Status about what people are saying. Statuses about good people

This collection includes Statuses about rotten people, so let's start our list with - Money excites the greedy, not satiates. Publius

There are moments when, having done something, you realize that you can’t go back. This is called the point of no return.

Short statements are the brilliance of the mind...

Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere Albert Einstein

The most harmful rodent - computer mouse. It is she who eats up the lion's share of our time.

And our boss affectionately calls our couriers top-top managers...

Before going to bed, the question haunts me - for whom were one-and-a-half beds invented and what does this one-and-a-half person look like?

Oh, the bananas are blooming in the field by the stream, I fell in love with the young black man. I fell in love with a black man, unfortunately, I’m afraid of him during the day, I can’t find him at night.

First, don't do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit society. Marcus Aurelius

Life in itself is neither good nor evil: it is a container of both good and evil, depending on what you yourself have turned it into. Michel de

Different views of the world - some enjoy the rain, while others simply get wet under it

If you put a hundred chickens in one room, they will cluck in friendship and harmony. Plant two roosters and they will gnaw each other. You can't go against nature

A person needs free labor in itself, for the development and maintenance of his sense of human dignity.

All girls dream of their sunshine, but there are only light bulbs all around

If you want to have friends, don't be vindictive. Kay-Kavus

If you bet on a horse, it's gambling. If you bet on drawing three spades from a deck, that's entertainment. If you bet on it. that wool will rise by three points is business. Do you understand the difference? William Sherrod

The greatest treasure is a good library. Belinsky V. G.

Male sign: if you start combing your hair in the morning, it’s time to get a haircut.

Business, like a car, only goes downhill.

I don’t go anywhere without my diary. You should always have something exciting to read on the train. Oscar Wilde

Take action! Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Pablo Picasso

Rush to your friends in misfortune rather than in happiness. Chilon

A girl must love someone, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

A chatty person is a printed letter that everyone can read. Pierre Buast

This is the fate of a friend: to rejoice when another ends her unmarried life, even if this promises you loneliness.

Victory comes only after many heavy defeats.

It is a sign of intelligence to prevent an offense; not to respond to an offense is a sign of insensitivity. Democritus

Experience is what allows a person to make new mistakes to replace old ones.

In general, it doesn't matter where you live. More or less amenities is not the point. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on.

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth. Helvetius K.

Tomorrow is the first blank page of the book, 65 pages. Write good book. Brad Paisley

You need to eat in order to live, not live in order to eat. Socrates

No one can understand what it is true love, until he has been married for a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Why do you try so hard to fit in if you were born to stand out? What does a girl want

My stomach asks for food, My appetite dances in it, The hungry wind whistles in it, And my intestines rustle

If you want people to say good things about you, don’t say good things about yourself. Pascal Blaise

The vine bears three grapes: the grape of pleasure, the grape of intoxication and the grape of disgust. Anacharsis

Don’t make fun of old age - after all, you are heading towards it. Menander

If you are fat, then don't eat. If you are weak-willed and fat, then eat and cry.

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants. Franklin B.

Doesn't your conscience bother you? - She's in trouble.

Business is often something like killing your beloved children so that your other children can succeed. John Harvey Jones

He who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light.

Friendship is based on mutual benefit, on community of interests; but as soon as interests collide, friendship is dissolved: look for it in the clouds. Arthur Schopenhauer

Only small people always weighing what should be respected and what should be loved. A man of truly great soul, without hesitation, loves everything that is worthy of respect. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. La Rochefoucauld

Don't say that you work, show that you have earned money.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.

The work we do willingly heals pain. Shakespeare W.

It seems like today is Wednesday, but I want to kill everyone like it’s Monday.

Money is just a point of view. How can you become rich if you think that 200 thousand dollars is a lot of money.

Where the deed speaks for itself, there is no need for words. Cicero

If you want to succeed, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness and indecisiveness. Confucius

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence. Rudyard Kipling

Faith is not the beginning, but the end of all wisdom. Goethe I

Well, the extreme conclusion in this list is Statuses about rotten people - In thunderstorms, in storms, in everyday shame, in the event of heavy losses and when you are sad, appearing smiling and simple is the highest art in the world. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

In fact, people are more moral than their speculative conclusions, and more immoral than their ideas about themselves. Z. Freud

The dream of good people is to have a lot of money, the dream of bad people is to have countless amounts. Georgy Alexandrov

Let's remain human until science finds out who we really are.

There are all sorts of people: good and different. Unfortunately, the latter prevail. Yuri Tatarkin

Best status:
Observation is characteristic of good and smart person, thanks to her ability, he notices human kindness. Pascal Blaise

“If people were guided only by selfish motives and thought only about the success of their undertakings, there would be no innovations and no undertakings” - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

You cannot change a person to your own standards; you need to be able to perceive him as he is. Dina Dean

Have you noticed that people around you communicate using quotes from Contact?

I look at people and see clearly - dogs are better... Unknown (From various)

Sometimes a man forgets himself and says unnecessary things about himself. He said it and forgot, but the woman remembers.

For an ordinary person, all people look the same.

Every friend has a person about whom one can say: “simply good,” and even one cannot remove one’s hand from one’s friends.

Take care of your relationships now, so as not to re-read the correspondence later and ask yourself “how did this happen?”...

Never forgive cheating. Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for the best. Those who seek the best will never appreciate what they have.

Your rich spiritual inner world absolutely not interesting to the person who planned to fuck you...

There are no irreplaceables! – I learned this lesson well.

Take care of each other! Now is the time that it is very difficult to find something truly worthwhile, real! And because of our stupid pride, at the slightest mistake, we immediately give up our happiness.

Heinrich Heine

How magnificent a person is if he is a real person! – Menander

A person must be assessed not only by his deeds, but also by his aspirations.

It’s easy to distinguish a decent girl from a dishonest one: a decent girl knows that the word “neurotic” is spelled together.

If you solve your problems, new ones will replace them. The old ones are more dear, so I leave everything as it is. I'm a conservative, not a lazy ass.

It's better to stay a pleasant memory than being an annoying presence.

I just want to ask... have you ever loved me? Have you been sincere with me at least once? I want to ask, but I don’t want to hear the answer...

All handsome guys come to me when I look bad. - Where do you meet so many handsome guys every day?

A romantic man will say something nice to a woman in the morning, and an experienced man will also do it.

The more primitive a person is, the higher his opinion of himself. (Remarque)

Don't judge someone without knowing the person's past.

There are no invisible people, only unnoticed ones. – Valery Afonchenko

What you fear comes to you.

May God give you back doubly everything that you wish for me.

People are different: some are quick to grasp, others are quick to grasp. – Sergey Skotnikov

By nature, people are close to each other; According to their habits, people are far from each other. – Confucius

And what God created is subject to corruption. For example, people. – Valentin Domil

The happiest person is the one who depends only on himself...

Money is the spiritual essence of all current society.

The masses can be lonely too. (someone, I don’t remember who)

When will man conquer the interhuman space? – Lec S.E.

Man is the whole world; if only the basic impulse in him were noble. – Dostoevsky F. M.

Don’t lose the worthy... For the sake of the affordable...

“A man perishes, the work remains” (Lucretius)

It's fucked up when you keep other people's secrets, listen to your friends' snot, help your loved ones... and at that moment when you yourself feel bad, you sit alone, listen to music and don't even know who to talk to.

We are all hostages of our own personality, living in our own prison...

Noble people remember everything, prudent people forget nothing. – Don Aminado

Not everyone who goes public manages to remain human. – Valentin Domil

Most rare species friendship is friendship with your own head.

I am confident in myself because I know that they love me.

People are messengers of justice and love, so we are obliged to condemn any manifestation of injustice. – Verna Dozier

I prefer to do what I love in my life. And not what is fashionable, prestigious or expected.

There was not one, there were several, different girls - beautiful, empty, pouty, angry, depressed, selfish... they were just waiting for other princes.

Some are people not in essence, but only in name. – Cicero

He who knows how to wait will achieve a lot!)

“Time heals”, no! time erases people from our past)…

Blaise Pascal

Sometimes it’s easier to say “thank you” and “goodbye” instead of “let’s remain friends.”

I hate it when they first give hope and then pretend that nothing happened at all...

Tears are an indication that you may be feeling...

When they hit a frock coat, the blows also fall on the person wearing the frock coat.

If you think I'm impudent and arrogant, draw conclusions about yourself. I always smile at normal people.

All people are the same in their uniqueness. – Olga Muravyova

Write to me what you can't say out loud.

In a man, appearance is not the most important thing. The main thing is that a man remains a man.

And people are useful - they free you from boredom. – Vadim Mozgovoy

We are human beings, and our destiny is to learn and be drawn into imperceptible new worlds. – Carlos Castaneda

That which does not serve others dies. – Elbert G. Hubbard

People love people, not least those who have each other specific person The relationship still doesn’t want to work out. – Evgeny Bagashov

Don't go back to people who betrayed you. They don't change.

...if you wait until tomorrow, you're already late...

The world has deteriorated so much that when a pure, sincere person is in front of you, you look for a catch in it...

Noble people spend their money wasting time. – Necker Suzanne

It happens that you want to say something important, and you think, I’ll wait... and then you realize that, probably, you don’t need to say anything anymore... every word and feeling has its time...

cheap, flat humor (well said)

All people are equally poor. It’s just that the rich have a cheaper ruble. – Unknown (Humor)

Eh, if only someone could make me fall in love with him...

A person is a creature that gets used to everything, and I think this is the best definition of a person. – Dostoevsky F. M.

Man is simply a short-lived vessel for digesting food; he wants to enjoy life, but death awaits him. – Aldington R.

To be a good person means not only not to do injustice, but also not to desire it. – Democritus

- My mirror, answer me, I’m beautiful, aren’t I? - You are beautiful - in response to her - It’s a pity there are no boobs!

Met bad man, move away - don’t ruin your life! Met good man, move away – don’t ruin his life!

There are many nice people, but few useful ones. – Igor Karpov

People become tools of their tools. Henry David Thoreau

Each person individually is mortal, but in their totality people are eternal. Apuleius

Man is the greatest beast in the world.

A sane person should beware of hostility and bitterness. – Plutarch

I probably got a little carried away calling some people family.

I feel like the letter “X”, but it’s not good.

A capable person is capable of anything. – Nikolay Sudenko

... life is amazingly organized - I am absolutely grateful to you stranger just for your existence and your smile, and those like you simple words Often the one who loves cannot say.

More energy should be devoted to shaping one's personality than to convincing others.

Nothing is ever absolutely true.

“If contrary opinions are not expressed, then there is nothing to choose the best from” (Herodotus)

Every day we are surrounded by a huge number of people: at school and work, during leisure and, of course, at home. What can you say about people? They have different characters, completely different from each other. It is safe to say that no two personalities or characters are the same. But how do we choose those who are suitable for us among this huge stream? The fact is that there are people who are compatible and vice versa. This is often said in statuses with meaning about people - people have different characters, and this is something familiar and ordinary in our lives.

Statuses about people can tell a lot. In fact, they will become real teachers and mentors for some people. In situations where you absolutely don’t know what to do, it’s statements like these that will help you figure it out, sort it out and find answers to much-needed questions. After all, people will not always please us with their behavior; in life, there are all sorts of situations. Just don’t rush to conclusions, but ask your family and friends for advice, or just read meaningful statuses about people. They will tell you what to do in this or that life's vicissitudes and give practical advice.

Statuses about good people

In fact, every person needs to go through many life lessons in order to understand all the subtleties of communicating with people and remember one important thing– people can hardly always do what we like. Therefore, if a person is dear to you, just accept him as he is, with flaws and merits, but do not try to correct him. All people are different, and we can’t like everyone, just like the people around us. This is the law of life, which must be remembered always and everywhere. By reading statuses about people, you will understand this much faster, and life will become easier and more enjoyable. And find the most interesting and funny statuses about people you will find on our portal.

I never cease to be amazed how many people in our country live in someone else’s mind!

You should not trust people who often wear glasses with tinted lenses.

Some people are so beautiful on the outside that you just want to kiss them... And when you listen to them, you just want to puke and run away...

Some people, like birches, bend and bend all their lives, but never break. And others, powerful and slender, like oak trees, stand straight all their lives, do not bend and bend under pressure, and then - boom! And - they broke, and they are not there.

You rarely see some people, but you quickly forget them.

There is nothing stupider than giving up and admitting defeat.

Why do people swear?! Are they really so lazy that they can’t expand their vocabulary by at least a couple of words?

Why do people who know the least know it loudest?!

Some people get smarter over the years, while others just get old.

Very often a person's weakness is his real, hidden strength.

A parody of a person does not have to be funny if the person himself is serious.

A pessimist is a person who looks at milk banks and jelly rivers and sees in them only calories and cholesterol.

Putting your hand on your heart and speaking with a clear conscience, 80% of people are born due to chance.

Progress is driven by the laziest of the laziest people in the world, looking for yet another way to make this universe as simple as possible.

Anyone can solve easy problems.

Two-faced people are so difficult to communicate with. It’s much easier to simply erase them from your life.

The most happy people don't care about everything in the world. They simply learn to make the best out of everything and notice only the good in everything. Love generously! Care from the heart! Speak softly! And leave everything else to the discretion of the Lord God.

There are three types of people: those who can count and those who cannot count.

Only stupid people do only smart things.

Only fools believe in random chance and luck.

Only weaklings are afraid of problems. Strong personalities they solve them and make fortunes from them.

Only those who are not in a hurry manage to snatch the most important thing from the bustle of life and win.

A smart person often has to play dumb. To prove that he is smart.

A smart person sees a lot, speaks little and hears everything perfectly.

Success successful people is that they never give up and always keep moving forward.

A person who provokes others to say “Weak?” is usually a weakling himself.

The crazier the leader, the easier it is for followers to believe him.

The less often a person makes mistakes, the less experience he has.

In order for other people to help you, you need to learn how to ask for help correctly.

This world is full of wonderful, diverse individuals who we should accept for who they are... even if most of them are complete idiots.

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In life you cannot have many friends; there is only one real one. Everyone else is friends, acquaintances, just people surrounding you in certain moment time and those nearby.

The world cannot be divided into good and bad people. In any person, no matter what he is, there are two sides, one of them is light, the other is dark. It matters where you end up, on which side...

Why does everyone forget the good things so quickly? – Because happiness does not leave scars on the soul...

Deep down, very deeply, I have a good attitude towards people... But I would be incredibly glad for some individuals to die...

Best status:
Who said that I should treat people well who are not of interest to me, just a face on my avatar, and pretend that I am pleased?

A naive fool... He still believes in the good in people, getting disappointed and getting into trouble, he says, enough is enough! And again he continues to believe...

Good people have one bad trait- they leave.

The world can change good man, the question is - in which direction?

It can be good with a bad person….It can be bad with a good person…That’s why I’m with you… :)

There are no bad and good people. All people are divided into friends and strangers. They forgive even bad things to their own people. But they don’t forgive strangers even good things. (c)

Kindness is within us!

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain

Kindness gives a person strength if life is difficult for him.

What I want to say is that every person is looking for someone with whom he feels good and comfortable. And then it doesn’t matter what your hair color is, your height... What’s important is something completely different, what matters is what place you occupy in this person’s life!!

We say: “Nobody needs (needs) me” when in reality one and only person does not need us. We say: “I can handle it” when we are embarrassed to ask for help. We say: “You are a good friend” when we forget to add : “...but you can’t become something more for me”

Damn, why isn’t there “I DON’T like it” - why is there only kindness around?!

Believe me, every person has kindness. For some it can be seen with the naked eye, while for others it is hidden under problems, grievances... It takes strength to find it...

Nothing frightens a person more than sudden kindness.

Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler and less troublesome. Mark Twain

They say when you love a person you want the best for him, even if he is with another girl. [okay, let him be happy with someone worse than me]]]

All people are alike.. It’s just that women are more synthetic from the psychological side.. they seem to wait, count hours, minutes, seconds.. but a guy won’t wait.. he’ll go drink beer, have a good rest with friends, while we're killing ourselves

Today I am kindness itself, I won’t kill anyone today ^_^

I want to take a BANAL PERSON by his big head, which is filled with banal and paranoid thoughts, and shake it until all those minutes that I so mediocrely spent on him, answering boring dull questions like HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, friends, let’s not be so banal and take the initiative in the direction of eloquence.. GOOD? :)))

A person who tries to laugh with sadness and seem happy looks funny. And don’t lie that everything is fine, even though you laugh, your eyes are sad. (Friend)

Kindness in words creates trust. Kindness in thoughts improves relationships. Kindness in actions gives birth to love.

Don't be afraid to be good.

We never miss a person. Remember NEVER!!! we miss the fairy tale and the feelings it gave us. for those moments when we felt good. we are all selfish...

depression...I try to help two, well, at most three people who are just friends for me...and those whom I call “the best” simply asked, what is it? and in response, mm((((......and you’re waiting for them to write that everything will be fine...but they are silent, and their status is entertaining...and you sit and quietly wipe the droplets of tears from the table....

God created heaven and earth and said: “Let there be light!” And so it became. He separated the light from the darkness and saw that it was good. And God said: “Let the waters gather and dry land appear!” And so it became. He created people in his own image and likeness and gave them... THE INTERNET!

good, kind person you need to be, not seem. Ali Absheroni

Sometimes God wants us to meet a few bad people, before we meet a good person, so that ultimately, when we meet a good person, we understand what a great gift he is for us...

And don’t think that your kindness is in courage and strength: if you can rise above anger, forgive and love the one who offended you, then you will do the best that you could do to a person...

I’m a very contradictory person.. I wanted to meet a good guy... I met.. and after just a few days of dating I really wanted to teach him something bad 😉

Kindness cannot be given away forever; it always comes back.

Don’t be afraid to say what you feel for a person... If it’s mutual, you’ll be together, if you’re a good friend to him/her, then you’ll remain friends, and if he sends you away, then it’s another fuck-up in your life. don't waste your time on it...?

It is impossible to be good to everyone... And if a person has enemies, then he is really worth something

Loneliness is on your heels. I’m sure that everyone has had such moments when during the day you feel complete communication and it would seem that everything is okay! And good people surround you! But you come home in the evening, alone, and start flipping through pictures in your head .And you understand that this is superficial, but your soul remains untouched. That we live with superficial feelings of joy. But we do not feel the depth.

I don’t even believe in my own kindness. But I believe that other people are kind. So it’s somehow more peaceful to live.

Maybe, he thought, such things as bad or good friends, simply does not exist, and friends are always just friends - those people who stand next to you shoulder to shoulder in difficult times and are ready to help you. Probably, they are always worth worrying about and living for, maybe even dying for them, if necessary. Not good friends. And not bad friends. Just those people whom you want to see, who occupy a place in your heart.

I don’t see anything abnormal about being alone. I feel good alone. People greatly exaggerate the importance of their love. It’s not always that important. The same applies to life...

I am tormented by the question of the value of people, including me...Can I be worth a lot? After all, there are a lot of people in the world...And how much will I give myself...mmm 5 rubles for blue glass eyes, 10 for laughter, another five for mine hair, 100 because I’m alive, and 50 because I’m not alone... Total 170 rubles... Not that much... but with this money I can buy myself my favorite white rose, which smells like summer. .Great

If a person feels bad, then he puts an ellipsis... if a person feels good, then he puts a smiley face 🙂, and if a person hides tears behind a smile, then...)))

Only one person out of five drives a car well, and he always sits next to the driver

a strong person is not the one for whom everything is bad, but the one for whom everything is good no matter what

If the day is bad, it only ends faster. Wake up. Smile. And forward to the people. Because everything will happen. Everything will be fine.

For all your talents, you still have one significant drawback. You are a good person. This is unacceptable.(c)

All the good people died. Innocence is no longer in fashion.

Kindness will always prevail over beauty. Heinrich Heine

Kindness is omnipotent, let's be kinder)

Today I am kindness itself: “P

Often people say “God, why am I doing all this” and think why he doesn’t give them any signs, is silent... He just doesn’t understand why we are killing ourselves... everything is fine...

the person reading these lines now, smile, everything is fine with you =)

It's time for all the good people to get together, bring all the bad people to their knees and brutally kill them!!

You can find something good in even the worst person if you search him carefully

You can resist anything, but not kindness. J.-J. Rousseau

Every person should have a place in their soul for the so-called cemetery of loved ones. A person leaves your life, and you no longer remember him in any way: neither bad nor good. He's dead.

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together. O. Meredith

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him. Marlene Dietrich

Come to me and buy something for tea. -Okay, I'm with the roll! -How is this?! What about in winter?! People can't shit only in the summer!!!

If a person is good, it doesn’t matter what color his Maybach is...

There must be many good people. It turns out I'm so fucking bad.

An acquaintance is a person whom we know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend to him.

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. L.N. Tolstoy

New Year is good, but birthday is better. You can meet new people and celebrate it every month =)

Laughter and smile are the door through which all human kindness enters us.

People often don’t notice all the good things that happen to them. But when bad things happen, people understand... how good it was for them... THEN....

Kindness was a word that could be found in dictionaries, but rarely in human souls.

Only good people play the guitar... No, just think, why does anyone else need it?

Pop music is when bad person ok, the Blues is when a good person feels bad...

He is very kind... I have seen so many smart, cool, business-minded people... But it doesn’t matter if there is no kindness.

And you simply appreciate those people who are next to you. When you feel good and when you feel bad, when you are happy and when you are sad. Always, in all moments of your life.

I saw there earlier, statuses in which they speak badly about Kirill... people, you yourself are insignificant if you don’t understand that the guy is just trying to find even the slightest thread to be close to his girl!!! Better support the boy...KIRYUKHA YOU ARE WELL DONE, but those who are not able to understand WHAT LOVE IS are the ones who are nagging!!! you will be fine)))

Don't love anyone and everyone will like you. Tell the whole world to hell, and they will admire you. People don't appreciate a good attitude.....

Why so much hatred and anger in people? And where did kindness and understanding go?

Why, if a person good mood everyone thinks that he is either stoned or has gone crazy?!

I believe that the real religion is the Good Heart.

It is unlikely that anyone falls in love with a woman just because she is kind - otherwise Mother Teresa would have to disperse her admirers with a stick.

Sometimes it's so terribly good to know a person... he promised to call. You sit on the phone and wait for his call, knowing that he won’t call...

It’s good when people have some common jokes that are quite difficult to explain to an outsider.

When the life of some very good person suddenly ends, for some reason you begin to understand that a problem like “I had a fight with a guy” is not a problem at all..

It’s bad to be friends with the opposite sex; you start to get used to communicating with them and lose contact with your own kind. One person told me: “Naska, you are a great friend, but I wouldn’t dare to be your other half.” You know too much about us!” that's how it happens)

It doesn’t matter what Lexus, the main thing is the person is good!!!

And only my grandmother knows how to put a man from heaven on earth: - Everything is so good, my happiness has lasted for so long, everything is so smooth... - Granddaughter, this is the calm before the storm!

Kindness is not allowing people around you to be assholes. N. Kuznetsova

A person's vision is very selective - he sees his misfortune well and his guilt poorly. But as soon as he looks at others, it’s the other way around.

Our team is good... but the people are crap!

Sometimes, we simply don’t notice those people who are always there and ready to give us a lot of smiles and love. They want to be with us despite our actions and appearance. But we put spokes in our own wheels. We look at completely others, to whom we are parallel... But when the time comes to change something, it’s too late. Those good people leave your life, and then you begin to truly love them .

Many people try to live the lives of other people. Their thoughts are other people's opinions, their lives are mimicry, their passion is quotes. The ability to quote well hides the absence own ideas. (c) Kurt Cobain

It doesn’t matter what they say about your friends: if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around – regardless of age or social status.

I once said that people don’t change. However, people change. Someone lives alone because they sacrificed their personal happiness for the sake of their child. Every day someone promises to quit smoking the very next day, but again they don’t do it. From black to white, from bright colors to greyness...There is everything: a little good, a little bad...

When people write to you on ICQ and put a parenthesis or an emoticon at the end of a sentence - don’t be afraid, everything is fine) When people put an exclamation point, question mark or ellipsis at the end of a sentence - don’t be afraid, everything is fine... When people put a period - don’t be afraid, everything is fine .But if people don’t put anything at the end of the sentence... - FEAR, they don’t care about you

Fate plays with a person like in Tetris, twists and turns him only to eventually insert him well.

I don’t need people who will say “everything is fine!”, I need those who will say “everything sucks, but I’m with you!”

She walks along a cold street, but does not feel that she is cold. She doesn’t cry, doesn’t think about how much she’s earned, she’s in a kind of mental numbness - I think it’s called “in a trance.” There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.

What else to read