Rules for playing classic thousand. Card game thousand

One thousand (1000) has long belonged to the category most popular card games, and you can’t argue with that. It makes no sense to understand the reasons for such popularity, but you should simply accept this fact. The most interesting and popular option card game rules 1000 (thousand), this is a game for three players. This is due to the number of cards in the deck. Only twenty-four cards are selected from a deck of playing cards (the most short deck of cards of those used). Starting from aces to nines, inclusive.

There are, of course, rules that describe the possibility of playing a thousand with four players, but in such a game one of the participants (in turn, this applies to everyone) will have to take the place of the “blockhead,” i.e. playing cards These are cards from the buyout. This option is not very popular among card game fans.

1. The point of the game Ash Stump, as the name suggests, is to score a thousand points.

2. The game is played for bribes :)). In the sense that to score points, everyone should try to take as many bribes as possible.

3. The sum of all cards in the deck gives 120 points. Aces are worth 11, kings are 4, queen is worth 3, jack is 2, tens are worth their value, i.e. 10 points. The seniority of the cards corresponds to their value, i.e. ace, ten, king, queen, jack. Nines, although they participate in the game, do not have any point value. Margins are also used (see card terminology), which in principle can be considered feature of the card game thousand (1000).

4. For the announcement of each margin, bonus points are added:

For the Marriage of Hearts 100 points, for the announcement of Diamonds 80 points, Clubs is valued at 60 points, and Spades at 40.

5. Another purpose of margin is to determine the trump suit, so that, depending on the layout, the trump suit can change several times in one game (hand).

6. For example, one of the players has a margin of diamonds in his hands (80 points), and the trump suit in the game is a spade, then announcing his margin, he says: “eighty on a diamond.” This means that the trump card has changed to the suit of diamonds. Or he says: “eighty by suit,” in which case he simply announced his eighty points, and the trump card remained the same.

7. In order for the points to be counted, you must declare your margins. If the player simply leaves the king or queen (without a verbal announcement), as described in the example above. Then margin points are not counted. And to the subsequent statement: “Oh, I forgot!” Everyone answers unanimously: “Oh, it happens, gee, gee...” and continue the game.

Bidding in a card game thousand

And as in any card game rules, which is based on a set of bribes, and also provides for the presence of a buy-in, it all starts with bidding for the right to make the first move and a buy-in.

After all the cards have been dealt, the player sitting on the left side of the dealer has the right to make the first statement. Actually, this is not even a statement, but rather required condition, since his bid is mandatory. He should score a hundred points in any case. If two opponents fold (refuse to bid for the purchase), then he is forced to play the game and score a hundred points. If in the first round of betting both of them passed and gave the game to the “obligated” player (100 points), then the one who is at “one hundred” may not show the cards from the buy-in.

1. Of course, after taking the buy-in, he can re-order the game. State what's going on large quantity points. Raising bets before taking a buy-in, with two passes, simply does not make sense.

2. Bids in auctions are usually raised by five or ten (as agreed) points. But no more than one hundred and twenty. The sum of the points of all cards in the deck is 120. To claim a larger amount, you must have margin in hand. And since all the cards, with the exception of the buy-in, are in your hands, you won’t be able to cheat. And rivals may demand to show margin even at the bidding stage.

3. The auction is won by the one who announced the highest bid, followed by two passes.

4. The one who took the buy-in (three cards) in mandatory shows it to his partners at the card table. Then he can re-announce the game (raise the stakes). In this case, it is necessary to take into account that you will have to choose two unnecessary cards and distribute them to your opponents. Thus, before the start of the actual drawing, everyone should have eight cards in their hands.

Announcement of margin in the game thousand

if a player forgot to deal out two unnecessary cards, but immediately made an exit (usually an ace or ten) with the highest cards in this game. Then the opponent has every right to take this card for himself. In this case, after the phrase, which has already become a classic, “Oh, I forgot,” the following must be done: first, we imbue him with a feeling of deep gratitude; second, we say: “Thank you”; third, we say: “Gee, gee...” and continue playing.

1. In order to declare your margin, you must take a bribe. In more detail, the obligatory condition is only in the first draw, i.e. when all three participants take one card each for a trick. After this, the person who took the bribe has the right to announce his margin.

2. On the card being played, you need to remove cards of the same suit; if there are none, then a trump card. If there are no cards of a trump suit in your hands, then any.

4. In order for the margin to play, there is no need to play both the king and queen for the points to count, it is enough to make an exit with one of them. It happens that another player can take the trump king with a ten or an ace and interrupt the trump with his margin.

Feature of counting in the card game thousand (1000)

The point is that for the one who announced the game (who set the number of points he intends to score), cards are counted up to one point, and for the rest, the sum of points is rounded to five or to zero. For example, 67 will give 65 points, and if 68 are scored, it will be rounded up to 70.

1. If the announced bet is not reached (even by one point), all declared points are deducted from the record.

2. When you score more points than announced, only the amount you played for is recorded. He declared one hundred and forty, but took one hundred and seventy, only one hundred and forty is recorded.

3. Points are added to those previously earned and the final amount is recorded in the table.

4. Recording the points in a thousand (1000) card game is usually assigned to the one sitting to the left of the dealer, so that everyone in turn is obliged make fun of numbers with calligraphic handwriting participate in record keeping. The advantages of this thousand card game rules(1000) – there is no confusion with the right to distribute cards. The one who wrote down the last time deals out the cards this time.

The disadvantages are penalties for incorrect entries in the table. The size of the fine is determined in advance, usually a hundred points minus, so that it doesn’t get boring.

Features in the card game thousand (1000)

There are several features that are not found in other card games

1. The ability to schedule and write off the announced game. If a player sees that he cannot score the stated points, then he can schedule the game. How does this happen?

The announced bet amount is deducted from his record, and half of this amount is added to the opponents' already collected bets.

It is also possible that nothing is deducted from the player’s record; half of the stated amount of points is simply added to the score of his opponents. In the table of entries, this option is marked with the letter “P”.

This option in the rules of the card game thousand (1000) is quite popular among players and, most likely, is associated with the particular cunning ingenuity of some players who do not want to sit on the barrel.

2. The second feature is the ability to write off the game. That is, the conditions are the same, there is no opportunity to score the stated points. The player in the table of records is given the letter “C”, and the rest are given a dash.

3. A dash is also given to those who did not score the minimum number of points during the game. For example: two nines and a jack are two points.

4. Three strikes (in a row or for the entire game, by agreement) are fined one hundred and twenty points. After the penalty is deducted, the player can start typing dashes again

Card game thousand Well, here we are on the barrel

1. The condition for sitting on the barrel is for one of the players to score 880 points

According to some intelligence reports, the rules are to sit on a barrel when you score 900 points.

2. If any of the players is on the barrel, no one has the right to write off or write off the game.

3. For the one who is on the barrel, margin points are no longer taken into account, although he can also order or beat the trump suit. When bidding, he has no right to go more than one hundred and twenty.

4. He needs to score one hundred and twenty points in three attempts, that is, in one round.

5. Points are counted up to one. I dialed 34 with cards, so they write down 34.

On the next hand I scored 57 and recorded 91.

6. If in three attempts he could not get to a thousand (1000), he is fined one hundred and twenty points and flies off the barrel. Moreover, the points scored are rounded to tenths (always downwards), for example: 993 is rounded to 990 and 120 penalties are subtracted, we get 870.

7. In the case when the second player sits on a barrel, and the first one is still sitting on it, the first one flies off the barrel with a sigh of relief on the same conditions, i.e. – 120.

But even that doesn't end there description of the rules of the card game 1000 (thousand). Like many others popular card games, thousand includes many nuances in its rules.

1. If one of the players scores 555 points in plus or minus, then his record is reset to zero.

2. If any player has a sum of cards in his hands that gives up to 13 points, he has the right to demand a mulligan.

3. The player has three nines or four jacks, even after distributing cards from the draw, also gives the right to demand a mulligan.

4. A mulligan is also necessary provided that the cards in the draw are less than five points, or two nines, or three jacks.

5. Announcement of a retake is possible only before the first exit.

How to play "thousand" - this is a question that many card game fans ask. Indeed, the rules are not so simple, and the game itself requires participants to have intelligence, analytical skills and the ability to take risks at the right moment, and to hold their horses at the wrong time.

Basic Rules

"Thousand" is played by a group of 2-4 people, but it is best to play it with three people. For the game, only cards from nine to ace are used, which are arranged in order of seniority as follows - nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace. The main goal of the game is to score a thousand points, and the one who does it first becomes the winner.

Each “move” or “game” is divided into four successive stages - dealing all the cards from the deck, bidding with the announcement of bets, playing cards from hands and directly counting the points that ultimately remained in the players’ hands.

Dealing cards

Let's describe how to play "thousand" with three people.

The first deal is determined by the player chosen by lot; in the future, the participant sitting on the left hand from the first dealer, and so on. The deck is thoroughly shuffled, then the player to the dealer's left removes the top half of the deck and places it down.

Afterwards, the dealer looks to see which card in the deck is on the bottom, and if it is a nine, then he shows it to everyone, and then the left player removes the deck again. If three times when the left player removed the deck, there was a nine on the bottom, then he is given a penalty of 120 points. If there is a jack on the bottom, then the dealer himself removes the deck, but only once.

After these complex manipulations, the “thousand” game begins, which everyone will play with seven cards. The remaining three cards must be placed face down in the center of the table - this will be the buy-in.


At this stage, the participants actually begin to play "thousand". How it's done? Very simply, the bidding begins. All players compete with each other for the right to place and take points from this bet. The bid is most often called an "order". The delivery person makes the order first. He always makes it the size of a hundred points. The next bet is made by the player sitting on the left hand. He either raises the order or says "pass" and skips the betting for that round. You need to increase your bet by at least 5 points.

If a player does not have a pair of king and queen of the same revenge (marriage) on his cards, then he cannot bargain above one hundred and twenty points. Also, the amount of points for which he is trading can never be higher than one hundred and twenty points + points for margin, or margins.

Points for cards are calculated as follows:

  • ace - 11 points;
  • ten - 10 points;
  • king - 4 points;
  • queen - 3 points;
  • jack - 2 points;
  • nine - 0 points.

Margin points are slightly higher:

  • margin on peaks - four dozen points;
  • on clubs - six tens points;
  • on the diamonds - eight tens of points;
  • on hearts - a hundred points, maximum.

This is exactly how you need to play "thousand". As is obvious, the rules are complex, but quite easy to understand. Players trade until two out of three players pass. After this, all three cards are taken from the buyout, opened and given to the winner. This player takes two unwanted cards and gives one to each opponent.

How to play "thousand" cards next? The winning player announces his final bet. You can't lower it, but you can raise it. If, even after taking the cards, the player sees that, together with the buy-in, he cannot get the number of points announced in the bet, then the only thing he can do is “write the deck.” The "deck schedule" works like this - the participant loses the number of points that he bet, and his opponents receive 60 points. The cards are dealt again, and trading continues again.


If you want to play "thousand", how to draw points? Quite simple actually. The first move at this stage is made by the dealer. He places any card from his hand on the table. The next player clockwise places a card of the same suit on top, either a trump card or any suit. This is done exactly in the specified sequence. The one of the three participants who puts down the card with the maximum seniority takes all the cards for himself and in the next step of the drawing, in the same turn, goes first. Remember that ten is the highest, only ace is higher than it!

If a player has a margin in his hands, and he took the last trick, then he can move with one of the margin cards, a queen or a king, and make this suit trump. On the first move there is no trump suit. Sometimes when declaring mariazh, slang is used - after the word mariazh the following is added:

  • "Dad", "father" or "he" if a king is placed.
  • "Mom", "mother" or "she", if a lady.
  • "It" if you are playing with an ace margin and an ace is placed. Ace margin means that four aces of different suits make up a margin.

There are eight drawings in total.


When all the cards have been played, a procedure called scoring begins. If a player has never taken a bribe during the entire rally, then he receives a “bolt”. After receiving the third "bolt" there is a penalty of 120 points.

Points are calculated simply - the sum of all cards in hand is counted, and the king and queen of the same suit are counted according to margin points. The winner will be the player who, based on the results of previous rounds, reaches a thousand in total.

However, instructions on how to play “a thousand” cards would be incomplete if we did not talk about the “barrel”. Once a player reaches 880 points or more, he sits on the barrel. His points drop to 880 and he needs to do the following:

  • Place more than 120 points in a bet.
  • Win the trade.
  • Collect 120 points in a drawing.

All this must be done in one move. The player will have three attempts, and if nothing works out, his points will drop to zero.

Cards, "thousand": play together

Let's look at this option. Quite often people wonder how to play “thousand” together? Is it possible? In fact, quite, and quite simple. At the beginning, each player receives 10 cards, and 4 remain in the draw: two closed piles of two cards each. Then everything goes classically - first bargaining. The player who declares the maximum points wins it. This participant gets the right to open one pile lying on the table, show it to the second player and put the cards to himself. Then any two cards are placed by this player on the table in a closed pile. Then the next stage finally begins - the drawing described above. If a player fails to score the points that he declared on the bets, then he subtracts them from his points, if he succeeds, then he adds everything he received. There is usually no “barrel” in a one-versus-one game, but this can be discussed by the participants separately - it all depends on their desires.

Game "thousand". You can also play with the computer

You don't have to play "thousand" with people. If you can’t find companions, but fun attracts you, then it’s quite possible to play with the computer. There are many sites for this. They offer online flash options as well various games, which you can install on your computer. You can play both with virtual bot opponents and with friends or people from the Internet. How to play "thousand" cards with a computer? Very convenient because he will count the points himself. However, the computer can be a very smart opponent, so be careful.

Individual arrangements

To make the game “thousand” more exciting, you can play it with individual agreements. These agreements can either simplify or complicate the process. Here are examples of such rules:

If at the moment when trading begins, the player has already spent 120 points, then he is obliged to pass.

If there are fewer cards in the hand than 5 points, then the person who received it may demand a mulligan if he was the dealer and bet 100 automatically.

During the drawing, you can declare the trump suit to be a margin to anyone on the very first move.

The “Golden Horse” rule - in the first three games, the points scored and not scored by the players are multiplied by two. Moreover, in the first three games, each player must take at least 120 points. If no one takes 120 points, then the game starts again.

Ace margin. When a player has four aces in his hands, if he puts the first one on the table in the draw, he will automatically receive 200 points, and the ace suit will become the trump suit. In subsequent plays, he must start the play with an ace.

A game with a bed marriage - a queen and a jack of the same suit constitute a "mini-marriage" and cost 50 percent of the regular cost.

If a player has four nines in his hands, then by placing the first one on the table, he receives 360 or 200 points. Also, with 4 nines, the participant can voluntarily declare a mulligan.

All these agreements are optional and are discussed by the players individually before the game.

General information about the game. Thousand is a card game, designed for 2-4 people.

You will need the following cards of all suits: nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Each card is worth a certain amount of points - nines are worth zero points, tens are worth ten, jacks are worth two, queens are worth three, kings are worth four and aces are worth eleven points.

Feature of the game in 1000 - the presence of praise- the presence of a queen and king of the same suit or four aces. Depending on the suit, khvalenki have different values: hearts - 100, diamonds - 80, cross - 60, spades - 40, ace margin (praise with four aces) - 200. In order to get these points, khvalenki need " praise" (discard the queen, king or ace after receiving a bribe).

Game progress in 1000 (thousand) with two players. Have a piece of paper and a pen to write down the results of the games. The cards are dealt one by one. Before distributing the cards, we let the neighbor move part of the deck and see which card is at the bottom (the neighbor should not see). If it is a nine, we show it to our neighbor; if it comes up three times in a row, the neighbor gets minus 120 points. If it's a jack, the neighbor moves again (if the jack comes up again, the cards are dealt). The rest of the cards fell out - we distribute them 10 to each and leave two more pairs of two cards aside (buy-in) so that you end up with the last card (which you saw). If your neighbor has it, you have minus 120 points.

And further :

There are thousands two types of games: light and dark. Rules of the game in the dark (game in the dark is possible with 3-4 players): on the hundred sits the person who NOT distributed cards. This means that he needs to score one hundred points or, if he rolls good cards, more, as much as he says. You can break his word and make a bigger bet depending on your ability to score more points.

You can raise the bet up to a maximum of 420 (with matching cards). Do you lack praise? You have the right to raise the bet only to 120 points, since the sum of the points of all cards in the deck is 120, and betting above the potential possibility is prohibited. Therefore, with a cross praise, you cannot raise the bet above 180 points (120 (sum of all points) + 60 (cross praise)).

As soon as the bets are determined, the first buy (two cards) is taken by the person who has a higher rate. By agreement, the first purchase can be opened or not. Then the player who took the buy-in and examined his cards makes a choice: he either signs (by not playing, you will lose the said number of points, and your neighbor will assign 60 to himself, the next round will begin), or he continues the round and is determined by the number of points he will score . In the latter case, he must give any unnecessary card to his opponent and start the game by placing a card that is advantageous to him. Your opponent responds by placing a card of the same suit or any other if this suit is not available.

The one whose card value is higher (in ascending order: nine, jack, queen, king, ten and ace) takes the card. For example, you put the ace of spades, and your opponent puts the 10 of spades, you take it. The one who received the bribe (who took the cards) makes the next move (you cannot move from the cards that you took, they no longer participate in the game).

If your opponent left with a card of the heart suit, and you didn’t have it, you must put a card of any other suit, its value does not matter, in any case, your opponent will take it, since you played in the wrong suit. However, in one situation you can take cards of a different suit - you have a boast. Having previously received a bribe, you praised and received a certain number of points (see above the cost of praises of different stripes), and your opponent took it. He left with a suit that you do not have - you take a trump card - any card of the suit that you captured. Nevertheless, if, having taken, for example, your vaunted queen with an ace, your opponent out-praises you, his suit will be the trump card.

After all cards have left the game, the player who took the last trick receives a second purchase.

Let's start counting points according to the cost of cards and praises (see above). You scored the number of points that you said - we write them down (exactly as many as you said, even if you scored more). If you didn’t score - minus your bet number of points or minus 100 if you were sitting on a hundred and no one raised the bet higher. Your opponent, who is not sitting on a hundred or has not lifted more than you, records the points scored, rounding them up in the following way: 51, 52 round to 50, 53, 54, 56, 57 - to 55, 58, 59 - to 60.

If the player does not gain or lose anything, then a dash is written ( bolt). For three bolts in a row - minus 120 points. After counting, the round begins again, only the one who did not deal before hands out.

Rounds continue until someone scores 880 points or more (recorded as 880). This position is called " climb on a barrel" and means that your last step to victory remains - to score more than 120 points, and only if you win the auction and say your " more than 120"(if you scored 120 without telling, your points are meaningless - they are not credited). You are given three attempts, after which you “fly off the barrel”, i.e. - minus the number of points you last used. If a player flies off the barrel 3 times, he ends up at zero.

Differences between the game of 1000 (thousand) and the “golden horse”. Having agreed with your partner, you can try to play with the golden horse. The rules of the game remain almost the same with the exception of the following: the first two, three or four rounds (depending on the number of people) take place regardless of the bidding. In turn (the first person to sit on gold is the person who did not deal the cards), everyone sits on gold: the bet is initially set at 120 points and is not varied by the players (the player sitting on gold can raise it higher if this was mentioned before the start of the game).

If the person sitting on gold scores 120, his points (as well as his partner’s) double (120*2=240), if not, they decrease (minus 240). You have written it down - you are minus 240, your neighbor is plus 120. After two, three or four rounds, the game proceeds as usual: in turn, everyone sits on a hundred. If all players on gold have scored or have not scored 120 points, the golden circle begins again (all players again end up on gold in turn). This continues until someone on gold scores 120.

Differences of the game in a thousandthree of us . We distribute 7 cards to everyone (the last card for ourselves) and 3 cards for the buy-in. We discard one card to each player. Playing blind: the player who did not deal the cards (the right to play blind is passed around the circle), " it's getting dark", i.e. raises to 120 without seeing his cards. Then he takes the buy-in, without showing it to anyone, and reveals the cards to himself. Having assessed them, he can raise the bet (then he gives one card to the players), or he can sign them. In case of a win, he assigns points (like all players), doubled (for example, 125*2=250); in case of a loss, he halves them (for example, minus 250).

Differences in the game in 1000 (thousand)four of us . The person distributing cards (7 cards to three players) sits on the draw, he puts the last card in the draw and assigns himself the cost of all (three) cards and the praise, if it is in the draw. Does not take part in the tour. In addition, the player sitting on the barrel and dealing the cards does not count this round as an attempt to win. It is possible to play in the dark.

    “Thousand” is one of the most popular card games in Russia; it is also known in other countries of Eastern Europe, such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Lithuania. The rules of the game are based on another card game, Mariage, the main element of which is the so-called “marriage”, i.e. a pair of cards containing a queen and a king of the same suit. Success in the game depends on how attentive the player is, as well as on the correct calculation of bets.

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    "Thousand" is a bribe card game, the goal of which is to score a total of 1000 (or more) points. A feature of the game is the use of so-called “marriages” (king and queen of the same suit), which allow you to assign (“grab”) a trump suit.

    Players and card deck

    The current implementation of the game involves three players. A deck of 24 cards is used (including nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace of four suits). The point of the game is to try to score 1000 or more points through bribes. Whoever reaches the total number of points first – 1000 – is the winner of the game.

    The seniority of cards in each suit is determined in ascending order as follows: nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace. When counting points in tricks, the following denominations are used:

    Thus, the sum of the points of all cards in the game is 120 points, and the sum of the points of cards of the same suit is 30 points. An integral part of the game is margin - a pair consisting of a queen and a king of the same suit. In Thousand there are two types of margins: trump and (by agreement) ace.

    A trump card is considered to be the king and queen of the same suit, held by the same player. Marriage can be obtained either immediately after the distribution, or by picking up a purchase (after winning the auction). “Half” of the margin (king or queen) can also be obtained when cards are demolished by the player who wins the auction.

    The game is built on the use of trump cards; each player strives to get them, since the announcement of a trump margin (“grabbing a trump card”) brings the player points, equal costs margin. In addition, the announcement of a margin assigns a new trump card in the current pot (all cards of the same suit as the announced margin become trump cards, that is, they beat any other suit). Points for announced margins are added to the amount of points scored through bribes; Points for announcing several margins during one con are summed up.

    The declaration of trump margin is carried out by entering from the maria queen or king. In order to announce (“grab”) a trump margin, the player must take at least one trick, thereby gaining the right to move and the right to declare the margin (there is also an agreement in which the announcement of margin is allowed on the first move).

    If one of the players declared a margin, the other player can, if possible, take the margin queen with an ace or ten of the same suit and gain the right to “over-praise”, that is, declare his own margin, if any. When “over-praising” (announcing another trump card during one game), the previous trump card turns into a regular suit, and the trump card of the last card comes into force.

    Denominations of trump margins:

    By agreement, the so-called "ace" margin. An ace margin is when a player has four aces in his hands. An ace margin brings the player an additional 200 points, which are added to the points taken by the player in the bet.

    To declare an ace margin, the player must take any bribe (even if he won the bidding and has the right to make the first move). Therefore, for ace margin, you need to have not only four aces, but also a ten, which is guaranteed to take the first trick. Any player who has four aces in his hands has the right to declare an ace margin. An ace margin cannot be declared if a player has taken a trick with one of the aces.


    The first dealer is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent round, the deal goes to the person sitting to the left of the dealing player (and so on clockwise). At the beginning of each round of the game there are no trump cards; all suits play on equal terms.


    After the cards are dealt, players look at their cards and determine how many points they can score. Then they announce their bets. Declaring a bet means announcing the number of points that the player agrees to take in the current bet.

    Trading begins immediately after the hand. The player sitting to the left of the dealer is called the “first hand” and must place a bet of at least 100 points. Players take turns announcing their bets or refusing to bid (“pass”). The player sitting to the left of the “first hand” speaks second, and so on clockwise. If a player passes, he cannot take part in subsequent auctions of this stake.

    Bidding goes in increments of 5 points, that is, each player can only increase the bet by a number that is a multiple of five points (100, 105, 110, 115, etc.).

    The winner of the auction takes the buy-in and shows it to other players (the exception is the “golden con” and the “dark” game, when the buy-in is not opened, as well as a special agreement). The player who wins the bid has the right to increase his bid before making his first move.

    Demolition of maps

    The player who wins the auction is obliged to give the other players one card each at his own discretion, showing these cards to all players. When playing blind and on a golden horse, the cards are dealt face down. The winner of the auction receives the right to make the first move and is obliged to take a number of points during the bet that is no less than the declared number - in this case, the declared number of points will be added to his score; otherwise, the stated amount of points will be debited from his account.

    By separate agreement, the buy-in is not opened if a player has declared a mandatory bet of 100 points, and other players have said “pass”. In this case, the cards are also discarded face down.

    Game process

    The winning player goes first. The remaining players discard one card of the corresponding suit (if the required suit is missing, then a trump card; if a trump card is also missing, then any card at their discretion). The player whose card turns out to be the highest takes the cards and gets the right to make the first move. The player who has the right to move can declare (“praise”) the margin.

    At the end of the con, the points taken are counted - the bribes and the cost of the announced margins are summed up. If the winning player scores the stated amount of points, it is credited to his account; if not, it is debited from his account. All other players are awarded the points they accumulated during the game.


    At the end of the game, players count the points they have scored according to the face value of the cards. The amount of points scored is rounded down in multiples of five - down for two points and up for three points (for example: 17 points - 15; 18 points - 20). This rule not applicable to the winner of the auction - if at least one point is not enough to the amount declared by him, the amount of points he scored is not taken into account (by separate agreement, this rule is canceled).

    The value of the announced margins is added to the amount of points obtained through bribes. During a golden horse or a blind game, the points obtained through bribes are doubled.


    If a player scores a total of 880 (according to one of the agreements - 900) points, he “sits” on the barrel; he no longer receives points. The game will continue as usual (with trading); To win, the player sitting on the barrel must win the auction and reach the 1000 point bar (that is, score at least 120 points). The player sitting on the barrel is given three attempts to score the winning amount of points when bidding for the purchase is won. If, after three hands, a player does not win, he “flies off the barrel,” that is, his score is reduced by 120 points, and to win he must “sit down” on the barrel again (i.e., score 880 or 900 points).

    There is an agreement under which on the third “fly” from the barrel the player “goes to zero”, that is, the player’s points are reset to zero.


    If during the game the player did not take a single trick, he is given a “bolt”. There are arrangements in which bolts may have Negative consequences for the player:

    • for three bolts in a row, 120 points are deducted from the player, while the previous bolts are canceled (if three bolts are received again, the procedure is repeated);
    • for three bolts during the game, 120 points are deducted from the player, the bolts are canceled (if three bolts are received again in any hands, the procedure is repeated).

    With appropriate agreement, the received bolt can be “doubled” if it was obtained in a “blind” game or on a golden horse.


    If a player sees that he obviously cannot reach the bet ordered during trading, he can schedule the game. At the same time, he takes away the order amount from himself and “writes” to his opponents half of the order amount.

    Exist different rules paintings. These rules are governed by the agreements:

    • each opponent is always given 60 points, not half the order;
    • three paintings are additionally fined;
    • only every third painting is fined;
    • a player sitting on a barrel cannot paint;
    • if one of the players is sitting on a barrel, no one can paint;
    • Only three points are possible per game (in this case, the player does not deduct points from himself).


    Thanks to a large list of agreements, there is big number options for playing "Thousand". Below are the agreements available in this version of the game.

    1. Limitations

    Agreements related to restrictions can significantly affect the gameplay.

    Dropping from a barrel if another climbed onto it

    If a player lands on a barrel, then 120 points are deducted from all other players sitting on the barrel. Thus, only one player can sit on the barrel at a time. This does not apply if two or three players simultaneously reach 880 (or 900, depending on agreement) points.

    One player on the barrel

    If two or three players simultaneously score 880 (or 900, depending on the agreement) points, then 120 points are deducted from them all.

    Purchase for 100

    If a player takes a buy-in at 100 points (without bidding), then the buy-in cards are not shown to opponents.

    Demolition in the dark

    The cards are discarded face down (i.e., each player who takes the demolition sees only his own card).

    Round up points when playing

    The points scored during your game are rounded up before being compared with the order placed. For example, if a player ordered 100 points and scored 98, then with this option disabled, it is considered that he did not complete his order. And if this option is enabled, then 98 is rounded to 100, and the order will be completed.

    More than 1000 to win

    The player on the barrel must score at least 125 points (105 points for a 900 point barrel) for the game to end in victory.

    Jumping in trading is prohibited

    If this arrangement is enabled, then when trading for a buy-in, players cannot increase their order by more than 5 points.

    Barrel with 900

    Here you can set the number of points for the barrel. Usually this is 880 points, but there is a variant of the game where 900 points are considered a barrel (this option sets exactly this option).

    2. Fines

    Agreements related to penalties affect the scoring of the game.


    If a player's point total is lower than the agreed value, he always (automatically) passes.

    Dump truck

    If after the next draw the player’s number of points is equal to 555, then all his points are reset to zero.

    Negative dump truck

    If after the next draw the player’s number of points is minus 555, then all his points are reset to zero.

    Three bolts in a row

    If a player does not score a single point for three draws in a row (draws in which he ordered the game are not taken into account if the “Bolt in his game does not count” option is set), then a given number of penalty points is deducted from him (usually 120).

    Three bolts per game

    If a player does not score a single point for the third time since the start of the game, then a specified number of penalty points are deducted from him (usually 120). After this, the counter of zero games is reset to zero, and it will again accumulate the number of zero wins.

    Three barrels

    If a player sits on a barrel three times and falls off it three times without scoring 1000 points, then all his points are reset to zero.

    A bolt on your game does not count

    If a player does not take a single trick during his game, then with this option enabled he will not receive a bolt for this. Also, your game does not count towards bolts in a row if this arrangement is included.

    Fine amount

    The number of penalty points that are deducted from a player in some situations (default is 120 points).

    3. Retake


    Allow a mulligan if the sum of points in the buy-in is less than the value specified in the agreement.

    Cards after deal

    Allow a mulligan if the sum of card points after distribution is less than the value specified in the agreement.

    Four nines after the deal

    If a player has four nines after the cards are dealt, then before the start of the auction he may demand a mulligan.

    Two nines in the draw

    If there are two nines in the buy-in, then the person who received the buy-in may require the cards to be re-dealt.

    Four nines after demolition

    If a player ends up with 4 nines in his hands after discarding another player or after receiving a buy-in, then before the start of the game he may demand a mulligan.

    Only at 100

    The person who received the buy-in can demand that the cards be re-dealt only if he received this buy-in without bargaining (that is, on an order of 100 points).

    4. Painting

    Paint for 60

    If the player decides to list the points, then the opponents will be added 60 points (120 points in the deck divided in half). If this option is disabled, then the player's order (rounded up to tens) will be divided between two opponents.

    Do not subtract the order when painting

    If a player signs for his points, then his order is not deducted from him.

    Penalty for the third painting

    At the third marking, the amount of penalty points is deducted from the player.

    Three paintings per game

    The player can only sign three times in the entire game.

    Painting on a barrel

    If the order made is not deducted during painting, then the player gets the opportunity to paint, even if at that time one of the players is on the barrel. If the order is deducted during painting, then this option does not affect anything.

    Painting on gold

    If the order made is not deducted during painting, then the player gets the opportunity to paint during the golden con. If the order is deducted during painting, then this option does not affect anything.

    5. Golden con

    During the first hands (the number of hands is equal to the number of players), each player in turn gets the opportunity to play an order of 120 points. All points, penalties and bolts scored by players are recorded double. If no player scores 120 points, the points are reset to zero and normal play begins.


    In the first round, each player in turn must play 120 points. In this case, all points scored and not scored are doubled. If no one scores 120 points, then the golden game is played again.

    Reset points

    If during the golden horse no one managed to score the required points, then the score is completely reset and the game starts again.

    You can increase your order

    During the Golden Con, a player can increase his initial (mandatory) order of 120 points.

    Double bolts on gold

    If a player does not score any points while playing the golden horse, he is awarded two bolts (instead of one).

    6. Game "in the dark"

    Only the “first hand”, that is, the player sitting to the left of the dealing player, has the right to play “dark”. Thus, the “darkening” player undertakes to score 120 or more points, without knowing either his cards or the draw. The essence of the game “in the dark” is that the points scored are doubled; thus, the “darkening” player has the opportunity to score 240 points (in a normal distribution, this opportunity is very rare). If the “darker” does not score the stated amount of points (or misses), 240 points are automatically deducted from his account.


    Allow silent play mode.

    Don't show the purchase

    During a “dark” game, cards are demolished face down (i.e., each player who takes the demolition sees only his own card).

    Do not darken the barrel

    Do not allow the game “in the dark” if at least one player is on the barrel.

    Allow painting

    Allow painting while playing in the dark.

    Allow darkening

    After announcing the game “dark” and the cards being dealt, players look at their cards and can, if possible and if desired, “dark” the player by announcing a bet of 125 points. Thus, the game “in the dark” is canceled, and the auction takes place as usual. After the end of the auction, the buy-in is “revealed” and the cards are dealt openly. To “discolor” the opponent, the player must have any margin on his hands.

    Darken without haggling

    The purchase price is automatically taken by the one who “darkened”; he opens the buy-in, and he can also raise the bet. Other players do not have the right to trade.

    No more than 240

    Anyone who declares a game “in the dark” and scores at least 120 points (excluding doubling) receives only 240 points - even if the doubled amount of points scored (including bribes and declared margins) exceeds 240.

    Double bolts

    If a player does not score a single point during a blind game, he is given two bolts instead of one.

    7. Trumps

    You can praise from the first move

    A player can declare trump without having a single trick in his hands.

    Trade over 120 without margin

    A player can raise an order during a trade to more than 120 points, even if he does not have a single margin in his hands. If this option is not set, then the player cannot order more than 120 + the sum of all margins on hand.

    Ace Marriage

    If a player has all four aces in his hands, then on his move, placing one of the aces, he receives 200 points. If the option “You can praise from the first move” is disabled, then before that you need to take at least one bribe.

    Don't play with other people's trump cards

    A player cannot make his first move with a trump card if he did not declare this trump card and if he has other cards.

    Walk with trump cards

    The player must make his first move with a trump card if he has trump cards in his hands.

    8. Additional settings

    Bonus for four nines

    The player, regardless of the result of the round, receives 120 points at the end of the game if four nines remain in his hands after discarding.

    Card game"A Thousand" is available for download from the Google Play Store.

    You can also download the APK file from this site yourself and install it on your device. In order to do this, you must allow installation of applications from unknown sources.

    The following License Agreement applies to the Thousand Card Game application (hereinafter referred to as the “application”), developed for operating system Android, is concluded between Mikhail Aleksandrovich Matveev, hereinafter referred to as the “copyright holder”, and any person installing the application, accessing it or using it in any other way (hereinafter referred to as the “user”). All conditions stated below apply both to the application as a whole and to all its components separately. If the user does not agree to the terms of this license, the user does not have the right to install and use the application. Using the application in violation of the terms of this license is a violation of the law. Russian Federation and international legislation and entails administrative and/or criminal liability.

    The author of the application and owner of the copyright for it is Mikhail A. Matveev. He is also the copyright holder and exclusive worldwide owner of the rights to use the application, including the rights to reproduce, distribute and publish it in any form.

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    The exclusive right to the application belongs to the copyright holder.

    User rights

    The copyright holder grants the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable right (simple license) to use the application for its intended functional purpose, in order to copy and install it on the user’s personal devices united by a single Google account. The user has the right to install the application on an unlimited number of personal devices connected to one account.

    Terms of Use

    This license does not grant the user the right to distribute the application or copies thereof for a fee to other third parties. The user is not allowed to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the application aimed at obtaining information about the implementation of the algorithms used in the application, without the written consent of the copyright holder. The user is not allowed to modify the mechanism in any way internal protection applications. Copying an application with a known defective or damaged internal protection mechanism, as well as using such an application, is illegal.

    The application should be used under the name: "Card game "Thousand"". The user does not have the right to change the name of the application, change and/or remove the copyright sign or other indication of the copyright holder.

    Responsibility and guarantees under the license

    The Application is provided to the User “as is”, in accordance with generally accepted international practice principle. This means that for problems that arise during the installation, updating, support and operation of the application (including: problems with software and hardware not matching what is required for the application to operate, problems with compatibility with other software products (packages, drivers, etc.), problems arising due to ambiguous interpretation of the accompanying documentation, discrepancy between the results of using the application and expectations, etc.), the copyright holder is not responsible. The user who uses this application legally must understand what he/she bears full responsibility for possible negative consequences caused by incompatibility or conflicts of the application with other software products.

    The copyright holder does not provide technical and service support for the application. Without prejudice to any other rights, the copyright holder may terminate this license if the user fails to comply with the terms of the license. In this case, the user is required to uninstall and destroy all copies of the application in his possession.

Now it's time to meet another one cool game. This is a 1000 (Thousand) card game. As long as I remember it, it has always been very popular, because it is very gambling and the rules are simple. Easy to remember. By the way, the game “Thousand” is a type of ancient French marigage!

You can buy marked cards for playing at 1000

Rules of the game in 1000

So, let's look at the rules of the 1000 game.

So how to play Thousand? The game can involve from two to four people. To play you need to get a deck of 32 cards.

Let's take a look at the cards themselves. More precisely, with their nominal value.


Ace - 11 0 points

Ten - 10 points

King - 4 points

Queen - 3 points

Jack - 2 points

Nine - 0 points

ATTENTION: I advise you to study my course on cheating Unfair Advantage

The so-called margins are of particular value in the game. Marriage is a king and queen of the same suit. Each margin has its own value. Hearts - 100 points, diamonds - 80 points, clubs - 60 points and spades - 40 points. Also present in the game is Ace Marriage (when all 4 aces are in hand) - 200 points

The game itself is about being the fastest to score 1000 points or more. So what are the rules of the 1000 game?

How to play? Glasses announcements.

Now let's look at the rules of the game in detail. Luckily they are light.

Let's look at the rules of the game for three people. The dealer is determined by drawing lots. He deals one card to each player, but in the process of dealing he must put 3 cards aside. Important! You cannot put the first or last card of the deck into the buyout.

Players look at their cards and figure out how many points they can score on them. The player sitting to the left of the dealer starts. You can only declare in numbers divisible by 5.

The minimum number of points is agreed upon immediately. It's different everywhere. For some, the minimum number is 50, and for others, 100.

So friends, this moment please note. The next player can add 5 points, regardless of how good or bad his cards are.

The player who undertakes to score the most points takes the buyout.


The player who took the buy must show it to his opponents and then discard any two cards. He can discard these two cards either face down or face up. These cards are given to your opponents one at a time. After such a substitution, he can further increase the number of points, but not reduce it.

If he scores more than the announced number, then only the announced points are recorded, and if less, then the announced points are recorded with a minus. That is, they are subtracted from previously collected ones. Players' scores are rounded up. For example, a player scored 37 points, then they will round down, that is, they will write down 35; if they scored 38, then they will round up, that is, 40 points.

If you scored 31, then 30, if 33, then 35 points. I think the meaning is clear.

Who goes first and how to beat the cards?

The game starts with the player with the highest bid or playing the mandatory game (Golden Con). He plays any of his cards, and the rest also play their cards.

The player who played the highest card or trump card takes the trick. At first, the game goes on without trump cards until the first margin is announced.

This player also starts the next turn. You must answer with exactly the same suit as you entered, and it is desirable that the cards be of higher value. If a player does not have the required suit, then he must beat with a trump card. If there is no trump card, beat with any card.


The card game 1000 has one more feature. Marriages (King + Queen of the same suit) are extremely important in the game. If a player has a margin on his hand, then he has the right to declare them only after he takes a bribe.

After the announcement of the margin (the word “She”, “Praise”, “Trump”) its point value is recorded with a plus sign. And the suit of the marriage determines the trump card. That is, until the first margin there is a game without trump cards.

I think it’s clear that the trump suit changes with every margin. And it can change even four times per law. For example, a margin of hearts was announced. This means that hearts will be trump cards until someone claims the next margin.

After the stake is played, points are counted, and the last one to take the bribe is awarded another 10 points for the last bribe. The amount of margins, if any, is added to this amount.

The player who announced the largest bribe must reach the announced number, or receive a minus, and opponents round up their bribes to the nearest five.


Well, it seems like I wrote everything according to the rules. The card game 1000 contains several nuances.

  1. When the cards are shuffled before the game, they must be moved.
  2. The dealer has the right to look at the last card. As you understand, he will get it.
  3. If there is a nine there, he has the right to ask to move the cards. If these cards are dropped three times, the shifter is mercilessly penalized with 120 penalty points.
  4. If last card if a Jack falls out, it can be removed from the deck and after that the cards cannot be moved.
  5. During the distribution of cards, it is prohibited to put the first and last card into the draw.

Looks like he told everything he knew. If you have any additions, please write, I will be happy to add to the text. Good luck and success in difficult card battles.

I advise: ,

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