The procedure for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church for a girl. What is needed for the baptism ceremony? How many godfathers and mothers should a person have?

Soon after the birth of a baby, in many families the question of Baptism in the church is raised. What kind of sacrament is this, why is it performed? Who are spiritual parents - godmothers and fathers, what are their responsibilities? Is there a difference in the baptismal rites for a boy and a girl and what do they consist of? Let's talk about the first great holiday in the life of a little man, which is of great importance for him.

What is baptism

Baptism is a church ritual coming from God. It is called to convey the grace of the Holy Spirit to a believer, invisible and not material, but, nevertheless, real. This is a gift from God, given to people not for their qualities, but solely out of the love of the Almighty.

Immersion in the water of the baptismal font is a symbol of renunciation of sinful life, denoting its irreversible death. At this moment, we remember the suffering of Christ, his sacrifice made for the sake of our salvation. Coming out of the font is resurrection, a symbol of eternal life, life to the glory of the Lord. A believer washed from original sin has the opportunity to partake of the miraculous salvation accomplished by the Savior.

After the rite of Baptism, a person is included in the Church of Christ, having decided to follow the commandments and the Gospel. He gains access to others Church Sacraments, through which the grace of God descends as help on the thorny righteous path.

At what age are children baptized?

Church rules do not clearly indicate the age of an infant at which he should be introduced to the sacrament of God. It is customary for Orthodox parents to baptize a baby if he is between eight and forty days from birth.

What could make a mother and father postpone such an important church ceremony? The exceptional lack of proper faith on the part of the parents, who consciously decided to deprive the child of the grace of the sacrament.

Many people wonder whether it is worth postponing the Baptism of the baby until the moment when he is able to independently make a choice in favor of faith in God. The danger of hesitation is that until then the soul of the baby will be open to the harmful effects of the surrounding sinful world.

You cannot worry exclusively about the child’s body, feeding and nurturing it, while forgetting about eternal soul. At Baptism God's grace cleanses the very nature of the baby, giving him eternal life. Figuratively speaking, this sacred rite means spiritual birth. After this sacrament, the little man can be given communion.

Naturally, a newborn cannot declare his faith, but this is not a reason to forget about his soul. We don’t ask the baby’s permission when we take him to the clinic for vaccination, do we? Being sure that this is only for his benefit, we ourselves make a decision for him.

So here too, Baptism is essentially spiritual healing, nourishment for the soul, which the baby so needs, although he cannot realize and express it.

Preparation before a child's baptism

Although there are no restrictions on the time and place of the sacrament of God, nevertheless, in some parishes it is carried out according to a schedule on strictly defined days. Most often this is due to the heavy workload on the priest and his busyness.

Before setting a date for a child's Baptism, you should contact the church to find out if there is a schedule for the sacraments and to agree on the time of the sacraments. If there is a record of those wishing to perform the ceremony, then this should be done.

Then come with your baby on the appointed day at the appointed time. In this case, the godmother and father chosen by the parents must be present and have with them:

pectoral cross for the baby;

- baptismal shirt;

- a handkerchief or napkin to wipe the little one’s face;

- an icon of the Saint, depending on the child’s name, which will become a kind of protection for him;

— 2 towels (large for the baby, small - donation to the temple if desired).

Parents often wonder whether they need to have their baby’s birth certificate with them. It turns out that a document is not needed for the sacrament of Baptism.

Given the age of the baby, his successors should prepare for the sacrament instead of him. This condition is valid for children under 12-14 years of age.

The recipient should attend a course of public conversations at the temple with a priest. This could also be a catechist, if such a position is provided in the church. The number of such conversations is determined by the abbot. The recipient should also undergo a confessional conversation with the priest.

In addition to all the conversations, future spiritual parents, a few days before the event, must give up carnal pleasures and learn the “Creed” prayer. Plus it takes several days strict fasting. In the same church where I will baptize the baby, I should undergo confession and communion.

What to buy for baptism

To carry out the sacrament of God, you need to purchase a baptismal set for your baby, which includes a shirt and a cross. It must be taken into account that if we are talking about a boy, then he should buy a cross godfather. If it's about a girl, then necessary purchases The godmother does it, and she also prepares the sheet for the ceremony.

A sheet, or alternatively a large towel, is needed to wrap the baby after the dip.

A pectoral cross purchased in a regular store must be blessed in advance in the church. It is better if it is immediately on a strong ribbon, or, as some parents prefer, on a strong chain, so that you can immediately put it on the baby’s neck.

Choosing godparents

Godparents for a baby are usually chosen among relatives (grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle) or among close friends and acquaintances. The most important condition- each of the elect must be a believer and baptized. If someone expresses a desire to become the child’s adoptive parent, but has not undergone the sacrament himself, then he must first be baptized himself, only then does he have the right to take on such important obligations.

In very rare, most often exceptional, cases, parents are invited to be godparents. sister or brother.

The godfather and godmother have very important responsibilities towards the little one, so you should not look at them as just a necessary addition to the ceremony. Moreover, you cannot choose them simply to perform the sacrament and part with them. It is best to discuss candidates with a clergyman.

established by the Church a whole list persons who cannot be invited to be the godfather or mother of the baby.

Have no right to be godparents of the child:

1. Nuns and monks.

2. Mentally unhealthy people.

3. Representatives of other movements (Catholics, Lutherans, etc.).

4. Young children (the godfather cannot be younger than 15 years old, and the mother cannot be younger than 13 years old).

5. Unbaptized, unbelieving people.

6. Immoral people.

7. Spouses cannot be both a foster parent and a foster parent for the same child. In exceptional cases, one should ask for blessings from the bishop (ruling).

Responsibilities of godparents

The child's recipients must be fully aware of their purpose.

After all, they are witnesses to the Baptism of a baby, who cannot yet be held responsible for what is happening to him. Godparents, mother and father, essentially vouch for the baby before God himself, make vows, professing the symbol of Faith.

In the future, they should become full-fledged mentors of their goddaughter, or their godson, instructing in Orthodoxy and accompanying them on the path to Christian bright life,

Such duties are difficult to fulfill if one is indifferent to faith, so godparents must constantly improve, learn the basics Orthodox culture, understand the essence of Baptism, the meaning of the vows pronounced.

A nuance that often misleads parents: is it possible to become a foster child in absentia?

The Church claims that in this case the very meaning of the existence of the concept of godparents is lost.

It is through joint participation in the sacrament of Baptism that that invisible thread of spiritual connection appears, which imposes such important responsibilities on the recipients.

With the so-called “absentee adoption” there is no connection between the main participants in the sacrament, and in fact the baby is left without godfather and mother.

Important: godparents are obliged to carry out the Christian education of their godson. Orthodox Christians sincerely believe that their successors will be held accountable at the Judgment of God for the quality of performance of these most important duties. And for negligence they will be punished with all severity.

Child baptism ritual (process)

“Baptism” is “immersion”. It is the threefold immersion of the person being baptized into the water of the font that is the main action of the entire sacrament. It is a symbol of those three days during which the Son of God was in the tomb, after which the miraculous Resurrection took place.

The sacrament itself consists of important stages performed in strict sequence.

Order of announcement

Before proceeding to Baptism, the clergyman reads aloud prohibitory prayers against Satan himself. The priest blows on the baby three times, pronouncing the words of expelling the evil one, blesses the baby three times and, laying his hand on the child’s head, reads a prayer.

Three prohibitions against unclean spirits

At this stage, the priest drives the devil away with the Divine name, praying to the Lord to drive out the evil one and strengthen him in faith.


The godmother and father renounce sinful habits, unrighteous lifestyles and pride. They recognize that an unbaptized person is vulnerable to all sorts of vices and passions.

Confession of Faithfulness to the Son of God

Considering the small age of the child, one of the recipients reads the Creed, because in essence the child joins the army of Christ.

After this it begins directly sacrament of baptism.

1. Blessing of water. It begins with censing around the font and reading prayers on the water, followed by a blessing.

2. Blessing of the oil. The priest reads a prayer for the consecration of oil (oil), the water in the font is anointed with it. After this, the baby's face, chest and limbs are anointed.

3. Immersion in the font. The triple immersion is performed in a certain way.

The priest says: “The servant of God (the child’s name follows) is baptized in the name of the Father, amen. (the first dive occurs). And the son, amen (the child is dipped into the font a second time). And the Holy Spirit, amen (the baby is immersed for the third time).

After this, a cross is immediately placed on the newly baptized child.

The vestments of a newly baptized baby. The baby is received by the recipient and dressed in a baptismal shirt.

Sacrament of Confirmation

At this stage, the priest of the newly enlightened person will anoint various parts of the baby’s body with Holy Myrrh - the eyes and forehead, lips and nostrils, arms and legs, chest. Each of these movements carries deep meaning.

Reading Holy Scripture- procession around the font

Solemn chanting with a walk around the font indicates that the Church is immeasurably happy about the birth of another small member. At this time, the godparents are standing and holding lit candles.

Rites of completion

After reading the Gospel, the rituals concluding Baptism are immediately performed.

1. Washing away the World. This external sign is no longer needed, for the seal of the Holy Spirit (his gift) must be in the heart of the believer.

2. Hair cutting. This is a kind of sacrifice, because the baby has at the moment there is nothing else yet that he can give to the Lord with joy.

The sacrament is completed, all that remains is to raise the child in proper love for the Almighty.

Girl's baptism and boy's baptism - are there any differences?

Some differences still exist in the sacrament of Baptism between a girl and a boy, although not very significant.

1. A girl is not brought into the altar during the Divine Sacrament.

2. For Baptism it is not necessary to have two godparents at once. It is enough that the boy’s godfather is present at Baptism, and the girl’s godmother is present.

3. The godfather buys a pectoral cross for a boy, and for a girl - godmother.

After the child's baptism

Baptism is the birth of a baby as a bright personality, not burdened with all sorts of different sinful qualities. Therefore, naturally, after the whole ceremony, a magnificent (or not so magnificent) celebration is organized in honor of the newly baptized child.

Today, the rite of baptism takes a very long time important place in almost everyone's life Orthodox man. How does the sacrament of christening take place, what is required of godparents and what do the child’s parents need to know?

At what age should a child be baptized?

There are no clear restrictions on this. But it is still recommended to baptize the baby in early age. Thus, the child will be charged original sin and he becomes a member of the church. It is recommended to baptize the baby after forty days from the birth of the child. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period of time that the child’s mother is in physiological impurity, and she cannot be present in the temple, but her presence is so necessary for the baby. After forty days from the moment of birth, a prayer is read over the mother, and from that moment she can be allowed into the temple, and can also participate in the sacrament of baptism of her child.

The church also recommends baptizing children at the age of eight days. It was at this age that Jesus was dedicated to his Heavenly Father. An adult can also be baptized. To do this, he must undergo catechesis, after which both original sin and all other sins will be removed from the adult. For children, it is best to undergo the baptism ceremony in infancy, since the child is almost always asleep at this time, and he will not experience very strong stress from an unfamiliar environment and from the accumulation of many unfamiliar people.

What is necessary for baptism?

To baptize a child, you must have a pectoral cross; usually, according to tradition, it is bought by the baby’s godfather; a baptismal shirt, outfit or dress is bought by the godmother. When choosing an outfit, you should pay attention to the fact that it is comfortable and pleasant, and that the fabric is soft. It is best to purchase a cross from silver. Crosses are sold in churches or in stores. But it is worth remembering that in the church the crosses have already been consecrated, and the cross that was purchased in the store must be dedicated. It is also necessary to have kryzhma.

Kryzhma is a white openwork diaper in which the baby is taken from the font. Kryzhma must be present in the baptismal ceremony. It is a heirloom and has been kept for years. Very often, the date of the child’s baptism and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. After baptism, the kryzhma becomes endowed with great powers of healing the baby in the event that he gets sick in the future. Kryzhma should also be purchased by the godmother. Some parents purchase a special bag for the baptism ceremony, in which the cut off hairs of the baby will be stored in the future. Sometimes they buy a Bible with a satin cover.

Are there any days when it is forbidden to baptize a child?

There are no such days. A child can be baptized on absolutely any day, even on Easter. The most important thing is to discuss the baptism date and time with the clergyman in advance. Of course, it is not recommended to set the day of christening on the date church holiday, as this may cause some difficulties regarding technical organization.

What is included in the sacrament of baptism?

Baptism is often carried out in the temple, but this sacrament can also be performed outside the temple. Baptism lasts about half an hour (sometimes an hour). The priest first reads the prohibition prayers. Thus, in the name of the Lord, he drives out Satan from the child. After this, the child’s godparents renounce Satan three times and three times proclaim spiritual union with Christ as God and as King (if a child is baptized at an age when he can speak independently, then it is not the godparents who say this, but he himself) . Next, the Priest reads the Creed three times and the oil (oil) and water are blessed. The child is anointed with oil as a symbol that he has now joined the ranks of Christ's Church.

The person being baptized is given a name, which should only be Christian, after which he is lowered into sacred water three times. The baby is taken from the water to the Crimea. Next, the priest conducts the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Gospel is also read by the Apostle, during these prayers the baby’s hair is cut off and a cross is placed around his neck. This symbolizes that the child is now a Christian.

Is it allowed to baptize a child at home?

The rite of baptism symbolizes that a person joins the ranks of the church. After he undergoes the sacrament of baptism, he becomes a full member of the church. After this, the person is called a daughter or son of God. For this reason, boys are brought into the altar, because only clergy can enter there, and girls in church kiss icons, which are usually not kissed. All this gives special significance to the full rights of a person in the temple. This explains that a child can be baptized at home, but it is best to do this in a church, since that is where it has the fullest meaning.

Who can be godparents?

Only Christians should be the child's godparents. The following cannot be godfathers: non-believers, non-believers and unbaptized people. Also, members of various religious organizations, sects, or sinners cannot become godparents for a child. The norms of Church Law state that the following cannot become godparents: monks and nuns, mentally ill people, minors (for the reason that their religious development has not yet been fully formed), parents for their own children, people who are married to each other in marriage, the bride and groom (since married life between people who are spiritually related is unacceptable). Usually two godparents are chosen, but in some cases there can be one godparent, for a boy - godfather, for a girl - godmother. This absolutely does not contradict the canons. When choosing godparents for your baby, you need to pay attention to how good advisors and spiritual mentors they will be for the child.

Before baptizing a child, godparents must confess so that they can begin the sacrament with a clear conscience. Godparents have a very great responsibility, responsibility for spiritual education child, they must teach the child the basics of faith, take care of him in difficult times, support him, and suggest something. Regarding material support, this is the concern of the parents. Godparents can give gifts to the child, but it will be best if these gifts have a religious content.

Are there any requirements for the clothing of those present during a baptism?

There are no special requirements, but still, everyone present, when choosing their outfit, must understand what the essence of baptism is. You need to dress in a Christian manner. After all, in church you shouldn’t attract attention to yourself; it’s better, of course, to focus on the purpose of your coming here, to pray. As for women, they must definitely remember about scarves or headscarves, the best option the clothing will be a long skirt.

What are the requirements for the naming process?

Before baptism, the child is always given a name. The name must be Christian. The child's name is given by the parents, after which the name is registered on the birth certificate. The church has no right to influence a name change. The baby can also be given a second name - a church name, it may differ from the name that is registered on the birth certificate. Church names are used in church ceremonies, and registered names in ordinary life. Church name the child corresponds to the name of the saint who has the closest name given at birth.

Why is the mother prohibited from attending the ceremony?

This requirement is not observed in all temples. Traditionally, both parents are allowed to be present at the baptism, especially if the child is still young, because the baptismal ceremony is their responsibility. Before the sacrament is performed, the priest reads cleansing prayers.

How is christening celebrated?

After the end of baptism, they celebrate. A ceremonial table is set, which symbolizes a significant event in the family. The most important guests at a christening are the godparents. At the holiday, everyone wishes the child to grow up healthy, successful, and happy; guests present gifts. It is better to give gifts that have spiritual content. At the end of the celebration, the godfathers are the last to leave. Thus ends the celebration.

Nowadays it has become firmly established in everyday life. Almost all parents, regardless of whether they are church-going Christians - parishioners of a particular church, or not, try to baptize their children.
It happens that children are baptized in families that are completely far from church life and Orthodox values. However, most clergy see more advantages than negative aspects in this phenomenon.

Taking holy baptism, a person becomes a full member of the Church, and can participate in other sacraments. The grace of God, received in the sacraments, that is, the special power of God, strengthens a person in the desire for goodness, truth, helps to comprehend not only spiritual truths, but also in the study of secular sciences, contributes to the development of the best human qualities. Grace can heal even serious illnesses.

In favor of the arguments about infant baptism, the outstanding Orthodox missionary, Deacon Andrei Kuraev says the following:

“Yes, the child does not know what the Church is and on what principles it is built. But the Church is not a philosophical circle, not a simple meeting of like-minded people. Church is life in God. Are children separated from God? Are they alien to Christ? Isn’t it absurd to leave children outside of Christ (and baptism is understood by all Christians as the door leading into the Church of Christ) only for the reason that the norms of Roman law do not see signs of “capacity” in them?


Of course, conscious faith and repentance are not required from children; they are baptized according to the faith of their parents and recipients. But even the fact that the parents are unbaptized or unbelievers, or baptized in another Christian denomination, is not an obstacle. If there are believing relatives or close friends who are ready to become godparents and help the child join the church, the child can and should be baptized.

The Church calls on parents to take the Sacrament responsibly and seriously. - not a tribute to fashion or tradition, but a spiritual birth.

If we baptize a baby, his development and upbringing are entirely in our hands - in the hands of his parents and closest relatives. What will be the fate of this little man, largely depends on the values ​​​​instilled in the family.

The task of parents is to do everything so that the seed of divine truth and purity in the child’s soul gives its first sprouts, and does not die in the thorns of everyday, empty worries.

“There was once a baby inside each of us; if he is still alive, if the soul is still full of sensitivity, receptivity,will to good - we will rejoice, ... we will begin to look at the children around us, marvel and rejoice at them, learn from them, because if we are not like children, there is no way for us to the Kingdom of God."(Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh)

At what age is it better to baptize a child? Time and place of baptism

There are no strict rules for baptizing a child in Orthodoxy. Parents have the right to choose at what age it is best to baptize their child. It is believed that a baby can be baptized already forty days after birth, but there are cases that they are baptized earlier. Considering the spiritual importance of the Sacrament, it is better not to delay Baptism. In most cases, children are baptized in the first year of life.

For children under seven years of age, parental consent is required; starting from the age of seven, in order to baptize a child, the child’s consent is required.

From the age of fourteen, parental consent is not required; a teenager can be baptized independently, even if there are no godparents.

Baptism can take place on any day - fasting, ordinary or holiday, but each church has its own schedule of services, so the day and time of baptism must be agreed upon in the church where you want to be baptized. The baptism of a child at home can only be performed under some special circumstances that prevent people from coming to church, for example, in the case of a serious illness of the child.

Choosing a name for a child

In the Russian Orthodox Church it is customary to baptize children with the name of one of the saints who are mentioned in Orthodox Saints(list of names of saints). If the name given by the parents is not in the Saints, then at Baptism the child is given the consonant name of one of God's saints. For example, Dina - Nina, Alina - Alla, Robert - Rodion.

Another way to choose a name for a child is when the birthday coincides with the memory of a saint, then at Baptism the person is given that name. For example,January 25 - Holy Martyr Tatiana, July 18 - Venerable Sergius Radonezh, July 24 - holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, August 1 - Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky.

There are no strict requirements for choosing a name at Baptism; you can baptize a person with any name, choose a name according to the Saints - only the pious Russian tradition.

With the name given at Baptism, a person participates in the Sacraments of the church all his life; it is written in notes of remembrance at the liturgy, at prayer services, etc.


The issue of choosing godparents is extremely important during the Baptism of a child.

Both a teenager over 14 years of age and an adult can have godparents, but in this case the person being baptized himself professes faith and desires to be baptized. When godparents vouch for him, they undertake the obligation to instill faith in their godson, teach the basics of Orthodoxy - talk about what church is, prayer, what it means to “sin.”

Godparents also bear part of the responsibility for the child’s misdeeds. Undoubtedly, in order to teach a little person to believe, pray, and repent of sins, you yourself need to have experience in spiritual life, to be an educated person knowledgeable in these matters. And besides, be a respectable, honest Christian.

Godparents must be believers and take an active part in church life - attend church on Sundays and holidays, participate in the Sacraments, observe fasts.

The participation of godparents in the spiritual education of children should be real, not nominal. They should have the opportunity to regularly meet with the child, communicate, and visit church together. You should not choose a godfather, even if he is a very good, pious person who lives in another city, or for other reasons is not able to see the child.

Godparents can be close and distant relatives- aunt, uncle, sister, grandmother, family friends. There are several categories of people who, according to the canons of the church, cannot be recipients.

These are monks and nuns, parents for their own children; spouses cannot baptize one child together, since with spiritual kinship, married life is unacceptable. Non-believers, unbaptized people or baptized in another faith, mentally ill people, minors under 15 years old cannot be godparents.

It is better to take a well-known, reliable person or relative as godparents; it is advisable that he has experience in raising his own children, and be guided, first of all, by how good a mentor he can become for your child. According to church tradition, one godfather is enough, of the same gender as the godson, for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - a godmother. But in the Russian Orthodox Church the tradition of having two godparents has taken root.

What is needed for a child's Baptism? How should you prepare for it?

Some churches hold public conversations, and parents will immediately be invited to attend them, this is necessary, in such classes you can learn a lot of useful things, and also clarify everything practical questions associated with Baptism. Both biological parents and future godparents are invited.

If the parents were not at such conversations, necessary knowledge you need to get it yourself from Orthodox literature, you can talk with a priest, and ask all your questions.

To baptize a child, you need to prepare a baptismal set, which includes: a baptismal cover (a white, new towel or a baptismal diaper for a newborn), a baptismal shirt for a boy or a girl, a pectoral cross and several candles. You will be much calmer on the day of the Sacrament if everything you need is prepared in advance.

Clothes for baptism can be bought in church shops or in ours. You can also sew clothes yourself. The christening shirt should have a simple loose

cut so that the godmother or godfather can easily and quickly dress the baby after the bath. Small children are often capricious, scared and scream during Baptism, so baptismal robe It should be spacious enough and the cut should be comfortable for the baby.

Godparents usually give the godson personalized icon(you can give a measuring icon) it heavenly patron and a pectoral cross.

How is the rite of Baptism of a child carried out?

The rite of Baptism of a child is preceded by the rite of announcement - that is, a special sequence of prayers, chants and sacred rites. First, prayers for banning evil spirits are read, after which the ritual of renouncing Satan is performed - the person being baptized turns his face to the west, the priest asks him questions, and he must consciously answer. Godparents are responsible for infants (up to seven years old).

Then there is a confession of fidelity to Christ (combination with Christ), now facing east, the baptized person (or godparents) again answers the questions of the priest. These recipients must know the questions. The announcement ends with the confession of the Creed - the most important Orthodox prayer, in a condensed form containing the entire Orthodox faith.

The most solemn and majestic part of the service begins - the celebration of Holy Baptism. The priest dresses in white robes - a symbol of the new life brought to earth by Jesus Christ. Three candles are lit on the eastern side of the font, and candles are also given to the recipients. The priest stands in front of the font, behind him are the godparents holding children in their arms, older children stand on their own, the godparents are behind them.

The sequence of sacred rites is as follows: first, the water for baptism is consecrated, then the oil is consecrated, the priest anoints the person being baptized with the consecrated oil, and then baptizes him in the font by three times immersion in water with the baptismal prayer. Baptism is the spiritual birth of a person. Immersion in the font symbolizes death, leaving the font symbolizes resurrection. After the third immersion, the priest hands the godson over to the recipient, who wipes him dry with a baptismal towel. Then the baptized person is dressed in white clothes - a baptismal shirt or an elegant baptismal dress for a girl.

The priest puts a pectoral cross on the person being baptized.

This concludes the Baptism of the child.

How is it customary to celebrate christenings?

Usually the child’s parents invite godparents,
relatives and friends to celebrate this event.
But the holiday of Epiphany is not usually celebrated with secular entertainment. In the memory of family and friends, and of course, the baby himself, there should remain a special atmosphere of spiritual joy that always accompanies such a wonderful event as the baptism of a child. After all, Baptism is a great and unique Sacrament.

The baptism of a child is a solemn event after the birth of a baby in the family. It introduces a person to communication with God, to union with the Lord. Not everyone has an idea about this sacrament. Therefore, we will try to tell you more about it.

When can a baby be baptized?

The question that concerns any parents is how early can a child be baptized? “This can be done from the first days of the baby’s birth, especially if there is a threat to his life.

If everything is fine with the baby, they usually wait forty days. Why? This time is given to the mother of the newborn for cleansing. For 40 days the church considers her “unclean.” After the expiration of the term, the mother can be present during the ritual of joining the church. And the baby will become stronger to perform the sacrament of Baptism.

At what age can you be baptized? You can come to the Lord at any age. It is believed that at Baptism a person receives his Guardian Angel, who does not leave him even after death.

Video: What you need to know before baptizing a child

Why is it better to be baptized in infancy?

Many people prefer to baptize later, at one or two years old. But we must remember that what older child, the more difficult it is for him to withstand the ritual, because it lasts about an hour. Infant sleeps peacefully in his godfather's arms, but when he grows up, he gets tired and begins to be capricious. It is also more difficult to immerse it in the font.

What days to baptize

Are there days when Baptism is prohibited? There are no restrictions, but different churches have their own schedule of services. Therefore, it is advisable to check the date of Baptism in your church.

Choosing a godfather

Godparents must be chosen for the person being baptized.

  • Church rules say that a child needs a successor of the same sex.
  • A godmother is required for a girl; a godfather is required for a boy.
  • If the baby has both recipients, as is popular among the people, this is also allowed.
  • The choice of godparents must be approached seriously; they are entrusted with the spiritual education of the godson in the Orthodox faith.
  • The person who becomes the child’s adopter must be human Orthodox faith, relative, close acquaintance or family friend.
  • A husband and wife or a couple planning to get married, people with a sick psyche, sectarians, people who are sinners from the point of view of the church (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.) cannot baptize the same child.

What is needed for the baptism ceremony

For baptism you need to buy:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  1. Christening shirt (the godmother buys it).
  2. Pectoral cross with chain (bought by the godfather).
  3. You also need to have a baptismal towel and diaper with you.

How much and why to pay

Before performing the ceremony, you need to pay a donation for baptism. This amount is different in each city. The Lord commanded not to take money for Baptism. But donation for the ritual is one of important parts profit of the temple, which allows you to pay the costs of lighting, heating, repairs and maintenance of the temple, the work of the priest, who, according to custom, has a large family.

If a person does not have money to pay, he cannot be denied the sacrament of Baptism. If you refuse, you must contact the dean (this is the clergyman who oversees order in the parish).

How does the baptism ceremony take place?

Is it possible to take photographs in the church?

Many churches now allow taking photos or videos of the ceremony. But you need to find out this in advance, since some priests are categorically against filming. After all, Baptism is first and foremost a sacrament.

Video: The Sacrament of Baptism. Rules

What to do with baptismal items

The baptismal shirt, diaper and towel are kept in the family of the baptized person. These things cannot be washed, because they contain particles of the holy world. If the baby is sick, they put a baptismal shirt on him and pray for his recovery. The diaper (or kryzhma) has the miraculous property of healing a baby from illnesses. If your child is teething painfully, you can pray and cover him with a diaper or towel.

Celebration of christening

After the baptism ceremony is completed, it is customary to celebrate joyful event. I would like to remind you that the baptism ceremony itself pays and covers festive table godfather. At christenings, godparents and guests bring gifts.

What can you give to someone who has been baptized?

Traditionally they give:

Set: silver spoon and mug
  • silver spoon
  • silver mug,
  • toys,
  • elegant clothes,
  • photo album,
  • gold or silver jewelry,
  • money.

Through the sacrament of Baptism, a person joins God, is born spiritually, and acquires an inextricable connection with the Heavenly Father. Therefore, it is so necessary to baptize your baby as early as possible. If parents have additional problems, there is no need to seek information from strangers. Contact the priest, and he will listen to you carefully and answer your questions.

For Orthodox believers, Baptism is not easy important event or a beautiful church rite, but a special Sacrament, during which the spiritual birth of a person occurs. Therefore, a woman should not rush to accept the invitation to become a godmother, she should make this choice consciously. After all, being a successor is not only a great honor, but also a huge responsibility.

The rite of baptism of a child does not have a specific set of rules for godmother, however, every woman preparing to baptize a baby should observe some common truths and unspoken provisions. This will prevent you from unintentionally harming the baby.

General rules for baptizing a child for the godmother

In order for this ceremony to be carried out in compliance with all the rules, the godmother should begin preparing for the Sacrament of baptism in advance. As a believer, it should not be difficult for her to confess and receive communion. It will also not be amiss to fast before performing the ritual. However, these provisions are not mandatory. For godparents, it is of great importance to first attend an interview with the priest of the temple where the ceremony will be performed. This is an excellent opportunity for the godmother to learn more about the rules of the Sacrament of child baptism and familiarize yourself with the list of items that will be needed to perform the ceremony.

According to custom, the godmother must prepare and bring the child into the house for the sacrament of baptism. But if she is currently experiencing financial difficulties, the godfather can perform these duties for her. The foster mother must be able to cope with babies, because in many cases she has to dry the baby and dress her after the bath. Today the church is more loyal to many things, however, during the Sacrament of Baptism of the Cross, one should still not ignore the requirements that have been presented to it from time immemorial:

  1. Wear a cross on your neck, consecrated by the church.
  2. Be sure to cover your head with a scarf.
  3. For clothing, wear a dress that is below the knees and also covers your shoulders.
  4. Avoid high heels and too flashy makeup, and completely stop using lipstick.

Differences in the rules for baptizing a child for the godmother of a girl and a boy

The role of the godmother is especially important if she baptizes the baby. Usually the godfather does not have much influence on the goddaughter and the baptism ceremony can be performed even in his absence. According to the rules for baptism of a child, the girl’s godmother is obliged to hold the baby in her arms throughout the entire Sacrament, and also receive it after immersion in the font. The godfather simply stands nearby and takes part only when it is necessary to help dry the baby and put on her christening suit. In addition, the godmother will have to say some prayers out loud, so it would be a good idea to find out their names during preliminary conversations with the priest and memorize them in advance.

The corresponding rules for baptizing a child for a boy's godmother are exactly the opposite. In this case, the recipient simply observes the Sacrament, and all of the above functions are performed by the godfather. Otherwise, the rules for baptizing a child for a boy’s godmother are no different from those for a girl’s godmother.

Godparents must remember that the rules established by the priest for performing the Sacrament of baptism must be observed unquestioningly. Otherwise, this may negatively affect the future fate of the godson or goddaughter.

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