Dream interpretation of swimming in the sea at night. Dreaming that you are swimming in a warm sea

Among the southern and western Slavs, Mora is a demon who strangles and torments a sleeping person, falling on his chest at night.

Poles and Kashubians believe that if six or seven daughters are born in a row in a family, the last one becomes Mora.

According to Czech beliefs, children born with teeth become Mora, and according to Serbian and Croatian beliefs, children born with a “shirt”, usually bloody or blue, become Mora.

The Serbs believe that Mora is a girl born in a bloody shirt, which the midwife burned in a fire.

Serbs and Croats also believe that Mora is the daughter of a Veštica, and also that Moras are children conceived by a woman on a holiday or during her period.

According to Polish beliefs, the girl who produces Mora has two souls - good and evil, while the evil soul flies out of the body of the sleeping Mora and harms people, but Mora herself does not suspect anything.

Mora's demonic properties manifest themselves at night, and the rest of the time she is no different from those around her.

Western Slavs believe that the Moras strangle people against their will when their time comes.

According to Bulgarian and Polish beliefs, Moras are the souls of people who died without confession, were buried in violation of the funeral ritual, as well as children of unbaptized or incorrectly baptized infants.

Poles, Czechs and Lusatians also have beliefs about Moras - men.

The Poles believe that Mora is invisible or looks like a vaguely visible human shadow, she has a transparent body, she is thin, bony, and has abnormally long legs, arms, and nails.

According to Serbian beliefs, Mora can take the form of a moth or mosquito, as well as animals associated with the other world: bat, cat, mouse.

Mora climbs onto the chest of a sleeping person, crushes and tortures him, drinks his blood, and sucks milk from women's breasts.

According to some beliefs, there are several varieties of Pestilence: one sucks and strangles people, another sucks the sap of trees, the third sucks vegetables and weeds.

Mora's victim turns pale, withers and soon dies.

Mora can enter a room through any, even the smallest, opening, including a keyhole.

Poles and Kashubians believe that Mora moves in a sieve, on a broom, a wheel from a wheelbarrow, a reel, a spinning wheel (cf.

Spinning wheel) or in a cart with one wheel.

As amulets against Mora, a knife, a needle stuck into clothing, an ax or other iron object, garlic, a belt placed on top of a blanket, bread, and a mirror are used.

To stop visiting Mora, you need to recognize her.

To do this, the person whom Mora is strangling must tell her: “Come in the morning, I will give you bread and salt.”

The first woman to come in the morning will be Mora.

She needs to give what she promised, after which she will no longer come to this house.

You can get rid of Mora by catching the animal she turned into and crippling it.

A newborn with teeth was given a piece of wood in his mouth so that the child’s harmfulness would be transferred to it.

Mora comes from double-minded people.

The Polish pestilence is strangling sleeping people.

The Croats baptized Mora with a fig three times, after spitting on it, which was tormenting the child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the ancient Slavs

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The sea is a symbol of change, creative upsurge. The interpretation of a dream will differ radically depending on many of its details. Let's see why such dreams occur in various dream books.

French interpreter

The French dream book calls dreams about the sea very favorable, promising harmony, health and prosperity to the dreamer. If you swam in too calm or too stormy, with huge waves water, expect great challenges from life. If you were swimming in a slightly rough sea in a dream, everything in your life will soon begin to improve and you will be able to solve old problems. An excellent sign this dream book is a dream in which you fell into a pond. It promises recovery for a sick person, and health for many years for a healthy person.

The dream book for the whole family also contains information about what dreams about the sea mean. Swim in the calm sea ​​water- an excellent sign for the dreamer. After such a dream, you can expect a surge of energy and vitality, you will succeed in short term realize your plans and solve many problems. Sailing on a ship means peace and harmony. Seeing ships from the outside means, on the contrary, anxiety and doubt. It also brings anxiety on a cloudy day, promising the dreamer anxiety about relationships with family and friends. If you see yourself in the middle of a lonely island in the sea or ocean, in life you are treating someone around you unfairly. To see such an island from the outside means that in reality you won’t be able to wait for the support of loved ones and friends.

Freud's interpretation

Interesting interpretations of dreams about the sea are contained in the dream book of psychologist Z. Freud. If you swam in a dream, in reality you feel excellent, and everything you plan succeeds without special effort. The reason for this is the full sex life, to which, however, you do not attach much importance. If you saw a person you know swimming in the sea, in life you will have a chance to help him out in trouble or help him solve complex problem. Trying to enter the turbulent, with big waves sea ​​- for a passionate night of love. Dreaming of scuba diving means that you will struggle to learn something that you should not know. Unnecessary information can frustrate you, and at the same time not give you anything necessary and useful.

The 21st century dream book will also tell you what a dream about the sea might mean. Wealth, health, and good changes in life await people who see themselves swimming in sea water. A girl who has a dream where she swims with her loved one or friends should expect good news, a long-awaited meeting or happy love. According to this dream book, rippling water means losses. Ships sailing past you are a sign of worry, and falling from a ship is a sign of danger awaiting you.

What Nostradamus, Miller and Vanga say

According to the dream book of the predictor Nostradamus, the sea is very good sign, talking about health, longevity and well-being. Sick people dream of swimming in sea water as a sign of a speedy recovery. If in a dream you began to drown while swimming, in reality you should accept all the troubles that occur as natural, since they are the result of your own actions and mistakes. Dreamed sea ​​waves remind dreamers of things that have been shelved and require urgent putting in order.

Why you dream about the sea is also described by Miller’s famous dream book. The sea in a dream, according to this source, is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and expectations, dissatisfaction with one’s life. Dreaming of swimming with your loved one signifies a happy family life.

Vanga's dream book contains a lot of information for those who dreamed of swimming in the sea. If you bathed yourself, expect to regain your lost authority among others. Looking at swimmers from the side strangers dreams of establishing contacts with those who quarreled with you. To interpret such dreams, it is necessary to remember how clean the water was. Clear waters- to calmness, tranquility, while muddy and dirty - to unfavorable changes.

People who see themselves bathing in clothes should be more careful about their health, as soon it is very likely that serious illness. Swimming, creating a lot of splashes, means a happy future, good luck in business and great joy.

Lunar and esoteric interpreters

If you are interested in why you dreamed of swimming in the sea and then dressing in clean clothes, contact for interpretation Lunar dream book. Putting on clean clothes after swimming means gaining the long-awaited power that you once lost. Putting on dirty clothes after bathing is a sign of anxiety and need. If you were unable to swim to your heart's content for various reasons, some of your affairs in life cannot wait to be completed. Dreaming of swimming with someone together means finding something you have been looking for for a long time.

The image of the sea is most often associated with summer, vacation, hot weather, carefreeness and relaxation from all everyday worries and problems. Whatever the time of year, it happens that we dream of the sea. Why would this be? It all depends on how it appeared in the dream.

Why do you dream about the sea in a dream?

Water condition

We all know that the sea can be very different - quiet and calm, foaming and seething, dark and muddy, blue, light blue, turquoise... These details of shade and condition greatly influence the interpretation of the image.

  • If the sea is calm and without raging waves, then the dreamer’s life will be just as carefree and stable, full of harmony and joy.
  • A stormy sea in a dream is a warning about impending problems and losses. It also symbolizes the state of anxiety and excitement in which the person watching the dream is.
  • Seeing a rough and stormy sea in a dream means unexpected troubles and hardships.


  • Did you happen to see not a clean sea, but one with dirty, opaque water? If possible, you should prepare for troubles and meet difficult period life fully armed. The dream of a muddy sea is a harbinger of quarrels, intrigues and problems in relationships.
  • If the water is not only storm-free, but also crystal clear, free of debris and dirt, this is a very good omen. Wait for good news and pleasant moments.
  • If the water has dark shade, and even the waves and wind are raging - the dream foreshadows troubles in the business sphere. There may be losses, delays in making a profit, problems with colleagues and superiors.

For family people, dark sea water in a dream can serve as a warning - you will have to sort out problematic aspects of your relationship with your significant other.

A dream in which the storm subsides and the sea calms down is a symbol of reconciliation and a compromise that is pleasant for everyone.

If the waves do not stop, or even intensify, then it is better to take decisive and immediate steps to extinguish the family conflict.

  • Blue sea surface - good sleep. It symbolizes achievements and victories, especially when it comes to business and work.
  • For a woman who is single, calm water of a beautiful azure hue is a very reassuring image. Its interpretation is a quick wedding with the one and only.
  • For those who are studying, seeing an azure sea and no waves in a dream means a successful and problem-free session.

The meaning of the dream depends on the dreamer's gender

If a beautiful lady dreams of a sea in which strong waves are raging, then in reality she will most likely have to sort things out with her partner, and seriously and with mutual claims. Same dream for young man means a very stormy and intense sexual component of life.

The sea layer in which dolphins frolic, male They predict success in all old and new affairs, and for women - upcoming motherhood.

Do you dream of sea water with raindrops falling into it? The girl will probably shed a lot of tears about her relationship with her lover. But the guy may face the hypocrisy of a good comrade, whom he considered a faithful and devoted friend.

Seeing waves rising high on the sea, but not cloudy and dirty, but transparent and without a storm, is very good sign. Women can safely expect great pure love and personal happiness. While such a dream promises men creative inspiration and good luck.

The most common interpretations from dream books


Miller's dream book associates the interpretation of dreams, if the sea is central to them, with anticipations and hopes that are not destined to be fulfilled in real life.

The noisy surf and splashing of waves means the dreamer has no meaning in life. at the moment. It is necessary to fill your existence with friendly or love relationships, some goals and specific plans.

Splashing in sea water in the company of your man is a good omen for a happy life together.

Dreaming of the sea according to Freud

  • If you dream of a distant seashore, according to Freud, this is a symbol of dissatisfaction with your intimate life. This may be due to lack of self-confidence.
  • Looking at the surface of the sea while on a ship or from the shore means feeling a sense of anxiety about your future. The dream predicts that you just need to wait a little, and the long-awaited stability will come.

Why do you dream of swimming in the sea?

  • A dream in which you had to swim in the sea means completeness and high quality sexual sphere of relationships, which leads to success in all other matters.
  • Splashing around in great depths in a dream predicts impending disappointment in something.
  • Diving into choppy sea waters means an upcoming unexpected and very passionate night rendezvous.

Tsvetkov's interpretation

  • Tsvetkov gives an interpretation of a dream about a leisurely walk along the coast as one awaiting an emergency road.
  • If the dreamer admires the expanses of the sea, then some news from afar is definitely waiting for him.
  • When you dream of a sea of ​​blue or blue color, then you should prepare for a very significant acquaintance or meeting. A dream about a sea voyage on a ship predicts big changes in life.

The sea in a dream - Vanga’s opinion

  • The calmness of the sea according to Vanga’s dream book reflects the same state in the soul and life of the sleeper. Recognition, respect, prosperity and prosperity await him.
  • At the same time, as the same dream book says, a dirty and stormy sea symbolizes shame, a scandalous situation, loss of respect and favor from others, as well as intrigue.
  • Swimming in the sea water reflects dreams of a comfortable and easy life. But the question is: is it deserved?

Why do you dream about the sea: Miss Hasse's dream book

Calm sea water is a sign of peace and bliss in reality. The dreamer will have no reason to worry or worry. Rising waters symbolize adventure. Swimming in the sea - the sleeper has an enviable sense of purpose and sets a high standard for himself, which he strives to meet.

Sail on the sea or sink

Swimming and swimming in a storm can serve as a warning of possible illness and serious health problems.

  • An alarming dream in which the dreamer sees himself drowning means the emergence of a series of problems and troubles. But with a reasonable approach, he will be able to emerge victorious and cope with everything on his own. Drowning while choking means experiencing fatigue and boredom from the current state of things, a subconscious desire to change something.
  • Sailing in a calm sea is a dream about upcoming new opportunities, life stage“from scratch”, gaining stability, contentment and well-being, a fast road that will be successful and enjoyable.

The beach and relaxation near the clean, gentle sea means harmony and complete satisfaction in the dreamer’s life.

Dreams about swimming in sea water symbolize the cleansing of the consciousness and life of the sleeper from everything unnecessary (thoughts, surroundings, obligations), from what makes you mark time instead of moving forward.

Diving into the depths of the sea is a sign of upcoming good luck and joy in life, as well as the ability to independently and successfully solve all the problems that arise in it.

Why do you dream of swimming in the sea? Many people ask this question immediately after waking up. Few people know that this dream has a lot of interpretations; the main thing in this situation is to pay attention to the behavior of the “blue giant”. What does the sea seen in a dream want to tell us? We will learn about this in our article.

If in a dream you are simply watching the sea, then this means your vain dreams, hopes and expectations.

Are you looking at the sea making noise? This suggests that there is no place for love and relationships in your life. You are completely immersed in your business. For now you are happy with everything, but some time will pass and you will see that there is no loved one who can support you in difficult times. But obviously it will be too late. Think about it, maybe you should start looking for that same person?

If you look at the sea from afar, then soon news will come to you from a foreign land. Whether they are good or bad depends on circumstances and little things. So, if the sea is calm, then the news will be joyful, stormy and dark - sad.

What does it mean to dream in which the sea is calm?

A dream in which the sea is clean and transparent foreshadows a long, happy and measured life.

If the sea is quiet, not making a sound, then expect stagnation in business in the near future.

If in a dream you observe a beautiful, clean and calm sea, from a ship or from the coast, then you lack peace. Don't worry, everything will get better soon.

Are you watching a ship or boat sail somewhere far away on calm water? Then expect a long and calm journey.

What if the water is blue and the sun is shining brightly around you? This means that fate is favorable to you. You can be sure that your whole life will be surrounded by care and love.

How to interpret a dream in which the water in the sea was cloudy? This means the fulfillment of desires and the pursuit of a planned goal.

Feelings during sleep

If you dream of the sea as a salty liquid, then there will be a lot of tears and grief in your life.

Watching the vastness of sea waters and experiencing pleasure from it means your pride in the life you have lived. You have achieved a lot, from your career to true love.

If, looking at the sea, you feel fear of its waters, it means that you are afraid to change something in your life, despite your difficult financial situation.

A dream in which the sea is calm and there is an endless accumulation of marine life around it means unexpected profit and an improvement in one’s financial situation.

A dream in which the sea is stormy

If the sea is stormy, with waves, then unpleasant events will happen in your life.

Are you looking at a very rough sea? This suggests that you will soon experience bitterness, sorrow and loss.

Seeing muddy and slightly agitated water in a dream means the fulfillment of all desires.

Is there a storm at sea? This suggests that due to your incontinence and aggressiveness you will lose someone close to you. It is worth noting that all attempts to return your soulmate will be in vain. So, watch your excessive ardor.

What else can it interpret? similar dream? Water, sea can mean your life in general. That is, depending on the behavior of the “blue giant,” certain events may occur.

If you observe a rough and dirty sea, then significant losses will soon await you.

Are you looking at the waves crashing loudly against the surf? This means your lonely life. At the moment, you are content only with a favorable financial situation. But soon this will not seem enough for the fullness of life.

Is the sea stormy and dark? This suggests that anxiety, sadness and unhappiness await you in the near future.

If you look at a slightly agitated sea, then soon you will finally put things in order in your affairs, which have been in complete confusion for a long time.

Very stormy waters indicate that you are about to go through a test that you must pass, because your willpower and vitality are at the highest level.

If you are watching a vast, restless sea, then this means that you are not ready to resolve problems. Soon you will turn to friends or loved ones for help.

Are you looking at the water, from which comes sea foam in abundance? This suggests that you are entertaining yourself with illusions. It's time to think about serious things.

A dirty, muddy, overwhelming wave means an imminent illness or a serious quarrel with a loved one.

If the dreamer swims in the sea

Why dream of swimming in the sea underwater? This suggests that you are trying to unravel some mystery that you think is very important. But this is absolutely not true. Finding out the truth will only make things worse for you. Moreover, by showing your curiosity, you will harm other people.

If in your dream you swam in a clear sea, this means that you are completely satisfied with yourself and your life, because there is a person nearby who completely satisfies you in all respects.

If you watched the tide while swimming, this means that you will discover new possibilities in yourself. This dream also means a surge of energy and strength.

Why dream of swimming in a sea that is slightly agitated? This suggests that you conceal within yourself a lot of strength that would be suitable for fulfilling your hopes.

What if in your night vision you were swimming in rapidly raging water? This means that you should stop looking at life superficially, it’s time to understand the little things and details.

Are you knee-deep in the sea? This speaks of boasting and unreasonable heroism.

If in a dream you are sailing on a calm and vast sea, then this indicates that your relationships with family and friends have cooled a little. Perhaps this was due to some ridiculous petty situation.

Why dream of swimming in the sea among the waves? This means that soon you will take part in some serious conflict.

If in your dream you tried to enter a raging sea, then tonight expect a night of love that you have never had before. The main thing is not to do anything in this case, because everything will happen by itself.

If you are walking along the shore of the beach, then soon you will have a road ahead.

If in a dream you wash in sea water, then expect joy.

Swimming in a clear sea with friendly marine life swimming around you indicates that you are surrounded by good and loyal friends.

Drowning in the sea in a dream

Drowning in the sea means your dissatisfaction with your own life. This dream can also speak of excessive emotions, which are causing you a lot of problems.

Another interpretation of such night vision is that you may soon get injured or get sick. If you managed to get out, then everything will end well.

Saving a drowning person means joy and happiness. If you were saved, then in the future you will have to borrow a fairly large amount of money, which will be very difficult to repay.

What does the dream mean - a sea with waves that swallow the dreamer? This suggests that you have taken on a very great responsibility. You cannot carry such a burden for long. Therefore, ask friends or acquaintances for help.

Dreamed sea for girls

A girl who sees in her dream how she swims with her lover in a calm and beautiful sea, means that her dreams will soon come true.

If she frolics in the water with her friends, then you can soon expect good news, a fateful meeting or a pleasant acquaintance.

For married ladies, the sea means divorce and liberation from a painful marriage.

Night sea

What else could such a dream mean? The sea at night, above which the moon is visible, and stretches out in the open spaces of the sea beautiful path, speaks of luck and happiness.

If the water is raging, and there are many dark clouds in the sky, among which the moon shines dimly, it means that a fatal trouble will happen in your life.

The night sea, whose waves capture the dreamer, means illness.

Calm seas and pleasant dreams to you!

Seeing the sea in a dream is most often pleasant. It’s especially joyful to see such a story for those who haven’t been on vacation for a long time. But this is a very ambiguous symbol that can be both positive and negative. The following explains in detail why you dream about the sea.

Why do you dream about the sea - interpretation from dream books

In Miller’s dream book, the sea becomes a very favorable harbinger for the sleeper if dolphins swim in its calm waters. Such a plot promises a person a long period of good luck and luck. He can boldly take on new things, try himself in completely unfamiliar areas, experiment endlessly, trying to make his life better.

In Vanga’s work, water with a lot of sea foam promises the dreamer negative events in reality. It is difficult to predict in advance what areas of life they will be associated with. But, most likely, troubles will affect the self-realization of the sleeper, as well as his relationships with loved ones. But the sea surf in warm weather is dreamed of as a harbinger of a calm, measured life and unhindered spiritual development.

In the psychological dream book, sea water is a symbol internal state person. If she is calm in her night dreams, it means that the dreamer in reality feels quite comfortable. If it’s raging, something urgently needs to be changed, since the sleeper is categorically dissatisfied with his situation. Anger is boiling inside him, and negative emotions. This definitely needs to be fixed.

Swimming, sitting in a pond in a dream

Often in a dream a person has to not only admire the sea, but also swim in it. If in night dreams a man or woman swims in water, it means that in reality we should expect favorable changes. Life will turn in a radically different direction, but the sleeper will like it.

If the dreamer splashes merrily in sea water during the daytime, then his help will soon be needed by a close friend in reality. If a person lends a helping hand to a friend, then together they will very easily be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. The dreamer's responsiveness will certainly be rewarded in the future.

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