How to pronounce brand names correctly. Norms for pronunciation of borrowed words and proper names

May 19, 2018

Due to the ban on pronouncing the Name, its exact sound was forgotten. For almost a thousand years the Name was not used in daily worship, and today we are faced with the question: how to pronounce it correctly? The two most famous versions are Yahweh and Jehovah. But why is there any confusion at all? And what is the true pronunciation of the Name?

The problem with pronunciation is due to the fact that in Hebrew writing, vowels and consonants are written using two separate and distinct sets of characters. Consonants are written in the form of letters, and vowels are written in the form of dots and dashes. For example, the word yeled (ילֶדֶ, child) is written with the consonants yld (ילד) and the vowels e e (ֶ ֶ). Regarding the Name, it is a very common belief that its vowels were systematically replaced by vowels from the word Adonai (Lord). Therefore, modern scholars deliberately ignore the vowels of YHVH, which are actually present in the Hebrew text of the Scriptures, and try to reconstruct the “original” vowels by resorting to a variety of external arguments and conjectures. As a result, scientists come to different conclusions about the original pronunciation of the Name. One of the most popular theories is that the Name was pronounced Yahweh, and scholars are almost unanimous in supporting this view. However, such consensus is not based on conclusive evidence. The Anchor Bible Dictionary explains: “The pronunciation of yhwh as Yahweh is a scientific guess.” If "Yahweh" is just a vague guess, then what do we really know about the pronunciation of the Name? And what can be said about the idea that the vowels of YHVH are actually borrowed from Adonai, as scholars universally claim?

Contrary to popular belief, the name YHVH as such was not suppressed from the written text of the Bible. In fact, the consonants that make up the name YHVH appear about 6,828 times in the Hebrew text of Scripture. What about vowels? Is it true that they belong to the word Adonai? To understand this problem, we must consider the practice of ancient scribes called kere-ketiv, "readable (kere) and written (ketiv)." Kere-ketiv occurs when a certain word in the Bible is written one way (ketiv), but a note in the margin of the biblical text indicates that it should be read as if it were written differently (kere). For example, in Genesis 8:17 we find the word hotze (הוצא, “bring out”). In Bible manuscripts, this word is marked with a small circle above it, which directs the reader to a note in the margin that says “היצא קרי” - “read haitse.” Thus, hotze is written in the Bible with the letter vav, but a note in the margin requires it to be read as heitze - with the letter yod. As with many kere-ketiv occurrences, the marginal note does not change the meaning of the verse, since the words hotse and haitse both mean “to bring out, to take away.” So why then read the word differently if it does not change the meaning? Evidently, many kereketiv were formed at a time when temple scribes were comparing two or three ancient biblical manuscripts with each other. They found slight discrepancies between manuscripts and left one form of a word in the main text while writing another in the margins. The practice of kere-ketiv directly concerns the question of God's name, since the ketiv form was always written in the main text with vowels from kere - the form read. In the above example, the word was written הַוְצֵא – with consonants from hotse (הוצא) and vowels from haitse (היצא)! The argument regarding the Name is precisely that YHVH contains the consonants of the Name, but the vowels of Adonai, and this is presented as a fact in every Hebrew textbook and in every scholarly discussion of the Name.

This academic consensus runs into two difficulties. The first is that in all other kere-ketiv the word that should be read differently is marked with a circle in the biblical manuscripts. This circle serves as a link to the margins where the reader will find the note “read this and that.” In the case of the Name, we would also expect to find a circle above the word YHVH, referring us to the fields with the note “read Adonai.” But no such link exists! YHVH appears 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, but is never marked as a kere-ketiv, either by a circle or a marginal note. In response to this objection, scholars claim that YHVH is the so-called kere perpetuum. They claim that in words that should always be read differently from how they are written, the mark was omitted by the copyist. In the case of the remaining kere perpetuum, the copyist's mark is sometimes found and sometimes omitted for the sake of brevity. And in Scripture there is not a single example of kere perpetuum, when a word read differently from the written word would never be accompanied by a mark. If we want to classify the name YHVH as a kere perpetuum, it would be unique in this category of kere-ketiv, since the scribes never marked it with the phrase “read Adonai.” Not once from all 6828 places.

Another problem with the claim that YHVH has vowels from Adonai is that this is simply not true! The word Adonai (אֲדֹנָי) contains the vowels a – o – a (khataf patah – holam – kamats). On the contrary, the name of YHVH is written as יְהוָה – with the vowels e – – a (shva – no vowel – kamats). Now let us remember that in all other cases the ketiv in the main text of the Scriptures has vowels from kere, while kere itself is written in the margins of the biblical manuscript without any vowels at all. But the difference between the vowels of YHVH and Adonai is obvious! YHVH is written as YHVAH (יְהוָה), but with the vowels from Adonai it would look like YAHWAH (יֲהוָֹה)!

How did it happen that the scientific majority overlooked this factual evidence? Until recently, printers of the biblical text freely modified the name YHVH. In many printed editions of the Hebrew Scriptures, YHVH is typed without vowels at all, while in other editions it is actually typed as Yahovah - with the vowels of Adonai. But if we consult the earliest complete manuscripts of the Scriptures, we will see that YHVH is written there as YHVaH. This is exactly how the name YHVH is presented in the manuscripts of Ben Asher (Aleppo and Leningrad codes), where the most accurate full text Scriptures. Modern printed publications, which faithfully reproduce ancient manuscripts such as the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and the Hebrew University Bible Edition (HUB), also contain the form YeHVaH. Today we do not need to rely on these printed editions because the most important biblical manuscripts are published as offset editions with photographic reproductions of the actual pages. These photographs clearly show that the name YHVH is consistently spelled YHVaH, and not with the vowels of Adonai (YaHoVaH).

Before looking at the vowels of YHWH that are actually attested in the text of Scripture, we should briefly discuss the scientific consensus regarding YHWH. As has already been said, scholars do not attach importance to the vowels of YHVH in biblical manuscripts, and turn to external sources in an attempt to restore the original pronunciation of the Name. The main such source is Theodoret of Cyrus, the so-called “father of the Church”, who lived in the 5th century AD. e. About the name of YHVH, Theodoret wrote:
“The Samaritans pronounce it IABE, and the Jews AIA.”
The form AIA (pronounced Ah-Yah) indicates that the Jews called God by a shortened form of the name Yah (יָהּ), which appears repeatedly in the Bible. The Yah form resulted from ancient tradition abbreviate a word by its first and last letters. Thus, the first and last letters YHVH give the abbreviation Yah. But how did the Jews form AIA from Yah? One of characteristic features late Hebrew was the spread of the prosthetic aleph, the letter aleph added at the beginning of a word to make pronunciation easier. For example, in Late Hebrew the frequent biblical word tmol (תמוֹל) turns into etmol (אתמוֹל) with the prosthetic aleph. The prefix e- in the word etmol simply makes it easier to pronounce. The prosthetic aleph already existed in biblical times, so the words *rba (four) and *tsba (finger) were already pronounced arba and etzba, respectively. But in the days after the Bible was written, the prosthetic aleph became much more widespread and could be added to almost every word. Therefore, AIA is nothing more than Yah with a prosthetic aleph added at the beginning of the word to make it easier to pronounce. Thus, Theodoret of Cyrus tells us that the Jews of his time called God by the name A-Yah.

By the time of Theodoret, the pronunciation of the Name among the Jews supposedly ceased due to the prohibition of Abba Saul. Therefore, scholars give more weight to the pronunciation of the Samaritans. According to Theodoret, the Samaritans pronounced the name YHVH as IABE (sounds Ya-be). If we wanted to transliterate this word back into Hebrew, we would end up with something like Yabeh (,יֲבֶּה). This example provides some insight into the difficulties of reconstructing Hebrew pronunciation from Greek transcription. First, it should be noted that Ancient Greek did not have an "x" sound in the middle of words. Therefore, the first X in the word YHVH would be omitted in this language, regardless of its vowels. Second, Greek did not have a “v” sound, so the third letter in God’s name would also be omitted or corrupted. Finally, the vowel systems of Greek and Hebrew were very different. Hebrew had 9 vowels that did not have exact equivalents in Greek. For example, the Hebrew vowel schwa (pronounced short and in the word "to beat") has no equivalent in ancient Greek. Therefore, no matter what Theodoret heard from the Samaritans, performing a Greek transcription was an impossible task for him.

What about the IABE form? Most scholars believe that the Greek B (beta) in this word is a corruption of the Hebrew vav, and that the first he in YHVH is omitted due to the omission of the x sound in the middle Greek words. Because of this, by transliterating the Samaritan IABE back into Hebrew, they end up with Yahweh (יֲהְוֶה). This is the very “scientific guess” that the Anchor Bible Dictionary talks about. This pronunciation is trusted more because it is believed that the Samaritans were not yet subject to rabbinic prohibitions, and even in the time of Theodoret they remembered the pronunciation of the Name. But is this the best explanation of the word IABE? As it turns out, the ancient Samaritans called God Yafeh (יָפֶה), which means beautiful. Also in Samaritan Hebrew the letter feh was often pronounced "b". Therefore, everything could look like this: the Samaritans told Theodoret that God’s name is Yafeh (beautiful), but due to the defective pronunciation of Hebrew words, they came out with Yabe. This explanation seems to be consistent with the fact that the Samaritans did stop pronouncing the Name, perhaps even earlier than the Jews. Instead of saying the name YHVH, the Samaritans call God shema (שְׁמָא). This word is usually interpreted as the Aramaic form of hashem (name), but we cannot help but notice the similarity of the Samaritan shem with the pagan hashem (אֲשִׁימָא), the name of one of the gods (2 Kings 17:30) whom the Samaritans worshiped at the beginning of their migration to the land Israel in the 8th century BC. e. So, already around 700 AD. e. The Samaritans called on Hashemah, not YHVH.

The learned majority also presents a second piece of evidence in favor of the supposed Samaritan pronunciation Yahweh/IABE. They indicate the connection between the name YHVH and the root word HYH - “to be.” This connection is clearly made in Exodus 3:13, 14, where we read:
“And Moses said to God, Behold, I will come to the children of Israel and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you. And they will say to me: What is His name? What should I tell them? God said to Moses: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (I am who I am). And he said, Thus shall you say to the children of Israel: Ehyeh has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:13-14)
So Moses asks YHVH what name to give the Israelites when they ask about God. YHVH invites Moses to say that he was sent by Ehyeh, which is derived from the root HYH (to be) and means “I am.” Immediately after declaring himself Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, God further explains that his eternal name is YHVH:
“And God said again to Moses: Thus shall you say to the children of Israel: YHVH, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and I will be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3:15)
But how can the name YHVH be related to HYH (to be)? In Hebrew, the letters vav (ו) and yod (י) are weak and are sometimes used interchangeably. As an example: in one of the declensions the word yeled (child) sounds like walad, while the letter yod is replaced by vav. In the root word ХХХ (to be) we observe a similar substitution. The present tense form of the verb HYH (to be) is hovekh (Ecclesiastes 2:22), where yod changes to vav. This replacement is especially common in names. So, in Hebrew, Eve was called Chavah, “for she became the mother of all living (hai).” (Genesis 3:20) Thus, the letter yod in the word chai is replaced by the letter vav, giving the form Havah (Eve). It should not be concluded that vav and yod are always interchangeable, but when Hebrew root contains V or J, sometimes one letter takes the place of another. There is therefore no linguistic difficulty in supposing that YHVH goes back to HYH (to be). This is why YHVH introduced himself to Moses as Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (I am who I am), alluding to his name YHVH, which appears in the next verse.

Based on Exodus 3:14-15, modern scholars argue that the name YHVH must be the piel form of the verb HYH (to be). In other words, they view YHVH as a simple verb meaning “He causes to be.” They believe that the piel and hifil forms of the verb YHVH should be pronounced Yahweh (יֲהְוֶה). Yet such an explanation is highly problematic in view of the verb system of the Hebrew language. There are seven verb forms, or conjugations, in this language. Each conjugation slightly modifies the root, giving it a different shade of meaning. Some roots can be conjugated in all seven directions, while for others not all conjugations are possible. In reality, most root words can be conjugated in 3-4 conjugations, and it is very rare to find verbs that can be conjugated in all seven. This may seem like a subjective opinion, but this is the reality of Hebrew grammar. For example, the root Sh.B.R in its simple form means “to break”, in the conjugation piel it means “to crush”, etc. In total, the root Sh.B.R can take six out of seven conjugations. But in the seventh conjugation (hitpael) it simply does not exist and cannot exist. The verb HYH (to be), from which the name YHVH comes, exists in Hebrew only in the simple form (kal) and in the conjugation niphal. This means that scientific assumptions that YHVH is a form of piel or hifil of the verb HYH (to be) have no right to exist for the reason that this verb does not exist in such conjugations. In other words, Yahweh is a verb form that did not exist in the Hebrew language. So why do modern scholars unanimously consider the name YHVH to be some kind of fantastic verb that violates the rules of Hebrew grammar? There are two explanations for this. First, the non-existent form of Yahweh (piel or hifil) coincides with the theological preconceptions of modern scholars. Secondly, the form of Yahweh (piel or hifil) is consistent with Theodoret's testimony about the Samaritan pronunciation of the Name.

There is another reason to consider it futile to attempt to restore the vocalization of the name YHVH by forcibly identifying it with the impossible forms of piel or hifil. Most Hebrew names contain a Name. However, it is characteristic of names that the verbs in their composition do not necessarily correspond to the correct verb forms. For example, the name Nehemiah (Hebrew Nehemyah, “YHVH comforts”) contains two elements: the verb nehem (he comforts) and the name Yah (short for YHVH). But the verb nehem does not correspond to the standard verb form - nihem. As a rule, in Hebrew the verb that is part of the name randomly changes vowels. This can also be illustrated by the name Jesus (Hebrew Yehoshua, “YHVH saves”). Again, this name includes two elements: the verb yoshia (he saves) and the name of God Yeho- (short form of YHVH). The verb yoshia (he saves) was modified, becoming part of the name Jesus (Yehoshua). The letter yod in this verb is omitted, and the vowels are completely replaced to the form -shua. The form -shua can only exist as part of a personal name, whereas the verb form yoshia would be quite unusual in a name. So, it is normal for verbs to change when included in names. Therefore, the name YHVH may well contain the root verb HYH, which simply did not retain the original vowels. The attempt to impose grammatical verb forms on names is contrary to the rules of the Hebrew language.

As we have seen, the scientific consensus regarding the pronunciation of "Yahweh" is actually based on vague guesswork. At the same time, we saw that the “generally accepted fact” of borrowing vowels from Adonai does not correspond to reality at all. The real vowel for the name YHVH in ancient manuscripts is YHVH. It is clearer that YHVaH does not contain vowels from Adonai. But are the existing vowels actually authentic? The first thing that catches your eye is the fact that the name YeHVah lacks a vowel after the first heh. Basic Rule Hebrew - a consonant in the middle of a word must be followed by either a vowel or an unpronounceable schwa. True, sometimes there are unpronounceable letters in the middle of a word that are not followed by a vowel or shva (for example, aleph in the word beresheet). But this never happens with the letter he in the middle of words. In Hebrew, an unpronounceable heh at the end of a word is very common, but there is no such thing as an unpronounceable heh in the middle of a word. All this means that according to the rules of language, the first he in YHVH must be accompanied by some kind of vowel. Where did she disappear to? We will probably find the answer in another medieval scribal custom. When Bible scribes wanted to mark a missing word, they removed its vowels. Having reached a word without vowels, the medieval reader understood that this word should not be read. Perhaps medieval scribes omitted the vowel at the first heh to prevent the reader from reading the Name aloud. It is also noteworthy that in the Aleppo Codex, which is distinguished by its high accuracy in transmitting the biblical text, the name YHVH receives the vowel YeHoViH when combined with Adonai. Apparently, the hirik (the "i" sound) reminded the reader to pronounce the word as Elohim (God), since reading it as Adonai would be a tautology. Still, this case does not belong to the category of kere-ketiv, where the “written” word has all the vowels of the “readable” form. If it were a Kere Ketiv, we would expect that the vowels in YHVH would be replaced by Hataf Segol - Cholam - Hirik to form YHVH. Instead, this sound is formed by another set of vowels: shva - holam - hirik. We seem to be dealing with a unique scribal practice of substituting one vowel to remind the reader which word should be pronounced instead of YHVH. So, in both cases we observe a single replacement: when YHVH occurs separately, it has the vowels YeH?VaH - the vowel after the first he was omitted. This cautioned the reader against reading the Name by its letters; on the other hand, when YHVH came after Adonai, the “a” (kamatz) was changed to “and” (hirik), reminding that it should be read as Elohim.

What is remarkable about the form of Jehovih is the absence of any obstacles for the reader to accidentally read it as “Yehhovih.” This spelling had full set vowels and could be read like any word in the Hebrew language. For some reason, the medieval Masoretes who made copies of the Scriptures were concerned that the reader should not say the word Yeh?wah, but were not at all concerned that he might say Jehovah. This must be due to the taboo of the Name, to which the Masoretes strictly obeyed. Why didn't the scribes remove the vowel after the first heh in the form Jehovih? The only explanation can be their awareness that this is not a genuine pronunciation God's name. Conversely, when they encountered Yeh?wah, they realized that this was the real pronunciation of the Name, so they removed the middle vowel.

But what exactly was the vowel in the middle of Yehwah? When comparing the two forms (Yeh?vah and Yehovih), it becomes clear that the missing vowel is “o” (holam). This means that the Masoretes knew that the Name sounded like “Yehovah”, and deliberately eliminated the middle vowel “o”. This is confirmed by the fact that in a number of cases they forgot to omit the vowel “o”. When scribes in ancient times copied documents, they spoke the words out loud or in a whisper. Sometimes the scribe made a mistake because he wrote down what his mouth said instead of what his eyes saw. This is a common mistake even in modern Russian. When a Russian-speaking person quickly writes or types a text, sometimes instead of “betray” he writes “addat”, etc. The reason for this is not necessarily illiteracy, since most people are well aware of the differences between these homophones. Often the error is caused by the sound of words. In the case of God's name, the scribe knew that the word YHWH had the sound Yehovah, and although he was obliged to omit the vowel "o", he left it out several dozen times. In Masoretic Manuscript LenB19a, the oldest complete Masoretic text and the basis of the famous BHS edition, the Name is spelled Jehovah 50 times out of a total of 6,828. It is also significant that no other vowel was “accidentally inserted” into God’s name except “o.”

There is further evidence indicating that it was the vowel “o” that was missing from the name Yeh?vah. Many Hebrew names contain part of the Divine name, forming compound name. For example, Yehoshua (Jesus) means “YHVH saves,” and Yeshayahu (Isaiah) also means “YHVH saves.” As we see, God's name as part of other names has the form Yeho- if it is at the beginning of the name, and -yahu if it is at the end. Proponents of the pronunciation "Yahweh" often cite the ending form -yahu as evidence of their case. There are two difficulties with this argument. First, the -yahoo element of God's name is not comparable to the pronunciation "Yahweh." In extreme cases, he could suggest the pronunciation of “Yahuvah”, but not “Yahweh”. In Hebrew writing there is even less similarity between Yahweh (יֲהְוֶה]) and -yahu (יָהוּ). Yahweh is pronounced with the Hebrew vowel hataf patah, while -yahu contains kamatz in this place. These are two completely different vowels, which in ancient times were pronounced with a noticeable difference. Such a mistake can only be made by someone for whom Jewish phonetics is not native! Secondly, in the name YHVH, the letters YHV- are at the beginning of the name, not at the end. Therefore, if we choose a sample for reconstructing the pronunciation of God's name from the two types of names (Jesus/Isaiah), we must take those that contain the element Yeho- at the beginning. And if we compare this conclusion with the spelling Yeh?vah, preserved in the biblical text, we again get the form Yehovah.

Jehovah is a slightly anglicized form of the pronunciation Yehovah. The main difference is that God's name has been penetrated english letter"J". Of course, in Hebrew there is no "j" sound and instead there is a letter yod, which is pronounced "y". Another difference is that in the Masoretic text the emphasis falls on the end of the word. Therefore, in fact the Name is pronounced Yeho wa'h with emphasis on "bah". To pronounce the name as "Yehovah" with the emphasis on the "ho" (as in the English Jehovah) would simply be a mistake.

Another question that should be clarified: how could the Masoretes, the medieval scribes of the text of the Scriptures who removed the vowel “o” from Jehovah, know the true pronunciation of the Name? After all, the taboo on the Name was fully established during the time of Abba Saul in the 2nd century AD. e. We know that the Masoretic scribes were Karaites. We also know that among the Karaites there were two directions - some demanded to pronounce the name, and others forbade it. Obviously, the Masoretes belonged to the latter, and therefore removed the middle vowel from the name Yehovah. At the same time, they could hear other Karaites pronouncing the Name, so they were familiar with its correct pronunciation. The Karaite sage Kirkisani, who lived in the 10th century, says that the Karaites who pronounced the Name settled in Persia (Khorasan). Persia was an influential center of Judaism from the time the ten tribes were removed to the “cities of the Medes” (2 Kings 17:6), and remained so until the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. Since Persia was located quite far from the rabbinic centers in Galilee and Babylonia, Persian Jews were protected from the innovations introduced by the rabbis in the form of the Mishnah and Talmud until the 7th century. Only after the rabbis attempted to impose such innovations on the Jews of Persia in the 7th-8th centuries did the Karaite movement arise, who wanted to preserve the old traditions. Therefore, we should not be surprised that the Karaites in Persia have retained the correct pronunciation of the name since ancient times. It appears that the Masoretes removed the vowel "o" from God's name to ensure that their fellow Karaites would not read the name according to its letters. Now, when these Karaites read the biblical text, they need to independently substitute the missing vowel.

Nehemiah Gordon

Male patronymics from given names -to her(type Andrey, Alexey, Sergey) are pronounced contracted, that is, instead of -eevna sounds -evna, for example, Lydia And[r’e]vna, Lyudmila Alek[s’e]vna, Natalya Ser[g’e]vna. However, female patronymics with the same combination from rarer names are pronounced with -eevna, for example, middle names Korneevna, Eliseevna, Dorofeevna.

The female patronymic Nikolaevna is pronounced constricted: Nikola[vn]a. Less common Ermolaevna - without contraction.

Many middle names from first names -V pronounced without combination -ov-, if it is unstressed: Vyachesla[vn]a, Svyatosla[vn]a, Bronisla[vn]a (although in writing - Vyacheslavovna, Svyatoslavovna, Bronislavovna).

In cases where the combination -ov- appears under stress, it is naturally preserved, for example, in the patronymic Lvovna.

Not usually pronounced -ov- in female patronymics from names ending in -n And -m. In patronymic names starting with -n, a long consonant [n] sounds in these cases: Anto[N]a, Iva[N]a, Semyo[N]a. Middle names from first names -m pronounced with the combination [pl]: Efi[pl]a, Aki[pl]a, Maxi[pl]a.

Female patronymic from Alexander- Alexa[N]a.

Female patronymic Mikhailovna pronounced as Mikha[ln]a - with loss of not only -ov-, but also iota, patronymic Pavlovna - like Pa[ln]a, that is, with the loss of not only -ov-, but also sound [in].

In female patronymics formed from names with hard consonants -r, -l, -s, -t, -d, there are full and contracted pronunciations. So, say Vladimir[ъвн]а and Vladimir[n]а, Fedor[ъвн]а and Feodor[n]а, Boris[ъвн]а and Boris[n]а. Pronunciation without -ov- has a reduced stylistic coloring, and sometimes is characteristic of vernacular (cf.: Fedot[n]a, Prokhor[n]a). The literary norm is met by pronunciation with -ov-([ъв]).

Female patronymics formed from given names -b, -p, -g, -k, -x pronounced with a combination -ov-: Gle[bvn]a, Kar[pvn]a, Ole[gvn]a, Mar[kvn]a, Aristar[khvn]a.

Female patronymics formed from given names are pronounced differently. -th(type Vasily, Gregory, Porfiry). One option with saving the combination -ev-, but without iota: Vasya[l’vn]a, Grigo[r’vn]a, Porfi[r’vn]a. Second - without iota and without combination -ev-: Vasya[l’n]a, Grigo[r’n]a, Porfi[r’n]a. The first option is considered predominant. The second, due to its reduced stylistic coloring, is undesirable (naturally, we are not talking about literary and dramatic radio broadcasting and television, where you can find not only generally accepted, but also vernacular, dialect, social, individual characteristics pronunciation, since in the area fiction the reproduction of such features serves certain artistic purposes).

Pronunciation of male patronymics and given names

In male patronymics formed from names ending with a hard consonant, instead of an unstressed suffix -ovich pronounced [ъч]. Therefore, middle names Antonovich, Semenovich, Borisovich, Fedorovich should sound like Anto[nch], Semyo[nch], Bori[sach], Fedo[rich]. It is not recommended to pronounce these and similar patronymics with a distinct [s] in the suffix: Anto[nych], Semyo[nych], etc.

Instead of Mikhailovich pronounced Miha[lch]. Instead of Pavlovich- Pal[lch]. Instead of Aleksandrovich- Alexa[nitch]. The pronunciation of this patronymic as [Sanch] is colloquial.

Male patronymics formed from given names -to her And -ay, pronounced with the combination [ich] in place of the unstressed suffix -evich, that is, patronymics Andreevich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich, Nikolaevich should sound like Andre[ich], Alekse[ich], Serge[ich], Nikola[ich].

Male patronymics -evich, formed from names on -th, are also pronounced with the suffix [ich], and the preceding yot is most often lost. So, instead of Anatolyevich, Vasilievich, Grigorievich, pronounced Anatol[ich], Vasil[ich], Grigor[ich].

Some male names in combination with patronymics are pronounced differently than when used separately.

For example, name Michael sounds like it is written - Mikh[ail], but together with the patronymic it begins to sound like Mikh[al]: Mikh[al] Vasilyevich, Mikh[al] Nikolaevich.

Name Alexander pronounced in full - Aleksa[ndr], and in combination with a patronymic beginning with a consonant sound, without two final consonants: Aleksa[n] Sergeevich, Aleksa[n] Nikolaevich. If the patronymic begins with a vowel sound, the name is pronounced in full: Aleksa[ndr y]vanovich, Aleksa[ndr a]ntonovich.

Name Paul in combination with a patronymic, it should be pronounced Pa[v’l]. The pronunciation P[al], which is found in fluent colloquial speech, cannot be recommended if this name is combined with a patronymic beginning with a consonant: P[al] Maksimovich, P[al], Petrovich.

Task 1. Read the words below at different paces and see which sounds are lost when pronounced quickly

Pyotr Alexandrovich, Lidia Konstantinovna, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, Elena Sergeevna, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Maria Vladislavovna, Natalya Anatolyevna, Sergey Pavlovich.


Task 1. Say the words below and determine whether soft or hard [s] is pronounced at the end of the word

I'm afraid, I was admiring, I'm washing, I'm suffering, I started, I'm upset, I'm getting ready, I'm striving, I'm washing.

Task 2. Distribute the borrowed words below into three groups depending on the pronunciation of the consonant before [e]:

a) with a pronounced hard consonant;

To prevent trips to fashion boutiques and beauty corners from turning into an illiteracy test, we have compiled a list of how to pronounce brand names that most often cause difficulties with correct pronunciation.

How to correctly pronounce fashion brand names

Buying clothes and shoes from famous brands seriously complicates our lives. Now we not only cannot live without our favorite Christian Louboutin pumps, but we also don’t know how to correctly pronounce the name of the brand. You shouldn’t try to translate the brand name into Russian on your own; at best, they simply won’t understand you, and at worst, you’ll look funny.

Azzedine Alaïa– French designer with Tunisian roots. Usually, difficulties in pronunciation are caused by his surname with a letter of the Latin alphabet. Azzedine Alaïa- everything is simple and easy.

Balenciaga- correct answer " Balenciaga" Everything is very simple!

Balmain- By English rules sounds like “Balmain”, but the brand is named after the name of its creator, French designer Pierre Balmain, which means it’s correct to say Balman.

ChloeKloe- just like that, with an emphasis on “e”. Don't tell me you were thinking "Chloe."

Christian Lacroix– the brand name sounds right Christian Lacroix with emphasis on the last syllable. Moreover, the sound “r” is practically not pronounced, as if you were burring.

Christian Louboutin– the name of the French shoe designer, recognizable by its signature red sole, sounds like Christian Louboutan. But even professionals make mistakes when they say: “Louboutin”, “Louboutin”, “Lobutan”.

Givenchy- French fashion house created by designer Hubert Givenchy, accordingly it should be said Givenchy.

Guy Laroche– the name of the French designer is spelled correctly Guy Laroche. But many sometimes call him “Guy”.

Hermes– the brand name is often pronounced to Erme. It seems that according to the rules this is correct (the sound “s” in French transcription should be absent), but in this case it is correct to say Ermes. The same applies to the brand Rochas– sounds right Rocha.

Hervé Leger is a French brand that became famous thanks to the invention of the bandage dress. Previously Hervé Peugnet, but Karl Lagerfeld advised the designer to change the unpronounceable surname to Léger. Pronounced Herve Leger.

Lanvin– I immediately want to say Lanvin, but it’s correct Lanvan.

Louis Vuitton– correct version of the pronunciation of the brand name Louis Vuitton, not Louis Vuitton or Louis Vuitton.

Maison Martin Margiela– for a beginner, even with good knowledge French It is difficult to correctly pronounce the name of the famous French brand. And it actually sounds quite simple - Mason Martin Margiela.

RochasRocha with emphasis on the last syllable.

Sonia RykielSonia Rykiel– this is the name of the queen of knitwear and the founder of the fashion house of the same name, Sonia Rykiel.

Yves Saint Laurent is a French fashion house founded by Yves Saint Laurent, which is why we say nothing less than Yves Saint Laurent.

Zuhair Murad- sounds literally in Russian Zuhair Murad.

Anna Sui– very often the name of a famous designer can be heard as Anna Sue, but it sounds correct Enna Sui.

Badgley Mischka– you might think that this is the name of one person. In fact, the name consists of the surnames of two designers who founded the brand - Mark Badgley and James Mischka, and sounds nothing more than Badgley Bear.

Burberry Prorsum- an English company, recognizable by its trademark - “cage”. Pronounced Burberry Prorsum, but not “Burberry” or “Barbury”.

Carolina Herrera- Venezuelan-American designer. Usually difficulties arise with pronunciation of the surname. You need to speak in Spanish, that is Carolina Herrera.

Gareth Pubh– in Russian the name of the English designer sounds like Gareth Pugh.

Coach– many people love bags from the famous Coach brand, but not everyone knows how to correctly pronounce the brand name. Coach– this is the name of the brand known in Russian for its fashion accessories.

Levi's– the creator of the famous jeans was named Levi and according to all the rules you need to say Levis, not Levi's. Although both options have long been in common use. By the way, in the states everyone says “Levis”. You can argue on this topic endlessly.

Manolo Blahnik is an English brand specializing in the production of women's shoes. In Russian, the correct brand name sounds like Manolo Blahnik.

Marc Jacobs– the designer and founder of the fashion brand of the same name is Marc Jacobs. Although some people manage to pronounce Marc Jacobs – it sounds funny.

Marchesa– an English brand, but its name is pronounced according to the rules Italian languageMarchesa.

Mary Katrantzou– despite the fact that the designer was born in Greece, the brand is English. That's why we pronounce it in the British manner - Mary Katrantzou.

Monique Lhuillier– the name of a famous luxury designer wedding dresses correctly pronounced as Monique Lhuillier.

Naeem Khan– the name of the American designer of Indian origin sounds Naeem Kan, but definitely not “Khan”.

Prabal Gurung– as it is written, so it is read – Prabal Gurung.

Proenza Schouler– no “Sharpie”, it’s correct to say Proenza Schooler. This is how the American brand is correctly pronounced.

Ralph Lauren– despite the fact that the designer’s surname is French and many people mistakenly pronounce “Laurent”, the brand is American. And it's right to say Ralph Lauren with emphasis on "o".


Roksanda Ilincic– but the brand name Roksanda Ilincic, despite the fact that it is English, is pronounced according to the rules of Serbian transcription, since the designer was born in Belgrade. And it sounds like Roksanda Ilincic.

Vera Wang– the surname Wang can be pronounced as Wang and Wong, but the first option is still preferable. And the designer herself introduces herself as Vera Wang. The same applies to the brand Alexander Wang.

As a bonus, we present another name of a popular brand, which does not get along in the minds of Russian fashionistas.

Nike– everyone knows the brand like Nike. In fact, it is correct to say Nike. But the first option has taken root in Russia so much that even the official representative office of the company in our country sounds differently than Nike.

Bvlgari– the brand name is based on the Latin alphabet, where “V” is equivalent to “U”. There is one more “but” - emphasis, so we say: “ BulgAri”, and not like many “Bulgari”.

DSquared2– an Italian brand founded by Canadian brothers, should be pronounced Discuert, but not Disquared.

Ermenegildo Zegna– a real brain explosion. It’s quite difficult to pronounce the first time, but after practice, Ermenegildo Zegna pronounced as easily as the well-known brands “Chanel” and “Christian Dior”.

Fausto Puglisi is another Italian brand whose pronunciation can often be difficult. To speak correctly Fast Puisy.

Miu Miu– an Italian brand, which is pronounced according to the rules of Italian transcription – Mew Mew.

Moschino– this Italian brand is read according to the same rules. Pronounced Moschino, and not Moschino, as it sounds in English.

Giambattista Valli– nothing complicated – Giambattista Valli.

Other designer brands and marks

Ann Demeulemeester– the Belgian designer would be correctly called Ann Demeulemeester and nothing else.

Dries Van Noten– it’s hard to make a mistake in the name of this brand. As you may have guessed, it sounds right Dries Van Noten.

Elie Saab- Lebanese designer whose name sounds Elie Saab, but not El Saab.

Issey Miyake– finally, a Japanese designer has made it onto our list of “hard to pronounce brand names”. The name of the Japanese fashion legend is correct to say Issey Miyake. Name of the second famous designer Yohji Yamamoto sounds from the land of the rising sun Yohji Yamamoto.

Loewe– when pronunciated, it should sound something between Lowewe And Loewe.

Peter Pilotto– the name of the international brand is pronounced correctly Peter Pilato, and not “Piloto”, as it seems at first glance.

Philipp Plein– German designer, that’s why the name is pronounced Philipp Plein, not "Plein". The same case as with Calvin Klein- because we are talking Calvin Klein.

To figure it out, British i-D magazine I decided to conduct a fashionable lesson on illiteracy by releasing an educational video. In a four-minute lesson, along with a demonstration of the collections, models voice the names of brands, from Azzedine Alaïa to Zegna.

How to correctly pronounce beauty brand names

It's the same story with the pronunciation of the names of cosmetic brands. For example, everyone knows the brand l"occitane, many of us even use it. But they call it whatever they call it: Lokitan, Lossitane, and Lochitan. There is even a joke that the brand name has about 40 pronunciation options, but only one is correct - Locsitane.

Kiehl's- an American brand founded by John Keel, which is why it is pronounced the same way as his last name is read - Keels.

Sephora– most of us pronounce the name correctly, the only thing is that the emphasis should be on the last syllable, on “a”, that is Sephora.

Babor– the name of the German brand also confuses many. Reads correctly BAbor with emphasis on "a".

La Roche-Posay– the name of the cosmetics brand is read according to the rules of French transcription – La Roche Posay.

Pierre Fabre– another representative of pharmaceutical high-quality French cosmetics. Reading - Pierre Fabre.

Payot– we bet you didn’t even suspect that the brand has Ukrainian roots – its founder was born in Odessa. Only at the time of the creation of the brand she was already Mademoiselle Payot, which is why the name of the brand is read in the French manner - Payo, without pronouncing the letter "t".


La BiosthetiqueLa Biosthetic.

Methode Jeanne Piaubert– it seems that French cosmetics are trying to win the love of Russian beauties. Another popular beauty brand founded in France is Method Jean Pubert.

GuerlainGuerlain, and nothing else.

Estée LauderEstee Lauder– this is how the name of the founder and the name of the brand itself are pronounced.

La Prairie– one of the best beauty brands producing luxury cosmetics reads like La Prairie.

Erborian is another cosmetic brand that combines traditional methods Korean medicine and modern European technologies. The Korean-French brand Erboria sounds Russian Erborian.

OribeOrbe Canales– a famous stylist and creator of the eponymous brand of professional hair products. By the way, this is one of any Jennifer Lopez stylists.

Essie– it is correct to name a brand of nail polishes popular throughout the world Essie.

Lalique– the name of the creator of unique fragrances is Rene Lalique, so we pronounce the name of the brand only as Lalique.

NYX– the name of the American brand, consisting of three letters, is pronounced briefly and clearly – Knicks.

If you carefully read everything to the end, you will no longer make stupid mistakes in pronouncing the names of famous brands. Speak clearly and confidently, as if you always knew that the correct word to say was SephorA, not SifOra or Sephora.

Which of us girls doesn’t like to show off to a friend an expensive purchase made in a designer boutique or an elite online store? But here’s the problem: most of us don’t know how to correctly pronounce the names of all the brands or shoes that we buy for exorbitant amounts of money. Wanting to arouse admiration from our interlocutor, we, on the contrary, find ourselves in an awkward situation. Maybe in the case of Chanel, Prada, Escada, Gucci, a minority will make a mistake, but with rare brands with complex names, it’s not easy for the majority.

Let's learn to pronounce brand names correctly today and pass this knowledge on to our less literate shopaholic friends.

Alexander McQueen– there are no problems with the name Alexander, but his last name is often pronounced incorrectly: you need to say McQueen instead of McQueen.

Alexander McQueen fall-winter 2014

Azzedine Alaia– the three vowels in this designer’s surname should not scare you, his name is Azzedine Alaïa.

Badgley Mischka- this is not the name of one person at all, but the surnames of the founders of this designer brand, Mark Badgley and James Mischka.

Balmain– in English, the name of this brand is pronounced “Balmain”, but it has French roots, so the correct name will be “Balmain”.

Bulgari– the jewelry brand sounds like “Bulgari”, not “Balgari”.

Burberry– there are a lot of discrepancies with this English brand, and in order not to confuse you, we will not list them: correct option- "Burberry."

Carolina Herrera- the first letter in the designer’s surname turns out to be mute, so “Karolina ErEra”.

Cartier– with the emphasis on the last syllable, the correct one would be “Cartier”.

C é line– despite the imaginary accent mark above the letter E, it would be correct to put the emphasis on the last syllable: “SelIn”.

Chlo é - this is a truly French brand, its name is pronounced in the French manner “KloE”, and not “Chloe”.

Chloe fall-winter 2014

Christian Louboutin– the famous shoemaker’s name is , and his shoes are called “Lubis” for short.

Christian Lacroix- Meet Christian Lacroix, and the last letter of his last name is unreadable.

Comme des Gar ç ons– this Japanese brand pronounces its name in the French manner, so the correct name would be “Com de GarsOn” without the final letters C.

Dolce & Gabbana– learn by heart and never make mistakes, this is “Dolce and Gabbana”.

Dsquared– the complex name of this Italian brand is a play on words that reads “DiscuErt”.

Emilio Pucci– Emilio in this case is precisely Pucci with the emphasis on the first syllable, but not PUSI or PUKKI.

Etro– the Italian brand has an emphasis on the first letter, therefore “Etro” and not “EtrO”.

Herm è s– in Russia for a long time this brand was called nothing more than “HermEs”, although the correct version, taking into account French phonetics, would be the shorter name “ErmE” with an emphasis on the last syllable.

Herv é L é ger– bandage dresses are produced by the Herve Ledger brand, but definitely not just any Herve Ledger.

Herve Leger fall-winter 2014-2015

Giambattista Valli – this is his colleague Gianfranco Ferre sounds nothing more than JeanfAnco Ferré.

Giorgio Armani– you shouldn’t offend the great designer, so remember that his name sounds like “Giorgio Armani”.

Givenchy- not Givenchy, not Givenchy, but only Givenchy.

Jean-Paul Gaultier – With Jean-Paul everything is simple, but there are problems with the last name - it sounds like “GotE”.

Jimmy Choo is a brand of shoes and is pronounced JIMMY CHOO.

Guess- Please, not GuYos, just “GES”.

Lacoste- read as written, but with an emphasis on the letter O.

Loewe– as long as they don’t distort the name of this Spanish brand, although it sounds quite simple: “LoEve”.

Louis Vuitton- not Luis, but LuI, and not ViutOn, but VuitOn. Write it down as a cheat sheet!

Marchesa– according to Italian rules, the name should be read as “MarcEsa”, not “Marcheza”.

Miu Miu – almost like a meowing cat: “MIU MIU.”

Moschino– the name of the brand comes from the surname of its founder, Franco Moskino.

Person's name - magic formula his fate

Almost every person or nationality living in a certain area has some kind of diction defect.

For example, if a person swallows letters in a conversation, he does not allow any questions to appear in his life, he blocks them himself.

If for a person some letter is unpronounceable, he needs to turn Special attention on people with names associated with this letter, especially those whose names begin with this letter. A person who does not pronounce the letter “r” correctly will be defenseless against the Romans, Raisas, and Rodions. For a person who stumbles on the letter “l”, names starting with the letter “l” are dangerous.

It is especially bad if a person does not pronounce the letter “r” - a symbol of justice. Previously, it was believed that such people could often lie, wishful thinking, and turn laws inside out.

There are chameleon names, they are pronounced one way and written another (Baris - Boris). This gives the name a double meaning, gives a certain elusiveness, and a person with such a name can better disguise himself and change. Names like two-faced Januses. They give the man more freedom and bigger. choice. But on the other hand, a chameleon name can create an unfavorable resonance around a person. Then, in order to take advantage of the program contained in this chameleon name, a person will need to make additional efforts.

Names with missing letters in pronunciation (Victor - Viktr) create a gap in protection, increase a person’s vulnerability, and contribute to the possibility of influencing this person in different ways.

Crystal clear names are those in which all the letters are pronounced exactly as they are written. These names give a person a field of protection, but also chain them, tie them to the program they carry.

Chameleon letters that are pronounced differently from how they are written create a rhythm that interferes with the name. It is especially bad if the first or last letter of the name is not pronounced or is pronounced incorrectly. The stressed letter cannot be pronounced incorrectly - it is always pronounced as it should.

If one name has at least three chameleon letters, then it should be avoided. It gives the temptation of freedom; the bearer of this name can skillfully hide both his strength and his weakness; in addition, it attracts the resonance of deception, self-deception.

The most defiled name is Oleg (Alik). It gives great freedom, but this freedom is like a temptation. Such a name does not initially protect a person. Such chameleon names are not suitable for people who want to develop spiritually.

Names with sounds dropped out or changed during pronunciation must be calculated using numerological methods in a modified version. This will allow you to see and understand the changes in the program and energy of such a name.

There are many more chameleon patronymics changed in the pronunciation (Sanych, Palych, Nikolavna, Ivanna) in the Russian language than there are names. You can even say that there are fewer patronymics of non-chameleons (Yuryevna, Petrovich) than chameleons. Russian patronymics are basically chameleons, and this interferes with the fulfillment of the generic program. For us it seems to be clogged, the truth is distorted by lies.

A changed surname is something else. The surname connects a person with a program of global significance, with a program of a country, an egregor, and can be changed because the world and the person in the world are changing.

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