Why can't you eat in a cemetery? The most famous signs at funerals and cemeteries

Every person knows that you need to go to a cemetery and follow certain rules. Moreover, there are rules that must be observed both during funerals and when you are simply visiting your family and friends who are no longer in this world. Two worlds come together at the cemetery:

  • world of the living;
  • world of the dead.

Our deceased relatives will never harm us, no matter what we say or what we do. But you still need to follow the rules, if only because those nearby can be punished for ignorance. When it comes to funerals, the signs are read even before you get to the cemetery itself.

Should you believe in superstitions about the cemetery?

At the cemetery before noon, after noon at church. It is believed that the signs in the cemetery must be observed, otherwise you can bring on a lot of problems. People say that you can only go to the cemetery in the first half of the day. If you find yourself in a cemetery in the afternoon, the devils will joke about you. I can say it in my own way own experience. If you come to the cemetery with a pure soul, without doing anything bad to anyone, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Moreover, everyone who lies in the cemetery rejoices when people come to them. You need to be afraid of living people, not dead ones. The living can do more harm. And you can even spend the night in a cemetery, and no one can do anything bad to you. This is especially true if you came to one of your relatives. So you shouldn't believe this sign. This superstition about the cemetery those people who feel some kind of guilt.

You just need to be sober at the cemetery. Also a superstition. During a funeral you don’t even think about alcohol, especially if you are burying someone dear. But when you come to visit later, almost no one in Rus' can do without it. If during a person’s life you sat at the same table with him and drank, then how can you not drink now? This sign is a warning only for those who do not know how to control themselves after breastfeeding. You need to behave with dignity at the cemetery. Hence the sign.

Don’t tell the cemetery about the good things in your life - you’ll leave them here. Of course, you shouldn’t do this if you’re sitting near someone else’s grave. All yours positive emotions They will go to the relatives of the person whose grave you are sitting next to. But it's a completely different matter if you're talking about good events in your life to those who are dear to you. Nothing bad will ever happen. On the contrary, if something doesn’t work out for you, then they will definitely help you, and this is without options.

How to behave correctly in a cemetery

Don’t bring anything into the house from the cemetery - you’ll ruin your life. You really can't bring anything from the cemetery. Moreover, it doesn’t even matter loved one you were there or not. The fact remains a fact. Any thing that you took from the cemetery carries something that can harm a living person. This item can cause harm not only to the person who brought this item home from the cemetery, but also to any other person who picks it up.

Don't count money in a cemetery - you'll never see it again. You really can't count money in a cemetery. And if you took it out of your pocket or wallet, then you must leave this money either on the grave of your relative, or on the grave of a person with the same name as yours. This is done in order to buy off poverty and early death.

You can’t swear in a cemetery - all the swearing will remain on you. It's really true. Everything bad that is said in the cemetery falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke out. There can't even be other options here. In a cemetery you need to be especially careful both in statements and in deeds. In general, when staying in a cemetery, you need to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are qualities that the deceased greatly value. This is the very case when the idea that life does not end after death has special meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect to those who have already left, otherwise they may punish.

The way you came to the cemetery is the way you need to leave. You never know how things will turn out for anyone. It may be necessary to visit several graves. Therefore, no matter how you go, you visited the people you love. This not a sign, but a superstition those people who have no one to visit.

If there is a dead person in the house, there should be no animals in the house - to the new dead person. If someone died in the house, then pets must be removed from the house. If a pet, no matter a dog or a cat, lies down under the coffin, it means that in the near future there will be a new dead person in the house. For this reason, they try to give it to neighbors or friends.

Signs at the cemetery must be observed. They have their own life there, and they live their own lives in the cemetery. Don’t think that those who are already there don’t feel anything and don’t know anything. If you can behave in such a way that the dead will not be offended by you, then your deceased relatives will help you in everything.

Ever since the first cat stopped walking on its own and stuck close to a person, people began to see it as a complex creature. According to people ancient world, cats were inhabited by the spirit of sorcerers and righteous people, through cats the gods spoke their will and all kinds of evil spirits did dark deeds, and in some religions it was cats who were the first to meet souls on the other side... In short, these affectionate domestic animals always lived with two paws on the ground, and two - in the afterlife.

What does a meeting with a cat portend?

The gloomy place gives rise to the same assumptions. Any living creature, be it a cat, a mouse or a dung beetle, here makes superstitious people feel anxious. Where did it come from? What does it portend?.. But it depends on how you look. For example, the famous Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris is home to an incredible number of cats. Black, white, red, striped, spotted! This unnerves some, touches others, and makes others feel a mystical mood. And the animals simply live where they are used to. And, perhaps, they do not even suspect that they are the object of many legends and guesses.

This is not uncommon in our country. True, not in such quantities. Next to large cemeteries there are often churches where furry mousecatchers perform their services. At times, they are started by caretakers as a means of combating loneliness. They run here in search of food left on the graves... There are many reasons, and for each theoretically mysterious case, if desired, you can find several real interpretations.

Does color matter?

Zverkov dark color It's common to be afraid

A black cat often arouses suspicion among superstitious people. Our ancestors assured that such an animal was hanging around in the cemetery for a reason! Or it was the soul of a sinner and a sorcerer who failed to find peace and returned to earth. Or the sorcerer himself is running around on business about which to the common man better not to know. Or the animal wanders near a mysterious portal through which communication with the other world is possible. In any case, you should stay away from her, and especially from the black cat!

But it may happen that with your fright you will undeservedly offend the little black one, who was quietly and peacefully going about his business, and he doesn’t care about you or the portals.

White cats were considered good helpers and healers. If someone's soul were to inhabit such an animal, they reasoned in the old days, it would only be a righteous one. To know, he is trying to warn about something bad: an illness or serious trouble! Which, however, can still be discussedknow, otherwise the white oracle would not have come to youwith a warning.

If she came up on her own

Many people tend to regard attention from an animal as a kind of greeting from a departed person. Well, if you like to think so, why not assume that someone from the other world asked the cat to visit you and console you? But with the same probability it may turn out that the little beggar has long been accustomed to “collecting tribute” from visitors to the cemetery and just came to check if you would treat him with something tasty.

Either way, treat the animal well. Tradition says: by feeding stray dogs, cats and birds, a person eases the fate of relatives in the other world. By your action you will make life easier for at least one small living soul. Good too.

Sitting on the grave

What if the cat is just basking in the sun?

Typically, the place where a cat likes to spend time is considered energetically strong and beneficial for it, but harmful for humans. There is a chance that the animal chose an area with active energy here too. Where else can negativity accumulate if not in cemeteries?!

But in the same way, it may turn out that the tailed predictor is attracted to a stone that is very well located in the sun, and there is no smell of otherworldly forces in the area.

At the funeral

Any activity of a cat near the deceased is considered a terribly bad omen. Did she lie down under the coffin, did she run under it? - With Confident people immediately lose heart, believing that the furry troublemaker is prophesying death for someone. For the peace of everyone present and the cat itself, it is better to remove animals from the house on such a day. Take them to neighbors or relatives so as not to be embarrassed by bad signs.

Did you know that in England, a dead person over whom a cat jumped was immediately recorded as a vampire, and only immediate reprisal against the animal could save him? It’s scary to imagine how many innocent animals have paid with their lives because of human superstitions!

It is little better if the cat decides to tag along with the mournful procession. In earlier times, it was seen as nothing less than a spirit that was already planning the next candidate for the next world, and even today it is considered as a bad sign. To ward off trouble, the cat had to be driven away. But extremely respectful! Kicking and scaring the furry guest was strictly forbidden: how is the spirit really?! The animal needed to be gently called aside and distracted with something. For example, a treat.

They say that animals are endowed with a sixth sense and know much more about this world than humans. Anything is possible. Does the appearance of a cat worry you? Go to church, wash yourself with holy water or look at the flame of a burning candle for a few minutes to remove negativity. If higher power and are planning to warn you about something, they will certainly find a way to hint again! But don’t consider every furry you meet as a guest from the other world, and don’t consider his behavior a complex mystery. Sometimes a cat is just a cat.

Final resting places have always attracted attention; it is not surprising that there are so many signs in the cemetery. What can the secret signs that otherworldly forces send to us in a mournful place warn us about? Let's understand the issue.

Cemetery - there are a lot of superstitions associated with this place. Therefore, when going to the churchyard, you must follow all the rules of conduct. First of all, you can’t come with empty handed, bring sweets, bread and other treats to leave at the grave.

Alcohol at a funeral

It is prohibited to come to the resting place of thousands of people while intoxicated. It is also unacceptable to drink alcohol at a funeral.

Moreover, alcohol loosens the tongue, and in a cemetery it is better to watch your words so as not to offend the deceased. You can drink to the repose of your soul at the wake

What can we talk about?

There is such a sign:

Whatever good you say on the grave will remain on it.

You can share your experiences (not complain, but share) and joys with deceased relatives, but you should not arouse envy or excessive pity in them with your words. Because in both cases they can take the speaker to themselves. A phrase like: “My life is so bad, it’s better to die” can become fatal. Spirits can regard this as a call to action and “come to the aid” of the sufferer who is so eager to get to the other world.

We must remember that you can only allow yourself to be open with a relative whom you trusted during your lifetime and with whom you were close. If you talk loudly and brag about your victories at someone else’s grave, then all the good things will go to the relatives of its occupant.

Is it possible to take things from a grave?

Of course not. Remember this rule yourself and explain it to your children: a home is a place where they live, the territory of the living. And everything that is located on the territory of the cemetery belongs to this place. Taking something from there is very Bad sign.

Bringing cemetery soil into your home is the same as recognizing your home as part of a cemetery. For spirits, the house will be “marked” as their sphere of influence. It will take the help of a very powerful magician to clear the house of the grave seal.

To pick something up from a grave means to take that thing away from a dead person. And the deceased are very jealous of what belongs to them.

Is it possible to count money in a cemetery?

There is another very well-known sign: if you count the money on the grave, you will part with him forever. You should never count money in the burial grounds of people. If money falls out, don't touch it. Even if a large amount has fallen out, let it lie there, especially if the dropped money has fallen on the grave (see above).

If you raise money from cemetery land, then because of your carelessness and greed, you can create many problems (in particular, diseases) and spend much more money on solving them than you could spare.

If it happened that you had to get your wallet from the cemetery, it is recommended to leave some money at the grave. Better - at the tombstone of your relative or at least namesake.

Is it possible to take pictures at a cemetery?

Most superstitions say that you should not take photographs in a cemetery, since it is a place where negative energy accumulates. It is known that there is a mystical connection between a person and his image in the photo. On the photograph taken there will be an imprint of the entire negative that is located in this place.

First of all, in the photo you will capture yourself in the kingdom of the dead. And, accordingly, you will either attract the dead to yourself, or you yourself will soon go to their world.

It is especially reckless to take a photo near the coffin of a deceased person, as well as on graves that are less than forty days old. It has long been known that a period of 40 days is not accidental, that it is precisely forty days that the negative energy that was released during the death of a person is preserved. The soul of the deceased spends the same number of days among the living without finding peace. The consequences of such a photo can be disastrous - even leading to the appearance of serious illnesses.

This is interesting. Some believe that memories of this belief have been preserved from ancient times in the word “term”. “The deadline has passed” means forty days have passed.

In addition, you can disturb the souls of people buried in the graves that are included in the frame. The disturbed soul returns to its home or to the home of the one who took the photograph. In this case, it is quite possible to encounter a “drummer” - a poltergeist.

Moreover, the cemetery is used not only as a burial place for the dead. This is one of the most important places for black rituals. Here they call the devil, ask demons for help, and here witches cause damage. This place is imbued with very powerful negative information, which will remain in the picture.

In this case, it doesn’t matter whether the photo is a regular one or an electronic one. The second option is even worse, because digital photos are so easily copied. It is especially undesirable to post such images on the Internet.

Storing “dead” images is fraught with deterioration of the atmosphere in the house, illness of household members and the emergence of problems in relationships, money matters and other aspects of life. Children especially suffer from such sources of negativity - they are more susceptible to magical attacks than adults.

If there are already similar photos in the house, and there is no desire to part with them, even despite bad omens, it is better to store them face down, so that the image is not visible. You can pack the source of the negative in a thick envelope.

Signs at funerals and cemeteries

A funeral is a very serious event. During this ritual, you accompany a person on his last journey. At a funeral it is considered a bad omen:

  • stand not in black clothes, but in white or multi-colored ones;
  • talk loudly, show disrespect for the deceased;
  • take any things from the coffin (even if the deceased promised to give this thing during his lifetime);
  • tell stories that are not related to the topic of the event;
  • speak ill of the deceased;
  • wear open shoes (bare toes, heels).

To get rid of the negative energy of a place, you should take a bottle with you clean water and upon leaving, wash your face, hands and feet. It is recommended to use holy water. You can leave the cemetery only along the path you came there.

Sign - if you fell in a cemetery

This is actually a very bad omen. This means that the fallen person is drawn to burial ground, and perhaps he is destined for death. Anyone who falls at a funeral needs to urgently leave the cemetery. After this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times over the fallen person, give him a wash with holy water and cross himself with a burning church candle.

If a monument fell in a cemetery

Usually people in this case say that it is the restless soul of the deceased who is making itself felt. If something else is holding a person in this world, and he cannot leave, then he will try to figure out what is the reason for his delay.

If the deceased has an unfinished mission or needs to protect family or friends from something, the spirit will try in every possible way to contact them. A fallen monument is a clear sign that the soul wants to be heard. You should seek help from a medium and find out what your relative needs.

Is a cat at a funeral a bad omen?

IN Ancient Egypt cats were considered intermediaries between the living and the dead. According to legends, these animals could speak on behalf of the deceased and even temporarily provide a refuge for his soul.

If there is a deceased person in the house, then pets should not be in this room at all. This is especially true for cats. As soon as an accident occurs, animals must be removed from the house. Or better yet, send him to live with relatives for a while.

If a cat rushes back into the house, then it is to a new dead person. It is especially dangerous if the animal goes to sleep under the coffin with the deceased. This suggests that soon another grief will happen in the family.

If the animal joined the procession already at the cemetery, then it is better to drive it away, but show respect to it. There is no need to kick or push it - someone’s spirit can come in the form of an animal. Throw him a gift in the direction that you wouldn’t mind - pay him off.

If a cat jumps on the deceased or the coffin lid, this foretells the death of the person closest to the deceased. In some countries, they believe that this behavior of a cat indicates a terrible afterlife in the form of a vampire or ghoul for the deceased.

Much depends on the color of the cat encountered in the churchyard. Of course, signs pay special attention to black individuals. It is believed that in their guise there may be a witch or a necromancer magician. Also black cats, by ancient legends, are receptacles for the souls of sinners whose souls have not rested in peace. The white cat is the embodiment of a righteous man who has not completed some work in the world of the living. But meeting him does not bode well; it is a sign of illness or serious danger.

Read also the article: a black cat in the house is a sign

A separate issue is animals that were seen in the cemetery not during a funeral, but at any other time. If the cat circles around a certain place or has chosen a certain area of ​​the cemetery to rest, remember the grave or other place that attracted the cat’s attention. It is undesirable for a person to stay in such a zone for a long time. However, cats also rarely spend more time there than they need to maintain their energy balance.

Signs about the cemetery are not easy horror stories. If a person has no respect for the dead and the place where they found their last refuge, then this can end very badly. Therefore, follow simple rules stay in this place and try to visit there as little as possible.

Signs at the cemetery - how not to bring trouble on yourself? - all the secrets on the site

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The cemetery is special place, where two worlds are intertwined - the living and the dead. From time immemorial, a huge number of rumors and gossip circulated around the churchyards; they were constantly surrounded by an aura of mysticism and mystery. And to this day, signs in the cemetery are of a special nature, because even people far from superstitions try to listen to them.

Rules for visiting a cemetery: choosing appropriate clothing

Every person sooner or later will be faced with the need to visit a graveyard. But not everyone knows the rules for visiting it to avoid further troubles. The first thing to do is to choose the right clothes:

  • Black color is preferred, as it is considered mourning, but you can also choose clothes in other muted, pastel shades. You should not wear colorful outfits even if you are visiting old graves, because it looks inappropriate and ridiculous. Not best choice White clothing will also appear, although in some countries it is also considered mourning.
  • You should only wear closed shoes on your feet, since skin contact with dead earth can bring a huge number of troubles and health problems. If the cemetery is visited in the summer, then in front of the gate you can put on shoe covers on your sandals or change into different shoes. The earth from the graveyard is saturated with negative dead energy, which has a destructive effect on living flesh.
  • It is better to cover your head with a scarf or any comfortable headdress. This is due to the fact that hair from an uncovered head can fall onto the grave and thereby connect the deceased with the living. In addition, human hair is a valuable attribute used in black magic.

After returning from the necropolis, all clothing must be immediately removed and sent to washing machine even if visually it seems clean. Special attention is given to shoes that need to be thoroughly washed, especially the soles. Even a few specks of dust from the dead earth remaining on shoes can bring health problems, family problems, or a streak of bad luck to its owner.

How to behave in a cemetery so as not to provoke the wrath of the deceased?

The necropolis is a special place where you need to follow the rules of behavior, because frivolous actions and inappropriate actions can anger both the deceased and the surrounding living people. Basic rules of behavior in the cemetery:

  • It is forbidden to talk loudly, let alone laugh, quarrel, or discuss each other and the deceased. Conversations are allowed only in a calm voice, mentioning only the good things that happened in the life of the deceased.
  • It is recommended to stop using alcoholic drinks, because they are displeasing neither to the deceased nor to the church. You should not come to the grave drunk. If it is impossible to stop drinking alcohol, then this should be done in moderation, avoiding a drunken state.
  • It is prohibited to take any things from the coffin or grave, as they are the property of the deceased. If there is a need to change broken vase or any other item present on the grave, it must be immediately replaced with a new one.
  • Under no circumstances should you take pictures in front of a grave or cemetery or shoot a video. The photo will be imprinted with negative energy, which will constantly affect the person captured on it.
  • You should not bring children under 12 years of age to the churchyard, as their energy is not yet able to resist spirits. Also, pregnant women and women during their menstrual periods should not visit the necropolis.
  • You cannot step on or jump over graves, as this will anger the deceased. If this happens, then you need to immediately step back and ask the deceased for forgiveness.
  • When leaving the churchyard, under no circumstances should you turn around, even if someone called out to you. The living are constantly followed by spirits, and after such a turn they can follow, and not remain outside the gates of the necropolis.
  • Before visiting, you should remove all metal jewelry, as they attract and accumulate negative energy. You can only leave pectoral cross, but it needs to be hidden under clothes.
  • If any foreign things were found at the grave, and especially small change, candles and other strange attributes, then under no circumstances should they be picked up. You are allowed to sweep them away with a broom and burn them.

Most people are afraid of churchyards, because they are the largest accumulation of negative energy. But if you know how to behave correctly in a cemetery and follow all the specified rules, then they will not pose any danger to life. In addition, everyone alive is obliged to visit the graves of their ancestors, monitor their order, remember the dead, and therefore you should not refuse a trip to the necropolis.

Signs at the cemetery: how not to get yourself into trouble?

For thousands of years, a considerable number of signs and superstitions have been associated with cemeteries. Some of them have long been dispelled by science, and some are still considered true. Whether to take superstitions seriously or not to pay any attention to them is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But it’s worth familiarizing yourself with common signs.

  • Don’t count money in the churchyard - you’ll lose it and never see it again. It’s not worth not only counting, but even taking out banknotes from your wallet, as this risks losing them. If the money was taken from the wallet or was even dropped on the ground, then it should be left in the cemetery for redemption. Also, you should not pick up things that someone has lost, even if they are valuable.
  • Falling into a cemetery means illness or death. But if this happens, then you need to immediately leave the churchyard, wash yourself with holy water and read the “Our Father” three times.
  • If you tell about your successes at the necropolis, you will leave them there. Indeed, the cemetery is not the best place for boasting, because this is a place of mourning and memory. At graves it is customary to talk only about the deceased.
  • If a cross falls for no reason or a monument breaks, then the deceased is restless and can cause harm to others. It is believed that a spontaneously broken tombstone threatens a new deceased in the family. To find out what is bothering the deceased, you need to consult with a clergyman as quickly as possible or make an appointment with a medium.
  • The grave collapses immediately after burial - to a new deceased.
  • To the cemetery before lunch, and after lunch to church. Since ancient times, it has been customary to visit graves before sunset, and best of all before lunch, since in more late time perfumes can cause great harm.

Many signs concern animals on graves, especially those associated with cats. It is believed that if a cat simply lies on a grave or walks only around one place, then it is considered abnormal and it is better to avoid it. The black cat is the soul of a witch or sinner, and the white cat is the soul of a righteous man warning of trouble. In any case, you should not offend the animal, because it could be the most ordinary domestic cat, just passing by the cemetery.

The article gives an idea of ​​what to do in such a case and what to expect.

Signs: a monument, a thing, a tree fell in a cemetery, a cross fell on the grave

Falling in a cemetery is not a bad thing; stumbling is not a good thing. You need to immediately leave the cemetery, wash your face with holy water and read the Our Father.

If the cross or monument falls on its own, then the soul of the deceased cannot find peace and worries about unfinished business. A cross is broken or a tombstone is cracked - to the deceased. Those who deliberately destroy monuments and desecrate graves will be punished and will be pursued by evil fate.

Signs in the cemetery about birds

Birds are considered the embodiment of the souls of the deceased, so food is left for them on their graves and there are always a lot of birds in the cemetery. It is believed that a bird flying into a window brings news of the imminent death of loved ones.

Why pregnant women should not go to a cemetery

The soul of an unborn baby can be taken by the souls of dead people, so pregnant women should avoid going to the cemetery.

According to legends, a baby can be possessed by someone else's soul. If a pregnant woman still needs to go to the cemetery, then take a red piece of paper with her, tie her hand with a red thread and wear a red dress.

When you shouldn’t go to a cemetery, signs and what you shouldn’t do there

You cannot swear in a cemetery; it is believed that all bad words remain with the one who said them.

They don’t take anything home from the cemetery, because this thing can cause harm to the owner.
You can’t count money in a cemetery, as you can lose it for a long time. If you still get the money, then leave it at the grave of a relative, there you will prevent poverty.

At the cemetery it is not customary to tell how well you live, so you can leave everything good here.

You cannot take photographs in a cemetery, because the spirits of the dead may remain in the photo. evil spirits, who will then easily find their way to you.

Folk signs at the cemetery during a funeral: a puppy appeared at the funeral, a black cat, a dog came up

If the cat lies down at the base of the coffin, then there will be another dead person. A cat that goes with a funeral procession must be carefully driven away. A black cat in a cemetery means the restless soul of a sinner or a witch out for a walk.

Signs and superstitions in the cemetery about the dead

If the coffin does not fit into the hole, then relatives should expect more deaths. When there are old bones in a dug grave, then this good sign. The soul of the deceased will find peace and will not annoy the living in their dreams. People wear black clothes at the cemetery; if you come in a bright, colored outfit, the devil will notice and you will become his victim.

Signs at the cemetery on Parents' Day

It is on Parents' Day that it is customary to visit the graves of the deceased. Pregnant women should not go to the cemetery on this day. If those who came to the cemetery did not remember the dead, then no one will remember them after death.

Signs for the red hill in the cemetery

On the first Sunday after Easter, the Red Hill holiday is celebrated, full of fun and joy. On this day it is not customary to go to the cemetery, but to remember the dead with sweets and food.

It is considered a good omen to see a deceased relative in a dream on this day. He is asked to fulfill his cherished wish, and it comes true.

Signs on the grave: ants, it started to rain

Ants make their homes on graves good people, this is a good omen, and there is no need to fight them.

Rain during a funeral washes away sorrows from our souls, giving us forgiveness and farewell.

They say that these are tears over the entire human race.

If it started to rain after the funeral, it means that the soul of the deceased has found peace and tranquility.

Signs at the cemetery for radonitsa (radonitsa)

On this day, the whole family visits the graves of relatives. It is imperative to say good things about them.

There is no need to worry about the death of loved ones; on Radonitsa people rejoice and believe in eternal life.

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