The country of spain is the king name in the present tense. Historical faces of spain

The history of the Spanish monarchy is unique. In April 1931, a republic was proclaimed in the country. King Alphonse abdicated and left the country with his family. Franco's dictatorship replaced the republic in Spain. However, after the death of the dictator Franco in 1975, the monarchy in Spain was restored. On November 22, Juan Carlos I was proclaimed King of Spain. He gave the historic throne speech, declaring that he wanted to be "King of all Spaniards in a free and modern society"(c).

King of Spain Juan Carlos I

Juan Carlos I ( Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon was born on January 5, 1938 in Rome, where the royal family lived after the proclamation of the Spanish Republic in 1931. His father is Juan de Borbon and Battenberg (Don Juan de Borbon y Battenberg), Count of Barcelona. Mother - Maria de las Mercedes de Borbon and Orleans (Dona Maria de las Mercedes de Borbon y Orleans).

At the request of his father, Juan Carlos was educated in Spain, which he first visited at the age of 10. In 1954, he received a bachelor's degree from the school of Saint Isidore in Madrid, then continued his education, becoming a military pilot and completing an internship on a naval ship. In 1960-61 he studied at the University of Madrid, where he studied constitutional and international law, economics and taxes.

On May 14, 1962, Juan Carlos married in Athens Princess Sophia of Greece, the eldest daughter of King Paul I of Greece and Queen Frederica. In 1963, their first daughter, Princess Helena, was born, two years later, Princess Christina, and in 1968, Prince Philip.

After the death of Francisco Franco on November 22, 1975, Juan Carlos was proclaimed King of Spain.

Queen Sofia of Spain

Queen Sofia (Dona Sofia De Grecia y Hannover) was born in Athens on November 2, 1938. She is the first daughter of King Paul I of Greece and Queen Federica and belongs to one of the most distinguished families in Europe, being related to the monarchical dynasties of Russia, Germany and Great Britain. She spent part of her childhood in Egypt and South Africa, where the royal family was forced to leave during World War II. Sophia returned to Greece in 1946, graduating from the prestigious German boarding school Schloss Salem. Then she studied pediatrics, music and archeology in Athens.

On May 14, 1962, Sofia married Prince Juan Carlos. In addition to participating in protocol events, the Queen pays great attention to social activities and charity. She is Executive President of the Reina Sophia Foundation and Honorary President of the Royal Council for Education and Assistance to the Disabled and the Drug Addicts Aid Fund. In addition, Queen Sofia is an honorary member of the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts and an honorary doctorate from the universities of Valladolid and Cambridge.

Prince Philip

Prince Philip (Principe Felipe de Borbon y Grecia), the third child in the family of King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Sofia, was born on January 30, 1968 in Madrid. In 1977, after the proclamation of Juan Carlos as King of Spain, Philip received the title of Prince of Asturias, as well as Prince of Girona and Viana.

He began his education at Santa Maria de los Rosales, where he studied until 1984. Then, during the year, he prepared to enter the university at Lakefield College School in Canada. After that, Philip studied for three years at military academies and colleges of three branches of the armed forces. In 1987, he made his first sea voyage as a cadet on the Spanish Navy ship Juan Sebastian Elcano, during which he was received by the presidents of Argentina, Brazil, the United States, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

On January 30, 1986, on his eighteenth birthday, he was sworn in as the future heir to the Spanish throne.

From 1987 to 1993, Philippe studied at the Autonomous University of Madrid, studying law and economics. He also completed a master's degree in international relations at Georgetown University (Washington).

Philip is into skiing, motocross and swimming. He was a member of the swimmer team at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, ​​and was also the flag bearer for the Spanish team at the opening ceremony of the games.

Infanta Elena Maria

Infanta Elena Maria (Isabel, Dominica de Silos de Borbon y Grecia) - eldest daughter King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia. She was born on December 20, 1963 in Madrid.

She completed her secondary education at Santa Maria del Camino School. Then she studied at ESCUNI University College, where she graduated as a teacher in 1986. primary school with a specialization in English. For some time Elena-Maria worked as a teacher in English at Santa Maria del Camino. Then she continued her education, studying sociology and pedagogy at the University of Exeter in the UK. In 1993, she received her degree in Pedagogy from the Comillas University in Madrid.

Infanta Elena-Maria leads an active social life, being a representative of the royal court. She is also Honorary President of the Spanish Pediatric Society and the Spanish AIDS Foundation.

Infanta Cristina

Infanta Cristina (Infanta Cristina, Federica de Borbon y Grecia), the youngest daughter of King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Sofia, was born on June 13, 1965 in Madrid.

She began her education at Santa Maria del Camino School. From 1984 to 1989 Cristina studied political science at the Complutense University in Madrid. Received a master's degree in 1990 international relations at New York University. Then she completed a short UNESCO course in Paris.

She currently works closely with the Caixa Foundation in Barcelona, ​​where she lives permanently. Infanta Cristina also leads an active social life, being a representative of the royal court. She is Honorary Chairperson of the UNESCO Spanish Committee, the Infanta Cristina Foundation for the Disabled, and is also personally involved in swimming courses for the disabled.

Princess Leticia

The wedding of 37-year-old Prince Felipe and 32-year-old television journalist Leticia Ortiz took place in May 2004.

On October 31, 2005, the future Queen of Spain, Princess Leticia, gave birth to a girl in one of the Madrid clinics. This is the first child of Prince Felipe Bourbon of Asturias of Greece and Princess Leticia. The girl was named Leonor. Leonor is the seventh among the grandchildren of King Juan Carlos I of Spain. She is second in line to the throne after her father. However, if a boy is born to Felipe and Letizia in the future, then, according to the constitution, he will bypass his sister in the line of inheritance. But this may not happen if the appropriate law on succession to the throne, which is now being prepared, is adopted.

Information and pictures taken

- a constitutional monarchy. The head of this state is the king. Currently, he is Juan Carlos I. The country's legislative body is bicameral - the Cortes Generales. Consists of the Senate and the Congress of Deputies. The executive is controlled by the prime minister, the leader of the party that won the most votes in the elections to the Spanish parliament. The future king Juan Carlos I de Bourbon was born in January 1938 in Rome - king since 1975, head of the Spanish state, since 1975 - Captain General, Supreme Commander of all armed forces of their country.

The son of the head of the royal house of Spain, don Juan, before the coronation of the Count of Barcelona. He was baptized by the famous Cardinal E. Pacelli, who was elected Pope Pius XII the following year. He grew up in Portugal and. In 1956, Juan Carlos' brother Alfonso died in an accident in Portugal. In 1969, F. Franco appointed Juan Carlos, the eldest son of the Count of Barcelona himself, as heir to the throne of Spain. Juan Carlos took over the throne after Franco's death in November 1975.

At first, many believed that the reign of the newly elected king would be short-lived, and the monarchy itself would very soon be overthrown, along with the entire legacy of Francisco Franco's regime. However, the king managed to show far-sightedness, carried out a number of democratic reforms immediately after accession to the Spanish throne, legalized political parties and dissolved the former ruling party, the Spanish Falange. In 1978, the parliament adopted a new constitution, where he was declared the heir not to Francisco Franco, but to the historical monarchy. The constitution also guaranteed civil rights and freedoms. In the same year, the Count of Barcelona, ​​father of Juan Carlos I, renounced his rights to the throne of his country, and his supporters, as well as other dynasties, recognized Juan Carlos as the legitimately elected king. All provinces of the state received more autonomous rights (Spain soon turned into a European state with all the signs of a federation), although this did not completely eliminate the problems of separatism and nationalism. This made it possible to reconcile with the new king the existing left-wing parties that were republican.

In 1981, the king resisted the coup d'état attempted by the military, who sought to once again restore the Franco regime. After this event, the leader of the Communists, S. Carrillo, exclaimed in front of the TV camera in an abundance of full feelings: "God save our king!" Since 1982, Juan Carlos has been little involved in political life of their country and is perceived by citizens primarily as a symbol of all national unity and a real guarantor of democracy. The degree of popularity of the king cannot always be successfully judged, since criticism of him as a person is avoided in.

Family. Since 1962, the king has been married to the Greek herself, King Paul I. have three children: Elena, Duchess de Lugo (born 1963), Christina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca (born 1965), Felipe - Prince of Asturias (born 1968 ). The heir to the throne is Felipe's son, Prince of Asturias. According to the Constitution of the country, the king is the head of state, a symbol of its constancy and unity; he is the chief arbiter and guarantor of the correct and lawful functioning of all state institutions. Juan Carlos carries out the highest representation of his country in all kinds of international relations, and, first of all, with those peoples with whom he was connected by a historical community, and also performs the functions granted to him by the Constitution itself and the laws of the country. His primary title is King of Spain, but he may also use other titles related to the Crown. The person of the King remains inviolable and he is never liable. The acts signed by him must be countersigned in accordance with the established procedure.

Responsibilities include: authorizing and promulgating the requested laws; the dissolution and convocation of the Cortes Generales, as well as the appointment of elections in accordance with the conditions established by the Constitution; the appointment of a referendum in cases provided for by the Constitution;
proposal of his candidate for the Prime Minister and, if necessary, his appointment, as well as the termination of his functions; the personal signature of decrees adopted by the Council of Ministers, the appointment of various civil and military officers, the award of all kinds of honorary titles and the awarding of various orders in accordance with Spanish laws; exercising supreme command of all the armed forces of the country; implementation legal right to pardon in accordance with the law, which does not provide for general amnesties; exercising the highest patronage of all the royal academies.

Juan Carlos appoints all ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives. Foreign representatives in Spain are accredited to the king. He also has the right to express the consent of his country to take over different kind international obligations in accordance with the Constitution and adopted laws. The duties of Juan Carlos, with the prior consent of the Cortes Generales, are also supposed to declare war and conclude peace.

Juan Carlos I is the reigning king and head of state of Spain, the Supreme Commander of the country's armed forces.

Despite the fact that he was the grandson of King Alfonso XIII, nothing foretold that he would rule the country as a monarch.

Have you ever thought about the topic: “What is the difference between countries with a dynastic style of government and states led by an elected president?”

What is the role of the monarch in modern world and in the Basque Country in particular? Let's try to answer these questions.

The Spanish Royal Family - The Difficulties of Reviving Monarchist Traditions

/encyclopedia/mentalitet-prazdnik-tradicii/kultura-i-tradicii-ispanii/"> Spanish traditions. And 10 years later, Infante Alfonso dies in an accident due to careless handling of weapons, the development of which was part of the education of the heirs to the throne. Thus , Juan Carlos assumes the title of Crown Prince of Spain.

The training of the future king took place at the University of Madrid and the Academy of the Armed Forces, followed by military service. In 1975, after the death of Franco, the monarchical form of government was restored, and Juan Carlos I became king of Spain.

At first, it seemed to everyone that the reign would be short-lived, and the monarchy would again fall under the influence of revolutionary upheavals. But the king of Spain, Juan Carlos I, showed remarkable abilities in carrying out democratic reforms, which were expressed in the legalization of all political parties, freedom of speech and expression of one's civic position. In 1978, the country's new constitution was adopted, as a result of which the provinces received the opportunity for federal self-government and development.

Such actions became not to the liking of the adherents of Franco's dictatorial policies, which led to an attempted coup in 1982. A big blow for Juan Carlos was the news that the rebels were led by his tutor and military adviser Alfonso Armada, whom the king trusted the most.

But, having shown strength of character and conviction, Juan Carlos urged the country's armed forces not to succumb to provocations and remain true to the Spanish constitution, and not to involve their people in a new bloody civil war, recalling that similar events in 1936 claimed the lives of half a million people. An armed coup was thus averted.

Who is the king of Spain now?

/encyclopedia/mentalitet-prazdnik-tradicii/nacionalnye-simvoly/"> the Spanish symbol of the national unity of the large and small peoples of the country.

King of Spain Juan Carlos I evokes sincere respect from his subjects for the absence of excessive ambition, arrogance, so characteristic of others " strong of the world this." Juan Carlos lives in a legal marriage with Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark and has two daughters - Elena, Christina, son Felipe - heir to the throne of Spain.

1 Dynasty of Trastámara (Spanish: Casa de Trastámara)
2 Habsburg dynasty
3 Bourbon dynasty
4 Bonaparte dynasty
5 Bourbon dynasty
6 Savoy dynasty
6.1 Interregnum: First Republic

7 Bourbon dynasty
8 Interregnum: Second Republic and Franco's reign
9 Bourbon dynasty
10 See also


Family tree of rulers Iberian Peninsula 4th-20th centuries

The numbering of the Spanish monarchs continues the numbering of the kings of Castile. Officially, the first to take the title "King of Spain" was Philip II.

Trastámara dynasty (Spanish: Casa de Trastámara)

· (1516-1555) Juan I and Felipe I (died 1506)

· Nota bene: Juana I de iure ruled with his son Carlos I until his death in 1555.

2. Habsburg dynasty

Known in Spain as "Austrian" (Spanish. Casa de Austria).

Carlos I, aka Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V: January 23, 1516–January 16, 1556

· Archduke Karl, pretender 1700-1714 (War of the Spanish Succession)

9. Bourbon dynasty

4. Bonaparte dynasty

9. Bourbon dynasty

Maria Cristina I the Elder, regent 1833-1840, Don Carlos the Elder challenged power

· Francisco de Asis Bourbon, consort of Isabella II, in 1846 received the title of King of Spain

6. Savoy dynasty

6.1. Interregnum: First Republic

First Spanish Republic: 1873–1874

Don Carlos the Younger (in Navarre and the Basque Country 1872-1876)

9. Bourbon dynasty

Maria Christina II the Younger, regent 1885-1902

8. Interregnum: Second Republic and Franco's rule

Second Spanish Republic: 1931–1939

Franco's dictatorship: 1939–1975

9. Bourbon dynasty

10. See also

List of consorts of Spanish monarchs


1. After the death of Carlos II there was a brief interregnum during which the decision of Philip of Anjou was expected whether he accepted the crown or not.

2. After the death of Louis and the return of his father to the throne, there was a brief interregnum.

3. A significant part of Spain did not recognize the abdication of Ferdinand VII, since it was made under pressure. On September 25, 1808, the Supreme Ruling Junta was formed, recognized by a number of foreign powers as the legitimate government of Spain; she continued to recognize Ferdinand as king.

4. After the second abdication of Charles IV, there was an interregnum for a month, during which Marshal Joachim Murat was vicegerent of the kingdom and governor.

5. He is Joseph, brother of Napoleon I. Not everyone recognized him as king, and after the restoration of the Bourbons most of his decisions were invalidated.

6. After the abdication of Isabella, there was a long interregnum (more than two years), during which the government was looking abroad for a candidate for a new king.

7. After the death of Alfonso XII, a regency was established, since the inheritance of the crown depended on the sex of the unborn child, who was waiting for Alfonso's widow. If a girl were born, the eldest daughter of the late king, Infanta Maria Mercedes, would become the heiress. A boy was born, proclaimed at birth by King Alphonse XIII.

8. In 1947, Franco proclaimed the restoration of the monarchy, but did not allow the pretender, the Count of Barcelona, ​​to take the throne, and subsequently provided for the transfer of the crown after his death to the son of the Count of Barcelona, ​​Juan Carlos.

Now, when not everything is calm in the Spanish kingdom, how does the 49-year-old monarch, who finds himself at the head of a country that is being torn apart, react to what is happening? Philip VI does not indulge his subjects with his public speaking. He made his last official address to the people on 3 October.

In it, Philip VI accused the government of Catalonia of having voted outside of law and democracy, and of seeking to "disrupt the unity of Spain". The king also accused the Catalan authorities of violating the Spanish constitution and the law on the autonomy of the region.

We have already written about the troublemaker, President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont. Today we bring to your attention 10 facts about one of the most secretive monarchs in Europe, King Philip VI of Spain.

1) Peaceful reign ... violated by Catalonia

The last coup attempt in Spain took place in 1981, when it was successfully opposed by King Juan Carlos. His son Philip VI took the throne of Spain on June 19, 2014 and most likely hoped to rule quietly and peacefully. However, it didn't work out. The Catalans' dreams of independence have disturbed the peace of what is supposed to be the guarantor of the kingdom's unity.

A week after his oath, the king went to Girona to make a friendly speech there and calm the ardent Catalans (separatist unrest in this region arose a long time ago). However, now, three years later, the king is forced to admit that "Catalan society is broken and divided into two opposing sides." The king called on the legitimate authorities to restore constitutional order in the country.

And so, on the evening of October 27, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced the decision of the Spanish Senate and Cabinet of Ministers to dissolve the government and parliament of Catalonia.

2) The King of Spain speaks Catalan

Here is his trump card. King of Spain as head Spanish State and various autonomous communities, learned to speak Catalan in early age. The decision to teach his son the language of the rebellious province belonged to his father Juan Carlos de Bourbon and his mother Sophia of Greece, daughter of the king of the Hellenes, Paul I.

And if during his visit to Girona in 2014, the monarch made an effort to deliver part of his speech in Catalan. Then in the last speech (October 3, 2017), he preferred the Spanish (Castilian) language. This performance received laudatory reviews in the Spanish press. Edition El Confidential wrote:

The king played his crown and won it.

3) Catalans hate Philip VI

Of course, not all. However, the city of Girona declared the King of Spain persona non grata. Political scientist Fernando Vallespin, a professor at the University of Madrid, argues: "Philip VI's speech undoubtedly convinced those who were already monarchists, but it is unlikely that he made the Spaniards "Philippists" in the way that his father managed to make them "Juan Carlists" after trying coup d'état on February 23, 1981".

In late August, separatists marching through the streets of Barcelona shouted "No Bourbon!" Unlike the Scottish separatists, who wanted to remain under the auspices of the British crown, within the Commonwealth, the Catalans really want a Republic.

4) The King also speaks French, English and Greek

In order to fulfill as best as possible all the protocol duties of the monarch during his visits abroad, Philip VI with early years learned to speak the languages ​​of Molière and Shakespeare. He is said to communicate regularly in French and English with his daughters Leonora and Sofia. In addition, thanks to his grandmother, the Queen of Greece, Philip speaks some Greek.

5) He competed as an athlete at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona

This has already been forgotten, although it happened only a quarter of a century ago: in 1992, Philip VI took part in Olympic Games in Barcelona as a member of the Spanish sailing team. The team took a modest sixth place in the standings.

There are photos of his athletic past: Philip holds the flag of his country during the opening ceremony.

5) The Spanish king loves Atlético Madrid

The Monarch occasionally visits stadiums to support his favorite team, Atlético Madrid. By the way, his father Juan Carlos always supported Atlético's rivals - Real Madrid. One can imagine the intensity of passions in the Bourbon family.

But this passion for Spanish football is sometimes condemned. The appearance of Philip on September 16 at the opening of the stadium Wanda Metropolitano, the new stronghold of Atlético, many did not like it. Allegedly, the king pointedly ignored the demonstrations that had already taken place in Catalonia.

6) In the event of his death, a woman will take the throne

Philip's marriage, which took place on May 22, 2004, attracted huge press attention. Still: the prince married a commoner, and even divorced. The conservatives were angry.

And if it seems insignificant to us, then in the bosom royal family this event was a real revolution. The woman who provoked her is Letizia Ortiz. Married to Philip, she had two daughters.

The eldest daughter Leonora is the closest heir to the throne of Spain. She might not have received this privilege, according to the Spanish Constitution of 1978, if a brother was born in the family. But so far, Leonora has only a younger sister named Sophia.

7) Director Pedro Almodovar loves Philip very much

It is said that the great Pedro Almodóvar adores King Philip. On the monarch's 45th birthday, the director personally sang to him "cumpleaños feliz" (Spanish birthday song)

8) He is a descendant of the "Sun King"

The most noble of the most noble, Philip is a descendant of French kings Louis IX and Louis XIV. French journalist Rafael de Gubernatis studied his genealogy in detail.

The list of ancestors of the Spanish monarch is a list of all the empires, kingdoms and principalities of Europe. Among his ancestors: Emperor Charlemagne, Henry the Pious, Rudolf I, Philip Augustus, Blanca of Castile, Francis I, Jeanne d'Albret, Henry IV and Louis Philippe I.

9) The king served in the army

To this fabulous pedigree must be added the fact that Philip VI spent almost 30 years preparing for his role as head of state. He studied law at the University of Madrid and received a master's degree in international relations from Georgetown University in the USA.

Then, as the future commander of the army of his country, he served for one year in all types of troops: land, naval and air forces. As a result, he became a lieutenant colonel in the ground forces and air forces, as well as the captain of a frigate in the Navy. Philip often wears a handsome white captain's uniform.

10) And listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Philip's height is 1.97 m, thanks to this parameter in 2012 famous book records awarded him the title of "the highest prince in the world" and included his name on its pages.

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