How to make a schreiber for an oven. Locksmith tool scraper - fine work on metal! The nuances and techniques of scraping

The metalwork tool scraper is used to process rubbing surfaces with low roughness to obtain the exact shape and size and ensure maximum fit and tightness of the connection. As a rule, small chips are cut off with a scraper on a surface that has been previously processed by other cutting tools.


Scraping is a rather laborious process, which in some cases requires jewelry precision. In practice, metalwork for metal, in which a scraper is used, is about 25 percent of the total. That is why at the present stage there is an active mechanization of work and more and more often machines or electric tools are used.

The scraper consists of replaceable plates in the working part, a metal body, a special screw and a handle. The trihedral scraper can be solid or composite (equipped with carbide steel plates). At the same time, the tools differ from each other in the shape of the edge, which can be flat (made in the form of a straight plate with a straight or curved end), trihedral or shaped (under the shape of the workpiece). The cutting edges of the scraper are single-sided or double-sided, they are chosen depending on the complexity of the work and the material of the working surface of the part.

The scraper is made of carbon steel of various grades and strengths (U10, U12, U12a) or from the corresponding grades. Its length can vary between 190-550 millimeters, and the width depends on the method of scraping (from 5 to 75 millimeters). The triangular scraper is mainly used for machining cylindrical surfaces, while the carbide-tipped scraper is mainly used for machining heavy metals. Shaped scrapers are used primarily for closed contours, grooves and other hard-to-reach surfaces.

Carbon Steel Locksmith

There are also disc scrapers, in which the cutting part is made in the form of a hardened steel disc with a nut fixed to the body, which saves time when sharpening, since the entire surface of the disc can be used consistently and evenly. An even more effective manual option is a hex insert tool, as each edge can be universally sharpened to work on a variety of metal surfaces. The set of plates for such a scraper is made of solid steel, and the replacement process does not take much time.

It should be understood that composite scrapers are lighter in weight and more convenient to use due to the fact that they spring back during scraping, and this allows you to increase the accuracy of the process.

As for the GOST standards, they are not provided for scraping and scraping. There are certain types of scrapers, which are considered to be universal, and in other cases, tool plates and its components are made by special order for a specific type of scraping work and the needs of workers in production.


Before choosing a set of scrapers for metal, composite, electric or conventional, it is necessary to determine the degree of complexity of the work. First of all, the surface should be inspected for the need for more rough processing, such as milling or planing. If sharp edges are found along the edges of the metal, they must first be cleaned with a file, after which the gap level can be measured, this can be done using a ruler, bar. The surface is ready for scraping if the gap does not exceed 0.05 mm.

Before starting work, the surface is laid on a test locksmith's plate, on which a thin layer of scraper paint is applied. Paint can be made from different materials, but a combination of engine oil with soot or blue is more common. Further, the surface moves along the plate with uniform, translational movements, after which the places of scraping are determined along the spots of paint that remain on the surface.

Slab scraping

It lasts for several cycles, after each of which the test with a painted plate must be carried out again until the desired result is obtained. The process itself can be rough, precise, fine or finishing (depending on the method of scraping, the tool and the ultimate goal of the work). The trihedral tool itself should be sharpened as correctly as possible, and the length of the cutting edge should be chosen based on the hardness of the metal. The harder it is, the narrower the blade should be.

To work effectively with this tool, it is important to observe the cutting geometry. The standard value for sharpening an angle is 90 degrees, however, in some cases it is recommended to reduce or increase the angle by sharpening, especially when it comes to hard metals. For example, the taper angle for processing cast iron should be within 90-100 degrees, steel - 75-90, and for light metals not higher than 45 degrees.

The trihedral scraper is sharpened on automatic and semi-automatic machines using an emery wheel of various grain sizes (from 30 to 60) and hardness CM1-3, and hard steel plates are sharpened on special grinding wheels using cooling. After sharpening, it is also necessary to dress the blades with abrasive wheels to remove all bumps and burrs that reduce the quality of scraping.


To speed up the process of scraping surfaces, you can use mechanized equipment. An electric scraper consists of an electric motor of a certain power, a gearbox, a shaft, a connecting rod and a special nozzle that can be easily sharpened and changed. A high-quality electric tool can speed up the processing process several times, but the price of a mechanized machine is quite high, so many locksmiths prefer to work "the old fashioned way", especially since a failed file can be used as a flat scraper.

Electrical equipment for scraping

However, an electric scraper can be used not only for processing metal surfaces, with the right approach, it can be made into a universal repair tool that is suitable for grinding or removing an unnecessary layer of paint, plaster from the ceiling or walls. Many models have a set of nozzle plates that can be used when working with plastic, wood, concrete and other surfaces. Unlike other electrical equipment, scrapers are lightweight and have convenient attachments for nozzles of various diameters and shapes.

Metal scrapers are an important and necessary tool in production. With it, a metal product turns into a smooth and well-groomed detail that is pleasant to take in hand.

To bring the product to such a state, special knowledge and skills in scraping are needed. What is scraping? This word refers to the removal of a thin layer of material. In this way, any roughness that would interfere with the smooth operation of the metal part with the rest of the mechanisms is removed, and ideal smoothness is achieved. Often such processing is used when working with wood, but in this case completely different devices are used.

Scope of scrapers

In any production workshop that directly works with the manufacture of metal parts, and each worker has a metal scraper. With this tool, the surface of the parts is leveled, after which they can fit together without interfering with the operation of the mechanism.

Scrapers are used for the final preparation of products for release. Machine guides, bearings, for the manufacture of verification devices, to give a flat surface - this is a small part where they can be used:

  • Blades of cutting tools.
  • Plain bearings.
  • Details of precision instruments.

The areas of use are endless, as they are versatile and capable of performing other types of work. These include engraving on the surface of soft metals, removal of old coatings, and are used in cosmetology.

Electric, with the right approach, are suitable for removing paint, plaster from the ceiling and walls, polishing, in addition to their main activity.

Manicure - made in the form of a small spatula with a handle. Therefore, a person who does not understand the types will not understand that he is dealing with a scraper. Now let's look at what types of them are in manufacturing plants.

Tool types

There are many types of devices for creating a smooth metal surface, and they are all divided into two main ones:

  • Whole.
  • Composite.

Then they are divided into forms:

  • Simple - consist of a plate.
  • Shaped - have the shape of the part to be processed.
  • Triangular scraper.

The device for working with metal is also divided along the edges. For example, there are two-sided and one-sided. It all depends on how many metal-cutting edges the device has.

In addition to the varieties described above, scrapers differ in other criteria. Today, in hardware stores you can see not only manual ones for removing roughness from metal parts, but pneumatic and electric scrapers for working on metal.

Typically, the surface of such electrical appliances is made of hard carbon steel. Triangular scrapers for metal are used for processing cylindrical and concave surfaces. While flat tools work only with grooves and grooves formed on a metal product.

If the trihedral ones are used to work on wide metal surfaces, then the flat ones are designed for round shapes.

The most durable devices are considered double-sided scrapers. Such a scraper is good because it has two working parts and becomes unusable more slowly.

Now in the store you can buy any set of scrapers. However, if the budget does not allow, you can make a tool at home.

Making at home

At home, you can invent a scraper with your own hands. The main thing is to know a few tricks. For the manufacture of this device, we need the following tools:

  • The rod is square with a size of 15 mm.
  • Plate T5K10.
  • Emery.
  • Vice.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Bolt with washer.

Having prepared these tools, we take the grinder in our hands and saw off thirty centimeters from the rod. This part will serve as a housing for our homemade device. Next, we clamp it in a vice and make a cut. Its depth should be equal to three centimeters. Then we make a groove for the cutting surface one centimeter in size and drill a hole for the bolt that will clamp the structure.

Now the sections must be cleaned with sandpaper and install the plate in the groove. And it remains only to tighten the bolt and the device for removing roughness is ready.

Now let's look at how to make a file scraper.

The width of the device from which the device will be made must be at least ten millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the palm, and the handle should lie comfortably in the hand. Now we proceed to the manufacture of a device for removing roughness on the metal.

We turn the working edge of the part of the future device for working with metal. If you are going to do rough work with it when removing it, then you need to make a straight line, but if it is finished, we turn it into a rounded one.

After that, we sharpen until a notch of 1 centimeter appears. We make the end flat, and the sides are rounded. Now it needs to be fixed in a vise. Sharpened on an abrasive block. It must first be filled with diamond paste.

The main advice during the scraping of metal will be the selection of the right device. Only in this way it is possible to scrape the part perfectly and not ruin the scraper. Many professional workers in this field have entire sets of such tools. However, if you are a regular hobbyist, then you can buy a universal tool that allows you to change the plates for each part.

Never undertake to clean metal that has serious defects over a large area. Such a part is subjected to rough processing on a milling cutter. It is necessary to cover with a small layer of paint to determine the places from which to start scraping the metal. It is necessary to paint after each scraping cycle.

Scraper. Are you familiar with this word? Most of us may have heard it for the first time. But did you know that this word simultaneously represents tools from different spheres and branches of human activity? Which? Let's find out together.

In contact with

Chaber: what is it?

First of all, let's see how this device is used in plumbing work. So, the scraper in this case is a tool that locksmiths in our time are widely and actively used to finish the surfaces of mechanical parts.

What are the benefits of this building tool? In fact, he plays an important role in such works. It successfully fulfills its main function. It also cleans the metal surface well from existing irregularities. Thus, the surface becomes smooth and comfortable for further work.

The design of the locksmith

The structure looks like this:

  • Lever. The handle can be both triangular and tetrahedral.
  • Cutting part.

All these necessary devices for performing plumbing work are usually made of tool steel. They have a standard length, namely 20 - 40 cm. But the width of the cutting part directly depends on the type of work performed. Also, the type of work affects what type of sharpening angle will be used by specialists. For example, when finishing operations, it is customary to use a sharpening of 90 degrees. But, for roughing, it is better to arm yourself with a device with a sharpening of 75 degrees.

Often the angle of sharpening of the edge is measured taking into account its axis.

Areas of use

Such locksmith devices are now successfully used for various metal structures. In most cases they are used for:

  • Blades of cutting tools. A sharpener is suitable for blades.
  • Manufacture of machine parts and parts of high-precision instruments.
  • Manufacture of a wide variety of measuring instruments.
  • Production of plain bearing elements.
  • Manufacture of special devices that carry out control operations.

For the mentioned works, experienced specialists use different types of devices. Therefore, let's get acquainted with the existing types of this plumbing tool.

Types of locksmith scrapers

There are several types. They differ from each other in appearance. The differences between them are determined by the following parameters:

  • The shape of the cutting part. According to the shape of the cutting part, the following types are distinguished:
    1. Trihedral.
    2. Flat.
    3. Shaped.

Each shape of the cutting part is used in specific cases and has its own characteristics. So, for example, unlike flat triangular scrapers, shaped scrapers are able to completely repeat the shape of the surface being processed. Therefore, it can be considered more convenient.

As for the necessary advantages, the scraper has a lot of them. The main one is versatility. As shown, it can be used to work with a wide variety of metal surfaces and structures.

What does the chaber look like

However, not only such a metalwork tool is called a scraper. A similar word is often found in other areas. For example, in manicure.

Scraper for manicure

As you know, it is thanks to a good manicure and subsequent care that it is possible to maintain your nails in good condition. Some people are able to perform such procedures on their own. Others prefer to seek help in special salons. But regardless of where, how and by whom manicure procedures are carried out, it is necessary to have certain tools with you.

Today special manicure sets are sold. Often such a set consists of the following tools:

Of all the above, the lesser known is the scraper. Let's get to know him better.

What is a scraper in manicure business?

First of all, a manicure scraper, of course, differs from a metalwork tool. Moreover, it differs not only in appearance, but also in the purpose of use. If the metalwork tool is intended for metal and wooden surfaces, then with the help of a manicure scraper, pterygia (thin skin that grows and appears under the nail plate) is removed, and the scraper helps push back the cuticle. Thanks to such procedures, nutrients can sink better and deeper directly into the root. In addition, the removal of the pterygium and cuticle prevents the formation of hangnails. And the hands themselves look pretty beautiful and, no less important, well-groomed.

What is a manicure device made of? Such an important tool in most cases is made of high-alloy stainless medical steel. Outwardly, the scraper looks like a small stick with a metal structure at the end.

Types of manicure tool

There are several types of manicure scrapers. They differ from each other not only in shape, but also in size. Let's pay attention to some well-known parameters in which one type differs from another:

What is the difference between a scraper and a pusher?

Pusher is another tool that is used in manicure. It is often confused with a scraper. It is important to understand that these are two different tools. Since manufacturers often replace one concept with another, it is necessary to understand how they differ. The main difference is in their purpose. The pusher only helps push back the cuticle. The scraper is intended for the final removal of the carousel. The pusher must not be sawn or scraped off. This is a safe tool. Whereas a scraper is not recommended for someone who is poorly versed in manicure.

At the same time, you can't do without a scraper.

Professional locksmiths know perfectly well what a scraper is used for and what it is. Another name for the tool is a pusher. With this useful mechanical tool, metal parts can be given a high level of strength and minimal roughness. In addition, the scraper is used for drawing patterns on surfaces and processing edges.

Fixture Specifications

The very term "scraping" appeared in our country from Germany. In translation, it means "scrape", which is fully consistent with the essence of the operation. With this treatment, all kinds of defects are scraped off the metal surface, which allows it to be made very smooth.

The scrapers used for this procedure are made of tool steel alloys. Their design includes a cutting element and a handle, which can have a three- or four-sided shape. To give high hardness to the working element of the pusher, it is subjected to a special heat treatment.

In most cases, the instruments have a standard length of twenty to forty centimeters. The width of the cutting element depends on the type of processing and the task at hand. For example, black scraping of production with a tool with a width of the working part from 15 to 30. The finishing procedure assumes a width of 15 to 20 millimeters.

It also depends on the type of scraping. tool tip sharpening angle. Experienced locksmiths recommend using the following angles:

  • from 90 to 100 degrees - for finishing operations;
  • 90 degrees - for finishing (scraping);
  • from 75 to 90 - for black scraping.

It should also be remembered that the sharpening angle must be measured relative to the axis of the tool.

The geometric characteristics of the scraper are not determined by GOSTs, although some inexperienced craftsmen are trying to find such information in the standard 1465-80, which does not apply to scrapers at all, as it regulates the parameters of files.

Locksmiths are currently using different types of scrapers which have a lot of differences from each other. Depending on the shape of the cutting element, metal scrapers are divided into shaped, trihedral and flat. The cutting part of shaped pushers, in contrast to the elements of trihedral and flat devices, repeats the shape of the surface being processed.

A trihedral scraper is often used to process concave and cylindrical surface areas, and a flat tool is used to finish grooves and grooves. Specialists can use ring and disc tools, which allow processing round parts and wide surfaces.

By design, the scrapers are classified into two-sided and one-sided, as well as collapsible and solid. The most durable are double-sided models that are equipped with not one, but two working parts at once.

The cutting element may be curved or flat. Curved pushers are very convenient for processing parts with pointed corners and soft metal alloys.

A few years ago, locksmiths used only hand tools, but now manufacturers produce devices equipped with an electric or pneumatic drive. You still need to manage such devices with your own hands, but they require less physical effort than when using manual type scrapers.

Scope of the tool

Scrapers are used for removing the thinnest layer from a metal part. This makes it possible to bring the surface to the optimum level of roughness. Such a technological operation is often used for metal elements, which will then be movable. These include:

  • elements of high-precision devices and machine tools;
  • bearing parts;
  • various measuring devices;
  • blades of cutting tools (they are sharpened with a scraper sharpener).

Versatility is one of the main advantages of pushers. With the use of such devices, engraving is applied, edges are processed and the old coating is removed. Scrapers are used even in the cosmetology field by manicure specialists, but such tools have their own design and functional features.

In order for the scraper to be durable and efficient, you need to follow some rules for its use. One of the most important factors is the choice of instrument.

Specialists prefer to have at their disposal a whole set of scrapers to solve certain problems. You can use a universal device with nozzles that quickly change depending on the situation.

No need to start scraping if there are significant defects on the surface of the element being processed in the form of scratches, chips, etc. To begin with, it is better to process it roughly with a milling machine.

After preparing the surface, you need to identify the most problematic areas of the product. For this purpose, a layer of paint must be applied to the surface and a workpiece should be drawn over it. As a result, the protrusions and bumps with which to start scraping will be painted.

For processing, the element is securely fixed in a vice. Large parts are processed on site. Do not forget that scraping must begin with the most convex sections of the part. Only in this case the work will be successful.

And by the way, after I bought the same kosher records from VK6OM, I realized that you can’t make a scraper out of a file. From a file, you can make a fast-blunting, bullying, picking likeness of a scraper.
Which file will fit.
Not every file will fit, I went through four of the stocks, one fit. It should be made of a suitable metal that will not dull after the first cut, like the metal of chisels, for example. And the file should also have a comfortable handle with a round end so that it does not stick into the palm of your hand.
The surface class is checked by the number of touch spots in a 25 mm square. Suppose you need 15 spots. So one spot should be about 6 mm in diameter (I counted by area). It is quite possible to cut it with a scraper 8-10 mm wide. So the file must be of this width. For rough processing it is possible and wider.
The length of the file should be two to four centimeters more than the width of the palm, if you work "from yourself". And if you work "for yourself", then you need much longer, the handle should lie on the shoulder when the cutting edge touches the workpiece. And to bend for this it was not necessary.
How to sharpen a file into a scraper.
If you need to remove a large allowance, then it is better to make a scraper with a straight cutting edge; for finishing scraping, you need to make a scraper with a round cutting edge. The cleaner the scraping, the smaller the edge radius.
First, the file must be sharpened like a scraper. On electric emery, in very short sessions, so that the metal does not have time to let go - rub it a little and immediately into the water. It is possible on a bar, only longer, but it will not let go for sure. The task is to cut the notch by 10 millimeters from the very end on one side, make the end more or less flat, and make roundings of a millimeter radius on the sides.
For rough scraping, the scraper can already be used, and for fine scraping, it still needs to be refilled. To do this, you need an F120 abrasive block or smaller, with a flat surface (the new ones are quite flat, but the old one, I guess, can be rubbed against something iron to achieve the same effect). It is convenient to fix the bar on some plank or directly on the table so that it does not travel.
I tried to fill the edge with the help of diamond paste 40-28 and 7-5 on a duralumin plate (they say you need cast iron, but I don’t have it). Sharpened in the direction opposite to the one in which to cut. It may not be correct, but otherwise it does not sharpen.
First, put the scraper on the bar in the place from which the notch was cut, and draw it towards the handle several times so that this surface becomes flat. Press the end with your left hand, pull the handle with your right. After such processing, a little metal will stretch on the cutting surface, but this is not scary.
Then you need to put the scraper end on the bar and holding with both hands as close to the cutting edge as possible, grind off the hole and other irregularities from the emery disk. If the cutting edge comes out a little not perpendicular to the sides of the file, it's not scary. For cast iron, the angle between these turned surfaces should be 90-100 degrees. It must be maintained when processing the end surface.
Keep the cutting edge oblique relative to the direction of movement, then it turns out to be straight. Or maybe just a little bulging.
And finally, the rounded sides need to be blunted so that they do not leave deep holes.
In the process of work, the file scraper has to be refilled very often. Dull, he begins to jump or crush, transverse stripes are obtained on the cut. And if it dulls unevenly, then it begins to leave longitudinal scratches. Or completely ceases to "grab" the metal, slides over the surface.
It is enough just to correct the end surface, as I have already described.
How to scrape "on your own".
Hold the file in your fist with your left hand. Right - by the handle. With the left hand, aim more, with the right hand, push more away from you.
I saw that the handle of the scraper is clamped between the index and middle fingers of the right hand, like a cookie. It seemed so uncomfortable to me, I hold the index finger of my right hand with my left hand along with the file, it’s more convenient to aim, it seems like you scrape with your index finger, you definitely won’t miss.

Abrasive, to fill the scraper, you need to take even finer, twice. Although there are no such scary grooves left on the file metal. But if a hard-alloy plate is processed with diamond 125, then traces on the metal remain noticeable for some reason.

Quite later.
Here is a sketch of the piece to manually thread the scraper plate. Yes, and a file is possible, probably.

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