What they put on at a wake. What dishes can you prepare for a funeral dinner?

If the memorial day of 9 or 40 days falls during fasting, then a fasting day should be prepared. funeral dinner. What is included in it, what dishes may be present at the funeral table - read below. General rules for funerals, read.

If a commemoration of 9 or 40 days falls during Lent, then the commemoration is not performed on weekdays, but is postponed to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday, the so-called “counter commemoration.” This is done because only on these days (on weekends during Lent) are Divine Liturgies John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, funeral services are being celebrated. If memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Lent (the strictest weeks), then only the closest relatives are invited to the funeral dinner.

Kutya recipe for a funeral

It has long been considered a traditional dish at the funeral table among the Slavs. The simplest and most unpretentious dish: wheat grains are soaked overnight, then boiled until soft, add steamed raisins and poppy seeds, and honey. You can replace wheat with rice, but this tradition appeared much later.

Lenten pancakes for funerals

There should also be pancakes on the table. During the fast week they are prepared without eggs and milk, but this does not affect their taste qualities. To prepare lean pancakes, mix flour, salt, sugar and dry yeast, dilute warm water, add vegetable oil and leave for a while in a warm place so that the pancakes can rise.

Uzvar or compote for Lenten funerals

Uzvar (brew) is a traditional compote of dried fruits with honey. You can serve its modern analogue: compote of frozen berries or dried apricots. However, you should not replace this dish with soda and any sweet water from a bottle or juice. Compote has traditionally been present at the funeral table among the Slavs since ancient times.

Traditionally, pies should be present at the funeral table. They are also distributed to guests after the end of the meal.

Recipe for Lenten funeral pies:

The dough for Lenten pies is made according to the recipe given below. As a filling you can use mushrooms, onions, green onions, sorrel.

For the dough, dilute the yeast in 1.5 cups of warm water, add 200 g of flour, stir and place in a warm place to stand for a couple of hours. Then mix 100 g of vegetable oil with 100 g of sugar, pour into the dough, add 250 g of flour, leave for another hour.

From ready-made dough form into balls and let them rise. Then roll the balls into cakes, put the mushroom mass in the middle of each, make pies, let them rise for half an hour on a greased baking sheet, then carefully brush the surface of the pies with sweet water and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes over medium heat.

Cover the finished pies with a towel to cool. Remove from the pan when they are completely cool.

First courses of a funeral lunch in Lent

For starters, prepare any soup, cabbage soup or borscht, but not with meat broth, but with beans, beans, and lentils. You can make mushroom puree soup. If you serve it with croutons, it will turn out no less satisfying and tasty than a regular meat entrée.

Second courses of a funeral lunch during Lent

For the second meal at a Lenten funeral table, dishes with mushrooms are suitable. For example, boiled potatoes in mushroom sauce, stewed potatoes with mushrooms, noodles with mushrooms. You can cook rice with vegetables (prepared like pilaf, only without meat). This is a rather aromatic and satisfying dish, quite appropriate on a funeral table.

You can make soy cutlets or even soy chops. If you don’t want to buy ready-made soy products in the store, you can make your own cabbage or carrot cutlets. After frying in breadcrumbs, they will become a worthy replacement to their meat prototypes.

For the second course, you can serve salted and soaked vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini (in general, check your country supplies). Vinaigrette, Olivier salad without meat and mayonnaise, any vegetable salad (cucumbers + tomatoes, cabbage + cucumbers) are suitable as a side dish.

Remember that the essence of any (whether fast or fast) funeral dinner is not to eat deliciously, but to “reinforce your strength to pray for the deceased.”

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to organize memorial dinners that bring together loved ones and relatives of the deceased. We honor the deceased at and after the funeral, on the 9th and 40th days and on the anniversary of death, by setting the table and remembering the person close to us but who has left us.

If christian wake are distinguished by an open expression of the pain of loss and an abundance of dishes, respectively, then it is not customary for Muslims to express their grief in tears and sobs, and the table should be modest.

Funeral lunch: menu

Funeral dinner or meal- This is one of the rites of remembrance of the dead, which is the final part of the service. It has not only its own history, traditions, but also a menu. It is worth noting that meals to commemorate the dead have been held since ancient times, but Christians have their own opinion on this matter. So, the table to honor the memory of the deceased is set on the third day after death, as well as on 9, 40 days and 1 year. Christians should not eat food at the graves of the dead, but only after returning from the cemetery and having performed a cleansing ritual before the meal. If in ancient times this was embodied in washing the whole body, changing clothes and washing floors and walls, then in our time everything has been simplified to washing hands before eating.

Funeral meals also have their own etiquette. So, they cannot come to them without an invitation. The table is set in a special way: ordinary dishes are used, a cutlery for the deceased and his portrait with a black ribbon are placed, and the guests are seated according to the distance of relationship, that is, the husband or wife, parents, children, etc. will sit closest to the cutlery of the deceased. Everyone arriving from the cemetery must wash their hands and sit at the table by invitation. It is not customary to talk or laugh loudly during lunch. The meal for remembrance always begins with the lighting of a candle and the reading of a prayer, and also ends with it. In addition to turning to God, during such a dinner it is customary to talk and remember all the good things about the deceased, in whose memory it is organized. After finishing lunch and reading the prayer, everyone leaves without saying goodbye.

Now let's talk about the menu. For the table in memory of the dead, kutya is prepared from wheat or rice grains, seasoned with honey. Eating food begins with it and ends with it. Here the grains symbolize the resurrection promised to the righteous after doomsday, and honey shows how sweet life will be in the kingdom of God. Kutya is consecrated in the temple.

Next, the food is prepared depending on the availability of fasting on the day of the commemoration. It is advisable to exclude alcohol at the funeral meal. The obligatory dishes served at funerals are pancakes and jelly. Here pancakes symbolize the daily cycle, when after sunset the sunrise necessarily follows, and the immortal soul awaits rebirth. In the old days, pancakes were always served with honey before eating the main course.

In general, all the food that is customarily served to the table to commemorate the deceased carries a special meaning and is a specific symbol. The first dish that was put on the table after kutya with pancakes was hot soup, from which steam must certainly rise, helping the soul of the deceased ascend to God. The first course is usually borscht or cabbage soup, and sometimes they are replaced with noodle soup. Next in importance was barley or wheat porridge, demonstrating the power contained within them. It was also necessary to eat eggs, as a symbol of the rebirth of the soul and its immortality. If lunch does not fall on the day of fasting, then among the optional dishes the following could be placed on the table:

  • cutlets;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • chops;
  • meat and cheese slices;
  • other meat dishes.

Vegetable salads are served at funerals. The most popular in such cases are vinaigrette, salad fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as from fresh or pickled cabbage. If a funeral meal is organized at home, then jellied meat is also served.

Sweet dishes are also served: cookies, pancakes, sweets, and other pastries. But it is not customary to serve cakes and pastries in such cases.

In the old days, on such occasions, thick oatmeal jelly was served, which was cut into pieces with a knife. Nowadays, drinks for remembrance at meals are compotes and uzvars made from dried fruits, juices and fruit jelly.

It is customary to distribute the food left after the end of the commemoration to those participating in it, so that they can continue the commemoration at home with their loved ones, and thereby help the soul of the deceased get closer to the creator. When organizing them, it should be remembered that they should serve as support for the soul of the deceased on its difficult path to the Lord, and not become a feast. Therefore, you should not cook or order a lot of food. Everything should be modest and strict.

All the words spoken earlier were about people who were baptized. For the unbaptized and suicides, for whom prayer and liturgy are not performed, you can also organize a wake by reading home prayers, and in the church they pray for such people in parent's Saturday before Trinity, when a prayer is read for all the dead.

Memorial dinner for 40 days

Religious canons say that after forty days after death, the soul of the deceased appears before the Lord and is judged and its place is determined. The last hope for her salvation can come from prayers and remembrance of relatives. It consists not only in prayers raised to God, but also in kind words about the deceased, at the memorial table, which continues the service and is a demonstration of love and respect for him.

The soul of the deceased returns to home to leave him forever after a day. This is why they set the table, so that they can once again pray for her salvation and help her find peace. It is believed that restless souls remain in the house forever because they cannot leave it until they calm down.

In order to facilitate the wanderings and ordeals of the spirit of the deceased, after his death several conditions must be met:

  1. The church orders a sorokoust - a prayer service that is served for the deceased for 40 days. In addition to it, all these days the relatives and close people of the deceased pray for the soul of the deceased.
  2. To give her significant help, Orthodox priests they advise you to sacrifice yourself at least for this period, giving up addictions: smoking, drinking alcohol, gluttony, etc.
  3. Only baptized people who believe in God are invited for 40 days. Only they can help the soul of a loved one who has died in God, receive forgiveness of sins and go to heaven.
  4. A funeral meal should not turn into a feast. This is a rite of remembrance and empty talk is inappropriate.
  5. Drinking alcoholic beverages, having fun and singing songs is prohibited at the wake.

For 40 days, you can set the table with the same dishes as the wake after the funeral. Kutya and pancakes are a must here, and you can prepare a variety of dishes. The menu for such a meal can be compiled as follows:

  • vegetable appetizer of eggplants and tomatoes with garlic;
  • buckwheat porridge with meat or mushrooms;
  • sandwiches with sprats;
  • vegetable salad, for example, vinaigrette - in winter, and tomato-cucumber - in summer;
  • cutlets;
  • fried fish;
  • stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls;
  • pies with various fillings: mushrooms, cabbage, apples;
  • berry jelly or uzvar.

If fasting falls on the date of the funeral, then only Lenten dishes should be served.

For 40 days, Christian custom involves distributing the things of the deceased to those in need with a request to pray for his soul. This charity may count against her when deciding her fate. It is customary to take undistributed items to the temple. But you can’t throw anything away.

On this day, while eating food, words are said in memory of not only the deceased, by whom they are organized, but also remember all the deceased relatives. It is believed that they are all invisibly present along with the living. Words about the dead are spoken while standing.

Funeral lunch for 9 days

After 9 days after the funeral, it is also customary to remember the deceased by organizing a dinner. This type of meal takes place exclusively at home.

After the funeral, the soul of the deceased prepares to meet the creator. After three days of staying with us, she goes to heaven, where she must rest from worldly suffering and pain. She is shown all the sins a person has committed during his lifetime. On the ninth day, the soul of the deceased appears before God, after which it is supposed to go to hell to undergo ordeal.

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that one cannot constantly mourn the deceased; one must gradually calm down, because this prevents the soul of the deceased from finding peace. With their tears, the living do not allow the soul to leave, keeping it on the ground.

It is not customary to invite people for 9 days; everyone comes themselves. At the beginning and end of the meal, the Lord's Prayer is read. During the meal, you need to pray for forgiveness of the sins of the deceased.

The meal begins with kutya, and then borscht and porridge are served. It is served with cutlets, fish, mushrooms, and meat. Drinks can be compotes, and it ends with pies with jam or other sweet filling, or pancakes.

Memorial dinner for the year

The anniversary of death is the result of life on earth. On this day they go to the cemetery and remember the deceased in church. Then the table is set, inviting you to a funeral dinner. On the anniversary of death, in addition to the obligatory kutya, it is customary to serve the deceased’s favorite dishes. The menu should be simple. On this day you can submit:

  • borsch;
  • noodles or porridge with chicken and mushrooms;
  • meat and fish dishes;
  • jelly, compote or juice;
  • pie or pies;
  • cuts: meat, cheese, fish.

Memorial lunch in Lent

Fasting is not a reason for refusing to commemorate the dead. The exception is those days when days 9 and 40 fall on weekdays of Lent. In this case, the funeral meal is postponed to the next Saturday. For a meal during Lent sample menu could be like this:

  • lean borscht or cabbage soup;
  • mushrooms with potatoes, noodles, buckwheat porridge;
  • salted, pickled or fresh vegetables;
  • legumes: soybeans, beans;
  • lean pancakes and pies;
  • nuts and raisins;
  • on holidays such as Annunciation and Palm Sunday It is allowed to cook fish.

Prayer before the funeral dinner

Not a single funeral dinner is complete without prayer. The whole essence of this ritual is to beg for forgiveness of sins to the soul of the deceased and grant it eternal life to the kingdom of the Lord. What prayer is read before sitting down to the table? The 17th kathisma is traditional for the start of the wake. They also read “Our Father” or home prayer.

It is customary to accompany and support the dead, and our main duty is to pray for them, because they can no longer pray for themselves, and they almost always need help. Read about this on the 9th, 40th day and anniversary of death.

Deceased by Christian tradition remembered three times. On the day of the funeral, for 9 and 40 days. On the day of the funeral, everyone who came to say goodbye to the cemetery is invited to lunch.

It should be remembered that a funeral dinner is just a dinner and nothing more. Under no circumstances should it be turned into a long feast with excesses. Under no circumstances should there be alcoholic beverages on the table. Food should be as simple and satisfying as possible.

Be sure to be hot (especially in winter and off-season). So that tired people who come to say goodbye to a loved one can calm down, warm up and pray together for repose, remember the person and his good deeds.

If the wake falls on a fast day, then a fast lunch is prepared. I will give two options for the funeral menu, taking into account the humble and fast days you can choose the option that is more suitable for you.

Many “customs” observed with incredible tenacity have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. For example, it is customary to place a glass of vodka covered with a piece of bread, supposedly for the deceased. But think for yourself - why does your dear deceased need vodka in the next world?

Do you think it doesn’t hurt him to “swipe a hundred grams” before appearing in court before the Heavenly Father? Agree - this is not just stupid, but also blasphemous. Just like putting cigarettes in a coffin, or even sticking lit cigarettes into a grave. Instead of a candle - a cigarette.

Even if your loved one was a heavy smoker and drinker during his lifetime, after death he only needs your prayers, and not alcohol and nicotine.

For this purpose, there is a tradition of giving small items to those who come to the funeral for remembrance. These things are truly memorial, they serve as a reminder to us, a kind of “alarm clock”. When using such a thing, we remember why we had it, and we offer a prayer for this person.

What to cook for a funeral dinner

What to cook for a funeral dinner

Most often these things are handkerchiefs. But my grandmother, for example, prepared things for her funeral in advance, and in addition to handkerchiefs, she prepared combs for women and soap for men. She was practical, and knew that handkerchiefs were not often used in villages. But soap and a comb are needed every day, which means they will remember her more often.

The traditions of hanging mirrors in the house of the deceased and not using forks and knives at the funeral table are also pagan and have nothing to do with Christianity.

Exactly the same common phrase“May he rest in peace” is in no way suitable for saying goodbye to the deceased. Only those who have to dig a grave need to rest in peace. And it is better for the relatives of the deceased to express their condolences with the words “God rest his soul.”

Before the funeral meal begins, the prayer “Our Father” and 17 kathismas from the Psalter are read. At the end of lunch, the prayer is read: “With the saints, may Christ rest the soul of Your servant (name) in a place of worship, in a place of peace, and create for him an eternal memory.” After which all those present sing “Eternal Memory” three times and disperse.

If a lot of people came, then the funeral dinner is held in two or three lines. As a rule, guests who have arrived from afar are seated at the table first. In the second - all the other guests. In third place, close relatives and those who helped to bury and set the table sit down at the table. That's why it's not customary to have lunch for a long time. We prayed, we ate, we prayed. They quickly put the table in order and set it again.

Another misconception is that people don’t thank people at funerals. What do words of gratitude to those who prepared dinner and set the table have to do with the deceased? Discreet and sincere words of gratitude are always appropriate.

Memorial lunch menu for 40 days

It is customary to prepare soup for a funeral dinner. This is either borscht (which can be lean) or homemade noodle soup. For the second course - cutlets, or fried chicken, or fried fish.

If you are serving a meat dish, then you can place a fish dish separately on common plates. As a side dish - mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. You can prepare a salad from vegetables according to the season. But I recommend not putting it on common plates, but adding 2-3 spoons of salad as a side dish to the second dish.

Drinks – compote of fresh berries or dried fruits or jelly. Tea and coffee - optional. Be sure to prepare kutya, which is consecrated in advance in the church. This dish symbolizes Eternal Life and each guest should try it.

Pancakes (1-2 for each guest) are placed either on common plates or on a small pie plate for each guest directly. It is customary to bake small buns and place vases of sweets. As a rule, guests do not eat buns and sweets at the table, but take them with them. So that later, perhaps at home, we can remember the deceased again.

On fasting days, if meat is served as a second course, fried fish can be placed on the table separately on common plates.

Now I will give the proportions and quantities of products that you will need to prepare funeral dinner dishes.


For a funeral table for 50 people:

500 grams round rice

200 grams seedless raisins

200 grams of dried apricots

3 tablespoons honey

1 teaspoon salt

Cut dried apricots into small pieces and soak together with rice in boiling water for 30 minutes. Then drain in a colander.

Rinse the rice, add 1 liter of water, add salt and cook without stirring over medium heat. Cook the rice for 7-10 minutes after boiling. Then remove from the stove and leave covered for 10 minutes. Then add raisins and dried apricots, add honey and stir well. Kutya should be served in small bowls with a teaspoon. Each person present must eat three teaspoons of this dish.

Recipes for funeral dinners for 9 days

Homemade noodle soup

For 50 servings you will need:

Chicken meat (chicken legs can be used) 1.5-2 kilograms

Carrots – 600 grams

Vegetable oil – 100 grams

Water – 12 liters

Salt – 2 heaped tablespoons

Ground pepper, fresh or dried dill, bay leaf

For the noodles:

1 kilogram of premium flour

6 eggs

1 teaspoon salt

Boil chicken meat in salted water. Strain the broth. Sort the chicken - separate the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Sauté carrots in vegetable oil. Add chicken and sautéed carrots to the broth and bring to a boil.

Separately, prepare the noodles in advance. Combine eggs, salt and flour. Knead a stiff dough. Divide it into 10 parts. Roll out each part very thinly with a rolling pin and dry slightly. Then cut the resulting juicy noodles into thin noodles.

Immediately before guests arrive, dip the noodles into the broth with chicken meat and sautéed carrots. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add pepper, dill and bay leaf.

Lenten borscht

For 50 servings you will need:

2-3 kilograms of fresh or 2 kilograms of sauerkraut

1 kilogram of beets

500 grams of onions

500 grams of carrots

300 grams of tomato paste

3 kilograms of potatoes

200 grams of vegetable oil

10 liters of water

2.5 tablespoons salt

Ground pepper

Greens, bay leaf

Peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes. When the water boils, place the potatoes in it and add salt.

Finely chop fresh cabbage. If the cabbage is sauerkraut, wash it well. running water and drain in a colander. Add fresh cabbage to the soup along with potatoes. Pickled - almost at the very end - when the potatoes are cooked.

Cook the potatoes (with or without cabbage) for 25 minutes after boiling again.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and sauté with half the vegetable oil. 5 minutes before readiness, add the whole tomato. Separately, saute the beets cut into small strips in the remaining oil.

After the potatoes and cabbage are ready, add sauteed vegetables (onions, carrots, tomatoes and beets) into the soup. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and turn off. Add herbs, bay leaf, spices. You can season the borscht with chopped garlic. Let the borscht steep under the lid for 15-20 minutes and then pour into plates.

If the day of remembrance is not fast, you can cook borscht with meat broth.


For 50-60 pancakes you will need:

8 eggs

3.5 cups flour

1 liter of milk or kefir

5 glasses of water

6 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons salt

8-10 tablespoons vegetable oil

Mix all products well with a whisk so that no lumps remain. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes and then bake thin pancakes. Ready hot pancakes can be brushed with melted butter. Serve pancakes on plates, rolled into corners or tubes.

Lenten pancakes

For 50-60 pancakes you will need:

4.5 cups flour

7 glasses of water

2 teaspoons dry activated yeast

4 tablespoons sugar

1.5 teaspoons salt

6 tablespoons vegetable oil

Heat the water to 30-40 degrees. IN warm water Dissolve the yeast and sugar and leave for 10 minutes. Then add salt and all the flour. Mix well with a whisk, adding vegetable oil at the end. Leave the resulting dough in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then bake thin pancakes. Ready-made hot pancakes can be greased with a little honey. Serve the pancakes rolled up or into tubes, either on shared or individual pie plates.

Fried fish

For 50 servings you will need:

6 kilograms of any fish fillet

Salt, pepper

Flour for breading (200 grams)

250 grams of vegetable oil for frying

Thaw the fish, cut into required quantity servings. Mix salt and pepper with flour. Bread each piece of fish in flour and fry on both sides in vegetable oil.

Mashed potatoes

For 50 servings you will need:

8 kilograms of potatoes


Peel the potatoes, cut into 4 parts. Rinse and place in a suitable pan. Fill with water, add salt. Cook for 30=35 minutes after boiling.

Then drain the potato broth separately. Place the hot potatoes in a bowl and quickly mash into a puree. Gradually pour the hot potato broth into the crushed potato mixture and stir well until the desired mashed consistency is obtained. At the end, season with butter or vegetable (if it’s a fast day) oil and stir again.

Recipes for funeral dinners for 1 year

Buckwheat porridge

For 50 servings you will need:

1.5 kilograms of buckwheat

1.5 tablespoons salt

Butter or vegetable oil

Sort and rinse the buckwheat. Fill with 5 liters of water. Add some salt. Cook until done. Season the finished porridge with creamy or vegetable oil.

Dried fruit compote

For 50-60 servings you will need:

15 liters of water

1 kilogram of dried fruits

1 kilogram of sugar

1 teaspoon citric acid

Soak dried fruits cold water for an hour, and then rinse thoroughly to remove foreign impurities. Place dried fruits in a saucepan with water and add sugar. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. The finished compote should be allowed to brew. Therefore, you need to cook it in advance, in the evening. Place the cooled compote in the refrigerator.

Fresh berry jelly

For 50-60 servings you will need:

1.5-2 kilograms of fresh (can be frozen) berries of your choice (cherries, currants or any mixture of berries)

1 kilogram of sugar

100 grams potato starch

15 liters of water

Boil the berries with sugar. Separately a small amount Dissolve starch in cold water. Then add starch to the water with berries and stir. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the jelly from the stove and leave to cool.

Lenten bun

For 50 servings you will need:

2 kilograms of premium flour

1 liter and 100 grams of water

1 small packet of dry activated yeast

300 grams of sugar

1.5 teaspoons salt

50 grams of vegetable oil

Heat the water to 30-40 degrees. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Leave the yeast for 10 minutes. Then add salt, add all the flour and knead the dough. At the end of kneading, pour vegetable oil into the dough.

Let the dough rise 2 times. Then divide the dough by 50 equal parts. Form buns and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Give the buns time to rise (30-40 minutes). Then bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Ready hot buns can be greased with sugar syrup.

Instead of ordinary buns from this dough, you can bake lean oven pies filled with jam, or form sugar buns.

Once again, I sincerely wish that my advice will never be useful to you. But if you still have to use them, I hope that they will help you save both time and money during this difficult time for you.

There comes a day in the life of any family when a loved one leaves them. In this case, you need to know how to conduct a wake for 40 days. On this day, the soul of the deceased leaves our world, so it is important to carry out everything correctly, as befits the rules of the church. RBC Maestro has a memorial hall and also helps relatives organize the event in accordance with all the rules.

It is extremely difficult to organize everything yourself on such a day, so the help of outside people who care about what is happening will be an excellent relief. We have our own funeral menu for 40 days, which takes into account all the rules.

How to conduct a memorial event?

There are several basic rules that must be followed on this day. These include:

  • Only believers should gather at the table, since only they, with their faith, are able to help the soul of the deceased leaving for another world;
  • Church rules prohibit drinking alcohol at a memorial event, having fun: dancing, singing, etc.;
  • If you know how to hold a wake for 40 days, you must comply with a strict menu consisting of several mandatory dishes.

The following dishes should be present on the table on the day of the funeral for 40 days:

  • Kutya and pancakes;
  • Sandwiches made from bread and fish products;
  • Vegetable and fish salad;
  • Pies filled with potatoes, apples or fish;
  • The drinks chosen are jelly, kvass or lemonade.

Our funeral menu for 1000 rubles

Cold appetizers
Assorted homemade pickles 50 gr.
Pickled cucumbers, gherkins, pickled cherry tomatoes, sauerkraut
Assorted fresh vegetables 50 gr.
Sweet paprika, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.
Herring with potatoes and pickled onions 50 gr.
Herring in traditional Russian style
Pancakes 2 pcs.
Kutya 50 gr.
Traditional funeral porridge with honey, raisins and nuts

If you have never held such an event, you don’t have to worry about its accuracy if you cooperate with us. So that you don’t have any questions about how to hold a funeral for 40 days, we will help you organize everything at a high level in accordance with all customs.

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We have been providing services in this market for many years. We have extensive experience and a professional team of cooks and service personnel. Our main advantages include:

  • Cozy rooms with modern renovation, in which it is possible to carry out loved one on the last journey;
  • Experienced kitchen staff who will prepare the perfect funeral dinner;
  • Our own funeral menu for 40 days, which was developed in accordance with church rules.

VIDEO - why and why do they remember the dead for 40 days?

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The main thing on memorial days is to pray for the deceased. It is necessary to light candles for the repose of the soul of the newly deceased and before the start of the morning service, submit a note with the name at the nearest church. A candle or lamp is lit at home. A glass of water and a piece of bread are placed nearby. It is better to crumble the bread later for the birds.

Traditional funeral dinner dishes

All commemorations begin with prayer. Everyone who comes must taste three spoons of kutya. Kutya is cooked from whole grains (rice or wheat) with the addition of honey and raisins. Orthodox canons against alcohol. However, most often it is offered. This can be cognac and sweet wines, for example, Cahors.

Next, snacks are offered. This could be cold cuts, vegetables and salads made from them, pickles. Be sure to serve half a boiled egg. Fish is served fried or boiled with sauce. Fried liver or cutlets are often offered. You can also serve meat salad.

First courses - borscht, beetroot soup or noodles chicken broth. The main course is served with goulash or roast with a side dish. As a side dish you can choose mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge. You can order pilaf. Traditionally, pancakes are served with honey. Kissel can be replaced with compote.

When a wake falls during Lent, it is better to follow traditions and create a menu of Lenten dishes. Kutia is served unchanged, traditionally made from wheat or rice with honey and raisins. Choose cold fish appetizers, fish salad, herring, sprats. Pies with fish are appropriate. From salads – vinaigrette, mushroom salads. Any pickles or salads made from fresh vegetables.

For starters - lean borscht, bean, lentil, and mushroom soup. For the main course you can serve potatoes or noodles with mushrooms, stewed potatoes with mushrooms, or vegetable pilaf. The prototype of meat cutlets will be cabbage or carrot cutlets, potato zrazy with mushrooms. Lenten pancakes or lean buns. Kissel or compote.

The main thing is not to forget the essence of the funeral. They are held to strengthen strength to pray for the deceased.

Cover correctly table To lunch- an activity that does not require special skills. You can even teach this to a child, and he will be happy to become your assistant when serving ceremonial meals.

You will need

  • - tablecloth;
  • - fabric napkins;
  • - table service;
  • - wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
  • - cutlery.


Serving a formal dinner begins with choosing a tablecloth. Classic color– white, but if you are satisfied with something else color scheme, there are no prohibitions. The main thing is that it is a good quality fabric tablecloth, preferably linen. Its ends should cover the legs of the table, hanging evenly on all sides. Traditionally, to prevent the clatter of cutlery from being heard, a felt lining is placed under the tablecloth.

Place small large plates opposite the seat for each guest, placing them 2.5 centimeters from the edge of the table. You can place plates on them if you plan to serve appetizers followed by hot dishes. Or deep plates if your menu includes soup. Of course, all plates and cutlery should either be from the same set or be combined in style.

Place the forks to the left of the plate, with the curve down. First, place a wider fork for meat or fish, depending on what you plan to serve, then also place the fork with the tines up. The first fork should be placed approximately 1 centimeter from the edge of the plate.

To the right of the plate, place the knives in the same order - the hot knife is closer to the plate, further away -. Knives should be with the blade facing the plate. If there is soup on the menu, place the soup spoon on the far right with the curve down.

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