Why do you dream about the color blue? The dream book will tell you! What will the interpreter say if you see the color blue in a dream?

Blue according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Blue color – Mystery, faith, top, writing. Moreover - witchcraft, thoughts, trials, waiting, trading.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Blue from your dream

Blue color – Threat, warning, danger.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams / Olga Adaskina

What does Blue symbolize?

Blue color - Rays or things of blue color, a landscape in blue tones - all this marks troubles, warns of impending danger in any area of ​​life.

Home dream book

Blue in a dream

The blue bird is the soul.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Blue

Blue in dreams – In nature, blue is the most calming color, but its symbolism is very diverse. If we are depressed, we look pale and blue; We turn blue from the frost; lips may turn blue from fear. Dark blue is a common uniform color, indicating people in authority and having the right to use force; rich- blue means loyalty to a person or party; sky blue looks sublime. The color blue in a bride's dress brings good luck. Given the number of different associations possible, you need to determine what the color blue means to you personally in order to understand its meaning in a dream. Different shades Blues mean different things - bright blue is encouraging and enlivening, while dark blue is depressing.

The meaning of the dream about Indigo Color (dream book of the Subconscious)

What do Blue Dreams mean in a dream. It is believed that the color blue represents the power of consciousness, especially if the sky is colored blue in a dream. The color blue is traditionally associated with transparency, spirituality and infinity. Some analysts believe that blue-colored dreams indicate qualities such as gentleness and patience. Various shades of blue can reflect the emotional state of the sleeper: bright blue signifies happiness, and gloomy indigo predicts a decline in the emotional cycle. The following forces of nature often appear in dreams in combination with the color blue:

Water. Blue water in a dream is often associated with a person’s emotional life. Bright blue water in a dream is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your emotions. Hail. Blue hail or rain in a dream is usually given emotional meaning. Try to remember how long the bad weather lasted. If you were caught in a hailstorm, what did you feel - fear or delight? Air. If gusts of blue air appear to you in a dream, it means a desire for freedom in your emotional life or at work. Smoke. Blue smoke. rising in a column to the sky means striving for a distant goal. Other dream symbols are also associated with the color blue:

Precious stones. Blue gemstones can mean liberation from pressing problems. Cloth. Blue clothing can be a symbol of masculinity or the masculine side of your character. Blue bird. The blue bird is a symbol of happiness, hope or liberation. Bird in a cage. A blue bird in a cage may mean a lack of independence and a desire to gain emotional freedom. Works of art. Blue paintings or drawings can be a general reflection of the circumstances of reality. Photo. A blue-tinted photograph in a dream suggests that in reality something is escaping your attention. Heart. A blue heart means a quarrel with a loved one. Vase.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Blue sky mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a blue sky in a dream - to improve your life.

If in the summer you dreamed of a blue sky, you will be very happy for your children.

In the fall, why did you dream of a blue sky - there will be an explanation that you will be glad about.

In winter, why do you dream of a blue sky - it is an indicator of emotional restraint.

We live in a colorful reality, so it is not surprising that we see colorful dreams. If a certain color clearly predominates in a dream, the dream book considers such phenomena to be a reflection of emotions and desires. From the interpretations you can find out what blue and its various shades mean in dreams.

Wardrobe items

Why do you dream of clothes in rich colors? blue tones, will tell you their affiliation and purpose. Blue emphasizes courage and masculine character traits.

Women's clothing represent the fulfillment of plans and work in this direction. Blue jeans in classic colors portend profit.

When you happen to see dark blue leather clothes, the dream book says that you do not intend to put up with fate and are doing everything in your power to change the situation in your favor.

Cosmetic repairs

If you dreamed of painting walls bright blue, the dream symbolizes completion and satisfaction with the result. The meaning concerns various areas of life: career and personal growth, spiritual development, education.

As you know, there are many shades of blue. Turquoise symbolizes peace, blue symbolizes serenity and inner freedom, dark indicates frenzy, deliberately dirty tones mean a tendency towards depression.

Blue interior often reflects the real emotional state of the sleeper. The symbol speaks of excessive anxiety, which in itself attracts danger and increases the likelihood of all sorts of difficulties.

There is another explanation for why you dream of painting walls. It seems that the dreamer has something to hide from his family and friends, quite possibly for their own good.

Gustav Miller's predictions

If you dreamed about the color blue in abundance, Miller’s dream book draws attention to what sensations it evokes in the dreamer. If this color scheme does not cause discomfort, the meaning of what you see in a dream is neutral. This is an indicator of harmony and balance.

Miller's dream book warns that the abundance of blue in a dream may indicate rejection of oneself, a habit of suppressing one's aspirations and feelings. In such cases, what you saw in a dream continues to depress even after waking up.

Miller's dream book offers another explanation of why indigo colors are seen in dreams. Seeing a lot of ultramarine in night dreams happens to those who in reality are filled with warmth, compassion, and understanding.

Face and hair

The dream book explains why you dream when any part of the body stands out for its non-standard coloring. If you happen to see the bright blue color of the hair on your head, the appearance in a dream speaks of your jealousy, which is often baseless.

If you dreamed of blue skin on your face, the image should be regarded as a warning. Someone intends to slander you, and it is quite possible that he will succeed. If you dreamed of someone else’s face with such a non-standard color, think about whether you are always tactful with others.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing the color blue in a dream” with a full description.

Dreams are amazing in their mysterious structure, in their inexplicability and inexhaustibility.

Dream books are full of interpretations of all kinds of objects, things, phenomena, animals and people, natural facts. But special part, if you notice, they also include things that are more figurative. For example – colors. It happens that a dream is painted in a certain predominant color - or the dreamer clearly remembers a certain object from the dream that was bright color. This is of course a sign.

The colors of the spectrum are not always clearly remembered after waking up, and if, upon waking up, you very clearly remember a certain shade that predominates in the vision, be sure to ask what it means.

Each color of the spectrum has its own meaning, is associated with a certain element, field of activity, with the work of one or another part human body and consciousness. The color blue is worth considering separately.

The blue shade is unusual; it is considered the color of magicians and magic. It is mysterious, deep, and evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is associated with sadness, and on the other, it evokes calm and a feeling of a certain detachment. He is not aggressive, calm and deep. What will the interpreter say, why do you dream about the color blue, what does it promise and portend?

There are not very many options that the dream book offers - they are basic, and each dreamer will find his own, close to what was in the dream. The options are:

  • I just remember the blue tint that colored the whole dream.
  • In dreams, this color evoked peace and tranquility.
  • Blue clothes in a dream.
  • Paint something, or draw.
  • Feel anxious or even tormented by the color blue in your dreams.
  • Seeing a rich blue sky.

The meanings of such dreams, as the dream book will show, are very unusual and are always associated with inner world. Such a colored dream does not indicate the everyday part of life; it is associated with the subconscious, spiritual world, and emotions.

It is not difficult to interpret such a dream, but to correctly understand and analyze it, and then accept the interpretation and apply it in life is more difficult. It will take intuition and wisdom.

What does it mean?

It is very important to remember your emotions here - what you experienced during this “colored” dream. This will indicate the state of your consciousness and help you understand what is broken, where the imbalance is, and how you should work on yourself.

1. The dream book says that if the dream itself was colored in this shade, and you did not experience any bright emotions, then in reality you should pay attention to your own femininity. This color is part of the “yin”, feminine nature.

You need peace, less anger, less vivid expressions of feelings, regularity and “fluidity.” This is what is missing and what gives disharmony to your being.

2. Experiencing complete peace or even bliss in a “blue” dream is a hint that in reality you need to solve all problems not with force, but with gentleness, wisdom and prudence.

Here the dream book recommends calming the psyche, meditating, learning positive thinking, assessing the world wisely, accepting completely as it is. Understand that everything that exists in reality is needed for something - and learn to get rid of the state of struggle, discontent and aggression. Strength is not what you need right now.

3. The dream book says about the same thing about blue clothes. Such a dream is evidence that you are tense, overly active and think rather negatively, perceiving many phenomena around you as something hostile. It is worth changing the perception of the world.

Accept reality, don’t resist it, and ignore what you don’t like calmly and with a smile. A wise, calm attitude towards the world will ultimately make you practically invulnerable.

Then nothing can disturb or throw you out of balance, and any difficulties will be resolved gently, calmly and easily, without the use of force and without tension. Learn this!

4. Such a dream, where you painted or painted something with blue paint, is a hint that the rude, masculine part of your character and behavior outweighs you. It is necessary to develop feminine traits and skills.

How? Start simple. Wear more feminine clothes, be kinder and more affectionate with all living beings, avoid stress. Communicate more with women, with friends, with relatives. Go to women's workshops and other events.

5. If a dream in which the color blue brought you unpleasant emotions- anger, fear, inconvenience, any torment - the dream book regards this as a sign that you feel your weakness in reality and suffer because of it.

6. A deep and bright blue sky is a symbol of the powerful work of the subconscious. Pay attention to this part of yourself - maybe you are too down-to-earth and don’t pay attention to your own intuition?

Colored dreams are interesting and complex. Listen to yourself - and you yourself will be able to understand how to apply the knowledge and interpretations from the dream book to yourself, what to do to make life even more harmonious and happier.

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We live in a colorful reality, so it is not surprising that we see colorful dreams. If a certain color clearly predominates in a dream, the dream book considers such phenomena to be a reflection of emotions and desires. From the interpretations you can find out what blue and its various shades mean in dreams.

Wardrobe items

Why you dream of clothes in rich blue tones will be determined by their affiliation and purpose. Blue emphasizes courage and masculine character traits.

Women's clothing personifies the fulfillment of plans and work in this direction. Blue jeans in classic colors portend profit.

When you happen to see dark blue leather clothes, the dream book says that you do not intend to put up with fate and are doing everything in your power to change the situation in your favor.

Cosmetic repairs

If you dreamed of painting walls bright blue, the dream symbolizes completion and satisfaction with the result. The meaning concerns various areas of life: career and personal growth, spiritual development, education.

As you know, there are many shades of blue. Turquoise symbolizes peace, blue symbolizes serenity and inner freedom, dark indicates frenzy, deliberately dirty tones mean a tendency towards depression.

A blue interior often reflects the real emotional state of the sleeper. The symbol speaks of excessive anxiety, which in itself attracts danger and increases the likelihood of all sorts of difficulties.

There is another explanation for why you dream of painting walls. It seems that the dreamer has something to hide from his family and friends, quite possibly for their own good.

Gustav Miller's predictions

If you dreamed about the color blue in abundance, Miller’s dream book draws attention to what sensations it evokes in the dreamer. If this color scheme does not cause discomfort, the meaning of what you see in a dream is neutral. This is an indicator of harmony and balance.

Miller's dream book warns that the abundance of blue in a dream may indicate rejection of oneself, a habit of suppressing one's aspirations and feelings. In such cases, what you saw in a dream continues to depress even after waking up.

Miller's dream book offers another explanation of why indigo colors are seen in dreams. Seeing a lot of ultramarine in night dreams happens to those who in reality are filled with warmth, compassion, and understanding.

Face and hair

The dream book explains why you dream when any part of the body stands out for its non-standard coloring. If you happen to see the bright blue color of the hair on your head, the appearance in a dream speaks of your jealousy, which is often baseless.

If you dreamed of blue skin on your face, the image should be regarded as a warning. Someone intends to slander you, and it is quite possible that he will succeed. If you dreamed of someone else’s face with such a non-standard color, think about whether you are always tactful with others.

A blue face often represents such abstract concepts, like infinity, wisdom, mysticism. Similar images visit those who in reality are interested in meditation and strive to comprehend ancient knowledge and the mysteries of history.

If you dreamed of a blue-tinted photograph, concentrate your attention so as not to lose sight of something that is significant to you.

People have both black and white and color dreams. Why do you dream about the color blue? A dream book will help you find the answer to this question. The dreamer is only required to remember his nightly dreams in the smallest detail. So, what does the color blue symbolize in our night visions, what should we prepare for and what should we expect?

Why do you dream of the color blue: Miller’s dream book

Miller recommends remembering what emotions a person experienced in a dream. Why dream of the color blue if the sleeper does not feel discomfort? This indicates that the owner of the dream is in a state of harmony and peace of mind. The abundance of blue and its various shades in night dreams indicates that a person does not love himself, is concentrated on own shortcomings, does not notice dignity. You need to break the habit of ignoring own desires and aspirations, to learn to accept oneself.

An alternative meaning also exists. The predominance of blue in a dream may indicate the sleeper’s willingness to share warmth with others, his ability to sympathize with his neighbors.

If blue objects in a dream become a source of discomfort, such a plot warns of the suppression of negative emotions. It is possible that the dreamer is hiding his fear or anger from others. This behavior can become a source of various troubles. It is also possible that blue color predicts illness, so you should pay attention to alarming symptoms and undergo a medical examination.


Why do you dream of blue in clothes? When it comes to objects women's wardrobe, such a dream promises the fulfillment of plans. It's here the right time in order to put your plans into practice, take action. Blue jeans appearing in a dream promise the dreamer profit that may come from an unexpected source.

Men's clothing in blue tones also has a certain meaning. Such a dream suggests that a person has courage and perseverance. If a representative of the fair sex sees a dream, it indicates the predominance and she has typically masculine character traits.

A dark blue leather outfit symbolizes the dreamer's readiness for decisive actions. The owner of the dream does not intend to surrender to the will of fate; he controls the situation.


Why do you dream of blue on the walls? Such a dream allows you to understand the emotional state that has taken over the dreamer. A person is prone to excessive anxiety, which attracts all kinds of troubles into his life. Many of the problems he faces are of his own making.

What does bright blue paint symbolize if the sleeper paints the walls? This indicates that the person is satisfied with the result of his actions. Also, such a plot may indicate that the dreamer is not completely frank with his friends and relatives. He has secrets that he does not want to make public.

Skin, hair

Why do you dream about the color blue? If we are talking about a blue face, the dream has mystical meaning. Such night dreams often occur to people who meditate and try to understand the mysteries of history and nature.

Blue skin is a dream that can warn of danger. The dreamer is surrounded by a false friend who is doing everything possible to ruin his reputation. If the owner of the dream does not take action, the ill-wisher will be able to achieve his goal. Someone else's blue face can be seen in their dreams by someone who in reality behaves impolitely with others.

Why do you dream about the color blue? Jealous people often dream of bright blue hair color. A person may suspect his other half of cheating, without any reason. You need to learn to trust your partner and gain self-confidence. A photograph painted blue is a dream for someone who in reality risks not noticing something important.

The predominant color of a dream or some memorable part of it speaks about the emotional state of the dreamer or his attitude towards the dreamed plot. The color blue is usually associated with calmness and self-confidence; it is not for nothing that a blue suit is considered the best option choosing clothes for an interview. The esoteric interpretation of blue connects it with spirituality, wisdom, and peace. The symbolism of blue sky and blue water is very favorable. At the same time, dark blue color can indicate depression, depression, depression.

Dream Interpretation D. and N. Winter. What does the color blue mean in a dream?

Blue color is a symbol of detachment and coldness. If in a dream you see someone wearing blue clothes, ordinary life You shouldn’t trust him or count on his closeness.

English dream book. Blue color - what does such a dream mean?

Although in reality the color blue has a calming effect, it can also be associated with such unpleasant situations as cold, depression, and fear. The dark blue color can represent uniforms and people who are in authority and have the right to use force. Saturated blue color denotes loyalty to a person or idea, sky blue is a sign of sublimity. The brighter the blue, the more favorable the dream, and the darker it is, the more likely it is that some events or people will suppress you.

Dream book of Shereminskaya. What does the dream “Blue” predict?

The color blue is considered a sign of magicians, so a dream about the color blue is often considered a harbinger of trouble. However, in most cases, blue is associated with the feminine principle. It symbolizes peace, balance, meekness, fidelity, harmony. The predominance of blue color in a dream speaks of your perseverance, perseverance, dedication, dedication, and characterizes you as a serious and strict person.


Dreams with a predominance of blue objects speak of spiritual quests, the pursuit of truth and justice, and developed intelligence. The blue color, reminiscent of the sky, may indicate the manifestation of the Higher Mind. The darker the blue color and the more muddy its shades, the more your subconscious is suppressed, which can result in unpredictable actions that are unlikely to improve your condition and reputation.

Blue water is a sign of a strong emotional upsurge, which will certainly please you, but will also require high flow rate energy. Seeing reflections in such water is a very interesting dream that speaks of a connection with outside world and about opportunities for spiritual development that should not be neglected. Very good sign is a dreamed blue bird - a well-known symbol of hope and the search for truth. Gemstone blue color speaks of liberation from problems.

Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which someone appears in blue clothes - this could mean either a spiritual leader or someone superior in abilities to you. For newlyweds, such a dream may foreshadow the birth of a boy.

A dream in which blue color predominates reflects the dreamer's world of emotions and feelings. Its interpretation depends on many of the smallest details of the dream. If the dream caused negative feelings, then this promises unexpected obstacles and obstacles in business. Another interpretation of this dream is conflicts with people close to you or betrayal best friend. If the vision left only pleasant memories- this is a favorable sign that foreshadows a person’s beginning light stripe in life and good luck in all your endeavors.

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      Key values

      If the dreamer happened to see a lot of blue in a dream and this evoked pleasant emotions in the person, then the dream has a neutral meaning. The dream symbolizes the dreamer's peace and harmony with himself and the people around him. Emotions such as anger and aggression must be avoided. They have a detrimental effect on a person’s health and well-being.

      • If the vision caused negative feelings, then this is a sign that the person is accustomed to suppressing his emotions. This causes feelings of discomfort, weakness and self-doubt.

        Those people who have a lot of warmth and compassion for others in their souls can see dreams in which there is a lot of indigo color.

        See in a dream bright blue sky- a sign that you need to listen to your intuition more often, especially when making important decisions. If the sky was a deep dark blue color, this is a sign of impending danger for the dreamer.

        Seeing blue water in a dream is a symbol that a person will make an important discovery in life.

        Blue transport promises a sharp advance in career ladder and a significant salary increase. Buying a blue car promises care and patronage from a respected and noble person.

        Flowers of unusual color are an unfavorable sign for the dreamer. Her tender feelings for the object of her affections will remain unrequited.

        A blue snake promises good luck in gambling.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        Blue clothes

        The interpretation of a dream about clothes in blue tones depends on its purpose and affiliation.

        Most dream books interpret dreams about a wardrobe in blue tones as a sign of excessive temperament. A person takes everything to heart and negatively perceives any event that happens to him. You should perceive problems and adversity more calmly.

        Women's outfits

        Women's outfits promise the fulfillment of a cherished desire or an acquaintance with interesting personalities that will help resolve financial issues. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to achieve the goals set, a lot of work will have to be done. Another meaning of such dreams is a scandal with a loved one. The table presents interpretations of visions about blue wardrobe items:

        Cloth Meaning of sleep
        DressTo fulfill your cherished desire
        Wedding outfitPortends a meeting with a worthy young man. For a business lady similar dream promises meeting a reliable business partner
        JeansThey promise the dreamer a big profit
        Business suitThe dream characterizes the dreamer as a self-confident person. Soon he will be able to conduct successful negotiations with trusted business partners. The joint business will be quite profitable and successful
        Leather productsThe dream suggests that a person does not want to put up with troubles and obstacles in realizing his intentions. He is doing everything possible to improve the current state of affairs.
        SkirtThe dreamer's feelings are unrequited. This love takes a lot of moral strength. The girl needs to think about looking for a more worthy man
        BlouseSymbolizes victory over rivals. If a thing was dented in a dream, then the dreamer should prepare for the appearance of an insidious rival in her life
        BagTo losses and large material losses. Another meaning of sleep is betrayal of a loved one
        JacketTo big troubles that the dreamer will successfully cope with
        CoatExpects success in the planned event, despite the machinations of malicious envious people
        SweaterThe secret will become known to others
        ScarfTo unnecessary worries and worries
        ShoesThe dream promises meeting your future husband, for married women– addition to the family and harmony in relationships with the spouse
        BootsTo a nostalgic mood and sad memories

        Men's wardrobe

        If you dream of the color blue in clothes for men, then the dream foreshadows a person’s victory over his competitors in business or ill-wishers at work:

Dreams are amazing in their mysterious structure, in their inexplicability and inexhaustibility.

Dream books are full of interpretations of all kinds of objects, things, phenomena, animals and people, natural facts. But if you notice, a special part in them is also occupied by more figurative things. For example – colors. It happens that a dream is painted in a certain predominant color - or the dreamer clearly remembers a certain object from the dream that was of a bright color. This is of course a sign.

The colors of the spectrum are not always clearly remembered after waking up, and if, upon waking up, you very clearly remember a certain shade that predominates in the vision, be sure to ask what it means.

Each color of the spectrum has its own meaning and is associated with a certain element, sphere of activity, with the work of one or another part of the human body and consciousness. The color blue is worth considering separately.

The blue shade is unusual; it is considered the color of magicians and magic. It is mysterious, deep, and evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is associated with sadness, and on the other, it evokes calm and a feeling of a certain detachment. He is not aggressive, calm and deep. What will the interpreter say, why do you dream about the color blue, what does it promise and portend?

There are not very many options that the dream book offers - they are basic, and each dreamer will find his own, close to what was in the dream. The options are:

  • I just remember the blue tint that colored the whole dream.
  • In dreams, this color evoked peace and tranquility.
  • Blue clothes in a dream.
  • Paint something, or draw.
  • Feel anxious or even tormented by the color blue in your dreams.
  • Seeing a rich blue sky.

The meanings of such dreams, as the dream book will show, are very unusual and are always connected with the inner world. Such a colored dream does not indicate the everyday part of life; it is associated with the subconscious, spiritual world, and emotions.

It is not difficult to interpret such a dream, but to correctly understand and analyze it, and then accept the interpretation and apply it in life is more difficult. It will take intuition and wisdom.

What does it mean?

It is very important to remember your emotions here - what you experienced during this “colored” dream. This will indicate the state of your consciousness and help you understand what is broken, where the imbalance is, and how you should work on yourself.

1. The dream book says that if the dream itself was colored in this shade, and you did not experience any bright emotions, then in reality you should pay attention to your own femininity. This color is part of the “yin”, feminine nature.

You need peace, less anger, less vivid expressions of feelings, regularity and “fluidity.” This is what is missing and what gives disharmony to your being.

2. Experiencing complete peace or even bliss in a “blue” dream is a hint that in reality you need to solve all problems not with force, but with gentleness, wisdom and prudence.

Here the dream book recommends calming the psyche, meditating, learning positive thinking, assessing the world wisely, accepting completely as it is. Understand that everything that exists in reality is needed for something - and learn to get rid of the state of struggle, discontent and aggression. Strength is not what you need right now.

3. The dream book says about the same thing about blue clothes. Such a dream is evidence that you are tense, overly active and think rather negatively, perceiving many phenomena around you as something hostile. It is worth changing the perception of the world.

Accept reality, don’t resist it, and ignore what you don’t like calmly and with a smile. A wise, calm attitude towards the world will ultimately make you practically invulnerable.

Then nothing can disturb or throw you out of balance, and any difficulties will be resolved gently, calmly and easily, without the use of force and without tension. Learn this!

4. Such a dream, where you painted or painted something with blue paint, is a hint that the rude, masculine part of your character and behavior outweighs you. It is necessary to develop feminine traits and skills.

How? Start simple. Wear more feminine clothes, be kinder and more affectionate with all living beings, avoid stress. Communicate more with women, with friends, with relatives. Go to women's workshops and other events.

5. If a dream in which the color blue brought you unpleasant emotions - anger, fear, inconvenience, any torment - the dream book regards this as a sign that you feel your weakness in reality and suffer because of it.

6. The deep and bright blue sky is a symbol of the powerful work of the subconscious. Pay attention to this part of yourself - maybe you are too down-to-earth and don’t pay attention to your own intuition?

Colored dreams are interesting and complex. Listen to yourself - and you yourself will be able to understand how to apply the knowledge and interpretations from the dream book to yourself, what to do to make life even more harmonious and happier. Author: Vasilina Serova

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