Proverbs about strength in the Kazakh language. Proverbs in Kazakh with translation

Tamshydan tama berse, daria bolar (Drop by drop the river is collected, the river appears)

Zher - semіz, ot - aryk (Earth bestows, fire devours everything)

Zherdin korki tal bolar, eldin korki mal bolar (The land is rich in trees, the people are rich in livestock)

Bir agash kessen, ornyna on agash otyrgyz (If you cut down one tree, plant ten in its place)

Toqtatsan zherge kalyn kar, dey ber zhaksy onim bar (Snow nourishes the earth, and the earth gives birth to harvest)

Zheri katty bolsa, mala sutti bolada (If the land is fertile, the cow will have a lot of milk)

Bulak bolmasa, Ozen bolmasa edi (If it were not for the source, the river would dry up)

Su akkan zherіnen agady, shөp shykkan zherіne shygady (Water flows where it has always flowed, grass grows where it has always grown)

Zher kondi suyedi, at zhemdi suyedi (The horse loves oats, and the earth loves manure)

Kys malyndy bak, zhaz zherindi shap (Graze cattle in winter, weed the ground in summer)

At adamnyn kanata, as adamnyn kuaty. (A horse is like wings for a man, and his strength is in bread.)

Zhelkynyn eti zheshen - tisine kiredi, zhemesen - tussine kiredi. (If you eat horse meat, it stays in your teeth, but if you don’t eat, you will see it in your dreams.)

Kasyk tara botka bolmas, botka bolsa yes, zhurtka bolmas. (You can’t cook porridge from a spoonful of millet, and even if you cook it, you can’t feed everyone.)

Etten dam ketse, urlyktyn mani keter. (If meat loses its taste, cattle stealing will lose its meaning.)

Ashtyn akyly astan әrі aspaydy. (All the thoughts of a hungry person revolve around food.)

As turgan zherde aura turmaida. (Where good food lives, there is no disease.)

Asy zhok uydi i t te suymeydi. (A house where there is no food and the dog avoids.)

Sudyn da surauy bar. (Water loves counting too.)

At alsan, auylynmen al. (If you buy a horse, buy it with the whole village.)

Aksha bolsa alakanda, sauda kainaida. (If money is in hand, trade is in full swing.)

Arzan aldaida. (Cheap is deceiving.)

Zhylky kulynynan onedі, ақша tiynnan onedі. (Without a tiynka there is no tenge, without a foal there is no horse.)

Aldausyz bolmaidy bazaar. (There is no market without deception.)

Koyyn bolmasa, baylykta oyyn bolmasyn. (If you don’t keep sheep, you won’t see wealth.)

Bazaar Akshalyga Bazaar, Akshasyzga Nazar. (A market with money is a market, and without money it’s just a disorder.)

Kirisine punish shygysy. (Without expenses there will be no income.)

Kutty konak kelse, koy egiz tabady. (When the welcome guest arrives, the sheep will bring twins.)

Konak kelse, et pіser, et pіpese, bet pіser. (When a guest arrives, the host cooks the meat; if he doesn’t have meat, the host’s face turns red.)

Konagynyn altynyn alma, algysyn al. (Do not take gold from a guest, but rather ask for gratitude.)

Say qonagyn kelse, itine suyek tasta. (If a respected guest has arrived, throw his dog a bone.)

Konak kelse esikke, zhugirip shyk, keshikpe. (If a guest arrives, run to the door, don’t be late.)

Konak keldi - yrysyn ala keldi. (A guest comes and brings happiness into the house with him.)

Konak az otyryp, kop sonaydy. (The guest will sit for a while and notice a lot.)

(The guest will not be fed up with words.)

Kelgenshe, konak ұyalar, kelgen son, үy іеі ұялар. (The guest is worried when he comes to visit, the owner is worried when the guest arrives.)

Konagynyn algysy altynnan kymbat. (The gratitude of your guest is more valuable than his golden gift.)

Ate zhasymen korikti, tau tasymen korikti, aka asymen korikti. (The people are red with youth, the mountains are red with stones, the dishes are red with food.)

Elin satyp asagan, eki kun-ak zhasagan. (Whoever, having betrayed his people, fills his belly, will not live even two days.)

Ulyksyz zhurt - bassyz dene. (A people without a head is like a body without a head.)

Atanyn balasy bolma, adamnyn balasy bolma. (You may not be the son of your father, but be the son of your people.)

The wife's wife is married to the wife. (The rope breaks where it is thin.)

Erden aspak bar, elden aspak zhok. (You can be smarter than your friends, but you can’t always be wiser than the people.)

Kop soyleydi zalim bi, az soyleydi adil bi. (A bad judge talks a lot, a fair judge says little.)

I ate artyndagy shan zhutady, ate aldyndagy may zhutady. (The one who leads the people swallows the oil; the one who lags behind the people swallows the dust.)

Adepsis үyge kirme, әkіmsіz elde turma. (Don’t go into a evil house, don’t live in a country where there is no head.)

Zhylaganmen olgen kisi tyrilmeidi (You can’t resurrect a dead person with screams)

Ozen agysyn bogeuge bolady, Omir agysyn bogeuge bolmaidy (The river can be stopped, life can never)

Azhal azharga karamaida (Death does not look at its faces)

Batyr bir oktyk, Bay bir zhuttyk (Bai - to the first jute, batyr - to the first bullet)

10 proverbs about parents and children in Kazakh with Russian translation


Brother is an example to brother, sister is an example to sister. – Agan korip іні осер, а panа коріп іні осер. The brothers are in harmony - there are a lot of horses, the daughters-in-law are friendly - there is a lot of food. – Agaiyn tattoo bolsa at kop. Abysyn tattoo bolsa as kop. The disease comes with the wind, and then goes out. – Auru zhelmen kelip, termen shygady. The poor man's wealth is his health. – Zharlynyn baylygy – denenin saulygy. Marry your daughter before you know who her mother is. – Anasyn korip kyzyn al. In a friendly house, all the food is delicious. – Tattoo үydiң tamagy tәtti. All lands are good, but your own is the best. – El-eldin beari zhaksy, oz elin barinen de zhaksy. In his hole, the mole feels strong. – Oz elinde kortyshkan and batyr. Looking at his father, the son grows. – Әkege karap ul oser. Somewhere, they say, there is gold lying around, but if you go, you won’t find copper. – Palen zherde altyn bar, Izdep barsam mys ta zhok. Hunger does not choose food. – Ashtyk as talgatpaydy. Somewhere, they say, there is a lot of gold, but the homeland is better even without gold for nothing. – Palen zherde altyn bar, oz zherіңdey kaida bar. A mother's leaky hut is better than the golden palace of her relatives. – Agaiynnyn altyn sarayynan ananyn zhyrtyk lashygy artyk. A house with children is like a bazaar – noisy and cheerful; a house without children is like a grave - quiet and sad. – Balaly ui - bazaar, balasyz ui - mazar. The father's good reputation serves his unlucky son for forty years. – Zhaksy ake - zhaman balaga kyryk zhyldyk rizyk. A good friend is better than bad relatives. – Zhaman tuystan zhat artyk. Even if you carry your mother to Mecca three times, you will not be able to pay off your debt to her. – Anandy Mekkege ush arkalap barsan yes, karyzynnan kutyla almaysyn. If your relatives are rich, you will snack on butter. - Agayynyn bai bolsa, asaganyyn may bolar. Food gives a person strength. - As - adamn arkauy. If you toughen up, you will be healthy. – Shynyksan – shymyr bolasyn. If you haven’t found happiness at home, you won’t find it in a foreign land. – Ohide onbagan, Here we go onbaidy. There are many critics of the completed work. - BITKEN ISKE SONS KOP. Son-in-law - for a hundred years, matchmaker - for a thousand. – Kuyeu zhzhyldyk, where are we zhyldyk. Healthy body and healthy in spirit. – Tani saudyn zhany sau. And onions are sweet in their homeland. – Tugan zherdin zhuasy da tatti. He who does not live in peace with his relatives will not find a place in the spacious world. – Tuganyynmen syyyspasan, ken duniege syymassyn. Love for the homeland begins at the family hearth. – Otanda syu – from basynan bastalada. The little sparrow also protects its nest. – Kurtakandai torgay yes, oz yasyn qorgaidy. He who does not know how to comb silk will turn it into wool; he who does not know how to take care of his daughter will turn her into a slave. – You can view this in Almaty as soon as possible. It’s not a big mistake if you found the way back to your people. – Adaskannyn ayyby zhok, kaytyp үyіrіn tapkan son. On fresh air to be long is to live a long life. – Tysta uzak zhurgenin – uzak omir surgenin. There is no pleasant disease, there is no sweet cure for it. – Aurudyn zhaksysy zhok, dәrinin tәttisi zhok. There is no land better than the homeland, there are no people better than the homeland. – Tugan zherdey zher bolmas, tugan eldey ate bolmas. The father's burden is as heavy as a camel's pack. – Atanyn zhugi - atanyn zhugi. Worthless relatives are jealous of success, but cannot help in need. – Zhaman agaiyn bar bolsan kore almaydy, Zhok bolsan, bere almaydy.

Kazakh proverbs and sayings are a storehouse of wisdom, philosophy and worldview, ethical teachings, humor and poetic talent of the people.


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The emergence of proverbs and sayings cannot be designated by a specific date, they came to us from time immemorial, people composed them in any period of history, and in modern life they are also folded. Specialists from all countries study this most interesting genre of oral creativity of the people, and Kazakh can completely solve it. Sayings and proverbs in the Kazakh language entered the treasury of world culture - they reflect not only the identity and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, they have absorbed the wisdom of centuries of enrichment by cultural experience with other peoples and especially with the Russians.

Saranan sarkyt zhegenshe,
Itten tartyp.

What to expect from a stingy treat,
It’s better to take the bone from the dog.

Bermegendi berip yalt.

To shame a stingy person, give him a gift yourself.

Teleushinin bir beti kara,
Bermeushinin eki beti kara.

The petitioner has one cheek on fire,
both cheeks of the person who refuses burn.

Bergen zhomart emes, algan zhomart.

It is not the one who gives who is generous, but the one who does not take.

Altyn korse perishte zholdan tayady.

Seeing the gold, the angel turned off the road.

Zhylanga tuk bitken sayyn kaltyrauyk bolada.

The more fat the snake gets,
the more she shakes with greed.

Eki tyshkan bir baidyn zhurtyna talasypty.

Two mice got into a fight over bai's garbage.

Akyldy aryn korgaidy,
Saran malyn korgaidy.

A smart man protects his honor, a stingy man protects his cattle.

One of the Kazakh sayings says that speech without a proverb, is like food without salt. Food that does not contain salt is neither appetizing nor very pleasant to the taste, and conversation without sayings and proverbs is also uninteresting. All Kazakh speech is rich in proverbs and sayings, these people have always respected the power and power of the word. Legends describe how Biys (orators and experts on words) could resolve conflicts between people by proclaiming just one phrase. Sayings and proverbs in the Kazakh language have absorbed the strength of the Kazakh spirit, belief in justice, care for loved ones, and family values.

Proverbs among Kazakhs clear and sometimes comical. They contain thoughts of incredible depth, their essence is easy to understand. Therefore, they have been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries and remain in the memory of the present generation. Through this genre one can observe periods of the formation of a people.
Only a proverb can give a brief but very clear description of a people, describe the type of thinking and values. One of the proverbs says that everything material assets You can sacrifice for the sake of life, but honor cannot. It makes clear the lifestyle of the entire Kazakh people, who value freedom so much. Below you will find the best Kazakh proverbs and sayings with translation into Russian.

Kazakhs at all times respect the word and take into account its power. Biys, never using physical force, treated people only with words, reconciled hostile families, decided conflict situations To help avoid bloodshed and stop it, it was enough to say just one saying. The wisest speakers knew how to use the power of words for good purposes, they were very respected among people.

Kazakhs usually consider sayings and proverbs phrases with a poetic beginning. Even a small child will see the essence of the thought in it. They cover a wide variety of topics and show the intelligence and independence of the people. It is impossible to count all Kazakh proverbs. We will consider in more detail those that are often used in colloquial speech.

The main value of a Kazakh person is family, relatives, and the house in which he grew up. Every Kazakh treats elders with respect. Parents are an undeniable authority, a mother becomes an ideal for her daughter, a father for his son. In Kazakh proverbs, the father acts as an inaccessible mountain, the mother becomes a spring near it, and the children become reeds growing near the shores of a reservoir.

Wasmeymyn degen birak soz.
Knowledge creates problems Densaulyk – zor baylyk.
(Health is great wealth)
Auru zhelmen kelip, termen shygady.
(Disease comes with the wind, comes out with sweat)
Demi bardyn emі bar.
(Fresh air is a remedy for treatment) Bіlegi zhuan birdi zhygady, bіlimdi zhauan mѣndy zhygady.
He who has a strong hand will defeat one; he who has a lot of knowledge will defeat thousands.
Kush – bilimde, bilim – kitapta.
Power is in knowledge, knowledge is in the book.
Oқу – and not the name құдћ қазғ against.
Literally: Learn to dig a well with a needle.
The meaning is: you can study endlessly, but you cannot know everything.
Kitap - white bulagy,
Bіlіm - өмір сыругы.
The book is a source of knowledge,
Knowledge is the light of life.
Bilimnin basses - beinet, sons - zeinet.
Learning is difficult, but the fruits of learning are sweet.
Touch the white juice, white juice
Without learning there is no knowledge, without knowledge there is no life
Bilim zhok ul – zhupairs zhok gul.
A horseman without knowledge is like a flower without scent. Auru zhelmen kelip, termen shygady.
The disease comes with the wind and goes out with the sweat.
Sak zhursen, sau zhuresin.
If you take care, you will be healthy.
Tysta uzak zhurgenin – uzak omir surgenin.
To be in the fresh air for a long time means to live a long life.
Tanya saudyn zhany sau.
Healthy body and mind are healthy.
Bass Amanda Mal Tatti, Bass Auyrsa Jean Tatti.
While you are healthy, good is precious; if you get sick, life is precious.
Aurdyn zhaksysy zhok, dәrіnің tәttisі zhok.
There is no pleasant disease, there is no sweet cure for it.
Shynyksan – shymyr bolasyn.
If you harden yourself, you will be healthy (strong).
Auyryp eat izdegenshe, auyrmaytyn zhol izde.
How to seek healing from an illness, better way so as not to get sick, find it. akyl kopke zhetkіzer
Oner kokke zhetkіzer
Reason will lead to many things
art will bring to the skies Қonak kelse esіkke, zhugіrіp shyk, kešikpe. If a guest arrives, run to the door, don’t be late.
Contacts sozben toygyza almaysyn.
The guest will not be fed up with words.
Tazalyk – saulyk negizi, Saulyk – baylyk negizi.
Cleanliness is the basis of health, Health is the basis of wealth.
Densaulyk – zor baylyk.
Health is a priceless treasure.
Elin satyp asagan, eki kun-ak zhasagan.
Whoever, having betrayed his people, fills his belly, will not live even two days. Please help me, I need 5 proverbs in Kazakh about a gift, 1 proverb in Russian, Kazakh. While the children are still small, give them strong roots. When they start to grow up, give them wings, translate into Kazakh and English language About the guests
Konak kelse, et pіser, et pіpese, bet pіser.
When a guest arrives, the owner cooks the meat; if he doesn’t have meat, the owner’s face turns red.
Contacts sozben toygyza almaysyn.
The guest will not be fed up with words.
Kutty konak kelse, koy egiz tabady.
When the welcome guest arrives, the sheep will bring twins.
Konak keldi - yrysyn ala keldi.
A guest comes and brings happiness into the house with him.
Say qonagyn kelse, itine suyek tasta.
If a respected guest comes, throw his dog a bone. Hello, dear visitors of this site! Can you help? Zher - semіz, from - aryk. The earth bestows, the fire devours everything
Kurish arkasynda kurmek su ishedi. When rice is watered, the weed also drinks water
Bulak bolmasa, ozen bolmasa food. If it weren’t for the source, the river Tatu uydin tamagy tetti would have dried up.
In a friendly house, all the food is delicious.
Adatiktan ұdken at zhok, nannan ulken as zhok.
The most holy food is bread, the most holy name- Human.
As - adamn arkauy.
Food gives a person strength.
Nan adamnyn arkauy.
Bread is the basis of human life. A person is valued not by his years or money, but by various deeds.

​Eat when you're hungry and love when you're young
​Whoever you hang out with is the one you'll gain
​You can't jump over your head
​Take care of your dress again and honor from a young age
​You can’t weave a bast with your tongue
​With a verb, burn the hearts of people. We really need proverbs on the topic of Family! Who knows new Kazakh proverbs and sayings? Please place here proverbs in Kazakh and Russian about friendship. And who knows new Kazakh proverbs and sayings? Sen butany kotersen, Seni buta kogerer.
Please translate into Russian. In Kazakh with translation into Russian:
Yes, the kimnin zhyluy zhok.
(Old clothes don't keep you warm.)
Let's press the pole in front.
(Nice clothes feeds on someone else's side.)
Kisinin ate tershen, kisinin kiimi kirshen.
(Someone else’s horse then falls off, someone else’s clothes quickly get dirty.)
Zhyly kiim tandi zhylytada, zhyly soz zhandy zhylytada.
(Warm clothes warms the body warm word will warm your soul.)
Tar kiim - tozg.
(Tight clothes will wear out quickly.)
Know the meaning, the meaning of the word.
(Long clothes for son, short clothes for daughter.)
Proverbs about clothes:
They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
In rags, even the king will be mistaken for a beggar.
The stockings are new, but the heels are bare.
One foot is in a boot, the other is in a bast shoe.
A fur coat is not for beauty, but for warmth.
In winter, without a fur coat is not embarrassing, but cold.
You will also remember summer, since you don’t have a fur coat.
In winter, everyone is glad to wear a sheepskin coat down to their toes.
Every rag on the beauty is silk.
Winter found the bridegroom in a summer dress.
I need 5 proverbs about the homeland, and 10 about upbringing. Please tell me. The proverbs should not be very large and not very small. Please help, I urgently need 5 proverbs in Kazakh with Russian translation about the seasons. THANK YOU in advance proverbs in Kazakh with Russian translation about the seasons:
Kysta malyndy bak,
Zhazda shobindi hat.
In winter, graze cattle, in summer, cut hay.
Zhyl zheltoksandy ayaktaydy - Kysty bastaydy
December ends the year, winter begins
Elken suykaga muryndy sakta
Take care of your nose in the deep frost
Su kalalyk akty - zhazgytyrymdy akeldi
water flowed from the mountains and brought spring
Sumen sauir, shoppen kinal
April with water, May with grass
Egіstik zherіndі kuz ida, zhazka kalsa, zhuz ida.
Plow the field in the fall; if you don’t plow it in the fall, you’ll have to plow it a hundred times in the spring.
Egіndіkti kuz suar, kuz suarsan, zhuz suar.
Water the arable land a hundred times in the fall.
Mezgil zhetse, mus da erir.
The time will come and the ice will melt.
Zamanyn kalay bolsa, borkindi solay ki.
And put on your hat, as the time dictates. plz I need proverbs about knowledge and learning Til qylyshtan otkir.
The tongue is sharper than a saber.
Tіlge sheshen - iske meshel.
He who is generous with words is stingy with deeds.
Erdin ozine karama, sozine karama.
Look not at appearance, but at speech.
Oner aldy – kyzyl tel.
The first of the arts is the word.

Orynsyz soz ozine tier.
It is inappropriate to say - punish yourself.
Aytuga onay, іsteuge qiyn.
Everything is easy with the tongue, but difficult with the hands. About work:
“Beynet kyl and zeynet kyl” - Work hard, and then demand.
“Enbektin kozin tapkan, baylyktyn ozin tabady” - Whoever finds the source of labor will find wealth itself.
About my daughter:
“Yrys aldy kyz” - The harbinger of happiness is a daughter.
“Kyz - konak” - Daughter - guest.
“Zhibekti here Almagan zhүn edі, қћzdy kүte Almagan kүn edі”
He who does not know how to comb silk will turn it into wool; he who does not know how to take care of his daughter will turn her into a slave.
About father:
“Akege karap ul aser.”
“Ake korgen ok zhonar”
Looking at his father, his son grows
The son, raised by his father, will make the arrow himself.
“Ata - balaga sonshy” - The father is the main critic of his child
“Atanyn zhugi - atanyn zhugi” - The father’s burden is heavy, like a camel’s pack.
About mother:
“Agaiynnyn altyn sarayynan ananyn zhyrtyk lashygy artyk”
A mother's leaky hut is better than the golden palace of her relatives
“Akesiz zhetim - hotly zhetim, sheshesiz zhetim - butin zhetim”
An orphan without a father is a half-orphan, an orphan without a mother, an orphan
“Anandy Mekkege ush arkalap barsan yes, karyzynnan kutyla almaysyn”
Even if you carry your mother to Mecca three times, you will not be able to pay off your debt to her.
About hospitality:
“Konak kelmegen ui - mola” - A house to which no guest comes is like a grave.
“Konakka kel demek bar yes, ket demek zhok” - You can say “come” to a guest, but you cannot say “go away”.
“Taspen urganda aspen ur” - Respond to the blow of a stone with a treat.
About the Motherland and patriotism:
“Tugan zherge tuyndy tik” - Plant your flag on your native land.
“Zheri baidyn eli bai” - He who is rich in land has a rich country. Best proverbs about his native Kazakhstan:
Better than a foreign hawk is your own crow
And onions are sweet in the Motherland
Once in a foreign land, you will understand how dear the Motherland is
In the Motherland, the air is medicine
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest
The Motherland is the mother of the people, the people are the mother of the horseman
To betray your homeland - to bury yourself alive
There is no land better than the Motherland, there are no people better than in the Motherland Zhaksy tusa - eldin yrysy, zhanbyr zhausa - zherdin yrysy. Rain pours from heaven - happiness descends to the earth, a good person is born - happiness appears to the people.
Good luck, zherindy hat. Graze cattle in winter, weed the ground in summer.
Zher kondi suyedi, at zhemdi suyedi. The horse loves oats, and the earth loves manure.
Zher - semіz, from - aryk. The earth bestows, the fire consumes everything.
Bir agash kessen, ornyna he agash otyrgyz. If you cut down one tree, plant ten in its place.
Su akkan zherіnen aғadas, shөp shyқkan zherіne shyғadas. Water flows where it has always flowed, grass grows where it has always grown.
Bulak bolmasa, ozen bolmasa food. If it were not for the source, the river would dry up.
Zheri katty bolsa, small sutti bolada. If the land is fertile, the cow will have a lot of milk.
The pole of the crust is tall bolar, the pole of the crust is small bolar. The land is rich in trees, the people are rich in livestock.
Tamshidan tama berse, daria bolar. Drop by drop collects, a river appears.
Kurish arkasynda kurmek su ishedi. When rice is watered, the weed also drinks water.
Toktatsan zherge kalyn kar, dey ber zhaksy onim bar. Snow nourishes the earth, and the earth gives birth to crops. Ata - askar tau, Ana - bauyryndagy bulak, bala - zhagasyndagy kurak
— The father is an inaccessible mountain, the mother is a spring at the foot of the mountain, the child is a reed growing on the river bank
Konak kelmegen ui - mola
- A house where no guest comes is like a grave.
Atadan ul kalsa - ozі kalgany, qyz kalsa - izі kalgany
If a son remains after a father, that means he himself remains; if a daughter remains, that means a trace remains.
Small - zhanymnyn sadakasy, zhanym - arymnyn sadakasy -
Sacrifice wealth for life, sacrifice life for honor
About Heroes:
Zhurek – er, bass – kemenger.
The heart is brave, the head is wise.
Er – eldin ainasy.
Zhigit is a mirror of our people.
Er Isimi ate yesterday.
The name of the hero in the memory of the people.
Erlikte korlyk zhok.
Courage knows no shame.
About Poverty
Zhok bolsa, tuz da kat.
When you're hungry, a grain of salt is precious.
Tuk tappagan tuz zhalar.
When there is nothing and the salt is good to lick.
Ash akylmen tok bolmaidy.
The hungry will not be satisfied with sympathy.
Bal� tarbiesi – besikten.
Raising a child begins from the cradle.
Elken bastar, kishi kostar.
What the elders started, the younger ones continue.

Knowledge, Study
Kop zhasagan bilmeydi, kop korgen biledi.
It is not the one who has lived the most who knows a lot, but the one who has seen the most.
ozі bilmegennің auzyna karama.
Don't look into the mouth of someone who doesn't know anything.
Tilimmen zhugirme, bilimmen zhugir.
Strive to surprise with knowledge, not eloquence.
Ustazyңdy ұly әkendey syila.
Learning is the basis of knowledge, knowledge is the basis of happiness.
Kulak estіgendi koz korer.
What the ears hear, the eyes will see.
About Labor
Otyrgan zherden otyn kesken.
Wherever he goes, he finds work for his hands.
Tuyir nan – tamshy ter.
There is a drop of sweat in a piece of bread.
Zher - ana, ate - bala.
The earth is the mother, people are her children.
Zhalkauga kunde toy.
For a quitter, every day is a holiday.
Istemegen testemide.
He who does not work does not eat.
Zhalkauga from basa aishylyk zher.
It takes a month for a lazy person to get to the stove.
It's a pity, the shabanga melts away.
You can’t kill a lazy person with a word, and a clumsy person with a stick.
The tank is small.
Cattle multiply for those who know how to herd.
I just needed to learn a few proverbs in Kazakh and translate them correctly into Russian by September 1st!!!
Here are some more!
Tisі shykkan balaga, shaynap bergen as bolmas.
Chewed food is not food for an adult child.
Adepsiz osken adamnan, tәrtіppen osken tal zhaksy.
A well-groomed tree is better than a poorly educated person.
Uly zhol үyіңnің tabaldyrygynan bastalada.
The beginning of the road of achievement is the threshold of one’s father’s house.
Zhayau konak tynysh ұyyktar.
The walking guest is fast asleep.
Konakka kel demek bar, ket demek zhok.
They tell the guest to “come”, but they don’t tell them when to leave.
Konagym, zhure-bara toyarsyn.
Guest, do not forget that in next houses They'll also treat you.
Bi bolmasan yes, bi tusetin үy bol.
You may not be a bay, but you have to be someone who can accept them.
Dos bergennің tүsіne karama.
Eseptesken ate bolmas.
Dos tұtkanda kadirle.
Tilmen tiken de alada.
The tongue will pull out a splinter.
Buralky soz – kulge zhaksy.
The good thing about a joke is that you can laugh at it.
Drank kotermegendi til koteredi.
The power of language is much stronger than strength elephant.
Let's create a bar.
There are many words, but little substance.
Soz shyndy tabar.
The Word will always find the truth. Wise Kazakh proverbs and sayings glorify moral standards, which should always be above immediate interests and desires. Our proverbs glorify: patriotism, mutual assistance, hard work, mercy, courage, loyalty; Kazakh proverbs condemn human weaknesses and sins: talkativeness, laziness, cowardice, gossip, greed, hypocrisy, boasting. Proverbs and sayings will always have great educational value.
Even if I’m not a khan in my homeland, I’ll be a stone in a ravine.
Don't throw sand at people.
A divided country will collapse, but a united country will survive.
The father's good reputation serves his unlucky son for forty years.
The smile of people and the sun are warmer.
The native land is a paradise for the Kazakh.
You can be better than a hero,
But you cannot be better than the people.
Flowers are considered their own flowers only in a clearing,
A person is a person only in his homeland.
A horseman does not gain happiness,
If you don’t leave your native land
Whoever the khan doesn’t like is liked by the people; whoever the people like, the khan does not like.
If the sickle is sharp, you will be rich in grain,
If your homeland is strong, you will be on equal terms with the enemy.
Someone write five proverbs about health!!!))) Zhugyn bar zherde - shybyn bar, Shybyn bar zherde - shygyn bar. Where there is garbage, there are flies, and where there are flies, there are diseases.
Tanya saudyn zhany sau. Healthy body and mind are healthy.
Syrkat tan zharasy, kaygy zhan zharasy. Illness is a bodily wound, sadness is a mental wound.
Densaulyk – zor baylyk. Health is a priceless treasure.
Syrkat zhelmen kiredi, termen shygady. The disease comes with a draft, and then goes away.
Tauіptің zhaқsysy – aura ғауру қозпағаня. The best doctor is the one who does not add a new one to an old illness.
Bass Amanda Mal Tatti, Bass Auyrsa Jean Tatti. While you are healthy, good is precious; if you get sick, life is precious.
Zharlynyn baylygy – denenin saulygy. The wealth of the poor is his health. Proverbs with translation into Russian:
Tugan zherdin zhuasy da tatti.
And onions are sweet in the Motherland.
Arkimnіn oz zheri – zhumak.
Everyone's native land is paradise.
Er Elinde,
Gul zherinde.
Flowers are flowers only in their own meadow, a person is a person only in their homeland.
Oz elinde kortyshkan and batyr
In his hole, the mole feels strong.
Oz elіnіn iti de kadirli
In your village, even a dog means something.
Auyl itinің қүйырғы қайқы
In his village, even the dog holds his tail up.
Otan ushіn kures –
Erge tigen ules.
Dzhigita’s destiny is to stand for the Motherland.
Kurtakanday trade yes,
Oz ұyasyn қorgaidy.
The little sparrow also protects its nest.
Oragyn otkir bolsa,
Karyn talmaidy.
Otanyin berik bolsa,
Zhauyn almaydy.
If the sickle is sharp, you will not be without bread;
if the Motherland is strong, you will be on first terms with the enemy.
Otansyz adam –
Ormansyz bulbul.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.
Palen zherde altyn bar,
Izdep Barsam Mys Ta Zhok
Somewhere, they say, there is gold lying around,
but if you go, you won’t find copper.
Tugan zherdin
Chette zhursen bilersin.
Once in a foreign land, you will understand how dear the Motherland is. Bala – konildin guli, kozdin nury
Children are the flowers of the soul and the light of the eyes.
Alty ul tugan anany - khanym dese bolada, kezek syilaskan agaiyndy - zhanym dese bolada.
Call the mother who gave birth to six sons queen; good relatives call the souls a particle.
Gul oz zherinde gana - gul, adam oz otanynda gana - adam
A flower is a flower only in its own meadow, a person is a person only in his homeland.
Respect anyone who wants to live in friendship.
Dos bergennің tүsіne karama.
They take a friend’s gift without looking at it.
Elsizde te zholdas.
When there are no people, the dog is a friend.
Eseptesken ate bolmas.
To be considered services is to lose friendship.
Dosyndy maktagany – ozіңdі zhaktagany.
Praising a friend means praising yourself.
Zholdasy koptin – olzhasy kop.
There are many friends - the road is wider.
Dosy zhok adam – tuzy zhok tagam.
Living without friends is like eating food without salt. Please place here proverbs in Kazakh and Russian about friendship. KAZAKH FOLK PROVERBS ABOUT FRIENDSHIP, COMPARADARSHIP, MUTUAL REVENUE, HOMELAND COUNTRY:
A friendly home is full of happiness, lost friendship - the happiness is spilled.
If your companion is good, don’t say that the road is long; if your friend is bad, don’t say that your hand is long.
One needs you in friendship, the other needs your condition.
He who leaves a friend remains without friends.
You can tell friends from foes by their eyes
Friendship of village dogs - to the first bone
Don’t laugh at your friend’s misfortune, the same can happen to you.
Two smart people come together and are friends to death; two fools come together and they are enemies to death.
No friend - no peace for the soul
Praise a friend rather than praise yourself.
A tree is strong with roots, a person is with friends.
If you give a friend a horse, don’t ask him to ride at a walk.
The table is rich - the body becomes fatter, there are many friends - the soul becomes fatter.
An open enemy is better than a secret enemy.
If you want to test your neighbor's respect, ask to borrow money
When there are no people - and the dog is a friend
Pleasant conversation shortens the road
Friendship is strong in reciprocity.
Do not speak words that separate you from your inseparable friend.
A good neighbor is more distant relatives.
A deceitful friend praises you to your face, but if you turn away, he sharpens your lance.

When the enemy attacks, the bad friend runs over to him
Small sadness is forgotten while eating, big sadness is forgotten while talking with a friend.
There are thousands of people at the bazaar, but they only greet people they know.
There are many friends - the road is wider.
If you make friends with a pig, you'll end up wallowing in the mud.
To be friends with a good person means to be the best person, to hang out with a stupid person means to go astray.
good neighbor to gain - to gain great benefit.
You will know the price of a piece of bread in hunger, the price true friendship in trouble you will know.
A random fellow traveler will not become a comrade.
Any peace is better than human enmity, good friendship tighter hugs relatives.
If you don't see each other for a month, your relatives become strangers; if you don't see each other for a year, your friends become strangers.
The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a person is in friendship.
Living without friends is like eating food without salt.
Rather than knowing a hundred people by hearsay, it is better to know one by sight.
A friend has a place of honor in the house, a foe has a place in the grave.
The feet themselves find their way to a familiar village.
Use a friend's knife to cut a friend's horn, and use an enemy's knife to cut a felt.
Seeing your new friend, the old one sheds a tear.
True friends share half equally.
The horses stay away until they call each other, the people until they start talking.
WITH kind person If you make friends, you will achieve your goal; if you make friends with a bad person, you will remain a fool.
True friends have children who are friendly.
U good man Every day there is more for a friend, for a bad one there is less for a friend.
Respect anyone who wants to live in friendship.
To be considered services is to lose friendship.
And a friend is like a friend, and an enemy is a friend when he is rich.
A traveler finds a friend along the way.
Losing for a friend is the greatest gain.
They take a friend’s gift without looking at it.
Better than a bad friend is a worthy enemy
A horseman is judged by his friends.
It's good to have a thousand friends, and even better - to have one true friend.
How to protect your head better friend protect from enemies.
For the sake of your friend and life, don’t regret it.
It happens that friends separate because of a pinch of filling.
Be friends with those who have many friends, be frank with those who have few friends.
Battles are success in heroism, happiness is success in unity.
A strong stick is better than a bad travel companion.
The road separates friends.
Sweet lies makes an enemy laugh, the bitter truth brings a tear to a friend. Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. Why are there no proverbs about clothes? please help! I need to find 5 proverbs, 5 riddles and 5 sayings! The thanks helped:side: :side: :side: :side: :side: thanks for the help:side: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side: thanks for the proverbs :side: :side: :side: The Kazakh people are famous for their traditions and reverence for age-old wisdom. Kazakhs treat elders with respect, pay attention to their advice and instructions, and never be insolent to their elders.
The people of Kazakhstan are especially sensitive to friendship, and strong friendship between individuals and between families carries through many years. Help and mutual assistance in difficult times in relation to friends is considered a self-evident act.
Below you will find the most famous proverbs in the Kazakh language with translation into Russian.
Dushpaninnan bir saktan, Zhaman dostan myn saktan.
Beware of an enemy once, a bad friend a thousand times.
Eregesken ate bolmaids, Eseptesken dos bolmaids.
Where there is no reciprocity, there is no unity; where there is self-interest, there is no friendship
Dostyk zhok zherde tabys zhok.
Where there is no friendship, there is no success.
Kimas dosyn surasa, kimasyndy beresin.
For a dear friend, they tear it from the heart.
Tatulyk - tabylmas baqyt.
Friendship is a priceless wealth.
Tuysy zhakyn zhakyn emes, Konysy zhakyn zhakyn.
A good neighbor is stronger than family ties.
Sylasi ekі kіsіge birdey.
Friendship is strong in reciprocity.
Dosyn dos bolganga shattan, Dushpanmen dos boludan saktan.
Be proud of a true friend, beware of becoming a friend of the enemy.
Korshіn kolayly bolsa, koran ken.
When your neighbor is to your liking, the cramped yard is spacious.
Dosy zhok adam – Tuzy zhok tagam.
Living without friends is like eating food without salt. Thank you very much =) I love songs in Kazakh! And the best Kazakh proverbs in my opinion:
Better to eat one wolf than a thousand dogs
The Motherland is the mother of the people, the people are the mother of the horseman.
Don’t know yourself and don’t listen to him who knows
The candle's light does not fall on its base; a person’s dignity is invisible to loved ones
Today's egg is better than tomorrow's chicken
Words are good if they are short
Ask not the one who has lived a lot, but the one who has seen a lot
The warmth of your homeland, the fire is much hotter.
The last camel's load is heavier
A piebald has spots on the outside, a bad man has spots on the inside.
Once a beard has turned gray it will not turn black again
The old man grows dull among the young; the young one between the old ones is getting smarter thanks for the Kazakh proverbs, I did my homework, at least I want to read proverbs and sayings about the native Kazakh language, but really, I also need proverbs and sayings in Kazakh about the language k:huh: tel tas zharada, tas zharmas, bass zharada.
a word can crush a stone, if not a stone, then a person’s head, thank you very much! thanks for the proverbs! Do the Kazakhs have proverbs and sayings that reflect their historical past? From past centuries to the present. If possible, give such information class B) :cheer: ahhh please tell me proverbs in Kazakh about family A hungry person will not be satisfied with sympathy.
You can't get rich from other people's gifts.
One jumps from satiety, the other from cold.
A bai sits on a horse - they wish you a good journey, a poor man sits on a horse - they ask where he got it.
Friendship is a priceless wealth.
A friend praises you for your eyes, a foe - in your eyes.
A sweet lie makes an enemy laugh, a bitter truth brings a tear to a friend.
Acquaintance in difficult times develops into friendship in good times.
If your friend is blind, cover one eye.
New clothes are good, but a friend is old.
A horseman is judged by his friends. please tell me proverbs in Kazakh about family
Akeni korip ul aser, shesheni korip kyz aser.
The son takes his example from his father, the daughter from her mother.
Agayin bir olide, Bir tiride kerek
If you share your joy with your family, your joy will increase; if you share your grief, your grief will decrease.
Agaiyn tattoo bolsa at kop. Abysyn tattoo bolsa as kop.
The brothers are in harmony - there are a lot of horses, the daughters-in-law are friendly - there is a lot of food.
Zhaman agaiyn bar bolsan kore almaydy, Zhok bolsan, bere almaydy.
Worthless relatives are jealous of success, but cannot help in need.
Zhaksy kelin - kyzyңday, zhaksy kuyeu - ұlyңday
A good daughter-in-law is like her own daughter; a good son-in-law, like a son

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