Ideas for interior decoration. Personal diary: pictures of a personal diary

Who among us at a certain age was not inspired by the idea of ​​having a baby? Almost every second teenager experiences cravings. But personal diary is not only a keeper of personal secrets and experiences, but also an excellent way to demonstrate your artistic talents. What interesting things can you do in your personal diary? There are many options for its design, because there are no restrictions. Our conversation today will be about ideas for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

How can you decorate your personal diary with your own hands?

First of all, let's look at what pages you can make in your personal diary. No, of course, you can go on your own the simple way and adapt for these purposes any suitable notebook in a box or line. But you must admit that this is banal and completely uninteresting. Therefore, we suggest making a personal diary with your own hands:

What interesting things can you do in your personal diary?

Of course, simply describing your life day after day is a laudable activity, but somewhat boring. And then, over time, it will be difficult to find an entry of interest in such a diary. Therefore, one of the ideas for decorating a personal diary with your own hands is to allocate several pages in it for a calendar. For example, you can make a calendar in which different colors Days will be marked depending on your mood. Can you allocate one page for the most happy days, and the other for the saddest ones and simply write down the dates there with the appropriate comments. In the same way, separate pages in the diary can be allocated for recording funny incidents, brilliant ideas or something else, personal and incredibly interesting. Those who play sports can devote a page in their diary to their sporting achievements. And for those who dream most of all in life ideal figure, you can’t do a diary without a page with the best diets.

DIY drawings for your personal diary

Is it possible to draw in a personal diary? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! What, if not drawings, can convey our mood and make life brighter? What exactly to draw depends, of course, on the preferences of the writer and the level of his artistic abilities. For example, you can record the most striking events in your diary in the form of a comic book. You can select one of the pages of the diary to visualize desires and sketch on it everything that you really want to receive. And on the birthdays of friends and relatives, you can supplement the entry in your personal diary with their humorous portraits.

Classic notebook entries have never completely lost their relevance; they are still popular among schoolgirls and adults of different genders and status. At the same time, many people are not going to start writing down their thoughts, no matter in a notebook or in an electronic document, although the benefits of this process are tangible.

It’s not for nothing that this process is called a personal diary. This is something deeply personal - emotions, dreams, plans. Often, notes in a notebook witness the stormy tears of schoolgirls in love and the first business combinations of young entrepreneurs. From this follows the first reason for keeping a personal diary - it helps to throw out emotions and structure thoughts.

Interesting! For emotional people psychologists advise keeping notes so that you can later evaluate yourself from the outside and learn to manage your feelings.

Another reason is the possibility preserve memories of the situation with the emotions that the writer experienced then. A few years later, many people enjoy reading their entries, remembering funny and sad moments from life, plans and dreams.

The third reason for keeping a personal diary is the opportunity to express all secret feelings, indecent thoughts and pent-up anger. Sometimes it is impossible to shout at an unfair boss, take revenge on an offender, or have an affair with someone. Notebook entries or electronic document They allow you to do whatever you want on their pages with your boss, your offender, and other people. Thus, it relieves tension, while at the same time allowing you to assess the situation from the outside.

How to start keeping a diary

Some teenagers and adults do not have the question of how to start keeping a personal diary. This happens spontaneously during a period of falling in love or life troubles. Sometimes mothers or schoolchildren themselves try to start keeping personal notes about their children at the request of doctors and teachers.

Another group of people are girls of primary and secondary classes. For them, it is a hobby or a mass phenomenon when distributed at school. There are also people who understand the need to keep a diary or who experience loneliness. All this divides the persons keeping records into two groups:

  1. Spontaneous.
  2. Conscious.

People in the first category are not interested in rules and fictitious conventions for keeping personal records. They simply write where they want and the way they need. The result is the most sincere and emotional diaries, but difficult for subsequent reading by the owners themselves.

The second group is interested in how to keep a diary according to the rules, what requirements should be placed on it and what it should contain. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give such exact recommendations; they are too individual, although you can roughly learn how to keep personal notes.

How to keep records correctly

Filling out a paper version with your thoughts or an electronic one is individual choice. The same can be said about the rules for filling out a diary. It is important to understand one thing - it should be convenient.

Some people are more suited to quickly writing down their thoughts in transport, others need silence and a lot of colored pens, markers and all kinds of stickers, photographs, newspaper clippings. You just need to understand that there are no specific rules for keeping records. A personal diary is everyone’s untouchable space specific person, he can do whatever he wants in it and as he pleases.

What will be inside the diary depends greatly on who will keep it. Personal notes of a student programmer will be filled with tags and ideas; a housewife can complain there about poor quality household chemicals or rudeness in a store, and the businessman will write down plans for modernization or thoughts on restructuring loans.

The frequency and volume of filling will also be individual. For different people, although it is worth highlighting schoolgirls separately. For them, a personal diary is something special, colorful and tender, and sometimes dark and incredibly rude. At the same time, all people need to know only a few identical principles by which a diary is kept.

Main requirements for a personal diary

To keep a diary, you don’t need to try to make it like others, although no one forbids using other people’s ideas for designing personal notes. By observing just a few requirements, anyone who wants to learn how to keep a personal diary:

Appearance, electronic or paper format, pen color, writing density and other criteria do not need rules. For each person it will be correct to write in the way that is convenient for him, sharing his innermost thoughts.

Carefully! It is worth separating your personal diary from work, school, medical, sports and other things. They can be combined into one, but then the teacher, doctor or coach will want to familiarize themselves with it. This will prevent the author from writing his innermost thoughts there sincerely, without looking back.

If a girl keeps a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs and facts about the biography of an actor or singer, this does not stop her from giving the notes to her friends to read. At the same time, if thoughts about feelings towards a star are written there, then the girl is unlikely to want anyone to read them.

Starting and keeping a diary

It was said above that records of ongoing events begin to be kept in 2 ways. Spontaneous keeping of personal notes does not require comments, there is already a diary and it is being filled out, such people do not need to be taught how to start keeping it.

A conscious desire to keep records makes it possible to initially foresee the nuances of the future diary by choosing the format, style and method of filling it out.

You should start recording with the following steps:

These are the main points of starting a diary, with the exception of 2 nuances. These are not requirements, but rather recommendations for convenience. One of them concerns paper records, the other electronic ones. In the first case, when purchasing, it is advisable to purchase hardcover notebook or notepad, this will allow the diary to remain good for longer appearance and don't hesitate. When choosing an electronic option, you need to determine in advance where and when entries will be made, and based on this, you need to select a format - an online program or an inconspicuous document on a desktop computer.

For those who do not know how to spontaneously share their thoughts You can try this recording algorithm:

This structure is suitable for the diary of a junior schoolgirl, and for the notes of the head of a department of a large enterprise. The only difference is that events and objects will be different, as well as conclusions, descriptions of emotions, etc. Also, do not forget that this structure is optional - items in it can be changed, rearranged, removed or added. Understanding more convenient entries will come with time, and for this you just need to keep a diary.

Important! The main rule of keeping a diary-it needs to be filled out! How to start it, what to write or draw in it does not matter.

Keeping a diary correctly means only making entries in a convenient format and with a comfortable frequency. You can think in advance about the number of entries per day, week, month, or simply carry it with you and share your thoughts with the diary at the first desire.

Several entries per day are optional the perfect way keep a diary. This allows you to reset excessive emotions and immediately write down the necessary thoughts or good ideas. Not everyone can afford to keep notes in this mode; some understand the need for a diary, but are not able to devote so much time to it.

For organized people, the method of filling out a diary in the evening is suitable, and the volume of the entry does not matter. You can divide the entries into morning, afternoon and evening, telling in detail the events of the day, or put everything in one text. You can also highlight what is happening at work or school, separately describing love or life experiences. There is only one rule for keeping a diary, everything else is very individual. Over time, everyone chooses a way to fill it out in a form that is more convenient for them; all that remains is to start maintaining it.

Do you have many innermost thoughts and secrets? Not any of them can be told to someone; there is a personal diary for such information. It won’t be difficult to purchase a ready-made one, but a self-designed diary is like your home; it’s better to do everything in it with your own hands, with love. How can you design your personal diary beautifully?

Ideas for designing a personal diary

Be sure to let your imagination run wild in creating an idea for a personal diary with your own hands. Beautiful and neatly made, it will become for you best friend, which keeps your secrets and thoughts. How to make pages for your personal diary original:

  1. Decide on color scheme notebooks and select according to it required quantity sheets. These can be multi-colored leaves, a rainbow design of 7 colors, pastel colors, imitation of stale leaves. Don’t avoid dark colors: on such pages you can attach envelopes, stickers, pictures, or use them to separate periods of writing.
  2. Pages can be cut out figuratively along the edges, giving them an interesting shape: lace, rounded corners.
  3. Select two cover sheets (front and back) and place them on the top and bottom of the stack.
  4. Take a hole punch and punch all the pages so that each has two holes on the left side for stitching the pages together. Take 2 rings, taking into account the thickness of the diary, thread them to connect the sheets into a finished diary.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a beautiful notebook and think only about its internal design.

As for the question of how to design a personal diary for girls, it is important not only to paint, but also to carefully consider the contents of the notebook. You can make sections for:

  • motivational quotes, thoughts;
  • plans and desires for the future;
  • achievements and failures in life;
  • fixing important events, dates;
  • records of what happened during the day;
  • good memories;
  • useful reminders;
  • photographs;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It’s interesting to make secret pockets easily by attaching a piece cut out of transparent plastic or gluing an envelope to any of the pages. This way you will hide a photo or information that is dear to you “not for prying eyes.” Another idea for a personal diary with your own hands is a topic: about the life of your family, yours personally, your child, career goals, achievements.

What to draw

If you are wondering how to decorate a personal diary with drawings, then it all depends on your artistic skills. Beautiful frames The pages are made from small leaves, flowers or simply using a gradient line. You can highlight individual pages, draw a portrait, favorite cartoon characters, landscape, still life. It will be beautiful if you decorate each page with drawn fruits, berries, bright vegetables, butterflies, ladybugs.

If this is a diary about a child’s achievements, then use a version of the drawing made by your child yourself. If you have good artistic inclinations, you can create your own coloring book, pencil sketches, decorate sheets with patterns, and attach small drawings on stickers. The mysterious silhouette of an elegant lady, a hero from a movie - draw what you love, what motivates you.

How to decorate a personal diary

In the world of creativity there are a lot of ideas for a personal diary with your own hands - these are origami, scrapbooking, appliqués:

  1. Bright applique in LD can be made from buttons, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, sticks, all kinds of ribbons, sparkles.
  2. Cuttings from newspapers and magazines can easily be made into the shape of a TV screen or cargo carried by small airplanes.
  3. There are many variations in the origami technique: birds, flowers, butterflies, small bows, envelopes.


Life moves quickly, but it is not possible to retain all the memories in your memory. But some inanimate objects This can be done, for example, with photographs and a personal diary. A personal diary is a special storehouse of memories, which in the future will help you return to the past and remember the happy moments of life. In order not to be ashamed to look into it and the diary to have a proper appearance, we advise you to decorate it beautifully.

How to decorate a personal diary - make a bright cover

A colorful, eye-catching cover is a great start to decorating your personal diary. Cover the diary with bright pictures cut out from magazines or stickers. Alternatively, make a paper case, choosing your favorite color. A fabric cover will be more practical because it can be removed and washed if it gets dirty. If you are a needlewoman, design the cover in an original way using scrapbooking.

How to Decorate a Personal Diary – Visualize Memories with Stickers

Cover the inside of the diary with special stickers. In the absence of such, cut them out from newspapers and magazines or find them on the Internet and print them out. Visualize your dreams, happy memories, plans for the future. Try to choose clear, bright, cheerful pictures. This will make it easier to find in the future necessary information and pages with pictures are easier to read.

How to decorate a personal diary - design pockets with important things

Let your personal diary have secret pocket envelopes in which you can keep secret things. Travel or concert ticket; foreign coin; your portrait drawn by a classmate; letter to a friend; photo from the holiday; dried flower petals - such small symbolic things will take you back to a carefree time of dating, traveling, and good-natured communication. A small symbolic object can remind you of many things.

How to decorate a personal diary - paste newspaper clippings with news

When you fill out your diary, leave room to paste in the news of the day from the newspaper. Now what is happening in the country, city, and world seems something ordinary and unimportant. Years later, you will be able to draw certain conclusions. For example, that there was a crisis in the country, but you managed to have fun and meet with friends. Or that you entered a university recognized as prestigious at that time. And after comparing the article about fashionable hairstyles and your notes and photos about going to a beauty salon, you will become proud that you were quite a stylish woman. The opening of a new park or cafe in your city and the first opinion from the visit should also be written down and pasted in the news from the newspaper. If in the future your grandchildren read such a diary, it will be easier for them to navigate the entries and what was happening in your life at that time.

How to decorate a personal diary - experiment with text and background

  • The background of your personal diary can be painted over with colored pencils. To make it look more delicate, distribute the lead shavings over the sheet and rub it over the page with a cotton swab. Alternatively, print backgrounds for letters and notes from the Internet.
  • You can write text about each day in a column, changing the colors of the pen.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with font. Make a test on a separate sheet. The font can change depending on your mood. But make sure it is easy to read.
  • Underline or highlight important things with a marker. Frame conclusions or personal quotes.

A personal diary is a personal memory. Make an effort to correct design memories. After a while it will be nice to read about the first ups and downs; plans that have become reality; turn over the ticket from the concert of your favorite band, saved in a secret envelope, in your hands and smile happily.

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Photo gallery: Personal diary: pictures of a personal diary

Design elements for a personal diary include pictures, poems, quotes and simply your own thoughts. Not only young ladies, but also adult women “make a paper friend,” because you can trust him with your most secret thoughts. Its design depends on the mood and tastes of the hostess. If you don’t want to draw pictures and write poetry yourself, you can always use ready-made templates.

Pictures for a personal diary

LD is a whirlwind of events, thoughts and feelings. Many do not express them in solid text, but supplement them with all sorts of pictures. They are the decoration and highlight of the pages. You can cut and paste your photo as a picture, but this is not necessary. Some use ready-made prints, others draw by hand in good faith.

Ready-made drawings can be downloaded from the Internet and printed.

New patterns are on various sites. Emoticons are popular, as in social network VKontakte.

The clippings can be either colored and bright, or black and white.

On the pages of LD you can smear with watercolors, mix various paints, and write text on top. Colored pencils and gel pens will also become faithful helpers. In this case, you should rely only on your own preferences and do not be afraid to experiment.

Note! If the diary sheets are thin, it is recommended to glue two pages together before using watercolor paints.

Ideas for LD: poems and quotes

No personal diary is complete without quotes and poems. Writing them is not only fashionable, but also terribly interesting. Typically, small quatrains are placed on the first and last pages, while entire poems are stored in the middle. They can be humorous or, conversely, sad, telling about unrequited love (which often happens among girls). You can format records in several ways: classic or different directions.

Usually poems and quotes express the mood, but often the owner of the diary simply cuts out and pastes in statements she likes.

Those who are endowed with a certain talent compose the poem themselves. It can be written by hand or typed on a computer and then printed, cut and pasted.

A wide variety of design ideas are allowed. If a teenager keeps a diary, it will contain clippings of favorite characters, be present bright colors. Often a special code is used, known only to the owner herself.

Grown-up girls and women are more reserved, but it all depends on their character.

Note! Sometimes for notes they choose not an ordinary notebook or notepad, but old book. Drawings are pasted in there, as well as blank paper for text. It is recommended that you tear out every third page of the book, otherwise it will become too bulky as you fill it out. It is advisable to provide special pockets in which photographs, cards and other things will be stored.

To make your paper friend unique, you should make it yourself. To do this, you will have to select the required amount of colored glossy paper. Sheets of the same size are cut out of it and folded randomly. The cover is then made from thick cardboard(you can decorate it in pictures, with stencils or cover it with fabric). Sheets and cover are fastened with any in a convenient way. Your personal diary is ready, now you can start designing it.

Video: ideas for LD design

Drawings for a personal diary

Not everyone wants to print a finished drawing and select themes for it. Or maybe it’s sketches made with your own hands. The page can serve as a canvas for expressing thoughts and a coloring book at the same time. For personal diaries, it does not matter what artistic abilities its owner has.

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