Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Anna. The name Anna, Anya, Nyura: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Anna, Anya and Nyura? Anna or Nyura: how to correctly say the full name

The biblical name Anna is of Hebrew origin, and at its root lies a wonderful and noble definition for its bearer - “favorable, giving favor.” However, in the Russian version, Anna is often called Nyura. How did this happen?

Saint Anne

Almost all names in Rus' are Christian, and Anna is no exception. This was the name of the mother of Our Lady Mary, that is, the grandmother of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Anna in life has a kind of protection from troubles, because this name is an anagram, that is, it is read the same from left to right and from right to left. Accordingly, all options for this woman’s fate should be equally successful.

In the Sumerian form of this name the word “heavenly” is encrypted, in Arabic - “happiness”, in Turkic - “mother”. Indeed: happy heavenly mother and Saint Anna, wife of Saint Joachim, after for long years childless marriage miraculously gave birth to a daughter, who later became the Mother of God.

Thus, Anna is ancient female name with very strong fateful heavenly protection and divine predestination.

Peasant Nyura

All Russian children were given biblical names at baptism in honor of the saint whose memory was celebrated on this day. The only exceptions were hereditary, family names - and, as a rule, they were given to boys. This tradition strengthened in Rus' over the first few centuries of Christianity and existed until the October Socialist Revolution of 1917. Among the 365 days of one year, the feast day of St. Anne is celebrated 35 times. That is, for almost 8 centuries in a row, every 11th girl in Russia was called Anna. But not all of these Annas were distinguished by the qualities strong woman, who had fateful heavenly protection. On the contrary, these were often the children of poor parents, who understood that their heirs could not expect a good share. And if among the noble classes Anna was rarely called anything else even at home, then in the bourgeois, merchant, peasant environment, little Anya was often called Anyuta, then Nyuta, Nyutochka, Nyura, Nyurochka, Nyusha. And this name already corresponded to her difficult peasant fate. Not a single Russian landowner would think of calling his serf pig farmer or scrubber Anna, but Nyushka, of course.

Finno-Ugric nickname

19th century ethnographer and lexicographer Vladimir Dal in his “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" the word "Nura" is translated from the Karelian language of the inhabitants of the Olonets Plain Russian Empire like an "underwater strand". Since ancient times, the Karelians of this area have been fishing; there were shallows on the rivers. the best places For fishing.

In the villages of the Arkhangelsk region before the Revolution of 1917, nyuriks were the name given to the leather summer shoes of Pomors and peasants. It was sewn tightly and, unlike bast shoes, it was possible to enter the water. Perhaps the word “nyur” passed from the Karelians to the Russians, who always lived in their neighborhood, as a common folk designation for diving or even snooping. Peasant girls, like boys, from early childhood were forced to help their parents get food, and their agility and small stature allowed them to do things that adults could not do. It may have happened more than once that the nimble and dexterous Anya, named by the priest of the local church in honor of the saint, was called Nyura in the northern villages for her own skills. And this nickname eventually turned into a home nickname for Russian girls, who were baptized with the name Anna.

The name Anna came to us from Greece, and there from even more ancient Judea. In Hebrew the name Anna means "favour" or "favor". It is written in Hebrew like this - חַנָּה, and reads as Hannah. The name is of Biblical origin and is considered a masculine version of the name Hanan. The name Anna can mean both favor from God and from others.

There is another hypothesis about the origin of the name Anna. It says that the name comes from the name of the god Anu, one of the gods of Sumerian mythology. But most scientists consider this hypothesis to be unfounded.

The name Anna is often used as a diminutive for other names. Thus, names such as Ariana, Diana, Zhanna, Ivanna, Liana, Lilianna, Marianna, Snezhana and many others are shortened to the name Anna. Naturally, this does not make them related names, although such versions often exist.

The meaning of the name Anna for a girl

Anya is growing up sweet, affectionate and kind child. She has many friends and easily makes new acquaintances. Unfortunately, her kindness is often used for selfish purposes. Anna will have many disappointments and “eye openings” to the truth of life. Anya is not shy and grows up as a child gifted with natural artistry. If parents make enough efforts, this talent can be successfully developed to a serious level.

Anya's studies are easy and she studies well. Small problems may occur in adolescence, but this is more likely a feature of age rather than name. She has a keen sense of justice and is difficult to teach diplomacy. This can especially cause problems in communicating with teachers. The girl is inclined to handicrafts and likes to sew, cook and many of the usual “female” activities.

Anya was in good health as a child. The first problems usually appear in adolescence and are related to the skin. Careful care and proper nutrition will help solve this problem if it arises.

Short name Anna

Anya, Anka, Anka, Nyusha, Nyura, Nyurka, Nyuta, Nyusya.

Diminutive pet names

Anya, Annushka, Anyuta, Asya, Aska, Nyurochka, Nyushenka, Nyushechka, Nyurasya, Nyunya.

Name Anna in English

The name Anna in English is written as - Anne, and sometimes as Hanna. Anne is read as Ann.

Name Anna for international passport- ANNA.

Translation of the name Anna into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Hanna
in Arabic - حنان‎‎‎
in Armenian - Աննա (Anna)
in Belarusian - Ganna
in Bulgarian - Anna
in Hungarian - Anna
in Greek - Άννα
in Hebrew - אננה ,חנה ,אנָּה‎
in Spanish - Ana
in Italian - Anna
in Chinese - 安娜
in Korean - 안나
in Latin - Anna
in German - Anne, Anna
in Polish - Anna or Hanna
in Romanian - Anna
in Serbian - Ana, Ana
in Ukrainian - Ganna
in Finnish - Anna
in French - Anne
in Croatian - Ana
in Czech - Anna
in Japanese - アンナ

Church name Anna(V Orthodox faith) unchanged. This name is on Christmastide and Anna is called Anna in church, unless of course she has a second baptismal name.

Characteristics of the name Anna

Anna has several characteristics that help her in life. One of Anya’s main characteristics can be called her hard work. She is very diligent and can work hard and hard. This helps her in her studies and career at work. A very efficient person.

Perseverance and diligence are good for performers at work, but Anya rarely possesses the characteristics of a leader. She's too kind to modern world successfully move along career ladder. However, her older comrades will push her as a good worker. So Anya can not be discouraged, her efforts will not be in vain.

Anya often chooses her husband so that she has someone to take care of. It's rare for Anya's husband to be an independent successful man. This is not her type. To start a family, she is looking for a calm, obedient man, a little like a child. She will feed you, give you something to drink, and send you to work. In general in family life Anya usually plays the role of "mother". Although there are exceptions to this among Anh.

The secret of the name Anna

Anna's secret can still be called kindness. Since childhood, people have been using Anya’s kindness for their own purposes. Almost everyone who understands the breadth of her heart wants to take advantage of it. And Anya doesn’t even take offense at them. Sometimes it feels like she can’t live her life and she definitely needs to help someone. If you have such Anya near you, take care of her, there are very few such people in the world.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Rowan.

Plant- Pink Aster.

Stone- Ruby.

Many have heard how women named Anna are affectionately called Nyura. But where did this name come from? After all, his name is not in official dictionaries or books. In this article you will learn the history of the name Nyura and its origin.


The name Anna, despite a common misconception, is not originally Russian. It came to us from Hebrew. In Hebrew, the name Anna meant “mercy,” “courage,” “bliss,” and “grace.” Thanks to beautiful meaning and pleasant sound, the name Anna quickly spread throughout the world. Nowadays in Russia girls are often called this way, and how many Annas can be found among the older generation!

Peasant name

Where did the name Nyura come from? Many people believe that this is a shortening of the name Anna, and they are right. In Rus', people were usually given the names of those saints on whose day they were born. The name given at baptism was rarely used, since for the ears of the peasants it was unusually long and noble. No one would even think of calling the milkmaid Anna. Therefore, they shortened the name to a more understandable and sonorous one - Anyuta, Nyuta, Nyura.

It is also possible that Nyurami was the name given to little girls who snooped around adults. Already from childhood, they took on all the work they could and helped their parents, “snooping” between their legs.

Heritage of Finno-Ugric tribes

There is another version of the origin of the name Nyura. Vladimir Dal, in his famous dictionary, claims that the word “nyura” came to us from the Karelian language. Among the Finno-Ugric tribes it was translated as “underwater shoal” and was in use among fishermen. It was the shallows that were considered best place for fishing, with the help of which many residents of Karelia obtained their food. A little later, thick shoes that did not get your feet wet began to be called nyuriks. It is quite possible that neighboring tribes, and then the entire population, gradually adopted this funny word, which later turned into the affectionate name Nyura.

Do you like this abbreviation for the name Anna?

The name Anna in different languages

Name Anna in English: Hannah, Ann, (Hannah, Ann)
Name Anna in Chinese: 安娜(Anna)
Name Anna in Japanese: アンナ(Anna)
Name Anna in Spanish: Ane (En)
Name Anna in German: Anne, Anna (Anne, Enna)
Name Anna in Polish: Anne, Hanna (Anna, Hannah)
Name Anna in Ukrainian: Ganna

Origin of the name Anna:

Type. It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: they contain the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal is the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people possessing some kind of secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

Psyche. Introverts are not easily influenced and have incredible memories.

Will. Strong. This woman wants to have it all. And immediately! He only believes in himself.

Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

Speed reactions. The type is hot and hot. These women resist everyone, which often interferes with their lives. They are vindictive, proud, conflictual and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be.

Field activities. At school they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially have conflicts with female teachers. Dreams - to become an actress, painter, singer, sculptor.

Intuition. They are guided by clairvoyance. They have a presentiment, guess, and envelop you with their charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly.

Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only their loved ones.

Susceptibility. Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. This woman is a queen in need of subjects.

Moral. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to control moral principles and change them at their own discretion.

Health. They have fragile bones and a very “impressive” stomach. We do not recommend neglecting and having dinner late. Possible related to motor transport. As a child, you need to take care of your eyes.

Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they don't like you.

Field activities. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell and make people listen to themselves.

Sociability. They receive guests they like, but turn others out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they like to collect men indiscriminately.

Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They constantly start from scratch, neither marriage nor emerging maturity is an obstacle for them.

Anna and pets

Popularity and statistics of the name Anna

The name Anna, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period):
1900-1909: 92 (2nd place)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: 76 (4th place)
2008: (4th place)

Name days and patron saints of Anna:

Anna of Adrianople, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Anna of Bithynia, venerable (venerable woman who labored as a man), June 26 (13), November 11 (October 29).
Anna Gotfskaya, martyr, April 8 (March 26).
Anna (monastic name Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun, June 25 (12), October 15 (2).
Anna the Righteous, mother Holy Mother of God, August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9); December 22 (9) - conception of Eve, Anna. On this day, from her elderly parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers, the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.
Anna of Novgorod, princess, reverend, February 23 (10).
Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuel, February 16 (3), September 10 (August 28).
Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel, December 22 (9).
Anna of Rome, virgin, martyr, February 3 (January 21), July 18 (5).
Anna of Seleucia (Persia), martyr, December 3 (November 20).
Great and famous Annas

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Anna- grace, merciful (Hebrew).
The name is loved in all countries; it has always been common in Russia and is now in the top ten names.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Ceres.
Name color: red.
Talisman stone: female ruby.
Auspicious plant: rowan, pink aster.
Patron name: hare.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Anya, Anechka, Annochka, Annushka, Anka, Annusya, Nyura, Nyusya, Anusha, Nyusha, Anyuta, Nyuta, Annetta, Nega, Asya.
Main features: sacrifice, love of truth, justice.


Anna of Adrianople, martyr, November 4 (October 22)
Anna Vifinskaya, venerable (venerable woman who labored as a man), June 26 (13), November 11 (October 29).
Anna Gotfskaya, martyr, April 8 (March 26).
Anna (monastically Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun, June 25 (12), October 15 (2).
Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuilov, February 16 (3), September 10 (August 25).
Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel, December 22 (9).
Anna Rimskaya, virgin, martyr, February 3 (January 21), July 18 (5).
Anna of Seleucia (Persian), martyr, December 3 (November 20).
Anna the Righteous, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9); December 22 (9) - conception of St. Anna. On this day, from her elderly parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers, the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.
Anna Novgorodskaya, princess, reverend, February 23 (10). Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod was the wife of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise. She gave a truly Christian education to all her children, who were distinguished by their strong faith in God, hard work, truthfulness and learning. Her son Mstislav later became the Grand Duke of Kyiv, and her daughters became queens of Western European states. Leaving the world, the blessed princess went to a monastery, where she ended her days in prayer and strict obedience in 1056.


December 22, on the conception of St. Anne, fasting for pregnant women. They are prohibited from taking on any work for 24 hours.


Anyuta is a calm child, not capricious. He often suffers from diathesis, but endures all his pain patiently. Anya is usually the eldest of the children, so she becomes her mother’s assistant early on. Having gotten used to being listened to from childhood, she will forever retain in her voice, on the one hand, maternal notes, and on the other, imperious, commanding notes. Anya is artistic and loves to imagine herself as the heroine of a book she has read. She has good taste, she loves everything really beautiful.

Anya does not succumb to the influence of others, she acts herself as she sees fit. She is very kind, takes care of puppies, kittens, and brings birds that have fallen from the nest into the house. Already in childhood she can comfort a crying person.

At school, Anya seriously resists everything that she considers wrong and unfair. Anya constantly argues with teachers and quarrels with peers. But at the same time, teachers find in her reliable support, and the children respect her and recognize her leadership.

Adult Anna gives the impression of a person who has some kind of secret knowledge, who can foresee the future. She has wonderful intuition, she has a presentiment, guesses, and envelops you with her charm. But she is proud, vindictive, and conflicted. She has a lot of internal energy, strong will, she strives to have everything now. He only believes in himself. Thanks to his innate cuteness, charm and pressure, he can win over anyone to his side, even a person who has come to actively interfere with the intended cause.

Anna's field of activity is quite wide. She is hardworking, completely devoted to her work, without thinking about the material side of the matter. She can be an experienced engineer, teacher, educator, or work in various fields of medicine. Anna is neat, attentive, friendly, and often works as a reviewer, critic, and director. She is very artistic, she can read fables and humorous stories well from the stage, and be an entertainer and TV presenter of various programs. In some cases she is a barmaid, a saleswoman, a conductor.

Anna is a sacrificial nature. She can fall in love with a sick person or a drinker, an obvious loser or a psychopath and carry her cross throughout her life, not at all regretting such a fate. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law - all this is Anna. Caring for her family and friends is always her concern. People around them often abuse this, Anna understands this. But filled with some kind of unfeminine inner strength, leaves everything as is.

Anna chooses her life partner herself, and no one can convince her otherwise. In love she is passionate and gives herself all. But at the same time she can have a husband and a lover, believing that she is faithful to both. If she encounters her husband’s betrayal, rudeness or rudeness, she withdraws into herself and patiently waits for better times. Divorce for her is a disaster and can even lead to suicide attempts.

Anna knows how to sew well, dress beautifully, and get along with children. She is not only a mother to them, but also a comrade and friend. In the family, she affirms traditions and customs, and can change them at her own discretion. She is very picky in her choice of acquaintances, she accepts friends well, some people she does not want will not go further than the front.

Anna's marriage is strong if her phlegmatic husband balances his constantly active, busy wife. Anna's marriage with Alexei, Boris, Evgeniy, Zakhar, Konstantin, Stepan is successful.

P.A. Florensky believes that the name Anna corresponds to the masculine Alexey.

“The name Alexey contributes little to the manifestation of masculinity, at least in the world, among worldly conditions and tasks of life, and is most fully expressed when renouncing the world, that is, when there is a rise above the psychology of gender and, therefore, a natural approach to the area inherent also and femininity. Therefore, it is also natural to expect that the corresponding female name Anna is more adapted to life, as more corresponding to the elements of her sex. But one must also foresee that in this name there is a basic discrepancy between the subconscious basis of the personality and the layer of consciousness inherent in the male counterpart of this name. But this discrepancy, as more characteristic of female nature, no longer slows down or slows down to the same extent the vitality of the bearer of the name in question.

The main thing about Anna is her subconscious soil, which most often lies not on a rock, but on such subsoil layers with which the bearer of this name goes into the depths of existence. And these depths, according to the highest purpose of the name, are the depths of grace, as the etymological meaning of the name says. When the highest plane is not achieved by a person, he receives an influx of grace-filled forces through the elemental basis of nature, - therefore, he can absorb these elemental-mystical energies together, and perhaps mix them, the conductors of grace, with grace itself.

Having knowledge not from reason and sated with her knowledge, she neglects the intellect, her intellect. On the other hand, the depths of nature are too directly open to it to have a need and urgent need for art, the main function of which is to remove the positivistic veils from being and help in direct contact with its depths. What art gives is, in a sense, much deeper and more fully known to Anna than can be obtained through art; and besides, the use of art requires the development of conscious self-activity, self-education, which Anna avoids not only because she does not want to be active, but also because self-education seems artificial to her. Art is alien to her. Particularly alien is that branch of it that presupposes the greatest preliminary independence, and has in mind the most ugly and mystical touch on being: music. Anna already has as much of what music could give, and without difficulty.”


Anna Yaroslavna (1025 - after 1075) - daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise, second wife of the French king Henry I. Henry sent an embassy for the princess in 1048 and got married on May 14, 1049 in Reims Cathedral. Wanting to have an heir, Anna vowed to build and provide capital for a monastery. When her first-born son, Philip, the future king of France, was born, Anne actually built a monastery in Senlis. In addition to Philip, Anne had two more sons, one of whom became the founder of the royal branch of Vermandois.

The royal couple apparently lived very amicably: on many state acts you can read: “with the consent of my wife Anne,” “in the presence of Queen Anne.” King Henry died in 1060, and Philip I took the throne, under the care of his mother.

Two years later, Anna married again Count Raoul III of Valois, then the most powerful lord of France. He was a close relative of the late Henry and had a wife. For this, Pope Alexander II excommunicated Raoul from the church and declared his marriage to Anna Yaroslavna invalid. The proud feudal lord did not pay attention to this and lived happily with her for twelve years, dying in 1074.

Anna returned to her son's court. It is known that she was one of the most beloved queens of France. French kings For several centuries, they took the oath upon accession to the throne on the Reims Gospel - a handwritten book in the ancient Slavic language, brought by Anna Yaroslavna from Kyiv. There is a royal charter from 1075, signed by Philip I together with his mother, Anna Yaroslavna.

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