Orthodox tests for Sunday school children. Theological educational tests

2422845 Crosswords Photo quizzes FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIANITY
Test: Jesus Christ - God appeared in the flesh
Test on knowledge of the basics of Christianity
Test: About the meaning of life
Test: Rescue
Test: Life after death
Test: Holy Mother of God
Test: Saints and Holiness
Test: Basic Theology
Test: Moral Theology
Test: Icon veneration
Test: Man. Christian anthropology
Test: Catechism

Test: Angels
Test: demons and the devil

Test: Practice of Church Life
Test: Virtues
Test: Sins, passions and repentance
Test: Fundamentals of Asceticism
Test: About prayer
Test: Mercy
Test: Church etiquette
Test: Patrolology
Test: Holy Fathers
Test: Orthodox fasts
Test: Lent
Test: Church holidays
Test: Easter
Test: Monasticism
Test: Construction of an Orthodox church
Test: Christian symbolism
Test: Sacred History
Test: Catechesis
Quiz: Science and the Church on Abortion
Test: Bioethics
Test: Church and money

Test: Apostles
Test: Bishops
Quiz: Priesthood and Priests
Test: Deacons
Test: Altar servers

Test: Church Sacraments
Test: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
Test: The Sacrament of Baptism
Test: Preparation for the Sacrament of Penance
Test: Sacrament of Marriage
Test: The Sacrament of Anointing (Unction)
Test: Sacrament of Priesthood

Test: Liturgy - main service Churches
Test: All-night vigil
Test of knowledge of church services
Test: Divine services of the Russian Church: history and modernity
Test: Services of Holy Week
Test: Liturgical books

Test: Old Testament
Test: Creation of the world and man
Test: Original sin and its consequences
Test: God's Commandments
Test: Catchphrases Bible
Test: Psalms
Quiz: Biblical prophets
Test: Reading the Gospel...
Test: Book of Acts of the Holy Apostles
Test: Apostolic Epistles
Test: Galatians
Test: Reading Holy Scripture in the Temple
Bible Quiz

Test: Creed
Test: Dogmatic theology. Introductory part
Test: About God in Himself
Test: About God the Creator and Provider
Test: Holy Trinity
Test: Christology

Test: Ecumenical Councils
Test. Holy Land: history and modernity

Quiz: Marriage Law

Test: Meaning of words
Test for knowledge of Church Slavonic words
Test for understanding the prayers of the morning prayer rule
Test for understanding prayers for future sleep
Test: Liturgical language of the Russian Church

Test: Comparing Religions
Test: Sects and false teachings

Superstitions test
Heresy test

Test: Blessed Athos
Test: Matching
Test: Russian religious philosophy
Test: About different things
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Dear brothers and sisters!

Theological tests Before you is a unique project: Fundamentals of Orthodox Theology in free educational programs online tests. Laconic questions and several answer options. All you have to do is choose the right one. Most of the tests were compiled by clergy and theologians of St. Petersburg.

Many of us have been in the Church for several years now. And at some point it begins to seem that you already know everything basic about faith. This project remarkable in that it shows how oriented we really are in the Orthodox dogma. Without dreary didacticism, and sometimes even with good humor, we cover with our questions all the significant topics of our faith.

1) Tests are educational, under each short answer there is a detailed answer or a link for self-study topics. If you cannot choose an answer, then just click the "answer" button, there is no need to try to guess it, this is not an exam;-)

2) Choose the most complete answer to a question if several correct answers are indicated.

3) There are 4 types of answer options in tests:
- single choice (answer field in the form of a circle);
- multiple choice(this follows from the question itself, in this case the answer field is in the form of a square);
- the answer is entered by the user (under the question there is a frame for the answer);
- quiz: the user does not select or enter an answer, but only checks the correctness of his decision by clicking the "Correct answer" button.

4) At the end of the test you can see your result and questions for which the answers were incorrect.

5) Tests have 3 difficulty levels. Depending on the difficulty, the word “test” in the table of contents is highlighted in green, blue and burgundy.

We will be happy to post the tests or questions you send, our address is: [email protected]

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To help test writers

1. Start formulating a question with the correct answer.

3. The question must contain one complete thought.

4. When writing questions, you should especially carefully use the words “sometimes”, “often”, “always”, “all”, “never”. On the one hand, they themselves contain uncertainty and can be understood subjectively, which can lead to erroneous answers, and on the other hand, they enable students to guess the correct answer. Using such expressions in answer options makes it very easy to answer, which should be avoided.

5. The question should be clearly formulated, avoiding the words “big”, “small”, “small”, “many”, “few”, “less”, “more”, etc.

6. Avoid introductory phrases or sentences that have little connection with the main idea; you should not resort to lengthy statements, as they lead to the correct answer, even if the student does not know it. Provide only very important information, trying to avoid material that requires further clarification, as well as detailed or unnecessary descriptions of situations or incidents.

7. Incorrect answers must be reasonable, skillfully selected, and there must be no obvious inaccuracies or clues.

8. Don't ask trick questions (they are more likely to mislead the most capable or knowledgeable students who know enough to fall into the trap, and also defeat the purpose of determining knowledge and understanding).

9. All answer options must be grammatically consistent with the main part of the task; in any case, short ones should be used, simple sentences, without dependent or independent revolutions.

10. Use negation as little as possible in the main part. Negations tend to complicate a message, especially double negatives that cancel each other out.

11. Correct and incorrect answers must be clear in content, structure and total number of words; use plausible wrong options, taken from experience.

12. Make sure the differences between answer options are accurate.

The more the answer options are similar to each other, the more difficult it is to recognize the correct answer and the better the ability to understand, for example, a read text is tested. But when the differences are not very clear, it may happen that the test taker, knowing the correct answer, will choose the plausible one.

13. Avoid repetition in answer options.

14. Use restrictions in the question itself in order to remove uncertainty that may arise when entering the answer.

15. It is better to use a long question and a short answer. In the opposite situation, it takes more time to read the answers and more effort is spent on analyzing the statements.

How many times a day should you pray, what should a church parishioner look like, and who will not be allowed to become a godfather or get married?

"Paper" compiled a test for knowledge of the most obvious Orthodox canons.

Let's start with basic questions. How to be baptized correctly in Orthodoxy? Place three fingers right hand, touch first the forehead, then the stomach, then the right shoulder and at the end of the left Yes, that's right. Place three fingers of your right hand, touch first your forehead, then your stomach, then your left shoulder and finally your right. No, that’s what Catholics do. Orthodox Christians cross themselves from right to left. Place two fingers of your right hand, touch first your forehead, then your stomach, then your right shoulder and finally your left. No. Previously, people actually crossed themselves with two fingers, but in the middle of the 17th century this tradition was abandoned. Now Orthodox Christians cross themselves with three fingers from right to left. Let's see how well you know church ranks. Who is a priest? A lower cleric assisting in the performance of divine services. No, the priest himself can conduct divine services, since this is the same as a priest. Representative of the white clergy. The same as the priest. You are right. Priest is the second level in the hierarchy of the white clergy. The rector of the temple Priest may be the rector of the temple, but not necessarily. In general, this is the same as a priest. Who should not become godparents? Gentiles Exactly. Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists and people of other religions, as well as atheists, are prohibited from becoming godparents. No for an unmarried woman unmarried woman she can become a godmother, but non-Christians cannot do this. Relatives No, relatives (if they are not parents) can become godparents, but people of other faiths cannot. People who have already become godparents to more than three children No, there are no restrictions on the number of godchildren in Orthodoxy, but people of other faiths are not allowed to become godparents. How often should you fast? Once a year - for Lent No, in Orthodoxy there are multi- and one-day fasts, as well as weekly fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays, so in fact you need to fast every week. Four times a year No, in addition to four multi-day fasts and several one-day fasts, there are weekly fasts that fall on Wednesday and Friday with the exception of a few weeks a year. Every week Yes, in addition to four multi-day posts and several one-day posts, there are weekly posts that fall on Wednesday and Friday with the exception of a few weeks a year. Diocese and metropolitanate: what is the difference? A diocese is an administrative-territorial unit for Orthodox Christians, and a metropolis for Catholics. No, “Regulations on the Russian Metropolises” Orthodox Church» introduced a three-tier structure for the organization of diocesan administration: patriarchate - metropolitanate - diocese. Thus, the diocese is part of the metropolis. This is the same thing. No, the “Regulations on the Metropolises of the Russian Orthodox Church” introduced a three-tier structure for the organization of diocesan administration: patriarchate - metropolis - diocese. Thus, the diocese is part of the metropolis. A metropolitanate may include several dioceses. Precisely, the “Regulations on the Metropolises of the Russian Orthodox Church” introduced a three-level structure for the organization of diocesan administration: patriarchate - metropolitan - diocese. What, according to the canons, should a woman look like in a temple? In a skirt and with a head covered Yes, exactly, although now you won’t be kicked out of church for trousers, and many priests say that it is better to come without a scarf than not to come at all, women are recommended to come in a dress or skirt and with a covered head. Clothes can be any, but wearing makeup is prohibited. Makeup, especially bright, is really not welcome, but clothes should not be any kind: although now you won’t be kicked out of church for wearing trousers, and many priests say that it’s better to come without a headscarf than not to come at all, women are advised to come in a dress or skirt and with their heads covered. There are no restrictions. They are there. And although now you won’t be kicked out of church for wearing trousers, and many priests say that it is better to come without a headscarf than not to come at all, women are recommended to come in a dress or skirt and with their heads covered. Which of the following are allowed to get married? Those convicted of murder Yes, indeed, the church does not impose restrictions on those getting married due to a criminal record. For people whose marriage is not registered in the registry office No, according to modern rules Russian Orthodox Church, you cannot get married without a state marriage. But a criminal record does not impose any restrictions. People entering into a fourth marriage No, the church does not recognize fourth marriages. But people with a criminal record can get married. How is the patriarch chosen? The previous patriarch appoints a successor. No, in fact he is elected by secret ballot, which is conducted by the Council of Bishops. By voting Yes, exactly. The Patriarch is elected by secret ballot, which is conducted by the Council of Bishops. By presidential decree No, officially the state should not interfere in such things. In fact, the patriarch is elected by secret ballot, which is conducted by the Council of Bishops. Where, except in rare cases, are temple visitors prohibited from entering? To the altar - it is located in the eastern part of the temple Exactly. Only clergy can enter the altar space. Visitors do not have the right to be in the narthex. The narthex is an extension in front of the entrance to the temple, where everyone can enter. But ordinary lay people are not allowed to enter the altar. It is unacceptable to look into the administrative premises of the temple. Of course, you may not be allowed in there, but from the point of view of the church canon this is not prohibited. But ordinary lay people are not allowed to enter the altar. And finally, an important question: how many times a day should you pray? At least one: a prayer must be read before going to bed. No, prayers at the end of the day and before each meal are also considered obligatory. Morning, evening and before every meal Yes, exactly. This will be the minimum set of prayers for a conscientious Christian, although the number of appeals to God is not strictly fixed in Orthodoxy. Only before meals No, prayers in the morning and evening are also considered obligatory, although the number of appeals to God is not strictly fixed in Orthodoxy. You are well versed in the Orthodox canons. Apparently you should take a more difficult test. You can guess how to be baptized and dress for church, but oh Orthodox traditions you don't know everything. You know nothing at all about Orthodox traditions and, apparently, bypass churches.

Today, the majority of residents of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus call themselves Orthodox. But the very fact of a person’s baptism Orthodox faith does not make him Orthodox finally and irrevocably. And it certainly does not guarantee his salvation. What makes us Orthodox?

At least two things depend on us in this matter. First, we must believe and glorify God correctly, that is, exactly as Jesus Christ Himself commanded us, the apostles conveyed it, and the saints and prophets explained and clarified it. Otherwise we cannot call ourselves Orthodox. Secondly, according to our faith, we must do good deeds for the glory of God, for in order to be called sons of God we are obliged to do the deeds of Him whom we call our Father.

If we somehow manage to get away with the second, then the first and most important of these two conditions is, alas, not always met. Partly, this state of affairs has developed because we came to the Church quite recently after many years of persecution, when the correct understanding of the faith was not passed on from generation to generation. Partly due to the lack today of missionary, educational, catechetical practice in educational institutions and in parishes. This is where “the sinful and the righteous” are confused in the heads of our Orthodox believers: the foundations of Orthodox dogma peacefully coexist with superstitions, paganism and other esotericism.

Meanwhile, only he can rightfully call himself Orthodox who knows exactly why he was baptized, why he remains in the bosom of the Church and what the Holy Church believes in.

The famous Orthodox preacher Priest Daniil Sysoev in his wonderful book “ Public conversations” gives an example of a test of faith, which back in the 19th century the universal catechumens had to undergo. If a person’s views differed in any way from the correct understanding of the fundamentals of faith, then he was not allowed to participate in the sacrament of baptism.

I think that everyone should have these questions and answers at hand at all times. Orthodox Christian, and according to them you need to check yourself daily so as not to deviate from the right faith. I present below an extract from this invaluable work and hope that this will help many to establish themselves in the correct views of our faith.

Am I Orthodox? Self-test

Question: Who are you?
Answer: I am someone who wants to know the true God and seeks salvation.

Question: For what purpose did you come to the Holy Church?
Answer: Learn from Her true faith and join Her.

Question: What benefit do you hope to receive from true faith?
Answer: Eternal and blessed life.

Teaching to the Catechumen:

If you want to have eternal life, you must observe the Orthodox-Catholic (universal) faith. This faith consists in confessing God, One in the Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Trinity in Unity, without merging the Persons, without dividing the Creature. Because God is the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit: however, not three gods, but one God. And about the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, understand that He is at the same time God and Man: God, the Only Begotten Son of God the Father, born before all ages, Man, who took our flesh from the Ever-Virgin Mary (Always Virgin); suffered in the flesh and was crucified on the Cross for our salvation, died and rose again, ascended to Heaven and sat down right side God and Father; when the judge comes, everyone will be resurrected, and the righteous will inherit a blessed life, but those who have done evil will accept eternal torment according to their deeds. This faith was preached by the apostles, sealed by the martyrs with their blood, proclaimed by the Councils and by all the Church fathers and teachers.

In the same way, you, as an Orthodox believer, must keep the commandments of the Lord, for faith without works is dead. The oldest and greatest commandments are: Love the Lord your God with all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. Inspiring us to keep both of these commandments, Christ our Savior commanded us to love our enemies, to do good to those who offend us, and to shun all evil. The roots of evil are: pride, greed, carnal lust, envy, intemperance, anger, laziness. But you, since you want to become an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, conquer them with virtues:

Question: Do you want to accept this holy faith in your heart and persistently, until the end of your life, maintain it, and also become accustomed to Christian virtues and succeed in them according to your strength, with the help of God?
Answer: Truly, with all my heart, I want to maintain this holy faith until my last breath, and to diligently carry out a virtuous gospel life, praying to God for help.

The catechumen had to learn and understand the Creed, the Ten Commandments, Lord's prayer and “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.”

Question: Do you confess that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One God, essentially indivisible, in three Persons? And do you believe in Him and worship Him?
Answer: Thus I believe, I confess, and I worship the triune God.

Question: Do you believe and confess that Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born from the Father before all ages, became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, ours for the sake of salvation, and became man, without ceasing to be God, in one Hypostasis, in two natures, Divine and Human, unchanging and unfused?
Answer: This is how I believe and this is how I confess.

Question: Do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, not out of necessity, but voluntarily, truly, and not ghostly, suffered in the flesh for us, remaining dispassionate in Divinity, resurrected by the power of His Divinity, ascended into Heaven with the flesh, and sits on the right side of the Father, from where Will He come again to judge the living and the dead, and will He reign, and His kingdom will have no end?
Answer: So I believe in my heart, and with my lips I confess all this without hypocrisy.

Question: Do you believe that the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Christ our God, is always virgin and truly the Mother of God, and for this reason it is worthy to venerate Her as the Most Honest and Supreme of the Bodiless Powers, and to worship Her reverently, as the first Intercessor for us to God?
Answer: I confess all this about the Ever-Virgin Mary, as Mother of God I honor this, and in prayers I resort to Her.

Question: Do you believe that the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on it, is no longer an instrument of curse and death penalty, but the sign of salvation and eternal life, which we depict on ourselves, avoiding the snares of the enemy?
Answer: So I believe in the Cross of the Lord and with this saving sign I will try to protect myself from the snares of the evil one with hope.

Question: Do you believe that in His Holy Church our Holy Lord Jesus Christ instituted seven Sacraments as necessary: ​​Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Repentance, Priesthood, Marriage and Blessing of Anointing, through which, through the grace given, the faithful servants of Christ become heirs of eternal life?
Answer: So I believe in the Holy Mysteries, and I confess that these seven are necessary in the Church of God for the salvation of Her children.

Question: Do you believe that scripture The Old and New Testaments, the contents of the Church, were spoken by holy people of God, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and for this reason do you accept this Scripture as inspired by God and saving? Do you brush yourself aside from those who do not accept and blaspheme him?
Answer: I accept the Holy Scripture, the contents of the Church, as inspired and holy, as the Word of God, given to us for salvation; I reject those who do not accept it and blaspheme it.

Question: Do you consider the apostolic and holy Father traditions, rites and prayers contained by our Church to be soul-saving and do you accept them?
Answer: I consider all this to be soul-saving and I promise to follow them to the extent required of me.

Question: Do you believe that the apostles, martyrs and all the saints whom our Church honors and calls upon in prayers are truly saints of God, who abide with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven and pray for us sinners?
Answer: I believe, and from now on I call upon the holy saints of God in my prayers.

Question: Do you accept the honorable icons that depict Christ, the Mother of God and the faces of saints, as established in the Orthodox Church, and do you renounce those who blaspheme them?

Answer: I accept honest icons, according to the order of the church, to worship the holy faces depicted on them; I renounce those who blaspheme them.

Question: Do you confess all this that you just said with all your soul and with all your thoughts, or is it not out of necessity? Christian faith Do you come and, out of free will, do you desire to be worthy of Holy Baptism?
Answer: Everything that I said is true, I confess it, and I promise to maintain it until the end of my life; of my own free will, I come unfeignedly to the Christian faith and desire to accept saving Baptism with all my soul.

I hope, my Orthodox brother, that this kind of self-test will help you understand the basic concepts of our faith and become a real Orthodox Christian.

Unworthy R.B.Paul


1. Apology is translated as a) explanation b) sermon c) defense

2. Basic theology is concerned with a) the defense and substantiation of Orthodox doctrine b) the presentation of the dogmas of faith c) comparative analysis teachings of various religions

3. Apologetics refers to theological disciplines a) basic b) introductory c) source studies

4. The main directions of apologetics do not include a) philosophical b) natural science c) historical d) humanitarian

5. Outstanding ancient apologists include a) Justin the Philosopher b) Basil the Great c) Tertullian d) Osipov e) Pascal

6. The word “religion” is translated as a) connection b) faith c) piety d) love

7. According to atheism, religion is a) union with God b) belief in something higher c) variety mental illness

8. Religion is a) the creation of man b) the creation of God c) arises from the cooperation of man and God

9. Proofs of the existence of God do not include a) cosmological b) moral c) ontological d) apologetic

10. The human soul a) eternal b) created by God and immortal c) created by God and mortal d) not created by God and temporary

11. Theodicy is a) the doctrine of the justice of God b) about God as the source of evil c) about the justification of God in the face of evil in the world

12. The world a) exists forever b) created by God c) arises by chance on its own

13. The science that studies the Shroud of Turin is a) Turinology b) Sindonology c) Christology

14. Scientific knowledge and Christian theology a) contradict b) complement c) do not contradict each other

15. God a) completely knowable b) completely unknowable c) partially knowable by energy

17. The most obvious indication of the existence of God in man is a) body b) will c) conscience

18. Dealt with the problem of theodicy German philosopher a) Kant b) Fichte c) Leibniz

19. He considered all the proofs of the existence of God to be unfounded a) Hegel b) Schelling c) Kant

20. Those who believe that the existence of God can neither be proven nor disproved are a) atheists b) believers c) agnostics d) nontheists.

21. Those who believe that God does not interfere in the existence of the world and man after their creation are a) deists b) theists c) pantheists.

22. The doctrine of the uselessness of God for the world and man is a) nontheism b) anthropomorphism c) skepticism

23. The historical existence of Christ from a scientific point of view. is a) doubtful b) fully proven c) false

24. There are a) 33 b) 60 c) 77 Old Testament prophecies about Christ.

25. The books of the New Testament were written a) 2nd century. b) 3 c. c) Tue. floor. 1st century AD

26. The most convincing “material evidence” of the historical existence of Christ as the God-man is a) the Holy Sepulcher b) the Shroud of Turin c) Crown of Thorns

27. Is knowledge of Orthodox doctrine necessary for salvation? a) necessary b) not necessary b) indifferent

28. Religion a) has always been and will be b) appears at a certain stage in human history c) will soon disappear

29. The main problem that any religion tries to solve is a) the problem of poverty b) the problem of death and the meaning of life c) the problem of social justice

30. Truth can be found in a) philosophy b) science c) all religions d) Orthodoxy

31. Christianity differs from all other religions in that the main place is given to a) faith b) fear c) love d) piety

32. Orthodoxy differs from other directions of Christianity in its teaching and practice of a) salvation b) deification c) redemption d) enlightenment

33. A way of life based on faith in the Revelation of God is a) morality b) politics c) theology d) philosophy

34. “God exists, because in our mind there is a concept of God as an all-perfect being” - this is evidence a) historical b) ontological c) moral d) cosmological

35. We can know God thanks to a) the abilities of our mind b) His gracious Revelation c) our feelings

36. The events described in the Gospels are a) legendary b) fabulous c) historical d) mythological.

37. Religions in which a person worships the physical world are of the type a) theocentric b) anthropocentric c) cosmocentric

38. Evil is a) dark matter and energy b) sin c) suffering and death

39. Crusades and the Inquisition was carried out by a) all Christians b) Catholics c) Orthodox d) Protestants

40. Suffering and death are a) evil b) consequences of sin d) natural characteristics of life.

41. List apologists you know and books on Basic Theology and Apologetics.

What else to read