Make life brighter. Be grateful for what you have

Many people complain that they are unhappy and their life is boring, uninteresting, monotonous. Some live to a ripe old age and die without having filled their lives with meaning, bright colors, impressions and emotions. People commit main mistake leading to constant stress: they shift responsibility for their lives to someone else or blame them for their failure X higher power. If life does not please and does not bring happiness, it means that the Lord wants it so, and such is the fate of a person. In fact, it is much easier to blame someone else for your failures and misfortunes, to resign yourself and live, going with the flow, than to recognize the problem and take on solving it yourself, without expecting anyone’s help and assistance.

How to become happy

Main rule happy person who knows how to fill his life with good, this is awareness and gratitude. This is where happiness begins. First of all, you need to appreciate what a person has and be grateful for it. Enrichment (spiritual and material) begins with awareness.

  1. Reasonable risk and life experience

Can not be interesting life that person who is stuck in his . Only those who are not afraid to take risks, set new goals, and come up with new rules are able to make their life rich and vibrant. You should not live according to the same program conceived by someone. A person is not a robot, but a unique, intelligent creature, capable of acquiring valuable experience in the process of life and enriching himself with it. Stability is not always good. Sometimes it prevents you from developing, so you shouldn’t get stuck in stability, you need to take risks in order to win and get what you want.

  1. New acquaintances and interesting communication

Life must be constantly updated so that a person does not stop in personal development. New acquaintances provide an exchange of life experiences, new emotions, sensations and knowledge. Nobody knows what a new acquaintance will be like and what mark it will leave in a person’s life, but in any case it will be a certain experience that will make life rich and fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to approach the person you like and get to know him or chat with a new colleague.

  1. Exploring other cultures

The world is huge and it is full of amazing people, so different from each other. There are so many peoples, nations, countries and languages ​​on Earth. Studying them will truly expand the boundaries of consciousness and fill life with unique emotions and impressions. Why not try to learn Spanish or not get to know the traditions of African countries better. For a person who can afford to travel, there is nothing better and more useful than going to distant countries and seeing and feeling everything with your own eyes. If not material resources travel, you can easily expand your range of interests and enrich yourself with knowledge. To do this, you will only need to watch films shot in the most different countries, read books by writers from different continents, regularly watch the news, read newspapers and popular science articles.

  1. New hobbies

Fill life with meaning and new pleasures can come from a hobby that will become a discovery for the person himself. It is not so important what level of master a person is in his chosen field; it is much more important with what passion and zeal he devotes himself to his hobby. After all, new interesting activities will help you meet interesting people and see the world in a different color.

Fight with yourself

You constantly need to check yourself, test yourself, eliminate shortcomings, solve complex life problems, and move towards your goal. Another way to make life more interesting is to set a goal to conquer yourself, to do something that is scary to think about: master the new kind sports, read a difficult book, cook a dish from another culture. The most important thing to remember is that a person is the master of his own life and only he is responsible for how it went.

The advice seems pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and successful people believe: you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart and tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow it. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it to your advantage.

2. Gain new experiences

Whatever your goal, you are essentially looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly rushing towards your goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how effectively you are working.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live happy and healthy life, become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all the events that we have experienced. You can value almost every item in your home, but you won’t be able to put a price tag on your memories and experiences. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved through hard work. For example, you cannot sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. You will have to study, teach, write scientific works, face criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were exclusively engaged in eating pizza and watching TV series.

3. Use experience to open new doors.

When Jim was 25 years old, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to support their organization. Even though the cookies only cost two dollars, Jim didn't have that much money. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: “You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl.”

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, closing the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment he realized: he couldn’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he had not lied about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. This was precisely the experience that opened up before him new door to another life. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he was ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventures in your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up and tension builds. I want to relax. To do this, we try to go where it is quiet and good. For example, closer to the forest, sea, mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is an ideal place for relaxation and restoration.

When you set a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, and traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?” You can always get the most benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, do everything to realize them, evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If it is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If it's a loved one, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking it one more time will not be shameful.

Such an experience may seem banal to some. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to evaluate the environment in which you find yourself, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on music, move to a comfortable chair, or turn the table around. You don't have to turn your whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Monitor your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gap that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • “My relationship is very bad.”
  • “I wish I was stronger and leaner.”

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes working continuously

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, everything successful people They say that they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your workday into three blocks.
  • Each block must be 90 minutes long.

If you manage to work consistently and productively at least once a day, but for 90 minutes at a time, you will already achieve more than many other people. Don't forget to rest between blocks. Rest is no less important than concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a mat.

The first thing you can do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying notifications. While your 90 minutes last, you cannot be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the assigned task.

Prepare for difficulties. People will try to steal your time. Even with good intentions. To tell interesting story, advise, complain about life. Be firm and don't let them do this.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous advice, do this: set yourself specific goal and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time costs.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. Disconnect as often as possible

The author of the book Total Result, Darren Hardy, advises “switching off” for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile and Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises avoiding using connected devices for at least the 90 minutes you're working. It is also advisable to schedule days when you will completely “disconnect” from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill your life with meaning.

Try giving up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do something you really love to do. Go for your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have a role model? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and tenacity.

Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world, has set many world records over the past few years. This is interesting. But what’s even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt are running faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of other competitors.

Of course, it's better that you find positive examples for imitation.

13. Do less

If you spend most time, worrying about everyday and banal problems or about those tasks that can be entrusted to another person, you do not move forward. You get sucked into routine. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of effort produces 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort produces only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have long used the Pareto principle in practice say that with its help you can even slow down time.

Let's sum it up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience you gain throughout your life depends only on how you structure your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you reach your furthest goal.

You need to act immediately. Immediately after reading.

Sometimes it's time for a change. We get bored with our routine, habits, and our life seems boring. What's the good news then? You can start changing this right now. Just remember one thing: the only person who should think your life is interesting is you. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it works. So, are you ready to take your life game to the next level?


Part 1

Develop active interests

    Find yourself a new hobby. There are hundreds of different activities to suit every budget. If you don't have much money, you can just pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and learn how to draw. If you have no money at all, you can start going for walks in the park or along the river, or even start learning HTML or CSS. If you're willing to spend money on your hobby, go dancing, learn to play an instrument, or find a way to add adrenaline to your life. You can try scuba diving, yoga, cooking, archery or cycling; and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    • If you stay busy doing things you enjoy, not only will you not be as bored and feel happier, but you will become a more interesting person to be around and be able to make new friends. Moreover, you will have an amazing skill to talk about and show off to the world.
  1. Take courses online. If you have the Internet, you can get an education without leaving your home. Technology is an amazing thing, it leaves no room for excuses. There are several sites, such as Khan Academy or Coursera, that offer free online courses. There are also university sites, such as those of Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), that post the content of certain courses online, making them available to everyone. everyone. Education not only keeps you busy, it keeps your mind active and you broaden your horizons.

    • This is not a university or college where you have to go to classes. You can browse the list of courses and choose one or two that interest you. What if you don't have time? There are no bad ratings.
  2. Sign up for an organization you believe in. Have you ever met a person who devotes his free time to those who are worse off than him? It probably doesn't happen often, but these people do exist, and you probably admire them. Why don't you become one yourself? You can volunteer at a hospital or nursing home, or help an animal welfare society, and the world will be a better place.

    • These acts of kindness will help you feel better. In addition, you will be surrounded by like-minded, interesting people who also want to improve the world.
  3. Do something unconventional. Running in the morning is great. Going to the gym to work out is great. But what if you took up rock climbing, pole dancing, or hiking? It's good for your body and soul, and that's cool. What do you think?

    • This is a great way to get fit and meet new people. Join a hiking club or rock climbing team. Aren't you that crazy? How about your local basketball team or riding club? There are plenty of bands just for fun that don't require a huge amount of skill.
  4. Do something you never even dreamed of. We all tend to put ourselves in boxes. We think that we would like it if we had to act in such and such a way; but it really doesn't do any good. Stop for a moment, think about what you would never do, and then start setting yourself up to do it. Would you never swim naked? Do it. Would you ever pick up a spider? Do it. Even you may surprise yourself.

    Part 2

    Lead an active and exciting life
    1. Shake up your routine. It doesn't matter if other people think you're interesting, it matters when You think that way about yourself. All it takes is a few small steps and a different lifestyle. So, wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual, make yourself the breakfast you've never eaten, sit on the porch and read the newspaper. You can watch movies in the cinema all day. Or twirl shura-mura during your lunch break. There is no need to do something global, just something different.

      • Try to think of one thing every day that you can do differently. You can take a different route home, cook dinner, or call a friend you haven't talked to in ages - just try it. You need to surprise yourself, not others.
    2. Look for local events such as fairs, festivals and music events to attend. Choose something that might be interesting to you and go there. There are often many local events, especially in the summer, that do not involve much cost or are even completely free. By doing things that are not part of your normal routine, you will surprise yourself and feel energized.

      • To find these events, read newspapers, search the Internet, pay attention to leaflets handed out on the street and in cafes, talk to friends and even strangers (for example, the girl who sings in your favorite cafe). This way you will meet new people and feel doubly pleasant.
    3. Explore your hometown. When you go somewhere for the weekend, the place you visit always seems much more interesting than the area where you live. But in reality there are probably many beautiful places Where you live, you just haven't bothered to find them. Open your eyes; what could you have missed?

      • Go to the tourist center in your city and find out what tourists usually do there. There may be museums, pleasure boats, art galleries, or attractions in your city that you've never noticed or cared about.
    4. Accept invitations. If you keep making excuses for why you can't go somewhere when you're invited, then people will simply forget about you and won't invite you anymore. Even if you don't like the people who invited you that much or the places they are going to go, try to give them a chance, go and talk to them. You don't have to do this all the time - do it from time to time.

    5. Organize a party or go have fun with friends. Not only will you be busy organizing, but you will also have an event to look forward to and remember later. People close to you will most likely also be able to give you a couple of ideas on what to try.

      • Find such opportunities. Do you listen to live music? Give the guitarist a treat and start a conversation. Go grab a bite to eat with your new basketball teammates. Sometimes it's worth knocking on the door of opportunity, rather than the other way around.
    6. Plan your trip. Instead of sitting at home on your weekends (although weekends are good no matter where you are), plan a two-day trip. There is no need to take a vacation and spend a lot of money - it can even be half an hour away from the city where you can stay and take a break from it all. Just get out of town and have fun!

      • Is there a place somewhere nearby that you always wanted to visit, but never got around to? Take this as a great opportunity to visit this place. Even if it only takes half a day, it will be good. Feel like a tourist, take your mind off everything. This is a great opportunity to relax, learn something new and get away from routine.

    Part 3

    Enjoy life
    1. Get rid of what bores you. Often, certain things in life make us comfortable for our own good. We get a job we don't like, but it pays the bills, maintains a relationship that has fizzled out, or puts us in a place we don't want to be. If there is something significant in your life that is frustrating you, challenge it one day. It will be difficult, but later you will realize that it is for the better.

      • At such moments, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Can you afford to move or quit your job? Are there only temporary troubles in your relationship and are they not permanent? Make sure you think it through before making a big life change.
      • Can't give up everything? Then come up with some ways to make these things more exciting. Ask for a project at work, travel more often, or do something crazy with your partner. Everything can be changed.
    2. Clean up the clutter. Clean house- a clean mind where you can finally make room for entertainment. By doing this, you show yourself that you are making changes and improving yourself. If you declutter your home, you will feel proud of yourself, be more organized, allow you to invite friends home more often, and save time searching for things.

      • If you get rid of clutter, your rooms will seem brighter and larger, and you'll feel more energized and happier when you wake up in the morning or get home from work. Everyone should enjoy the time spent at home, and this will make it much easier.
    3. Stop focusing on the negative. The next time you are invited somewhere, or you have a task, do not allow yourself to fill your head with bad thoughts. If you can focus on positive things, you will be able to enjoy even the smallest things. It's too easy to drown in negativity, but you'll never be happy if you see the negative in everything.

      • If a negative thought comes into your mind, think of something positive and positive thinking will come to you. For example, if you think, “This is so hard...”, think, “.. but I will feel good when I do it!”
    4. Change your diet. When it comes to food, consider two things:
      • Provide yourself with a good, balanced diet. It's not only good for your health, but also for your mood. A poor diet will cause you to have low energy levels and leave you feeling tired and sick. Plus, knowing that you're taking care of your body will make you feel better, happier, and boost your self-confidence.
      • Experiment. Find some new recipes you'd like to try. Go to a restaurant next Friday. Try something you've never tried before. Eating interesting foods means you can be interesting three times a day.
    5. Find time to relax. Whether it's entertainment once a week, hot bath or deep breathing during your workday, you need to relax a little. Everyone needs time to relax after a hectic week, to take a few hours away from work or errands. Even if you read a book for 15 minutes, it will be good.

      • Some people prefer things like yoga and meditation. Others would rather play a video game. There is no right or wrong way to relax, do what works for you. Afterwards, you should feel fully recovered and ready to get back into the game.
    6. Spend time around happy people. Avoid people who moan and complain all the time, look for people with a good sense of humor and a positive outlook on life. You will find that their positivity is contagious. Such people also strive for exciting and new things.

      • Another one good idea! Spend time with your family. As we get older, we often realize that when we were young, we really missed out on precious time with our families, and that can never be returned. They're probably doing it too interesting things and would be just happy to spend time with you.


    • Don't become so focused on improving your life that you forget to enjoy what you do!

“How boring we live!” - the character of everyone’s favorite film exclaimed in disappointment. And even jellied fish did not please him, he was so imbued with the thought of the futility and boredom of everyday life. If the spirit of adventurism has disappeared in you and you have stopped doing big good stupid things, this is a reason to think about how to make your life interesting. To do this, it is not at all necessary to “climb through the windows of your beloved women” - who knows, maybe they just don’t experience the same longing for thrills. In addition, interest in life is a very personal question, in some ways even intimate. Therefore, you need to make your life interesting, first of all, for yourself. And then, if you yourself are interested in life, there will probably be like-minded people who are ready to share your passion for life exactly in the way in which it makes you happy. So don’t waste a minute of your precious life, but get busy illuminating every moment with a spark of inspiration. Forward!

What is a sense of life? How to fill your life with meaning and interesting events?
Life is perhaps the only thing that unites all people on the planet. Even if this joke does not seem successful to you, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that everyone uses this gift in their own way. As a result, some are satisfied with their lives, others would not refuse to correct some things in it, and still others are sure that they live boringly and without much meaning. But what is meaning if not purpose? This means that purpose is the key to fulfilling life. And filling it not with just anything, but with meaningful, important, truly pleasing things. And of course, by things here we mean not only and not so much artifacts of the material world, but rather events, meetings and people around us. They are the ones who can make life interesting, rich and bright. Or vice versa - and it depends on you, not on them.

Because the “set” of these components depends on you. Collecting them bit by bit life path, we all run the risk of capturing a lot of erroneous, superfluous and simply unnecessary things. To reduce this probability to a minimum, remember (or write down and re-read regularly) this list of life values ​​from which it ultimately consists:

  1. Target. Life is a constant movement. Or movement - life, as you like. But in any case, you cannot stand still, either literally or figuratively. But moving chaotically means wasting your strength. Therefore, a goal is essentially the direction in which your life moves. A good goal is one that is both ambitious and achievable. To find one, evaluate your capabilities and listen to your desires. And remember that nothing is unrealistic if you sincerely believe in success and are ready to achieve what you want.
  2. Activity. Water does not flow under a lying stone - everyone has heard this since childhood. But vital activity is needed not only to achieve specific goals, but also to form one’s own position in the world. The habit of activity allows you to do even what you don’t really want, that is, achieve more. At the same time, there is no time left to be bored, that is, life becomes more interesting, as if automatically. To make it easier to get moving and be active, find a motivation that suits you personally - and act.
  3. Creation. This is the result of higher mental activity, accessible only to man. What could be more interesting than creation? Creating something new that is born in your imagination - The best way make life interesting. With this in mind, it is simply shameless to complain about a boring life. It is not necessary to have outstanding artistic talent. Game on musical instrument, drawing, dancing for pleasure are available to every person, and this is a great joy.
  4. Diversity. Don't get hung up on one thing, even if you really like it. An interesting life is a varied life. And the range of this diversity, its scope, you set yourself, at your own discretion. If life changes, something new appears in it that was not there before - this makes it interesting. The easiest way to add variety to your life is to travel. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to learn new skills, follow news and fashion, and don’t give up on something new just because it’s not familiar to you yet.
  5. Development. You cannot appreciate the diversity of the world around you if you yourself remain unchanged. Grow above yourself, become smarter, stronger, more interesting. In developed and interesting people and a corresponding life - interesting and bright. In a word, harmonious. In this sense, creativity, travel, and learning - everything will make life interesting because it develops you.
  6. Victory. Every person needs confirmation of his abilities and merits. If you are bored, try to overcome boredom by conquering a life obstacle. Even better is victory over yourself. Learn a foreign language, learn to play the guitar or do the splits. Making your life interesting with your own hands is much easier than it seems.
  7. Attachment. There is nothing more boring than loneliness. For interesting life close people are needed. These could be relatives, friends, colleagues - the main thing is that they are like-minded people. However, these are people with their own individuality, so you won’t be bored together. And even more important is the presence in life of a truly dear and beloved person. Caring for him, the desire to be together and overcome difficulties together and reach new heights makes life interesting.
  8. Hobbies. In addition to the main activity that fills the main part of life, every person who does not want to get bored has a hobby. These hobbies can be carried throughout life, but they can also change from time to time and replace each other. The main thing is that you have an outlet: a pleasant activity that brings you pleasure. Of course, this will make life more interesting and fill it with additional emotions.
  9. Surprises. No matter how carefully we plan our affairs, there is always a place for surprise in life. And that's great, because surprises make life interesting. And not only pleasant ones. Joyful surprises give delight and happy experiences. Unpleasant surprises build character and teach you to overcome difficulties, making you stronger.
  10. Beauty. The ability to see beauty in your surroundings and enjoy it makes life interesting and fulfilling. Look around and you will realize that beauty is everywhere. Admire nature, look at paintings, listen to music and watch the graceful movements of people and birds. Admiring beauty, you will experience inspiration, that is, you will make your life more interesting.
How to make your life interesting and bright
It is very difficult to imagine a person who, despite all of the above, considers his life not interesting enough. Most likely, there are difficulties with some item. In this case, you just have to work on filling these gaps. Here are some tips to make it faster and easier:
  1. Go on a trip. The further the better. The more interesting the trip will be. But if you don't have the time or money for a long trip right now, don't give up on adventure. At least go out of town or visit relatives in a neighboring region. Find a last minute tour or choose a weekend tour.
  2. Find a hobby and time for it. Having fun activities has been proven to help you get through difficult times in life. So you can make your life more interesting with the help of a hobby! It is important to consider two nuances. Firstly, a hobby should really make you happy and genuinely captivate you. Secondly, you need to be able to find time for it even from a very busy schedule.
  3. Sign up for courses. It doesn’t matter which ones: language, dance, culinary. A pottery, cross-stitch or singing class would also be great. There you will learn something new and consolidate your existing knowledge and skills. In the meantime, you are looking for the desired direction, attend various “one-time” master classes.
  4. Always say yes. Don't refuse the opportunities that life provides. Agree to friends’ proposals, accept invitations to visit and go to the cinema, always respond to phone calls. To make your life interesting, open it to events.
  5. Life is not only outside. If something prevents you from traveling, studying, or making your life interesting to others active methods, you always have the opportunity to add variety to your inner world. Watch movies (for example, world classics), read books (at least a little every evening) or write yourself (keep a diary, blog, travel notes, etc.).
One more thing important condition, the observance of which helps make life more interesting - dream. Imagination is a priceless gift that every person possesses. With the help of imagination, you can not only make life interesting in general, but also brighten up the boredom of any routine task. Even if objectively your life seems boring to you, nothing prevents you from dreaming of bigger and better things. About how to turn your life into a holiday. And, as you know, dreams tend to come true.

Like everyone else, I am sometimes overtaken by apathy. Life rolls along its own track, and it would seem that everything is fine, live and be happy! But at the same time, it is clear that something is missing. I, like everyone else, lack impressions, emotions, brightness... Life modern man becomes qualitatively different - a lot of action and little meaning.

We spend a lot of time on the road and stuck in traffic jams, on boring work, on household chores. Sometimes this is necessary, but in fact, we are simply mired in everyday life and have completely forgotten what it means to live interestingly and brightly. Having carefully considered my mortal existence, I decided to change it and at the same time tell you how to make life better.

What does it mean to "live brighter"

Everyone has come across texts on social networks like “10 ways to get rid of boredom”, “10 tips on how to live brighter”, and various other lists of 10 tips. First of all, you need to understand what it means to live brighter. For myself, I have determined the following - my life should be filled with meaning, goals and impressions, then it will be richer, easier and more interesting. She must satisfy me completely. Try to imagine an ideal life? Yours should be exactly like this.

There is no single way to improve the dull everyday life different people, so it’s best to read the rules for a vibrant life and make your own list. It doesn’t have to be 10 points long - it can contain a couple of tips or an A3 sheet covered in small handwriting, the main thing is that it works in a specific situation.

Rules for a vibrant life

After reading a lot of psychological essays, I concluded following rules a rich and interesting life:
  • need new life experience;
  • you need to create habits that will make your personal world better;
  • you need to look at your life from a different angle.

Leaving our comfort zone

New life experience - the concept is quite abstract, but in fact very simple. To put it bluntly, this is something you didn't do. Situations in which we did not find ourselves. You should not think that a new life experience is necessarily to shave your head and go to a Tibetan monastery (although this will not only make life richer - such an act will radically change it). What can become a new life experience and make existence brighter and more interesting:
  • new sensations. An exotic dish prepared with your own hands (if you don’t like to cook, you can go to a restaurant). Unfamiliar style of music or dance;
  • a fundamentally new type of activity. You can change your job, you can start a new hobby. Or make it a rule to have fun every time in your free time differently than before;
  • learn something new. It doesn’t really matter whether this skill is useful or just enjoyable - the important thing is that variety is provided.
What to try:
  • exotic fruits, vegetables, cereals and meats – dragon fruit Many people have tried it today, but no one still knows about the taste of Moldavian mamaliga with a tear;
  • unusual dishes from any cuisine of the world;
  • master class in dance or yoga, for more advanced - fly yoga, wind tunnel flights;
  • going to a conservatory or organ hall, to an evening of live music or to a big rock concert;
  • any interesting master class or a workshop for beginners (necessarily in a field that is not familiar to you) - pyrography or watercolor, nail art or making chocolate from scratch.
New habits can also be anything. The whole trick is to change your behavior a little - when a person begins to behave differently, his consciousness, his environment, and everything changes. external world. I didn't believe it until I tried it on myself. I wanted to move and travel more, and I made it a rule to go somewhere out of town every weekend for new experiences.

Long trips require serious preparation, and you can travel to the neighboring region by car if you first stock up on a map (in my case, a navigator), a couple of sandwiches and a thermos. You can take a travel companion with you, but I didn’t do this - I wanted to be alone with myself. I came to cities with some small purpose and spent the day fruitfully - I could go on an excursion, I could simply photograph something unusual on the street. Sometimes I just went about my everyday affairs - but when the city and the people around change, it turns out unusual.

Have you tried to buy shoes in the provinces? How about getting a haircut at a rural hairdresser? How about getting around a foreign city only by tram? This is just a small part of what can be an adventure.

What to try:

  • start a good habit- go up to your floor on foot, drink water (my phone periodically gurgles - the application reminds me that I need to saturate my body with water and at the same time counts what I drink and eat during the day), do exercises for at least 10 minutes in the morning or unlearn negative thoughts;
  • travel more- even in native land you can find amazing things, let alone the whole country and the whole world;
  • make a habit of doing good deeds- you can try to become a volunteer, you can learn to smile at passers-by, you can go to an animal shelter once a week and help take care of them. The world is full of activities that require the participation of kind and sympathetic people;
  • start a strange habit- express your feelings only foreign language, brush your teeth with the wrong hand, or at least wear different socks to work.

A new look at everyday life

Before you make your life happy, it won’t hurt to conduct an audit. Answer these questions for yourself, preferably in writing:
  1. What did you like to do as a child and teenager?
  2. What activity makes you happy?
  3. What are you particularly good at?
It also wouldn’t hurt to review your skills and achievements. In my case there were unexpected discoveries - for example, in school years 10 years ago I wrote poetry (nothing special, many people write), and the most pleasant thing was not just writing it, but speaking in front of some audience and reading it.

When I remembered this, I quickly found a literary club not far from me, where once a week there is a Free Microphone - an evening when anyone can get up on stage and read what they want. I admit honestly - I was a little scared, but it turned out that I was worrying in vain - the public in such places is understanding, and I just received an indescribable hurricane of emotions!

Arrange an evening of memories - leaf through photo albums, re-read your own diaries, just spend the evening on the past (you can arrange friendly gatherings while talking about days gone by).

After you identify some pleasant but lost habits, activities or achievements, try to introduce them into your present life. This will make life not just more interesting or brighter, but will truly improve it.

  1. go to a new restaurant once a week;
  2. every week to travel or go to a new place - a city, a street, a park, even to the forest to pick mushrooms;
  3. make changes to your image - bright lipstick, unusual sneakers, multi-colored socks with flying cows;
  4. change the world around you - smile at people, give compliments, say hello to others;
  5. make new friends;
  6. go to unusual places;
  7. learn a new language;
  8. give yourself “creative dates” twice a week - several hours dedicated to my creative development;
  9. do good deeds - from moving old women across the road to participating in large-scale charity projects;
  10. Believe more in miracles and adventures.
Write down your 10 tips that will help make your life easier and better, and follow them - after a few days you will feel the changes! Life will become more interesting - new thoughts and emotions will appear, new acquaintances and impressions will gradually appear, and then everything can change. The main thing is to start!

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