Quiz about the birthday boy. Table entertainment for a small group of adults

Birthday - this is the holiday that we have been waiting for all year, we have been preparing for it for a very long time and we certainly want to leave in the memory of all our guests pleasant and cheerful memories of the time spent together. How can you stir up your guests and turn your birthday from an ordinary event into a colorful and unforgettable event? Prepare several fun and humorous quizzes that will allow guests to show off their knowledge, sense of humor and ingenuity.

Here are a few possible options questions for quizzes on your birthday

Comic quiz

The facilitator asks questions to the participants one by one. You must answer questions very quickly. The one who gave wins greatest number correct answers .

Question: in what cases can a person be in a room without a head?
Answer: when looking out of the window.

Question: how does night and day end?
Answer: soft sign.

Question: A magpie is flying, and a cat is sitting on its tail. Is this possible?
Answer: perhaps if the cat sits on its own tail.

Question: in which month does chatterbox Katenka talk the least?
Answer: at the shortest – February.

Question: when they buy a horse, what kind of horse is it?
Answer: wet.

Question: Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
Answer: he can’t, he doesn’t know how to talk.

Question: What stones cannot be found in the sea?
Answer: dry.

Question: what disease has never been suffered on earth?
Answer: sea.

Question: What can’t be eaten, but can be cooked?
Answer: lessons.

Question: What will become bigger if it is turned upside down?
Answer: number six.

Quiz “Guess the melody”

Guests who have already warmed up a little can be offered a karaoke quiz. To do this, each participant must choose a song from the proposed options and perform a fragment of it. Winner Those who distinguish themselves with the best vocal abilities are awarded prizes.

Quiz "Field of Miracles"

For this quiz, you can prepare and distribute invitation cards to all guests in advance, on which an intriguing text with the following content will be written: “Only November 18th! Only in our city! The popular game “Field of Miracles”, dedicated to the birthday boy I.I. Petrov. Be in a good mood."

After this, all the necessary details should be built at home: a drum, a game board, prizes and gifts.

As a drum, you can use a circle cut from whatman paper and divided into sectors. Moreover, each sector can be decorated with comic inscriptions and wishes, for example: “For the health of the birthday boy,” “A toast to the birthday boy,” and so on. A tape measure can be perfectly replaced by a champagne bottle wrapped in foil. To improvise a game board, a white sheet attached to the wall is perfect, on which you can place A4 sheets with pins. Well, prizes can be all kinds of chocolates, sweets, small Stuffed Toys or keychains. If time allows, you can make prizes yourself in the form of paper medals, certificates and incentive badges.

The questions for this quiz should be as unusual as possible, and at the same time humorous.

It is advisable to involve all guests in this game and give each one a prize corresponding to the activity and demonstrated erudition .

Your guests will certainly be delighted with such a holiday and will surely remember it for many years to come.

Quiz "Fanta"

This game is suitable for anyone companies. Each participant must put one small thing in the box (keychain, pen, hairpin, etc.). This will be called a phantom. The birthday boy turns his back to the presenter, who randomly takes items out of the box and asks: “What is the task for this phantom?” The hero of the occasion must come up with a comic task for everyone, for example, to sing, tell a joke, dance, etc. After the box with forfeits is empty, they move on to completing tasks.


To everyone celebrating their birthday! Today is declared the day of test riddles and mysterious tests. After passing a series of tests, you have the opportunity to receive souvenirs. Each player who answered correctly receives a card that must be kept. At the end of the holiday, whoever has as many cards as he can will receive as many souvenirs. (or commands)

1. The code word is encrypted in the secret script of the pirates. For a while. The first one wins.
Here is a piece of paper with the "Pirate Secret Book":

2. Solve puzzles against time. A total of 15 minutes is given.

Answers to children's puzzles:

Paris. Carpenter. Age
Austria. Magpie. Homeland
Point. Task. Showcase
Knitwear. Hare. Beans
Family. Fashion. Wall

3. Guess who scattered the letters (isograph drawing).

4. I believe it or not.
For each correct answer we put a + on whoever has the most + card.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2.In Australia, the practice is to use disposable school boards? (No)
3.The fountain pen was invented back in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7.Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12.If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
13.Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15.Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17.Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18.Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19.In some places people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20.Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
21.Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)
22.Is moose a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25.Rhino horn has magical power? (No)
26.In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)
27.A monkey is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29.Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31.Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, says hello in the following way- puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? 36. (No, such a diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
37.The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
38. First place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995. borrowed high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

5.Ribbon competition

The presenter invites an equal number of boys and girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The presenter has as many ribbons in his fist as there are participants. The ends of the ribbons hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take hold of these ends; the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. On the count of “One, two, three,” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first couple to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon “tied” the pair with its ends. (They have cards).

6. CHAIN ​​OF WORDS - for a while - who has more

Let's name a word. At the same time, we begin to write a verbal chain in which each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example: table - spoon - watermelon - tooth...

The one who writes the most words in 3 minutes wins.

7. Intellectual (comic questions). 3 minutes (+) whoever has more and who answers faster and correctly wins +

1. Which note is needed for compote? (Salt)
2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach)
3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can have a piece of ice)
4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)
5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
6. What fabric should you use to make a shirt? (From the railway station)
7. Which wing never flies? (car fender)
8. Equilateral rectangle? (Square)
9. Which Russian word consists of three syllables, but indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)
10. Paper bag? (Envelope)
11. Why do village children like to walk barefoot? (On the ground)
12. What happens to the crow when it turns 7 years old? (The eighth will go)
13. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
14. How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
15. What clock does it show? right time twice a day? (Faulty)

8. DISCOVERER for speed and more

First, contestants are asked to “open” new planet- inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw little figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

9. Compose the correct poem command speed and correctness


10 Who else can you see?

11. “Pass the orange” 5 minutes
This is a very famous game. For those who haven’t played, try it, it’s very interesting!
The guys line up and pass an orange or an apple, not with their hands, but with their chins. Whoever drops the orange is out, and the game starts over. And so on until there is only one winner left.

12 Bilboke up to 5 points, once - and pass it around. Whoever scores 5 points first wins.

Several people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. For this - one point. They catch the ball one at a time until they miss. The one who misses passes the ball to the next player. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

14 Each table is given an envelope in which beautiful card cut into different geometric figures. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer). 10 minutes


Under the dictation of the presenter, we write in a column:

The player fills out the task

Name literary work
Poetic line

After this, the presenter names a letter (let’s say m), and each player must write the writer’s surname, the name of the city, etc. next to it. with the letter m. The one who completes it first wins.


This game is played by two or two teams. Each player (or team) writes ten words of five letters on a piece of paper, but not the whole word, but only its three middle letters. After this, the players exchange pieces of paper and everyone must add a letter to the left and to the right, so that they get a word.

For example: -tva- decoction, -ate- kater. The one who manages it first wins.


In this game, one of you will take on the role of leader. The presenter writes 20 words on a piece of paper in advance - common nouns singular in the nominative case. Let him prepare two or three of these twenty: experience shows that they will like this game and will want to repeat it, especially since the first round will be like a test.
When the game time comes, the presenter will give everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pencil and say something like this: “Draw the sheet into twenty cells. I have a list of twenty words. I will name the first word and count to three. During this time, you must be in the first cell, make a drawing symbolizing the concept contained in this word.
The game is that based on your drawings you will then have to, when you fill in all 20 cells, reproduce the very words that these drawings mean. It is clear that a quick reaction is needed here: in three seconds, find and capture some characteristic detail. So, if the word hare is named, it is enough to draw two long ears; a few stripes will tell you that I named the tiger. When all the cells are filled with drawings, write captions for them. Whoever can reproduce the most words is the winner."
As players become more comfortable with the game, you need to offer them more challenging ones. graphic image tin.

For example: laziness, health, braggart.

The most interesting thing in this game is looking at the drawings of other players.

18.Number of players: any. Optional: ribbon, ring

Thread a ribbon into the ring and tie the ends. Participants in the game stand in a circle and pick up a circular ribbon with a ring so that it is inside. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes.
Participants begin passing the ring along the ribbon. On command, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess whose hand the ring is in. If you didn't guess correctly - a penalty point. At this time, the players imitate passing the ring, all at once. The participant whose ring was found stands in the center and the game continues again. At the end the results are summed up.
The driver with the fewest penalty points wins.

"We all sang songs"
The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

- a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
- a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);
- a song about being bad weather they cannot spoil the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);
- a song about how a shaggy creature performs musical composition and at the same time accepts sunbathing("I'm lying in the sun")
- a song about a plant grown in conditions wildlife and cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
- a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);
- a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

20. Competition "The Big Picture"

Teams participate in the competition. For the competition you will need whatman paper, there should be as many of them as there are teams. You also need to prepare markers (one marker per participant). Teams stand along one line, at a distance of 3-4 meters from it there is a Whatman paper on the table, each team has its own table. Each participant is given one felt-tip pen, all different colors. At the presenter’s signal, the first participants run to the Whatman paper and within 30 seconds begin to draw a picture. When 30 seconds have passed, the presenter says change, and the players change, the second participant runs. Thus, all participants take turns drawing a picture. The team with the most beautiful picture wins.

21. Game "Smile of the Cheshire Cat"

This game is similar to famous games"What where When?" and "Brain Ring". The name of the game was given due to its resemblance to the Cheshire Cat, which disappeared in parts. The game involves two teams with the same number of players. Each team is asked one question. If the players answer correctly, then one of them leaves the game (“disappears”), if the team cannot answer, the turn passes to the other team. The winner is the team that was the first to “disappear” completely. The winning team can be given small toy cats as a prize.

22. Competition "Attentiveness will not hurt"

Up to 20 people can participate in the competition. Participants must complete the leader’s tasks in reverse. For example, if the presenter says that you need to raise your hands, you need to lower them. The participant who does what the leader says, and not the opposite action, is eliminated. Thus, the number of participants is gradually decreasing. The most attentive participant remains. Examples of facilitator tasks: raise your hands, jump, bend to the left, crouch, lift left hand, cross your arms, raise your head, bend forward. The number and options of tasks are selected individually.

23. Competition "Trace in History"

You will need: sheets of paper, markers. Two teams are recruited. Each team is given a sheet and markers and chooses a captain. Both captains leave or are blindfolded. the remaining team members are given half a minute to leave their “mark” on a piece of paper - make a fingerprint, sign, leave an imprint of lipstick, even a sole, anything, the main thing is that each participant takes part in this (except for the captains). After half a minute, the captains are given these “creations” and they must guess where the footprint of each member of their team is. For every mistake there is a penalty point. The team that scores fewer penalties wins.

As is known, the leading childhood. Years go by, kids grow up, turn into teenagers, young people, and then mature people. The game is gradually disappearing from their lives.

But why does even a gray-haired man become so animated when he decides to play tennis or chess with his grandson? Why does a respectable housewife, between cooking pancakes trying to answer questions on a television show, be so happy about the successful answer? Yes, because man was created for joy! In fact, each of us wants life to be interesting, and sometimes mysterious and entertaining.

And it is games that can bring a little childish spontaneity into the serious, stress-filled life of an adult. Best time for organizing games for adults (and children) - birthday. Are you preparing for an anniversary or want to modestly celebrate another date in a close circle? In addition to herring under a fur coat and aspic, try preparing another savory dish - quiz (or quizzes). Are there any guests coming to your birthday? So “feed” your “culinary masterpiece” to them!

The simplest quiz can consist of questions and answers on any topic close to you or your guests. For example, "Kitchen".

  1. Translated, this word means “salty,” although it can also have a sweet taste. (Sauce.)
  2. Salads first appeared in this country, and its inhabitants spoke the “language of doctors.” (Ancient Rome.)
  3. Many people experience insomnia at this time, but you still can’t pickle cucumbers and cabbage - they will become soft. (Full moon.)
  4. Which pig's meat was considered a delicacy by the Greeks in ancient times? (A pig that died from overeating.)

You can choose the questions for the birthday quiz yourself (labor-intensive, but creative work) or use ready-made ones published in different sources. The competition can be built on the principle of different mind games. For example, “Do you believe?”

For such a quiz (for a birthday this is quite suitable option) we need questions formulated in a special way. To begin, select any interesting or unusual facts, and then simply “design” the tasks according to the sample presented below. Let’s take the topic “Signs” as an example.

  1. Do you believe that strong wind promises excellent harvest nuts? (Yes.)
  2. Do you believe that the barking of dogs on Epiphany foretells a lot of game for hunters? (Yes.)
  3. Do you believe that in the minds of the people it is somehow connected with drunkenness? (Yes. February 29 is the name day of Kasyan, who, according to legend, was drunk on his name day for three years in a row, only calmed down on the fourth, which is why this day is celebrated once every 4 years.)
  4. Do you believe that it is connected with the arrival of magpies? (No, this is the day of remembrance of the 40 martyrs.)

Participants are given blank pieces of paper on which they must answer “yes” or “no.” And the presenter’s task is to comment on each answer at the end, explaining its correctness or incorrectness.

Well prepared funny quizzes on Choose questions about the birthday person: cities in which he visited, lived or studied; his hobbies; favorite foods, drinks, books and films. Offer your guests answer options, including one option that is correct and one or two that are funny.

  1. What was the name of the birthday boy's first love? (Tanya, Manya, Vanya, Vera Ivanovna.)
  2. Where was the hero of the day born? (In Ne, in Gorodnya, in Ogorodnya, in cabbage.)
  3. Favorite book of the birthday boy (“Othello”, “Tom Thumb”, “White Fang”, “Call and Come.”)

There are also time-honored humorous tasks for the participants.

  1. This belongs to the birthday person, but it is used more often by those around him. (Person's name.)
  2. When is the birthday person in a room without a head? (When I looked out the window.)

More difficult option- organize a real game for the holiday according to the rules of television shows. Of course, such entertainment requires serious preparation, but the result will exceed your expectations. You can come up with a lot of games for the holiday: “What? Where? When?”, “100 to one”, “Field of Miracles”, “Own game” and others. They are still based on the same principle of entertaining questions and answers. But even the simplest competitions - quizzes - add variety to the celebration. For the birthday of your husband (wife), friend or child, prepare a dozen simple tasks - and your holiday will become a little brighter.


To everyone celebrating their birthday! Today is declared the day of test riddles and mysterious tests. After passing a series of tests, you have the opportunity to receive souvenirs. Each player who answered correctly receives a card that must be kept. At the end of the holiday, whoever has as many cards as he can will receive as many souvenirs. (or commands)

1. The code word is encrypted in the secret script of the pirates. For a while. The first one wins.
Here is a piece of paper with the "Pirate Secret Book":

2. Solve puzzles against time. A total of 15 minutes is given.

Answers to children's puzzles:

Paris. Carpenter. Age
Austria. Magpie. Homeland
Point. Task. Showcase
Knitwear. Hare. Beans
Family. Fashion. Wall

3. Guess who scattered the letters (isograph drawing).

4. I believe it or not.
For each correct answer we put a + on whoever has the most + card.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2.Does Australia use disposable school boards? (No)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7.Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12.If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
13.Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15.Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17.Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18.Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19.Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20.Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
21.Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)
22.Is moose a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25. Does rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (No)
26. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)
27.A monkey is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29.Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31.Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets in the following way - puts its trunk in its mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? 36. (No, such a diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
37.The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
38. First place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995. borrowed high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

5.Ribbon competition

The presenter invites an equal number of boys and girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The presenter has as many ribbons in his fist as there are participants. The ends of the ribbons hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take hold of these ends; the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. On the count of “One, two, three,” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first couple to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon “tied” the pair with its ends. (They have cards).

6. CHAIN ​​OF WORDS - for a while - who has more

Let's name a word. At the same time, we begin to write a verbal chain in which each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example: table - spoon - watermelon - tooth...

The one who writes the most words in 3 minutes wins.

7. Intellectual (comic questions). 3 minutes (+) whoever has more and who answers faster and correctly wins +

1. Which note is needed for compote? (Salt)
2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach)
3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can have a piece of ice)
4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)
5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
6. What fabric should you use to make a shirt? (From the railway station)
7. Which wing never flies? (car fender)
8. Equilateral rectangle? (Square)
9. What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)
10. Paper bag? (Envelope)
11. Why do village children like to walk barefoot? (On the ground)
12. What happens to the crow when it turns 7 years old? (The eighth will go)
13. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
14. How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
15. Which clock shows the correct time twice a day? (Faulty)

8. DISCOVERER for speed and more

First, the competition participants are asked to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw little figures of people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

9. Compose the correct poem command speed and correctness


10 Who else can you see?

11. “Pass the orange” 5 minutes
This is a very famous game. For those who haven’t played, try it, it’s very interesting!
The guys line up and pass an orange or an apple, not with their hands, but with their chins. Whoever drops the orange is out, and the game starts over. And so on until there is only one winner left.

12 Bilboke up to 5 points, once - and pass it around. Whoever scores 5 points first wins.

Several people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. For this - one point. They catch the ball one at a time until they miss. The one who misses passes the ball to the next player. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

14 Each table is given an envelope in which a beautiful card is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer). 10 minutes


Under the dictation of the presenter, we write in a column:

The player fills out the task

Title of a literary work
Poetic line

After this, the presenter names a letter (let’s say m), and each player must write the writer’s surname, the name of the city, etc. next to it. with the letter m. The one who completes it first wins.


This game is played by two or two teams. Each player (or team) writes ten words of five letters on a piece of paper, but not the whole word, but only its three middle letters. After this, the players exchange pieces of paper and everyone must add a letter to the left and to the right, so that they get a word.

For example: -tva- decoction, -ate- kater. The one who manages it first wins.


In this game, one of you will take on the role of leader. The presenter writes 20 words on a piece of paper in advance - singular common nouns in the nominative case. Let him prepare two or three of these twenty: experience shows that they will like this game and will want to repeat it, especially since the first round will be like a test.
When the game time comes, the presenter will give everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pencil and say something like this: “Draw the sheet into twenty cells. I have a list of twenty words. I will name the first word and count to three. During this time, you must be in the first cell, make a drawing symbolizing the concept contained in this word.
The game is that based on your drawings you will then have to, when you fill in all 20 cells, reproduce the very words that these drawings mean. It is clear that a quick reaction is needed here: in three seconds, find and capture some characteristic detail. So, if the word hare is named, it is enough to draw two long ears; a few stripes will tell you that I named the tiger. When all the cells are filled with drawings, write captions for them. Whoever can reproduce the most words is the winner."
As players become more comfortable with the game, you need to introduce them to more difficult tins to graphically depict.

For example: laziness, health, braggart.

The most interesting thing in this game is looking at the drawings of other players.

18.Number of players: any. Optional: ribbon, ring

Thread a ribbon into the ring and tie the ends. Participants in the game stand in a circle and pick up a circular ribbon with a ring so that it is inside. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes.
Participants begin passing the ring along the ribbon. On command, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess whose hand the ring is in. If you didn't guess correctly - a penalty point. At this time, the players imitate passing the ring, all at once. The participant whose ring was found stands in the center and the game continues again. At the end the results are summed up.
The driver with the fewest penalty points wins.

"We all sang songs"
The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

- a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
- a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);
- a song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);
- a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”)
- a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
- a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);
- a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

20. Competition "The Big Picture"

Teams participate in the competition. For the competition you will need whatman paper, there should be as many of them as there are teams. You also need to prepare markers (one marker per participant). Teams stand along one line, at a distance of 3-4 meters from it there is a Whatman paper on the table, each team has its own table. Each participant is given one felt-tip pen, everyone has a different color. At the presenter’s signal, the first participants run to the Whatman paper and within 30 seconds begin to draw a picture. When 30 seconds have passed, the presenter says change, and the players change, the second participant runs. Thus, all participants take turns drawing a picture. The team with the most beautiful picture wins.

21. Game "Smile of the Cheshire Cat"

This game is similar to the famous games "What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring". The name of the game was given due to its resemblance to the Cheshire Cat, which disappeared in parts. The game involves two teams with the same number of players. Each team is asked one question. If the players answer correctly, then one of them leaves the game (“disappears”), if the team cannot answer, the turn passes to the other team. The winner is the team that was the first to “disappear” completely. The winning team can be given small toy cats as a prize.

22. Competition "Attentiveness will not hurt"

Up to 20 people can participate in the competition. Participants must complete the leader’s tasks in reverse. For example, if the presenter says that you need to raise your hands, you need to lower them. The participant who does what the leader says, and not the opposite action, is eliminated. Thus, the number of participants is gradually decreasing. The most attentive participant remains. Examples of presenter tasks: raise your arms, jump, lean to the left, sit down, raise your left arm, cross your arms, raise your head, bend forward. The number and options of tasks are selected individually.

23. Competition "Trace in History"

You will need: sheets of paper, markers. Two teams are recruited. Each team is given a sheet and markers and chooses a captain. Both captains leave or are blindfolded. the remaining team members are given half a minute to leave their “mark” on a piece of paper - make a fingerprint, sign, leave an imprint of lipstick, even a sole, anything, the main thing is that each participant takes part in this (except for the captains). After half a minute, the captains are given these “creations” and they must guess where the footprint of each member of their team is. For every mistake there is a penalty point. The team that scores fewer penalties wins.

Children's quiz script, games and competitions, questions and answers for children

1: Birds of our region

1.Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)
2. Why do rooks arrive first in spring? (The first thawed patch is enough for the rooks to reach food - larvae - with their beaks.)
3. Which bird's chicks incubate their eggs? (Northern snowy owl. Owls hatch at different times.)
4. Which bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)
5. Why does the crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there is a lot spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring.)
6. Who plants trees with their nose? (Kedrovka - pine nuts, jay - acorns.)
7. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers? (Birch with its sap.)
8. Which bird has the largest family? (The gray partridge has 26 - 28 chicks.)
9. Which one migratory flock does it promise snow? (A flock of migrating geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days.)
10. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)
11. Which bird can tease? (Parrot.)
12. Which bird is proud of its multi-colored tail? (Peacock.)
13. What bird flies with “glasses” on its nose? (Owl.)

2: Smart guys and smart girls

The teacher asks the student a question, and within a certain time (1 minute for example) he must give the correct answer. The guys who quickly and correctly answer the questions receive the honorary title of "Clever" or "Clever",...

1. “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely...”. - To whom from fairy tale characters belongs so much wise saying? (Winnie the Pooh)
2. What was the name of the little wooden man who really didn’t want to study and even sold his “ABC” for a few gold pieces? (Pinocchio)
3. What was the name of the cheerful, fat man with a propeller on his back who loved Jam Days and adventures? (Carlson)
4. Name musical instrument, in which Papa Carlo. (Hurdy organ)
5. What was the name of the tiny boy from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (Boy-Thumb)
6. What is the middle of spring? (April)
7. The old woman received this title from the goldfish after purchasing the hut. (Noblewoman)

3:Forest Dwellers

Students are asked a series of questions that they must answer. The best experts receive a "prize".

1. Who hibernates in winter? (Bear)
2. The fairy tale "... Tsekatukha." (Fly)
3. Small, gray, cat treat. (Mouse)
4. Green, small, inhabitant of the pond. (Toad)
5. Red-haired, cunning and lives in the forest. (Fox)
6. Gray coward. (Hare)
7. Groom chicken. (Rooster) .

4: Country "Guess It"

This quiz is designed to be administered to junior (1-2) grades at the beginning of the academic code.

1. What is the name of the smallest girl in the fairy tale? (Thumbelina)
2. What time of year is it now? (Autumn)
3. What falls from the trees in the fall? (Leaves)
4. Where do the children go to study every morning? (To school)
5. What falls in winter? (Snow)
6. Complete the song: “May there always be sun, may there always be...” (Sky)
7. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)
8. Which animal in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” broke the egg? (Mouse)
9. What color is the snow? (White)

5: ABC of roads

1. A police unit that keeps order traffic. (traffic police)
2. The place where the roads intersect. (Crossroads)
3. What is a road trip called? (Drive)
4. The person who drives the car. (Driver)
5. A person who rides in a place with a driver in a vehicle. (Passenger)

6: Journey through fairy tales

1. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (Hans Christian Andersen)
2. In which fairy tale is the fox not red, but blue? (Painted fox)
3. Which fairy tale heroine could fit in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
4. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
5. What was Pinocchio made from? (Log).

7: Travel and discovery

This quiz is designed for high school students.


1. Which of the following people is the inventor of scuba gear:
- captain Nemo
- Krusernshtern
- Jacques Cousteau
Answer: Jacques Cousteau

2. In boxing, judges are called:
- referee
- breakers
- ringers
Answer: referee

3. What was the name in Rus' for money in denominations of 15 rubles made of silver?
- pound
- imperial
- incom
Answer: imperial

4. Which of these words was stated by Kai in the fairy tale “ The Snow Queen»?
- snowflake
- eternity
- warmth
Answer: eternity

5. Why did Arab travelers, going to distant countries in a caravan, move through the desert at night?
- to navigate by the stars
- to avoid meeting with robbers
- because it’s cooler at night
Answer: to navigate by the stars

6. Which of these goods were usually transported along the Silk Road?
- wood, cotton, iron
- shoes, socks, slippers
- porcelain, jade, spices
Answer: porcelain, jade, spices

7. Which European was the first to reach Australia?
- Captain Cook
- Dirk Hartoch
- Abel Tasman.
Answer: Captain Cook

8. What disease can be prevented by eating lemons?
- scabies
- rabies
- scurvy
Answer: scurvy

9. What is the climate on Mars?
- very hot
- very cold
- about the same as on Earth
Answer: very cold

10. What are the names of huge pieces of moving ice?
- hummocks
- ice fields
- wormwood
Answer: ice fields

8:The world around us

The teacher asks the children questions that were previously written, and they must answer them within a minute.
1. What time is it year goes by for the summer? (Autumn)
2. Which tree has the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
3. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest)
4. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear)
5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)
6. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (Mole)
7. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch)
8. Which flower has thorns? (Rose)

9: Red summer sang

1. When are the longest school holidays? (In summer)
2. Do they swim in the sea in winter or summer? (In summer)
3. Is it warm or cold in summer? (Warm)
4. At what time of year are the days longer than the nights? (In summer)
5. When do hares change the color of their fur? (In summer)
6. When is the sun warmest? (In summer)

10: Gate of Discovery

1. ... currants. (Bush)
2. Red flower. (Poppy)
3. They wash in it. (pelvis)
4. Disco for princes and princesses. (Ball)
5. What did the swan, crayfish and pike share? (WHO)
6. Scratch. (Cat)
7. Where do the actors work? (Theater)
8. They write on the board. (Chalk)
9. "Aw!" (Call)
10. Tall structure. (Tower)
11. Kings live in it. (Lock)

What else to read