I dreamed that I cut off my hair. What does it mean to cut hair in a dream - explanations of famous dream books

Since ancient times, humanity has attached enormous importance to hair. They were looked after and protected as something very valuable. It was believed that hair was given to us from above, and cutting it means losing some kind of protection from evil forces. Remember how once in Rus' they cut off the braids of girls and the beards of men if they were considered disgraced.

Anyone who has ever been interested in myths different countries, will probably remember the legend in which the insidious Delilah betrayed her lover Samson and cut off his hair, in which all his mighty strength lay. What is certain is that the hair is given a certain mystical meaning, There is secret meaning. Especially

pay attention to dreams in which curls and braids clearly appear.

IN different dream books you can find a wide variety of interpretations of what awaits a person if he is in For example, in the dream book of Zhou Gong it is reported that if you dream that your locks of hair are being cut off in front, expect misfortune that will come to the family and affect one of the household members.

For grandfather Freud, everything is much simpler: any manipulation of hair means that on a subconscious level a person thinks about sex. The shorter one cuts one's hair in a dream, the more confident a person feels in real sexual relations.

According to the Old Russian dream book and Tsvetkov’s dream book, it clearly follows that getting rid of braids with scissors means betrayal or treason. Esotericists talk about quarrels forever. Not very comforting, but Freud gave more optimistic forecasts on this issue. But the Hindus give this interpretation of why they cut their hair in a dream

or a beard: illness, loss of material wealth or a loved one, a very respected person, awaits the one who sees such a dream. If the curls are not cut, but pulled out, then a difficult struggle with one’s own poverty awaits. Miller’s dream book states that if your hair is cut too short in a dream, you should beware of waste, so as not to bring misfortune and trouble to your person.

Muslim commentators claim that cutting hair is both a bad and a good dream, depending on who had the dream and in what context. For example, a person who in reality has property given to him for temporary use may lose it if he sees in a dream that someone is cutting his hair. If the person being cut is poor in reality, then he will get rid of his need.

letting your hair fall on your own means that your secrets will be revealed, and you will pay dearly for it. The Small Dream Book says that if you believe this, it means that your excessive wastefulness may bring financial difficulties upon you. Also, such a dream can mean future disappointments or deception. Self-loss of hair also promises problems with money. But if you yourself shorten someone’s curls in a dream, this portends success and fame, which you will achieve thanks to your insight and remarkable intelligence.

If we make a general analysis of the interpretations, we can see that almost all of them are similar to each other (not counting the decodings of Freud, for whom everything comes down exclusively to the instinct of reproduction). So if you have your hair cut in a dream, in reality you should pay more attention to your family and finances, so as not to end up with nothing.

A short haircut is a sign of a determined nature or a desire to make just such an impression. According to ancient legends and myths, hair stores memories and is a repository of emotional memory. A short haircut is a sign of reluctance to drag along the burden of memories and attachments. If you see a short haircut in a dream, it means that you would like to completely forget something. Let's look at why you dream of a short haircut according to dream books.

  • The main meaning of a short haircut in a dream is change for the better, travel, new experiences. You are ready to start a new life and get rid of everything that might get in your way.
  • Cutting your hair in a dream means rash actions can damage your reputation.
  • Cutting your hair in a dream yourself “to look like a boy” means you are in vain wanting to get involved in a dangerous adventure. The risk is too high and the likelihood of success is questionable. Poor elaboration of details, general ill-conceived idea doom it to failure and ridiculous improvisations. Give up the risky plan and don't rely on your friends for help. Unfortunately, this is where they will let you down.
  • If you have long hair, short hair in a dream means that changes and troubles are coming that you want to leave in the past. Actually, changes have already begun, but you are not yet ready to admit their irreversibility.
  • A haircut to zero is a pronounced rebellion, a complete rejection of the past, attachments, and sentiments. The past is probably too painful to carry around with you. Perhaps, over time, you will be able to return to the memories. There are often cases when unpleasant moments and entire periods of life fall out of memory. On this moment You are attracted to categorical behavior and strive to focus on urgent tasks.
  • If you dream of a short haircut like in the army or even in prison, you are afraid of changes in your life. Changes that happen against your will are especially frightening. Perhaps you should take the initiative into your own hands and act more decisively. Don't be afraid to ask questions, don't be afraid to cause displeasure.
  • Seeing a person with a short haircut in a dream, if in fact he or she has long hair, is a sign of decisive changes in the life of this person.

Interpretations of authorities

  • The women's dream book interprets a not-so-successful short haircut as interference in personal affairs. If in a dream you see one of your friends with a bad haircut, it is quite possible that you think that the person is being pushed around and is being deliberately kept in third roles.
  • Miller's dream book mentions short hair in the context of illness. If you dream that you are cutting your hair during an illness, perhaps it will be easier for your body to recover by getting rid of excess weight. Behind short hair easier to care for, they do not tangle or cake. If you have to take care of yourself during your recovery, a short haircut will be more hygienic.
  • Freud's dream book considers short haircuts for women as a sign of refusal classic model sexuality. Seeing yourself in a dream with short hair, with a man's haircut - you are considering different behavior patterns and need support. Since, quite possibly, you are somewhat disappointed in people, especially men, you are ready to take on a role that is traditionally masculine. Seeing long hair cut off means regretting missed opportunities. Cut strands mean irreversible change.

Negative interpretations

Quite often, short hair and cut hair are viewed in a negative context. This is illness, failure, quarrels with relatives and friends, perhaps lack of money. In fact, such an interpretation cannot be correct. Cutting your hair and cutting it means serious changes and the impossibility of returning to your previous lifestyle. Changes are sudden and require a quick reaction; there is not always time to think about your actions. Due to thoughtlessness of actions, mistakes and miscalculations are possible. Quarrels are also easily explained. When a person changes his line of behavior and becomes less flexible and comfortable, quarrels are inevitable. IN difficult situation imaginary friends who may begin to spread rumors will also disappear.


If you dream of a short haircut, see it in a dream, perhaps it makes sense to allow yourself such pleasure. But don't take hasty steps because you may regret your decision. With a short haircut, the image becomes more dynamic.

Perhaps you are looking for changes in life, dynamics. In this case, you definitely don’t need to start with your hair, especially if you’ve been growing it out. The dream promises good luck, luck and the opportunity to influence other people, the gift of persuasion. How you use the gifts is up to you. Avoid mistakes, hasty decisions, rash actions and careless words.

Dream interpretation of cutting your own hair

Night dreams are often a reflection of thoughts and actions in reality. Why dream of cutting your hair. If this happens in reality, then any girl will say that this is the beginning of a new life, a change in her consciousness.

What did you dream about

Regarding sleep, there is no need to guess what certain symbols meant. The most important thing is to remember the dream in as much detail as possible.

Dream Interpreters

Otherwise, the best solution is dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

It is believed that cutting your hair in a dream is a bad sign. So you deprive yourself vital energy, you become defenseless against enemies, you may not be able to withstand the blows of fate.

If you cut your own hair

Seeing a fall out means get ready for trouble.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud gives a different answer as to why you dream of cutting your hair.

  • Start preparing, it will happen very soon an important event in your life.
  • A hairdresser is cutting your hair - get ready for change.
  • Cutting off long hair is a drastic change.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer did not indicate what the changes would be, good or bad. I just believed that any haircut, both in a dream and in reality, would inevitably lead to them.

If you happen to cut off a long braid, you will lose something important. Cut your hair short - a warning about danger.

Loff's Dream Book

If you dreamed about cutting your hair yourself, you will lose a large amount of money and property.

If a girl dreams of cutting off her own long braid, the dreamer will soon act unwisely. You will have to pay for your actions in the future.

Women's dream book

Expect unpleasant events

This dream book says that cutting hair in a dream is, in any case, a sign of misfortune. But if at that moment you see your loved ones nearby, then all obstacles will be eliminated with their help.

Esoteric dream book

For a girl, getting a haircut in a dream means losing her fans. For a married woman - to treason.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Cutting your hair yourself means throwing off a burden from your shoulders, a burden that has been weighing you down for some time.

Cutting a relative's hair means the person will need your advice or support.

Negative interpretation

Interpretation such a dream ambiguous. Some say that such a dream is good, while others see troubles in the near future.

  • If you dreamed that you were cutting your hair, it meant illness and losses.
  • Why do you dream of cutting your hair? to a young guy? Expect a summons to the army.
  • Why do you dream about cutting your friend’s hair? Do not listen to her advice, she clearly does not wish you well. The same interpretation will have a dream where a friend cut your hair herself.
  • If you dreamed that you were getting your hair cut by a hairdresser, you would be drawn into a scandal involving love affairs.

According to Freud, if you dreamed that you were trying to cut hair with broken scissors, you risk losing your friends, as well as your position in society.

Cutting hair in a dream brings good luck

If you swept your cut hair

It is under this slogan that some dream books come out.

Why cut your hair with scissors - success awaits you in your desired endeavor. With your efforts and abilities, you can easily reach the peak.

If you dream that you are having intimate conversations with a hairdresser - prepare for fame, since some of your actions will glorify you, at least among people you know.

Sweeping the hair that you cut will start soon for you new life. Perhaps this will be a change of job, relationship, friends.

Other interpretations

For a girl, cutting her hair and crying means big quarrels with her loved one. If you cannot restrain yourself, the next clarification may lead to a breakup.

Some dream books give this interpretation of why you dream of cutting your hair. If you have a long journey ahead, for some reason you will not go there, or you will arrive very late.

Why dream about another person cutting his own hair? You will witness an unpleasant scene, a conflict, perhaps even a scam. Moreover, the matter will not happen without your intervention.

If you trim slowly, strand by strand, you may develop an illness. Moreover, the longer you cut your hair, the more severe the disease will be. The dream book advises you to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

In general, dreams in which you get to cut your hair are positive. But cutting your own hair is a warning of impending trouble.

In everyday life we ​​perceive things and phenomena habitually, but in the world of night dreams the same things already acquire a secret meaning.

Hair is a symbol of strength, human energy, power and life. In dreams they always carry important signs that need to be interpreted correctly. Knowing what hair means in dreams, you can prevent trouble or bring happiness closer.

But in order to interpret what hair means in dreams, you should carefully remember all the details of your dreams - the color, quality of the hair, its thickness, and other details that change the meaning of the dream. For example, dreams could be as follows:

  • You see your hair thick, strong, luxurious.
  • You have red, white, black hair.
  • See your own gray hair.
  • You are bald, your hair is falling out, you see fallen curls.
  • You dream about cutting your own hair and cutting off your braids.
  • You are giving someone a haircut.
  • You're getting a haircut.
  • You comb your hair and style it.
  • Braid a braid or a spikelet.
  • See hairy legs or arms.
  • Dye your curls.
  • You have a very long braid.
  • You're tearing up own head hair.

Each such dream has an important meaning, and it is necessary to unmistakably find out why hair is dreamed of - for this we turn to dream books.

Our own, others’, thick and not so...

Let's look at dreams in which you didn't have to do anything with your hair, you just saw it. What exactly it was - the interpretation depends on this.

1. If you see yourself in your dreams with a wonderful hairstyle, this is a good sign. When you have thick, luxurious curls on your head, just like in a beautiful shampoo advertisement, this is direct evidence that in your waking life you will be full of strength, health, nothing can bring you down. Now you are going through a very favorable period, take advantage!

2. Too thick hair indicates great strength, potential, and strong character. If in your night dreams you have thick curls on your head, it means that you can cope with any difficult situation in reality, don’t doubt it.

3. If the hair on your head falls out in a dream, or even falls in strands on the floor, this indicates your fear of losing strength, getting sick, or losing. They fall out due to ill health, and strength is also lost due to moral fatigue. Take a vacation, gain strength.

4. If they do not fall out, but you see fallen or torn out curls, this may promise you the loss of a close friend, a reliable person, or a partner. Be careful not to let this happen.

5. As the dream book says, black hair in any form in a dream promises a gift or a pleasant surprise.

6. But, on the contrary, white hair, which is usually associated with innocence and beauty, does not bode well. White curls on the head are a symbol of imminent illness. If you see white hair on someone who in reality has a different hair color, the disease threatens this person.

7. Red hair is a symbol of envy and deception. If you have red strands, admit to yourself that you are jealous or wish harm to someone. Try to get rid of this feeling.

If in a dream red hair appears on the head of another person, perhaps he harbors enmity or envy towards you.

8. It is also useful to know why you dream of long hair - as a rule, it portends a long journey. If you have an infinitely long braid in a dream, expect a long journey in reality.

9. Promising nothing good sleep– hair is tangled, shaggy, unkempt. Such a dream foretells you shame, disgrace, repentance from a wrong action. Be careful, it’s better not to make mistakes!

10. If you find yourself in a dream with slicked, smoothed hair, a neatly collected hairstyle, this is a symbol of good, honest friendly relationships, strong affection, and openness.

11. But if you happen to be bald, or have bad, thin hair in a dream, this is a warning about illness or poverty.

12. To have curly curls in your dreams is a harbinger of meeting a friend, a good person. And joy from this bright event.

13. It’s curious why you dream about hair on your legs. Sometimes there are a lot of them in dreams, more than in life, and this can be scary.

Don’t be afraid, as the dream book says, hair on your legs is a symbol of courage and strength. This means that you can handle all problems, and you can live with confidence. Perhaps you just need to be softer and more forgiving towards the people around you and yourself.

14. An important question is why you dream of gray hair. After all, gray hair is a symbol of old age, sometimes illness or death. Gray hair in a dream can portend fatigue and illness, and such a dream advises taking a break from work.

However, it is important to know why you dream of gray hair at the temples. Such a dream, on the contrary, means respect for you, high honor and position in society.

Active actions

Remember what you did in your dreams - your actions may carry a separate hidden meaning. Knowing what it means to wash, cut or comb your braids in dreams, you can accept right decisions in reality and not be afraid of surprises.

1. Frequently asked question Why do you dream about cutting your hair? Such dreams are not uncommon. If you cut them off for yourself, this is not a good symbol - Miller’s dream book warns the sleeper about some impending danger and calls for maximum caution.

2. But why dream of cutting someone else’s hair? As the dream book says, cutting the hair on someone else’s head is a sign of happiness or great luck.

3. If you get your hair cut, beware of failures, they lie in wait along the way. Perhaps you will lose in some life matter.

4. Braiding your hair is a symbol of new connections, and in particular a braid is a sign of love, affection, and tender feelings. According to Miller's dream book, a girl braids her hair in a dream for a happy engagement.

5. But it’s not difficult to understand why you dream about combing your hair. You are probably confused in some life situation, and you really want to get out and put things in order. Patience will help you with this.

6. Washing your hair in a dream, according to Miller’s interpreter, means clearing your conscience and enjoying the respect of people. If you happen to wash your hair in your dreams, expect recognition and a good position.

7. If in your dreams you style your hair using gel, shape it or slick it, in life you are trying to make amends, smooth out the corners of some unpleasant conflict situation.

8. Also relevant is why you dream about dyeing your hair. And such a dream foreshadows deception, dishonest actions, and on your part.

If you dyed your curls in a dream and began to wash them right away, it means you regretted what you had done. In any case, after such a dream you definitely have something to think seriously about.

9. If in your dreams you get tangled in your own curls, or get caught in something, it means that in reality there is confusion and disorder in your life. It's time to sort out your personal life.

How many dreams - so many meanings, and your personal example could be special. Try to combine the interpretations together, putting together the details of the dream like a mosaic, and think about it - you will get a clear picture of what is happening.

But the most important thing is to use the advice of the dream book wisely and judiciously, because this is your life.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Cutting hair in a dream is a very ambiguous plot, which is not easy to interpret correctly on your own. Therefore, it is worth turning to professional dream books for help. They will tell you why you dream of cutting your hair under different circumstances in a dream.

Dream Interpretation: haircut - general interpretation

If you had to cut your hair in a dream, first of all you need to remember under what conditions this happened. Every little thing can have an impact on the final interpretation of such a plot.

  • Did the dreamer specifically buy scissors for his own haircut? This good sign for him, which promises useful new acquaintances. They will allow a person to quickly cope with the troubles that have fallen on them.
  • If in a dream the dreamer himself is the owner of a hairdressing salon and constantly cuts hair for clients who come to him, soon in reality he will make new, loyal, reliable friends.
  • Was any of the visitors dissatisfied with the haircut? This is a hint that unpleasant gossip about him will be spread behind the dreamer's back. It will be very difficult to stop them.

It happens that in a dream a person cuts off dry gray hair for himself or someone he knows, and in its place new beautiful and healthy ones immediately grow. This is an excellent sign that promises recovery from an old illness to the one who was cut in a vision.

Why do you dream of cutting your own hair?

If you had to cut your own hair, as a rule, such a plot turns out to be a negative harbinger. Was the hair very lush, thick and beautiful? Serious nervous shocks await the sleeper ahead. Moreover, the cause of them will be the dreamer himself. He will take upon himself many problems and troubles with his own hands. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully weigh and think through your every action and spoken word in the near future.

It happens that the dreamer himself cuts his locks very short in one movement. Such a plot can be considered a harbinger of grief and disappointment. If you dreamed about it on the eve of a long trip, it is better to abandon your plans and stay at home.

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