 2 colors

Basin (tray)

Working time 2-3 hours + drying period = about a day

Difficulty 2

These children's shorts were also worn by my now grown-up son. It’s a shame to throw it away, but it doesn’t look the same anymore: the colors have faded and accidentally stained on some red rag.

The idea of ​​sewn batik came to the rescue. What if all these shortcomings were hidden with original peas?

And the work began. First I washed them. To begin with, I outlined the places of “RESURABILITY”, based on this, a composition for the arrangement of circles was created different diameters. I drew circles with chalk on the front and back of the shorts. You can use compasses or templates to make the circles the correct shape.

This is how the front and back parts were basted.

And then I used long threads to pull the circles into cute balls and wrapped the thread around the ball. Like this:

And so on for all the shorts. It turned out to be a robe cloth.

I wet it and let it dry a little so that the fabric was damp but not flowing. Then painting began in the wide basin.

I used a syringe and Gamma Acrylic-Hobby paint. This paint does not require steaming, but is fixed with an iron.

Using a syringe, I first applied light green paint under the very nodules. I needed a desaturated light green color, so I first diluted the paint with water. I applied the paint to each fold. And then, when the paint had absorbed a little, I accented the rims themselves with dark emerald, right under the screed

As another decorative technique, I also shaded all the front stitched seams with dark emerald. I also painted the crumpled straps.

After finishing the dyeing, I hung the shorts in the bathroom over the sink to “dry”, that is, so that the paint would dry a little on the product and thereby create the pattern I needed. This, of course, depends on how much you want to get soft or sharp color transitions. I needed sharp transitions, so I didn't wrap it in film.

After 4-6 hours, I untied the knots, rinsed in clean water shorts, dried and fixed the paint with an iron on the “cotton” setting.

Very often we look at things solely through the eyes of their creators. But if you show a little imagination, they can be turned into real highlights of the site or interior. It's funny that in new role these things sometimes look much better than...

Very often we look at things solely through the eyes of their creators. But if you show a little imagination, they can be turned into real highlights of the site or interior. It's funny that in a new role these things sometimes look much better than originally!

1. Chairs made from car and bicycle tires

As garden or garage furniture - just what you need!

2. Cable reel table

How about a good one wooden table round shape?

3. Metal funnels in a new way

Wonderful retro candlesticks, but not quite ordinary ones, but made from metal funnels.

4. Picture from the cabinet door

How come we didn’t realize earlier that this was a frame in its purest form!

5. Lid as a kitchen clock

A watch made from dishes would be appropriate in the kitchen.

6. If you look at the stairs horizontally

It turns out original hanger for the hallway.

7. Dry bath

She faces an ambitious task - to become a shocking sofa.

The fence behind which the wheel of history slows down a little.

9. Bet on a barrel

Simple and original way get a table from a wooden barrel.

Vinyl collection with a new sound.

Here beauty and sport go hand in hand.

After the harvest, the dream of relaxation is embodied in some pretty funny objects.

13. Hook taps

Who buys ordinary hooks if there are such wonderful taps in their arsenal?

14. Seat reupholstery with belts

Shabby leather belts will serve for more than one year.

15. Cabinet in the form of a metal barrel

Looks awesome and not that hard to make.

16. Radiator chair

An original thing for people who demand more and more creativity.

They will give your home aroma and comfort.

18. Music table

The urge to get rid of your bulky piano will disappear as soon as you see this idea.

Order from first to last spoon!

20. Reincarnation of a faulty fan

It seems that the “blades” of this table lamp They themselves are capable of generating electrical energy.

21. Hanging cabinet made from a guitar case

Invariably beautiful shapes for real works of art.

22. Chandelier made from kitchen graters

It's easier than making holes tin cans, but looks just as interesting.

23. Games in the “hut”

A playhouse created in a couple of hours from old doors.

24. A smart person won’t get ahead

And will equip the high bar stool steps, getting a convenient stepladder.

In times of crisis, it is useful to sort through old supplies and remove things that have been put aside and forgotten. Revive old clothes and accessories with our tips. Capricious fashion goes around in circles, put in a little effort, and a new, trendy outfit is ready!

1. Getting rid of salt on shoes

Salt mixtures that are sprinkled on sidewalks leave unsightly marks on shoes. Don't give up, but use regular white vinegar. One part vinegar to two parts water is a magical solution that will remove stains from shoes and restore them to their original appearance. After you have wiped the leather with the prepared liquid, dry it with a clean, dry cloth to remove excess moisture. Leave the shoes in the air until completely dry, apply shoe polish and polish.

2. Remove dirt from suede

You can bring suede items or shoes back to life using an ordinary eraser. Rub the dirty area, shake off the resulting pellets and admire the result. As a last resort, if the stain is stubborn, use a nail file. Rub gently, then use a suede brush to straighten the lint. Repeat if necessary.

3. Updating knitwear

Are pilling on your favorite cardigan ruining the look? If the house has a special machine for removing pellets, then you know what to do. If you don’t have a machine, take a disposable razor and carefully go through the fabric. You need to work slowly so as not to damage the threads.

4. We return the volume to compacted things

A cozy coat lying on the far shelf waiting for its day looks dull and flat. Two clean tennis ball will serve you well and “shake up” packed things. The method is good for washing fluffy coats, down jackets and even blankets.

5. Shape stretched clothes

Extended elbows on a sweater are not a reason to part with a warm outfit. Place the item in hot water for a few minutes. Then lay the stretched jacket on a dry towel, giving it the desired shape. You can secure it with pins, as knitters do when processing knitted items. Steam with an iron through a dry cloth or gauze. Leave to dry for about a day. Ready! Advice for the future: knitted and knitted items should be stored folded rather than on hangers. If you want to restore elasticity to the cuffs, dip only them in water.

6. Stretch a shrunken item

IN warm water add hair conditioner. You can take baby shampoo, it also has a beneficial effect on fabric fibers. Soak the item for half an hour, wring it out lightly and lay it on a clean towel. Don't rinse the shampoo off yet! Roll the towel into a tight roll so that the clothes are inside. The task is to absorb as much liquid as possible so that the item is damp, but not wet. Now straighten and stretch the item to required sizes- slowly, patiently and with effort. Leave to dry and continue to read labels carefully before washing!

7. Fighting yellowness

Exposure to air, moisture and time on white shirts after long-term storage yellowness clearly appears. Chlorine bleaches destroy fabric fibers, so we will resort to gentle home methods. Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, rub the paste into yellow spots. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash as usual. Another option - lemon juice. Soak the entire stain with lemon juice and place it in the sun for several hours. Pristine whiteness must return!

8. Enhance the color

Has the once black T-shirt acquired a vague grayish tint? The only way to return the original color is to use fabric dye. Read the instructions on the package, put on gloves and turn gray to black. You can save items from fading if you wash them in cool water, turning them inside out first.

9. Remove odors

Unpleasant odors can be difficult to remove. Add diluted vinegar during the final rinse of your wash. If the item cannot be washed, fill a spray bottle with two-thirds vodka and one-third water and thoroughly spray the “fragrant” clothing. Place cat litter in old boots overnight. The deodorizing effect is guaranteed.

10. Fixing a stuck zipper

Many household items can be used to lubricate the teeth of a zipper: a simple pencil, soap or lip balm. You probably have some of the above on hand. Uneven teeth can be corrected with a pair of fine-nose pliers and patience.

If you have tried all the methods and failed, try appliques, embroidery or rhinestones, which will hide small imperfections in the fabric. Extend the hem of your dress with lace, turn a pullover into a vest, rework old jeans sandpaper, let them become fashionably aged. Imagine!

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