Mantras - what is it? And what are they for? The magical power of the mantra.

What are mantras, what are they for, how do they work, where did they come from and is there any benefit from mantras? These are the main questions of those who are just starting to get acquainted with Sanskrit prayers, incomprehensible in content and pronunciation, and effective in action. The effect of mantras has been proven, the main thing is to know how to use them correctly, because mantras are special syllables, words and texts that require exact reproduction, 100% corresponding to the original.

How the mantra works

Before you can understand how to use mantras, you must learn how they work. Only in this way will the practice of reading become conscious and correct. For example, turn on the radio station during continuous scrolling of different songs, without the text of the presenters. The music will flow in an endless stream. A mantra should also flow, establishing contact between the spiritual beginning of a person and his brain, tuning to the inner wave, and it to the wave of the Universe.

A mantra is a kind of tuning fork; through sound, a certain vibration is born in the mind and body, which helps to calm thoughts, realize spiritual potential, and cognize the true nature.

The sound has a strong power. Many spiritual traditions consider sound to be the primary form of being, the initial manifestation of the Spirit at the level of matter. In the Vedas, it has a statement that “Om” (“AUM”) is the first, basic sound; generating and containing all other sounds, personifying the highest, spiritual principle of the Universe itself.

The sound "Om" along with other mantras was born during the meditations of the sages in antiquity. It was in a state of complete nirvana that they learned the truth, having heard it and passing it on to future generations. These truths are contained in mantras, which can not only spiritualize and improve everything around, but also fulfill desires, attract good luck, and get rid of diseases. Isn't this magic?

From the history…

The generally accepted opinion says that the first Sanskrit mantras were recorded in the Rigveda - this is the oldest collection of sacred hymns of Hinduism, containing a large number of shlokas. The Rig Veda dates back to the 12th century BC. But if we consider that mantras are part of the oral heritage, then we can safely say that they are even older and were used long before the indicated time.

Spiritual seekers of antiquity, driven by the desire to achieve union with the Divine in order to get rid of suffering, developed certain sounds and their sequences, which, when mentally pronounced, turned the gaze inward and calmed the mind. Inner silence made it possible to comprehend the more subtle aspects of being, which go beyond the ordinary vision of the real world, allowing you to find unity with the Absolute - the eternal source of life and incredible peace.

Comparison of words in Russian and Sanskrit

In India, Sanskrit is still considered a sacred language. This is the language of the gods, connecting mere mortals with their higher self. The strength of the mantra directly depends on its pronunciation, which must be correct. Careless pronunciation of sounds will not lead to the achievement of the goal and results, you will just waste your time.

Few people speak Sanskrit today, and the best way to hear the correct sound of a mantra is to find it in audio format and not just listen, but learn it by heart. It is better to read these prayers not from a sheet, but from memory, so their strength increases, because at the moment of reading you do not concentrate on a sheet of paper with text, letting your thoughts wander through your own subconscious.

The recitation of mantras is called "japa", which means "muttering" or "whispering". Prayers are indeed not read at the top of their voices, but are muttered or whispered. What is the origin of sound? From a transcendent, "silent" source, which is called the "highest sound" or "highest voice." Each sound has a modicum of creative power, but it is most powerful in mantras, as they are formulas for combining strong sounds, syllables and words.

Guide to action

Meditation is directly related to the concentration of the mind. You won't be able to concentrate if your body feels uncomfortable or your breathing is uneven. Before you begin meditation, you should practice asanas or pranayama, which relax and energize, even out breathing, and get rid of exciting thoughts.

Decide in advance how long the meditation will be. For beginners, fifteen minutes is enough. The effectiveness of meditation is achieved through regular practice.

It’s better to start with short procedures, but regular ones, you don’t have to immediately arrange “meditative marathons” - they will discourage you from any desire to meditate at all.

For meditation, you need to sit comfortably on a chair or floor, placing a pillow or blanket under the base of the spine. After that, you should choose a position of the body in which the natural curves of the spine will be preserved and in which it will be most convenient for you to sit still for a long period of time. Having taken a position, you need to close your eyes, take a couple of slow deep breaths and exhalations, after which you completely cease to control your breathing.

The mantra should be repeated slowly, in one rhythm, without speeding up or slowing down, while concentrating only on its sound. Practice should be synchronized with natural breathing. For example, recite the first half of the mantra as you inhale and the second half as you exhale. Choose short mantras! You don’t have to immediately read a long prayer, you will stray, and as a result you will not get anything, even pleasure from your own work.

Mantras are widespread in modern society. The miraculous power of repeatedly repeated sounds creates magic. What is a mantra, what words does it consist of, and why does it have a beneficial effect on the practitioner? Let's consider these questions in the article.

What it is?

Translated from Sanskrit, an ancient language, mantra means reasoning or saying. Literally, the word "mantra" can be translated as follows:

  • man - mind, think, meditate;
  • tra - protect, protect, liberate.

It is a magical syllable, word or poem using the names of the deity. The repetition of the mantra with the name of the deity frees the human mind from the captivity of evil inclinations and leads to the levels of spirituality. The utterance of the mantra changes the practitioner's consciousness and makes it possible to get in touch with the divine principle - the absolute. The sacred Pingala Tantra says:

Mantra is a word with cosmic power that reveals the inner potential of a person and spiritualizes his thoughts. A mantra is a special energy contained in a sound vibration that affects the human consciousness. Despite the fact that the meaning of many combinations of sounds cannot be translated, the pronunciation of sacred words contains a huge spiritual potential. This spiritual energy produces invisible changes in the mind of the practitioner, opens up unprecedented horizons and expands the perception of the world.

Combinations of sound combinations of sacred words contain various manifestations of cosmic energies. The information contained in the words of the mantra contains a certain code that is comprehended by the practitioner's subconscious during the pronunciation of the mantra. The more times a person repeats the sacred words, the more he receives cosmic spiritual energy and the closer he becomes to the transcendental.

The meaning of the main words of the mantras is as follows:

Mantra action

What are mantras and how do they affect a person? The impact of the sacred text on a person depends on the way of pronunciation:

  1. aloud;
  2. in a whisper;
  3. About myself.

Loud pronunciation of sounds affects the physical body, pronunciation in a whisper affects the energy of a person, and the repetition of a mantra in the mind appeals to the human psyche and his soul.

loud pronunciation

At the very beginning of the practice, it is recommended to say the mantras out loud. A person hears his voice, is aware of his actions and disciplines his mind. The beginner is always disturbed by extraneous sounds, and the loud pronunciation of words will tune in to work with the sacred text.

Mantras should be pronounced in a special way - on the exhale. You can’t take a breath in the middle of a word - this disrupts the flow of the energy of sounds. Deep breathing during practice calms the mind and feelings, activates the spiritual potential of a person.

During pronunciation, one should achieve vibration in the body so that every cell of the body responds to the sound. This practice has a powerful effect on the body and frees the cells from the destructive programs of the disease, cleanses them.

The esoteric understanding of the world consists in the spiritualization of all living things, therefore, each cell of the human body is considered an independent living organism. The impact of sacred sounds on her helps to get rid of the negative. Cells are able to hear, comprehend and record information - this is the basis of the beneficial effect of mantras on the body. For example, it carries a program that stops any destructive processes in cells - and negative information is erased.

whispering the mantra

After successfully mastering the loud recitation of the mantra, you can move on to the practice of whispering. In this case, the vibration of sacred sounds will affect the human energy field - chakras and channels. Whispering practice aligns the human energy field, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on the physical body.

Chakras are the nodes of connection of a person's personal energy with cosmic energies. They transform "foreign" energy into "their own", being a kind of "adapters". Disruption of the chakra column leads to a lack or excess of energy, which leads to various diseases.

For example, an excess of energy forms inflammatory processes, and a lack of energy leads to a decrease in the functionality of organs. The impact of sound vibrations on the chakras stabilizes the energy picture, which leads to the improvement of the human body.

Chanting the mantra in the mind

The most difficult is the mental utterance of mantras. This practice requires the ability to completely free the mind from extraneous thoughts. This is not possible for everyone and not immediately, the skill comes with practice. Mantras for meditation are practiced by mental repetition. A person concentrates on the inner sound of words, entering a meditative state.

The inner sound of sacred words has an impact on the mind, clearing it of destructive thoughts, stereotypes and blocks. This is a very powerful practice that works with the causes of all diseases and problems - wrong thoughts. It is wrong thinking that brings trouble to a person. What is a mantra and how does it work? One can be convinced of the effectiveness of sacred sounds in practice.

To get rid of certain negativity in your life, such as fear, you need to do the following:

  • choose a mantra that purifies the mind;
  • repeat the mantra 12 times;
  • then say a word that gives you an image of fear;
  • repeat the mantra 12 times.

Practice this exercise until the fear leaves your mind. Dealing with fear can take a few days or a few months - it all depends on your perception. However, there will come a moment when you realize that fear no longer exists.

Mantra practice

We learned that a mantra is a combination of sounds that affects the three levels of a human being - physical, energetic and mental. How to practice mantras correctly, what is the algorithm for working with sacred sounds?

The rules for working with formulas are as follows:

  • you can repeat words any number of times, a multiple of three;
  • to count the number of spoken words, you need to use a rosary with beads;
  • it is not recommended to practice several mantras at the same time - choose one or two to solve your problem;
  • to tune into a meditative state, use the aromas of incense - aroma sticks;
  • animals or other people should not be in the practice room - extraneous sounds will be distracting;
  • before saying the mantra, say out loud your goal - health, well-being or success;
  • practice the mantras while sitting with a straight spine - ideally in a lotus or half lotus position.

Over time, you will begin to practice reciting mantras anywhere, and nothing can distract you. However, to get started, stick to the above recommendations. You can also simply include mantras in recordings and listen at any time - this also has a beneficial effect. Some people like to fall asleep to the mantras, especially for people who suffer from nervous insomnia.

When you master the basics of mantra practice, you will be able to choose the most suitable way for yourself to work with sacred sounds. You can pronounce the words any number of times, however, the most effective number of pronunciation remains the number 108. In Hinduism, it is considered sacred: one means the highest energy of the absolute, zero means perfection, eight means infinity.

M antra (Skt. मन्त्र) has three interpretations of the literal translation:

  • "a tool for the implementation of a mental act";
  • "liberation of the mind";
  • "verse", "spell", "magic";

It is a sacred text, word or syllable, the distinguishing feature of which is the requirement for accurate sound reproduction.

For people practicing yoga, meditation, pranayama, this is a way of calming and relaxing through sound vibrations. There is an opinion that they help a person to fulfill his desires, heal from diseases, find love and various earthly blessings.

For every goal and desire, there is a mantra:

Bija mantra. Also known as "seed mantras". They are a kind of prayers that have one or more sounds / syllables in their composition. As the masters say, the bija mantras are more powerful than all the others, because they contain the energy, the spiritual power of one or another Creator. It is for this reason that very often syllables from the bija of the mantra are added to them in order to strengthen the power of other mantras;

Mantras originate in ancient times. This is not just a prayer or a mystical syllable, this is real power, which is embodied in sound form, a powerful energy of movement. Proper use of mantras, backed up by sincere desire and faith, helps a person to start a new life, move to a new level of development, bring desires to life, and get rid of many troubles.

Regular reading of mantras (words, verses, syllables) influences the human consciousness and subconsciousness, so a person develops and improves spiritually. Numerous studies have shown that it is not at all necessary to repeat and read mantras yourself, you can listen to them or simply meditate on them - over time this will certainly give noticeable, positive results. It is not necessary to read mantras for hours, you can devote only ten to fifteen minutes a day to this lesson, but it should be every day. Here the main principle is regularity.

Start listening to the best mantras, and after a short time, changes in your inner world will become noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

What do mantras do

If you try to formulate a simple answer to the question " what do mantras do?", then this answer will be: "relax, soothe and transform." In the process of meditation or simply secluded and taking a comfortable position, repeat the same sound many times, as if singing it. At this point, the brain involuntarily concentrates only on the reproduction of this sound. So, all extraneous thoughts, worries, anxieties leave the head, only this sound remains.

The benefits of mantras are undeniable. In stressful situations or when mental tension goes off scale, you just need to relax and change the type of activity. However, modern people do not know how to rest and relax. They naively believe that sitting at the computer or spending time in unbridled fun with noisy friends and alcohol, they will be able to give the brain and mind a chance to find peace. Naturally, such a rest is doubtful and will not give the desired results. Mantras, on the other hand, completely relax the body, let go of unnecessary thoughts, and you can read or listen to them both in absolute silence and with relaxing, quiet music.

It is worth noting that it is important to choose a mantra according to the type of your character, mood, desires, and so on. Since mantras are invocations to Gods, which, it must be said, like people, have their own character, two different people with opposite or different types of characters need to choose different mantras, even if these people have the same goals.

What are mantras for?

Since one of the translations of the term "mantra" is "liberation of the mind", this is exactly what a mantra is for. And the result of the liberation of the mind is spiritual growth and purification of the body. Scientists have long proved that all diseases of mankind are from nerves, negative thoughts, feelings and their creations. A person passes through himself all the negative moments of his life, cultivates in himself and carries all the negativity inside for years, unable to throw off this heavy burden from his soul.

The regular and correct pronunciation of the mantra in Sanskrit will help get rid of not only the consequences of recent stressful situations, but also the consequences of long-standing / karmic situations that seem to be firmly seated inside a person’s consciousness and gradually poison his life and life. That's what mantras are for.

This can be achieved through sound vibrations, and for this it is important to learn the correct pronunciation of syllables, words and whole sentences of the mantra.

Try to start with the sound "Om" - this is the simplest and most ancient sound. Say it as you exhale. This mantra, like any other, should be practiced by a person on an empty stomach, either on an empty stomach, or two and a half to three hours after eating. Naturally, with full awareness of it.

However, the work of mantras also consists in changing the oxygen and carbon ratios in the human body. To pronounce the sound correctly, you will have to master a special breathing technique, such a breathing practice will contribute to the effect on the brain and body, which is extremely positive.

How to use mantras

First of all, you need to understand how mantras work. Only after full awareness, the reading of the mantra will become correct and give a result. Perhaps you should try to find a teacher who will guide you, tell you how to use the mantras.

The work of the mantra is comparable only to the musical sound, which is not accompanied by a voice. It is this musical sound that becomes the link between the human mind and soul.

The mantra is a kind of tuning fork (reference sound). With the help of this sound, which appeared in the soul and brain of a person, a vibration is created, which contributes to the healing of the spirit and the achievement of harmony within oneself.

As a summary, several general rules for reciting the mantra should be noted. Firstly, do not try to learn all the mantras at once, but when you start studying one, do not immediately jump to another until you have perfected the first one. Second, choose "your" mantra. Thirdly, they will help you when reading the mantra, because you need to read it at least 108 times. Such a rosary has small beads in the amount of 108 pieces and one large one, so that you can understand that the circle is over.

Mantras are sacred words, one might say "hymns" in Buddhism and Hinduism. Mantras in translation from Sanskrit mean - an instrument of thought, a means of transmitting thoughts. mantras, when they are pronounced, require an accurate reproduction of the sounds of which they are composed. Each sound, word, syllable in mantras has a deep sacred meaning. That is why correct pronunciation is so important. mantras - an appeal to the gods of Hinduism, the praise of natural phenomena (such as mantras to the rising sun).

But mostly mantras are used to address the gods. But mantras differ from prayers in that, while pronouncing them, a person tries, as it were, to identify himself with that god, with his hypostasis, which is indicated in the mantra. And after identification, a person receives the necessary qualities or changes in life that he wanted to receive by reading mantras.

Mantras tune a person to a certain state, and as a result, his life begins to change. There are healing mantras, mantras of wealth, prosperity, good luck, success, mantras of love, mantras of knowledge, enlightenment, etc.

Also, mantras differ from ordinary prayers in that they consist almost exclusively of the names of deities. Therefore, when pronouncing them, a person tunes in to the energy of a particular deity, merging with him.
Most often, mantras are read during meditation. The most significant number of repetitions of mantras will be the number 108. The most active "mantricists" read mantras a thousand times or more. But in principle, it will be enough to read the mantras by any multiple of 9. To make the process of reading mantras more clear, disciplined, a rosary made of sandalwood or rudraksha, as well as other tree species, is used. These rosaries are called "mala". The rosary contains 108 beads, and one large bead - "Meru". You need to read the beads, starting from the “measure”, and move on - one mat per bead. Having reached the “measure”, turn the rosary, and start again, going “back”. You can’t go over the “measure”, because. it is believed that the rotation of the rosary will be the rotation of the "wheel of samsara", and this is what Buddhism and Hinduism try to avoid - to get rid of samsara.
When pronouncing, mantras should cause a vibration effect in the human body - each sound of the mantra enters into resonance with the internal organs, cells, causing a favorable effect. Mantras are usually not spoken, but sung. at the same time, the state should be joyful, pleasant, sublime.
Below are examples of mantras for different occasions.
1) mantras are universal.
a) OM - TRIYAMBAKAM - YAJAMAHE - SUGANDHIM - PUSHTHI - VARDHANAM - URVARUKAMIVA - BANDHANAN - MRITIYOR - MUKSHIYA - MAMRITAT (mantra for health, protection from accidents, diseases. gives a joyful mood, love, happiness, improves existing relationships, helps to meet one’s own love)
b) OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA (mantra to God Ganesha. Gives good luck in business, prosperity in everything, purity of thoughts and intentions)
c) OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH (a mantra for unity with God. It cleanses from all the negatives in your life path. Calls for guardian angels to protect, protects from enemies)
d) OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVE VIGHNA RAYE SARVAYE SARVE GURAVE LAMBA DARAYA HRM GAM NAMAH (mantra for gaining great wealth, and also brings joy, love and happiness)
2) mantras for wealth:
a) AUM MAHALAKSMYAY VIDMAHE VISHNUPRIYAYAY DHIMAHI TANNO LAKSHMI PRACHODAYAT (Mantra to Goddess Lakshmi. Bestows luxury, good position in society, promotion, wealth).
b) OM DRAM DREAM DRAUM SAH SHUKRAYE NAMAH (a mantra that helps to increase material wealth, as well as the acquisition of spiritual wealth)
c) OM - Hrim - Kshim - Shrim - Shri - Lakshmi - Nrisinhaye - Namah (a mantra that brings success, prosperity and prosperity)
d) OM - RINJAYA - CHAMUNDE - DHUBHIRAMA - RAMBHA - TARUVARA - CHADI - JADI - JAYA - YAHA - DEKHATA - AMUKA - KE - SABA - ROGA - PARAYA - OM - SHLIM - HUM - PHATA - SVAHA - AMUKI - RAJODOSHA - NASHAYA ( this mantra includes the names of all the gods of wealth.Therefore, the mantra will help you get rich, grant prosperity and well-being)
3) mantras that help in love affairs:
a) AUM JALAVIMVAYA VIDMAHE NILA-PURUSHAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VARUNAH PRACHODAYAT (this mantra will help strengthen feelings between a man and a woman, strengthen relationships)
b) OM SHRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VALABHAYA NAMAH (mantra for those who want to find their soul mate, find love)
c) OM-SHRI - KRISHNAYA - NAMAH (a manta dedicated to Krishna. Gives love to everything that exists, allows you to feel the universal all-pervading love)
d) OM KLIM KAMA DEHI SVAHA OM MITRAYA OM MITRAYA AHAM PREYMA AHAM PREYMA (a mantra that enhances love and passion in a relationship)
4) mantras for health:
c) OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA (a mantra with a very strong healing effect. When you read it, imagine how the disease disappears, dissolves and leaves)
5) mantras are protective and have a cleansing effect:
a) AUM APAVITRO PAVITRO VA SARVAVASTHAN GATOPIVA YA ISMARED PUNDARIKAKSHO SA VAHIYA ABYANTAR SUCHIH AUM (this mantra cleanses the field of your life very well. Everything negative becomes positive, cleared)
b) GATE - GATE - PORO - GATE - PORO - SOM - GATE - BODHI - SVAHA (very strong protective mantra)


maha mantra – Great Mantra

macha - Great.

Mantra - Freeing the mind.

Transcendental vibration resulting from repetition mantras:

hare krishna hare krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Word Hara is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord,

a Krishna and Frame- forms of address to the Lord himself.

And Krishna and Frame, both names mean "supreme pleasure",

a Hara is the supreme energy of the pleasure of the Lord, in the vocative case taking the form Hare. The supreme pleasure potency of the Lord helps us attain Him.

This is the sublime method of reviving our transcendental consciousness. As living eternal souls, we are all primordially conscious krishna beings, but now our consciousness is polluted by the material atmosphere, because from time immemorial we have been in contact with matter. The material atmosphere in which we now live is called maya, that is, an illusion. Word Mayan means "that which is not".

- (Sanskrit verse, spell) in the ancient Indian religious tradition, a magical verbal formula for communicating with the gods, privately broadcast from teacher to student. It was assumed that there was a special supernatural connection between a particular M. and ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 spell (14) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Mantra- (Mantras) A form of speech that has a significant effect on the mind, the emotions of the body, and even on external objects. The idea that certain words and phrases can be similarly effective is based on the belief that any movement is accompanied by ... ... Yoga Dictionary

- (from the root man to imagine, to believe + the instrumental suffix tra, i.e., the instrument for the implementation of a mental act) a purely unusual text, pronouncing a horn, and often uttering in an undertone or almost silent muttering many thousands of times ... ... Hindu Dictionary

MANTRA- (Sanskrit verse, spell) originally a phrase or sound (combination of sounds) from the texts of the Vedas, which has a sacred cleansing or inspiring effect. Subsequently, the Hindu and Buddhist traditions began to consider M. any phrases and ... ... Modern Philosophical Dictionary

The sounding form of a deity corresponding to its name or aspect. These are cosmic, creative vibrations; spoken word; initial sound; domineering word; a name or syllable that has power. Japa is, as it were, a repetition of this appeal to ... ... Symbol Dictionary

- (also Mantram) literally: means of thinking. Speech, sacred text, prayer or hymn of supplication; a Vedic hymn or formula addressed to a personal deity or faceless spirit. It should be pronounced clearly, in the appropriate rhythm, in the proper tone ... Dictionary of Eastern terms

Hindu prayer formula or spell. Different sects have different M. Usually they consist of the name of some deity and a short appeal to him and are divided into different categories: invocations, evocations, harmful, beneficial, etc ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

G. Sacred syllable, word or phrase, the repeated pronunciation of which has a huge spiritual and energy impact on a person's consciousness (in Buddhism). Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

In Buddhism and Hinduism, a magical verbal or, less commonly, musical formula to promote the invocation of the gods or concentration and meditation. Source: Religious Dictionary... Religious terms


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