Who is building the northeast chord. Northeast Chord

North and northeast of Moscow: defragmentation of the road network August 6th, 2013

Some time ago I wrote about Moscow. Let's continue the topic with a review of the main objects of the Northern and North-Eastern districts.

A pleasant surprise: not one, but two chord corridors are being formed in the north and northeast of Moscow! About one of them, the main traffic light Northeast chord, is well known. And here is the local and traffic light chord from Festivalnaya street to Malygina street(with the prospect of extending to Malyginsky proezd) is unknown even to local residents.

Blue Northeast chord, green local chord st. Festivalnaya - st. Malygin

Chorda major, Northeastern

The North-Eastern chord (former Northern Rocade) will run from the St. Petersburg-Moscow toll road to the Moscow-Noginsk toll road. Its tracing is completely along the railways (Oktyabrskaya, MKMZhD, Kazanskaya) - the best possible corridor for passing a traffic-free highway.

Site maps
Businovskaya interchange with MKAD

Section Businovskaya - Festivalnaya

Section Festivalnaya - Mosselmash

Section from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Yaroslavskoye Highway

The section from Yaroslavskoye Highway to Otkrytoye Highway (through Losiny Ostrov) is still being designed, there is no scheme.
Section from Otkrytoye to Schelkovskoye Highway

Section from Schelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye Highway
Section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovsky Highway

Section from Entuziastov Highway to MKAD

Now 2 sections are being actively built: in the north (Businovskaya interchange and the section to Festivalnaya Street) and in the east (the section from the Entuziastov highway to the Izmailovsky highway, used to be part of the title of the Fourth Ring). The rest are being designed.

Chorda minor, unnamed

This chord will increase the connectivity of the local network, torn apart by railways, and will connect the SAO and SVAO, Leningradskoye, Korovinskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye shosse and Yeniseiskaya street. And in the future it will also go to the Yaroslavl highway.

However, this local chord is so little known that it doesn't even have a common name! Previously, it was called the "northern understudy of the Moscow Ring Road." An unfortunate choice: the corridor will connect the local streets, which will remain traffic lights, what kind of understudy is the Moscow Ring Road? In the Targeted Investment Program of Moscow for 2013-2015. this road is called "the highway from the street. Festivalnaya to Altufevskoe Highway. But this is not true either: the corridor does not end with Altufevskoye Highway, but goes to Bibirevskaya, Shirokaya and Malygina streets, with the prospect of extending to Malyginsky passage. In general, for clarity, I propose to call it highway from Festivalnaya street to Malyginsky proezd.

This corridor will be created by 3 overpasses with interchanges - through the Oktyabrskoye, Savelovskoye and Yaroslavskoye directions of the railway. The diagram below shows the current state of affairs.

The first of them, between Festivalnaya and Taldomskaya, is already under construction.

I wonder what it's building within the Northeast chord(more precisely, by the title of the Northern Rocade, as it used to be called). Some opponents of chords do not like to remember this: this fact does not fit into the ideologeme "the chord breaks the local connection." As you can see, in this case, the traffic-free North-Eastern chord not only does not break the local connectivity, but even increases it! In the AIP of Moscow for 2013-2015 this interchange is called "Section of the motorway Moscow - St. Petersburg (Northern Rokada), transport interchange at the intersection with Festivalnaya Street." 4100 million rubles were allocated for its construction. Deadlines 2012-2014

The second overpass will be built under a separate title "Magistral from the street. Festivalnaya to Altufevskoe highway with an overpass with the Savelovsky direction of the Moscow Railways. 200 million are allocated for design in the Targeted Investment Program, the design time is 2014-2016. 2685 million were allocated for the construction, the terms are 2015-2016. There are no plans yet.

There is no third overpass (through the Yaroslavl direction of the railway) in the AIP yet. But the overpass across Malyginskiy proezd, which is now being completed as part of the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl Highway, creates all the prerequisites for the inclusion of this overpass in the AIP in the coming years. This would put an end to the isolation of the Yaroslavl region from the rest of the North-Eastern district and unload the Yaroslavl highway from those who need not to the center, but to the North-Eastern Administrative District or the Northern Administrative District.

What other new links will appear in SVAO?
The torn parts will finally be connected together passage Shokalsky. Now everyone has to make a rerun of 1.5 kilometers, moreover, passing through 2 busy intersections and the Medvedkovo metro station.

Probok.net submitted this proposal to the Road Paradox program in 2011.

In the AIP, the title is called "Section of the passage of Shokalsky from Zarevoy passage to Grekov street", 5 million were allocated for the design in 2014, and 30 million for the construction in 2015.

What's next?
The extension of the local chord Festivalnaya - Malyginsky to the west, to the North-Western District, which is actually isolated from the rest of Moscow, suggests itself. Unfortunately, Festivalnaya Street in the area of ​​Leningradskoe Shosse rests on the Khimki Reservoir, and the connection with Yana Rainis Boulevard that suggests itself here is not even in the General Plan 2025. We will follow the changes and implementation of plans.

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to looking at what is happening in his native area. Today detailed story on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway (SVKh) - a new highway that will connect the three districts of the capital: north, east and southeast.

01. This is how this place looked in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovo highway, a big cork for several kilometers.

02. Construction for a while, metro tunnel forever. The work is completed, there are no more traffic jams in this place. Now everyone is standing at the intersection with Khalturinskaya Street.

04. Exit from the temporary storage warehouse to Shchelkovskoe highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

05. From top to bottom in the photo is Shchelkovo highway, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left - the metro station "Partizanskaya", to the right - "Cherkizovskaya".

06. 2016 Narrowing due to the construction of overpasses and a tunnel.

07. 2018 From the Shchelkovo highway, exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

08. View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Moscow Central Circle station "Lokomotiv".

10. Further, the chord is folded into a compact version. Most likely this is due to the difficulty of freeing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the Losiny Ostrov park. If you look closely at the photo, you can clearly see the temporal organization of the movement, which is transferred to one side.

11. Same place on the other side.

12. Compact version The route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along the overpass, which is not yet open, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the route will take up almost half the area.

13. While traffic is open to the Mytishchi overpass (to the Open Highway). Next comes construction. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one under the other.

14. Open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Oh, Metrogorodok, my homeland)

15. Construction of a chord towards the Yaroslavl highway. Everything is in full swing right now. The MCC station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" is visible on the right.

16. Future branches. On the left - the industrial zone of the Metrogorodok.

18. Closer to Losinoostrovskaya street. Here, communications are being laid. As far as I know, the design and approval of the chord project is still underway for the section to the Yaroslavl highway.

19. Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards "Partizanskaya". Everything has been open here for a long time, the only thing missing is a park and ride at the MCC station.

20. Intersection of the chord with the Entuziastov Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for the direct passage to the south along the chord and the exit from the Enthusiasts Highway.

21. Set up!

22. View from the highway of Enthusiasts to the south. On the right you can see the interchange with Budyonny Avenue.

23. In this place, on all diagrams, a "knot" is tied on the chord. The main course will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the chord itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

24. At first glance, you can’t figure it out without a hundred grams. But everything is simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino. If you move straight along it, you will get to Budyonny Avenue (leaves to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will get to the continuation of the chord that goes to the north (at the bottom of the frame). From above, the MCC station "Andronovka" and grounded for the future construction of the highway at the top of the frame.

27. Unique time while the road is not open yet. You can freely walk along the track on foot.

29. View of the same interchange from Perovo.

30. Large freight station "Perovo".

33. View towards the park "Kuskovo". In this section, the chord is almost ready.

35. View towards Vykhino. The first overpass is the streets of Papernik and Yunosti, the second, in the distance, is the Moscow Ring Road.

36. It turns out that in the near future we are waiting for the opening of the chord from the Moscow Ring Road to the Open Highway. For me personally, a person living in Izmailovo, this will be a long-awaited event.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

The authorities decided to put another scar on the body of Moscow - to build the North-East Expressway. So far, only the draft layout of the future route is ready, let's see how the next billion rubles will be spent.

01. General form plot:

02. Regarding the entire area:

03. Well, now in more detail, prepare your imagination, let's go from Yaroslavka, because for some reason the tracing through the national park (!!!) was not invested in the project:

04. Past the Botanical Garden:

05. Vladykino:

06. Separation (or vice versa convergence - depending on how you look) TSW and SZH:

07. Sections of several places:

08. TPU in the direction of travel:

09. Features:

Surprisingly, even not a single underground / overhead passage sounds somehow implausible.

10. And now the socio-economic justification. Although it is not clear where social is meant here, I see only economic calculations, neither the social effect, nor the transport effect in the future:

11. Although I’m lying, there are transport calculations, it has already been calculated where there will be traffic jams in the future:

What can I say ... for some reason I wanted to drink from grief. But if in the case of the North-Western Chord, which walked along ordinary streets, and from which it was decided to make a semblance of a highway, despite the inhabitants, where I still wanted to exile all those responsible to North Korea then just have a drink. Unlike the SZH, this chord for the most part goes along and along the industrial zone:

Apparently because of this, there will be no off-street crossings, and public transport on the chord is also not provided.

BUT in fact, this road distributes all traffic from the M11, only if the M11 is a toll road, this one will be free, that is, it will actively stimulate car use, and will also distribute a huge flow of cars around the city, for example, if a resident of Khimki or another Moscow region used to Tver, if they would go to the city by train or public transport, now they will go by car. Also, monstrous junctions obviously will not decorate the city and will not unload the exit streets. Although, there is a tiny chance that after entering this chord, it will finally be possible to close northeast section Third ring, turning it into a normal street.

In any case, instead of investing money in socially useful projects (yes, at least for linking UDS between districts), these will go to roads and traffic jams. But the Gray Cardinal is satisfied - the builders will be able to master the budget for a couple more years.

PS On Thursday, August 20, hearings on this project will be held in Ostankino, Rostokino and 3 other districts, I suggest that residents take care of this now.

You can watch presentations

The construction of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway, which will connect the Entuziastov Highway and the Izmailovskoye Highway, the city authorities intend to complete within a year ahead of time by the end of the first half of 2016. Such a statement by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin after visiting the construction site. The 4 km long overpass will consist of eight lanes - four in each direction, and traffic on it will be carried out in a traffic light mode.

The North-Eastern Chord itself should connect the Moscow-St.

In this way, new road will connect major highways in the north-east of the city: Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Yaroslavskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Entuziastov Highway and Otkrytoe Highway. According to the project, the length of the chord will be about 25 km. As conceived by officials, the highway, which is not planned to be paid, should reduce the traffic load on the Moscow Ring Road, the Third Ring Road, outbound highways, and also on the center of Moscow.

The mayor of the capital noted that the construction of the section from the Entuziastov highway to the Izmailovsky highway is comparable in complexity and cost to the infamous Alabyano-Baltic tunnel.

“At one time, this was intended for the fourth transport ring, but the project would even be technically unfeasible. And this huge amount of construction would have gone to waste. Therefore, today we are trying to integrate it into the North-Eastern chord. We must leave the Enthusiasts Highway with these overpasses and so on by the end of the year, give the avenue full swing, ”Sobyanin said about the prospects. —

The site is under construction ahead of schedule. Although we have a contract for 2017, we still need to try to finish in 2016.”

The mayor's office believes that with the advent of this overpass, the transport accessibility of the Sokolinaya Gora, Izmailovo and Preobrazhenskoye districts, located in the east of the city, will improve. “As a result, we will have completed three sections of the North-Eastern Expressway, and then the task will be to connect these sections with each other, giving an entire new city highway,” the mayor added.

Recall that the construction of the first section of the North-Eastern Expressway began in 2008. To date, traffic is open on the Businovskaya interchange - Festivalnaya street, on the Kosinskaya interchange and the intersection of the chord with the Entuziastov highway before turning onto the 2nd street of Izmailovsky Menagerie.

It is worth noting that the construction of the chord caused dissatisfaction among the residents of the areas through which it passes.

Among the main claims to officials - the location of the route in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings (50-60 m), the massive demolition of garages (about 2 thousand boxes), cutting down part of the territory (according to the survey plan, about 10 hectares) of the historical estate of the Sheremetev family "Kuskovo", and also the risk of failure of the largest collector in Moscow, through which approximately 40% of all Wastewater in the town.

Experts say that the vibrations of the soil from the flow of cars can disable the collector, which will result in an environmental disaster for the city.

“We are by no means against the construction of the chord. The area is suffocating from traffic jams, it needs a good transport infrastructure, but during construction it is necessary to take into account the interests of residents, under whose windows the highway will pass, ”say the townspeople who signed the petition against the road construction project.

Expert opinions on the North-Eastern Chord

“Any construction brings inconvenience to local citizens and causes dissatisfaction among residents, whether it is the construction of a major highway or the replacement of pipes in the courtyard of a residential building,” Alexei Tuzov, First Vice President of AvtoSpetsTsentr Group of Companies, told Gazeta.Ru. - In this case, I believe that temporary inconveniences, such as cutting down trees or demolishing garages, are justified. Moreover, after graduation construction works it is planned to carry out the improvement of the territories adjacent to the chord, including the planting of lawns, trees and shrubs and the creation of additional parking spaces.”

Mikhail Krestmein, head of the research and design department of transport and roads, considers it right that one of the first operating sections of the future chord will be an overpass between the Izmailovsky highway and the Entuziastov highway. "This is the most trouble spot in the eastern sector of the city - there are practically no cross-links between highways and districts, ”Krestmein told Gazeta.Ru.

The interlocutor noted that, since there are many large parks in the east of Moscow, all residents of the city are interested in this section of the chord.

“Certainly, the city needs chords, even if traffic jams occur on them,” Krestmein believes. - So we can say that the TTK was not worth building. But imagine what it would be like now in Moscow if all the cars from the Third Ring were lowered down. AT last years we were mainly engaged in the reconstruction of highways - for example, Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways. Now, large-scale construction of new roads has finally begun, which have enormous efficiency indicators, since they provide cross connections and are laid bypassing the city center.”

Oleg Skvortsov, President of the Association of Road Research Organizations RODOS, also supports the idea of ​​creating chord systems in Moscow. "We see that ring roads, which were built under Luzhkov, do not solve transport problems, Skvortsov told Gazeta.Ru. —

The chord, unlike the ring, has outlets outside the city. In addition, if you lay several chords, then they can form the same ring as a result. Another advantage is that a conventionally straight road is shorter than a curve, which means it is cheaper to build.”

Northwest Chord

No less controversy and controversy causes building in Moscow and another chord - the North-West. One of its sections, the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel, drew criticism from experts and dissatisfaction with local residents.

For the sake of building a tunnel only on the street People's Militia about 800 trees and almost 1.5 thousand shrubs were cut down. The amount of compensatory landscaping turned out to be several times less. At the same time, the region has not really gone anywhere yet.

“In 2014, compared to 2010 and 2011, there was a significant deterioration average speed movement,” the Cork Gate report says. — This deterioration following the opening of the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel in the direction from Alabyan Street to Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street can be explained by the redistribution of transport demand from bypass highways to the section of the North-Western Chord, noting the presence of a gross design error, consisting in inadequately low bandwidth highway under construction. As a result of a design error, the new highway has been overloaded with chronic congestion since commissioning.”

In June of this year, a scandal erupted again around the construction of a section of the chord in the Shchukino region, connected with the decision of the authorities to close the through passage on the section of Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street from the intersection with Marshal Vershinin Street to the intersection with Marshal Tukhachevsky Street. The so-called winchester tunnel will pass under the street of the People's Militia, where oncoming traffic flows will not move in parallel, but on top of each other.

In the first days after the closure, many kilometers of traffic jams formed in the area. Only residents of 13 houses, which are located directly on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street in the overlap zone, were issued passes and allowed to move along this site. All other motorists are forced to make a detour, bypassing the construction site. According to Moscow officials, such a measure will reduce the construction period of the tunnel by one year.

Recall that for the first time the authorities thought about the construction of the North-Western Expressway back in 1971. However, the highway project was postponed, and officials returned to this idea only in 2011.

It is planned to complete the construction of the route in 2017. The length of the entire chord will be approximately 29 km - it will stretch from Skolkovo to Yaroslavl highway. According to the project, two bridges, seven tunnels, 16 flyovers and 47 pedestrian crossings will be built along the entire road.

In addition to the two mentioned high-speed highways in Moscow, it is also planned to build Southern Rocade, which will run from Rublevsky highway to Borisovskie Prudy street.

All these highways have become an alternative to the fourth transport ring, the construction of which the city officials refused in December 2010 due to the prohibitive cost of the project - about 1 trillion rubles.

Along the section of the North-Eastern Expressway (SVKh) from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) started the movement transport. The new route will redistribute traffic flows and reduce the load on outbound highways.

“In fact, this is one of the most difficult sections of the North-Eastern Expressway and, in general, of any road construction in Moscow: a huge number of communications operating enterprises, docking with the railway, the site itself is very difficult. This is the largest and longest overpass in the city - 2.5 kilometers of a straight line, as well as the most important section. It will improve transport accessibility for a million people living in about ten districts of Moscow, including those beyond the Moscow Ring Road: Nekrasovka, Kosino-Ukhtomsky and a number of other districts, ”said Sergei Sobyanin.

The section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road began to be built in February 2016 and completed in September 2018. it twice as fast normative period of construction.

“Next, we will connect sections of the chord in the north and create a new city highway. By the way, this is one of the few sections that does not run along existing corridors, but creates, in fact, a new corridor. It will improve the situation on Shchelkovskoye and Otkrytoye Highways, as well as on the Entuziastov Highway and the Moscow Ring Road. The most important section, the most important highway,” added the Mayor of Moscow.

Six lanes and no traffic lights

A traffic-free six-lane highway runs from the existing temporary storage warehouse section at the intersection with the Entuziastov Highway, then from the northern side of the Kazan direction of the Moscow Railway (MZD) to the exit to the Kosinskaya flyover of the Moscow Ring Road. Total paved 1 1,8 kilometers of roads, including six flyovers.

On this site chords were built the longest overpass in Moscow— 2.5 kilometers of direct travel from the Plyushchevo railway platform to the overpass-exit from Perovskaya Street to the temporary storage warehouse.

“This is one of the most difficult sections, because 2.5 kilometers are artificial structures in the form of an overpass running parallel to railway. This is the most complex element that we had to implement during construction,” said Petr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow City Construction Department.

Thanks to this engineering solution managed to maintain the existing regional road network. In addition, the overpass can be used to cross the tracks of the Kazan direction of the Moscow Railways.

The structure includes:

- overpass of the main passage No. 1 (1.8 kilometers, three lanes in each direction) and two single-lane overpasses (each - 143 meters). They provide traffic without traffic lights at the intersection with the railway tracks of the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railways and exits to Kuskovskaya Street;

— the left overpass of the main passage No. 2 (740 meters, three lanes in each direction), which provides entry from Budyonny Prospekt and traffic along the straight line of the temporary storage warehouse towards the Moscow Ring Road;

— the right overpass of the main passage No. 2 (650 meters, three lanes in each direction) provides access to Budyonny Avenue and a promising direction towards Ryazansky Avenue along the tracks of the Moscow Central Ring (MCC).

In addition, a flyover No. 3 (204 meters, two traffic lanes in each direction) appeared, along which you can go from the temporary storage warehouse to Perovskaya Street.

Also built or reconstructed congresses to adjacent streets and access roads with a total length of more than four kilometers.

From residential development in the area of ​​Kuskovskaya and Anosova streets, as well as near the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in Veshnyaki installed noise barriers three meters high and over one and a half kilometers long.

Pedestrian crossings

The most important part of the project was the construction and reconstruction of pedestrian crossings. Through the new spacious passage under the temporary storage warehouse, residents of Veshnyakov can comfortable to get to the metro station and railway platform Vykhino.

The reconstructed pedestrian crossing in the area of ​​4th Veshnyakovsky passage connects with the Assumption Church and the Veshnyakovsky cemetery.

The transition in the area of ​​the Plyushchevo railway platform is useful for those who like to walk in Kuskovo estate park.

New transport artery

The construction of the temporary storage warehouse section from the Entuziastov highway to the Moscow Ring Road made it possible to redistribute traffic flows and reduce the load on outbound routes— Ryazansky Prospekt, Entuziastov Highway and Shchelkovskoye Highway, as well as to the eastern sectors of the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring (TTK).

In addition, the transport situation in southeast and east sectors of the city, entry into Moscow for residents of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky and Nekrasovka districts located outside the Moscow Ring Road, as well as for residents of the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region, has become much easier. In the future, the chord section will provide a direct connection with the understudy federal highway Moscow - Kazan.

North-Eastern chord will link the new route M11 Moscow- St. Petersburg with the Kosinskaya flyover (namely, the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway). The road will connect the major highways of the city: MKAD, Entuziastov highway, Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Yaroslavskoe, Altufevskoe, Otkrytoe and Dmitrovskoe highways.

In addition, from the chord it will be possible to go to 15 large Moscow streets, including Festivalnaya, Selskokhozyaistvennaya streets, Berezovaya alley, 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky proezd, Amurskaya, Shcherbakovskaya, Perovskaya, Yunosti, Papernika and others.

Near Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street The North-East chord will connect with the North-West, and in the area of ​​the Entuziastov Highway - with the projected South-East. Thus, the North-Eastern chord will provide diagonal connection north, east and southeast of the capital. This will relieve the city center, Third transport ring, MKAD and outbound highways.

track new chord will go through 28 districts Moscow and 10 large industrial areas. With accession to one of the most important transport arteries of the capital, these industrial zones will also receive prospects for development.

The northeast chord will allow personal and public transport drive up to 12 transport hubs, 21 metro and MCC stations, as well as the platforms of the Savelovsky and Kazansky directions of the Moscow Railway.

The length of the main route of the North-East Expressway will be about 35 kilometers. In total, including exits and reconstruction road network, it is planned to build more 100 kilometers of roads 70 flyovers, bridges and tunnels (with a total length of about 40 kilometers) and 16 pedestrian crossings. Now, as part of the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway, 69 kilometers of roads 58 artificial structures (length 28 kilometers) and 13 pedestrian crossings.

On this moment completed construction of sections of the North-Eastern Expressway:

— from Businovskaya transport interchange to Festivalnaya street;

- from Izmailovsky to Schelkovo highway;

— from Enthusiasts Highway to Izmailovsky Highway;

- from the Enthusiasts highway to the Moscow Ring Road.

Contractors have two-year warranty obligations, despite the fact that all acts are accepted and signed.

“Contractors are not leaving, they have a number of works related to the railway at the new substation. This substation connects the second stage of the North-Eastern chord, which runs from Otkrytoye to Yaroslavskoe highway,” said Petr Aksenov.

Soon, traffic will be opened along the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway.

Sections of the chord from Dmitrovskoye to Yaroslavskoye and from Yaroslavskoye to Otkrytoye Highway are also being designed. As part of these sections, about 33 kilometers of roads.

Four chords

The chord lines are key element new road frame of Moscow, which has been created in the city for the last eight years. New chords are about 300 kilometers of new roads, 127 flyovers, bridges and tunnels and more 50 pedestrian crossings.

It is planned to build four such highways:

northwest chord — from Skolkovskoye to Dmitrovskoye highway;

northeast chord- from new route M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg to the Kosinskaya flyover;

southeast chord — from Entuziastov Highway to Polyany Street;

Southern Rocade- from Rublevsky highway to Kapotnya.

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